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03x06 - The Sushi Problem/The Highlight Zone Problem

Posted: 10/08/22 16:07
by bunniefuu

- ♪♪ One, two!
A one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Woah! What comes next ♪

-♪ Uh, ten?
- Ten ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
- Woo hoo!

- Uch!

(Japanese music)

- Hiya!

- I'm Peg and this is Cat
- Ow.

- And today we're in Japan
for the Ninja Banquet!

It's like a fancy dinner party.
- But with ninjas.

- We're also here to see
our best ninja buddy,

- Aaaaaah!

- AKI!
- She's an awesome ninja!

- Peg and Cat!
Since you're here

for the banquet, you can help me
guard the fish!

- Fish? Where?
- Here!

The fridge is filled
with yummy fish

we'll use to make sushi!
- Sushi! Ho!

I have no idea what it is...
- But it sounds soooo good,

- It's the main course

at the banquet! And you can't
have sushi without fish!

So my sensei told me
to guard that fish!

- "Sensei" means teacher.
- That makes sense, eh? Hee!

- So let's hide behind stuff
and keep watch!

This plant isn't big enough
to hide me!

- This vase isn't big enough
to hide me! RRRRR!

- None of this stuff
is big enough to hide us!

We've got a BIG PROBLEM!

- Wah!

- That's it! When Cat's
on top of the plant,

Aki's completely hidden!

Way to increase
the plant's height, Cat!

- Increase?
- Uh huh.

Increase means "add to."

♪♪ By piling things
to increase their height ♪

♪ Or lining things up
to increase their length ♪

♪ Look what we've got!
- A perfect hiding spot ♪♪

- Nice!
- And so...

- ♪♪ Problem solved!
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem!
Problem-- ♪♪

- Uh, actually...

- Not solved!
The fish is gone!

- No fish means no sushi.
- No sushi means no banquet!

- We've got a--


- What are we gonna
serve at the banquet?
- What are we going to tell

the Sensei?
- Whoa!

What's mud doing on the floor?

- That mud is tiny footprints,
two at a time!

These are a clue!
- A clue?

- A clue is like a hint.
To help you solve a mystery.

- So whoever took our fish must
have made these footprints.

- And if we follow
the footprints...

- We'll find our fish thief!

- Look. It's...
- (together): THE PIG!

- Wait! The Pig is the number
one ninja, he's not a bad guy!

Why would he take the fish?
- Who knows? Who cares?

Let's get him!

- But the footprints go
two by two, next to each other.

Not one foot in front
of the other.

The only way to make
these prints is to...

- Hop!
- Right!

But the Pig doesn't hop!
- (Cat): He hardly even moves!

- I don't think the Pig
is our fish thief, Aki.

- But he's standing right--
Noooo! He's escaped!

Agh. I think it's too high.

- ♪♪ Then let's stack boulders
and climb ♪

- ♪ Just like we stacked
crates that time ♪

- ♪ Stack 'em up!
Increase the height ♪

- ♪ One, two, three!
Just right ♪♪

- Mud! Ewww!

- Let's run across those bamboo
sticks instead!

- More footprints!
The thief came this way!

- Whoa!

- There's the Pig!

Hi-YA! Don't hold me back!
I can get him!

- It's too far to jump, Aki.
- He'll get away! UGH!

- In the mud! Another clue!

- A foot print?
- A bottom print!

The thief must have sat down
and left this bottom print

in the mud!
- That's one big bottom!

- I know. But look,
the Pig has a small bottom

and a squiggly tail.
There's no way

he made this big bottom print.
- So he's got a small bottom

- whoop de-do! He totally
took that fish!

I know it! We have
to go after him.

- But how?

- Yes! The bamboo!

Just like we stacked boulders
to increase height,

we can lay these sticks end
to end to increase length.

♪♪ Length lying down ♪

♪ Is the same
as height standing up ♪♪

- No! The Pig's gone again!
He's just so fast!

- Quick! Let's lay these end
to end and build a bridge!

- Well get Ms. Rope Trick
over here.

- This bridge is really fragile.
We have to cross it slowly,

so it doesn't break.

- Ugh! Not another...thing!

- What can we stack to get over
this wall of crates?

- There's nothing to stack!
- We're stuck!

- This stinks!
- Hi guys!

- Sensei Ramone!
- What are you doing here?

- Collecting firewood
for the Ninja Banquet!

The Dragon is draggin'
the wagon. Heh.

- Good one, Sensei.
- This tree's too long

to fit in the wagon.
- So let's make it shorter.

- Wow!

- By kicking off some
of the tree,

you can decrease its length.
- Decrease is the opposite

of increase, right?
It means "take away from".

- Uh huh. You can decrease
length, or height.

- You just gave me an idea!
Thanks, Sensei Ramone!

- I do what I can.

- So what's your idea?
- Instead of trying to climb

this tall wall,
let's decrease its height,

so we can step right over it!
- How can we make it that low?

- Like this! Hi-ya!

- Whoa.
- You did it!

- Help me out!
- Hi-ya! Hi-ya!

- He! He! He! He!
- Wait! Listen!

- Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!
Look at all this fish.

It's like an aquarium,
minus the water.

Why am I talking to myself?
Must be a habit I guess. Uch!

- It must be the Pig!
- The Pig never talks,

he only sings opera.
- He never says "Uch".

- If it's not the Pig,
who is it?

- Well, let's think.
The two-by-two tracks tell us

the thief hops.
The bottom-print tells us

he's got a big bottom.
- Huge.

- The only creature I know
who hops, has a big bottom,

and says "Uch!" is--

- The Toad!
- Hi-ya!

- Hand over that fish, Toad!
- Can't do that.

I have to bring it somewhere
very important.

- Get him!
- Ninja chase!


- You're trapped, Toad!

- Whoa.
- Are you a ninja too?

- Nope. Beginner's luck.

Who knew I had it in me?
OK, let's go!
- Hurry!

- Careful! You have to go over
that bridge slowly!

- No way. I'm running late!
And being chased by you!



- He's too far down
for us to reach!

- And we used up our ninja rope
on the bridge!


(Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!)
(Cat blows a whistle.)

- Cat's right.
We should count backwards

from five to calm down.

- Five, four,

three, two, one!

- That's it, you height
increasing Cat!

- Huh?
- We don't need rope to reach

the Toad. We can increase
our height by using each other!

- Let's do it!
- Hold onto this boulder, Cat.

- I love being boulder holder!
- I'll hold onto you...

Now Aki can increase our height
even more...

- And reach all the way to...
- Me! Thank you!

- Let's pull him up!
- Wait! The fish!

- Don't worry about the fish!

- After I sliced it up
just right? No way!


- We did it!
- Woo hoo!

- We saved Toad and got
the fish back. Which means...

- ♪♪ Problem solved!
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem!
- So everything is awesome ♪

- Wait wait wait wait!
Toad cut the fish

into tiny pieces! The chef won't
be able to make it

into sushi for the banquet!
- Eh, sushi IS cut up fish!

- It's true, Peg!
See how they make sushi?

- Who knew-she!
- But why'd you take the fish

and hide?
- I prepare my dishes

in private. So no one will know
my secret recipes.

Little did I know I was being
followed by Peg Punchy Crates.

- So the sushi's OK!
- We can finish our song!

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪

- Best sushi ever!
It tastes like sword,

with a hint of exploding crate.

- Sorry I thought you took
the sushi, Number One Ninja Pig.

You were wisely leading us
to the fish.

- Or just standing around
staring into space.

- You never can tell
with him, right?

-Thanks for a great banquet,
Chef Toad

and your amazing crew.

- ♪♪ We couldn't have solved
the mystery ♪

- ♪ And made Ninja Banquet
history ♪

- ♪ Without a few
really useful clues ♪

- ♪ They're little things
you can use ♪

- ♪ When you're feeling
confused ♪

- ♪ About what to do
or where to go ♪

- ♪ From somewhat subtle hints!
- To big old bottom prints ♪

- ♪ They'll tell you what
you need to know ♪

- ♪ First we saw a trail
of muddy footprints ♪

- ♪ Tracked across the floor,
two by two ♪

- ♪ We followed them and found
a big dent in the ground ♪

- ♪ From somebody's bottom ♪

- ♪ Somebody like you ♪

- ♪ Find a clue and
it will share ♪

- ♪ Every why, and every where ♪

- ♪ All the how's and when's
and even who's ♪

- ♪ Clues!
- ♪ They're little things

♪ You can use!
- When you're feeling confused ♪

- ♪ About what to do
or where to go ♪

- ♪ So muddy tracks,
or muddy bottom ♪

- ♪ Use those clues up
if you've got 'em ♪

- ♪ They'll tell you what
you need to know ♪

- ♪ They'll tell you what
you Need to know ♪♪

- Hi-Ya!

- So height standing up...
- Uh huh...

- Is the same as...
- Right...

- ... as... as...


Wah! Length lying down!

I dreamt you were a chicken.
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- ♪♪ We're splashing
in the bathic)

- (Ramone): For your
consideration, here's... Peg:

a little girl with
a lot of energy.

She's tamed dinosaurs;
explored outer space;

even helped compose Beethoven's
Fifth Symphony.

(Dun dun dun dunnnn!)

But today...she's bored.

- I'm so bored,
I'm looking at old photos...

- Boredom is common
in today's youth,

characterized by
a feeling that--

- Everything seems the same.
- Everything seems the same.

- Same Peg, same Cat,
same this, same that.

Even the same music going over
and over and over in my head!

I wish something were different.

- Peg should be careful
what she wishes for.

Because she's about to enter...

the Highlight Zone.

- Whoa.
- I was dreaming of peanuts!

Peg do we have pean--


(mystical music)


- ♪♪ One, two!
A one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One two three!
- Yeah c'mon let's go ♪

- ♪ Four five six!
- Hey what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Woah! What comes next ♪

- ♪ Uh, ten?
- Ten ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two
Na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
Na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪
- Woo hoo!

- You're coming up to a sign
on the graph paper -

it reads:

(eerie music)

- Hey! I'm Peg, this is Cat,
and where'd the colour go?!

Our painted rocks are just...
- Rocks!

- Little Bluey's just...
- Little!

- And my special marble is...
I can't bear to look!

Everything's just so... bleh!
- I can't live in a bleh world!

Meh, sure, eh, fine -
but not bleh!

- This is a BIG PROBLEM!

- Maybe I can help.
- Ah!

- Ramone! What's going on?
- You've entered a world

not only of black and white,
but of certain differences.

You've entered...
the Highlight Zone.

- The Highlight Zone?
- What kind of differences?

- Why don't you tell me?

- Hmmm...well, my bed
is really tall now!

- Hot diggity!
- The colour came back!

♪ So... Problem solved ♪

♪ The problem is-- ♪

Sort of solved.
Everything else is still

black and white! What happened?

- ♪♪ In addition to
the black and white ♪

♪ That took you by surprise
The Highlight Zone ♪

♪ Is also kwn
for shifting shape or size ♪

♪ Objects once familiar
will suddenly look strange ♪

♪ So when you see one,
circle it ♪

♪ Highlighting the change ♪♪

The only way to leave
the Highlight Zone

is if you highlight objects
whose shape or size is different

than in the real world.
- And if we don't?

- You'll be stuck
in this bleh world. Forever

(Cat gasps.)
- So we have to highlight

objects that have a different
shape or size than normal?

Well I already did my bed.
That's !

So, take away
leaves to go!

- Happy highlighting.
- Ramone! Wait! Ra--

- Ramone? No, I'm Richard!


I can't believe you forgot
my name, Peg!

I need my blanky...

- Well, at least he's
still the same.

Cat, we're on the Purple Planet!
- Not too purple, anymore...

- More like the Bleh Planet.
- So bleh!

- We gotta get outta
the Highlight Zone!

So let's find
what's different here.

But wait - how are we supposed
to know what looks different

if we don't have anything
to compare it to?

- Compare?
- Yeah - when you put things

next to each other and see
how they're different!


Cat, you brought the photo album
of all of our adventures!

- I did?
- Yep! And we can compare

the photos in here with
the Highlight Zone

to find the differences!
Let's see...

(chiptune music)
- Richard looks the same.

- I do? In a good way
or a bad way?

- But Big Mouth looks

- Mra mroo?
- You're right, Cat.

His eyebrows are squiggly,
not rectangular!

And Richard's safe is round,
not a cube!

- Colour!
- Rurrur!

We found more differences.
take away leaves to go!

- Peg, you might want
to check this out...

- Oof! Where are we?
Do you smell that?

- It's, uh... not the best.
- Yah! It's the wurst.

- These sausagey things
are wurst, so we must be

in the wurst shop!
Hey, Ludwig von Beethoven!

- Good to see you, my man.
How's it hanging?

The wurst, I mean.
- Salted unt seasoned.

So vat brings you here today?
- You know, seeing the sights...

- Smelling the wurst...
- Trying to escape...

the Highlight Zone.
- Never mind, forget I asked...

- Now let's see...

the wursts used to be long,
round tubes. Cylinders!

Now they've got sharp edges.
They're rectangular prisms!

- And the people
are tall, tall, tall, short...

- Instead of short, short,
short, tall!

Different sizes...
different shapes!

That's more differences

take away leaves to go!
See you later, Ramone!

- Later might be sooner...
than you think!

- Hey now!
- Whoa!

- Ladies and gentlemen,
for our next act,

Peg and Cat will spot
the differences...

- We can do this.
- While walking the tightrope.

- Still doable.
- And juggling monkeys!

- Juggling what now?

- Got it!

- And Peg's dropped the photo!

Can she catch it before
it goes up in flames?

- You bet I can.

That came off like I know
what I'm doing. Which I don't!


- ♪♪ Look at her swing!
Look at her swoop ♪

♪ Saving her thing
from the fiery hoop ♪

- Aw nuts, I missed the photo

and now it's too low
for me to reach!

- I gotcha covered, peg!

- ♪ What gusto, what strength!
So clever and spunky ♪

♪ She's doubled her length
with the aid of a monkey ♪

- OK, last chance.
Ready cat?

- I was born ready...
to throw monkeys!

- ♪ In her final attempt,
her ultimate bid ♪

♪ Can she? Will she? Did she? ♪

♪ She did ♪♪

- Thank you, colourless
circus fans!

- Now, let's find
those two differences.

- Hm. Got it! The platforms
are different shapes!

- Those are all circles.
- But that one's

triangle shaped and
that one's a rectangle!

more down. take away only
leaves to go.

- Well done, you two.
Take a bow.

- Woah! We're back home!
- That's right.

The little girl and her cat
are at the tail end

of their journey.
- Huh.

- The last three differences
are here.

- Then let's find them fast
and get out of this creepy zone.

- You said it, sister.

- Well... Hm. The fire hydrant
is shaped like a cylinder

in the picture
and it's a cube here,

but I didn't notice any
other differences, did you?

- Hello, Peg!
- Hello, Cat!

- Hello there, ridiculously-
sized neighbour lady Connie.

- That's it, Cat!
Connie's way too tall here.

That's . take away

leaves one more
difference to find.

But where is it? Everything
looks the same as in the photo!

And if we can't find the th
difference, we'll be trapped

in the Highlight Zone forever!

(Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong!)
(Cat blows a whistle.)

Cat's right. I should count
backwards from to calm down.

Five, four,

three, two, one!

- Ow! When did your hat
get so sharp and pointy?

- My hat's not sharp and pointy!

You figured it out,
you genius cat!

My special marble isn't a sphere
anymore - it's a pyramid!

A sphere is smooth,
but a pyramid has points!

- I'll say.
- So that's the th difference.

- Woo hoo! We did it!
- And so...

- ♪♪ Problem solved!
The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ So everything is awesome...
Problem... ♪♪

- Peg! Peggg! Wake up!
- What's going on?

- You fell asleep in the middle
of our play-date.

- Yeah, it was kind of

- You must've been really bored.
- Bored?

No! No one's bored! I don't want
anything to be different.

Everything's perfect,
just the way it is.

- Huh?

- ♪♪ Has anyone ever
told you guys ♪

♪ That you look great in colour?
- No ♪

- ♪ In black and white,
you're, eh, all right ♪

♪ But everything's much duller ♪
- Um...

- ♪ The same goes
for the hydrant ♪

♪ The mailbox and the car ♪

♪ Yes, things are
totally perfect ♪

♪ Just the way they are ♪

♪ And I wouldn't change
a thing ♪

♪ Nope! Not a single thing ♪

♪ Not the size of my bed ♪

♪ The shape of your head
or your smiles ♪

♪ And natural bling ♪

♪ Yes, you'd better believe it ♪

♪ That's just the way
I'd leave it ♪

♪ Don't go changin'
or rearrangin' ♪

♪ I wouldn't change a thing ♪

- Are you feeling OK, Peg?
- I'm feeling great!

- ♪ This sausage is a cylinder ♪

♪ Not a rectangular prism ♪
- True.

- ♪ And Connie doesn't
suffer from

♪ A case of gigantism ♪
- Nope.

- ♪ My special marble's still
a sphere, not a pyramid ♪

♪ Yes it appears that everything
appears the way it did ♪

♪ And I wouldn't change a thing!
No-oh ♪

♪ Not a single thing ♪

♪ 'Cause you aren't a cube
and you aren't a tube ♪

♪ And you certainly
aren't a ring ♪

- Woah!
- ♪ You're picture perfect ♪

♪ Ready to frame ♪

♪ Keep it all exactly the same ♪

♪ Don't go changin'
or rearrangin' ♪

♪ I wouldn't change ♪

♪ A thiiiiing ♪♪

- Um... I think I speak
for everyone when I say...

- Peg?

What was that all about?
- Just a dream I had, Richard.

- But was it a dream?
Or was it...

the Highlight Zone?


- I actually had a question
about that dream you had.

- Oh yeah?
- You said things

were black and white?
- Yep.

And different sizes?
- Yeah, why?

- Eh, just curious.
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Tee! Hee! Hee!

- Um. Actually, would you
mind uh... um... you know...

- Oh, here you go!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Thanks! Ah!