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04x08 - The Wonderland Problem/The Bat Mitzvah Problem

Posted: 10/08/22 16:13
by bunniefuu


- ♪♪ One, two!
A one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Woah! What comes next ♪

-♪ Uh, ten?
- Ten ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪
- Ah!

- ♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
- Woo hoo!

- Oof! Oh, my back hurts.

Ooh! Uch! Now my toe hurts.


- So in this story,
things get stranger and stranger

and then even stranger
than that.

- I'm Peg and this is Cat.
And today I'm telling Cat

the story of
Alice in Wonderland.

So one day this girl
named Alice...

- What's she look like?
- Uh, I don't know.

She was sitting in the grass
and she saw this rabbit

running by really fast...
- Oh, what'd he look like?

- We're not reading
a picture book, Cat.

I'm telling the story. So you
have to use your imagination,

and think how things might look.

- I don't want
to use my imagination.

I want to use pictures.

- OK, if you want pictures,
I'll draw some with my twig.

- Oh goody.
- This is Alice...

- Nice lookin' kid.

- And this is what
she finds in Wonderland.

- Your twig is showing me

And so...
♪♪ Problem solved ♪

- ♪ The problem is solved!
- Your twig solved the problem ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪
- She'll meet the Mad Hatter...

- Weird hat.
- The Cheshire Cat...

- Creepy smile.
- The Queen of Hearts

and the other hearts.
- Cards with heads? Freaky!

- So the story begins
one afternoon, when--

- AH! Where'd my twig go?

- Can't help you. I'm late.
- For what?

- Gotta keep goin'.
Oh, this should help.

- That's Peg's twig!
- Give it back!

- I can't. No time.

- Where did Toad go
with my twig?

I need my twig to write stuff
wherever I go!


- Whoa! Ho! Ho!
That is one deep hole!

- That's it!
- You think the Toad
jumped in there with your--

- Yep.
- You couldn't
just find another--

- Nope.
- So you're gonna
take my hand and--

- Jump!
- Yah! Ahhh!

- ♪♪ We're falling falling
falling ♪

- ♪ Far far far ♪

- ♪ And now we two
are floating ♪

- ♪ Yes we are
Yes ♪

- ♪ Do you get the feeling
- Do do do ♪

- ♪ That as we fall
we're getting closer to ♪

- ♪ Wonderland ♪♪

- A key!
- The Toad must have gone

through this door.
But we can't fit through it,

unless we change our height.
- Our hat? Our heat?

- "Height" is how high
you come up.

In Wonderland you can
change your height

by eating certain foods,
like these strawberries.

- Oh my height's
changing alright.

- But we're not getting shorter.
We're getting taller.

- (voice echoes): Hi feet!
How's it goin' down there?

- These blueberries might help.

- Woah! Goin' down!
- So in Wonderland...

♪♪ To get your height right
Keep your berries in order ♪

- ♪ Strawberries make you taller
Blueberries make you shorter ♪

- We're short enough

to fit through the door.
But it's locked!

And now we're too short
to reach the key.

- ♪ Strawberries make you
taller ♪

♪ Blueberries make you shorter ♪

♪ I'm shrinking
shrinking shrinking ♪

♪ Down to you ♪

- ♪ So let's unlock the door
and step into ♪

- ♪ Wonderland ♪

- ♪ Like Alice in the story
We've landed very surely ♪

♪ In Wonderland ♪♪

- We're the same size
as a caterpillar.

- Not for long.

- What's wrong
with being my size?

- Nothing against being short...
- I just love being Cat-sized.

- ♪♪ I'm always short
It's so unfair ♪

♪ Crawling on my belly ♪

- One, two grass blades long.

- ♪ Or standing on my derriere ♪

- One, two grass blades tall.

- ♪ My shortness is
a source of constant shame ♪

♪ Length lying down
Height standing up ♪

♪ It's all the same ♪♪

- If you don't like being short,
try a strawberry!

- I'd take one,
but I'm too short!

(middle eastern music)
- Hey Peg.

- Ramone? What are you doing
in Wonderland?

- Filling in
for the Cheshire Cat,

giving advice in weird ways.

- Sitting in a tree wearing
a tail is pretty weird.

- Thanks! Anyway, to find
the Toad who took your twig,

go to the Mad Hatter's
tea party.

♪♪ The Mad Hatter knows
quite a number of things ♪

♪ About the Toad ♪♪
- Thanks Ramone!

- I do what I can...

♪ In weird ways ♪

- Whoa!
- Anybody know where we can find

the Mad Hatter?
- Ba! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Oink! Oink! Oink!
- OK, that's creepy.

- We need their help finding
the Mad Hatter.

- His hat's weird,
his name's weird,

I have no interest in seeing--
- The Mad Hatter!

- ♪♪ You say I'm veird
I sink you're veird ♪

♪ Und I am veird
Vee all are veird ♪

- ♪ Weird!
- Weird! Weird ♪

- ♪ To cut to zee heart
of zee matter ♪

♪ I am zee Mad Hatter ♪♪
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Goats and pigs, you vill sit!
Sprechen sie chit chat!

- Baa! Baa!
- Oink! Oink!
- Oh yah yah yah!

- Excuse me Mr. Hatter?
- Call me Mad.

- Mad?
- I'm not mad, are you mad?

- I'm not.
- Hello, Not. I'm Mad.
- Anyway, can you tell me--

- If you want me to answer
your kvestion,

you must join my tea party.
- Oh! Crumpets!

- Vat are you doing?!
- I thought you said--

- At my table zere must be
zee same number of guests

on each side! Vun, two.
Vun, two.

Don't mess up my table!
- When we sat on this side

there were one, two,
three, four of us

and one, two on the other side.

- Four und two is not zee same!
- And if we sat on this side,

there would be four here
and two there!

- Again, not zee same! So
you can never join my tea party!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Sprechen sie chit chat!

- But if Cat sits on one side,

and I sit on the other,
there are one, two, three

and one, two, three.
The same on both sides.

So we can join
your tea party, right?

- Yah! So vut's your kvestion?
- Where can we find the Toad?

- Hm. Never heard of him.
- Ramone said you know a number

of things about the Toad.
- I do.

- But you just said--
- I know nothing about zee Toad.

Nothing means zero things.
Und zero is a number.

It comes right before one!
So I know a number of things

about zee Toad!
And zat number is zero! Ha!

- OK, now I'm mad.
- I'm mad, too.

- ♪♪ You're mad! I'm Mad!
Vee all are mad ♪

- ♪ Mad is the heart
of the matter ♪

♪ When you're with
the Mad Hatter ♪♪

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
- How can you stand there

and laugh at us?
- Oh! Your majesty!

- That's more like it.
- Ahem! Hem! Hem!

All bow to the Queen of Hearts!
- Those freaky cards with heads!

- The Toad's there
with the Queen!

- The Kveen's crazy
about zee Toad since he gave her

that schtick.
- My twig!

- Subjects of Wonderland!

♪♪ I, the mighty
Queen of Hearts ♪

♪ Have a really big problem
with my tarts ♪

♪ Behold the stack
of royal tarts ♪

♪ And the tarts
of the Jack of Hearts ♪

♪ His stack is taller ♪

♪ Mine is shorter ♪

♪ And oh how sad
it makes me feel ♪

- ♪ Tart stack height
is a really big deal ♪

- ♪ Tarts are a heart's
very favorite dish ♪

♪ Make my stack as high as his ♪

♪ And I'll grant your wish ♪♪

- Oh! It can't be done.
- It's impossible.

- Oink.
- I'll do it, your Majesty.
- A little girl? Solving a big


- May I? The Jack has

one, two, three, four,
five tarts.

You have one, two, three tarts.

He has one, two more tarts
than you.

So to make your piles
the same height,

we could take away two!
- Take away two!

- Don't take me away!
- I didn't mean you should

take away the two of hearts.
- Take away three!

Take away four!
- This is so bogus.

- Don't take away anybody,
your Majesty!

I'm saying if you take away
one, two tarts

his stack's the same height
as yours.

- Oink.
- Hurrah!
- You solved my problem.

What would you like in return?
- That twig?

- You want my royal twig?
- Uh, yeah.

- For pleasing the Queen,

you shall have more
than just one twig.

You shall have ten. Let the twig
be cut into ten pieces!

- No!
- What the Queen says, goes!

- They're destroying my twig!

It's a really big part
of who I am,


(Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!)

- Cat's right. I should count
backwards from five

to calm down.

four, three, two, one.

That's it you
snack-eating genius!

- Huh?
- To get my twig

down from there, we should
increase our height!

♪ Strawberries make you taller ♪
- It's that little girl!

- All grown up!
- Gimme back my twig!

- Never! You'll have to--
take it...

- Stop them!
- So by knowing about height,

we got back my twig.

- Math really blows me away.

- Math is mad cool.

- Math takes the cake. Woah!

- To get back through
this door we'll need...

♪ Blueberries make you shorter ♪

- ♪ Strawberries make you
taller ♪


- Climbing time!

- Oof!
- That little guy can climb!

- ♪ I'm oh so short ♪
- Eat up!

- Now when I lie on my belly,
I'm really long!

- And standing up,
you'll be really tall!

- ♪♪ My height will lead
to caterpillar fame ♪

- ♪ Length lying down
Height standing up ♪

♪ It's all the same ♪♪

- And so...
- ♪♪ Problem solved ♪

♪ The problem is solved!
We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ So everything is awesome
- Problem solved ♪♪

- So in the end, Alice found
herself back on the grass,

with the memories of the crazy
time she had in Wonderland.

- You had a pretty crazy time
there yourself, yah?

- Ya!
- Ya!

- Besides your twig,
is there anything else

you just gotta have?

- My uke. My hat. My marble...

- Anything, or anyone?
Sounds like hat?

Starts with a "kuh"?
- Kitchen mat?

- Cat!
- I know, Cat!

I gotta have you most of all!

- ♪♪ We're splashing
in the bat♪

- ♪♪ One, two!
A one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Woah! What comes next ♪

- ♪ Uh, ten?
- Ten ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪
- Alright!

-♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
- Woo hoo!

- That is, like,
so what it says.

- I know, right?


- ♪♪ The restaurant's been
rented for the party
of the season ♪

♪ Folks have come from
far and wide ♪

♪ For the coolest reason ♪♪

Tessa's bat mitzvah!

A bat mitzvah's
a special ceremony

for a teenage girl. In the first
part they give serious speeches.

But now it's time for...
- The Bat Mitzvah par-tay!

- ♪♪ A party for Tessa!
Cause she's growing up ♪

- ♪ Teen number blocks!
- And Zebra Guy ♪

- ♪ He's really showing up?!
- There'll be games ♪

♪ And dancing
and teens and family ♪

- ♪ And Zebra Guy
playing the hits-vah ♪

- ♪ This is its-vah!
- Tessa's bat mitzvah ♪♪

- For her bat mitzvah gift,
we're giving Tessa

cool little things,
because she's !

And a card with circled
on a number line.

- I made the circle.

- I got her songs.
- I got her videos.

- I got her 's!

- is like this lucky number
at bat mitzvahs.

- Nobody told me that!
- 's not !

- We've got a BIG PROBLEM!

- To get from to ,

we need one, two, three, four,

five more little things.
Like the five jacks in my hat!

- Hat jacks!
- That makes cool things

for Tessa. And so...

- ♪ Problem solved
The problem is-- ♪

- ♪♪ Hey Tessa fans!
You know who I mean ♪

- ♪ It's time to shake it
in honour ♪

♪ Of your fav-o-rite teen ♪
- Ah!

- It's Zebra Guy!
- Whoa!
- Ah!

- My jacks went all over!
We've got a--


- Tessa! How come you're all
upset on your special day?

- My Uncle Phil showed up. He's
always trying to show everybody

these crazy tricks and stunts.
- I love crazy tricks
and stunts.

- But Uncle Phil thinks
he can do more of everything

than he can actually do!

♪♪ So if he thinks he can juggle
say pies ♪

♪ He can really only juggle
less than that, guys ♪

- ♪ 's made up of and
you see ♪

♪ So take away
he can just juggle ♪♪

- Uh, what happens
to all those other pies?

- ♪♪ They'll wind up
on my friends ♪

♪ On my nose
on my clothes ♪♪

I am like totally freaking out!

- Don't worry, Tessa.
We'll make sure your Uncle

doesn't mess up
your special day.

- If you do that you'll be,
like, my BFF's forever.

- Best friends forever...

- Whoa.
- There's Uncle Phil now!

- Thanks you guys.
Hey, Jesse! Hey, Jonah!

- Uncle Phil!
We're Peg and Cat--

- You're just in time to see me
balance glasses of water

on my head.
- Cool!

- It's not cool, Cat!
Uncle Phil can do less

of everything than he thinks.
So instead of glasses,

he can really only hold !
And he'll spill !

- ♪♪ This bat mitzvah'll
be a wet mitzvah ♪

- ♪ A splat mitzvah!
- A bat spritzvah ♪♪

- We'll put them up there
for you Uncle Phil,

if you close your eyes
and focus.

- Huh? OK.

- One, two, three, four.

- W-- ah! Ay!
I'm doin' it!

I did it!
- Really cool stunt, Uncle Phil.

Now why don't you join us
on the dance floor?

- Eh... you go.

- Ramone!
What are you doing here?

- I'm the dance leader!
- Cool!

- ♪♪ We're gonna play
a dancin' game ♪

♪ All of you's
When I call out the name ♪

♪ Of a fruit juice
hold your partner back to back ♪

♪ And grin
If ya do it the longest ♪

♪ You win ♪♪

Orange juice!
- Jack!

- Uh, I'm Peg.
- There's a jack

on that Zebra doll!
- Got it!

And this other jack on his tail!
- All right!

- little things
plus more is ,

plus more is !

- PSST! Peg and Cat!
So are you, like,

keeping an eye on Uncle Phil?
- We've got your back, Tessa.

- Me too!
- And now...

The world premiere of
the homemade movie masterpiece:

Tessa Through the Ages!

- Yay!

I'm gonna need tissues.
I always cry at Bat Mitzvahs.

- I'll look for more jacks.
You keep an eye on him.


- ♪♪ Where's that little girl
we knew ♪

♪ Oh the tender memories ♪

♪ How the years go flying by ♪

♪ You can miss them
if you sneeze ♪

- Achoo!
- ♪ And as you grow ♪

♪ You know it's true,
sweet teen Tessa ♪

♪ We love you ♪

- Aw!

- Wa!

There was a jack
in the tissue box!

- And one in Jesse's hair!

- plus more is .

Plus more is !
Only more to go!

- For my next trick,
I'll balance Zebra Guys

on my back while
hopping on one foot.

- Oy.
- He can really carry...

- One, two, three, four, five.

We've still gotta find that last
jack for Tessa's present.

- Where could it possibly--

- You found it!

- And broke it.
- No!

- No!
- Uncle Phil?

- When I showed Zebra Guy
the zebras on my back,

he said there was only .

I guess I dropped
a whole lot of zebras.

- Actually, Uncle Phil,
we only gave you five dolls

because you can do ten less
of everything than you think.

- I can only hop
with five zebras?

- Check it out.
Five and one more is six.

- Uh! Uh! See?
No prob--

- Ow.

- If I can't do amazing stunts,
what'll I do

to make people like me?

- You don't need
to do anything, Uncle Phil.

People will like you
if you just be yourself.

- Just be myself! So I can stop
doing all those stunts!

Whew! I wish there was way
I could thank you guys

for setting me straight.
- That's O--

- Wait! What's that?
- What?

- Where?
- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

How'd that gold coin
get in your ear?

- Thanks, Uncle Phil!
- Magic!

- With this gold coin,
we've got little things!

The perfect bat mitzvah gift!

- And now it's time for a
favorite bat mitzvah tradition.

Lifting the bat mitzvah girl
into the air, on a chair!

Usually it takes four people
to do the lifting.

But I just met a guy who said
he can lift it himself

for seconds!
- Uh oh.

- Uncle Phil, get out here!

- Actually, I'll just sit here
and be myself.

- Uncle Phil! Uncle Phil!

- This moment is like so...

- We have to help Phil
before he drops the chair.

He said he can hold it
for seconds.

So he can really
only hold it... how long?

The blocks we used to take
from the teen numbers are gone.

- They cleared the table.
Who would clear a table?

- If we don't help Phil in time,
he'll drop Tessa on her face!

Instead of being
her best friends forever,

we'll be her worst enemies
for a really short time!

I am totally freaking out!

(Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!)

Cat's right.
I should count backwards

from five to calm down.

Five, four,

three, two, one.

That's it, you leaning
tower of genius!

- Huh?
- When you cover the in

it says three!
- Whoa.

- The one in any teen number
stands for ten...

So to take away ten,
just cover the one!

's and...
- !

- Uncle Phil can only hold
the chair for six seconds!


- The chair is up!

- So is Tessa!

- One second.
Two seconds. Three--

- Now, Cat!
- Four. Five.

- Six--
- Ah!

I'm up, hello!
- I got her!

- Seven, eight...
- Thanks for helping us hold--

- , , , ...
- The chair for the last

seconds, all the way to !
- , ...

- I do what I can!
- , !

- Woo hoo!
- Yeah!

- ♪♪ By adding on from
We got your perfect gift ♪

♪ By knowing teen numbers
we gave you a lift ♪

- ♪ You saved me so much stress
Prevented so much mess ♪

♪ Made sure I didn't fall
and tear my Super puffy dress ♪

- ♪ Math really saved
our Tess ♪♪

- And so...
- ♪♪ Problem solved ♪

- Yo!
- ♪ The problem is solved ♪

- Hello!
- ♪ We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ So everything is
- Rockitude' ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪

- ♪♪ So, hey!
Thanks for being here ♪

♪ It's awesome having friends
and family near ♪

♪ Thank you parents
for this party ♪

♪ So fun for me
All that you've done for me ♪

♪ For years!
OK I'm gettin' close to tears ♪

♪ Sometimes I get crazy
and I don't appreciate ♪

♪ That all of you are totally
awesomely great ♪

♪ Uncle Phil,
here's a special cheer ♪

♪ Love the way you still
pull coins out of my ear ♪

- ♪ Aw little Tess ♪

♪ I'm so proud of you, hon ♪

♪ I'm givin' you hugs ♪

♪ Well, really just one ♪

- (guests): Aw!
- Mmm! That's my girl!

- ♪ Peg and Cat, you're helpful
And like really really clever ♪

♪ OK so, like, guess what,
like, you're my BFF's forever ♪

- ♪ Tessa you're so cool!
- Ho yeah ♪

- ♪ A total style wiz!
- Uh huh ♪

- ♪ Thanks guys but, like,
the thing I'm really really ♪

♪ Proud of is ♪

♪ I'm
That's and ♪

- ♪ and
- That's so me ♪

- ♪ I'm
That's and ♪

- ♪ and
- I'm so sure ♪

- ♪ Every teen has a
like a salad has greens ♪

♪ Every teen has a ten
so talk to me, teens ♪

- ♪ I'm
that's and ♪

- ♪ and !
- Soon I'll drive ♪

- ♪ I'm
that's and ♪

- ♪ and
- I pick up chicks ♪

- ♪ Every teen has a
Now everybody cheer ♪

♪ And say it again
What are we havin' here ♪

- ♪ A party for Tessa
'Cause she's growing up ♪

- ♪ And thank you guys
Just one more time ♪

♪ For showing up!
- There's games and dancing ♪

- With teens and family!

- ♪ We got Zebra-Guy playing
the hits-vah ♪

- ♪ This is its-vah!
- Tessa's bat mitzvah ♪♪

- Yo!
- (falsetto): ♪ A party for ♪

♪ Tessa cause she's growin' up ♪
- In a couple years,

Mora gets a sweet party
because she's growing up.

- It's so unfair!

I'm growing and growing

and nobody has
a celebration for me!

- ♪♪ Oh Caterpillar
you're growing so fast ♪

- ♪ I sneeze and you're
all grown ♪

- ♪ You're, like, ginormous ♪♪

And now,
for a favorite tradition!

- ♪ Happy Caterpillar mitzvah ♪
- Thank you! Thank you all!