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05x16 - Camped!

Posted: 10/10/22 06:57
by bunniefuu
This program is rated G

and is suitable for
general audiences.

♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls like
ping pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach
the bathroom on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can
smell for miles ♪

♪ Guy's gotta
do what he can to survive! ♪

♪ In the Loud house! ♪
♪ In the Loud house! ♪

♪ Duck, dodge,
push, and shove ♪

♪ It's how we
show our love! ♪

♪ In the Loud house!
In the Loud house! ♪

♪ One boy and ten girls ♪

♪ Wouldn't trade it for
the world! ♪

♪ Loud!
House! Loud! Loud house! ♪


[rousin♪ music]

[groaning and chomping]

-Ugh! Do these eggs seem....

-I kind of like them.

[Lynn Sr. sobbing]


[whimpering and sobbing]


Uh, Dad?

Sorry, kids.

I just got the email
that every adult dreads.

-[all gasping]
-What happened?

When's the funeral?

Camp Mastodon,
my old family camp...

-... is closing!

Yeah, that sounds like
an after-breakfast problem.

What? You know I'm more
sympathetic on a full stomach.

Me and my dad,
your gramps, used to

go every year when I was a kid.

We made so many
memories at Camp Mastodon.

It's where I learned to run.


-Ah ha ha! We did it!
-[Lynn Sr.] Yeah!

-It's where I learned to swim.
-[Gramps hollering]



[It's where
I learned to fly.


Now I have to call Gramps
and tell him that it's closing.


[phone beeping]

-[static crackling]

Oh, Gramps
is hairier than I remember.

-[all] Gramps!

Ah ha hoy!

Hey, how are my favourite
little minnows doing, huh?!

-[static crackling]
- ... your... can you....

[dial tone]

[Lynn Sr.] Aw, dang it.

He must still be on that
fishing boat in the Bering Sea.

Oh, Lisa,
can I borrow your telegraph?

I'm going to try Morse code.

Another skill
I learned at... camp!


Aw, poor Pops.

I wish there was something
we could do to cheer him up.

Daddy-Mani-Pedi Day?

Oh, I'll call Gail. She's
the cuticle whisperer. Heh heh.

Or, we can take
him to Camp Mastodon.

He can make one more
family memory before it closes.

[all chattering excitedly]

-Love it!
-Sorry, Gail. False alarm.

[phone chatter]

Of course I'm still
keeping my appointment.

[Lynn Sr.] ♪ Mastodon,
Mastodon your memories ♪

♪ Will be lifelong ♪
♪ We roam, we bike ♪

-[all gagging]

[all] Lynn!
-[Lynn] Not my fault.

You're the ones who
dared me to drink a whole

bottle of hot sauce.

[tires squealing]

[Lynn Sr.] ♪ Mastodon,
Mastodon, your memories ♪

♪ Will be lifelong ♪
♪ We roam, we bike ♪

♪ We sew, we hike ♪
♪ It's Camp Mastodon ♪

[all chattering in admiration]

-This is awesome!

[all] Flip?!

Hey, hey there, Louds!

What the heck
is Flip doing here?

Flip was a Mastodon kid, too!

-[Flip singing off-key]
-♪ Mastodon! ♪

[muttering song]


Good to
see you back here, Flip.

Where's Mama Philipini?

Ah, she's on a Casseroles
of America cruise.

But I wasn't about to
miss Mastodon's swan song!

Hey, last
one to pee in the lake

is a Michigan brook trout!

Ha ha, okay! See ya!

No one swim
in there for an hour.

Okay, who wants a camp tour?

That's where Gramps
and I did our father-son

talent show routine.

Oh, that's where we
tag teamed campfire stories.

And that's where--

that's where we accidentally
wiped with poison ivy!

I'm itchy
just remembering it!

-So many great memor--
-[Tarzan yell]


-Mr. Rinsler!
-Welcome back, Lynnie!

[clothes ripping]

Guys, this
is the camp owner, Mr. Rinsler.

Heh heh,
nice to meet you, Louds!

Happy to have you
here one final time!

-This place is so cool!
-Thanks for having us, man!

Oh, it's a ding-dang shame
this place is closing down.

Yeah, I hate to see
it go, but I can't afford

-the upkeep anymore.

Well, I should get back
to packing up the office.

Do you need any help?

We'd be happy
to pitch in, right everybody?


there's a s'mores station! Ah!

Lincoln and I will
help you, right, Linc?

-Sure thing. Heh.
-Excellent news.

-Oh, boy.
-To the office!


[cheery music]



Ah, would
you look at this, son?

Here's your Gramps and me on
our first camp treasure hunt.

-Treasure hunt?

For the treasure
of Captain Kit.

You ever
heard of the Great Lakes Storm

of ?

It was a monstrous
blizzard that hit

the very
spot we're standing on.

-[wind blowing]
-[Lynn Sr. blowing]

-Setting the mood.

That's Captain Kit.

He was en route
home after making a huge

radish trade when he
got caught in the storm.

He had to abandon ship.

Legend has it,
he took all the gold

he'd earned with him and buried
it somewhere around here.

-[book slamming]

Did anyone ever find it?

-[uproarious laughter]

Who knows
if it was even real?

I just send
campers out on the treasure

hunt as a fun activity.


I have, however,
been told that this

hunk of wood is from
the good captain's ship.



-[book slamming]

-[Lynn Sr.] Ow ow ow!
-Oh, jeez.

Hang tight, camper,
I'll go get some ice.

Ow ow ow ow ow! Ow ow, ugh!


[mysterious music]

-What'cha got there, kiddo?
-I think it's a map.

Wait, if this map
was hidden in the piece

of wood
from the Captain's ship...

And here's Camp Mastodon!

It must be...

[both] ... Captain Kit's
treasure map!

Which means the treasure really

is somewhere around here.

Son, if we
can find that treasure,

we can give it to
Mr. Rinsler and save the camp!

-You up for a little adventure?
-Heck yes, I am.

[Lynn Sr.
screaming and crashing]

I'm going to need that ice now.

[birds chirping]

this is the life, huh?

This place
is literally amazing.

-[phone beeping]
-[busy tone]

Ugh, I just wish there
was better service.

I think
the service is just fine.

Cann-Lynn Ball! Whoo! Ha ha!



Lana, you'd
better not be filling

my sandcastle
with hermit crabs.

Let's pick it up, Lunes.

Everyone's got a leg up on us.

This is not my optimal
idea of resting. Or peace.

Guys! Guys!
Dad and I found a...

-... a treasure map.

It leads to gold!

[all gasping]

-Gold is my signature colour.

No, no, no. If we find it,
we can help Dad save the camp.


-Great idea.
-Great, Linkies.

If I didn't know any
better, I'd say that sounds

like Captain
Kit's lost treasure!


Flip's gotta get some of that.


[sinister music]

[birds chirping]

Captain Kit marked
the starting point with an X,

which is
where we're all standing.

Where do we go from here?

"Begin your journey
with the starting clue.

Let this
animal be a guide to you."

Does anyone see any animals?

[Lana] Found some!

[hornets buzzing]

put the hornet's nest down.

[hornets swarming]

Uh-oh. Ah!

[Lana screaming]

Hey, Linc! Look!

I don't
think the clue's an animal.

It's a pun!
It's a navi-gator. Get it?

Look, there's
another one over here.

I found another one.

They're trail markers.
I'll bet if we follow them...

[both] ... they'll
lead us to the treasure!

Captain Kit, here we come.

[eerie music]

Uh, it doesn't look
like there's a way around it.

I say we climb it.

A little thigh-chaffing
never hurt anyone.

-I have very sensitive thighs!
-[overlapping complaining]


[overlapping arguing]

[Lily whistling]

[Lily] grunting]

Lily! You're a genius!

[Lily squealing]

This actual
genius begs to differ.

[ominous music]

Ugh. Ugh.

Crawling through
the dirt is literally so gross.

That's just tree sap,
honey, nothing to worry about.


There, there.

-What's the next clue, son?
-Hm, this is weird.

It says, "Butts will
lead you to your mark,

or you'll head into the dark."


This is my kind of par-tay!


-[Lola growling]
-[Lily laughing]

-[Lisa clearing throat]
-If I may. Not butts, buttes.

The geomorphological
term for isolated rock

hills with steep sides.

-That's a butte.
-[eagle cawing]

Aw, how in the ding-dang
world are we supposed

to climb up that thing?!


LJ! What's
so heavy back there?

We've got some dead
weight at the end, Pops.

[all groaning]

Got service. Ugh, lost it.

got service! Ugh, lost it.

[sinister music]


-[camera clicking]

and panting]

I am
the strongest man alive!


Um, I hate to rain
on your victory parade,

Dad, but we're being followed.

[all gasping]

[nervous chatter]

Maybe it's
the ghost of Captain Kit!

It's Flip.

I saw him lurking in
the lake while we were

discussing the treasure.

He must be after the gold.

Let's pick up
the pace. What's next, son?

The clue said we were supposed
to "head into the dark."

"Head" into the dark.

-[Lincoln gasping]

Ha ha. Because
it's a skull. Get it?

-[all gulping]
-[bats chirping]

Okay, everyone.

Let's stick together,
and don't touch anything.

[disappointed grunt]


Ah ha!
There we go. Let's see, now.


O-M gosh.

Leni, what are you doing?

That necklace
is so vintage. Ew!

I'll trade him my sunglasses to
hide those dark circles.

[magic ringing]

[rumbling, Louds screaming]

Oh, no, he hates them.

Is he more of an aviator guy?


You did good, Leni.

Tie up the rope, Lana.

Good to go!

[footsteps pattering]


check this out!



"Listen closely
and you shall hear a sea song

ringing in your ear."


Maybe we're supposed
to do something

with that weird guitar?

[mysterious music]


It's Captain Kit's! Luna,
can you play a sea song on it?

Okay, but I only know
one, so I hope it works.

♪ Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily, life is but a dream ♪

Hmm, that jam usually slays.

Let me see
the map. Oh, now I get it.

-C song.
-Ooh, like with your eyes?

-I don't see songs anywhere.
-No, silly, the letter C.

I was playing in the wrong key.

♪ Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily, life is but a dream ♪

-[all] Whoa!

Huh? Oh.

-[both] We did it!

We found
Captain Kit's treasure!

[majestic chiming]

-We found the treasure!

We can save Camp Mastodon!

You hear that, Flip?

You can stop following us now!


[camera clicking]

-Gold fight!

Lynn, stop throwing priceless
treasure at your siblings.

Hmm, priceless?

[chomping, gold crumbling]

More like worthless.
This stuff is bogus!

What?! But it's so bright
and shiny. And I'm so tired.

So, if this isn't
the treasure, then what is it?

I don't know, but for now,
everybody stop touching things.

[disappointed groan] Uh?!

Pretty. Uh-oh!

It's a trap!



[tense music]

-I think we're safe now.

And also lost, bro.

We really
brought the house down! Get it?

[rumbling and gurgling]

that was just my stomach. Ah.

[all groaning]

Hey, wait up!

-[animal snarling]
-[all yelping]

[phone beeping]

-Check it out, animal tracks.

Maybe they'll
lead us out of here.


[all gasping]

Whoa! A wolverine!


You guys, don't be afraid.

It's just trying
to protect its babies.

Oh, yeah? Well, so am I!

[Lily giggling]



[snarling and screaming]


[wolverines whimpering]

Oh yeah! That's right.
Don't mess with Mama Loud.

You want some
more of this?

I could do this all day.


Why are you guys all still
standing here? Let's roll out.

I haven't seen your
mom this intense since

I forgot our anniversary.

[sinister music]

[hushed footsteps]


It's a dead end.
The best kind of end.

That's it, we're stuck.

We're tunnel people now.

Let's just start
building our new forever home.

Here's the kitchen.
And here's the den.

And this'll be my man cave--
aw, who ya kidding, Lynn!

The whole
ding-dang thing's a cave!

Huh? Look.

It's Captain Kit's hat.

I saw it in Mr. Rinsler's book.

Don't worry, Dad.
We'll find a way out of here.

-And hat's no lie!

-[ground cracking]
-[Louds screaming]

[screaming continues]

[intense music]

[all groaning and moaning]

Oh, my butt!

I think I added a crack.

Anyone have
any idea where we are?

Ooh, I know.
A dark scary place.

Hey, check this out.

It's the same symbol
that's on the map. Hmm.

Dude, the top part
looks like your necklace.

the bone man gave me that.

I think the word you're
looking for is, uh... skeleton.

And a fine specimen it was.

What's that
bottom part of the symbol?

It looks like a gemstone.

Yeah, but we
haven't seen any gems since

the fake treasure room.

-And those are long gone.
-[all sighing deflatedly]


I know Mommy said no
touching, but good girl!

Let me see both pieces.

Here goes nothing.

[gem humming]

-[frightened gasping]


[bright music]

[all gasping in awe]

Are we allowed to celebrate?

Hmm. Proper
weight. Good luster.

It's real, all right!

-Let's get this party started!
-[laughing and cheering]

Everybody load up!

-[both, sing-song]
-We're going to save Mastodon!

-We're going to save Mastodon!
-[stone shifting]

Oh, no.


Heh heh,
I'm sure that's nothing.

[intense music]

Ah! Why does every
wall in this place move?!

[all screaming]

We're going to drop!

[all screaming]

Good thing
I never skip leg day.

Ugh! You guys
are heavier than I thought.

[Lynn Sr.] It's not us!

All this
gold is weighing us down!

Everyone, drop your packs!

-Dad, what about the camp?

You guys are way more important
to me than any treasure.

Listen to the man.


Lola, you too.

-[Lola sighing]

[motor rumbling]

[gold jingling]


Did we just give
our treasure to Flip?!

That's not Flip. That's--

Hang on, little minnows!

[all] Gramps?!

[Lynn Jr. groaning]

[all screaming]

Ha ha! I got you!

[all screaming]

Welcome aboard, kiddos.
Got your Morse code message.

It said, "Dod,
Camp Mustard, close."

Oh, yeah, I never
was fluent in Morse.

Oh, it's
so good to see you, Dad.


Great to
see you too, Lynnie!

Now, if you could
just ease up on the grip,

I'll get us back to camp.

[motor humming]

[upbeat music]

Oh, hey there, Louds.

I was about to see how
many marshmallows I could

fit into my mouth.

-[muffled gargling]


We have amazing news.

You're not
going to believe this.

Is that you, Leonard Loud?

Your hairier than I remember.

And you're
older than I remember.

We found
Captain Kit's treasure!

There were moving
walls, and holes in the floor,

and we rode a slide,
and there was a wolverine,

-and a bone man.
-[Lincoln] The point is...

[gold jingling]

Now you can
save the camp.

Wow, that
sure is a lot of gold.


[all cheering]

But, uh, no thanks.

-I'm sorry, what now?

Well, as great as
they were, I'm afraid

my Mastodon days are over.

Buddy. I dangled off
a cliff for that gold!

Well, gosh,
that sounds exciting,

but, I'm out of here next week.

I bought a condo in Florida.

-[all] Florida?!

The whole state is one
giant summer camp for retirees!

[sobbing] That's it?!

There's no more camp?

-[sad murmuring]
-You did your best.

I'm really sorry, Dad.

I'll be okay.

If this is my
last time at Mastodon,

it's fine,
because you guys gave me

the best memory I'll
ever have of this place.

Hmm, uh,

crazy thought,
but, what if it didn't

have to be the last time?

-Of course!

I'll rip a hole in
the space-time continuum,

construct a time machine
out of Gramps' boat, and send

us back years to enjoy
Camp Mastodon in days of yore.

I was thinking maybe
I'd just take over the camp.

-Oh, sure.

If you
want to do it the easy way.

What-- what are
you talking about, Dad?

You've been
a fisherman your whole life.

I thought you loved it!

I do, but,
I think it's time for this

salty dog to,
uh, to drop anchor.

I've always loved Mastodon.

Plus, I'd get to spend
more time with the family

I've been
missing all these years.

[both sobbing]

Yeah, those dudes
are most definitely related.

-[Mr. Rinsler laughing]
-Well, this is perfect!

It would be my honour to turn
the camp over to you, Leonard.

And it would be my honour to
carry on your legacy, Rinsler.

But I am going to
need that treasure.

[Rita clearing throat]

Ugh, fine.

[chuckling and muttering]

Thanks, Captain Kit.

-[leaves rustling]
-[all gasping]

Aw, dang it!

How'd you chiefs
get past the wolverine?!


[triumphant music]

Look at us, running the old
three-legged race again.

Yep, and it's even
better with legs!

Right, my little minnows?

-[whistle blowing]


Poison ivy?

It itches just like I remember!


-I love you so much, Dad!
-I love you so much, Lynn!

Yep. Definitely related.

♪ Cramped inside
this tiny space ♪

♪ May sound
bad but ain't the case ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Duck, and dodge,
and push, and shove ♪

♪ That's the way
we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪
♪ Loud house ♪

♪ Laundry plies
stacked up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs
that make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take
a pee, never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with kids ♪

♪ That's
the way it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud house ♪

[cheery music]