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04x05 - The Cold Camel Problem/The Einstein Problem

Posted: 10/08/22 16:11
by bunniefuu

- ♪♪ One, two!
A one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Woah! What comes next ♪

-♪ Uh, ten?
- Ten ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
- Woo hoo!

- Brr...
- He should get off

that ice cube.
- Brr... Thank you!

(Egyptian music)

- I'm Peg, this is Cat.
And this is our great

and powerful friend, visiting us
all the way from Ancient Egypt,

Queen Cleopatra!

- And she is not as light
as she looks.

- Mmmrahaha.
- Ah! My excellent friends,

Peg and Cat.
What shall we feast on now?

- We brought Cleopatra to Peg's
Pizza Place, to make her

some extremely awesome
giant chocolate chip cookies!

- Oh yeah!
- Woohoo!

- Chocolate chip... what?
- Mmmrahaha?

- You mean you've never had
a chocolate chip cookie?

- No.
- Mmmrahaha.

- Then get ready for
the sweetest treat

this side of the Nile!
Let's see. Cat, Cleopatra and I

will all share
one giant cookie...

- (Cleopatra): ...and Epidermis
will need one for himself.

- Mmmrahaha.
- So according to

my calculations... may I?
- Of course, your majesty!

- One plus one more is two.
Altogether we need one,

two giant cookies.
- Nice adding, Clee.

- A queen must be calculating
as well as cunning.

- This recipe only makes
one giant cookie!

- That won't be enough
for us all!

- We've got...

- We won't get to taste
the crispy outer crust,

the gooey chocolate chips.
- Not all of us anyway.

- That's it, you
chip-snitching genius!

We can double the cookie recipe!
- Double?

- Doubling is when you add
something to itself.

Like how you ate
one chocolate chip

and then one more chocolate
chip. Check it out!

This recipe says we need
one, two eggs.

To double the eggs,
we need one, two more.

- When you double two,
you get one, two, three, four.

- Let's double the rest
of the ingredients!

- On the double!
- ♪ A little stick of butter ♪

- ♪ Here comes another ♪

- ♪ Three heaping cups
of cookie mix ♪

- ♪ Three more cups!
- That makes six ♪

- ♪ One spoonful of water
We need one more ♪

- ♪ I got 'er.
- Ten chocolate chips ♪

♪ Almost done.
- more's ♪

- ♪ I'll take one. ♪
Aha! Or not...

- ♪ Doubling each treat
- Means doubling what we eat ♪

- (Cat): ♪ It's going to be
so sweeeet ♪

- ♪ Now our doubling
is complete ♪♪

- Mmmrahaha.
- You want me to bake

these big boys for ya?
- If you bake the cookies

to a golden brown we shall
devour them joyously.

- I'll take that as a yes.
- Thanks, Chef Mac!

- We're gonna have our cookies!
- And eat them too!

- Which means...
♪♪ Problem solved ♪

♪ The problem is solved!
- We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪

- Ahh. It's so cool out here.

Epidermis, we are not
in Egypt anymore.

- Mrahahaha.
- Tell me Peg,

what is this hair that grows
from your land?

- Oh that? It's called grass.

It's green and
just kinda sits there.

- It is glorious.

- It does feel pretty good.
- I'm way more excited

about those gigantic--
- Cookies!

- They're the color
of the desert sands,

are they not, Epidermis?


I, Queen of Ancient Egypt,
order my camel, Epidermis,

to come here at once.

- I just don't see
your Epidermis!

- He must surely be missing!
- Let's look for him

right after we finish
the cookies.

- No cookies 'til
we find Epidermis!

- Then we've got a...

- Epidermis!
- Here boy!

- Ooh!

I've got it!
- What!

- Epidermis loves the blazing
heat of the desert.

The air here is too cool
for him.

He must have wandered off
to some place hot!

- Where's it hot around here?
(Honk! Honk!)

- Hey Peg.

What are you guys up to?
- We need to find the hottest

place in the neighborhood.
We think Cleopatra's

camel is there!
- I can help with that.

My weather van has
a really big thermometer.

- And what is this
"third mom eater"?

- A thermometer is a stick
that measures the temperature -

how hot or cold things are.

♪♪ When it's icy
and snowing ♪

♪ A strong wind
is blowing ♪

♪ This line comes down
cause it's cold outside ♪

♪ How can you tell
what the temperature is? ♪

♪ A thermometer is your guide ♪

- ♪ A thermom thermom
thermometer ♪

♪ A thermom thermom thermometer!
- When it's sunny ♪

- ♪ So much sun!
- And you're sweating ♪

- ♪ A ton!
- This line comes up ♪

♪ 'Cause it's hot outside ♪

- ♪ And I can tell
what the temperature is ♪

- ♪ A thermometer is your guide!
- Check that thermometer ♪

♪ You know you've gotta
check it ♪

- ♪ When you need to know
if it's cold or hot ♪

- ♪ Do you need a sweater?
- Or do you not? ♪

- ♪ Its worth can't be denied ♪

- ♪ Just take a sec
to look and check ♪

- ♪ A thermometer is your guide!
- A thermom thermometer ♪

♪ Ther-mo-met-er yaaa ♪♪

- Can we borrow your thermometer
to find the hottest place

in the neighborhood?
- Sure!

- You are as generous as wise!
- I do what I can!

- Is it hot at the Mega Mall?

- The line's down here,
just above cold...

- So the Mega Mall is cool.
- Shyeah! It's the coolest!

- Is the farm hot?
- The line isn't quite

high enough.
- You're getting warmer.

- But warm is not hot!

The line on the thermometer
is rising high!

- The air coming out
of Viv's house is really hot!

(Knock! Knock! Knock!)

- This palace is as hot
as a thousand suns.

- Hey, Neighbor Ladies.
Have you seen a camel?

- With two humps?
- Who says "Mruhahahah"?

- That's Epidermis!
- We had a lovely time

sitting by the fire.
- Drinking hot tea!

- Then we gave him the most
adorable wool blanket.

- But he got hot
and had to get out.
- Ah! Ooh! Err! Ahh!

- He said he was going someplace
cold to cool his humps.

- When he said it, it sounded
more like "Mruhahaha."

- Whoa-ho-ho!
- Oh! So the camel is someplace

really cold!
- Farewell, loyal subjects

of Peg's empire!

- Cool...

- Cooler...
- Cold!

- Why's cold air coming
from the Pizza Place?!

- Epidermis!
- He put the air conditioner

on extra cold to cool down
his humps!

- Mraaa-ha-ha... Brrr!
- Poor Epidermis.

You're shivering!
- He got too cooled down!

- His humps turned blue!
- Oh no! Epidermis has a case

of... humpothermia!
- Humpothermia?!

- NOOOOOOO! What's humpothermia?

- It means his humps get so cold
that they hurt!

- Mrahahaaa!
- I'll get some hot washcloths!

How many do ya need?
- With my last camel,

Orthodontist, five hot
wash cloths did the trick.

- Five hot washcloths,
comin' right up!

- But he only had one hump!
I've never handled humpothermia

with a camel who has
two frozen humps!

- Me neither!
- So we don't know

how many washcloths we need...
- Mrahahahaaaa!

- Poor Epidermis!
- Poor Cleopatra!

- Poor hump!
- Poor other hump!


(Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!)

- Cat's right.

We should count backwards
from five to calm down.

- Five, four,

three, two, one.

- That's it! You did it again,
you amazing genius!

- Huh?
- We can double the washcloths

just like we doubled
the cookie recipe!

- Doubling, of course!
When you double one hump,

you get two humps...

- So if you need five washcloths
for one hump...

then for two humps, you need
to double the washcloths...

- Which would be
five plus five...

- Which equals ten...
- So we need--

- Ten hot wash cloths!

- One, two, three,

four, five...
- Plus one, two

three, four, five more...
- Makes ten!

Since we know about doubling
and temperature,

we totally cured Epidermis!
- Math saved his happy humps!

- Mruhahahaha.
- I'm so glad that you're back

and happy, Epidermis!
- And that your back is happy!

- A happy camel means...

- ♪ Problem solved!
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem!
So everything is ♪

- Mmmrahaha!
- ♪ Problem solved ♪

- Mmmrahaha.
- Hey Mac, any chance you could

make us some pizza to go
with our cookies?

- Sure Peg, there's
just one thing...

♪♪ The pie I'm used to making
Typically feeds three ♪

♪ But that's too small
won't do at all ♪

♪ There's six of us you see.
I've heard about this doubling ♪

♪ But I don't know how to do it

♪ Step by step
how should I prep? ♪

♪ Can you walk me through it? ♪
- No problem!

How much dough do you use
for one pizza?

- , scoops.
- So to double the dough,

you need , more.

- , , , .

Well... that's twice as nice!

- ♪ When you want
to double something ♪

♪ See how much you've got!
- Then count out ♪

♪ The same amount
and add it to the lot ♪

- ♪ Believe us when we tell you
doubling comes through ♪

♪ In a clutch, 'cause when
you double something ♪

♪ You get twice as much ♪

- Thanks guys!

- ♪ When I came here from Egypt
My friends just equaled two ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat and that was that
They were all I knew ♪

♪ But Both Ramone and Mac
have earned my admiration ♪

♪ Two friends more
now I have four ♪

♪ Complete friend domination ♪

♪ When you want
to double something ♪

♪ See how much you've got
- Then count out ♪

♪ The same amount
and add it to the lot ♪

- Mruhahaha!
- ♪ Believe us when we tell you

♪ Doubling comes through
in a clutch ♪

♪ Cause when you double
something ♪

- ♪ When you double something--
- When you double something ♪

- ♪ You get twice as much ♪♪
- Mm mmm!

The camel gets a cookie
all to himself.

- Good thing he doesn't have
four humps,

or we'd have to give him
two cookies.

- Mrahaha!
- Silly camel!

You do not have four humps!

- Mra-ha-ha...
- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- ♪♪ We're splashing
in the bathroom♪

- ♪♪ One, two!
A one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Woah! What comes next ♪

- ♪ Uh, ten?
- Ten ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
- Woo hoo!

- Oh!

- The coolest place to be,
in the entire universe... at the Mega Mall,
with your friends,

behind three floating spheres...
of cotton candy!

I'm Peg! This is Cat.

And this... is Albert Einstein!

- Ah! Mmm.

- Al is like the smartest
person who ever lived.

He's always having
these incredible ideas.

But to Cat and me, he's just..
- ♪♪ My pal Al ♪

- ♪ He's a pal to me!
- And me too ♪

- ♪ He loves solving problems
- Like we do ♪

- ♪ It's way more fun
- Solving problems ♪

♪ With a pal like...
- My pal Al ♪♪

- Ah!
- Here he goes!

- Hmm? Mmm.

- So what's on your mind
there, Al?

- I'm trying to figure out
how stars move...

- When Al has an idea, why
doesn't he just think it

in his head?
- Writing stuff down helps him

figure things out. That's why
I write stuff down too!

Just like Albert Einstein!

Did you solve your problem, Al?
- A little part of it.

- Al got colourful chalk.
We're also getting a bouncy ball

for Cat. He loves balls
because they're spheres.

- Bouncy ones!
- And I'm getting a metronome.

A metronome is this cool little
box that keeps a beat!

♪♪ Like when you're tapping
your feet! So I can play ♪

- ♪ And I can dance!
- To an even and neat ♪

- ♪ Really sweet beat ♪♪

- Ah!
- Why's Al looking

at that woman?
- With the lollipop?

- It's Marie Curie!

- She writes really cool stuff
I can't understand too!

- Marie Curie has gone deep
inside rocks,

to find a whole new kind
of stone... that glows!

- She can even find stuff deep
inside a lollipop!

- Chocolatey stuff!
- No one can find the unexpected

locked inside like Marie Curie.

- Why don't you say hi
to her, Al?

- Hm? Huh! OK. Heh heh heh!
Well, uh...

Um. Ah well.
- Marie makes Al act

pretty weird!
- I'm glad nobody

makes me act that way!
- Hey Peg!

- Heh! Ramone?!
- I'm working in

the music store today.
- We just came to get

a met-Ramone.
- Metronome?

- Right!
This metronome is so cool!

- I know!
- It keeps a totally...

steady... beat!

- It has a number line
that goes from one to ten!

- A number line is a line
of numbers in order, right?

- Mm-hmm! And if you move this
thingy down to higher numbers,

the beat goes faster!
- So ten's the fastest!

- Mm-hmm!

- ♪♪ Jammin' with my metronome!
Click click ♪

♪ It's always ready
to keep the beat steady ♪

♪ Keepin' perfect time
So happy ♪

♪ I'm jammin' with my metronome!
Click click ♪♪

- Dizzy! I can't dance
with that thing!

- My metronome is so fast,
Cat can't dance to its beat!


- Ah! Peg! If you move the
thingy back up the number line

to lower numbers,
the beat slows down!

- So one is the lowest.
- And slowest!

- This beat's too slow
to dance to.

- Ah! But it's perfect
for falling asleep to!

- So let's try five.
- Right in the middle!

- Just right for twistin'
my middle!

- ♪♪ Problem solved!
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem!
Problem-- ♪♪

- Ah! Hmm...
- And he's off!

- Mmm?
- I don't understand Al's work.

But I get a feeling from it.
And it feels so cool!

- ♪ Hmm hmm hmm hmm ♪

- We can get your bouncy
ball now, Cat.

Cat? Cat?! CAT?! Cat's lost
in this huge Mega Mall!

We've got a MEGA PROBLEM!

- Hmm. Hah!
- Cat could be anywhere

in the Mega Mall!
It's got like stores--

Yes! We should check the Sphere
Store on the third floor!

Cat loves their bouncy balls!

- According to my equations,
if we take the stairs,

getting to the Sphere Store
will take as long

as it takes the metronome
to click nine clicks.

♪♪ If we take the elevator
Seven clicks ♪

♪ If we take the escalator
Three clicks ♪

- ♪ Seven's less than nine
and three's least of all ♪

♪ We can zip through the mall...
- On the escalator ♪

♪ First floor ♪

♪ Second floor ♪

♪ Third floor ♪♪

- Hello Peggy!
- Neighbor Lady Viv--

- And hello there
Mister Albert Einstein!

What exciting ideas are
you working on

in that big brain of yours?
- Actually, we're looking

for Cat.
- He was just here!

He picked out a striped bouncy
ball and bounced it away.

- Where to?
- I don't know.

But I do know I would love
to take Albert Einstein

for a haircut--
- Uh, well... He! He!

- Got to keep up
with the metronome!

So... where could Cat have gone?
There's nothing he loves more

than bouncy balls--
Except more bouncy balls!

The Ball Zone! Where you play
all these games with balls!

Cat MUST be there!
- Hmm... Mmm... Ah!

Broom... Blender... Hula hoop...

- Albert Einstein is so cool.

Excuse me, I'm looking for Cat.

Are you asleep? If you need
somebody to run a store,

don't ask a Pig!
- That rumbly sound...

is coming from... there!
- The ball pit!

- Ha!
- Cat!

- These balls are hard
to stand on!

- Give me your paw, Cat!
- Comin' out!

- Fallin' in!
- Give me your hands,

Peg and Cat!
- Comin' out!

- Must not fall--
- (Cat): In.

- The gate's stuck!
- Ah. Hmm.

- Al's figuring out a way
to get us out, right?

- According to my equations,
there's a spot on this cage

we can push to make
the cage pop open!

- Yes!
- To find the spot,

I'd have to be outside the cage.

- Noooo!
- We'll be up to our ears

in spheres for years!

(Sound of a flute.)
- Cat's right.

- Wasn't me!
- If you're not out there

being right, who is?
- Marie Curie!

- Albert Einstein!
- How'd she know we were here?

- No one can find the unexpected
locked inside like Marie Curie.

- Oh right!
- This is totally her thing!

- And no one can understand the
universe like Albert Einstein.

- Hee hee hee hee!
- So like,

in terms of getting us out...
- I see you've discovered a way

to pop open the cage...
- But I can't find where

to push...
- OH! Hmm hmm hmm...

If you push this bar,

and I pull on it with this...
the cage will pop open!

- All right!
- Woo hoo!

- She is good.
- I can't push while sinking!

- Al and I can push.
- EECCCH! Ick!

- Somebody got soda all over it!
- And gum!

- Ewwww!
- Remember kids,

no food in the ball pit!
- If we can't grip the bar...

- We can't open the cage...
- And we can't get out!

- We are totally freaking out!
(Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!)

- Cat's right.

- We should count backwards
from five using the number line.

- And calm down.

- Five, four,

three, two, one.

- Oh! That's it, you genius Cat!
- Huh?

- Ah! If we wear
handball gloves,

Peg and I can push the sticky
bar without getting icky!

- Hmm! Huh! Oh.
Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm...

- Not her too!
- According to the metronome's

number line, one, two gloves
for Al, plus one two more gloves

for me, equals four gloves
we need altogether!

Two plus two equals four!
- Great equation, Peg!

- Great use of writing
to solve a problem!

- That means so much to me,

coming from Albert Einstein
and Marie Curie.

- One two, three

four gloves...
- So by writing stuff down

and using number lines,
we could find Cat

and get out of the ball pit!

- Math sets you

- ♪♪ Problem solved!
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem!
- Thank you! Come again ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪
- Your equations got us out.

- Your equations inspired
my equations.

- You two should write equations
together again sometime!

- Like, uh, let's say right now!
- Ho! Ho! Ho!

- Come on!
- ♪♪ One two three two ♪

- ♪ One two three two!
- Three four five four ♪

- ♪ Three four five four!
- One two three four ♪

♪ Five four three two!
- Three two ♪

- ♪ Writing what I'm thinking
with you ♪

- ♪ Square triangle!
- Square triangle ♪

- ♪ Circle arrow
- Circle arrow ♪

- ♪ Squiggle wiggle block rock
Sock shoe ♪

- ♪ Sock shoe!
- Writing what I'm thinking

♪ With you!
- I can work out any problem ♪

- ♪ I can figure out the sky!
- I can show you ♪

♪ What I'm thinking!
- My my my ♪

- ♪ You can put your thoughts
together ♪

- ♪ You can keep them
for all time ♪

- ♪ So go ahead squiggle
and doodle ♪

♪ Every bright idea
in your noodle ♪


- ♪ There's no cage
I can't get through ♪

- ♪ No dream I can't pursue!
- I can fly with my mind ♪

♪ Find things no one ever knew
When I'm writing ♪

♪ What I'm thinking with you!
Oo oo oo ♪♪

- Hmm... Mmm...

Problem solved!

- ♪♪ Problem solved!
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ Al solved his problem!
- So everything is awe-- ♪

- ♪ .............some ♪

- ♪ Pro....... ♪

- ♪ Blem..... ♪

-♪ ... solved ♪♪
- Oh! Ho! Ho! Ho!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!