06x08 - Daniel Thinks of Others/Daniel Thinks of What Margaret Needs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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06x08 - Daniel Thinks of Others/Daniel Thinks of What Margaret Needs

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hi, neighbor!
Today at school,

we're going
to make all kinds of art.

And then, we're going to play
musical instruments with
Miss Elaina.

What instrument
do you want to play?

Grrr-ific! I'll be right back!

♪♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ A land of Make-Believe ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this land of Make-Believe
A friendly face ♪

♪ On every street
just waiting to greet you ♪

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪♪


- Hi, neighbor! Thanks
for visiting me at school.

- Hi, neighbor!
- I'm drawing a picture

of my family with crayons.
Come draw with me.

(Katerina babbling)

- Hiya, toots!

- Want to see what
I've drawn so far?

Here's my mom...
and that's my dad.

And now, Margaret,
my little sister.

Margaret is smaller
than everybody in my family.

Aww, she's so cute.

I'm going to make
a big O mouth,

like this. She can be loud,

Hm-hmm. And she can be cute.

Guess who else I have to draw.

Me! OK!

Here's me...

and my red sweater

and my red shoes.

That's my whole family.

Ugga mugga, Mom!

Coochie-coochie-coo, Margaret!

I'm playing with my picture!

I wish I could really play
with my pictures,

then I could draw
whatever I wanted to play with.


Hey, do you want to make believe
with me?

Let's make believe
that we could go

inside the paper,
and draw, and play!

♪♪ Draw what I want to see ♪

♪ Draw and it's in front of me ♪

♪ Draw Tigey by my side to dance
with me in a silly line ♪

♪ Draw a tasty apple to eat ♪

♪ Or a drum that makes a beat ♪

♪ Draw a cloud up in the air
and a rainbow to take us there ♪

♪ Imagine anything
you want to see ♪

♪ Draw what I want to see ♪

♪ Draw and it's
in front of me ♪♪

Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha!
Wasn't that grrr-ific?

(Daniel gasps.)
I have a tigertastic idea!

I can make my picture so special

and sparkly with glitter!

Oooh, glitter!
Here's some glue...

Shake, shake, shake,
shake, shake... glitter!

Aw, it's so sparkly now!

I think I want to add
a little bit more glitter.

Shake, shake, shake. Maybe...

a little bit more glitter?
Shake, shake, shake.

Oops! All gone.
I guess that's enough glitter.

My picture
is so, so sparkly now.

Let's go put it in my cubby.
I like to draw, a lot.

What do you like
to draw pictures of?

Bye-bye, picture. See you later.

- Daniel! Come to my store!
- OK.

- Ahem! Oooh, Daniel,

what a surprise!
Nice to see you at my store.

- Wow! Look at the dinosaur.

(Daniel gasps.)
And the train,

and the doll, and the robot.
What kind of store is this?

- Everything Store!
(Daniel laughing)

- What do you sell?
- Everything!

- I like everything.

Hey, want me to make a sign for
your store, so everybody knows?

- Good idea, toots. I'll help!

- Come with us! You can help
pick out the colors

for our sign.
- This sign needs to be big!

- Really big!

So we can draw pictures
of... everything!

- Yeah! Everything is
a lot of stuff. There we go.

- Here's a train...
(girl humming)

...the engine. And...

what shape are the train cars?

Oh yeah! Rectangles! Choo-choo!

- I'm-making-a-ro-bot.
(Daniel giggles.)

- Here's a green dinosaur
with a long tail

- And a round tambourine!

- Oh, that looks good.
- Everything!

- Did we draw everything?
- Yes. But... I think

the sign needs to be
so sparkly, toots,

so everyone will notice it.

I know what we need... Glitter!

- Yeah! Glitter!
Glitter! Glitter!

Grrr-ific idea, Miss Elaina.

I'll do the glue.
- Here we go!

Heeeey, where's the glitter?

Hmmm...Oh no, no, no, no!

- What's wrong?
- What's the matter,

Miss Elaina?
- Look, Teacher Harriet.

I need glitter to make my sign
sparkle, but it's all gone.

- Hmmm... This container was
full of glitter this morning...

- Oh! Um... I used up

all the glitter when I was
making my picture of my family.

- You used all the glitter?!

- I... I guess so.
I didn't mean to.

- I know you didn't
mean to, Daniel, but...

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

The other kids in your class
need the glitter for
their art too.

- Yeah, I need
glitter for my sign!

- But there's no glitter for you

because I used it all up.

I'm sorry.
- I know you are, Daniel.

You'll remember next time.
- Well, let's go take this sign

to the store.
- OK.

I'll meet you there.
I want to do one more thing.

- OK. Come to
the Everything Store!

We have everything!

- Miss Elaina needs
lots of things to sell

in her Everything Store,
so I want to make her something.

She'll be so surprised.

Help me squish the clay,
like this.

Squish! Squish!

I'm going to roll these pieces
into one...


three balls!

Now, I'll roll out
this piece of clay...

and curl it up like this.

Oooh! I like that curly part.

I think I'm done now. Uh oh!

I used up all the purple clay.

That means if someone else
needs the clay,

there won't be any!
What should I do?

I'm going to put some clay back.

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

Now, someone else
will have purple clay.

- Hi, Daniel, meow-meow.
I need some purple clay

to make a purple wand to match
my purple fairy costume.

I like purple.
- Here you go!

I didn't use it all up.
- Oooh, thank you, meow-meow.

- You're welcome.

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

- Alaca-wish, alaca-woo,

- What did you do?
- I just made your...

um... your, uh,
"whatsy-hoosit" here magic!

- Whoa! Thanks, Katerina.

- My pleasure!
I love my wand!

- Let's go show Miss Elaina
what we made.

(Miss Elaina gasps.)

I made this for
your Everything Store.

- Whoa! I love, love, love it!

This is exactly
what my store needs!

Uh... What is it?

- It's a... um...
a thinga-ma-bob!

- Oooh... What does it do?

- Just that. Sits there.

(whispering): But Katerina
says it's magical.

- Whoaaaa!

I like it. Thanks, Daniel!
- You're welcome.

♪♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

♪ When I sneezed, achoo!
I used the last tissue ♪

♪ It's no fun when the box is
done because somebody
might need one ♪

♪ Oh no,
what's this I see? ♪

♪ Looks like Dad
is gonna sneeze ♪

♪ I feel so happy
that I gave him what he needs ♪

- ♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

- ♪ When I made my paper crown,
there wasn't any tape around ♪

♪ To tape the macaroni down,
so I took some that I found ♪

♪ Oh no, That wasn't smart ♪
She needs the tape

to put up art.
♪ I gave her back the tape ♪

♪ So it wouldn't fall down
and come apart ♪

- ♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

- ♪ I wore
the awesome cowboy hat ♪

♪ But I forgot to put it back ♪

♪ It didn't take me very long to
put it back where it belongs ♪

♪ Oh my, what is that? Prince
Wednesday needs the cowboy hat ♪

♪ It makes me feel so happy
that I went and put it back ♪

- ♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪♪

- A rrroyal hello.
- Hi, Prince Wednesday.

Want to buy something
from the Everything Store?

- We have everything you need.

Look around. Look around!
- Hmm...

That's just what I need!

- The thinga-ma-bob?
- Yes! It's perfect!

- Here you go!

Psst! What are you going
to do with it?

- Follow me!
- All right!

- ♪ Doo-doo-da-doo ♪

May I present to you
my rrroyal tower!

- Awesome!
- Wow, Daniel!

Your thinga-ma-bob was just
what Prince Wednesday needed.

- Yeah! And I didn't
even know it!

- Now, everybody,
back to the store!

Everything for sale!
Everything for sale!

- When I was using the clay,

I thought about
what my friends needed,

and that made them so happy.

You know what makes me happy?

When you come to visit.
Ugga mugga.

Let's see what some of
our neighbors are doing today.

- (Dad Tiger): Serra and Alara

are making dinosaurs
out of paper plates.

- (whispering): Pass the red.

- Oh, and some googley eyes.

Every dinosaur
needs googley eyes.

- Here, Serra.

- Looks like Alara
has all the googley eyes.

Serra doesn't have
any googley eyes.

- Do you want a googley eye?
- Yes, please.

- Do you want a colorful one
or a black one?

- A colorful one.

- How kind! Alara was thinking
of her little sister.

What a great way to decorate
the refrigerator!

Now, everyone can see them.

- I like visiting neighbors
with you.

(irregular drumming)

- Hi, neighbor!
I'm playing my drum for my band!

Know who else is in my band?

Miss Elaina!
- Hi, neighbor!

I'm playing the triangle. See?

- Boom! Boom! Boom!
Drum with me.

Let's go play inside. Follow us!


- Up high! Down low!

(kids laughing)

(baby crying)
- Shh, it's OK, Margaret.

- Hey, I think my dad
is in Margaret's room.

Let's go play them some music!

- Ringy dingy doo!

- Dad, want to hear some music?
Boom! Boom! Boom!

(Margaret laughing)
- Not right now, Daniel.

It's Margaret's nap time.
OK, Margaret, sleepy time.

- Nap time, Margaret, nap time!
(Miss Elaina laughing)

(Margaret crying)
- Shh, shh, shh. There you go.

- Daniel, will you come into
the living room with me please?

- OK. Come on.
- OK.

- Mom, listen to our music!

(Margaret crying)
- Hold on, please.

You need to stop playing
your instruments now.

You're keeping Margaret awake.
- We're keeping her awake?!

But we're just
playing music.

- Yes, but your music
is keeping Margaret awake,

and naps are very important
for babies.

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

- ♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

- What I really want to do
is play my drum,

but Margaret needs to sleep.

- Yeah. I guess we should stop
playing our instruments.

Even though the triangle
is really fun to play.

- (whispering): We can play
more music later.

- (whispering): That's a good
idea. Roar if you need me.

- (whispering):
Margaret's asleep. Yay!

Thanks for being so quiet.
- It's OK.

But what should we do now?
- Can you think

of something you can do
that keeps the house quiet?

- Maybe we could play outside?

- Yeah! Oh, I mean yeah...

Then we're not in the house
and we don't have to be quiet.

- Let's go play outside.
Follow us!

- Wait! I have
to go potty first.

- Stop and go right away!
- OK, toots!

- (whispering): I'll put
my drum away. Come on.


- Whoosh! Look at my cape!
- Ooh, I want one too!

(Daniel laughing)

Whoosh! Ta-dah! Let's go play!

Look at me! Whoosh!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Come on, Miss Elaina!
- Super Miss Elaina!

- Woohoo! We can be
loud outside!

- We can be loud outside!

Look at me,
I'm Super Blue!

I can turn into
anything blue.

Alacazam poof!
I'm a blueberry!

(Miss Elaina gasps.)
- A talking blueberry?!

Whoa! Where did Daniel go?

- I'm right here.
(kids laughing)

- I'm Super Red! Poof!

And now I'm a red race car.

Vroom! Vroom!
(Daniel laughing)

- Ah! I've got to get away
from this blueberry!

- I'll catch you
'cause I'm a bouncing blueberry!

- Bouncing blueberry?
- Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing!

- Hey, kids,
is everything OK?

- Yes
- Okey dokey!

- Uh, Daniel. Where did
you get those towels?

- From the bathroom.
- Oh no, Daniel!

We need those towels
for our baths tonight.

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

Now, I'm going to have
to wash the towels again.

- Uh oh! We didn't think
about who needed the towels

when we started
playing with them.

- ♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

- We'll take them back inside.
- That would be nice. Thank you.

- We'll put them in the--
- Shhh...

- (whispering): In the hamper.
- The hamper!

- (whispering): Thanks, you two.
That was very helpful.

- (whispering):
Margaret is still asleep.

(normal voice): And it's time
to take Miss Elaina to her dad.

Daniel, do you want to come
with me to drop her off
at the music shop?

- Yes! Come with us! Bye, Mom!
- Bye, Mrs. Tiger! Thank you!

(Ding! Ding!)
- Trolley, please take us

to Music Man Stan's Music Shop.

- Now we can be

- Yah!

- ♪♪ We're going
to the Music Shop ♪

♪ We're going to
the Music Shop ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
Ride along ♪

♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪♪

- Here we are.

- Thanks, Trolley!
(Ding! Ding!)

- Welcome to my daddy's
music shop. Backwards!

(Miss Elaina laughing)

- Hey, kiddo. Hey, Tigers!

Aww... I needed that hug.
- Everything OK?

- I can't figure out what's
wrong with this trombone.

It should be playing
beautifully, and all
it does is...

(louse false note)
- Whoa!

That was louder
than Margaret crying!

- I just can't figure out
how to fix this thing.

- Hmmm... Maybe I can help.
That seems a little...

- I think your dad
is frustrated.

- Uh huh! I wish we could
help him feel better.

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

Hmmmm... Sometimes,
music makes my dad feel better.

So... I think he needs music!

- Then, let's play him some!

(kids laughing)
- Dad, this song is for you!

And a one and a two and a three!
Hit it!


- Hey-hey-hey,
that sounds pretty good!

- We're playing music, music,
music, for you!

- Let's try this.


(Daniel laughing)
- That was grr-ific!

- That was great!
I was feeling frustrated,

and now I feel so much better.
Thank you, you two.

- I knew you needed music.

- ♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

- Big hug, Dad!
- Mm-hmm!

- Wow! Our music made
Music Man Stan feel good!

I wonder if our music could also
make you feel silly...

or excited... or sad...

Do you want
to make believe with me?

Let's make believe
that we can play music

that makes us feel
all kinds of feelings!

♪ Happy music puts a smile
on your face ♪

♪ Creates rainbows
and stars in space ♪

♪ With sad music ♪

♪ It can feel like rain ♪

♪ Angry music is loud ♪

♪ And makes you scream ♪

♪ Lots of music
makes you feel every day ♪

♪ Feel big feelings
in a very special way ♪♪

Wasn't that grrr-ific?

- All right, Daniel,
time to head home.

Hope you get that
fixed soon. Good-bye!

- Bye, Tigers!
- Good-bye, Music Man Stan!

Good-bye, Miss Elaina!
- Later, toots!

(false note)

(three good notes)
- Ha! Ha! Ha! It's fixed!

This trombone
is music to my ears!

- Bye!

Hi, Trolley.
Please take us home.

(Ding! Ding!)
You know what?

Our Trolley song makes me
feel happy. Let's sing it!

♪ We're going home from
the Music Shop, what a fun day ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
Ride along ♪

- ♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

- And here we are.

- Bye, Trolley!
(Ding! Ding!)

(baby crying)
- Uh oh! That sounds like

Margaret crying.
She's awake again.

Let's see if we can help.

- She woke up again
a little while after you left.

I have been trying to get her
back to sleep. It's not working.

- I think she needs
a quiet lullaby

from her big brother.

♪♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

♪ We think about you
needing quiet ♪

♪ So you can go to sleep
at nap time ♪

♪ So we play outside instead ♪

♪ We think about
how you need towels ♪

♪ To keep you warm and dry
after a bath ♪

♪ We think about our neighbors ♪

♪ And how to make them happy
when they're sad ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

♪ Whatever you do ♪

♪ Think about
what other people need too ♪

♪ I think you'll like
a lullaby ♪

♪ So I'll softly sing you
a good night ♪

♪ Good night, baby Margaret,
good night ♪♪

Margaret just needed
my lullaby.

She's asleep.
She likes my music.

- (whispering): She does. I'm
going to put her in her crib.

- And I'm going to...
color quietly,

so I won't wake up Margaret.

- That a nice idea,
big brother tiger.

- I thought a lot today
about what other people need.

And I think that
you need an ugga mugga!

- ♪♪ It's such a good feeling ♪

♪ To play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling ♪

♪ When they lend you a hand ♪
(Ding! Ding!)

♪ You wake up ready to say ♪
- Hi!

- ♪ I think
I'll make a snappy new day ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling ♪

♪ A feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back ♪

♪ When the day is new ♪

♪ And I'll have
more ideas for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things ♪

♪ You'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too ♪♪
Because it's you I like.

Let's see what's happening
in your neighborhood.


- Hi. My name is Olivia

and my friend Belle is gonna
teach me how to make a bowl.

Hi, Bill.
- Hello, Olivia. How are you?

- Good.
- This is how you make pottery.

What I'm doing now is called
opening the clay.

- Cool!
- Kind of magical, huh?

- Mm-hmm.
- Alright, so now I got a bottom

and I'm going to start pulling
the pot up, from right there.

See how nice
and smooth that is?

- Yes.
- So, come on over here,

and you can see...

That's where it started

and this is where it finishes.

That's going to be
your piece of clay,

and we're gonna make
something out of that.

So you pick it up
and bring it over to the wheel.

I'll go with you. Right there.

Cool! Now I'm gonna show you
how to do it once,

and you're gonna do it.
So, you start

the wheel, and watch what I do.

There we go. OK, sit down.

Now, we're gonna put your right
hand like a knife.

Feel that pressure?
- Mm-hmm!

- You see that's uneven,

so I want to cut this
to make it even.

That's a great job.
You can come back any time.

- Thanks for coming,
neighbors. Bye.

(theme music)

- That looked like fun!
Thanks, neighbor.
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