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01x09 - Going Rogue

Posted: 10/09/22 06:28
by bunniefuu
This is to tie it up.

Oh, no! And what happened there?

It's weird she hasn't called.

You'd call us if Donal
didn't come home one night, right?

Don't know. Would I?

She'll probably call the police first,

Are you not talking to me?

I am talking to you. I'm still processing.

You shouldn't have let her go rogue.

Now she's got to
carry that burden of guilt.

You weren't concerned about me
when I was going to sh**t him.

Or me.

Well, she's younger than…

She's practically a kid.

She's .
What's the cutoff age for k*lling a man?

Anyway, we're not a firing squad.

We always knew one of us
would get the final b*llet.



Wait. Wait. Becka, wait!

- I can't breathe.
- There must've been tools in there!

- Was there tools in there?
- There's no tools. We checked!

- What happened?
- He's unkillable. He's like a cockroach.

Someone was in that room!

What if it was Minna?

What am I missing?

Birthday planning!
Get back in there, you big eavesdropper.

Get in.

- Get in!
- Sorry!

I have to go over there.

- No, wait, wait, wait. What do...
- Why is he here? He never comes.

It doesn't matter.
It's good that he's here.

We'll keep him here
while you check on Minna, okay?

Okay, look, walk! Don't run.
We're gonna say you're sick.

I actually do feel sick.


Right, kids, dinner!

Coming now!

So, Blanaid, did your daddy thr*aten
to cancel your pocket money?

Is that what happened?

Fat chance.

Road rage incident. Very angry chap.
Um, got his license number though.

Um, JP, why don't you take a seat?

Uh, no, I'm not staying.
Um, I'm headed over to my mum's.

No. What? What... Stay.

You can, uh, have, uh... have Becka's seat.

Oh, yeah.

That's a great idea, JP. Stay.

No. I just wanted to drop the girls off.

I need to bring Mum her shopping.
Should've done it last night.


Minna, it's me!


You called Becka.
Leave a message, you weirdo.

Becka, he's going round there,
so just... please...

Just listen to this bloody message!


Will we serve up dessert?

Absolutely. Yeah, get stuck in.

Everyone's a bit weird today.

Are they?

I don't know why.

Oh, my God.

- Mama! Where are you?
- Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

Where are you?
I've got some groceries for you.

Got some, uh... Argh! Ooh, soggy. Um…

Looks like you'll be eating fish fingers
for a few days.



Shit, shit.


Where are you?


But Mama, what are you doing?

What are you doing, Mama?

Oh, you're so cold!

Oh. Hi. I thought I'd check in on Min.

I thought you were sick.

Sick of my sisters.

- Felt like a Minna day.
- Mmm.

She's, um... She's sleeping.

- I'll come in and wait.
- No.

Don't like you hanging around here,
giving her ideas.

Go away.

Ah, f*ck!

Oh, Becka. Thank Christ!

He said she's sleeping.

What, you talked to him?

- I need to know.
- What did you say to him?

I just said I fancied a Minna day.

I have to get in that house.

Look. I know this is awful, not knowing,

but forcing your way in there
is only going to make things worse.

She's right.

We just need to act like normal, okay?
Wait it out.

Go in and lie down.
I'll get you a plate of food.

I can't eat.

then I will bring you a box of wine, okay?

- Just go and lie down.
- I can't lie down.

Well, just pace about then,
but do it here.

Not outside Minna's.

- If Minna's in there...
- I can't even think about that.

- I'm saying he might suspect...
- No. No, it looked like an accident.

If she is in there,

then he's the one with the problem.

What the…

What service do you require?

I just found my mother
unresponsive in bed.

I think she may have...
Have died in her sleep last night.

When was she last conscious? Do you know?

Hello? Excuse me, sir,
are you still there?

Answer it.

Hey, honey.

I'm just here with all the girls.
You all right?

I'm glad you're together.
I... I didn't want Becka to be on her own.

Becka, Minna's dead.

No. Grace.

She passed away last night in her sleep.

- In her sleep?
- I'm so sorry.

If there's anything we can do, just...

John Paul needs me now. Talk later, okay?

Okay, honey. We love you.

Oh, Becka.

What have I done?

Listen. Listen to me!
None of this would have happened

if the prick hadn't have
locked his dead dad in a f*cking freezer!

She must have known George was in there.
She must have gone to see him.

- I know. Yeah. Yeah.
- Or maybe she actually died in bed.

Christ's sake. He's covering his tracks!

No, he can't.
He can't get away with this too.

I mean, if he's gonna lie about Minna,
then I'll tell the truth about George.

I'll take him down even...
Even if I go down too.

No. No, because if you go down,
we all go down.

Shut up, Ursula!

We need to get in there
before he moves his body.

- And... And do what?
- I... I don't know! Photograph it!

- And... And then what?
- We can't go to the police.

You do get that, don't you, Becka?

I don't want to hear her.

Just, please.

Okay. Better we have a photograph
than no photograph.

- No.
- Just so we have something

to use against him if we need it.

No, it's too risky.

Well, I'm going over there
with or without you lot.

No, I'll... I'll come with you. Okay?

What the hell? Where is he?

I can't believe this is happening.


I need to get out of here.


Oh, shit.

What are you doing here?

- We were just...
- I wanted to see the...

See what?

We were just... Becka thought she left some
massage equipment here, so we...

What? In the freezer room?

We didn't go into any freezer room.
We... We were just going. Sorry.

Becka, I know you were here last night.

You pierced her nose.

I took it out
'cause it made her look cheap.

Sorry for your loss.

He knows. He bloody knows.

What else would we be doing down there?

- He knows we know about George.
- I don't care if he knows.

I care that Minna is dead.

- I-I care that I did it.
- Yeah, we did it.

You didn't even know about it.

I started this. We are all guilty.

- Oh, shit. Does he know that?
- I mean, does he know that we...

Stop talking about him.

My heart is gonna break, Eva.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

Sorry, Becka.

Becka. B…


You totally went off radar.

You didn't tell me you dug up JP's body.

So tell me the truth because,
um, my brother is losing his mind.

Funny enough, Matt,
I don't care about your brother.

I care about my sister.

You're not paying her
what she's due. Why's that?

You were at the marina
the night JP took a dip.

Gabriel saw you with Eva.

Yeah, we were out driving or messing.
I was pissed.

I made Eva take me to Gabriel's boat.
I thought we could have a drink on board.

So, you didn't see JP's car?

We didn't notice any cars.
We were looking at the boats.

Why are you asking?

And this bullshit friendship with Minna.
What was that about?

It wasn't a bullshit friendship.

I saw the check she made out to you,

The antique check?

Did you notice it wasn't cashed?

You wouldn't understand anything
about that

because all you and your brother
can think about is money.

Coming from the woman who was happy
to take a handout from a man she hated.

That's not what...

Oh, was it a coincidence
she died a few weeks before John Paul...

- Yes, it was a f*cking coincidence!
- Oh, you're a hypocrite, Becka!

And you use people.

You saw Minna and took an opportunity.
You're doing the same with me.

You're the hypocrite!
You pretended to like me.

- Minna was my friend, and I miss her!
- Stop, Becka.

- I miss her!
- Stop.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Hey. Is everything okay?


Where are you?

You're with her.

- Yeah.
- You're a fool. She's lying to you.

They k*lled him in Wick low.
I can't prove it, but I know they did it.

Someone want a little cuddle?

Tom? Tom?

You have to pay out? Is that what this is?

Uh, okay, so… we're bankrupt.

Well, at least it's done. Over.

I've been trying so hard.

I-I don't care.

I care about you and having this baby.

Look, come here.

We can live in a box out the back
of a Harvey Norman.

I don't give a shit
as long as I have you both.

Matt's in love with the Garvey girl.

Well, I told you that.

I'd like a face-to-face
with those Garveys.

What is she like?

Aside from being an accomplice to m*rder?

I don't know. Fit?

There's something else, isn't there?

If we can't pay the Williams claim,
there will be an investigation.

- Right. And?
- And…

Well, they'll find a mess.

- What kind of mess?
- A fraudulent mess.

The Williams case was never processed.
There was no cover.

Dad just took the monthly payments,
and he spent them.

If there's an investigation,

they'll find that
and all the other policies

that weren't worth the paper
they were written on.

He embezzled his clients for years,
and I've helped to cover it up.

Are you talking jail time, Thomas?

- Sorry for your loss.
- Don't bring him on us, Eva.

Come here.

Poor little thing.

Urs isn't coming.

Why? It's so much fun.

Minna would've hated this.

She deserved a proper send-off.

Yeah. A dry funeral.

She was always half-pissed
every time I saw her.

She had dementia, Bibi.

No, I mean on top of that.

This was her favorite.
I'll drink to her if no one else will.

That's not gonna help, honey.

That is rich coming from you.

I need a breather from her.

Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

- What happened?
- Doesn't matter.

He's calling it a road rage incident.

I had a word with him.

- What did you say?
- I told him to stay away.

- And then you hit him?
- Yes, I hit him.

Christ's sake, Ben.

Why did you have to fan the flame?

Did anyone see you?

What do you expect me to do?

After what he did to you,
the scumbag should be in jail.

Show me your hand.

You did that for me?

I'd do anything for you, Urs.

People keep saying it was her time.

Well, she had a long life.

But she wasn't ready to die.

I think your mother died the day
you told her that George had left her.

All she did was find her way back to him.


Hey. You okay?

I'm grand, really.
I'm just worried about this man.

- Mmm.
- Yeah.

Let's get away, Mammy.

Go up to the cabin for your birthday.
Dust off the quad bike.

Well, she hates quad biking.

And she's gonna be spending her birthday
with her sisters like she always does.

She's my wife, and she spends it with me.

Cabin's not ready. It's a building site.

Just needs a woman's touch, really.

Well, how about you lot
join us the next morning,

and we could have a half day
at the hotel spa?

Oh, my God. Do you remember my th?

We all got drunk at the bar
and then went back to the cabin.

We're not doing a rerun
of that car crash of a night.

No drunken stragglers this time.

I'm fine. I'll see you later.


Oh, um, she's upset.

- Um, I'll call you. I love you.
- Oh, okay. I love you. Yeah, do.


You all right, Pebble?

Mmm, yeah, we're okay.
I'm worried about John Paul and…



We are restructuring, Eva.

Where formerly, staff came to you
to sign off on client accounts,

they will now come to me.

And that includes you.

And you agree to this?

JP says there have been
some errors of late, um...

- What, and you believe him?
- Yes, I believe him, Eva.

You've been distracted recently.
Not yourself at all, if I'm honest.

And there's been complaints.

There's been complaints?
Well, what exactly...

From clients, um,
about the smell of drink off you.

And not just your breath.
You're sweating alcohol, it seems…

Which says something.

Eva. Eva.

Grace will be upset by this,

so I hope we can keep it civil
for her sake.

Because, Eva, I'm not going anywhere.

I know Becka was there
the night that Minna died,

and I wondered,
"Why would she want to hurt Minna?"

But there's no answer.

And then I had this strange memory
of seeing her in my bedroom

the night I fell into the marina.

And I thought, "Ah, come on.
Don't be stupid. How could that be?"

But here she is again, one more time,
in a place where she shouldn't be.

And then,
I remembered something else this morning.

I remembered
the Garvey girls are like rats.

Where there's one, there's more,
which is why you need to poison the nest.

Get away from my car,
or I will mow you down like roadkill.

Okay, sure. No problem. Please.

- Emergency. Which service?
- Jesus, that was quick.

It's okay. You're here.

Yeah, no. Okay. No. We're
not doing that. No, no. Okay, we got it.

Kept him in the freezer for years.

Jesus Christ. That's why she...


Thank you!

I didn't believe her about George, Eva.


God. Her um...

Her friend died recently, so she's...

She's been sick,
so should be the worst of it over.

- Okay.
- It was all over the grave though,

so you might want to call Father Doyle
in the morning.

Offer to sluice it out or…

Father D... Yeah. No, I will.
I-I'll do that. Yeah.

They're not listening to me!
Tell them I k*lled Minna.

I'll k*ll you in a second.

Hey, do you know, if you have
any Dioralyte at home, that'll help.

Brilliant idea. Thank you.

Nice house!

Thank you.

Tell them!

Please shut up.

Oh, my God.
I can't believe she spoke to the police.

- Just calm down. It was two local morons.
- She's a liability.

I told you this is what would happen
if you involved her, didn't I?

I am f*cking here, you know.

Look, I know this is hard,

okay, but you are just gonna
have to find a way to carry it.

That's easy for you to say.

He didn't take your eye or blackmail you.

Put blood on your hands.

Sorry. I know what he did to you.

Gabriel and your work.

That euthanasia drug
that you were telling us about.

- Can you get that at the hospital?
- What the hell, Eva?

No, I'm gonna finish this.
I'm gonna do it this weekend in Wick low.

No. No.

We are going there
to give Grace a decent birthday.

What he said to me at work,
that was a threat.

He is onto us now.

- He's onto us?
- Well, what exactly does he know?

- It's what he suspects.
- Which is what?

That Becka had something
to do with Minna's death,

- or that we're trying to k*ll him?
- I don't know.

All of it.

Can you get it?

Pentobarbital? Not from work, no.

- I know a dodgy vet. I could ask him.
- Oh, my...

It's too dangerous to rush into it like
this. You're being completely reckless.

You're the one who wanted him dead
in the first place.

I could do it.

I've got blood on my hands anyway.

Might as well be hung for a sheep.

No one's getting hung.

This is mine.

I can do this. I know I can.

Is that a fact?

'Cause right now, I think you are more
of a liability than she is.

We are not doing it.

Get the stuff.

I'll be back in an hour.

Don't look so worried.
I won't tell him anything.

I just want to suss out the legalities.

No point in having a solicitor for a pal
if you don't use them, right?

You don't have pals.

That's true.

I love you, Thomas.

I know.



Gotcha, Becka Garvey.

Forgot me bloody wallet.

Figured I'd have to buy him a drink
at least or-or something.


Theresa! Theresa!
Theresa, you okay? Can you hear me?

You're all right. You're all right.

- What service do you require?
- Hello? I need an ambulance!

Thomas? Thomas!

I felt a bit weird
picking out knickers for Theresa,

- but I just closed my eyes.
- I haven't time for this shit.

Hey. Hey, wait. Thomas. What's going on?

- She had a seizure.
- What?

I just had some -year-old
with the emotional depth of a Chihuahua

lay it out for me.

I could lose her. I could lose my baby.
I could lose them both.

No, it won't...
You won't lose them, Thomas.

She was going to see Becka Garvey.
Did you know that?

That's what she was doing
before she collapsed.

This is my fault.

I dumped all this shite
at the end of her bed.

Expected her to, what,

just watch us two running around
like headless chickens?

I don't think I can cope
if things go wrong in there.

Things will not go wrong in there,
all right?

And I've got the mess out here.
Okay? I have it.


Hey, I miss you. Where'd you go?

Am I not worth investigating anymore?

Hey. I don't know if you remember me.
I was in last week.

Ah, you think I could forget that face?

I know. Um, listen, I showed you a photo...

You having a drink?

Uh, no, no. I'm okay. I'm just, um…

Yeah, I-I'll have a pint of,
uh, what's that, lager?

And, uh, whatever you're having.

So, I asked if this lad was in
watching the match on the Friday.

Yeah, I think so.

Hang on. You said you were certain before.

Did I?

Yeah, no. Yeah, you definitely did
'cause I-I took notes.

Probably. Look, I don't know.

- I don't have a photograph memory.
- Uh, okay.

Um, so, can I ask if you saw
any of these ladies on the Friday?

Now, this one,
she was in on the Friday definitely.

Drank double whiskeys.
Didn't buy any herself, might I add.

Oh, come on.

- Matt?
- Tom? Tom?

- I can't talk, Matt.
- I have proof

- that the sisters were lying.
- What?

They weren't all together that night.

The night Williams died?
I f*cking knew it.

The next couple of days
are just about Grace, all right?

Nobody tries anything,
nobody goes it alone. Okay?

No plans to. I need a drink.

Makes me feel alive!

I feel sick!

Here we go!


Hold on tight, Mammy!

Careful. Careful!

I've got this.

I know you were Oscar.

And I know you got me in trouble
with the police.

- Um, Roger...
- No. I don't want to hear lies.

I came here to ask you a question.

Ask away.

Why did you do it?

You were my friend.

Well, perhaps because I didn't like you
sniffing around my family,

because we are not friends.

And we never were.

You're just a sad old man
from across the street

that we tolerate
because we're nice people.

And because you probably would fiddle
with kids if you could, wouldn't you?

- Do you know I prayed for you?
- Hmm.

And I forgive you.

Um, people like you, Roger,
don't get to forgive people like me.

Forgiveness flows down.

Remember that.

Who was that, hon?

Uh, just some religious nut
lecturing me on forgiveness.


Come on. Come on!

Have any of you heard from Eva?
She's not answering me.

I don't know where she is,
but she's got our room key.

We need to get hammered. Like, medically.

- Three double whiskeys?
- Actually, make it two.

What? Why?

Ben is staying nearby.

It's my last night with him.

Does he know that?

Not yet.

Anyway, I'll be back bright and early
to take us all to Grace's.

Don't believe any of that
"last night together" crap.

The horny bitch.


No. I think I'm just gonna hit the sack.

Would you text me when Eva gets back?

You know Ursula got the pen to?


Eva wouldn't do anything
without telling us.

What, you think she's gonna do it?

I think she thinks she's gonna.

What does that mean?



I was just thinking how nice it is
when it's just the two of us.

Do you really have to go
and see your sisters tomorrow?

Oh, JP, it's too late to cancel now.

And I'll be back by lunch.

Your sisters never really liked me,
did they?

But do you know how much it hurts

when I feel that you love them
more than me?

But that's not true.


To "just us."

Just us.


I wish he'd leave us alone.

Without him,
we could go back to the way we were.


Where did you go last night?


Very muddy pub.


What is wrong with you?

Just checking you're here.

Where else would I be?



No. No, no, no, no.

Think I should call Urs?

She's barely phoning it in these days.

What's wrong?

I don't wanna go in.

Um, just call Grace and-and get her
to meet us at the end of the road.

No, I will not.

Just put your party hats on and be normal.

Put your party hat on. Please.



And your party face.

That's better.

- Oh, shit.
- What the f*ck?

- Grace!
- Grace!

Wha... What?


John Paul is dead.
He's dead, Eva. He's dead.