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02x08 - See You Later Gladiator/Clod O'Matic

Posted: 10/08/22 06:27
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing,
now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help from
her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪!

Me, too!

And the best part is
getting to choose

A fabulous ball.

Ooh! I like this one.

A purple stripey?
Uh, yes, please!


Aren'’t you going to choose
a ball, olivia?

Oh, no. Ha ha.

I'’m not using
a regular old
bowling alley ball.

I brought my own.

It'’s a glamglam !


So sparkly.

My mom bought it
for me.

Isn'’t it fab?

It'’s got padded
finger holes,

Super sparkly paint,
and a smooth-roll

In other words,

It'’s super awesome
just like me!

Hee hee!
Come on. Let'’s bowl.

Whoo-hoo! Yes!

Way to go, nella.

Thanks, trink.


Nice one.

♪ Go, trinket,
go, trinket ♪

Not bad, girls.

But now it'’s time to see
the glamglam in action.

Allow me to show you
how it'’s done.

I--i didn'’t even hit

One of those

They'’re called pins.
And, uh, no.

The good news is
you get another turn.

We just have to wait

Till our balls come out
of the ball return.

There'’s yours
and yours...

Where'’s mine?

I'’m sure it'’ll pop out
in a second.

Uh-huh. Second'’s over.

What'’s wrong
with this thing?


This isn'’t mine either.

Uh, somebody!

This ball return machine
thingy isn'’t working.

Olivia, the bowling balls
have to go behind the lanes

And get sorted so they come
back to the right person.

It'’s pretty complicated.


Puh-lease. How hard
could it be?

Hello? Where is my
glamglam ?

This is

Hello? Is anybody
back there?

[Ding ding ding]

I need my ball
to show everyone

How awesome I am
at bowling.

I'’m sure it'’ll come back

If we'’re just
a little more patient.

Patience is the one thing
I'’m not awesome at, nella.


Where'’s my ball?

The bowling balls
must go back there

Before they
come back to us.

Then that'’s probably
where my glamglam is.

Nella: I'’m not so sure
we should--whoa!

Olivia: ha ha!

Now, this is my favorite
part of bowling.

Nella: yeah! Whee!

Ha ha!

What is
this place?

We must be inside
the ball return machine.


It'’s raining
bowling balls!

Look! The bowling balls
bounce in there.

Then that'’s where
my glamglam
must be.

Come on! Let'’s go find
olivia'’s ball.

Whoa. Oops.

Whoa. Whoa.

All: whoa.

Olivia: so this is

How the bowling balls
get sorted.



Um, so is my
glamglam .

And I could use
a little help
looking for it!

There it is.

Olivia: finally.

aha! It got stuck.

Maybe we can unstick it.




Go, nella!

Now I can bowl.

Oh, no!
The glamglam'’s
getting away again!

Follow that ball!

All: whoa!

What is all this?

Nella: from here,
the balls
get taken back up

To the bowling alley
in those buckets.

But which one has
my ball in it?

Maybe we could
spot my ball

If they weren'’t
all moving so fast.

Hey. What'’s that?

I don'’t know.

But maybe it'’ll help
us slow things down.


Maybe this will help.

No. Still too fast.

Uh! Ugh.

Olivia, wait!

[Machines grinding]

[Loud clank]

That doesn'’t sound good.

But you have to admit
it is going slower.


And there'’s my ball!

Olivia, wait!

Something'’s wrong
with the ball return.

We have to try
to fix it.


Uh, nella?

One second.
I almost have it.

I don'’t think we'’re
the only ones down here.


Ahem. Well, hello.

Looks like we'’ve
got ourselves

A little

Yup. Ball return'’s
getting backed up.

A little
grindy grease
ought to fix it.

Sprocksy'’s the name.

So what brings you

To this side of
the bowling lanes?

Oh. And have
you seen
my toggle wrench?

I'’m nella...

And this is trinket.

I'’m not sure
what a toggle wrench is.

Oh. There it is.

This little doohickey
should do the trick.


Sorry we
messed things up.

Not to worry. This thing'’s
been acting up today.

It just needs
a little tweak here,

A little zazzle there,

And should be right
as a strike.

[Machine powering up]

Trinket: whoa.
Nella: wow!

That is so awesome.

Who made all of this?

I did. I built it,

And I keep it

How does it all work?

It'’s all run by this
here ball control.

I call it
the heart of
the bowling alley.

I never knew it was
so much work

To keep the bowling alley

Yup. Give me a hand,
and I'’ll show you.

[Music starts]

♪ Every lever,
every pulley, every gear ♪

♪ Has got to run,
run, run ♪

♪Every springy needs
a zingy ♪

♪ And a ding to get it
done, done, done ♪

♪ So keep rolling ♪

♪ With the bowling ♪

♪ Set them up ♪

♪ Knock '’em down all day ♪

♪ So keep rolling
with the bowling ♪

♪ We work hard,
then we get to play ♪

♪ It'’s not
about the fancy ♪

♪ Or the flashy
or the frills ♪

♪ It'’s all about
the friendship ♪

♪ And sharpening
your skills ♪

All: ♪ we keep rolling
with the bowling ♪

♪ So everybody'’s
having fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ Yeah, everybody'’s
having fun, fun, fun ♪


[Olivia screaming]

Hey, guys,
I got my ball back.

Now get me out of here.

Oh, no. Olivia'’s caught
on that conveyor belt.

Bowling sticks!

And she'’s headed
for the polishing


We have to save olivia.

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart, it grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

That bowls me over
every time.


Olivia, hold on!

I'’m coming!

Hyah! Uh!


Nella, help!



Oof. Ooh.

Wow! She'’s good.

Oh, she'’s just
getting started.


Hurry up, nella.

Take my hand!

[Both groan]


Olivia'’s almost at
the polishing station.

Oh, bowling sticks!

Don'’t worry.

I'’ve still got
a few tricks
to spare.

Ha ha. Get it?

I love making
bowling jokes.

Sprocksy, hurry!
Oh, yeah.

Hyah! Uh!



Nella, sh**t me a ribbon!

Ok, you got it.

Olivia, get ready.

Jump, olivia!

I can'’t.

My ball'’s too heavy!

Drop the ball!

Ohh. Ok. Uh!



Wow. That was close.

You can say that again.

Thanks for rescuing me.

You should thank

She'’s the one that
helped us

this place out.

Oh, yes. Thank you.

I guess I won'’t be bowling
with the glamglam

After all.

Don'’t be so sure.
Follow me.

Just a little

And some



My ball!

Should be right
as a strike.

That was amazing!
Thank you.

And that'’s not all.

Sprocksy built
this whole place.

And she'’s the one
who keeps it running

So everyone can have
fun bowling.

Wow. I guess
I didn'’t think about

All the work it takes
for this place to run.

I'’m sorry, sprocksy.

Is there anything
I can do

To repay you?

Well, heh! There'’s
one thing I'’d love to do.

Ready? Bowl!

Sprocksy, trinket, and nella:
♪ we keep rolling ♪

♪ With the bowling ♪

♪ So everybody'’s
having fun, fun, fun... ♪

Oh, yeah!

Nella: this bowling day
is right as a strike.

[Bells ringing]

Hurry, guys!

Those bells mean
the wedding will
be starting soon.

Trinket: coming.

Just making sure my
sparkly hoof polish
is perfect.

I can'’t believe my dad'’s
getting married!

Ooh! And I
can'’t wait.

I love weddings.

First the guests

Then the flower girl
marches down the aisle.

Ooh! That'’s me.

Then comes
the ring bearer.

Bears?! You didn'’t
tell me you
invited bears. Aah!

Hee hee!
Not bears, clod.

When people
get married,

They sometimes
give each other
rings to wear.

Garrett: and I'’m
the ring bearer.

That means it my job

To carry the ring
down the aisle on
this little pillow

And give it
to my dad when he
marries my new mom.


And then we
eat cake!

No bears and we eat cake?

Ooh. Now, that'’s
my kind of party.

I'’m so happy for your
whole family, garrett.

Me, too.

[Sobs softly]

Trink, are you
tearing up?


Sometimes when I get
very, very happy,

I cry.

[Sobbing noisily]

[Blows nose]

Garrett: I'’m happy, too,

But I'’m also
a little nervous.

This is an important day.

I don'’t want anything
to go wrong.

Don'’t worry, garrett.
I'’m sure it will
all go smoothly.

You'’re totally
right, nella.

Now let'’s finish
setting up these--whoa!


Garrett: heh heh. Chairs.

Hey, pal, you ready?

Ready, dad!

Now, that'’s our boy.

Now, here'’s the ring.


Now, you take special
care of this

Until I need it during
the ceremony, ok?

You can count on me, dad.

I promise I won'’t let
anything happen to it.

I love you, son.

Oh, I love you guys, too!

Trinket and nella: aw!

Father: well, it
looks like everything
is ready out here.

Ooh, yes.
The guests will be
here any minute.



Wow! I'’ve never seen
such a sparkly ring.

I know, right?

You can probably see it
shining from miles away.

Ohh! Sparkly, sparkly!


Trinket: guests are
starting to arrive.

Places, everyone. Places.


Whoa. What'’s going on?

Oh! A dumbbell?

What happened
to my flowers?


Hello, everybody.

I don'’t mean
to be brash...

Uta: ooh!

My goodness!

But this is a party
I just had to crash.

Playing tricks is
fun for this pixie.

That must be the reason
they call me tricksy.

♪ Sparkly, sparkly,
sparkly, sparkly ♪

♪ Glittery, glittery,
shine ♪

♪ I'’ll do whatever
it takes to be tricksy ♪

♪ '’Cause tricksy
is perfectly fine ♪


Huh? Wha...?

♪ Something so beautiful ♪

♪ Filled with magic ♪

♪ There are no words ♪

♪ To describe ♪

Huh? Hey!

♪ Something so beautiful,
I got to have it ♪

♪ I'’m gonna make it mine ♪

Hee hee!

♪ Sparkly, sparkly,
sparkly, sparkly ♪

♪ Glittery, glittery,
shine ♪

♪ I'’ll do whatever
it takes to be tricksy ♪

♪ Just look at this ring,
now it'’s mine ♪

She took the ring!


Don'’t worry, garrett.
I'’m on it.

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart, it grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Whoo! Now, that is
some nice sparkle,

Especially that

I'’ve got to whirl!
Hee hee!

Hold on!

That ring belongs
to garrett'’s dad.

Not so fast, tricksy.

Oh. That
wasn'’t fast.

This is fast.


Oh, no!
Oh, no!

She got away.

And with
my dad'’s ring.

I'’m the ring bearer.
My only job was
to take care of it.

And I messed it up.

Nella: don'’t worry.

We'’ll catch up to tricksy
and get the ring back.

But the wedding'’s
supposed to start

As soon as my dad
and gloria get back.

And everything'’s
a mess.

You just get that ring
in time for the wedding.

We'’ll get
everything ready.

Thank you!

Come on!
We'’ve got to hurry.

She'’s heading that way--

Across those leaves.

This is bananas.

Don'’t worry.
We'’ll catch up to her.

No! This is bananas!


Trinket: tricksy switched
the leaves for bananas!

Hee hee!

[All yell]




This tricksy might be
harder to catch

Than I thought.

We have to catch
her, nella.

my dad'’s ring,

The wedding
will be ruined.

Come on, garrett!

We'’re not giving up.

Hee hee! Hee hee!

Ahh. With this
sparkly ring on my hand,

I'’ll be the sparkliest
trickster in all the land.

Hee hee!

Trinket: there she is!


Garrett: quick!
Across the bridge.

No, garrett! Wait!

Tricksy switched the ropes
on the bridge with...

Garrett: rubber bands!

Clod and garrett: whoa!
Whoa. Whoa...

Hee hee!

Nella: don'’t worry, guys.
We'’re coming.


All: whoa!

Nella: hold on tight,

Here we go!




Garrett and clod: whoa!

Don'’t worry. I'’ve got this.



Clod: whoo-hoo...

Trinket: yeah!


All right!

[Tricksy cackling]

Your knightly

Are just divine,

But this sparkly
ring is still
mine, mine, mine!

Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!

We'’ll never get my dad'’s
ring back now.

This is horrible.

That tricksy!

The only thing she cares
about is sparkle

And tricking us.


Hmm. That gives me
an idea.

we can trick her

If we can get her
to trade garrett'’s
dad'’s ring

For something else
that sparkles.

can I borrow

Your sparkly
hoof polish?

Sure. But is this
really the right time

For hoof polish?

There'’s no time
to explain, trink,

But you'’ll see.

Hee hee!

With this new ring
and its shiny reflection,

I'’ve got the sparkliest of
all sparkle collections!

I guess you'’re right,
tricksy. You win.


Since there'’s nothing I can
do to get the ring back,

I guess I'’ll just take

My shimmering, glimmering
super sparkly pendant

And go home.


"Super sparkly"?

Well, there is
one thing.

If you give me that
super sparkly

Then I'’ll give you
the ring back.

You mean this pendant?

Garrett: nella, no! That'’s
your sparkle stone pendant.

That'’s what gives you
your powers!

Sparkle stone?

Hee hee! Yes!

Now I want it
even more.

Give me that,
and you can have
this old ring back.




Nella, no!

What are you doing?!why?

Yes! Yes! It'’s mine,
mine, mine!

Nella, i...

I can'’t believe
you just did that.

Tricksy: grr! Neither can i.

Because this is just a rock!

Hey, now I get it.

It'’s a rock covered
in my fabulous
sparkly hoof polish.

Ha ha! Awesome, nella!

But you
tricked me.

You said I could
have the pendant
you were wearing.

And that'’s
exactly what you took--

The pendant I was wearing.

This is my real pendant.

Trinket: yeah!

So our trick was
fair and square.


Sorry, tricksy,
but it'’s not right

To take things that
don'’t belong to you.

Yeah. And this ring
belongs to my dad
and my new mom.

[Bells ringing]

Oh! It'’s time! It'’s time.

Nella: bye, tricksy, and
no more tricks today, ok?


But I didn'’t say
anything about tomorrow.

Hee hee!

Great work, son.

Ah, it was
nothing, dad.

Hee hee! Yeah,
nothing at all.

Sir coach: dearly beloved,

We are gathered here today
to celebrate

This thing called love.

♪ Something so beautiful ♪

♪ Filled with magic ♪

♪ There are no words ♪

♪ To describe ♪

♪ Something so beautiful ♪

♪ Everlasting ♪

♪ You just got
to let them shine ♪

Sir coach: I now pronounce
you wife and husband.


Trink, you ok?

More than ok.
I'’m so, so happy.

Garrett: me, too.

