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06x06 - Dine and Bash/Sofa, So Good

Posted: 10/09/22 15:09
by bunniefuu
This program is rated G

and is suitable for
general audiences.

♪ Crashing through
the crowded halls ♪

♪ Dodging girls like
ping-pong balls ♪

♪ Just to reach the
bathroom on time ♪

♪ Leaping over laundry piles ♪

♪ Diapers you can smell
for miles ♪

♪ Guy's gotta do what he
can to survive ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
in the Loud House ♪

♪ Duck, dodge, push and shove,
it's how we show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
in the Loud House ♪

♪ One boy, ten girls, wouldn't
trade it for the world ♪

♪ Loud ♪

♪ House ♪

♪ Loud, Loud House ♪


Oh! Double check, make sure
I have my key... Mm!

Honey! You shouldn't
be out here!

Go back inside and get to bed.

I just wanted to
see you guys off.

I'll miss you while you're
at Aunt Ruth's today.

It's a ding-dang shame
I'm gonna miss the slides how

of her bus tour of
the malls of the Midwest.

(Loud sneezing)

Aw... Gesundheit.
It's okay!

Aunt Ruth will
totally understand.

It's not fair!

Why does Daddy get to stay home?

(Loud sneezing)


Question answered.

Get lots of rest.
We'll see you tonight!

Bye, Dad!
Feel better, Pops!

I'm free!

Ha, ha, ha!


Ah, nice try! But your
judge mental stares won't work!

Awww, yes!

A day of peace and quiet in
this house is a rare thing,

and I won't apologize for
really, really wanting one!

Welcome to
Operation Dessert Storm.

Today is all about waffles!

Oh, yay!
My favourite W food!

This is gonna
be the perfect day!

And now we return
for our next segment,

For Whom the Belgian
Waffle Tolls.


Oh, waffle puns!
You gotta love 'em.

(Cat shrieking)

And now viewers, we're gonna
reveal the secret ingredient

to our raspberry waffle recipe!

The secret ingredient is...
Ha! Whoa! Ah, ah!

The fizz!
Ow! Oh, oh!


Oh! I missed
the secret ingredient

to the raspberry waffles!

Aw, come to think of it, it's
probably just raspberries.

(Barking and meowing)

Sorry, guys!
Not on my perfect day.

You guys can chase each other
all you want... out here.






Aaah! Aaah!
Huh?! Huh?!



Peace and quiet, at last!




Is, is that a cricket?!

Not today.



Mm hm.


Hm... huh?!


Ah! There you are.

Eat liquid-spray butter, punk!

Ew, ahh!

Ga-whoa! Ai!

Ah, ah, ah!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ow! Oof.

Ow! Right on
the tailbone!

Oh, it is on.



Ah! Oof!






Heh, heh, heh!




And here's a bathroom stall,
form a mall in Indianapolis.

This one had auto-flushing, like
the ones at a fancy steakhouse!

Dad's so luck to
be home sleeping! Whew...

Shhh, Lynn! You're gonna miss
the massage chairs,

at the mall in Walnut Grove!


Where are ya?!

Ah. Ah-ha!


Enjoy my size-11, you beast!


Eh?! Huh?

Time for a little rock 'n' roll!

Huh? How do you like that, huh?
Ha, ha! Ha, ha!

Oh, no, no...


Oh. Tailbone again!



This. Ends. Now.


Oof! Oh no.

Ungh, eh, ga!


(Screaming and crashing)

Ow! My hand!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Time out.

(Toilet flushing)

Time in!

(Screaming and chirping)

Ah, ha, ha! I gotcha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Okay. You quiet-ruining varmint!

Out you go!

This seems far enough.

Go ruin someone else's day!

No one outmanoeuvres Lynn Loud

when peace and quiet
are on the line...


No. No!
No, no, no!

Key. Key,
key, key, key!



Bad, gloating animals!

Oh! Maybe I forgot to lock the
front door when the fam left!


Curse me, and my innate
sense of responsibility!


Ah! Oh yeah! I gave Grouse
a spare key! Ha, ha!

No one's home! Go away!

Mr. Grouse,
I need your help!

Oh, looky! It's a Loud.

Whadya want, and how fast
can I get rid of ya?

Remember the spare key
I gave you for emergencies?

Well... this is
an emergency.

Oh yeah, sure. I keep it
in a bowl, right here.

Yeah, this might take a minute.

It should be easy to find. You
had it on that weird keychain.

I wove that myself.

Oh, wait! Now I remember
where your key is!


Inside your house.


Well when you gave me
that ding-dang thing,

I told ya! I didn't want
the responsibility.

So, one day when
you were all out,

I used the key to let myself in,
and returned it!

Huh. Is that why
there's missing lasagnes?

Well, yeah. That was
my delivery fee.

Can I go back to my nap now?


You might want to catch
a couple of Zs yourself,

you look like a hot mess.

Ugh! Come. On.
Lynn, think!

There has to be a way in.

Oh! Yes, that's
the way in!




Try to outsmart Lynn Loud?
I don't think...



Wha! Aaah!
Hoo, hoo, hoo!


Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Ha, ha!



Those father-daughter
pole vaulting lessons

with LJ sure were...



Cliff! Don't you dare
post that!


Stupid cricket!

This is all your fault!

I could be asleep right now!

Hngh, hngh, gah!

Aah, I'm gonna make it!

Aah, I passed it!



Ooh, not the cactus!


Ungh, the cactus
would've been much better.

Ah! Hey, I've done it before,
I can do it again!


I might've put on
a few more pounds...





No more Mr. Nice Guy.

On your mark, get set,



At least I'm back in the house.


Ah, I still get a little
relaxation time.



Oh, thank you guys
for sitting through

all 700 of Aunt Ruth's slides.


Are you kidding?! I could
look at malls all day!

Do you think she'd
show it to me again?


Kids, remember to
be quiet when we get home.

You dad is sick,
he's probably asleep...


(Dramatic music)

Did I leave my flat-iron on?

Oh! Did I leavy
my plutonium reactor on?!

Mama's coming,
Mr. Sprinkles!

Lynn?! Honey!

Ha! Where is he?!
Where is he?!

Chirp, chirp. Chirp, chirp,
chirp, chirp, chirp!

Chi-chirp, chirp chirp!

What happened?!

Oh, honey. You must've been so
delirious you trashed the house!

I had no idea
you were this sick!

You need to
get to bed, immediately.


Ah! Ungh!

But not here.

Kids, come on!
We have to go.

Ah! Move to Canada... smart.
Chirpy won't find us there!

Ha, ha!

No. We'll stay with Aunt Ruth
until the house is repaired.

She'll be happy to help
nurse you back to health.

I should warn you though,
she'll want to show you

her malls of the Midwest
slides how.

Malls... of the...



Ah! Roar of
the beast...


Are you kids making
that chirping noise?!

Why would you mess
with your old man like that?!

It's not us, Dad!
It's this little guy!

I found 'im in the house,
and now he's my new pet!

I named him Paul!

No! No, ho-ho!
Don't name him!


(Hard rock music)

(Whistle blowing)


Ah, ha, ha!



I hate dodge ball week.


And why is Mr. Bolhofner
running it?

Coach Keck's at a gym
teacher's conference.

So, we're stuck with him.

Uh! Whoa!

Hey! Chuckleheads,
look alive!




My hair doesn't count.

I'm still in.


I can't wait for yoga week.

I'm here, I'm here!

Sorry I'm late, guys.

Clyde! Are you okay?
You're looking pretty sweaty.

Yeah, and where are the Monday
morning muffins you always bake?

Didn't bake any.

Last night something
awful happened.


I was having tea, and watching
Operation Dessert Storm...

Come on, Zamir! Your flan
is gonna clinch it!

This week's winner is
an all around good guy,

who cleans beaches
and fosters cats.

Give it up for everyone's
favourite whisking king,


Yes, yes, yes!

Hold the heavy cream! I've
just been told one contestant

has been disqualified for
using a non-regulation whisk!

Zamir, please pack your
muffin tins, and go!



What?! You're mad 'cause your
favourite contestant cheated?

Zamir didn't cheat!
He would never cheat.


Maybe you can root for
a different contestant?

What about Maneet?

Maneet's cream puffs...

(Alarm sounding)

...are dry!


(Whistle blowing)

Guys? I think
we just won?


You just saved our butts!

Wow, I guess that was me working
through my Dessert Storm anger.

I think I'll relax with a cup of
herbal tea in the locker room.

Wow! He destroyed
that team!

Yeah, if Clyde
keeps his rage up,

surviving dodge ball week
will be a cinch!

Yeah, I hate to put
a frost on your harvest,

but, uh, Clyde's not gonna
stay mad over this all week.

In fact, it seems like
he's already over it.

I think I know how to
make Clyde angry again...

Alright, teams.
Line up!

This better work, dog.
I can't get anymore bruises.

You know black and blue
aren't my colours.

Trust me.

Hey, Clyde. I don't wanna
whisk getting a penalty,

but does this ball look
non-regulation to you?


Please pack your
muffin tins, and go, go...


Do your worst, losers.

(Heavy metal music)


(Whistle blowing)

So glad I got that
out of my system!

Well! Herbal tea time.

They wouldn't disqualify me
for wearing this, would they?

(Heavy metal music)



(Whistle blowing)

And that's game!

Here you go, Clyde! I made
some pregame quiche.

I found the recipe
on Zamir's blog.

Ah, ah, ah, ah!


Clyde, can you get this itch
for me? I can't reach.

Rrrr! Ah, ah, ah!
(Heavy metal music)


Man, I'm so happy dodge ball week
is finally over.

Oh, me too!
Peanut butter and jelly

tastes so much better
when your jaw's not numb.

I can finally use ice for
my juice and not my forehead.

Yup! And we owe it
all to Clyde!

Where is that
rage-monster anyway?

He's over there
picking up trash.

You know how Clyde hates litter.

They couldn't have walked two
more feet to throw this out.

I'm really glad we don't have
to make Clyde angry anymore.

Me too!


Yoga week here we come!


Stop! Aren't you guys
forgetting something?

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Hey Loud!

I have no idea how that McBride
kid got so good at dodge ball.

Uh, well, you see...

And I don't really care.

He has turned you into
the best team I've ever seen!

Eh, well.
In America.

When I was spelunking in
Iceland, I came across a team

that would squish you
like bugs. Ha, ha.

Ha, ha. Interesting
story, Mr. B.

Listen. Change of plans. Coach
Keck's stuck at the gym teacher

convention, so I'll be
in charge again next week.

And that means more dodge ball!

On Monday, you guys are
playing the eighth graders.



For fun!
You're welcome.

So, this is really
bad news for anyone

who doesn't like body casts.

I don't know why y'all
are acting like

you got a horse fly
in your underpants.

As long as Clyde's
mad about that Zamir fella

we still got our secret w*apon.

Guess what?

My dads just texted me.
Zamir has been

brought back to
Operation Dessert Storm!

Turns out there was a kerfuffle
with the equipment check.

The whisk was regulation
after all. Isn't that great?

How about the timing of that?
Huh, guys? Huh, uh.

They even promised
him a spin off!

Whisking it All with Zamir.
I feel like celebrating!

I'm off to Home Ec
to bake up a storm!

Oops! Almost crunched ya,
little fella.

Come on, bake with me!


(Shrill scream)

So, y'all.

What're we gonna do?

Yeah, if Clyde isn't raging,
those eighth graders

are gonna annihilate us!

I hate to say it,
but we have no choice.

We have to
bring back Angry Clyde.

(Bell ringing)

Okay, the game is in
two hours, and nothing burns

Clyde's biscuits like
talking with your mouth full!

You ready, Rusty?

I'm on it, dog.

(Loud chewing)

Good morning, everyone! Who
wants a Monday morning muffin?

Just like the day, they're
packed with sunshine!

I'll take one!

I really look
forward to these, dog.

Wow, Rusty.
That's a lot of gum.

All that goopy saliva...

Yeah! And you can see
every molar too!

How does that make you feel?

(Wet chewing)

Well that's not exactly rage.

Guys, we're gonna have
to go to plan B.


Clyde! Check out
this old pic.

Lenny dressed Cliff
up like Santa Claus!


On Halloween!

What?! Why would she do that?
That's so confusing for Cliff!

Go on, Clyde...
Explore your feelings.

Aw, a cat dressed as Santa!

But on Halloween!

Ah-ha, ha! It's still adorable.
You could call him Santa Paws.

You know what?
That is adorable!

And he could say
meowy Christmas!


Thanks, Meryl.

I was really on the verge
of some serious fury there.


Ooh! A lot of negative energy
over here! Uh-hoo.

Okay, the game is
starting in 15 minutes.

So we gotta push
Clyde's biggest button.

He hates seeing trash spilled
everywhere, because as he says?

'Littering spits in
the eye of Mother Earth.'

What a glorious mess.
Great job, guys!

Oh, look!
Here he comes!

Hey, guys. Why did you
want to meet here?

(Gasping): What kind of
monster would do this?!

We were just asking that too.

This makes me so mad!

Good! I mean, uh, totally
understandable reaction, bro.

We can worry about this later,
Clyde. Right now it's game time.

Come on!

Clyde! The gym is this way,
where are you going?

Principal Ramirez' office!
This happened on her watch.

And I'm going to give her
a piece of my mind!

She's allowing her students to
spit in Mother Earth's eye!


Guys! If Clyde goes off on
Principal Ramirez,

she might suspend him! We
have to tell him the truth.

Clyde, wait!

Lincoln has something
to tell you.

Don't yell at Principal Ramirez,
we littered the blacktop.

What?! Why
would you do that?

Dude, survival. When you're
angry you're great at dodge ball!

And that keeps us
from getting annihilated.

We just wanted to keep you mad
long enough to survive

this game with the

We're really sorry.

I can't believe
you guys did this!

That's right! Channel
that rage for the game.

It's not anger, Rusty.
It's disappointment.

Oh. Well that
won't help us.

Focus, Rusty. This isn't
about dodge ball anymore.

We were a bunch of
jerks to Clyde.

(Whistle blowing)

Game time. Come on, everyone.
Clyde, you shouldn't play.

You don't deserve to be
pummelled by the eighth-graders.

But we sure do.

(Sinister laughing)




I hear a beat down, but
I don't feel a beat down.

Throw. Out.
Your. Trash!





No! Ah!

(Rumbling and crashing)

(Whistle blowing)

That's game!


Clyde, that was amazing!

Yeah, buddy! You didn't
have to help us.

But we're sure glad you did!

Well, that wrapper just
pushed me over the edge.

I feel better now!

Speaking of wrappers...

...and that's
the last of it!

Ah! There's nothing
more refreshing than

a clean blacktop and
a hot cup of herbal tea!

Am I right, or what?

Great news, guys!

That Viking team from Iceland
I was telling you about

just sailed in to
play you in dodge ball!


Ha, ha!
You're welcome!

Um, Clyde?

♪ Cramped inside this
tiny space ♪

♪ May sound bad but ain't
the case ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
Loud House ♪

♪ Duck and dodge and push
and shove ♪

♪ That's the way we
show our love ♪

♪ In the Loud House,
Loud House ♪

♪ Laundry piles stacked
up high ♪

♪ Hand-me-downs that
make me cry ♪

♪ Stand in line to take a pee ♪

♪ Never any privacy ♪

♪ Chaos with 11 kids ♪

♪ That's the way it always is ♪

♪ In the Loud House ♪