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07x05 - The Pig Problem/The Mariachi Problem

Posted: 10/09/22 06:56
by bunniefuu
- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting)

- ♪ One two three
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six
- Hey, what do you know? ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

(woman singing)

- The Pig Problem.

Ooh, I hope nothing
cracked or whatnot.


- Hey there! Toad here,
to tell you a story

with the help of this calendar.

A calendar has a page
for every month of the year

and a numbered space
for every day of the month.

It's great for checking
what day it is

and how much time has passed.

This story starts
on the first day

of the hot month of August,

when the farmer
starts gathering his crops

with the help of four friends.

- ♪♪ Well, we do-si-do
in the early morn ♪

♪ And we skip-dee-doo
as we pick corn ♪

- ♪ We pick some corn ♪

- Every time the Pig tries
to stomp, he flomps, right?

- If by "flomp" you mean he
falls down on his bottom, yes.

We stomp, he flomps.
- I'm beginning to think

the Pig's picking less
corn than everybody else,

but I got no way to be sure.

I've got a big problem!

- Actually, farmer...

- ♪ When you need to know
if he's doing his share ♪

♪ You can do-si-do
and compare ♪♪

- Let's count the piles
of corn we three picked

and compare them to the Pig's
pile to see who picked more.

- One, two, three, four.

- We each picked four...
- But the Pig just picked one.

- The Pig picked less
than the rest of us, alright.

- I knew it!
- (Toad): The farmer wanted

to tell the Pig to work harder,

but when they found him
in the barn, he was...

- asleep on his
triangular bed of hay,

with his flower...
- And his triangles.

- That Pig just keeps
falling down and taking naps.

- But we're all
counting on his help!

- Working with the Pig was a...
- ...really big problem!

- Peg and Cat spent
the rest of August

trying to get the Pig
to work harder.

They tried to
inspire him with books,

educational television...
nothing worked.

Then, on the first day
of the next month, September,

they had a visitor.

- From the Silver Square
Opera Company in the big city.

We're always looking
for new singers,

and just now I heard
a voice that made me tingle.

- The only one who sings
opera around here is the Pig,

but he'd never leave
the farm to join the opera.

- There are some very nice
benefits to being an opera star.

- Opera stars get lots of stuff.

- One, two, three,
four, five flowers.

Five is greater
than the one he has now...

- ...said Peg, using
that opened-mouth shape

that means "greater than."
- The Pig would

have more flowers.
- He'd even have more triangles!

- One, two, three, four,
five, six triangles.

More than the one,
two, three he has now.

- The Pig does love triangles.

- But he'd never get up and--
- Whoa!

- Was the Pig drawn
to fame and fortune

or that triangle dangling
from the back of the truck?

- You never can
tell with the Pig.

- Whatever the reason, the Pig
was off for the big city,

so it seemed their really
big Pig problem was solved...

or was it? As September passed,

Peg and Cat gathered corn

with the farmer's
new helper, the Hog.

- The we picked today
is more than the

we used to pick with the Pig.

- More corn makes me
mighty happy!

- Me too!
- But Peg and Cat didn't seem

quite as happy.
- One, two, three sides!

- His bed will be nice and
neat for him when he comes back.

- Towards the end of September,
the weather cooled down.

The leaves turned
different colours.

Peg and Cat kept expecting the
Pig to come back, but he didn't.

By the next month, October,

the farmer was
getting concerned.

- Are y'all picking
less corn than you used to?

- The we picked today
is less than the

we picked last week...
- ...said Peg,

drawing the opened-mouth
shape the other way

so it means "less than."
- It's even less than the

we used to pick
when the Pig was here.

- You're picking less
than you did with the Pig?!

- Well, I don't understand!
- Cat and I are slowing down

'cause, well...
- ...we miss the Pig!

- The way he used
to sing and flomp.

- I need my daily dose of Pig!

- Working without the Pig
was going to be a...

- Really, really big problem!

- All through October,
Peg and Cat tried to teach

their new friend the Hog
to be more like their old pal,

the Pig. They gave him
an opera singing lesson,

took him to Flomp: The Musical,

but no one could
replace the Pig.

Then, on October th,

the man from the opera passed
through on his way to see

the Pig perform.
Did they want a ride?

- Uh, yeah!

- Peg and Cat couldn't wait
to see their old friend

in the big city,
on the big stage!

- (gasping): There he is!


- ♪♪ I'll tell you
something I can't hide ♪

- ♪ Yes, the thing
you cannot hide ♪

- ♪ While I walked
around outside ♪

- ♪ You were walking
'round outside ♪

- ♪ I got a bite
- You got a bite ♪

- ♪ A bite from a mosquito ♪

- ♪ On my ear
- On your ear ♪

- ♪ Upon ♪

- ♪ My ear
- Your ear ♪

♪ But wait ♪

♪ Mosquitoes come out
when it's warm ♪


♪ This calendar I hold ♪

♪ Can show you when it's cold ♪

♪ If you only go out then ♪

♪ You'll be bitten never again ♪

- ♪ Never again ♪

- ♪ Never again ♪

♪ In January ♪

♪ Like February ♪

♪ It's very cold ♪

♪ So mosquitoes won't appear ♪

♪ March April May June July ♪

♪ Weather is warming ♪

♪ Buggies are swarming ♪

♪ Careful my dear ♪

♪ August, September ♪

♪ Even October ♪

♪ Those who hate flies ♪

♪ Have reason to fear ♪

♪ But by November ♪

♪ And through December ♪

♪ No more ♪

♪ Mosquitoes ♪

♪ Biting your ear
- My ear ♪

- ♪ Your ear
- My ear ♪

- ♪ Your ear ♪♪

- The audience cheered
for the singers,

especially the Pig.
- Yay!

- All right, Pig!
- Peg brought along

the Pig's things,
to remind him of home.

- But here at the opera,
he gets so many more flowers.

- Way more triangles!

- She didn't even need
to count to compare amounts.

- I can tell just by looking!
The Pig's got way more

of everything here
than he had on the farm.

- Encore! Encore! Encore!

- I gotta get back
on the road. Sorry.

- Peg and Cat couldn't
even stay to say hi

to their famous friend.
- I guess the Pig's

not coming back. So sweep up
that hay he slept on.

- They realized
the Farmer was right.

Their friend the Pig
was gone. And yet--

- I can't sweep away his bed!
- Me neither!

- But we have to! We are--


- Toad? What are you doing here?

And why are you pointing
to today's date?

- Because today, October th,

is a day you'll remember
as your happiest ever.

- No way! August was happy.

When the Pig was still here.
- August was good.

- But then on September
first, he left us.

- Bad day.
- All through October

we missed him more every day.
- Bad month.

- And then today...
- Worst day ever!

-, two months
since the Pig left,

we have to sweep away his bed!

- I feel like I can
still hear him snoring.

- Because he is.
- Am I dreaming?

- It was no dream.
- The Pig is back!

- Never leave us again!
- You are so grounded!

- Did the Pig hop in the truck
because he missed his friends,

or because he noticed that
triangle dangling from the back?

- You never can
tell with the Pig.

- But the thing that REALLY
surprises me about the Pig is,

I can't stop lovin' him!

♪♪ Whether it's June,
December, or May ♪

♪ I gotta see that
snout every day ♪

♪ Don't know why
but I love that crazy Pig ♪

- ♪ Maybe at work
he sleeps like a log ♪

- ♪ Maybe he picks
less corn than a Hog ♪

- ♪ Don't know why
but I love that crazy Pig ♪

- ♪ When he leaves the farm ♪

♪ That's cause for alarm ♪

- ♪ When he's back
the celebration's big ♪

- ♪ We do a jig
- Though he'll surprise ya ♪

♪ One thing's for sure
- He couldn't care ♪

♪ Less about more
- Don't know why ♪

♪ But I love that crazy Pig ♪

- ♪ You'll find no floor shine ♪

♪ Beneath our porcine pal ♪

♪ But he just doesn't care
- He's happy snorin' ♪

♪ Upon his bed of hay ♪

- ♪ From late November ♪

♪ Straight through
April and May ♪

- ♪ Maybe his manners
aren't the best ♪

- ♪ Maybe he is
triangle obsessed ♪

- ♪ Don't know why, but I love
- He's crazy ♪

- ♪ Don't know why
- But I love ♪

- ♪ Yeah, baby
- Don't know why ♪

♪ But I love that crazy Pig ♪

- ♪ They love their Pig ♪♪

- So after another
great adventure,

Peg and Cat relaxed by the tree.

- You don't have
to keep narrating.

- We can take it from here.
- They thought they didn't need

a narrator, but deep down...

- No, seriously.
- I can't take it anymore!

- Realizing they didn't
need a narrator anymore...

I stopped.
(all chuckling)

- Live from the tree, it's...

- ♪ Amazing People ♪

- ♪ The show where we interview
- Amazing People ♪

- Today on Amazing People,

the world's greatest
chicken poet

will read his new
chicken poem, entitled...

- Um, it's entitled,
uh, Chickens.

- Roll the clip, Mac!
- "Chickens, chickens,

"on a farm. Chickens,
chickens on my arm.

"Chickens, chickens
out in space.

"Chickens, chickens in a race.

"Chickens, chickens on the sand.

"Chickens, chickens in a band.

"Chickens, chickens in a shoe.

Chickens, chickens, I love you."

- What inspired you to write
this amazing chicken poem?

- Chickens.
- What would you say

it's really about?
- Uh, chickens.

- Would you like to give
a shout-out to anyone?


- Amazing things happen on...

- ♪ Amazing People ♪


- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting like a trombone)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat tooting)

- ♪ Uno, dos, tres
- Yeah, c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Cuatro, cinco, seis
- Hey, what do you know? ♪

- ♪ Siete, ocho, nueve
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Diez!

- ♪ You're the best ♪
(kids cheering)

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-at ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
(all laughing)

(horn honking)
- The Mariachi Problem!

(horn honking)

(Mariachi music)

- Hola! I'm Peg and this is Cat.

And if you're wondering
why I just said "hola,"

it's because that's
the Spanish word for "hi."

And if you're wondering why
I'm saying "hi" in Spanish,

it's because
we're in Mexico City!

- Hola, Mexico City!

- We're here so that Cat can
visit a lady cat named Rosana.

- Ah, Rosana.

- Rosana is smart
and clever and funny.

- She's also crazy about music.

So tonight, I'm gonna
lemonade her with a song.

- You're gonna serenade her.
- Huh?

- Serenade means playing
music in someone's honor.

It's such a sweet thing to do!

- And for my serenade
I'm bringing a whole group

of musicians with me! See?
- Hola!

- They're called
a Mariachi band,

and man, can they rock!

- Uno... / Dos...
- Tres... / Cuatro...

- Cinco... / Seis...
- (all): Siete!


- All seven are here!
Got your gift?

- Uh, gift?
- Rosana really loves

heart shapes,
so Cat's bringing her...

- ...a nine-piece
heart-shaped D puzzle!

I just have to put
all the pieces above,

below, behind, next to
and in front of one another.

One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven,

eight, nine. See?
- Aww!

- Senorita? Siete forgot
to bring her trombone.

- I am filled with shame.

- You gotta have trombone!

- This is a BIG PROBLEM!

- Un gran problema!

- ♪ Un gran problema ♪

- Ugh...
- Cat, you musical genius!

You can make a trombone
sound with your lips!

- Well, I've never
done it professionally.

- Give it a try!
(Cat making trombone sounds)

- Muy bien!
- So delightful!

- What a talent!
- Muy realistico!

- It's perfect! And so...

♪♪ Problem solved ♪
(trombone sounds)

♪ The problem is solved ♪
(trombone sounds)

♪ We solved the problem
- Problema resuelto ♪♪

- C'mon, everybody! We've got
an amazing cat to marmalade!

- You mean serenade.
- That's right!

So, let's hop in the car and go!

- Wait a minute.
This is your car?

With Cat and me
riding with you guys,

there are one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,
nine of us all together.

Plus one, two, three, four,
five, six musical instruments!

- How are all those instruments
going to fit in this car?

(varied answers)
- First, everybody get in

your seats,
and leave the instruments.

Now, maybe we can slide
in the instruments,

one next to another,
side by side!

- Not gonna happen.
- Imposible.

- The car isn't wide enough
for six instruments.

Maybe we can pile up
the instruments

on top of one another!

- Oh, mi cabeza!
- No can do.

- The car isn't tall enough
for all six instruments!

If we can't fit them all inside,

we'll never get them to
Rosana's house to serenade her

and that's a REALLY BIG PROBLEM!

- Un grandisimo problema!

- ♪ Un grandisimo problema ♪
- Oh!

- That's it, you heart breaker!

We can get all the
instruments in the car

by fitting them together,
just like you fit

those puzzle pieces together!
- We can?

- The puzzle pieces don't
just line up side by side

or on top of each other,

they fit together in lots
of different ways! See?

♪♪ Some pieces
can fit up above ♪

♪ Some pieces
can fit down below ♪

♪ Behind or in front
or right next to each other ♪

♪ There's all sorts
of ways they can go ♪♪

We can use lots
of different positions

to fit everybody into the car!

- I don't know,
it's gonna be cramped...

- But it's our only hope.
Ready everyone?
- Si!

- Maybe this goes
above that musician

and this goes
behind that musician.

We'll squeeze
all of these in position...

- Ugh!
- And this between Uno and Tres!

- No bueno.

- OK, then. What if...

this one could
fit below that one

and this one could
fit next to that one

and this fits in
behind the Cat one?

We'll squeeze all
of these next to Seis!

- Olé!
- They're in. All one, two,

three, four, five,
six instruments.

- Are all of us in too?
- Roll call!

- Uno... / Dos...
- Tres... / Cuatro...

- Cinco... / Seis...
- (all): Siete...

- Eight... / And nine!
- Olé!

- Is everyone totally comfy?
- Si!

- Then buckle up
to be totally safe.

One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine.

- Sounded like
nine clicks to me!

- Me too! So let's go!

We're here! I can see Rosana's
balcony right over there.

- Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go! Uh, can somebody
please open the door?

- Oh no! The car is
so full of instruments,

nobody can reach
the door handle to open it!

How are we ever
going to get out?

- Who said that?

- Over here!
- Peg? Cat?

What are you guys doing stuffed
in a car with a Mariachi band?

- We're supposed to be
marinating someone!

- He means "serenading,"
but we can't open the door.

Could you give us a hand?
- Of course!

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine!

- Whew! Thanks, Ramone!
- Hago lo que puedo!

- Huh?
- I do what I can!

(horn honking)
- Senorita?

Siete found her trombone.

- It was in the
glove compartment.

- Then we're all set!
- Sh! Let's not wake

Rosana up just yet.
- Right.

Quiet, everyone.
Let's get ready.

Here we go!

- ♪ Whoa, I-- ♪

- Silencio! I'm trying to sleep!

- Oops! Wrong balcony.


- ♪ Whoa, I could-- ♪

- Ay, mi! Who surprises me

with such beautiful
music in the noche?

- Say something!
- Darr! Eeerrgh! Ehh.


- Oh, how sweet.
His words are nonsense,

yet he speaks
the language of love.

- What? I do?

- However, there is one problem.

The shape you
are all standing in.

- Shape?
- It's, eh...

How do you say? It's no good.

- Then we will change it
for you, Rosana!

- Just tell us what to do.
- Well, the handsome

blueish-purple cat
should be in front

and the guitars
should be next to him.

No, a little in front.

No, a little behind. Muy bien.

The violin and the trumpet
should be behind them

on each side and the rest
should make a semi-circle

above them all. And the girl
with the little guitar

should be one step
in front of them.

There! A perfect
heart formation!

- Aww.
- Now, sweet cat,

sing to me and I shall
come downstairs to greet you!

- ♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I could-- ♪
- Ay, mi!

I have locked myself
out of my house!

- Oh no!
- How will I ever get down?!

- How will she ever get down?!

- And how will we ever
greet each other?

- How will we ever
greet each other?

Ah! I am heartbroken!


- Senorita,
you need to chill out.

- Uno is right. We should all
count backwards from nine

to calm down. Nine...
- Eight...

- Siete.../ Seis...
- Cinco...

- Cuatro.../ Tres...
- Dos.../ Uno.

- Cat! You amazing heart-
breaking-and-remaking GENIUS!

- What can I say?
I'm good at puzzles.

- That's it! We can fit
the Mariachis together

like puzzle pieces to make steps
all the way to the balcony!

- What an amazing genius Cat is!

- OK, Mariachis, here we go!

If you get on all fours
and then sink low,

we'll put Siete
and Seis front of Cinco.

And if Tres climbs
above next to Cuatro,

we can top them
with Uno and Dos!

- Olé!
- Wow! Math really takes

my breath away.
- And so...

♪♪ Problem solved ♪
- Olé!

- ♪ The problem is solved ♪
- Olé!

- ♪ We solved the problem
- Todo es asombroso ♪

- ♪ Problema solved ♪♪

- Oh, Rosana. I have brought you

a nine-piece
heart-shaped puzzle.

- I have been given
many heart-shaped puzzles.

Five pieces, six pieces,

but never nine pieces.

I can't believe it.
I WON'T believe it.

- Then I shall prove it.
One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight, nine!

- Ah. Then it is perfecto.
- Like you.

- Sing to me.
- Very well.

♪♪ Oh ♪

♪ I could never
find love anywhere ♪

♪ I've searched high and low,
here and there ♪

♪ But now ♪

♪ That I've seen your face ♪

♪ It's like love
is all over the place ♪

♪ Oh, there is love everywhere ♪

♪ High above me
and way down below ♪

- ♪ Above and below ♪

- ♪ I feel love from
the top of my head ♪

♪ To the tip of my toe
- Oh oh oh oh ♪

- ♪ Whether love is in front ♪

♪ Or behind me
where I cannot see ♪

- ♪ In front or behind ♪

- ♪ There is love everywhere ♪

♪ All because you
are right next to me ♪

- ♪ Oh, love's in front
of your eyes ♪

♪ Then surprise,
it's beneath your sombrero ♪

- ♪ And behind you, you'll find
that you won't even mind ♪

♪ Cupid's arrow
- Whoa ♪

- ♪ Love's below and
in front and above ♪

♪ But on this we agree ♪

♪ There is love everywhere ♪

- ♪ I feel love when
you're right next to me ♪

- ♪ Si, si, si ♪

♪ There is love everywhere ♪

♪ I feel love when
you're right next to me ♪♪


(kissing sound)
(Cat yelping)

(Cat making trombone sounds)

- How do you fit a trombone
in a glove compartment?

- Fold it, maybe?
- Roll it up?

- Shrink it down?
- Huh. It's a mystery.

(trombone sounds)

And how do you fit so much
candy inside a pinata?

- Oh, that's easy!
- Yeah.

It's the "getting them out"
part that's a real headache!

(all laughing)

(all sighing)

- Candy.

- ♪ We're splashing
in the bathroom ♪