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03x02 - Many Clouds

Posted: 10/07/22 19:44
by bunniefuu

We're also following
the tragic knife m*rder

of Sir Arnulf and Lady
Annabel Thistle this morning.

Their daughter Jessica is
being held under suspicion

by Scotland Yard.

- Morning, Prime Minister.
- No.

Sir Arnulf was the head of chemical
giant the Thistle Corporation,

and his wife a prominent
charity hostess.

Voices around the country
decried the m*rder

as the latest, most...

You're barking up the wrong tree, mate.

I told you, I dropped the girl at home.

Next thing I know, she's banging
on my door and I called you mob.

End of story.

I'm innocent as a lamb.

All morning, you lot have kept me here

without so much as a cup of tea.

Deplorable. You have
my deepest apologies.

I know you've a government to run,

international affairs and so on,

but it's the little courtesies.

- Once they go...
- Mm.

They are what separate
us from the barbarians.

You don't think I had anything
to do with this, do you?

You did deliver Miss Thistle
to the scene of the crime.

That was all above board.
Hired by the girl's nanny.

Ah, yes. The nanny.

Plus, that girl didn't care enough
about her parents to k*ll them.

Perhaps, but the simplest explanation
is usually the correct one.

I'm not seeing it.

No. Nor am I, quite.

What are you doing mucking about

with a m*rder investigation for, anyway?

Ain't you got a country to run?

Sir Arnulf ran the Thistle Corporation.

An important man.

- Means he had enemies.
- Hmm.

Don't we all?

Do you know this lady?

Should I?

So you've never seen her before?

I see she gets tea. There's that.


Now, this is Miss Deirdre Hamperton,

Jessica Thistle's nanny.


It would seem, Alfie, that someone's
made a monkey of you, a patsy.

- Mm.
- A cat's paw.

- Yeah, all right, all right.

Where did you say you
found Miss Thistle?

I didn't say. Where is she now?

Under guard in a secure
ward at St. Olave's.

You know, when she finally came to,

she was in an awful state.

As you can imagine.

I want a word with her.

Not strictly protocol, but
I'll see you get access.

What, so you want me to keep digging?

Well, I respect your skills.

If anyone's to get to
the bottom of this...

This isn't one of your
little plots, is it?

I don't know what you mean.

Look me in the eye,

and promise me you didn't
have the Thistles k*lled.


Promise you're not using
me for some skullduggery.

I promise.

All right, then.

To the point, that snide nanny
still owes me half my fee.

I won't get mugged off like that.

Do let me know if you
find anything interesting.


Love to the Queen and all that.

Be seeing you, Mr. Aziz.


♪ ♪


I think we can manage
a little bit more egg

- and some more of the soldier.
- No.

It's Mrs. P's day off.

You're with Sam, right?

I know. We're going to the zoo,

and then we're gonna go watch
a Punch and Judy show

- in the park. Mm?
- Whoo-hoo!

I wish I could come.

- Then come.
- I can't.

I'm late as it is, and
I can't find my keys.

You know, my father
won't be up for hours.

Jet lag.

You don't have to run away, Martha.

I'm not running away. I have work.


Honey, why don't we
go and get your coat?

Go on. Go, go, go. Race!

Thomas, I'm not leaving
to avoid your father.

That's just a bonus.

Okay. We need to talk.

- Now?
- Now.

I wanted to bring this
up last night, but, uh...

I had to think about it.

Ooh, that sounds ominous.

My father says you don't work
for the Public Records Office.

You know that I don't.

I work for Aziz.

That's just basic cover,
but you know that.

Yes, but you told me
that was a desk job.


My father says you're an
active MI field officer,

science wing, attached to
the prime minister's office

as a troubleshooter.

Licensed to k*ll.

You're father said all that?

I told him he was wrong.

I told him you'd never lie to me.


- Thomas, I...
- So it's true.

Oh, my God.

How would your father even know?

- And why would he bring it up?
- That's not the salient point here, is it?

- It's complicated.
- No, it's not. It's simple.

You lied to me. You lied to Sam.

- Don't bring Sam into this.
- Why not? She's your child.

We agreed you could carry on working

if you took a safe desk job.

Yeah, that's what this is.

% of the time.

Am I sometimes in the field,

as in not in my office? Then yes.

- Am I ever in danger? No.
- Are you licensed to k*ll?

That's just formal language
for... for being allowed...

Being allowed to...

Carry a g*n.

- Jesus, Martha.
- Well, I thought you kind of knew

that I was doing something more serious,

and I thought you just
didn't want to know.

That's what you told yourself?
That I knew? Really?

We had an agreement, Martha.

How did I not see this?

And of course, other people
must know about this.

I mean, Alfie and Lucius
are in on this, I suppose?

No... I mean, ye...

- they're trusted colleagues.
- Oh, trust, she says.

This has to stop now!

I'm doing important work.

I report directly to the prime minister.

- I'm needed.
- You're needed here!

I'm here, aren't I?

And by the way, what the hell
does your father got to do

with my business? What's his agenda?

- Never mind him, God damn it.
- Daddy!

[WHISPERS] We'll talk about this later.



Have fun with Daddy, okay?


I love you.

♪ ♪

So one blink for yes, and two for no.

Did you m*rder your ma and da?


Any change?

Not a dickie bird.

You all right here for a minute?

Where are you off to?

I've got to go home and get my g*n,

then it's back to that Sister Susie

and ask her what the f*ck's what.


Cup of tea?

Don't be giving me that look.

It's you that went and left me.

Had to be the hero.


Not enough to be my husband,

father to Alfie.

I think you'd be happy if
I threw myself on a fire

like the olden days.



Police let you go then, did they?

- Yeah, it was nothing.
- Nothing?

A murderess covered in blood

with a kitchen knife at the door?

Nothing, he says.

You've grown callous, you have.

She's not a murderess.

And where are you off to all glammed up?

Oh, get on with you.
I'm on me way to work.

Well, if she didn't do it, who did?

Don't know. I'll find out.

You're wearing a carnation to work?

Samantha picked them from her
garden, asked me to wear one.

And that's your good hat, innit?

What if it is? It's my hat.

- I've a right to wear it.
- Yeah, 'course you do.

Well, then.

You stick to your murders
instead of investigating me,

thank you very much.



♪ ♪

Why would someone k*ll a CIA gunman?

And what's the CIA doing
in London to begin with?

That's what the prime
minister wants answered.

- Quickly and quietly.

Why are you asking me?

You used to work for the CIA.

Uh, so does your husband,
much higher up.

What's going on, Martha?

Miss Kane, Mr. Fox.

- Lovely day.
- Hi, Henry.

So what can I do you both for today?


- Weapons?
- I'd love a cup of tea.

Kettle's just boiled.

I'll be out front if you need anything.



Yeah, so I... I wanted you to
look at the autopsy report.

But I also wanted to
talk to you personally.

Like, um...

Like, as a friend.


If anyone asks you about
our work together...

You know I don't talk to anyone

about any aspect of my work.

- If Thomas asks...
- I don't talk to anyone.

Especially friends.

Well, I...

I... I kind of didn't explain
the active nature of my work

to Thomas, and he's a little upset.


I didn't figure you for
that kind of deceit.


You always struck me as a
woman of strong morals.

- [SCOFFS] Thanks a lot.
- No, hey.

It's good to know you're human.

I don't do dangerous stuff.

It's a desk job, mostly.
You know that, Lucius.

I... I'm not putting myself at risk,
is all I'm saying. It's a job.

Yes, it is.

Uh, this guy's skin

contained trace levels of beta-santalol.

It's given off as a gas when fragrant,
resinous wood is burned.

So we're looking for hippies?


They couldn't identify the source wood.

I'm thinking it must be something rare.

So we're looking for rich hippies?

Hey, it's a clue.


No, yeah.

That could be useful.

Thanks, Lucius.


♪ ♪

We're cool, right?

♪ ♪


Good morning, Dr. Fox.

What's not to be cool about?

♪ ♪


f*ck's sake. Where's me g*n?



Told her leave it alone. I've told her.



- Alfie!
- Sam, honey, come...






- I'm sorry to intrude. Um...
- [SAMANTHA] Mrs. P.

My mum's on her way to you now.

Does she know you got Samantha?


- No, it's your mother's day off.
- No, it's not.

- She just told me...
- Yes, it is.

Anyway, look.

I need to ask you about something.

Two things, actually.

Well, I'm in a hurry as
it goes. Can it wait?

Three minutes of your time.

Sam, honey, you keep
toys here, don't you?

Why don't you go and get one?


Good girl.

I'm listening.

Wayne Enterprises needs some
investigative work doing.

I was wondering if you
might be interested.

I didn't know you worked
for Wayne Enterprises.

Oh, I don't.

I'm asking for my father.

- He's in town.
- What's he need investigating?

It's an industrial espionage matter.

I just wanted to gauge your interest

before recommending you to him.

The pay will be very,
very good, I'm sure.

Well, you can tell him I'm interested.

Good, good.

Thing number two?

Yeah, um...

Well, I'm worried that, uh,

Martha has been putting
herself in harm's way.

Has she?

Hasn't she?

Couldn't tell ya.

What, because you don't know or
because you don't want to tell me?


What's this about?

Well, I know that you and Martha
work together sometimes

and, um, well, I'm...
I'm trying to understand

what kind of work it is that she does.

Why don't you ask her?

Well, I'm asking you.

After sweetening me up with
talk of your old man's money.

That was a legitimate proposition.

This sounds like a matter
between husband and wife.

Not something I like
getting involved in.

I'm asking as a friend.

Well, as a friend,

I think you should trust your wife.


Well, thanks for the advice.

My father will get in contact, I expect.

Now, me and you have
gotta get to the zoo.

Well, hang on.

That's Toby. He's mine.

You shouldn't go around
stealing other people's bears.

- Pretty bad habit.
- Sorry.

Oh, come on, you. Bear thief.


What are you starin' at?

Here you go, my friend.

One builder's tea.

- Oh, oh, no sleeping on the job!


Oh, f*ck!


- f*ck! Shit!



♪ ♪



- Sorry, hen!

- f*cking move!

I've got you now, you f*ck.

Are you all right?


f*ck! Shit!

♪ ♪



- Shit!
- [g*nsh*t]







Um, are you all right?

What's it to you?

Bloody doctor, aren't ye?


Are you coming?


In or out?

♪ ♪

f*ckin' hell.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- All right, Alfie.
- All right.


♪ ♪

Hello. I thought you were
going to the ashram.

Trying. Come to get me spare g*n.

Mum keeps hiding my Beretta.

Well, I should think the
police will be there

- if you don't get a move on.
- Well, they won't,

because I didn't give 'em
the ashram or Sister Susie.

I see.

Why does your mother hide your g*n?


Psychological warfare.

Wants me to get a different job.

Well, I certainly wouldn't want any
son of mine doing what you do.

She lied to me today.

Said she was going to
work, but she wasn't.

Is that so?

All glammed up.

Best hat, carnation, perfume.

You'd think she was,
you know, on a date.

And why not?

Mrs. Pennyworth is an attractive lady.

- Single...
- She's not single.

She's my mum.

I'll stop discussing it, as I see
it makes you uncomfortable.

Still, I imagine she has needs.

Like everyone.

- Mr. Pennyworth.
- Bloody hell, it's you.

- I need your help.
- Hey, come here.


- You're all right. Here, sit down.



Ah, that's a knife wound.
Get the first aid.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know what they were planning.

I didn't know anyone would be hurt.

Hey, easy. We'll get you sorted.

What you talking about?

My real name is Elizabeth Vincy.

I'm an actress.

I answered an advertisement, that's all.

Here. Call the ambulance now.

An advert, you say? Yeah, go on.


I met two men. They wore dark suits.

Americans, I think.

They said this girl,
Jessica, was in trouble.

Needed to come home.

I thought I was doing the right thing.

♪ ♪

This morning, I heard
about the Thistles.


So I set out to see you to explain.

And then what happened?

There was a man waiting outside my flat.

[GROANS] I managed to get away.

The ambulance is on its way.

And Daveboy's on the line.

I think you'd best take it.

Yeah. Keep the pressure on that.

Oh, dear.

- Daveboy.
- Ah, finally.

I had to get Jessica out of there.

Someone tried to k*ll her.

They're trying up loose ends.

Who's tying up loose ends?

Where'd you take her? Where are you?

The closest place I could think of,

though I don't imagine
you're going to be thrilled.

Where are you?

♪ Talk of making love ♪


Come on in.


♪ Take your time to
bluff your way to stay ♪



♪ Let me use your eyes ♪


♪ Please don't muse with words ♪

♪ That cut me down to size ♪

Blimey, Sandra.

Look at all this.

- Must've cost a b*mb.
- Mm, probably.

- You still living with your mum?
- Yeah, 'course.

Can't leave her on her tod, can I?

How you been?

Yeah, fabulous. Really happy.

Always said you'd make it, didn't I?

You said a lot of things.

♪ ♪

What's with Daveboy and the girl?

- You in trouble again?
- Nah.

Babysitting job.

Thanks for helping out, though.

You're looking lovely, by the way.

The, uh, hair and that.

Who's the square, baby?

Not a rozzer, is he?

He's a friend from home.


Alfie Pennyworth.

Mm, Ian.


You in the music line
as well, are you, Ian?

As it happens...

Ian's song is number six
on the charts this week.

- Yeah.
- Number six?

Well done. Ian.

That's just three behind yours, innit?

- How'd you know that?
- You think I don't keep up with you?

"Candlesticks and Caravans."

Lovely tune.


Makes me think I never appreciated
'em the way I should.

Candlesticks or caravans.

Everyone's very proud of Sandra.

Daveboy and the girl are in the bedroom.

Said she could have some of me clothes.

Right. Thanks, Sandra.

Come on, let's get a drink.

f*ck's sake.

You took your time.

- I had a few other things to deal with.

How's she been?

See for yourself.

She's been like that since she came to.


What do you reckon? Think she done it?

No. No, look at her.

She couldn't hurt a fly.

Someone's fitted her up.

Fitted us up, too.

Someone who wanted the Thistles dead.

Someone with a lot of
resources and manpower.


That bloke at the hospital,
what sort of goon was he?

- Short hair, shiny shoes.
- Hmm.

What're you thinking?

I'm thinking that nanny
showed up at the office.

Turns out, she's an actress

hired by a couple of blokes
with American accents.

This morning, someone tried to blot her.

Might have succeeded.

Yanks with money.


It's got to be government, don't it?

Has that smell.

Now they're cleaning up their mess.


What are you gonna do now?

We cannae give her back to
the Scotland Yard pricks.

They almost got her k*lled once.

We keep going till we get to the bottom.


I'll ask Sandra if Jessica
can stay a while.

Is that Ian prat her
boyfriend, you think?

That wee ferret? Aye.

Sandra looks fine, though.

You missed your chance here, Alfie.


Look at this place.





♪ ♪


[SIGHS] Foolishness.

Pardon me.

Mature companion?

- Excuse me?
- "Walks through Vicky Park?

Chats over tea? Mature
companion seeks same?"

This is you, isn't it?

- I'm "Older and Wiser."
- Oh.

Yes, but I've just realized
I've promised to...

I understand.

I jumped ship my first time.
Attack of the nerves.

Pretended I had to feed the dog.


One cup.

Then you can run off to tend your dog.

- I haven't got a dog.
- Neither have I.


All right.

♪ ♪

I'm Frederick, by the way.




Alfred Pennyworth on
line one, Prime Minister.

- Alfie.
- Mr. Aziz.

- Tell me you know where she is.
- Who?

Don't be obtuse. Jessica Thistle.

Funny you should ask.
I do know that, as it goes.

Ah, small mercies. Where is she?

Someone with short hair and
shiny shoes tried to abduct her,

so Daveboy took her to a safe place.

By short hair, you mean
to imply government man?

You think I'm behind this, do you?

Well, I'm not accusing you,

but you'll understand why
I'm reluctant to bring her in.

Oh, I do, I do.

Good. Long as we're kosher.

There'll have to be
arrest warrants made out

for you and Daveboy, but
that's a mere formality.

I'm sure the courts will
be lenient with you.

Steady on. There's no need for threats.

I'll bring her in as soon as I can.

See that you do.


- I said, "Oui, oui !"

But it seems "vache" is
not French for vacancy,

rather "cow."

I ended up sleeping in the stables.

- You're having me on.
- It's the truth.

Myself and four cows.

I forget their names. One was Francine.

[LAUGHING] Oh, they're funny,
the French, aren't they?

Mary, I'm very glad you chose to stay.

So am I.

Now, if I may, I see you're
wearing a wedding band.

Yes. Five years since Mr. P's been gone.

I still can't bring
myself to take it off.

Five years?

And alone all this time?

Except for my son, Alfie.

Still at home.

I keep telling him he needs to
find a nice girl and settle down.

He was gonna get married
once, but she...

well, it didn't work out.

I think he's holding a torch, poor dear.

Yes, but I was gonna say as
you've got your own ring,

you won't need this.

Find it makes things
simpler at the hotel.


If we present as husband and wife.

I don't understand.

You read my advertisement.

"Older and wiser. Follows carpe diem."

Latin for "seize the day"?

I thought it had to do
with fish on Fridays.

I had you down as a Catholic.

You're new to this.

Carpe diem is code
among the Lonelyhearts.

It means you're a bit of a goer.

Game for a bunk-up, as the youth say.


So, Mary, we've had our tea,

bit of a chat.

Shall we seize the day?

♪ ♪

- Mary!
- Don't you Mary me!

You stay away or my Alfie will
have your head on a bloody pike!

Carpe diem my foot. Pervert.



♪ ♪


What do you want?

Uh, well, I got your address
from the bazaar on Portobello.

They said they sold you
agarwood to use as incense.

Agarwood's pretty rare, so.

Are you a reporter?

- No.
- Police?

Not exactly.

Bugger off, then.

♪ ♪

See, Thomas?

I never do anything dangerous.

♪ ♪

Jesus, f*ck!

You hit me in the bloody face!

Well, you tried to brain me.

- I thought you were a thief!
- Really?

I'm with the government.

Hooray for you. Now do f*ck off.

You just assaulted a
government official,

so I can have you thrown in the Tower

or you can answer some questions.

Nonsense. I'm on my own premises.

- You broke in.
- Sorry, but I need answers.

Sit down.

Thank you.

All right, what's your name?

- Sister Susie.
- Your given name.

Susan Cardigan.

- You run this place?
- I do.

- Where is everyone?
- I sent them away.

- Why?
- Their journey here is done.

It's time for me to move on.


You know this man?

- Oh, my God. Is he...
- He's dead.

He was m*rder*d a couple
of streets away from here.

- How do you know him?
- I don't.

Susan, come on. You're lying.

You're in some very deep water here.

Now, I can help you get to shore,

or I can let you drown.

They just showed up one day.

Who's they?

The Americans.

The man in the picture,
his friends, and Glubb.

- Glubb?
- Dr. Glubb.

He said they were from the
Peace Corps medical division.

Said he had a new drug
that needed test subjects.

The Peace Corps doesn't
run secret drug trials.

[CHUCKLES] I know.

They had CIA written all over them.

You knew they were CIA
or you're guessing?

What's the difference?

You're all the man.

And this man paid very well, so...

So you let him use your
followers as guinea pigs

in an experimental drug trial?

Right, let's see what Sister
Susie's got to say for herself.

That new boyfriend of Sandra's, Ian?

What a c**t, eh?


Seemed like a nice enough chap.

So you're not jealous, then, huh?






♪ ♪

All right. Short hair, shiny shoes.

What did the drug do?


No effect that I ever saw.

But they kept the kids in here
when they were testing,

so I didn't see that much.

I wasn't, you know.

So this Dr. Glubb, he was
the man in charge?

Oh, very much so.

The others were sort of bodyguards.

So where's Glubb now?

I don't know.

He left one night last week,
never came back.

The CIA men stayed another
couple of days doing their thing,

and then they left too.
They didn't tell me anything.

I figured they were done
testing and went home.

♪ ♪

So you thought no big deal,
nothing bad happened,

your kids are okay,

and you didn't know about
the dead CIA officer?

I didn't.

So how come you're moving on?

Aren't you here about the Thistles?

The Thistles?


Know what I mean, eh? Hmm?

The f*ck are you looking at, eh?


♪ ♪


Oh, hi. Listen.

Oi, step away from her.

Drop the g*n.

Where's that granddaughter of mine?



She should be home soon.

Gives us time to talk.

I'm sorry we got off on
the wrong foot yesterday.

Me too.

Did you talk to Martha?

I did.


Well, that's between me and Martha.


If she's lying to you about her work,

that's a concern, no?

I mean, if she has a secret life...

She has no secret life.

[SCOFFS] You knew all along, huh?

Just didn't want to trust
your old man with the truth.

Something like that.

Well, fair enough.

I guess I haven't earned
much trust from you.

Not recently.

Yeah, we've... we've been strangers.

And I regret that deeply.

Just for the record, I know
you think I disapprove of her,

and maybe I once did.

But now I come to meet her,
Martha's a great gal.


Did you ask her about
our missing employee?

I did not.

She still thinks you're here to
get to know your granddaughter.

I didn't want to disillusion her.

But Thomas, I told you
how important this is.

This is about more than just
me or the Wayne family.

This is about national security.

- Oh, please.
- I'm serious.

So am I, Dad.

I'm not gonna suborn my wife for you.

Or the family or national security.

Frankly, I'm surprised you
asked me to do such a thing.

You always taught me that a gentleman

owns nothing but his honor.

Honor. You take all the
money and the privilege

and none of the responsibility.

Where's the honor in that?

Let me tell you, all of this, this
fabulous trust fund life you lead

can all go and vanish like smoke.

That is how serious the situation is.

I know how privileged I am

and I know I have responsibilities.

I was about to say
despite my misgivings,

I'll help you.

The truth is I, too, want to
make things right between us.

But you leave Martha out of this.

- Son...
- You leave her out of this.

That's final.

I have a better solution.

I know just the guy to find
your missing employee.

I've spoken to him,
and he's ready to go.

You've spoken to him?

But this is confidential
family business!

- Nobody... Nobody must know!
- Relax.

I haven't given him any details
because I don't have any.

This guy will make you
pay through the nose,

but he's the best in his field.

He'll find your man.

He's waiting for your call.

I'll give you the name,

and you give me the details.

What does this missing employee
have that you want so badly?

His mind.

He's a rat bastard, but he's a genius.

He was head of our
former research division

working with the CIA

on an experimental
psychokinetics drug project

called Operation Lullaby State.

What's a psychokinetic drug?

It's essentially mind control,

but psychokinetic sounds less scary.

Lullaby is designed for
military applications.

Programming soldiers,

suppressing the passive
response, so forth.

You mean creating efficient
k*lling machines?

Low aggression rates are a real
problem in modern infantry.

And Glubb was working on a whole range

- of alternative uses for the drug.
- Oh, so you thought,

"Gee, what a great
business opportunity."

I didn't make this world, son.

I'm just trying to run the family
business the best I can.


♪ ♪

Just take it.

♪ ♪


Martha, come on, now.


How long have I been out?

Not too long.

What are you doing here?

Well, same thing as you, I'd imagine.

Trying to find out who
k*lled the Thistles.

The woman mentioned them.

Do you mean the couple in the news?

m*rder*d by their daughter?


It's their daughter, Jessica,
was a member here.

Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God!
- Yeah.

A right, old cock-up.

What happened?

Well, them blokes done Sister
Susie and we done them.

They were about to do you, as it goes.


Funny thing.

Only this morning, your
old man was asking me

if your job's dangerous.

He was?



Don't worry. I kept schtum.


Any idea who they are?
They got no ID on them.


They're CIA.

f*ck. I thought so.

Alfie, you wanna see this.

♪ ♪

What's this about?

You reckon they were making a porno?

It was an experiment.

They were testing a new drug
on members of the ashram.

- What kind of drug?
- I don't know.

But it's the CIA, so nothing good.

This drug, they must've
given it to Jessica Thistle.

Stands to reason.

And that could've made
her k*ll her parents.

But why would the CIA want
her to k*ll her parents?

Sure they had their reasons.

She was normal when we dropped her home.

Maybe there was a delayed reaction.

Or something that set
her off, like a trigger.

A trigger like what?

Could be anything.

- Oh, f*ck.
- f*ck.


We left Jessica with Sandra.




♪ ♪


Oh, no.


I wish they'd come back.

They will.

When they're done
whatever they need to do.

♪ ♪

Alfie's a cold-hearted bastard.

But if I was in trouble,
there's nobody I'd trust more.

Oi, Gerald!

- Put on Sandra's.
- Oh, God.

I've heard it too many
bloody times as it is.

Sandra, love, this song can
never be played enough.



♪ ♪

♪ I hear you whispering ♪

You all right?

♪ But nobody's there ♪

♪ My eyes are still lingering ♪

♪ ♪

♪ On your empty chair ♪

- ♪ My darling, don't tell me it's true ♪

♪ I'll wait here forever for you ♪

Hey, hey, wait!







♪ ♪

♪ 'Cause I gave you everything ♪

♪ ♪

♪ My heart's in your hands ♪

♪ And what did you give to me? ♪


♪ I'm left with candlesticks
and caravans ♪

♪ Just left with candlesticks ♪

♪ And caravans ♪

♪ You gave up so easily ♪

♪ Rode off to the sunset ♪

f*ck this!

Oh, f*ck!

♪ I'm lost in misery ♪

♪ I'm left with candlesticks
and caravans ♪

♪ Just left with candlesticks
and caravans ♪

♪ I gave you everything ♪

♪ ♪

♪ My heart's in your hands ♪

♪ ♪



♪ I'm left with candlesticks ♪

♪ And caravans ♪

♪ Just left with candlesticks ♪

♪ And caravans ♪



♪ And caravans ♪


♪ ♪