04x01 - Katerina's Costume / Dress up Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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04x01 - Katerina's Costume / Dress up Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Happy Dress Up Day! Today, we're
going to Miss Elaina's house

to make our costumes.
And then, we're going

on a Dress Up Day parade.

Do you like to dress up?

I can't wait to show you
my costume. Be right back!

♪♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ A Land of Make-Believe ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this Land of Make-Believe
A friendly face ♪

♪ On every street
just waiting to greet you ♪

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪♪

(trumpeting like an elephant)
Hi, neighbor!

It's me, Daniel!

But I had my elephant mask on

because today is...

Dress Up Day! That's when
the kids in the neighborhood

dress up in costumes.
Happy Dress Up Day!

We're at Miss Elaina's house
getting ready.

- I brought out some more
costumes, come take a look!

- Come look at the costumes
with me.

- Hi, neighbor!
- Happy Dress Up Day!

- There are so many costumes!
- Woaaah!

- I could dress up
like Baker Aker!

"Mixa, mixa, mixa!"
(girls laughing)

- Oooh! I could be a butterfly!

- Oh! Dress up
is my favorite day!

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

- ♪ Dress up
any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

- I know what I'm going
to be! A robot!

Beep-boop! Beep-boop!

- I like that idea,

- Looking. For a.
Robot. Costume. Beep!

- Ooooh! Look
at this firefighter hat.

I'm Firefighter Katerina!
(Daniel laughing)

I can save people!
And cats! And owls!

A firefighter... that's what
I want to be for Dress Up Day!

I'll save you!

- Ooh! I think I know
what I'm going to dress up as.

I'm going to be...
Tigey the Adventure Tiger!

Like this! See?

Will you help me
find my Tigey costume?

Grr-ific! Let's look together!

First, I need a shirt
like Tigey.

Hmmm.... Which one
is a shirt like Tigey's?

Hm-hm-hm! This shirt
looks just like Tigey's!

I need...

Tigey's red scarf!

Where is the red scarf?

Ha! Ha! Ha!
Here's the red scarf!

Just like Tigey! Now I just need

my Tigey explorer hat.

Let's find it!

Which one is a hat like Tigey's?

This is a hat like Tigey's!

Look at my costume!

I'm Tigey the Adventure Tiger!

And I'm brave and strong! Grrr!

Let's be adventurers like Tigey

and look through
my binoculars... like this!

A turtle.

A rabbit.

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Miss Elaina!?

- Ho! Ho! Ho!
- Katerina?


- I like your costume, toots!

- You look just like
Tigey the Adventure Tiger.

- I'm brave and strong! Grrr!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
A sparkly super cape!

I want to be Super Katerina!

Yes, meow-meow,

that's what I want to be
for Dress Up Day!

- But you were a firefighter!?

- But now I'm... Super Katerina!

And I will save the day!

Wheeeee! Meow-meow!
(Miss Elaina laughing)

Oh! That baby needs help!

Don't worry, baby,
Super Katerina will help you!

Got you! There...

safe and sound.
- Super Katerina

saves the daaaay!
Dress Up Day!

- Well it sounds like everybody

is having fun on...
Dress Up Day!

- No!
- Huh?

- No... no, no, no!

- What's wrong, Elaina-berry?

- Did you find a robot costume?

- No, toots! I don't see
a robot costume anywhere!

- Well... remember,

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

- But how can I
dress up like a robot

if there is no robot costume?

- Well, if you can't find
a robot costume...

you can make one!
- Boomerific!

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

I'll go get the crayons!

- Me too!
- All righty-roo!

Here you go, toots!
Crayons and glue

and sparkles!
- Wowza, look at all this stuff!

- I can help you
make your costume!

Here's a big box.

- It's perfect
for my robot costume!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Let's color it in, toots!

- OK! Shading, shading.
- Zig zags! Circles!

Robots have buttons
and, uh, stuff.

- And lines!
- My robot looks so good!

- Ta-da! I changed again!
See my tutu?

- Does this mean
you're not going to be

Super Katerina for Dress Up Day?

- No! Now,
I'm Katerina Ballerina!

That's what I want to be
for Dress Up Day!

See? I leap, I jump

and I twiiiiiirl! Meow-meow!

Oops! I twirled on a crayon.

- It's OK. I can still use it
to make my robot costume!

- You're making your costume
for Dress Up Day, meow-meow?

- Oh, sure!
♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

And I'm dressing up
in a robot costume I made!

- That's a nice idea. Meow-meow!

- Tigey the Adventure Tiger,

can you help me
put my robot costume on?

- I will!

- Beep! Boop!

I am a robot! Beep! Boop!

- Hello, Robot.
- Hello! I'm Katerina Ballerina.

- Beep-boop! Beep!

- Wow! Now, Katerina
is a ballerina!

She keeps changing costumes!

But... I guess that's what
you do on Dress Up Day!

You dress up!

Do you want
to make believe with me?

Let's make believe...
that we got to dance

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe

in our costumes!

(dance music)

♪ I'll dress up
like Tigey the Adventure Tiger ♪

- ♪ I'll dress
in my robot suit ♪

- ♪ I'll dress up
like a ballerina ♪

♪ And do my ballerina dance ♪

- ♪ Dress up with your friends
Dress up on your own ♪

♪ Dress up any way you want ♪♪

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Beep! Boop! Robot
is ready for Dress Up Day!

- Tigey the Adventure Tiger
is ready for Dress Up Day, too!

What about you,
Katerina Ballerina?

- No, meow-meow, I'm not ready!

I want to be a ballerina

and a firefighter...
and a superhero!

- Wow! You want
to be a lot of things.

- I do. I can't decide,

I can't pick one thing
to dress up as, meow-meow,

so I don't want
to dress up anymore!

- Oh, but, Katerina...
know what my mom told me?

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

You don't have to pick
just one costume, toots.

- I don't? Meow, meow, I don't!

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

Ohhh! I know what to do now!

OK, everybody, cover your eyes!
- Uh-huh!
- Okie dokie!

- Keep them covered!

- What do you think
Katerina's going to be?

I can't wait to see!

- Open your eyes!
Meow-meow, tadaaaa!

- I love it!
But... what are you?

- I'm... Super-firefighter-
ballerina Katerina!

I fight fire...
and save the day!

Tada! And dance the whole time!

- Oh!
- Oh! Wow!

- Oh! And I'm a mommy too!

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

And the way that's right for me

is dressing up as... everything!

- I like it, toots! Is it time
for the Dress Up Day parade yet?

- I don't think so!
- Oh, well...

In that case, let's dance!

- Meow-meow!
- Yeah!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
- Grrr-ific!

This is my Tigey
the Adventure Tiger Dance!

Brave and Strong!

- Beep! Boop!
This is my robot dance.

I call it, the robot!

- And now, what you've all
been waiting for...

MEEEE! Superfirefighterballerina
Katerina... Mommy!

And I dance like... this!

- Beep! Boop!

- Beep! Boop!

- ♪ Dress up
any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

♪ It's magical and fun
to make a costume ♪

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

- ♪ With my cardboard rocket
and this helmet on my face ♪

♪ I can fly into outer space ♪

♪ Now I'm an astronaut ♪

♪ Look at me go ♪

♪ Zoom, zoom, zoooom ♪
(Daniel laughs.)

-♪ With my tiara and my tutu ♪

♪ I'll make the twirliest
ballerina costume ♪

♪ Twirl, twirl, twirl ♪

- ♪ I can use this hat and make
an apron from a sheet ♪

♪ Now I'm a baker at a bakery ♪

♪ Mixa, mixa, mixa ♪

- ♪ Dress up
any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

♪ It's magical and fun
to make a costume ♪

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

♪ Find a way right for you ♪♪

- I love seeing
all the different ways

we can dress up!
And most of all, I really loved

getting ready for Dress Up Day
with you. Ugga-mugga!

What are you doing today,

Look at all
these beautiful colors.

Do you know what those are?

Face paints!

That's our friend Karen.
She knows how to paint faces.

What animal is she painting

on Jude's face?

There's a little orange.

Are those stripes?

Ohhh! I spy...

a tiger! Grrr!

It's our friend Zaynah!

What is Zaynah gonna be?

Ooooh! Green stickers!

Aaaw, she looks
like Katerina Kittykat.

Ruby's turn!

Let's see what animal's going
to be painted on Ruby's face.

Ruby's getting her eyes
painted first.

Now, blue.

Can you figure out
what she's going to be?

She gets a sticker too,
on her nose!

Oh! Ruby is an Owl

like my friend O!

I love face painting!

And it looks like
everyone's excited

to show off their painted faces
at the park.

Thanks for playing with us,
neighbor. Bye!

I like spending time with you.

Hi, neighbor!

- Happy Dress up Day!

I'm dressed up
as Tigey the Adventure Tiger!

See? It's really me,
Daniel Tiger. Ha! Ha!

But today is Dress Up Day,
so I'm wearing a costume!

What do you like to be
when you dress up?

I'm glad you're here
for Dress Up Day.

(kids laughing)

Look! All of our friends
are dressed up too!

- (kids): Happy Dress Up Day!
(bugle call)

- Ah! That means
King Friday is coming!

- Greetings, neighbors!

Good Dress Up Day to you all!

I'm so pleased
to see everyone dressed up.

Each of you
in your own special way!

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

- Yeah!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

Now, I will meet all of you
outside of Baker Aker's later,

for a Dress Up Day treat!
- OK, everyone,

we can start our parade!
- Hoo-hoo, look at my costume.

Isn't it nifty-galifty!?
I'm a traffic light! See?

- I do see!
What a creative costume!

- Yup, I wanted to be
a traffic light all year!

And now I am!
And I love it, hoo-hoo!

- OK, here are
your sticker books,

so you can collect stickers
from the neighbors.

- I'm a rock.
Rocks don't have arms.

- Oh, gotcha.

Here you go, rock!
- A rrroyal thank you!

- Thanks, Mrs. Tiger!
- Meow-meow, thanks!

- Thank you, hoo-hoo!
- Thanks, Mom!

- Grr-ific!
Then we're ready to...

- GO! Green means go!
- You heard the traffic light!

Green means go!

- I like being a traffic light!

I get to tell people
to go, go, go!

- Go! Ho! Ho!

- (kids): Make way,
it's a parade for Dress Up Day!

- Stop, Trolley!
I'm a traffic light,

so you stop when I say stop!

- Look! Trolley's costume
is flowers!

- (kids): Happy Dress Up Day,

(Ding! Ding!)
(O laughing)

- Red Light, stop!.

- Say green light,
traffic light! Say green!

- OK. Green light!
We can GO

to Mr. McFeely's now!
(kids laughing)

Hoo-hoo! I wish I could be
a traffic light all the time!

Hoo-hoo... OOF!
(kids gasping)

- O, are you OK?
- Hoo-hoo!

I'm OK. I'm OK.

Oh no!
(kids gasping)

Hoo-hoo! My costume!

It's ruined! Hoo-hooooooo...

- I'm so sorry
your costume got ripped, O.

- I'm so sorry, O.

- My green and yellow
and red are ripped.

I can't be
a traffic light anymore.

And if I can't be
a traffic light,

I don't want to be
anything at all! Hoo-hooo...

- I'm sorry
your costume ripped, O.

Maybe you can still be
a traffic light?

- No, it's not
a traffic light anymore.

And I don't want
to be anything else.

- But, do you still
wanna do Dress Up Day?

- Yes. I do need more stickers
for my sticker collection!

- OK! Let's keep going!

- And maybe you'll think
of another costume!

- Yeah, maybe. Hoo-hoo.

- O's costume was ripped.

How would you feel
if your costume got ripped?

I would feel sad.

Here you go!

- My, my, my!
Look at all of your costumes!

- (kids): Happy Dress Up Day!

- Guess my costume! , , !

Ah-ah! Woohoo! Ah! Ah!

I am... brave and strong! Grrr!

- Grrr! You must be
dressed up as...

Tigey the Adventure Tiger!

- Grr-yes!
- Yes Indeed-y!

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

I can see you've all chosen
costumes that are right for you.

And now,
I've guessed your costumes,

here is a speedy
Dress Up Day delivery...

- Meow-meow, a letter sticker!

- Beep-boop! Beep! Thank you!

- I'm a rock.
Rocks don't have arms!

- No problem.
- There you go, Mr. Rock.

And here's a sticker
for you, mister...

- Nothing. I'm not
dressed up as anything.

But thanks for my sticker,
Mr. McFeely.

- You're welcome, O.
- My turn!

A letter sticker!

Thank you, Mr. McFeely!

- Thank you, Mr. McFeely!
And Happy Dress Up Day!

- My pleasure! Bye-bye!

- (kids): Make way,
it's a parade for Dress Up Day!

- I liked when Mr. McFeely
guessed my costume...

Tigey the Adventure Tiger!

I wonder what I would dress up
as if I wasn't Tigey.

Let's make believe that...

I dressed up
as lots of different things!

♪ I'm a superhero
I'm here to save the day ♪

♪ Need to be rescued?
I'm on my way ♪

♪ I'm a policeman,
a real traffic cop ♪

♪ I tell the cars when to go
and tell them when to stop ♪

♪ Now I'm a baker
I'm baking lots of cakes ♪

♪ Won't you have a bite?
Mmmm, they taste great ♪

♪ I'm a firefighter
This hose is what I use ♪

♪ I can be anybody,
anybody that I choose ♪♪

Wasn't that grr-ific? Come on!

O, maybe your costume
could be something else!

- I don't know
what else I could be.

I really liked helping people
as a traffic light.

- You're good at helping people!

I hope O feels better soon!
- Wait for me!

Rocks move slow.

- Hi, Daddy!
I mean... beep-boop, Daddy!

- Hi, Robot Elaina!
- Wait, wait!

We have to say our thing!

I mean... boop-boop, bing!

- (kids): Happy Dress Up Day!

Guess my costume! , , !

- I know that one!
That's my little robot!

- Beep-boop-boop-boop-boop!
- Ho! Ho! OK, OK.

Who else can I guess?
- Zooom!

♪ La la-la la-la ♪


I'm Super-firefighter-
ballerina... Mommy!

- (laughing): Well, well, well.

You know what I say
on Dress Up Day?

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

And your way is to dress up
as everything!

- It is, meow-meow.
- Alriiight!

Now, who wants a sticker?
- I do!

- Meow, please!
- Sticker please, Daddy!

- Prince Wednesday,
don't you want a sticker too?

- I'm not Prince Wednesday.
I'm a rock!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
Here's a sticker for you, rock!

You're on a roll!

- A rock and roll! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Thank you, Music Man Stan,
for such musical stickers!

- Have a very happy
Dress Up Day!

- On to the next stop!

- Hoo-hoo.
- Maybe your costume

could be something else?

- Maybe I can dress up
as something else.

- Hello, everyone!
Happy Dress Up Day!

- A doctor... like Doctor Anna!

Ta-da! I'm a doctor...
that helps people,

just like you, Dr. Anna.

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

I like being a doctor.
Doctors keep people healthy!

- (Daniel and O):
Happy Dress Up Day!

Guess my costume, , , !

- I know what you are.

You are a doctor!

And you will need one of these!

A tongue depressor!

Here you go, O!
- That's Doctor O!

Say, Ahhh!

- (kids): Ahhh!

- Nice work, Dr. O!

- Don't forget about me!

Don't forget
to guess my costume!

- Hmmmmm... are you a...

- (whispering): I'm a rock.

- Are you a rock?

- I am! I'm a gold rock
from my rock collection!

- Now, you are a rock star!

What wonderful costumes!

Everyone, take
a sticker, please!

- OK, everyone,
now that we have our stickers,

it's time to parade
to Baker Aker's

for our Dress Up Day treat!
- (kids): Yeah!

- You know what?
I like being a doctor,

and a stop light.

Those costumes
are just right for me!

- ♪ Dress up any way
you choose ♪

- ♪ I'm Tigey
the Adventure Tiger ♪

♪ And I'm here to save the day ♪

♪ Beep-boop, I'm a robot ♪
(kids laughing)

♪ And I'm here
from outer space ♪

- ♪ Dress up
any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

♪ It's magical and fun
to make a costume ♪

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

- ♪ I was a traffic light ♪

♪ And now I am having fun
as a doctor, that's right ♪

- ♪ Dressing up
is so fun for me ♪

- ♪ I'm a super firefighter
ballerina mommy ♪

- ♪ Dress up any way
you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

♪ It's magical and fun
to make a costume ♪

♪ Dress up any way you choose ♪

- ♪ Dress up
any way you choose ♪

♪ Find a way
that's right for you ♪

♪ Find a way right for you ♪♪

(kids laughing)

- Oh, how splendid!

Our Dress Up Day Parade
has arrived!

- Everyone,
take a Dress Up Day treat!

(kids cheering and laughing)
- Beep-boop-boop-beep!

Robot is hungry!

- Delicious!

I'm glad you were here
for Dress Up Day.

Do you like to dress up?

I like to dress up all the time,

not just on Dress Up Day!


- ♪♪ It's such a good feeling ♪

♪ To play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling ♪

♪ When they lend you a hand ♪

♪ You wake up ready to say ♪
- Hi!

- ♪ I think
I'll make a snappy new day ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling ♪

♪ A feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back ♪

♪ When the day is new ♪

♪ And I'll have more ideas
for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things ♪

♪ You'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too ♪♪

Because it's you I like.

- (Miss Elaina): Hi, neighbor!
Today, our friends are having
a costume party.


Let's see what's in
this special box.

Howdy, CJ!

Look! He's a sheriff!

What about Simon?
He's dressed up as a...

rocket ship!

Those are sparkly boots!

Is she a butterfly?

Chase is a lovely fairy!

Let's see what Allie's wearing.

A karate uniform!

Looks great, Allie!

Next up is Aaron, the cowboy!

She's a monster!

But she's a nice monster.

There's Gus
in his ninja costume!

Ahoy, mateys!

Here comes pirate Noelle!


There are so many ways
to dress up.

Thanks for playing
dress up with us, neighbor!

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