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03x07 - Escape from Flea Island/No Dogs Allowed

Posted: 10/10/22 09:06
by bunniefuu
* Martha was an average dog

* She went... and... and...
(barking, growls)

* When she ate
some alphabet soup *

* Then what happened
was bizarre. *

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

* She's got a lot to say

* Now she speaks...

How now, brown cow?

* Martha speaks

* Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks *

* And speaks and speaks.

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

* Martha speaks...

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

* She's not always right,
but still that Martha speaks. *

Hi, there.

* She's got a voice,
she's ready to shout *

* Martha will tell you
what it's all about *

* Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt *

* Martha will tell you
what it's all about *

* That dog's unique...

Testing, one, two.

* Hear her speak

* Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... *

* Communicates, enumerates

* Elucidates, exaggerates

* Indicates and explicates

* Bloviates and overstates


* Hyperventilates!

* Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. *

(hammer and chisel tapping,
clinking on rock)

When you're done,
move that over there.

Oh, hi! I'm Carolina.

Welcome to my island.

Today's show is all about things
like government.

A government is a group
of people

who make rules called laws.

But who needs a group
when you've got me as a ruler?

Watch for all the words
having to do

with cooperation and voting.

I'll see you at the end
of the show!


Oops! Sorry.

It's okay.

(thunder crashing)

There it is!

Flea Island!

(thunder crashing)

I see it!

Oh, no!

(all screaming)

(thunder booming)


I'm drowning! I'm drowning!


I'm drowning!


Stand up.


(sheepish laugh)

We're shipwrecked!

I meanat do you mean?

our ship wrecked.

Oh. Uh... right.

We're stuck!

We'll never get off
this wretched island!

Truman, calm down.

I'm sure
we'll get out of here.

I don't know how
we'll do that

with a wrecked

Mi celular!

My cell is full of water.

It's useless!

Stay calm, everyone.

Someone's bound
to come looking for us.

How could they?

No one knows
we're here.

Hey, Truman's right.

Don't look
at me.

It's not
my fault.

What do you mean,
it's not your fault?

You were the one who said...

You're coming with me
on a trip.

And you were the one who said...

I need your cooperation
to keep it top secret.

You can't tell anyone.

And weren't you
the one who said...

Let's leave from the far side
of the lake so no one sees us.

And you definitely
were the one who said:

(wind whistles, thunder rumbles)
Those aren't rain clouds,
they're sprinkle clouds!

And now look-- we're stranded!

And we still don't
know why we're here.

TD's right, Carolina.

What's the big secret?

Why did you bring us all here?

All right, I'll tell you.

But you have to promise
to keep it secret.


If anyone found out
where we were going

or what we were doing,

the whole mission
would be ruined.

What mission?

It all started
last Friday at school.

It was a perfect day.

* Friday!

* The end of the week!

* Things are goin' just fine!


You sang a song?

Shh! This is my story.

I'll tell it the way I want.

(humming happily)

* No more school!

* No more rules!

* Don't even need
a perfect rhyme! *


I'm totally going
to ace this thing.

What thing?

Science project.

What science project?

We're just supposed to bring in
three kinds of plants.

I was just going to pull
some weeds out of my backyard.

At least until...


You're going to France?

My dad is. He's on
a business trip.

He's bringing
some plants back.

What are you
planning to do,

pull some weeds out
of your backyard?

Uh, no! Duh.

(thunder crashing)

I must outdo Tiffany Blatsky!

(thunder booming)

Why do you have
to outdo Tiffany?

Because she's
so competitive.

She has to win
at everything.


I'm coming to the good part.

Oh, it's hopeless.

(thunder rumbling)

Wait! That's it!

I have a plan!

(thunder booming)

I decided I would lead
a scientific expedition

to the most exotic,
uh, yet nearby,

place I could find--
Flea Island!

(sinister laughter,
dramatic music plays)

So you're saying we're stranded
out here, freezing...



For a science



Isn't it



I knew I couldn't do it
on my own.

I had to assemble the greatest
scientific team I could find.

Uh... us?


Martha could use her
great sense of smell

to lead us to
interesting plants.

Truman could tell which
plants were sciencey enough

to get an A,
and I could supervise.

Well, what about me?

What could I do?

You could paddle
the canoe.


Well, what do we do now?

It'll be getting dark soon!

I'm in charge. I'll decide.

Why are you
in charge?

'Cause I'm
the leader.

It was my idea
to come out here.

Exactly. Exactly!

You're the one
who got us stuck here!

Hey, I didn'
make the weather!

Then we'd still be...
You can't blame me...


Look, if we're going

to get out of here,
we need to cooperate.

Yeah, Carolina.

It means we work
together as a team.

Let's just start walking
and see if we find someone.

I agree.
I'll lead the way.

No, I will.

No, I will!


I'm going to spend
my entire life stuck here

listening to these two argue.

I'm going
this way.

I'm coming!

Wait up!

Don't leave me!

(water bubbling)





Wait for me!

(bird hooting)

(insects chirping)

(bird hooting)


(all screaming)

That's it.

I'm exhausted.

I can't go anymore.

How can you
be tired?

We only came,
like, ten feet.

I had to supervise
you three all day.

That's exhausting.


All you do is boss us around.

That's what
"supervise" means.

I had to watch
and make sure

you got everything
done the right way.

You had to supervise us?

Okay, everyone.

It wouldn't hurt to rest
for a minute.

If we don't find
someone soon,

we could be stuck here
a long time.

Hey, wait a minute.

That might
not be so bad.

Think about it.

We could make
our own civilization!

All new
from the ground up.

We make the rules.

We could make up
our own language.

Like cavemen.

Ooh, and we can call
hot dogs "pork bananas."

We could call
water "wet stuff."

We'd have our
own hideout...

Can't you just see it?

I can!

(TD gasps)


They're in range-- ready?



Say, it's nice up here.

Yar! No, I'm the captain,

which means
I supervise you.

(TD screaming)


We've never met
any pirates before.

You guys want
to come visit?

We're having
pork bananas.

Well, if we're going
to get out of here,

we'd better come to a consensus.

Oh, brother.

Where are we going
to find a consensus?

We're on an island.

A consensus isn't a thing.

A consensus means everyone,
or almost everyone,

agrees to something.

Like we might have a consensus
to find something to eat?

Anybody? No?

So, let me
get this straight.

We need to cooperate
to get off the island.

Right-- no

We work together
as a team.

And if most people agree
on something, we have a...

A consensus.

And when we have a
consensus on what to do,

then we'll
take action.

That's right.

We'll be here forever!

We're never getting
off this island.

Well, whose fault
is that?

(TD, Truman
and Carolina arguing)

Look! Hey, look, everyone!

One of the
rental boats.

It must have come loose
in the storm.

Hang on, everyone.

Got it!

Good work, Martha!

We did it!
We're saved!

I knew if we cooperated
and worked as a team,

we'd have
this problem licked.

Okay, Carolina.

Get in, let's go.

Hmm, there's
something strange.

The sun shouldn't
be over there.

Okay, but hurry up

and get in
before it starts raining again.

I'm telling you,
the sun is setting

in the wrong direction.

The sun can't set in
the wrong direction.

Tell her, Truman.

Can't we just go?

I don't want to be
sick on anyone.


Sorry about that.

It's okay--
the rain washed it off.

Come on,


then we're turned
the wrong way

or something.

I'm getting
sick again!

Will you listen to me!

Quiet! Everybody, shh!

What now?

I thought I heard...

(phone ringing)

A phone?

On Flea Island?

It's over that way!

What the heck?

How did that
get there?

You know,
it was pretty hard to see

where we were going
in that storm.

You don't think...?

Is it possible?

It couldn't be.

We're not on Flea Island?

We were home the whole time?

I had a feeling
something was wrong.

We're still
on the far side

of the lake.

How are we all going
to get home?

I have an idea.

I'd like to put in
an order please...

for delivery.

Well, at least we all stuck
together as a team.

That's what saved us.

I'm sorry I got us
all into trouble.

But you kept us
from paddling

out to Flea Island.

You knew we were headed
in the wrong direction.

And the pizza guy is going

to deliver us home...
with pizza!

So all is well--
mission accomplished!


Oh, no, I forgot!

What's the

Oh, my science

I totally forgot
about it!

I still need to find three kinds
of plant life.

Hey, wait! I know!

Can you make one with pineapple,
spinach and broccoli?


I'll eat it.

It may not taste great,

but you'll have a good story
for your science class.

I'll eat it.

We heard you.

I'll eat it! I'll eat it!

(clears throat)

Good afternoon, ladies.

Today's lesson
is about government.

What is a government?

Governments aren't buildings.

Governments are made up
of people

who are in charge
of our country.

These are the people
who are in charge

of making the laws.

A law is a rule
that people have to obey.

Like the law
that says a red light

means stop
and green means go.

Uh, does that
make it clear?

Not really.

I still don't get why my father

couldn't bring those plants
back from France.

Because it's against the law.

I win!

I mean... um, sorry.

(embarrassed laughter)

(Skits barking)


Aren't you done yet?

Not yet-- I want
to finish this chapter.

You finished now?


How about now?




No, and I never will be

if you keep interrupting.

What's so great
about reading up there?

Why can't you read inside?

I like it up here.

It's nice and quiet.



Anybody home?

Where are you going?

I thought you hated
that tree house.

Desperate times
call for desperate measures.

I need Helen to come
to the park with me.

I don't suppose you'd
want to use your influence

to convince her,
would you?


That's when you try
to get someone

to say or do what you want.

Maybe... if I can influence you

to take me to the park, too.

If I have to.

Hey, cuz.
Want to come to the park

with me and Tiffany?

I really want to read my book.

But you have to!

If you don't,
I'll be stuck with her.



What's wrong
with that?

I mean, I thought you
guys were friends.

We are,
but if it's just us,

things kind of become
a competition,

and Tiffany's got
to win, win, win!

What's this?

My cousin's silly
old tree house.

It's so cool.

I love, love, love it.

It's just darling.


I mean, yeah, really.

I agree.
It really is.

But you don't
like this place.

(nervous laugh)

(muffled mumbling)

(Skits barking)

You guys, you know
what we should do?

We should make
the tree house our clubhouse!

It kind of already is.

That's what
I've always said.

Haven't I always
said that?

You said I should
tear it down.

(anxious laughing)

Oh, it'll be so much fun!

I think so, too.

Don't you think
so, Helen?

I guess.


Of course, a club
isn't really a club

unless it
has a president.


I'll do it!
I'll do it!


Uh, we can have
two presidents.


I know--
we'll have an election!


An election.

It's when people
vote on something.

Like, we'll vote on who
should be in charge.

Do we have to?


Or at least you will.

That's right!

We'll campaign,
and you'll vote.

You'll decide
who's the winner

and who's the loser.

What? What'd I miss?

(nervous groan)

(Skits barking)

(barking, panting)

But I don't want to choose!

That's what voting is,

You choose who
will hold office.

Of course, there's usually
more than one voter.


Look at it this way.

At least you know
your vote will count.


Great-- I decide who wins,

and the loser decides
to get mad at me.

Maybe you won't have
to decide.

Maybe they'll
have forgotten

all about
the election thing.

Buenos días, clubbie!

Or maybe not.

How are you today?

Why are you here?

I want to spend time
with my little voter.

Find out what you think
the issues are.


Issues-- things you're
worried about

and want to discuss.

Like "Can we paint
the clubhouse pink?"

That's an issue.

Or "Can boys join?"

That's an issue.

Can dogs join?

That is not
an issue.

There's no way a dog
can join this club.

(horn honks)

Good morning, voter!

Would you like
a ride to school?

Don't fall
for it, Helen!

She's just trying
to influence your vote.

I am not!

Public transportation is
one of my election issues.

If you choose me,

I promise you a ride
to school every day.

Oh, yeah?

Well, exercise is
one of my election issues.

Choose me, and I'll walk
you to school everyday.

You'll have good leadership
and good health.

I think I'll ride my bike.

(school bell rings)

Good morning, class.

Please open your books
to page .

"Vote for Tiffany"?

"Vote for Carolina"?



"Vote for Tiffany"?


"Vote for Carolina"? Ugh!

"Vote for Carolina"?


How was school
today, clubbie?

You know, if you ever
need help with your homework,

I'm here for you.

It's on me, voter.

There you go,
trying to influence

my cousin's vote again.

Am not!

Good nutrition is one
of my election issues.

You're the one trying
to influence votes.

"I'll help with
your homework."

Getting good grades is
one of my election issues.

Uh-oh! I think we're
losing our voter.

(bell rings)

(kids cheering)

I'll see you later!

"Vote for Tiffany"?!


(dramatic music
plays on TV)

(bear growls,
Carlo the dog barks)

Watch out for that
grizzly, Carlo!

You could lose a paw!

(Carlo barks)

It could be worse.

He could be surrounded by people
trying to win his vote.

(phone ringing)



I'm with the Committee
to Elect Carolina,

and I'd like to talk to you
about mi candidata,

my candidate.


I'm watching
my favorite TV show.

Elections before

Mm... Sorry, I got to go.


I'm sick of this campaign.


Where does it hurt?

Is a "cam pain,"
like a tummy pain?

No, a campaign is when people
do all kinds of things,

trying to get you
to vote for them.

They hand out buttons,
they put up posters,

they make phone calls.

Do they stand in your yard
with a cheerleading outfit?


Gimme a T... T!

Gimme an I... I!

Gimme an F and an F
and an A-N-Y!

What does that spell?


Who should be president?

Who's going to win?


Tiffany Blatsky.

The only candidate who will jump
through hoops for you.

So, how's the election going?


Carolina and Tiffany
are so competitive.

They're constantly campaigning.

(phone rings)


Hi. I'm with the Committee
to Elect Carolina, and...

Um, it's kind of a bad time,
Carolina-- we're eating.

Democracy before dinner.

I thought nutrition
was one of your issues.

No. That's Tiffany's.

Oh. Well...
my beans are getting cold.

I got to go.

(humming a tune)

(phone rings)


Hi! I'm with
the Committee to Elect Car...

(Helen hangs up)

Those campaigners always call
at the worst times.

I'll be in my tree house
where it's nice and quiet.



This campaigning
has got to stop!

It's getting crazy!

They're messing up

My tree house isn't
any fun at all anymore.

Maybe things will be better
after the election.

It'll be worse.

The loser will be mad at me.

I wish I could just elect
someone else.


Maybe you can.

Here's what we're going to do...

(continues indistinctly)


A debate?!

Yeah. You know, where people
talk about something, and...

and one person says
what's good about it,

and another says what's bad.

We know what "debate" means.
Why do we have to do it?

It'll help me to choose
who to vote for.

Martha will supervise.

She'll ask
the questions.

Your dog is going
to lead the debate?

Sure. Dogs don't take sides.

Unless there's food involved.


only five minutes to
present your positions

on each of the following
debate issues.



(both chuckle nervously, gulp)

Would you feed a dog
from the table?

Uh... uh...

Hmm. Where do you stand

on the "dog sleeping
on your bed" issue?

Well, uh... mm...



for them or against them?

Walking in the park--

would you choose this
as a club activity?




What's your feeling about baths?

(both chuckle nervously)


And finally, would
you let a dog

of the club?


Any chance I can influence
you to change your mind?

Do you think it would influence
Helen to vote for me?

(loud whisper):
It might!

Then yes, dogs
can be in the club.

I have no debate
with that.

I agree with Carolina.

Dogs should be
allowed in the club!

Okay, then, Helen and I are
ready to cast our votes.

You're voting?

You said I could be in the club.

Okay, we have a consensus.

(both gasp)

And the winner is...

Me! Martha!

Yay! Whoo-hoo!


You're kidding!

All right!

Yeah! Way to go, Martha!

This country's going
to the dogs!


Yeah! And I'm all for it!

Helen! It's : !

Time for my
presidential biscuit.

At : , I want
my presidential belly rub.

At : , my presidential walk,

followed by another
presidential biscuit.

Can you hear me up there?


And we've got to get
a presidential elevator

for this tree house.

Are these issues
open for debate?

I mean, can we vote on it?

Uh... no.

When's the next election?

I've got to vote
you out of office.

Oh. Really?

Y-You'd do that?
Nah. (laughs)

(Martha barking)

That's our show.
Did you catch all the words

(loud clinking)
about government and--
what is that noise?

Here are the words again.

Yeah, Carolina--

It means we work together.

No. A campaign is when
people do all kinds of things

trying to get you
to vote for them.

They hand out buttons,
they put up posters...

Issues-- things you're worried
about and want to discuss.

Like, can we paint
the clubhouse pink?

(both laughing)


See you next time. Bye!

Come back here!

To dig up some more fun words
and games, visit pbski

* Who's that dog? *

* Who's
that dog? *

* Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. *

That dog is Rugby.

My name is Allison, and
Rugby is a reading partner.

"Martha's family had a wonderful
party trick."

Rugby listens to me
reading to him.

"Her pals were scratching,
sniffing or snoozing."

A dog will pay attention.

A dog won't say
you're bad at reading.

They just roll with it.

"She was..."

* He's that dog... *
* Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog. *