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01x11 - It's Raining Cats and Dogs

Posted: 10/09/22 05:20
by bunniefuu
[ smooches]


No, no, no, no, no.

Oh... Hi. Yeah.

I'm making a little art

as a way of getting ready for
today's exciting new episode.

You've been listening to WOOF.

The weather forecast today--

% chance of thunderstorms.

Now, back to our music.

Ooh. %, huh?

Oh, I hope it doesn't rain.

The challenge I plan for toda...

[ thunder rumbling]

That sounded like thunder.

Um... excuse me a moment.

Oh, hi.

I was just, uh, looking under
here for, you know, uh, uh...

Okay, look.

I don't have brontophobia,
if that's what you're thinking.

is a fear of thunder,

and that's just silly.

I mean, who in their right mind

would really be afraid of...[ thunder crashing]

Okay, okay, I have
a little brontophobia.

It-it's a dog thing.

But it sounds like the thunder
has stopped, which is good,

because, uh, you know,
I can't very well

host this show from underneath
here, now, can I?

[ thunder crashing][ shrieks]

Uh! Oh! I don't know.
Maybe I can.

♪ Life was missing
its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys
had lost their squeak. ♪

And then, out of the blue,
I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it,
thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract
back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm,
a dog had signed ♪

♪ FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants,
all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on
the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show
and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪ With Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me
why we got cats singing?

Funding for Fetch with Ruff
Ruffman has been provided by

The National Science Foundation

where discovers begin.

Dedicated to strengthening
America's future

through education.

And her come
the contestants now.

Art is his favorite
subject at school.

Bring it on, Noah!

She plays the drums.

You've got to beat, Julia!

When people hold out their S's,
it annoys her.

It'sssss... Anna!

Her favorite book
isTreasure Island.

Shiver me timbers, it's Taylor!

He's not a fan
of the asparagus-- Brian!

He likes gospel music...


Let's get an update
on the scores.

In sixth place,
with points, is Taylor.

In fifth with is Julia.

In fourth place, points,
we have Noah.

Brian in third with .

Khalil in second place
with .

And with points,
Anna in first place.

Hey, what's
going on, Ruff?


and welcome to FETCH!
with Ruff Ruffman.

Brought to you , miles
beneath the Earth's surface.

Why are you hiding
from us?

I'm not hiding.

I'm under
the FETCH , of course.

What are you doing
under the FETCH ?

All right, all right,
I'll fess up.

I-I... I was hiding.

I-I have a little bit of, uh...


[ all questioning at once]

It's actually
the fear of thunder.

It's not thundering outside.

It's stopped
raining and thundering?

It never was thundering.

It never was?! I-I-I...

I need to check
the weather report.

Let me boot up the FETCH .

Good evening.

Thanks for tuning in
to CBS News.

Ah... Mish. Mish Michaels.

I love her!

Close personal friend
of the Ruffster, you know that.

That gives me a great idea
for challenge number one.

I'm going to be sending
one of you

to Channel to do their own

weather report with
Mish Michaels, and that person

is going to be...


Taylor, I hope you have
your raincoat, your rain hat,

your sunglasses,
and all the props a good, uh,

meteorologist will need.

Your challenge
is in the mailbox.

Go fetch!

Go, Taylor.

Taylor, say hi to Mish for me.


All right, challenge number two.

Three of you will
be braving the elements

to make art.

So if it's raining
cats and dogs out there,

you better hope it's more dog
and not so much cat.

Brian! Khalil! Noah!

The details for your challenge
are in the mailbox,

as well as your paintbrushes
and your pizza box.

Go fetch!
Pizza box?

You'll understand
when you get there.

See you later, guys.

See you later, guys.

It's a cool
pizza box.


I guess it's just us.

We're going to have a great
old time, because as determined

by the FETCH ,

Anna and Julia
have stayed behind

in the studio this week,

but it's not going to be
a boring afternoon

because you'll be eligible
to win points

during the Half-Time Quiz Show.

Don't worry. You have the FETCH!
fairness guarantee.

By the time the amazing
and incredible

grand prize is awarded,

all the contestants
will have competed

for the same number of points
in the challenge,

and same number of points
in the Half-Time Quiz Show.

Well, that's fair.

So, for the four kids
out on the challenges,

up to points are at stake
in the Triumph Tally.

So let's catch up with Taylor

in stormy challenge number one.

Hi, are you Mish?

I am.

Hi. I'm Taylor.

Are you Taylor?


you are doing my job.

I get the night off, and youare
going to do the weather tonight.

Wow, this is going
to be awesome.

So what got you interested
in being a meteorologist?

Like, did you start
when you were little?

Uh, well, actually when
I was younger than you,

a tornado went
through my neighborhood...

RUFF [ gasps]:

Knocked out
all these trees,

turned over cars,
but I thought, "Wow."

Ever since then, I've been
always looking up at the sky,

seeing what's
going to happen.

What do you think Ruff
has us to do?

He gave us a pizza...

Why would he
give us a paintbrush?

So that you could also

bring me back some pizza
when you're done.

We have to find

this kid named Cyrus?

Where was Zesto's Pizza?

Oh, cool.

We're looking for
someone named Cyrus?

Okay, I'm Cyrus.
How's it going, guys?

Hey, I'm Brian.

Nice to meet you fellas.

I work for the mayor's
mural crew.

That's pretty cool the mayor
has his own crew.

I'm actually glad that you're
here because we need some help.

We have to paint
this entire wall in a day.

That's right,
challenge number one--

paint that wall.

All right, I'm going
to introduce you

to our director, Heidi.

Hey, Ruff told me
you were coming today.

Ah, it's Heidi.

What was that pizza for?

Because this is

a pizza restaurant.RUFF:

They've asked us
to paint this

on the side of the restaurant.

Now, sometimes
when we're working,

the mayor of Boston pulls up.


I think we might be seeing
some mayor today.

This is what we're
going to be painting.

This is a small picture that
we have to put on a big wall.

That's going to take
a lot of paint.

What we did is we took
this old photograph

of Jamaica Pond

and we made a grid--
we divided up the wall.

Wow, they're really
going fast.

The wall is
feet high,

and feet long.

Each one of these squares
is two feet by two feet.

These are the colors
we're going to be using.

What if we can't paint
to save our life?

I'll show you what
to do. That's my job. Don't you worry about it.

Heidi's going to take
care of you, Brian.

I am a scientist
and I studied meteorology

for four years in college,

and meteorology's
all about mathematics

and using computers
to understand

how the weather is going
to play out over time.

Weather-- it covers
the entire globe.

It never takes a break,

and what drives the weather
is the sun.

The sun heats the globe,
and because our Earth is round,

parts of our earth
get more heat

than other parts of the earth,

and that is the driver

of all of our atmospheric
patterns, all the storms.

What exactly
is the atmosphere?

The atmosphere
is where weather happens,

the lowest layer
of the atmosphere

that covers the entire globe.

And it moves like the ocean,
in waves,

and certain waves make storms,

certain waves
make good weather.

Taylor, let me show you
how I collect data

to create a forecast.


First stop,
Doppler radar.


This radar shows where
precipitation is falling.

Like rain?

Like rain, and in
the wintertime...

Snow and sleet?

Everywhere you see

these little green shaded
areas indicates...


You got it. And the
brighter the color...

The more rain?

The heavier the rain.

See all those
flashing symbols?

Oh, that's lightning?

That's lightning.

We also look at
satellite imagery to...

Oh, I do satellite interviews.

Let's go to a place

where there's lots
of clouds, though.

We travel down
to the Gulf of Mexico.

Oh, wow.

There's a lot
of white cloud.

What do you think
that might be?

Is it, like, a hurricane?

It is a hurricane.

Oh, wow.
And it's moving

over the warm waters...

of the Gulf of Mexico.

And those warm waters help
to strengthen a hurricane.

So once they get onto land,
they start to get weak.

Exactly. But right around
that clear center

is where the strongest winds
of Hurricane Emily are blowing.

So we have all these ways
to look at the atmosphere,

but what if I want to look

at the atmosphere
in the days to come?

The atmosphere,
it's like a fluid,

and the way that we
understand the fluid

is by using physics
and mathematics.

Physical laws of motion
help us understand

how the weather might play
out over the days to come.

This is a map of the United
States, and it shows

that atmosphere in motion.

So where we live,
north of the equator,

weather's always traveling
from west to east.


So why is this down here
going this way?

Great question, Taylor.

Closer to the equator, weather
travels from east to west.

It's really,
really hot today

so here's a hat.

How come you paint it
in black and yellow first?

It's really hard to find

where you're supposed
to put your color,

so you make a sketch
in black and white first,

and then we put it
on the wall in yellow.

I'm going to assign you

this corner over here.

Can we have a partner, too,

Brian is not very confident
in his painting skills.

Why don't you try
to figure it out first?

I'll be in deep trouble
within five minutes.

No, no, no, no.
Have confidence.

We had a tech lab
project this year.

I was drawing an alligator
on it.

My teacher goes,

"Oh, Brian,
that's a very pretty turtle."

You shouldn't get
down on yourself, Brian.

Turtles and alligators
are very similar.

Really, all a turtle is
is an alligator with a shell.

I think. I don't know.
I might have to look that up.

Put your brush in and then
wipe it off on the side,

and then you can
draw with it.

You're on square number one,
this one right here.

I'm really just moving my brush
around and I have no clue.

I think he's doing
pretty well so far.

This is tedious work, Ruff.

You're lucky you're in
an air-conditioned studio.

Doesn't seem that bad
from in here.

Oop. I'm out of smoothie.

Hey, FETCH , you want to
whip me up another frosty one?

I'm meteorologist Mish Michaels.

It is dawn on the summit
of Mount Washington.

To tell a good weather story,
you need to know your audience.

I spoke with our buddy Ruff,

who apparently has
some weather phobias.

I know. I got a couple.[ thunder crashing]

Ruff, it's going to be okay.
Don't worry.

So you're going to head out
on the streets,

and you're going to ask people
what they know about storms.

So we can really
understand our audience

so we can give them
a good forecast.

So first challenge for Taylor
is to get out there,

interview the general public,

see what they know
about weather.

Here comes someone.
Maybe I can get them.

She's not stopping.

Let's try somebody else.

You think you can answer
a few questions for me?


Not entirely sure, actually.

It's a collision between
a higher pressure system

and a lower pressure system,
which causes the disturbance.

Was that thunder?!

We are getting hammered
with heavy rainfall.

Storms form in areas
of low pressure.

There's low pressure
at the ground,

and all the atmosphere
is being pushed up

with really strong winds that
go up, take all the moisture,

form clouds, and those clouds
form rain, snow, blizzards.

Don't they start, like,
beginning of the season,

they start with A, they give it
a name, then they go B, C, D, E

and it goes
guy, girl, guy, girl.

That's exactly

Those names are picked from
various ethnic backgrounds

that are impacted
in the Atlantic Ocean.

Run away, I guess.

In the basement.

The best place to be
is inside your home.

Under the FETCH .


A lot of people think
that's an old wives' tale.

I'm telling you, it's true.

Probably birds, maybe.

Excuse me.

Oh, you're not going to get
any information from a bird.

Mr. Bird, sir.
Excuse me. Excuse me.

Do you think you can
predict the weather?

You need to ask a dog.

Oh, yes.
These guys know.

Folks, please.

Oh, you're always embarrassing
me, that's what you're doing.

Hey, how's it going, guys?Good.

Definitely want
to fill in the cracks.

Doesn't it look like
I know what I'm doing?

I think now
is a good time for us

to step back from the wall--
what do you think?

It looks good.It looks good.

It does look good.

That's filling in really fast.

You see how the path
is appearing?

There's the path! Yup!

And those are the bushes. Bushes right there.

And up above the bushes
is where the pond is.

Oh, yeah, the pond
from the picture.

Can I speak to George, please?

Yeah, what's up?

You want to go take a look?Sure.

What do you think?

Wow, it looks really good.

I think George digs it.

We're going to let it dry,

then we're going to paint over
it with the real color.

You guys got a lot of work
ahead of you.

Keep up the good work, guys.

So, about how many
years will this last?

This will last
eight or nine years.

Every time you drive
by the pizza shop,

you can say, "Hey, I helped out
with this mural."

It's half-time here in Studio G

and I am with
Anna and Julia-- hello, ladies.

Hello.Well, before we go

any further,
I'd just like to say

that I have solved the mystery
of my thunderless thunder.

The FETCH security cams
have picked up the answer.

Apparently, a cat[ meowing]

was rolling this metal drum

outside of my dog house,

and that triggered
my brontophobia.

I'd just like to say this
to the cat community.

Not nice.

Somebody needs
to speak to somebody

because I expect
some kind of an apology.

Now, it's time for
the Half-Time Quiz Show.

I'm pumped.

Are you ready?Yeah.

Question number one.

Let's say we just had
a hurricane named Jill.


It's an H. It's a boy H.

No, that's incorrect.

Snow and rain.Correct.

True or false:







Uh... a tornado hit her
town as a little girl.




What's your final answer?
Is it two or five?


Two it is. Correct.

And that brings us to the end
of our Half-Time Quiz Show.

You answered nine questions
out of ten correctly,

which gives you
a total of points.

Nice job.
Now, the question you missed

was the first one,
but you recovered nicely.

Question one was, "Let's say we
had a hurricane named Jill.

What would be a potential name
for the next hurricane?"

Kalvin with a "K."


Alphabetical order, ladies.

All right, that brings us
to the end

of our half-time trivia quiz,

and with that, a fine -point
gain for both of you.

Yeah.So you may celebrate

as we head back
to our challenges.

All right, so Ruff
and I have been chatting

about your next assignment.

We are going to take
you to a wind tunnel.

That's right.

Part two of this challenge:[ cat meowing]

report in extreme
weather conditions.

Ruff, I'm feeling a little
nervous right now.

We're starting?

[ engine rumbling]I guess that's a yes.

What's that sound?
What is that? What is that?

Oh, Taylor... oh...

[ wind blowing]This is cool.

You look like
you're doing a video.


This is Taylor reporting live

at the scene of
a category one hurricane.

That's only a category one?!

This type of hurricane
typically knocks over

trees and bushes, so be careful.

Once again, this is Taylor.

I'll be keeping you updated
on this hurricane.

Category one hurricane.

Back to you guys at the studio.

Hi, Ruff.

So cool. I don't need to use
a blow-dryer anymore.

You don't.
Your hair looks great.

Good volume.

And here comes
the Mayor Mobile.

that is a nice looking ride.

Hey, Mayor. How's it going?

I just pulled up.

How's the mural

The mural,
it just looks great.

Listen, I'm having a problem
with the cat next door...

I'll get back to you.Okay, okay.

Okay, I guess we're done.[ meowing]

Nice talking to you, sir.

Boy, these politicians are busy.

How we doing? Oh, he's going to meet my kids.

How are you?
Uh... yeah.

What are we
doing here?

Jamaica Pond, isn't it?


Oh, wow.

Ooh, he likes it.

All right, I got
something from Ruff.

Okay, you don't have
to read it, you can just

kind of hand it to them.

All right, you can read it.

You're the mayor.

MAYOR [ reading]:

"The party starts at : p.m.
and you are the hosts."

So you guys need to get
this done be : or else.

Oh, that's awesome.

All right,
let's get going.

Bye, Mayor.
Bye, guys.

How you doing?

I'm in a hurry now, Ruff.

We're hosting a party?

Geez, what will you
think of next?

Move the ladder back.
Move it back.

You guys work hard,
you deserve to party.

I take care of my people...

just like the mayor does.

Yeah, draw a little
shape in there...

The pressure is on.

This crew has to finish
this mural by : .

It is now : and counting.

We're going to start
with, um...

You are going to be live
on television really soon,

so I've got to give you
the crash course.

That's right, the third

part of the challenge--

a live weather report on TV...

in front of millions.

We have a whole
series of graphics

that will switch
one after another.

Oh, wow, that's so cool.

There you are.
Isn't that neat?
Hi, me.

Anywhere this green
color appears...

Wait, there's nothing on the...

...our weather
graphic shows up.

Whoa, what happened
to the bucket?

Point to Chicago.

You're not pointing
to anything.

Oh, wait, yes, you are.

Point to
Los Angeles.

Oh, it's way back here.

Go on the other side there.

Where'd you go?I'm right here.

There we go.

Your parents are going
to have my hide

if you don't put a coat on.

Oh, you're not really
in the winter.

Oh, that's weird.Ruff.

She's going
to steal my job.

It looks so much easier
when it's in fast motion.

Brian, you actually
could help these guys

fill in the green...

This morning
I was worried because

I really was never
a good painter.

But now it's a lot of fun.

A lot of fun and
I'm not that bad at it.

That's why I like this kid--

he just goes in and does it.

Okay, let's go take one
final look at the wall.

All right.

Remember how it was
when you came this morning?

So you did
a great job.

It looks awesome!Thanks.

Hey, thank you.

Let's party! And, Brian,

you can go back to your teacher

and you go ahead and you paint
your turtle-gator.

Are those cupcakes?!

I love cupcakes.

You guys did
an awesome job.Thanks.

Okay, now granted,

I didn't do any of the painting,

but I sent three helpers.

Shouldn't that entitle me
to a burrito?

Thanks for coming to this
neighborhood celebration

of our mural of Jamaica Pond.

We all worked really hard...

along with the mayor's crew.Thanks, guys,

for doing an excellent job. You hear that?
Excellent job.

Totally awesome!

You guys did
an awesome job today.

Thanks a lot.

We couldn't have
done it without you.

Thanks, man.You did a good job, man.
Let's go dance.

Oh... Oh!

Now, there's some moves
I can use.

He's calling you, Darrell,
he's calling you out!


And she's getting down, too.

Oh, Brian!

Good-bye, mural painters
of the mayor.

All right, we are back here
in Studio G with Anna

and Julia, who racked up

at the Half-Time Quiz Show.

But I think it's time
we bring in our challengers.

Well, here come Noah Rembrandt,

Brian Picasso and Khalil Monet!

The mural brothers!

Hey, nice hats.


how was your challenge?


We had fun.

It was a little hot.Really hot.

Oh, I think you guys
would've benefited

from a weather report.

Why don't we watch one
right now?

Good evening.

Thanks for tuning in
to CBS News.

It's been a busy weather day,

and with the latest
on our forecast,

we go right to
the weather center.Taylor!

Hi, I'm Taylor from
FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

Whoo! Plug for the show.
Free plug.

Okay, Taylor,
point to the right states.

We're looking at Boston, ... Good, good point.

Ooh, nice up to Montreal.

Philadelphia's degrees.

Ooh, she's pointing so well.

That was degrees
in Nashville...

In where?I mean degrees in Atlanta.

Close enough. degrees in Denver

and degrees in Phoenix.

Oh, my gosh. Okay, everybody's panting
in Phoenix apparently.

As you can see, this is
a low-pressure area

where the bad storm is,

and the high pressure area
where it's pretty hot.

Let's take a closer look
at Hurricane Emily.

The eye of the storm
is still on the water,

so it should die down
when it gets to land.

Let's check out
Taylor's Forecast.

Let's see, Tuesday it's going
to be degrees...

high of degrees
and low of . Too hot, staying inside.

Wednesday should be
a high of ...
Even hotter--
a day of smoothies.

And Saturday it's cooling down,
nice and easy...

Okay, 's nice--
maybe I'll go out

for a little kibble.

I'm all set, Taylor.

Great job!

Taylor, that was awesome.
What a great forecast.

High five on that.
Thank you.

I see you taking my job
in a few years.

Let's bring her in.

Good job.
You rock.

So, Taylor, how was
your challenge?

Oh, my gosh, it was so awesome
being the weather person.

How does the thing...?

Oh, that's awesome.How does the
wind tunnel...?

How long did it take to comb
that hair out?

About an hour.
And it's still
a little frazzled.

Point time,
what do you say, guys?

Yeah, let's go.All right.

Taylor, for getting up there

in front of that green screen
and making it look like

you've been doing it for years,
for your professionalism,

I give you points.

Right there, Taylor.

For braving the wind tunnel,

Now, then, Taylor...

some things you didn't know.

Were you afraid to ask?No.

What exactly is
the atmosphere?

For asking good questions,

[ all talking at once]

So that brings our point total
for you, Taylor, to points.


Oh, that's a good score.

Now, on to our artistes.

Gentlemen, you made art today.

You did a mural.

You get points for that.

It was a blank wall before you
started and now it is not.

For awesome teamwork
and for not tracking paint

into the studio,
which I appreciate--


points.It was a little hot out.

For braving the elements, five
more points for you guys.

And five more points
for the awesome dancing.

That brings your total
to points.

Except for Brian.

Now, Brian,

you weren't too sure

about this whole painting idea,
were you?

I always thought painting
was never my thing.

So you have discovered your
inner artist there, Brian.

I guess I'm a little
bit better now.

And for learning something new

about yourself...

that's another five points.

That brings your total
to points.

But, ladies and gentlemen,

is that all the points
a dog can give?

What time is it?!

Bonus point time!

Bonus point time, yes.

Now, as you know, I'm connected

to the animal kingdom.

And anytime I see an animal
in this show,

I smile, smile, smile.Except for cats.

Except for cats.

Now, for adding animals
in the interview process...

Taylor, I am going
to give you another ten points.


Which means, today's daily prize
goes to...


Way to go, Taylor.

Now, Taylor, as you know,

your prize is in the mailbox.

But is it a prize
that is unforgettable?

Or a prize you'd rather forget?

It's your decision:
you can keep it for yourself

and it could be great,

or it may not be so great

and you might want to give it
to one of the other contestants.

What do you want to do,

Oh, I don't know.

I was going to give it
to my teammate, but...

I didn't have a teammate.

Mish isn't here, so I think
I'm going to take it for myself.

Take it for yourself?

Step right up to the mailbox.

Claim your prize.

"The holder of this certificate

"is required to paint
a large portrait

of that fabulous TV host
Ruff Ruffman."

It's an honor

to have a portrait of myself
done by you, Taylor.

And that's it, g*ng--
another fantastic episode

of FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman
is complete.

See ya.So until next time...

take care, guys.

And to all you cats out
in the viewing audience,

be advised: I am not amused.

♪ FETCH! ♪

This is what's known in modern
art as action painting.

[ yells]


that little cat episode has
cured me of my brontophobia.

And, hey, did you know

means "thunder lizard"?

Yes, it got its name from...[ thunder rumbling]


[ chuckles nervously]:
It's not really thunder.

It's just that cat again.

[ gasps]:
Or is it?

Okay, one last thing.

Not only do I host my own
television show

But I have a
fantastic website too.

Check it out. There are
tons of great games,

the inside scoop on our

and lots more.

[ Ruff scatting]

♪ Fetch!♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

[ Ruff scatting]


♪ Fetch!♪

♪ With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ Fetch!♪