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03x07 - The Election Problem/The Littlest Chicken Problem

Posted: 10/08/22 16:07
by bunniefuu
- Whoa.

- ♪♪ One, two,
a one, two, three, four! ♪

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
- (chickens): Cheep, cheep.

- (kids): ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- (kids): ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- (kids): ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ?
- (kids): Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- (kids): ♪ Peg Plus Cat! ♪♪
- Woo-hoo!

- "The Election Problem."

- Today the farmer's taking
his eggs to market!

Isn't that amazing?

- Yeah! Why?

- Because he lets the chickens
play when he's gone,

and he needs someone
to watch over them.

I'm really hoping
he picks me!

Imagine me, Peg,

in charge of chickens!

Watching over them,
tellin' 'em what to do!

"Don't peck this,
peck that!"

- "No chewing gum!

"Unless of course you brought
some for everybody.

Oh, you did.
Thanks for the gum!"

- It's a lot of responsibility.
but I'm ready for it.

- ♪ Gonna load my truck,
then sell my eggs ♪

- Hey, Mr. Farmer!
Looking for someone

to put in charge
of the chickens?

'Cause I know someone
named Peg, who's me!

- Sorry, Peg, I gotta count
these here eggs first.

And a-one, and a-two...
Hm, better start over.

- This is taking forever!

We've got a BIG PROBLEM!
- Cheep.

- Ow.
- Huh?

That's it, you genius cat!
Each container holds five eggs.

If we count the eggs by fives,
the counting'll go super fast!

- Countin' by fives?
What's that?

- It goes like this!

♪ Five, , , , , ♪

Hey, I just noticed something!

♪ When you count by fives, the
numbers end in five or zero ♪

- ♪ Five or zero ♪

- ♪ Well, get on outta here-o ♪

- ♪ Thirty, , , , ♪

- Hot diggity!
I got eggs to sell!

- All the eggs are counted!
And so...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

- Now who's gonna take charge
of these chickens
while I'm gone?

- Right here!

- Not so fast, Peggy.
Anybody else want the job?

- Bahhh.
- Moooo.

- The pig?!

He's only standing there 'cause
he's too lazy to walk away!

- Pig, do you want to be
in charge of the chickens?

I never seen him so excited!
You can't both be in charge,

so let's have an election.
- But isn't an election

where people choose who they
want to be in charge by voting?

- People or chickens.

Chickens, who'd ya rather
have in charge?

Peg or the pig?

Just sit by either picture
to vote for who you want.

- One, two, three, four
votes for me.

And one, two, three, four, five
for the pig?

Four is less than five,
so the pig is winning!

Come on, chickens,

vote for me!

Why are they just sitting there?
- Oh, the chickens always

take their time decidin'
who to vote for.

- They've had elections before?

- Check out some
of their past leaders.

- Oh, they got Ramone!

- But they've always wanted
to elect someone who lives
on the farm.

- The pig lives on the farm,
so he has a way better
chance of winning!

We've got

But I'm not giving up!

Chickens, this sign means
"more than,"

and if you vote for me
instead of the pig,

that's exactly
what you'll get!

♪♪ Whatever he offers you,
I'll offer more ♪

♪ So if he offers two,
I'll offer four ♪

♪ 'Cause four is more than two
- Yeah! That's the way we do ♪

- ♪ So be sure, then,
vote for more-than ♪

♪ Vote for Peg! ♪

♪ If he's offering two snacks,
I'll offer seven ♪

♪ If he offers ,
then I'll offer ♪

♪ Just ask your fellow chick
- It's plain arithmetic ♪

- ♪ So be sure, then,
vote for more-than ♪

♪ Vote for Peg! ♪

♪ Vote for Peg!
- Woo-hoo! Vote for Peg! ♪

- ♪ So be sure, then,
vote for more-than ♪

♪ Vote for Peg! ♪

♪ Woo-hoo! ♪♪

- It's working!
I've got...

♪ Five, , , votes ♪

- Plus these three.

- Equals votes for me.

And the pig only has five!

I'm winning!

(Pig burps.)

(chickens giggling)

What just happened?
- Hee-hee-hee! The pig burped.

- Just because the pig burped
doesn't mean he's a good leader!

It means he had tacos for lunch!
So now he's got...

♪ Five, , , , ♪
(Peg gasps.)

Twenty-five is more than ,
which means the pig's winning!

- Maybe you should burp too.

- Never! These chickens want
a real leader,

someone with brains,
and guts, and manners!

(chickens giggling)

- And someone who can
boing his tail.
- Oh, man!

Now he has...
♪ Thirty, , ♪

His 's a whole lot more
than my .

How can I ever catch up?
- (Ramone): Easy!

- (Cat and Peg): Ramone!
- Why the fancy suit?

- I was just elected
Mayor of Moo Haven,

a small town of cows.
How's your election going?

- Not well. The pig's winning
'cause he's doing silly things.

(Pig burps.)
(chickens giggling)

- You need to let the chickens
know who you are

and what you're good at.
- Like what?

- How about counting?

It's even cooler
than boinging your tail.

- And that's saying a lot!

- Counting?
Well, it's worth a shot!

- ♪ One, two, three, four,
sliding down the cellar door ♪

♪ Five, six, seven, eight,
I'm your counting candidate ♪

- ♪ She's Peg! She's Peg! ♪

- ♪ She'll count every chick
and every egg ♪

- ♪ Yes, everyone and every two
can count on Peg to count
on you ♪

- ♪ Eight plus one chick equals
nine chickens in a conga line ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five,
and six, vote for Peg,
you chickie-chicks ♪

- ♪ She's Peg! She's Peg! ♪

- ♪ She'll count hopping
on one leg ♪

- ♪ Yes chickens big and
chickens small can count
on Peg to count them all ♪

- ♪ She's Peg! She's Peg! ♪

- ♪ Vote Peg! ♪

- ♪ She's Peg! She's Peg! ♪♪

- Yeah! Woo-hoo! All right!
- Wah-hoo!

- It's working!
- I have...

, , votes!

- The pig's is
more than your .

But a few chickens
still haven't voted.

- And a few are coming my way.

(melodic buzzing)
What's that buzzing sound?

- The pig's using Plan Bee!
- Plan Bee?

- (Ramone): You play with
a triangle till three bees sit
on the corners and make honey.

- ♪ Cheep cheep chu-cheep
cheep cheep cheep cheep ♪

- Honey can win you
a whole lot of votes.

- The pig had votes;
now he has !

- (Ramone): And the last few
chickens are headed his way!

- For me? Thanks, cow.

- Mmm, you counted
my whole family once.

I'll never forget ya.

- Step right this way, chickens,

For delicious
fresh milk!

So, the pig has
, , , , votes!

- How many do you have?

- ♪ Five, , , , , ♪

♪ Thirty-five, , , ♪

I have votes,
which is more than !

- Have all the chickens
voted yet?
- Cheep.

- Looks like the Littlest
Chicken's still making
up her mind.

- What if she votes for the pig?
- Then you'll each have .

When you each have
the same number of votes,

it's called a tie.
(Honk! Honk!)

- You got a winner yet?

- What happens
if there's a tie?

- Then I let the hog
decide the winner.

- The hog?!
But she and the pig are cousins.

She'll probably
just choose the pig!

- Oh, yeah, I definitely will.

- Them's the rules.

- So whoever gets the Littlest
Chicken's vote wins.

- No! She's choosing the pig

just because he has honey
and I don't!

- I also like
when he burped.

- I'm about to lose
this election!


(Cat blows a whistle.)
- Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from five to calm down.

Five, four, three,

two, one.

She can count backwards!

I vote... Peg!

- Thank you, Littlest Chicken!
And thank you,

you brilliant, reminding-me-
to-count-backwards cat!

- So, who won?
I ain't got all day.

- I have , plus one more
equals votes!

And is more
than the pig's votes.

So by knowing more than
and less than,

and how to count by fives,
I won the election!

- So you're in charge!

- Math got you total power
over chickens!

- And so...

- ♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪
- ♪ Chu-cheep chu-cheep
chu-cheep cheep ♪

- ♪ Problem solved! ♪

- Speech! Speech!

- Thank you, everyone!

♪♪ An election like today's
happens rarely ♪

♪ And you've chosen me to lead
- But only barely ♪

- ♪ With for me
and for him ♪

♪ That's a winning margin
but it's slim ♪

♪ So it goes to show that ♪

- ♪ Every chicken is important ♪

♪ Every chicken counts
- Doesn't matter if
you're little ♪

- ♪ Every single,
yellow bit'll ♪

- ♪ Make a difference
when we tally the amounts ♪

- ♪ Yes we count every chicken ♪

♪ Every chicken counts ♪

- ♪ Every chicken is important ♪

♪ Every single one ♪

- ♪ 'Cause when we add you
all together, every beak
and every feather ♪

- ♪ All the soft and downy
fluff'll be ♪

- ♪ Way more than enough,
you'll see ♪

- ♪ To win a solid victory when
finally we tally the amounts ♪

♪ Yes we count every chicken ♪

- ♪ 'Cause every
chicken counts ♪

- ♪ I still like ♪

♪ Triangles! ♪♪

- So, first I was ahead,
then the pig, then me.

- It sure was exciting.
- And the important thing is

I did it my way, not by
pretending to be like the pig.

- True.
You kept your dignity.

- Yeah. I kept my dign--
(She burps.)

Excuse me!

(contented sighs)

- - ♪♪ One, two,ing
a one, two, three, four! ♪

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

- (kids): ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- (kids): ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- (kids): ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ?
- (kids): Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- (kids): ♪ Peg Plus Cat! ♪♪
- Woo-hoo!

- "The Littlest Chicken..." -

that's me! - "...Problem."

- Once upon a time,
a girl and her cat

were about to present
a famous fairy tale!

I, Peg, am the girl!
- I'm Cat, the cat.

- And this is the story
of The Three Bears!
- Hey.

- Yo.
- Wassup?

- Hello.
- Wait a minute.

- Once upon a time there were
one, two, three, four bears.

One day when the bears were
about to eat their porridge--

Did I say FOUR bears?

We've got a BIG PROBLEM!

This story is about
one, two, three bears,

but we have four!
That's one bear too many.

- Are you now, or have you
ever been... a chicken?

- I'm a little bitty bear now.
Grr! Grr!

- You look silly in that
bear mask, Littlest Chicken.

- I do?
- You have feathers, not fur.

You live on the farm, not
in the woods. You're not a bear.

- Okie doke! Bye-bye.

- Four bears, take away one--
- Hold on!

Where's it say take away?
- This minus sign.

It means you're subtracting,
or taking something away.

Four minus one is
THREE bears.

- We're THREE bears.
- Much better.
- Sounds good.

- And so...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is-- ♪

(phone ringing)
- Hello?

You don't say!

- Uh, Three Bears, we're
in the middle of a story here!

- The Three Bears are busy.
But don't worry, story lovers!

Next door is another famous
fairy tale family,

the Seven Dwarfs!
(Cat gasps.)

- (each dwarf): Hi.
- Hello!

- Wait another minute!

- Once upon a time there were
one, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight dwarfs.

(dwarfs yawning)
- One morning

when the dwarfs were--
EIGHT dwarfs?

- One of these things is not
like the others!

- The story is about
one, two, three, four, five,

six, seven dwarves,

but we have eight!
That's one dwarf too many.

- Did you use to be a bear...
who used to be a chicken?

- I'm a teeny weeny dwarf now.
Dwarf! Dwarf!

- You look even more ridiculous
in this mask, Little Chick.

- I do?
- You have a beak, not a nose.

- And you do not have a beard!
- You're totally not a dwarf!

- Okie doke. Bye-bye!

- Eight minus one is
SEVEN dwarfs.

So, one morning, just as the--
- (ringtone): ♪ One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven ♪

- What. Really?
(Dwarfs gasp.)

- Again with the important
phone call.

- Just as our tale's
getting started.

- Have you no respect
for story structure?

- But don't worry,
because next door is...

the Three Little Pigs!
- All right!

- (pigs): Greetings!
- Hello!

- Again?
- Once upon a time

there were one, two, three
little pigs.

- Uh, Peg?

- There are three of them,
so even if one of them is

a little different,
we're telling the story.

They lived in houses
of brick,

straw, and twigs.

- Nice!

- Suddenly, there was
a knock on the door.

(knocking on door)

- Little Pig, Little Pig!
Let me in, let me in!

- Said the big bad wolf.
- Big bad who?!

- Not by the hair
of my chinny chin chin!

- Oh, come on! Please?

- The farmer?

What brings you
to fairy tale land?

- Oh, Peg, my Littlest Chicken's
run away from the farm!

I've been lookin' everywhere,
callin' everybody.

- That was you calling
all over fairy tale land?

- I've got

- Not for long!

Little Chick, Little Chick,

let the farmer come in
and take ya home.

- (Littlest Chicken): Nope.
- Nope?!

- Then we'll huff
and we'll puff

and we'll BLOWWWW
your house down!


- The house of bricks is
the really strong one.

- Oh. Right.

- ♪ Oh Littlest Chicken ♪

♪ Oh Littlest Chick ♪

♪ How could you
bid me bye-bye? ♪

♪ Farm life was sweet ♪

♪ Now it's so incomplete ♪

♪ For just chickens have I ♪

- One hundred chickens
minus one is .

What the farmer's
singing is true.
- That's singing?

- ♪ Oh Littlest Chicken ♪

♪ Oh Littlest Chick ♪

♪ You're the chicken
I really adore ♪

- ♪ That's for sure ♪

- ♪ Please come back to the coop
so your feathery group ♪

♪ Can add up to once more ♪♪

- ♪ The farm was nice ♪

♪ Pretty plants ♪

♪ Fresh air ♪

♪ But there's so many
other chickens there ♪

♪ I got lost in the crowd ♪

- (all): Awwww!

- ♪ I want a smaller family ♪

♪ Someplace
where they'll really ♪

♪ Notice ♪

♪ Meeeeeeeee ♪♪

- Is it just me, or was that
a really moving performance?

- It's not
just you. Look!

- Come live with us,
Little Chicken.

- You're cute
as a button!

- Three bears, plus one me,
is how many?

- Three plus one--

- Where in tarnation
does it say plus?

- This sign means plus,
or add on.

Three bears plus one more would
be four of you living together.

- Sounds cozy.

- Don't let her
leave me, Peg!

- The Bears are nice,
Littlest Chicken, but, um...

- Would you really want
to eat all that porridge?

- (dwarfs): We'd let you eat
anything you want.

- Seven dwarfs plus one me...

- Makes eight folks
sharing one bathroom.

- You'd have to get really good
at holding it in.

- (goats): Live with us!

- She is pop-u-lar!
- Oh, yeah!

- The Billy Goats Gruff want
the Littlest Chicken too?

- Three goats,
plus one me...

- Would be four of you,
but goats?

They are always butting in.

- In line,
they always want frontsies.

- Live with us!
- In your own house of bricks!

- (Peg and Cat): The Giants?!
- Come live with us
in the clouds!

- The view is incredible.

- Ramone, I'm so glad
to see you.

The farmer's about to lose his--
- Littlest Chicken!
Live with me?

- Ramone! You're supposed
to help us solve our problem!

- I do what I can, Peg,

but that Littlest Chicken
is irresistible!

- ♪♪ Who shall I choose?
I'm just not sure ♪

- ♪ We'd be a really
awesome four ♪

- ♪ Us four together
would be great ♪

- ♪ You'd make us
such a happy eight ♪

- ♪ We'd be a really
super three ♪

- ♪ So would we
- Stay with me ♪

- ♪ Stay with us!
- Please! Please! Please! ♪

- ♪ I'm begging
on my bended knees ♪

- ♪ How will I stand it
if she goes? ♪

- ♪ We're begging
on our bended toes ♪

- ♪ I've made
my little mind up ♪

- ♪ You'll finally
tell us who? ♪

- ♪ I'll go with
eeny meeny miny ♪

- ♪ La la la la la ♪
- ♪ You ♪♪

- Rapunzel?
- Pretty pony tail.

- One Rapunzel plus one you
equals just two in a tower.

That's a lot less
than .


- The farmer thought
he could depend

on me to get back
his little friend,

and give our story
a happy end.

I am totally
freaking out!

(Cat blows a whistle.)
- Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from five to calm down.

Five, four, three,

two, one.
(farmer crying)

(Peg gasps.)

You've done it again,
you genius Cat!
- What?

- If the Littlest Chicken saw
the other chickens,

she'd realize how much
she misses them.
- Chickens!

- ♪ Cheep cheep chu-cheep cheep
cheep cheep cheep ♪

- Hello!
- You really miss

your friends, right?
- Nope.

- But look at them all
without you!

- ♪ Cheep cheep chu-cheep-- ♪

- Did I hear a snort?

- What a big snout you have,
Littlest Chicken.

- It's the pig!

- ♪ I am the teeniest weeniest ♪

♪ Littlest chicken ♪

♪ Of all ♪

- No, you're not!

I'm the Littlest Chicken,
and you're sitting in my spot!

- ♪ La la ♪

- She's coming home!
- ♪ Cheep cheep chu-cheep ♪

- She loves her farm friends.

- And hates being replaced
by a pig.

- By adding one chicken to ,

we're getting the total
back to !

- Math saved
our chicken situation!

- And so...

- ♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem!
- So everything is awesome! ♪

- ♪ Problem solved! ♪

- Ninety-nine chickens
and one me, and we all lived

chickily ever after!

- ♪♪ Once there were two pigs
and an empty house of bricks ♪

♪ Add one more pig
and everything clicks ♪

- ♪ Once there were two bears
with nothin' to do ♪

♪ Add one more, they're rockin'
out the whole day through ♪

- ♪ Take one away,
the two wouldn't play ♪

- ♪ A band is begun
when they add one ♪

- ♪ One's a small number
- That's no mistake ♪

- ♪ But what a big difference
that little one can make ♪

- Six dwarfs feels strange
and wrong and totally weird ♪

- ♪ Till you add a seventh
little fella with a beard ♪

- ♪ Two billy goats,
not quite enough ♪

- Add one more and suddenly
there's just enough gruff ♪

- ♪ Take one away
- We don't wanna plaaaay ♪

- ♪ They'll dance in the sun
- When you add one ♪

- ♪ It takes just one goat
- To get the others to shake ♪

- ♪ What a big difference
that little one can make ♪

♪ When one's outta town
- The others all frown ♪

- ♪ When one reappears
- No more tears ♪

- ♪ Hear those cheers! ♪
- Yay!

- ♪ One giant giant
just is not complete ♪

- ♪ Add one more, watch out for
happy dancin' feet ♪

- ♪ Ninety-nine chickens put
pain in his heart ♪

- ♪ Just add one,
the pain's all done ♪

- ♪ Watch the party start ♪

- ♪ Take one away
- Not happy! No way! ♪

- ♪ The farm is so fun
since we added one ♪
- Cheep!

- ♪ It's stranger than fiction
- And sweeter than cake ♪

- ♪ What a big difference
that little number one ♪

♪ Can make ♪♪

- ♪ I'm not a chicken! ♪

- I am!

- So, the chickens
went home,

and they all lived
happily ever after.

- What about the Bears?
The Pigs? Us?

- All lived
happily ever after.

- So I'll always be
happy forever?

Even if I... stub my toe?

- Uh-huh.

- Ow! Ouch, ouch, ouch!


You're right!
I'm still happy!


Ah... ouch.
