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01x13 - Send in the Clowns

Posted: 10/09/22 05:22
by bunniefuu
hammering ]

Okay, I think
we're ready.

Spotinsky goes here.

Water balloon goes here.


[ coughing]

Oh... not quite
what I was hoping for.

Oh, hi! I'm Ruff Ruffman.

And I'm building a machine
that throws water balloons.



You see,
I've always had this dream

to be one of Madame Pinochle's
Performing Pooches.

Oh, that's the Great Spotinsky.

But I knew him when he was just

Spot Spotnik
from down the block.

We were both training
for our big Pinochle audition

when I got a call from Spotnik [ meows and ringing ]

telling me of a change
in the audition time.

By the time I realized
Spotnik's treachery

it was too late.

But I'll get you back, Spotnik.

I'm going to pelt you
with a water balloon

when Pinochle's troop
comes to town.

Now, I know I can't throw.

[ splashes]

And, uh, I can't build, either.

But I am the host
of a reality game show.

Oh, just you wait, Spotnik!

♪ Life was missing
its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys
had lost their squeak. ♪

And then, out of the blue,
I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it,
thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract
back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm,
a dog had signed ♪

♪ FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants,
all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on
the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show
and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪ With Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me
why we got cats singing?

Funding And here cometh
the contestants now.Funding for Fetch with Ruff
Ruffman has been provided by

The National Science Foundation

where discovers begin

Dedicated to strengthening
America's future

through education.

And here comes
the contestants now.

She didn't do it on purpose,

but once a moth
flew into her mouth.


An MVP in basketball
and hockey,


A kicking football fan,


For absolutely no reason,
her favorite number is six.


Can he touch his nose
with his tongue?

No... Noah!

She's been known to predict
things before they happen.

She even knows
what I'm about to say...


Let's get an update
on the scores.

In sixth place with points
we have Taylor.

Julia in the five spot with .

Noah still in fourth place
with .

Brian still in third with .

Anna is still in second,

Which means that Khalil has held
on to the number one spot

for the second straight week,

So, how are you
Fetchers doing today?

Good, how are you?

Good, I noticed none of you
have mentioned

how much tidier Studio G's

Yeah, what's
with the duster and the apron?

Yeah, I'm just kind
of cleaning up the place.

Studio G
looks the same.

It looks like the same old...The garage looks
all the same.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
If I've told you once,

I've told you
at least a billion times:

A, we don't call it a garage.Sorry, Ruff.

B, I have been working like a...
well, like a dog.

[ laughing]Spring cleaning.

You'll notice that several items
that used to be in Studio G

are now out in the backyard.

Why, you ask?

Because it's all part of my
master plan for revenge!

[ maniacal laughter]

Against what?

Uh, did I say revenge?

Uh... I meant, uh, it's
for challenge number one.

Oh, okay.

Of course.

Yes, challenge number one will
pit two teams against each other

in a frantic race to build
the most important machine

in the history of the world!

A dog-friendly water balloon
hurler machine.


Anna, Noah,

you are the Orange Plank Team.

So named because in the red
wagon to your left, you'll find

an orange plank.

Go get it.

That's one nice plank.

Julia and Taylor,

your team has
the "catchier name."

The Half-Assembled
Soccer Goalposts

Made out of Plastic
PVC Piping Team.

You'll find your plastic piping
soccer goal mascot

on the tool wall to your right.

Go get it.

Now the rest of your
instructions are outside

in the backyard.

Noah, Anna, Julia, Taylor...

Go... Fetch!

[ contestants say good-byes]

It's just you and me.

All right gentlemen,
challenge number two:

Brian, your challenge
is in the mailbox.

Now go Fetch!

Might as well get comfortable.

Now as determined
by the Fetch

Khalil has stayed behind
in the studio this week,

but will be eligible
to win points

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.

For the five kids
out on the challenges,

up to points are at stake
in the Triumph Tally.

So let's catch up with Brian
on his challenge.

And here comes Brian.

He's going to love this one.

[ blows whistle]

Are you Brian?

Brian, fantastic, I'm Troy.

Ooh, that's Troy.

He's the ringmaster
of the circus.

I just got off the phone
with Ruff

and he told me
that you'd help me out.

Are you willing to help us out?

I'm willing.
All right,
there we go.

Come on, Brian.
Come on, come on!

Here we go, go, go, go!
Come on, Brian!

Brian, welcome to the circus.

[ circus fanfare plays]

Oh, I love the circus!

See, this is where I should be.

Not that I don't like this show.

You're going to be
helping us backstage

the whole evening.

That's right: Brian's
first challenge will be to work

behind the scenes
at the circus. How exciting!

All right,

they're off in my
revenge-assisting challenge.

"Read me." How interesting.

"From the desk of Ruff Ruffman.

"There's only one
of every item here.

"Each team picks
ten items to design

"their water balloon launcher.

"It's a tag team relay
to see who gets what.

"You've got one hour to design.

"You'll be judged
on distance first.

"Who can get a balloon
the furthest out of launches?

Come up with a plan
and then Fetch!"

Uh, what should we take?

We have to get
those stretch ropes.Take the ladder.

We need to get something
to cup the balloon in.

Yeah, we definitely need
hammer and nails.

Let's take the stool.Should we start

the relay you guys?Okay, I think I'm ready.

Set... go!

Here they come.

Grab something, Jule,
and come back.

Bungee cord.

Water jug.

Come on, Anna. Ooh, lacrosse stick,
nice choice.

Oh, the hammer and nails.

A shovel.

What do I grab? A ladder, yes.

Grab a spring! A spring.


Ah, a plastic tube.

Three more--
what should we get?


All right, we
need two more.
A cup.

Rope, get the rope. Rope.

That's it?

I think we got some
pretty good stuff.

You want to try
some circus skills?

That would be awesome.

Brian, this is Abby.

She's one of our superstars.

She's a fabulous wirewalker.

And she'll give you a couple
of great pointers.

This is the tight wire.

It's kind of, like, my
specialty in the show.

What you want
to do is spot

the end of the
wire right there

and keep your core
nice and strong.

Oh, he's doing it
without a net!

Oh, he's only two feet
off the ground.


Go, Brian, go!

There you go,
there you go.

That was better.

Ruff, I'd like
to see you do this.

Have you seen my paws, Brian?

[ meows]Impossible for a dog.

Hey, Brian.

How are you?
Fine, nice
to meet you.

I thought maybe you'd want
to lend a hand and help some

of my guys with some
of their chores?
Yeah, sure.

Chore time. This should be fun.

We do bleacher chores.
The little guy

gets underneath the bleachers

and gets all
the trash...I'll get under the bleachers.

Picking up trash?

Wait a minute,
what about juggling?

What about
balancing on elephants?

After we pick
up the trash,

we've got to sweep.


You know, Ruff, I thought I was
coming to the circus

to learn some tricks,
not clean up.

You and me both, Bri,

that's what I thought.

Our Fetchers have
their ten items.

Now Team One has to use

the PVC piping.

That is the requirement.

Do you know what I was thinking?

We could kind of make it
like a football goalpost.

It's a catapult?No, it's not a catapult.

It's a slingshot.Yeah, I'm sorry.

Okay, they're brainstorming

different solutions.

That's the first thing
to do when you have

a design challenge like this.

This is a bad
drawing of a ladder.

Team Number Two has to use

an orange plank.

If you had, like, the plank
attached to the bungee cords

like this,
and you'd pull it down

and the bungee cords
would stretch.

And it'd, like,
whip forward like that.

That's big enough, right?

A slingshot.

Attach it like this.

See how much
sturdier it makes it?

Totally sturdy now.

This little cross stick
would be like this.

And that would be somehow
attached to that.

You have to pull
it back really far.

It would whip forward,
it would stop there,

and it would
let it go.

Maybe we could nail it
to the actual ladder.

Do you think
we should use the shallow cups?

I think
we should use the shallow cups.

Don't worry, Ruff. I've
used a hammer before.


Oh, excellent hammering,
Noah, excellent.

So now what we have to do

is tape this together.

So it fits tight
around here?

Yeah, I think we should have it,
like, right there.

I think you should
duct-tape it.

It's going to work.

That's awesome.

Let's attach it with a little
bungee cord like this.

Can we try this? It's
looking pretty good,

and I'm getting pretty excited.

Oh, I'm getting excited, too.

It's going to work.
It's going to be awesome.

Wish we could work
on using that orange thing.

That's right. You have
to use the orange plank, g*ng.

When you pull this
down, that pulls up.

Just step down there
for a second.

See how it stays, though.

Put your hands together
for my man, Brian.

[ cheering and applause]

Okay, I just talked with Troy,

and we're going to up the ante
on Brian.

Ruff has just told me that
Brian's going in the show.

That's right, Brian.

You're going in, baby.

You are going to be a
clown, my friend.

[ laughs]

Oh, I've always wanted
to be a clown.

Abby, jump on up here.

She's going to teach you
how to dance.Hey, Abby.

All right, the opening.

One, two, three,
four, walk.

That doesn't look too hard.

Hey, hey!

Five, six, seven...


When does he get
to swallow fire?

Okay, clowns,
get in your position

for the pyramid.

Ah, the pyramid.

And up.

Don't drop him!


Next thing is the clown gag.

We're going to teach you
a handshake. Boom, boom.

Boom. Good.

And suspender snap.

[ whooping and applause]

Okay. The Pinocchio Chase.

This is Pinocchio right here.

That's Pinocchio?
I thought he was made of wood.

And all you're basically doing
is chasing like mad.

Flailing arms,
flailing knees, big clowning.

All right, the finale.

Oh, yes, the finale.

Come on, everyone clap
and... [ whoops].

You're going to come
right back here with me.

Jump. Five, six,
seven, eight.

Now, we got a special treat.

We're going to swing you
on the bungee.

Oh, yeah!

Wait, wait.
There's a what?

Oh, I've read about this.

[ Ruff shrieks]

[ Brian whooping]

Oh! A little lower, please.
Oh, oh, that's...

Oh, Brian's father's
going to k*ll me.

Ruff, this is awesome!

No, it is not.
It is scary.

Ruff, I hope you're proud.

I'm terrified.

All right, Team One is ready
to test the balloon.

Let's see how far they get.

Two feet?

Okay. Uh, not bad for a start.

What's happening is
it's going down.

We need to do something that
will make this stay straight.

Okay. So they think
that they can get the balloon

to go further by changing
the angle it launches at.

Like this.

You put rubber bands
coming down from here.

So, Ruff, our goal
is at least

to make it to the
grass over there.

Are you ready?


Oh, that was a good one.
Good distance.

We're adding
more rubber bands

so we can get more
leverage on it, right?

Yeah.Let's pull it
back farther.

The idea is, the more
they pull the balloon back,

the faster and further
than can launch it.

And this is nice because
it automatically points it up.

That's better.

You should start drawing,
but making it

stylish and sophisticated.

Oh, very decorative.

And this is for you, Ruff.

Ooh! And a dog biscuit.

In a wonderful dish,
and we'll just attach it

to the ladder
for you to eat it.

Time's up.

Okay, let's go
tell the other guys.

Time's up.

Follow me.Okay.

Right into
Clown Alley,
my buddy.

Ooh, Clown Alley.
Sounds dangerous.

All right, we got your own
little chair right here.All right.

Here's your very
own makeup kit.

Ruff is asking me...BRIAN:
Oh! teach you how
to put on makeup.

Open up your white
clown face paint.

Going to have a little
color there.

I'm going to put a
little bit of white

underneath the
center of your lip.

How about some orange
with a yellow spot?

And now we're going to
the next darkest color,

which happens to be red.

Smooth it right out.

What we're giving you
is some rosy cheeks.

Now we're going to go
to the black.

What we're going to do with the
black, is we're actually going

move it right onto
our eyebrows.

going to put a little bit of
dark underneath the eyes,

and a couple
mischievous dots.

We are going to outline
the bottom of your lips.

What you need to do in a moment
is close your eyes,

keep your mouth closed,
do not breathe,

and pat this sock--
which is full of baby powder--

all over your face.

All right.Go!

Okay. That kid is pale.

Look at him--
white as a ghost!

Now the most important part--
we got to get you a nose.

All right, we got to try
a couple of these on.

Looks cute, but a
little big for you.

Little big.

Heart. I'm not sure
it's your style.

Too small.

A little
skin tone.


Not fitting.

Ruff, look,
I'm picking my nose, huh...?

That's a winner,
my friend.

Oh, he's getting
his costume on!

Oh, he's so precious.

We're lining up
on this white line.

All right, the distance test
is very important.

I want to be as far away
from Spotinsky as possible.

Okay, here's the test.


Anna and Noah launched
that one big time.

[ shouting]


Looks like Julia and Taylor,
only about four or five feet.

Oh, another long one
from Noah and Anna.



We win.

Wow. It looks like Noah
and Anna win this one big time.

Super distant.


And we're back here

in Studio G.
It's halftime.


And we are here
with the lone Fetchman, Khalil.

You can't possibly be bored,

'cause you know what time it is?

Half-Time Quiz Show, my friend.

This is the chance for you
to earn some points of your own.

Are you ready, Khalil?

Yes. I am.

Then let's... begin.


In the balloon launcher


Oh, water balloons.

That is wrong.

A cup.


The bungee cord.


Uh, gum.RUFF:

Uh, try to figure out
what you need to do.

I'll accept that.

The answer
I was looking for was...

...but that is close enough.

At the other end of the wire.


Brian, this is Abby...

Uh, the tightrope.


Black and white stripes.


Uh, ringmaster?


All right. Oh!
We are out of time.

Let's tally up the points.

Khalil, you got eight right.


For a total points.

Let's go over the questions
you got wrong.

The answer was...

Duct tape.

But points--
that is very good.

And with that,

it's time to move on
to the second part of the show.

All right, let's go.

Let's go back
to our challenge teams.

Let's go. I'm not going
anywhere, but...

Let's send these kids an e-mail.

[ phone ringing]

It's Ruff.

"You guys are doing great.
I need Taylor

"to run to the tree house
and pick up the package I sent.

Bring it back to the court
and read my note first."

"Nice work.
Whose design is most accurate?

"The team that gets
the most balloons

"out of ten
on the target wins.

"And you're the target.

One team member
wears the target inside."

Where's the target?ANNA:
The costume is the target.

Julia, you can be the target
if you want.

We don't have to put it on yet.

We still get to decide, right?Yeah.

I don't think we really
have much of a good thing going.

Yeah, so let's just
start over.

Taylor and Julia are scratching
their design.

They're going to start over.

You want to try
the shovel...?

How are we going to attach that?
That's our only problem.

You know the flexible pipe
we have?

Yeah.We can tie it on.

See? I think it's
actually fine.
Let's try it.

I think we need
to put a cup up here.

And put the water balloon
in the cup.

I'm going to take this tape off,

and I'm going to move
the bungee cord

up higher on the stick.

I have a feeling
it's going to make this go

and have more strength.

You think
you could handle this kind

of sophisticated machinery,

I-I'm sorry, Julia.

Have you not seen
the Fetch ?

Put another one quick.
Put another one.

We got to see
if it's accurate.

That was pretty accurate.

I like the lever launcher.

Much easier for the dog to use.

Again reminding you,
we need a dog-friendly device.

I think this is fine how it is.

We just have to figure out
how to control it.

See how it's, like,

flopping like this?

If we just had

something like this
that went straight,

so when it bent back, it
couldn't go from side to side.

That'd work, but I don't think
we have anything like that.

All right, what if we put it
on the higher thing

instead of the low thing?

The higher up it is,

the more time it has
before it hits the ground.

It has more time to
go through the air.

Oh, so I just need

to get up on my tip paws
and push it down.

Julia, I'm going to add this on

because we still need
design points, okay?

You got it, girlfriend.

Okay, time's up, let's go.

Places, everybody!


Oh, the show's going to start.

Hey, clowns!

[ drum roll] All right,
now comes the good stuff.

Now we're going to see
what Brian learned.

[ whistle, cymbal crash]

Okay, here comes the opening.

[ cheering]

They have to do the dance.

Catch up, Brian, catch up!

About a step behind.

Ah, the pyramid.

This is where they
knock them to the floor.

Nicely done!
Nicely done, Brian!

Oh, some more
stepping and dancing.

[ audience clapping to music]

[ applause]

Nicely danced.

Nicely danced, Brian.

The clown gag. Yes.

The secret handshake.

[ applause]

[ laughs]
That was good, Brian.

Ah, intermission--

a crucial part of any program.

Gives the audience a chance
to stretch their legs,

gives the cast a chance to reset
for the second half of the show.

At the circus,
they sell cotton candy.

Got to go sell popcorn, man,

make cotton candy.

That's not bad.
That's fun.

I love cotton candy. Awesome.

What you're going to do is,
I'm going to be making

the cotton candy, and you're
going to be holding the bag.

Get it in there.

Go like this.
Pull the sides together.

Tie it up.
Two, there you go!

Let's get another bag.

Hey, hey.

Ruff, you know this looks good.

Oh, it looks awesome.


Wicked awesome.

Wicked delicious.

On to the accuracy test.

I've always wanted
to be a clown.

Now, there's only one true way

to test the accuracy
of a water balloon launcher--

catch the water balloons
in your pants.

We're going to win.We're going to win.

Here we go, Julie.

Oh, bull's-eye!

Oh, Anna just falls
a little short.

Oh!So close!

There's one for Anna and Noah.

Wait a minute.She moved.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Now, you can't
move forward, Taylor,

to catch the water balloon.

It's not accurate
if the target's moving.


Oh, that's a great shot!

All right, good.
Taylor didn't move on that one.

Julia gets Taylor again!

Oh, that one went
way over Noah's head.

Oh! Three in a row!

Oh, it's off.

Ah, four in a row!


Well, it looks like Taylor and
Julia win the accuracy test.


Their redesign
was a total success!

Way to come back, girls!

[ dialing, line ringing]

[ cell phone ringing]

Couldn't be Ruff, could it?

Oh, I think it is.

Hello, g*ng.

You know what?
You worked really hard.

It was great competition.

And now let's have a little fun.

Water balloon fight!

You guys, let's get Ruff.

No, no, let's not.

Wait a minute!
[ screams]

Wait a minute,
how did I get wet?

I'm in the studio.


Let's get you lined up.

Have fun out there.

Whoo! It's time for

the second half of the circus.

Go, Brian, go!

Who am I following, you?

You're following him.

Here comes the Pinocchio chase.

Get that Pinocchio,
Brian, get him!

What do you do
when you catch him?

Ruff, I have to tell you,

Brian's really stepping up
to the plate.

He's got a lot of energy
in the ring,

he's acknowledging the audience,
got a big, old, genuine smile.

I'm real proud of him,
Ruff, real proud.

Thank you, Troy!

And now the finale.

I'm going to miss Brian
as a clown.

[ audience clapping to music]


[ applause]

Brian was awesome!

What a great clown!

See you back at Studio G, Ruff!

Bring me some popcorn, Brian!

And some cotton candy!

[ clears throat]

Ladies and gentlemen...!

They're wild, they're wet,

they are the wonders

of the water ballooning world!

Noah, Anna, Julia and Taylor...!

Welcome back, welcome back.

I am wet.

But there's one more seat.

And here comes the baggy pants
bungee boy himself,



Yes! Yes, yes.

Welcome back, Fetchers.Good dance.

So we're all set.

It's time to award some points![ cheers]

According to the Fetch
scoring bylaws,

all challenges involving
water balloon launching

shall be judged
on three criteria--

distance, accuracy and style.


Anna and Noah,
when it came to distance,

oh, baby,
your launcher dominated!

Ooh, yeah.


Taylor and Julia, points.

Taylor and Julia,

the whole world now knows
you're the go-to team

for getting water balloons
into a clown's pants.

points! Congratulations.

Nice.All right, Julie.

Anna and Noah,
points on that one.

Okay. , guys.

Style, sophistication, flair--

they're all words for
the same thing: total coolness.


And the total coolness edge
goes to...

Anna and Noah!

Ooh, good
job, guys!Good job, guys.


Taylor and Julia, points.

Yay, clowns!

Now, then, Brian,
got to tell you...

[ chuckles]
any ringmaster would have been
proud of you today.

Thanks, Ruff.

For embracing the circus life,
points for you, sir.

Oh, nice.Nice, points.

For some serious
clowning around, points!

Oh, yeah.

And, Brian, you clowned
in front of people,

after just an hour of prep.

Are you nuts?

You're the best kind of clown.

You're a gutsy one, my friend.


. Yes.

Good job, Brian.

Is that all the points
a dog can give?No.

What time is it?

Bonus time!

Now, let me just
ask you something.

Just hypothetically speaking,

were a dog interested in
throwing a water balloon

at, say, I don't know,
another dog, who, by cheating,

won a spot in Madame Pinochle's
Performing Pooches troupe,

Anna, Noah,

your machine would be
that dog's machine of choice.

bonus points!


Which means,

we have a tie!

Anna and Noah are today's daily
winners, each with points!

[ cheers]

Now, Anna, Noah,
for being the daily winner,

an unforgettable prize is
waiting for you, of course.

But is the unforgettable prize
something you'd rather forget?

It is your choice.

Each of you can accept
the prize or choose

one of your fellow contestants
to take it.

What will you do?

I think I'm going to keep it.

Noah's keeping it.

What about you, Anna?

I'm going to keep it, too.

All right.

Anna and Noah,
step to the mailbox

and retrieve your prize!

What is it?

It's a letter.

It's a card.What's it say?

This entitles the bearers
to a high-flying trapeze lesson.




You're going to be flying
through the air,

flipping and hanging
and swinging!

to the two of you.

Great job this week, guys.

And, of course, the awarding
of the daily prize means we have

come to the end
of another exciting episode

of Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman.


Take care,

my circus g*ng!

Yeah.See you.

There we go.

[ barking]

That's my e-mail alert.

It's from Spotnik.

Oh, Spotnik!

All is forgiven.

You are one lucky dog, though,

because this puppy
was ready to launch,

thanks to Anna
and Noah's design.

So good thing you apologized,

or you'd have been
in big trouble.

Oh, yeah, big trouble.

Okay, one last thing.

Not only do I host my own
television show

But I have a
fantastic website too.

Check it out. There are
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[ Ruff scatting]

♪ Fetch!♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

[ Ruff scatting]


♪ Fetch!♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ Fetch!♪