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02x12 - The Tooth Fairy Tale/Tough Break for Garrett

Posted: 10/08/22 06:30
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright

♪ She's nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can't stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'll save the day

♪ Her heart is bright

♪ She's nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what's right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright

♪ She's nella
the princess knight ♪

[Speaking gibberish]


Nella: ok. Now,

Simon says stick out
your tongue!

All: blah!


Simon says jump around
like a monkey!

Ah-ah! Ee-ee!

Ew, ew, monkey talk,
monkey talk.

What's wrong,

I'm tired
of following orders.

When do I get to tell
everyone what to do?

I'd be a real leader.

Blaine, being a real
leader isn't about

Telling people
what to do.

It sure looks
like it to me.

Ah-ah! Ee-ee!

That's because we're
just playing a game.

Being a real leader
is about listening
to ideas

And doing what's
best for everyone.

Gork: and jumping around
like a monkey is best for me!

Ah-ooh-ooh! Ah!

Tell you what,
whatever we do next,

You can be
the leader.



[Wind howling]


Hey, what's going on?

It looks like
a storm is coming.

Gork: not coming.

It's already here!

This isn't just
a storm.

It's a snownado!

Willow: but it's
the middle of summer.

I've got
a feeling

Very strange
is going on.

Quick! Let's check
the sparkly table!

oh, no!

The entire kingdom
is frozen!

Nella: and the
flop-eared fleagles--

Garrett: have been frozen
out of their homes!

Willow: oh, no!

What could be causing
this horrible storm?

I'm not sure, but we'll
find out and stop it.

My heart is bright.
Time to be a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong

♪ It's time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots

♪ My courage shinin' bright

♪ Now I am

♪ The princess knight



All: unite!

Time to fight
for what's right!

Let's go get
to the bottom

Of this mysterious

Come on, everyone!

All: yeah!

[All groaning]

Hey, look!

The snow is all coming

From the top
of that one mountain.

Let me see if I can get
a closer look.

Well, I don't see any--

wait a minute!

The wicked wizard!

It's a magical snowstorm!

It's looks like
the wicked wizard
is making it

By putting wintery stuff
into his magic cauldron.

Which means we might be able
to reverse the spell

By putting
summery stuff into it.

Good thinking,
willow. Huh?

[Speaking gibberish]

I know you're cold
and hungry, little guy.

But don't worry.

We'll get those icy berries
warmed up soon.

All: yeah!

To help all
the fleagles
get warm again,

We'll climb
the mountain

And reverse this
magical spell.

Lead the way, nella!
Wait just a minute.

You said I got to be leader
for whatever we did next,

Well, that's true,

But that was more

You double-princess


You did promise,

Blaine: besides,
I know the quickest way to
the top of that mountain.

Well, then, ok,

Lead on, blaine.

That's more like it.

Now I'm the leader

Of the knights of
the sparkly table.

Come on, everyone!

[Wind howling]

Wicked wizard:
you see, terry?

With my magical

I can turn any day
into winter.

I just toss in
some mittens or scarves

Or other wintery things,
and voila--

Instant snowstorm!

♪ So cold, ice and snow

♪ We can make it winter
wherever we go ♪

♪ Deep freeze as we please

♪ Everybody's happy
when it's zero degrees ♪

No, terry.

I don't care how it
affects everybody
else in the forest.

♪ Winter, winter, just for us

♪ Winter, winter,
feel the frost ♪

♪ Go on, terry, chill out

♪ We'll have so much fun

♪ Winter, winter

♪ 'Tis the season

♪ We don't even need
a reason ♪

♪ Grab your sled! Hey!

♪ We'll have so much fun

♪ 'Cause it's winter, winter

♪ And it's just begun!


Blaine: the quickest way
to the top of the mountain

Is through this cave.

Um, I'm not so sure

This is the best way
to go, blaine.

Yeah! Look at the snow
hanging down from
the top of it.

It could fall on us.

Maybe we should find
another way.

I agree.
You know who
doesn't agree?

Me, and I'm
the leader,

And I say
let's go!

Nella: but, blaine--
la la la la!

I am not listening.
I am leading.

Now everybody
follow me!




Garrett: whoa!

I think we

All: aah!

I'm the leader,

And I say--



Whoa! Whoa!

Hold on!

I'm coming!

Come on, blaine!
Thanks, nella.


That was
a close one!

You said it.

[Blaine panting]
yeah. Thanks, nella.

I mean, I told you guys
everything would be fine.

Now let's keep going. Follow me!


Oh, no!
Poor fleagles!

We've got to unfreeze
the kingdom.

If not, they'll freeze
their fluffy ears off!

Let's go!

Come on, terry!
Frolic with me!


Oh, terry, how you love
playing in the snow.

Oh, I know! Let's have
a snowball fight!

There he is!

We've got to reach
the cauldron

And throw something warm
and summery in there.

How about a sunflower?

A sunflower!

But how do we do that
without that mean wizard
stopping us?

We could sneak
around the other side
of the mountain.

Gork: yeah,

Very quietly,
so he won't see us.

Good ideas!
Or I could decide

What we'd do, since
I'm the leader,

And I say we just
march right
up there.

So much easier.

If the wizard sees us,
he's gonna try to stop us.

You know something?
You guys worry
too much.

I'm the leader,
and my idea is
the one that counts.

But, blaine, wait!

Hey, wicked wizard!

Your snowstorm is
freezing the fleagles,

So we are coming
up there to stop it!

See? Easy.

Wicked wizard:
I'm afraid I can't
let you stop me, blaine,

Because terry and I love
playing in the snow.

Ha ha ha ha ha!


[All gasp]
oh, no!

Garrett: the wizard is
creating an avalanche
of snow boulders!


And blaine is
going to be

What are we
going to do ?

Quick! We need a plan!
I'll try to save blaine.

You guys get up
to that cauldron and
stop the winter spell!

If you can get this flower
into the cauldron, garrett,

Gork and I will keep
those snow boulders
out of your way.

With some slime!

And magic
fire pepper seeds.

you can count on me!

Great thinking,
everyone! Let's go!


Don't worry, blaine!
I'm coming!



Oh! Maybe I can steer
this one off-course.

it's working!


Well, that's one down.


On it.



Gork: your snowballs
are no match for
my slippy slime!

Or magic fire
pepper seeds!



More snowballs, terry,
more snowballs.

Keep it up, guys.
I'll sneak up on him.


Use your boomer blade!

Good thinking, nella!



Yeah! Two down!

I'm heading toward a cliff!

[Nella gasps]

Hurry, nella!

Almost there!



And that's .

Thanks, nella!

Come on, terry!

We've got to give 'em
everything we've got!


Sorry, wicked wizard,

But it's time
to defrost this forest.


Whoa! It's working!

Look what you've done!

It's melting!

It's melting!

[Joyful gibberish]

Gork: finally, everything
is back to normal.

But it's not fair!

I wanted a snow day.
[Fleagle squeaks]

But you can't just
do exactly what you
want to do.

Yeah. You have
to think about
others, wicked wizard.

You have to make decisions
that are good for everyone.

spoken like
a true leader, blaine.


[All laugh]

Nella and trinket:
♪ sunshine and raindrops

♪ Whoo! It's just you and me
and the whole wide world... ♪

[Whistling along]

Both: ♪ it's just you and me
and the whole wide world ♪

♪ We'll be friends forever...

[Knocking on door]

♪ It's just you and me
and the whole wide world ♪

♪ When we get together

♪ It's the best time--

Both: aah!

I brought some snacks.

Ha ha ha ha! Sorry.

I tried to knock,

But you didn't
hear me over all
the noise in here.

Oh, well, we were
just singing one of
our favorite songs.

By one of our
favorite singers--

Lady glitzenglam.

Lady whozawhat?
Who's that?

Who's lady glitzenglam?
You're joking, right?

She's only, like,
the greatest pop singer
in the whole world, dad.

Hmm, I guess it's
kind of a big deal

That she's performing
in castlehaven tonight.

I'm sorry.
What did you just say?

Lady glitzenglam is
performing a live,

One-night-only concert
at the castlehaven arena
this evening.

[Both gasp]

Ha ha! Yeah!

And all of castlehaven
is going to be there,

So you'll need to get there
before the stadium fills up.

[Both squeal]

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


[Crickets chirping]

Nella: come on, trink!
We've got to be
the first ones in line!

Then hold on tight!

Comin' through!

There! Castlehaven arena
is that way!

Follow these signs!

Hey, nella.

Are you here to see
the concert?

Are you kidding?
I'm a lady glitzenglam
super fan!

♪ It's just you and me
and the whole wide world ♪

[Both giggle]

But if you two want
to see the concert,

You better get
in line.

oh, my goodness!

We're not
the first ones here!

It looks like we're
the last ones here.

Gork: ♪ it's just you
and me and the whole
wide world... ♪

Sorry, everyone.
We're all full.

Both: all full.

All: aw!

It's not fair!
Why can't there be

Enough room for everyone
to see the show?

I'm disappointed,
too, trink.


Nella: huh? Mom?

Where have you been?

Didn't your dad
tell you?

I got here early
and saved spots for you.

thanks, mom!


Oh, you guys are
the best royal parents

A princess ever had!

Now come on in.

The concert's
starting soon.

ah! Here we are.

Oh, I can't wait to see
lady glitzenglam.

We're all full.

Both: all full!

Full? Ha!

I don't think
you understand.

Oh! Oh, we love
lady glitzenglam

More than anyone
in the world!

You have to let us in!

I wish I could, but there's
just no more space.

Maybe next year.

Both: ohh!

This isn't fair!

Yeah! Why can't we see
lady glitzenglam
like everybody else?


Rotten road sign!


that's it!

We're gonna see
the lady glitzenglam
concert after all.

We are?

Yup. Front-row seats.

Things are about to move
in a new direction.


[Music approaching]
both: huh?

here comes someone!

are we almost there?

The sign says the
stadium is that way.

Well, then,
follow the sign.

We've got
a concert to give.

You got it,
lady glitzenglam!

Let's rock! Woo-hoo!

Whoa! That was
lady glitzenglam
and her band!

But they're driving
the wrong way.

Olivia: uh-uh-uh.
♪ No, they're not

They're driving
right toward

A private concert
just for us!

Come on!

Is this concert
ever gonna start?

It does seem to be
taking a long time.

Um, excuse me.
How much longer until
the concert begins?

It should have
started ages ago,

But lady glitzenglam
hasn't even
shown up yet.

Something must be
terribly wrong.

Oh, no. Trinket, maybe we
should go investigate.

Come on.

Are you sure this
is a good idea?

I don't think
this looks like
castlehaven arena at all.

We only have to make
lady glitzenglam
think it is.

[Music approaching]

Here they come!

Lady glitzenglam.

[Music stops]

Welcome to castlehaven
cavern--uh, I mean arena!

Uh, are you sure
this is a stadium?

It kinda looks
like a--

A pop-tacular
performing space?

Right this way,

Uh, we just had a new
red carpet put down.

[Chuckles nervously]

Um, well, ok.

[Trinket panting]

Where could she be?
I don't know.

Maybe she can't find
the stadium?

That can't be it.
All the road signs
point the way here.


Nella: at least they used
to point the way.

It looks like somebody
turned them around.

And look--
lady glitzenglam's glasses!

Something's wrong,
and we've got to get
to the bottom of it!

Come on, trink!

Let's find out where
these signs are leading!

[Olivia claps]


Lady glitzenglam!

Yeah, um, hi.

Where's the rest
of the audience?

[Microphone feedback]

Oh! They're all
running late! Heh!

But you might as well
start the concert now.

They'll catch up.

A gig's a gig.
Ready, guys?

, , , !

♪ Everybody wants
to be... ♪

This is awesome!

♪ Everybody wants
to dance ♪

[Music playing]

hey! Listen!

I'd know that voice

And it's coming
from that cavern!

♪ We're gonna shout it
from the rooftop ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah...

I told you this was
a great idea.

Yeah! This is the
best night of my life!

♪ yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Through the sunshine
and the rain-- ♪




The music is making
the cavern cr*ck!


[Both gasp]

Both: aah!


The whole cavern is

Both: aah!


[Blaine and olivia



This place is
falling apart!

Oh, my goodness!
Hold on, everybody!

My heart is bright.
Time to be a
princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong

♪ It's time to
shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots

♪ My courage shinin' bright

♪ Now I am

♪ The princess knight

Oh, now that is a star.



Hang on!




Hi. I'm nella.

I'm a really big fan.

I'm so glad.

Nella: whoa!

All: whew!

Help! Aah!

I gotcha!


Is everybody ok?

Yeah, but those
two kids

Who run the stadium
might need help.


Both: aah!

Olivia and blaine?


Hang on to this!
I'll be right back!


Wow! She rocks!

That's nella.

I'll get you off
this thing. Ha!

follow me, guys.

[All whimpering]

Thanks, nella.

You saved us
just in time!

You're welcome, but why
did you try to trick
lady glitzenglam

Into thinking
this cavern was
the stadium?

We're so sorry.

We just really wanted
to see the concert.

Yeah. We couldn't
get in,

And we didn't want
to be left out.

Nobody does.

Which gives me
a great idea!

[Crowd cheering]

Lady glitzenglam:
hello, castlehaven!


On the roof!

It's lady glitzenglam!
And nella!

Hi, everyone!
Thanks to some new friends,

We were able to make it
to the concert this evening.

[Crowd cheering]
and tonight,

We've decided to give
a show that everybody
can enjoy!

The whole wide


, , , !

♪ Everybody wants to be
a part of the party ♪

♪ Everybody wants to dance

♪ You and me, we go out
and we're all in ♪

♪ We're always making
big plans ♪

♪ We're gonna shout it
from the rooftop ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Shout it from
the rooftop ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ We're gonna shout it

♪ From the rooftop,
yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Through the sunshine
and the raindrops ♪


♪ It's just you and me
and the whole wide world ♪

♪ When we get together,
it's the best time ♪

♪ It's just you and me
and the whole wide world ♪

♪ We'll be friends forever,
this is our time ♪

[Crowd cheering]
[nella and trinket laughing]
