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02x19 - Alice Covers Up / Carolina Picks a Lily

Posted: 10/10/22 08:53
by bunniefuu
♪ Martha was an average dog

♪ She went... and... and...
[barking, growls]

♪ When she ate
some alphabet soup ♪

♪ Then what happened
was bizarre... ♪

On the way to Martha's stomach,
the letters lost their way.

They traveled to her brain,
and now...

♪ She's got a lot to say

♪ Now she speaks...

How now, brown cow?

♪ Martha speaks

♪ Yeah, she speaks
and speaks and speaks ♪

♪ And speaks and speaks...

What's a caboose?

When are we eating again?

♪ Martha speaks...

Hey, Joe, what do you know?

My name's not Joe.

♪ She's not always right, but
still that Martha speaks... ♪

Hi, there.

♪ She's got the voice,
she's ready to shout ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ Sometimes wrong,
but seldom in doubt ♪

♪ Martha will tell you
what it's all about ♪

♪ That dog's unique...

Testing, one, two.

♪ Hear her speak

♪ Martha speaks and speaks
and speaks and speaks and... ♪

♪ Communicates, enumerates,
elucidates, exaggerates ♪

♪ Indicates and explicates

♪ Bloviates and overstates
and... ♪


♪ Hyperventilates!

♪ Martha-- to reiterate--
Martha speaks. ♪

And now for The Martha Report.

Today we look at words

like "outgoing"
and "self-confident."

My colleague is incorrect.

Today's words are words
like "timid" and "bashful."

It's pretty impulsive to come
out here without knowing

which words we're doing today.

Like "impulsive," for instance.

Today's words are words
like "kind" and "sweet."


I'm sorry?

It's one of the words.

And "shallow and "vicious."



It's the news fairy!

Relax, you two.

You're both right.

Just watch!


[sighs with exhaustion]


[Skits barks]


So much for cooling off.

[phone rings]


How long before Tiffany
Blatsky's pool party?

One day.

That's one day too long.

I know.

Hey, did you see
she's having

a floating ice sculpture
this year?

And a band.

And a slushy machine!

I'm so hot I may sit
in my bathtub till then.

[Martha shudders]

What a horrible idea!

["call waiting" beeps]

Hold on.
Someone's beeping.


[in nasal voice]:
Hey. Truman laminated...

Do you have a cold?

No. Wait.

[in normal voice]:
Truman laminated

some playing cards.

We're going to sit in a baby
pool and play Go Fish.

Want to come?


Sounds risky.

Is there shampoo


I don't think so.

We're in.

We'll be right over.

[kids giggling]



Hey!Watch it!

Hours of entertainment.

How is this different
from a bathtub?

It's a different sort
of experience altogether.

How? It's water from a faucet
in a round thing.

Don't ruin this for me, okay?


Give me all your twos.

Go fish.

[takes a deep breath]

Where's Alice?

On her way.

Give me
all your sevens.Go fish.

Hey, guys!

Sorry I'm late.

I ran out of sunscreen.

You could have used
some of ours.


I have to use a special brand
because I'm so fair-skinned.

I get such bad sunburn.

Anyway, the store didn't have
my brand.

So I went to another store.

They didn't have
my brand either.

So I went to another store.

[baby giggling]Whoa!

Ow! Stingy! Stingy!

Finally, I found it.

They changed the color
of the tube, though.

You are obsessed
with sunscreen.

I have to be because
of my complexion.


Never heard of it.

"Complexion" means
the color of your skin.


I'm so fair-skinned,

I bet I could get burned
just thinking about sun.

I'm fair, but Idon't usually burn

if I put on sunscreen
before I go out.

It's not just fair skin
that gets burned.

I have a dark complexion,
and I sunburn.


Yeah. It is no fun.

Tell me about it.

Once when I was little,

Ronald and I were playing
at Dog Head Lake.


I didn't notice
anything wrong

until I got home.

Ow! Stingy! Stingy!


Didn't you put
on sunscreen?


I had a t-shirt on.


Ow, ow-ow, ow.

Ow-ow, ow-ow.



[kids giggle, Skits barks]

You got sunburned
through a shirt?

That's right.

Since then, I never go out
without sunscreen.

It's just too ow-ey.

Uh, you just finished
doing that.

Well, it might have
washed off in the sprinkler.


I might have
sweat it off.

Don't tell me
you ate it off.

I'm not the sort of kid
who takes chances.

Duck, duck, duck...



I know, I know.

I use a lot of sunscreen.


You better go inside.

What? Am I red?

Not red exactly.



Uh... not pink.

Well, what?

What color am I?

Sort of a bronzy...




You look fine to me.

Of course I can't see color.

This is the worst
sunburn ever.

I'll say.

Not only are yousunburned,
your shirt is, too!

Mmm, it's not sunburn.

It's not?

It's dye.

She's going to die?!


Oh, no!



No! Not d-i-e.


Like the stuff you use
to color Easter eggs.

Didn't you read the label?

Isn't it my brand?

Yes, but it's
a self-tanning sunscreen.

It has a chemicalthat dyes your skin.

Who would want to dye
their skin orange?

I think that only happens
if you use too much.


How do I get it off?

[Alice groaning]

Rub harder!

Sweetheart, I think it's
going to have to wear off.

But Mom,
I don't have time!

Tiffany Blatsky's pool party
is tomorrow.


Oh, honey.

It's not that bad.

Why, I bet no one
will even notice.

Holy cow!


My sister looks
like a traffic cone!



Oh, no!

Alice, come back!

Yeah, I want to get
a picture!

Not going to Tiffany's party?

But Alice, you have to!

I can't.

I'm just feeling too timid.


You're not timid.

Timid means you're shy.

You're the least
timid person I know.

You're very outgoing.

Yeah, well, looking
like a walking carrot

kind of zaps
the old confidence.



Rats! Blurry.

Could be a sunset.

Okay. We need ideas.

Tiffany's party is tomorrow.

We've got until then to get
Alice's complexion

back to normal.

I brought you some
of my mom's body scrub.

"Removes old skin and produces
a fresh, dewy glow in minutes."


How do I look?

Uh, like a fresh, dewy orange?



Too much flash.

Makes her look peach.

My Grandma says
lemons fade freckles.

The way I see it,

your skin is like a bunch
of big orange freckles

that grew together.

Not helping.


No. I mean the lemons.

They're not helping.

Are they?

No. But you smell zesty.


Are you sure?


Do you know how rough
those things are?

They're worse
than sandpaper.

Mm-hmm, just do it.

[cats meowing, Alice groaning]


Rough tongues, rough tongues!


I can't watch.


But I can clean up.


If that didn't remove the dye,
nothing will.

Too bad Tiffany's not having
a party just for dogs.

It's all black
and white to us.

That's it!

We've been going
about this all wrong.

Instead of trying
to remove the dye,

we should just make Alice look

as if she looks
like everyone else.

Uh, she would look
like everyone else

if she wasn't orange.

Yeah. But I'm talking
about a way

where you don't have
to get rid of the orange.


Dog-vision sunglasses.

Dog-vision sunglasses?

Dog-vision sunglasses.

When you wear dog-vision

you see everything
in black and white.

We go to Tiffany's, see?

And we dance around,
all outgoing and friendly.

It's the same thing.


Outgoing and friendly.

They're the same.

"Outgoing" means
you're very friendly

and like to meet people.

It's not very friendly of you
to point that out right now.


So we're all being outgoing.

And when no one's looking, we
switch the regular sunglasses

with our dog-vision sunglasses.

Then Alice shows up and no one
notices she's orange,

because with their
dog-vision sunglasses,

everything is black and white.


TD? Do those sort
of glasses really exist?


But it would be nice
if they did.

[Truman sighs]

Too bad we can't make Alice look
like everyone else.

Maybe we can!


I like it.


It's for a good cause.


I covered for you in
the school play, remember?

I'll do it.

It's really important.

A kid's reputation
depends on it.

I knew I could
depend on you.


I told everyone
I could think of.

Do you think
they'll do it?

Of course they will.

[knock on door]

Helen said she found a way
for you to blend in.

Uh-uh, I'm not going.

Why are you so bashful?

If "bashful" means orange,
I can't help it.

I've been dyed.

No. Bashful is the same
as timid.

It means you're shy.

Mom! I look like a gumdrop
with glasses.

Of course I'm bashful.

Well, don't be.

You'll have fun.



I can't wait for
everyone to see you.

You look likea little squash.

I'd like to squash you.


Well? What do you think?

We didn't want you
to feel self-conscious

about being orange.

You guys!

Where's Ronald going?

Maybe he's self-conscious

about not being orange.



We hope you never dye
your skin orange.

But if you do, we hope you've
learned a lesson from us

and will wear your orange
with confidence.

When you're confident,

it means you feel good
about yourself.

Don't be bashful
and hide in your room.

No. Be outgoing.

Hold your head up high
and walk with confidence.


And if people stare,
pay them no mind.

Be confident that though you are
orange, you still look great.


It'll wear off.

Are you confident
about that?

Yes, I am.


You've restored
my confidence.



Okay, Milo,
you call it.

Red rover, red rover,
send Skits right over!



Hey, cuz!


Hey?!Oh, sorry.

I've been looking
all over for you.

I've got some big, big news.

Big news?

Did you find a gigantic dinosaur
bone like mine?

No, it's much cuter
than an old bone.


A puppy!

Isn't she sweet?

I'll say!

Can I hold her?

What's her name?


Let us get
a sniff.

A puppy!


I didn't think
you liked dogs.

I don't.

But Lily was
so cute.

Plus, she matched
my purse.


You got a dog

because it
matched your purse?

That's kind of shallow,
don't you think?

No, it's deep.

See? She's a perfect fit.

That's not the kind
of shallow Alice meant.

When you say someone is shallow
that means you think

they don't care or think about
important things.

That is so not true!

I'm not shallow!

I put a lot of thought into
adopting this puppy.

There was a white and beige
puppy, too.

And I have a white and beige
bag, so I had to figure out

which bag I use more often.

Exactly how did you getpermission to adopt a dog?


Kazuo won't
let you adopt

unless you get permission
from your parents.

I had Tiffany Blatsky call

and pretend to be
my grandmother.


I just had to have her!

I just love, love, love her.

Icky! No licking.

So what type of puppy is she?

A Maltese, silly!

Can't you tell?


Isn't a Maltese a
really small dog?

Yeah. So?

She's got
really big paws.

So if Lily's not a Maltese,
¿Qué tipo de perro es?

What type
of dog is she?

I don't know.
Maybe Doberman.


Yeah. She's black and
brown like they are.

I think she's a Rottweiler.

They're black and brown, too.

[Carolina gasps]

There could be bulldog
in there--

she's kind of pigeon-toed.



I think she's
a poodle.

A poodle?

She has curly ears.

She's probably a mix of a bunch
of different kinds of breeds.

She's a bullweilerdoberdoodle.

A bullweilerdoberdoodle?

If she's got poodle in her,
she might be hypoallergenic.


Does that mean ugly?

HELEN [laughing]:

Hypoallergenic means that if
you're allergic to dogs,

Lily won't make you sneeze.

But what if you're
allergic to ugly?

You're worried about
how she'll look?

Now, that is really shallow.

It's not just that.

I don't know anything about

What type of dogs are they?

I know how we can find out.

These are all movies starring
Lily's different dog breeds.

I figure we'll get a better idea
of the breeds' temperaments

if we can see
them in action.

Lily, come!

Come on, Lily.

[frustrated groan]

Everybody ready?

Can I hold Lily?

Be my guest.

The first movie
is about a guy

and two Dobermans who get locked
in a store at night.

Hey, that sounds like when
we got locked in Grimbles.


[barking on TV][screaming]

That wasn't like
Grimbles at all.

Those dogs
were vicious!

Now hang on a minute.

Any dog can be mean and nasty
if it isn't treated right.

Besides, I think those Dobermans
were just acting.

Yeah-- acting nasty.

Let's check out
the Rottweiler.

Okay. I've got that breed
right here.

What's this about?

It's a kid named

I can't make out his name.

But he's got a really
big Rottweiler.



I couldn't find anything
on bulldogs,

but there's this documentary
on pit bulls.

Eww, icky!

I don't want a dog
that looks like that!

Come on, Lily.


Carolina, wait!

Where are you going?

To the shelter.


To give Lily back.

[everyone disapproving at once]

No quiero un perro vicioso!

I can't keep this vicious dog!



Lily's not

Yeah, "vicious" means someone is
really mean and can hurt you.

Lily's a sweet,
little puppy.

Puppies grow into dogs.

Face it, she's a bad dog
waiting to happen.


Carolina, you're being

No, I'm not.

No soy impulsiva.

"Impulsive" means you do things

without really thinking about
them first.

This isn't sudden.

I've been thinking of
getting rid of this puppy

the whole way here.

What was impulsive was me
adopting a dog

in the first place.

I mean me,with a dog?

I'm just not the type.

[clears throat]:
Hard to argue with that.

It'd be cruel of me to keep her.

I don't have the patience
or temperament to raise a dog.

that's true.

I'll be a bad owner.

Remember my fish?

Mr. Floaty?

[everyone shudders]

Lily deserves

I could adopt
her from you.

I could adopt Lily.

My dad said I could get a puppy.

I just need to ask him.

What are we waiting for?

Somebody get this kid a phone!

She's the best, Dad!

Her name is Lily
and she's super sweet.

No, Dad, I'm not
being impulsive.

I've wanted a dog
for a long time,

and I know it's a lot
of responsibility,

and I promise
to take care of her.

What type of breed is she?

A bullweilerdoberdoodle.

That's a poodle and...
some other kinds.

Um, bulldog, Rottweiler,

But the poodle means
she's hypoallergenic.

No, she's not vicious.

She's got a great temperament.

She's really sweet
and meek and...

But Dad!

He says he thinks she'll be
too mean and I can't keep her.

You're getting a bum rap, Lily.


So we have to take her
back to the shelter?


Don't worry, I have
a better idea.

Thank your Mom so, so, so much
for agreeing to foster Lily.

She's happy to do it.

We're pros at
fostering now.


Don't pay any attention
to that nasty old cat.

So, how does
fostering work?

Well, you remember Martha's
friend, the kitten, right?


It's just like that.

When you foster a pet,
you take care of it

until it finds
a forever home.

Hear that, Lily?

Even if you can't stay with me,

you'll never go back
to the shelter again.

[doorbell rings]

Lily has to go back
to the shelter.

What's wrong?

Is she bothering

No, Nelson is bothering her.

He's got a nasty temperament.

He's so mean.

He pounces on her
out of nowhere.

He's really
scaring her.

Don't worry,
I've got an idea.

You have to
foster Lily.

I can't.
My dad's allergic.

But Lily's a

She's hypoallergenic.

Oh, right!
I forgot!

Come here,
little girl!

[doorbell rings]

She has to go back
to the shelter.

She's not

No, she is, but she's
not housebroken.

My mom says no way.

Helen! Come help me
with the groceries, please.

Be right there.


What are you doing
with that puppy?

Trying to
housebreak her.

Remember how you kept Skits
and me on leashes

until we were housebroken...

so we wouldn't sneak off and
have accidents in the house?


I know all about
housebreaking techniques.

What I don't know is

why is there a puppy
in this house?

[phone rings]


Hola, Tía Mariela.

I was just calling to see
if Milo adopted my puppy okay.


Yeah, I got it to go
with my handbag.

But then I realized I
was a little impulsive,

so I got rid of it.

May I speak to your
father, please?

A puppy is not a shirt
you throw away

when you don't
want it anymore.

Lily is your

But what if she's vicious?

She won't be as long as
you love her

and take good care of her.

Mom's right.

Look at me-- I'm part pit bull.

Eww, you are?


And I'm a big ol' marshmallow.

You just have to teach dogs
the right way to behave,

and they can all be
marshmallows like Martha.

Bye-bye, Lily.

You come and visit
us often, okay?

This is awful.


She's a really
sweet puppy.

I don't mean awful for me--
awful for Lily.

I'm really not the kind of
person who should have a pet.


Good thinking!

Skits has a way to solve
your problem.


Boy, I amdesperate--
I'm taking advice from a dog.

And even though she's
a bullweilerdoberdoodle,

she's not the least bit
vicious at all.

As long as you teach her
the right way to behave,

she'll be a big ol' marshmallow.

I can see that.


Aw, sweet puppy.

Well, do you still
want her, son?

Do I!

[Milo laughing, Lily yipping]

Skits was right.

He knew Milo's dad just
needed to see Lily

to know she wasn't vicious.

Not so fast.

What? I thought you
didn't want Lily.

I don't.

But that doesn't mean I'll
give her to just anybody.

I have to make sure
she'll be cared for.

Where is she
going to sleep?

You'll have to get her
a doggy bed.

I will, I will!

What about a place
to exercise?

Do you have a
fenced-in yard?

No, but I'll walk her
all the time

and take her to the park
and take her swimming

and everything.

Hmm, you'll need to keep
those wires out of the way.

And get her lots
of chew toys.



Okay, she's
all yours.

All right!

Thanks, Carolina.

I'll be really sweet
and kind to Lily.

I promise.

Thank you, Skits.

That was a great idea.

I feel so much better.

Because you got rid
of that puppy?

No, because I know she's in
the right forever home now.

Come on, Skits,
race you to our forever home.

Wait for me!

I'm coming too!

We talked a lot about
temperament today.

Temperament doesn't mean how
hot or cold you are--

that's temperature.

Temperament means what someone
is like most of the time.

Take me, for instance.

I have a very pleasant

[barking angrily]

Some people have a mean


[humming "Entrance
of the Gladiators"]


Some people have
a goofy temperament.


Some people
are clumsy.

Clumsy is not
a temperament.

I am such a klutz.

But being good-natured
about it is.

What kind of temperament
do you have?

Hey, what are you eating?



My dog has a pleasant

but she can be a little rude.


Did you catch all
the personality words?

Let's watch again.

Bashful is the same as timid.

It means you're shy.

Temperament means what someone
is like most of the time.

Outgoing and friendly--
they're the same.

Outgoing means you're
very friendly

and like to meet people.

Thank you,
news fairy.

That's today's show.

See you next time.

Uh, you guys?

Can you get me
down from here?

I'm really not the type
that likes heights.


♪ Who's that dog?♪

♪ Who's
that dog?♪

♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog.♪

That dog is Cameo.

Come on, Cam.

My name is Mark.

Cameo is an agility dog.

An agility course is made
for training.

Cameo is good at agility

because she's very, very, very,
very, very intelligent.

I think I should show you
how good she is.

Let's have some fun.

At Canine University, my mom
helps people train their dogs.

I suggest that you go there.


This sequence
is jump, tip it.



Tip it!

She is very, very, very,
very, very, very, very,

very, very, very wonderful.

♪ She's that dog...♪♪ Dog, d-d-dog, d-dog.♪