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24x03 - Mirror Effect

Posted: 10/07/22 14:25
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

I’m sleeping better.

And how are the feelings of detachment?

I’m sorry.
Did you say something?

Last session, you talked
about how easy it was for you

to disappear sometimes.

I think you compared it to

a safe room inside of yourself.

It’s a place that feels familiar.

From childhood?

I don’t...

Have you filled that prescription,
for antidepressants,

- I gave you?
- I’m not taking meds.


How are your girls?



It hasn’t been easy,

pretending like things are normal.

The goal is not normalcy,

or to adopt a façade for our children.

The goal is to do the work.

And to do that,

first, you need to show up.

I know I’ve missed a few appointments.

After on-the-job trauma,
there’s a protocol.

You miss appointments,

and I’ll be forced to report it.

And if I report it,
there’s a good chance

you’ll be removed from active duty.

Music’s hottest young couple,

Nashville songbird Kelsey Jones,

and pop bad boy Austin Boyer,

have just hit million followers

on their joint social media account.

And we’ve all been there,
every step of the way

since they first met
backstage at Coachella.

And here they come right here.

Here they are, Austin and Kelsey!


Oh, wow, they are looking so great.

Looking like a vision in pink.

Kelsey, let me get an interview.

Kelsey, you look gorgeous as always.

- You’re a lucky man, Austin.
- Aw.

Kelsey, two albums in two years.

What keeps you motivated?

Honestly, this guy right here.

The truth is, we inspire each other.



Sounds like the fans agree.


Hey, babe. Do you mind?

No, of course not.

I’m Max Carter, here on the red carpet,

with Kelsey and Austin,

and we will see if Academy voters

agree with the fans.

You guys be good tonight, all right?

Listen to Gigi.

What time are you coming home?

You will be fast asleep

by the time I get home, okay?

But what about the noise in our closet?

She thinks there’s a monster.

Okay, monster’s gone.

And trust me, it is not coming back.

Not with that monster spray.

You guys have nothing to worry about.

You girls are safe.

Don’t worry about your mom.
She’s a hero.

And any monster that comes up
against me in court,

guilty as charged.

And how about we bring home
some fortune cookies?

Okay, I guess
we decided on Chinese, huh?

Okay, be good, girls.

Thank you, Gigi.

♪ I’m on fire, on fire ♪

♪ There’s only reason to wait, ♪

♪ And I made it through ♪

Baby, come on.

Hey, guys.

- Do this. Ah!
- Hey.

Yo, come here.
Come get next to me, girl.

All right.

- I love this lighting.
- Let’s do it. All right.


- I like that one.
- Baby, come on.

Get in the picture. Come on.

- Don’t tell me what to do!
- Ow!

And how about you put on
some clothes next time?

Yo, fam, chill!

Screw you.

Little bitch!

- You okay?
- Yeah, I’m good.

Think you got room for gelato?

I know a place right
up the block from here.

- Ooh.
- Come on.


- Let’s go.
- Austin!



Let me go.

I mean it.


Yo, you good?

You whack job.
You want to go? Go.

You want to go?



Hey. Hey, hey, hey.

Excuse me, miss?

Excuse me, miss?

Hey, hey.

Is everything okay?
I’m a police officer.

- Are you okay?
- Oh...

It’s nothing.
My boyfriend and I

just got in a fight.

Drama in the limo?


He ripped your dress.

Oh, yeah, he just...
he got a little drunk.

Was it, um...

Is there somebody
that we can call for you?

Uh, I can call an Uber.

Why don’t you let us give you a ride?

I don’t really want to impose.

Nah, it’s not a problem.

- The car’s right there. Come on.
- Yeah.


Austin again.

Give it a rest, dude.

It might be a good idea
for both of you to cool off.

This is what we do.

We fight, make up.

It’s our foreplay.

Austin calls it "five play."

Sorry to involve you.

- Yeah, it’s not a problem.
- Here.

Give us a call, any time,
if you need help.


♪ ♪


Hey, Amanda.

You did everything you could.

Why does it not feel like enough?

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

A greasy taco bag.

Thank you, Fin.
I already had breakfast.

Your little rescue left this in my car.

Who, Muncy?

Ah, she’s a millennial.

They’re all entitled.

Well, she should feel entitled

to getting my car detailed
and filling it up with gas.

You’re the sergeant, Fin.

- Straighten her out.
- Me?

You’re the one that wanted her here.

And I want her to stay,
so, I can’t piss her off.

Door is closed.

What do you think
they’re talking about?

Well, judging by the takeout bag...

Tell me you at least gassed up the car.

What the hell
is Kelsey Jones doing here?

You listen to that crap?

She sang the national anthem
at the Jets game.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I didn’t think you knew who I was.

Um, yeah, I didn’t want
to bring it up last night,

but yeah, my,
my daughter is a huge fan.


Are you okay?

I think...

I think I need to talk to someone.

Kelsey, this is my captain.

- I explained your situation.
- Hey.

I appreciate you listening to me.


I don’t want to cause any trouble.

Oh, we’re here to help.

So, um...

Detective Rollins
tells me that your boyfriend,

may have assaulted you.

Yeah, um, last night.

Okay, you want
to tell me what happened?

Um, he grabbed me,

pulled me into his lap
in the back of the limo.

He ripped my dress
in front of his friends.

I mean, then, we got home,
he wanted to have sex.

I said no.

Well, then, he couldn’t get it up,

and he had...

So much rage.

And he threw me on the bed, and I was...

I was...

Really scared.

And then he passed out.


I-I don’t know,
I guess he didn’t really do anything.

Well, from what you described,

if he touched you in a way

that you didn’t want
to be touched, that...

That is a crime.

I don’t want him to go to jail.

I just...

I don’t want him to do it again.

So how about, we can investigate,

and then you can decide later,

whether or not you want
to file a police report?

I’m done covering for him.

You know, maybe it’s best,

that you don’t, go home tonight.

Is there,

somebody else that you can stay with?

I can call my mom.

If I tell her I’ll take her shopping,

she’d probably be on the next flight.

Well, in the meantime, um,

maybe, stay at a hotel.



I’m sorry, I think some

paparazzi followed me here.

Is there a back exit?

Yeah, of course.

♪ ♪

Yeah, I drove Kelsey
and Austin last night.

What, she called the cops on him?

Yeah, any reason
she might have done that?

Well, she says she was
assaulted in your limo,

so that kind of makes you a witness.

I don’t want to get involved.

So they did get in a fight?


They might be in
their late s on the outside,

but inside, they’re just kids,

who can’t handle their emotions.

And you add in money, fame,

- constant validation...
- Right. We get that.

So what happened?

All I want to say...

They need a timeout.

Excuse me.

Kelsey, call me back now.

Look, this is between me and Kelsey.

Well, actually, it’s between

us and Kelsey.

But I do want to hear your side of it.

Whatever she told you is a lie.

So her dress just ripped itself?

She threw a champagne bottle at me.

I could have lost an eye.

Was that before or after
you threw her down on the bed?


You think
this is funny, Mr. Boyer?

SVU takes these kinds of allegations,

very seriously.

You know who else
is gonna take this seriously?

My lawyer.

These "he said, she said"
celebrity cases,

they’re difficult to prosecute.

He’s gonna hire the best
attorney that money can buy.

So we don’t even try?

She’s a victim.

Rollins, nobody’s saying
that she wasn’t victimized.

All I’m saying is, he’s
claiming he’s a victim, too.

This is gonna come down
to a popularity contest

just to get a jury to convict.

But it...

It is doable, as long as
Kelsey’s on board to testify.

Rollins, have you heard from her?



Have you heard
from our Nashville songbird?

No, I’ll give her a call.

♪ ♪

Kelsey is a big star now, but,

she is a small-town girl.

She grew up in a trailer park
in Kentucky.

You add to that a...

Legacy of domestic v*olence...

Well, what I learned
on social media today,

Austin, he didn’t have it easy,
either, you know?

Father was an alcoholic.

His mother’s in jail.

I mean, it makes sense that
his love language is turmoil.

Opposites attract.
Dysfunction attracts harder.

- You see this?
- And in entertainment news,

Austin Boyer and Kelsey Jones
just made an announcement.

Austin bought her off with a proposal.

[SIGHS] And a tough case
just got impossible.

- Oh, my God.


What’s going on, you guys?

What's, what-what’s the matter?

Billie’s right.
There is a monster.


Mommy, why do you have a g*n?

Mommy, you’re scaring us!

- It’s okay, girls.

Mommy, is it gone?



Mommy, stop.

♪ ♪

It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?

It’s... it’s big.

That’s for sure.

Austin and I talked.

I definitely do not want
to pursue charges.

He’s using this engagement
as a sick attempt

to distort your reality.

It looks like it’s working.

Every song on my last album
is about Austin.

How am I supposed to perform
those songs

- if I have him arrested?
- So this is about your career?

Austin and I are in love.

And he’s...

He’s working on his anger.

Well, next time...

- There’s not gonna be a next time.
- Hey, Kelsey...

We’re just asking you to...

To think about it, okay?


Take that in.

Oh, my little songbird is
supposed to be on vocal rest.

Whoo, she always says that
when she wants me to shut up.

Hi, I’m Lilah.

I’m Kelsey’s mother.

Would you ladies like some wine?

Mom, they are police officers.

Well, I know that.
I’m just trying to be polite.

Oh, we’re good.
Thank you.

Suit yourselves.

Kelsey’s my everything.

Did you even see her ring?

Bro, that rock is sick.

No doubt.

Yeah, that’s got to be,
what, a five-carat apology?

She always this cynical about love?

Only when it’s fake.


Everything’s gonna be
perfect between us.

Once her mom leaves.

By the way,
thanks to whichever one of you

told Kelsey to call that bitch.

Don’t get me wrong.

I do not think that,

Austin is healthy,
for my little Kelsey, but,

mama lion is here now.

We appreciate
your concern, Mrs. Jones.

You should know,
this kind of course of control,

it doesn’t have an endpoint.

Victims have a hard time
seeing the abuse.

Austin and I are talking about

making an album together.

[SHUSHES] Baby, vocal rest.

Kelsey, we want you to know,

that we’re here for you.

And, if you need help, we’re here,

or if you change your mind
about pressing charges,

you call us any time.

♪ ♪

Mom’s a piece of work.

That kid should be in therapy,
not forced into silence.

A lot of crooked branches
on the family tree.

I ought to know.

Speaking of which,

how are the girls handling everything?

What did Carisi tell you?


That guy is either plain
stupid, or he’s in denial.

Yeah, he did offer tickets to his tour.

Right, yeah.

I’d rather pass a kidney stone
through my ears.

You two good?

Yeah, all good.

Ah, so the diva doesn’t want to throw

her boyfriend in jail, huh?

Ah, as of right now, no,

she doesn’t want to pursue.

Yeah, I’m not surprised
after I saw that rock.

Hey, Muncy,

there are no perfect victims.

There are no perfect investigators.

Oh, believe me.
I know I’m far from perfect.

Look, I realize that it
wasn’t your choice to be here.

Are you having second thoughts?

- Not yet.
- You won’t.

I like your confidence.

And if you are planning
on sticking around,

you might want to invest in a...

In a blazer.

I’m going to speak to Muncy.

You know, I would actually hold off,

for now. I just...

Gave her a little bit
of wardrobe advice,

and I don’t want to overload her.

Captain, I’m sorry to interrupt.

Austin Boyer is here to see you.

Go ahead and have a seat.

Thank you for meeting me, Captain.

I just want to assure
you that what happened

between me and Kelsey,
won’t happen again.


Well, I’m glad to hear that.


My lawyer says, the charges
still haven’t been dropped.

Why you’re really here.


Can you blame a guy for trying?

I want to do the right thing.

And I appreciate that, Austin,
but it’s not up to you,

or Kelsey, or me.

It’s up to the DA now.

I went to my first meeting today.

I want to get sober.

You know, we all have choices to make.

And the kind of change
that you’re talking about,

real change,

Austin, has less to do

with what you put in the glass,

and more to do with emotional maturity.

Now, I’m guessing that, uh...

You didn’t have the greatest
role models growing up.

My advice to you,

is whatever it is that you were taught,

about being a man...

Do the opposite.

Let me guess, Austin was here
doing damage control?

You know, I think,

that he actually wants to heal.

Well, if he figures that out,
I’ll buy his self-help book.

Detective Rollins.


Lilah, slow down.

- Take it easy, Mrs. Jones.
- No one’s listening to me.

I’m telling you.
He hurt my baby.

She called me crying.
I came right over.

She wants to cause trouble again.

It’s what she does.

Stay out of our business!

Hey, what-what happened?

You need to be locked up!

You’re the one that
needs to be locked up,

you psycho-ass, bipolar bitch!

Stop calling me that!

- Whoa, whoa, hey!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Okay, both of you are coming with us.

- What? I’m under arrest?
- You want to be?

Go ahead. Take her away.

She’s not exactly going alone, cowboy.

Come on.


Austin and I,

got into a fight, at the restaurant.

It was my mother’s fault.

Tell us what happened.

Austin thought that
I took my mother’s side,

and so he left the restaurant angry.


By the time we got home,

it was a full-blown w*r.

A physical one?

He got what he wanted this time.

I... I tried to fight him off.

I said no.

Austin r*ped me.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Austin was flirting with that waitress,

and Kelsey was just pretending
that she didn’t mind.

But you did.

I minded for her.

Sometimes diamonds
just make a girl go blind.

Her mother called me
a pathetic little prick,

loudly, in front of everyone.

Did she have a reason?

Yeah, I was being nice to the waitress.

The girl’s a fan.
Is that a crime?

Well, how about when you
and Kelsey got home?

Austin kept calling my mother names.

And he was going at her.

He was pretty drunk.

To be fair, I had some drinks too.

Well, that...
That doesn’t matter.


How did it escalate?

We both were pretty turned on.

Things got kind of rough.

That would cause the bruises?

Part of our foreplay,
dial it up a notch.

We fight, tear each other’s
clothes off, have hot sex.

Oh, so you did have sex?

Did he do, or say, anything afterwards?

He just...

Got up,

went to the balcony for a smoke.


Like nothing was wrong.


Austin’s lawyer is here.

I’m assuming you’ve
Mirandized my client.

We did.

He said he wanted
to explain what happened.


not another word.

He admitted to rough sex.

Yeah, and Kelsey insists
it was not consensual.

Rollins took her to get a r*pe kit.

Mother confirms her story.

And we’re sure Kelsey
is not gonna backtrack again?

Well, let’s say that she doesn’t.

Do we have enough?

Admission from him,
victim’s word, outcry witness?

Yeah, arrest him.

In the meantime, wish me luck.

The DA’s office
is already getting calls.

Oh, the paparazzi
took a photo of Austin,

in the back of the squad car.

Charges of r*pe one,

sexual as*ault one,

and r*pe three.

- How do you plead?
- Not guilty, Your Honor.

The people on bail?

, and the defendant
surrenders his passport.

My client isn’t a flight risk.

He’s a highly
recognizable public figure

who couldn’t hide if he tries

and only wants to prove his innocence.

We also request no photography,
Your Honor.

Freedom of the press.

I’m aware of the law.

Details of this case
have already gone viral.

Mr. Boyer has over
million followers online.

The complainant has almost as many.

I’m warning both parties
to stay off social media,

but I can’t ban the press.

Bail is set at , .

Passport surrendered.

Mr. Carisi,

I’m Austin’s father.

How can I help you?

Austin’s not guilty of what
you’re charging him with.

He’s a drunk.

That’s all.

It’s a curse he gets from me.

People wind up in this court,

because of their choices, Mr. Boyer,

not their excuses.


Austin, did you do this?

My client intends to prove
his innocence in court.

Austin, what do you say to your fans?

Thank you for your support,
and trust me.

The truth will come out.

The circus begins.

How’s uh, how’s Kelsey doing?

Benson and I convinced her
and her media consultant

- not to go on the offensive.
- That’s great.

That’s great.
I’ll see you at home?



The girls are, are still with, my mom.

You mind if I wait?

It’s uh, it’s gonna be late.

I’m prepping for trial.

I don’t want to be alone right now.

Of course.

But I’m gonna bore the hell
out of you within a half hour.

Boring sounds really good.

It’s about all I can handle right now.

Kelsey called me at my hotel.

She could barely talk,
she was crying so hard.

And I, immediately jumped into a cab.

And, when you got to the
apartment, what did you see?

Uh, Kelsey was in the bedroom, and,

Austin, was drunk, angry.

And my little girl
told me that he had...

Sexually assaulted her.

The room was a wreck.

Kelsey’s bruises,

her nightgown...

I just knew.

Thank you.

Mrs. Jones,

has your daughter ever told you,

something you don’t believe?

Defense exhibit A,

a police report filed in

in Maysville, Kentucky.

Can you contextualize that
for the jury?


Kelsey called the cops on my boyfriend

at the time,




That he molested her.

I-I-It was a...

It was a misunderstanding.

She was years old,

and she was angry at me

for not going to LA with her

to audition for some, teen soap.


You didn’t, believe her?

Of course not.
I read it in her journal.

That thing was full of lies.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

She would write made-up stories

in that journal all the time,
just to mess with me,

because she knew I was snooping.

- Your Honor.
- Sustained.

Jury will disregard.

Nothing further.


♪ ♪

Kelsey, are you lying about Austin?

- What? What do they mean?
- Back up.

Why does everybody suddenly hate me?

Not another word to the press.

Not another word.

Baby, they made me say
those things in there.

What things?

Focus on your testimony.


Austin and I were together
for three years.

We connected through music.

You got engaged,

but then, you broke it off.

Why, why was that?

Our relationship
had always been turbulent,

but, recently, things got worse.

He was verbally and physically abusive,

and I admit, I was too.

What about the night in question?

Well, we got in a fight at dinner,

And when we got home,

I was too angry to have sex.

And he physically overpowered,

and r*ped me.

My mother called the police.

Now, you had been to the police before,

with a complaint against the defendant.

Yes, he assaulted me in a limo.

But you decided not to cooperate.

I thought he would change.

Thank you.

So, it’s safe to say
you changed your mind

about the prior alleged as*ault?


The night he gave you a ring?

That had nothing to do with it.

The timing was convenient.

What will it take
to change your mind this time?

Six carats, seven?

- Objection.
- I just wanted his love.

- You’re a liar!
- Your Honor.

You’re a liar!

- Why are you lying?
- I did love him.

Why are you lying about Austin?

- I do love him.
- Bailiff, get her out of here.

- Bailiff.
- He would never hurt you.

- What is wrong with you?
- Bailiff!

Why are you trying to hurt him?

Court’s in recess.

♪ ♪

That’s her!

She had Austin arrested.

What is wrong with you?

Why are you lying about him, huh?

Why are you taking her side?

Why are you lying about Austin?

What did he ever do to you?

Austin would never hurt anybody.

He wouldn’t hurt a fly.

What’s wrong with you, huh?

Why are you lying about him?


Your Honor,
I’m asking that we try this case,

in a courtroom,
and not on social media.

My client is also a public figure.

Your client’s supporters
showed up wearing red pants.

Liar, liar, pants on fire?
This is ridiculous.

Mr. Carisi feels their

wardrobe choices are tainting the jury.

If that’s the case, Your Honor,
we move for a mistrial.

I’m not granting a mistrial,

and I can’t close the courtroom.

But I can ban misbehaving individuals,

including ones wearing red pants.

We both know it’s not the cameras.

This never should have gone to trial.

Then tell your client to take a deal.

These TikTok trolls,

they’re raking up millions
of likes off of smearing me.

Maybe stay off your phone.

So Carisi got the judge
to keep the fans,

- out of the courtroom.
- It doesn’t matter.

My career is already ruined.

You know, you need to toughen up.

Detective Rollins.

Can you give us a minute?

My son, Austin,

always had an addiction problem...

drinking, dr*gs, women.

He forgot to add media attention.

He’s not helping his son’s case at all.


Yeah, Austin!

Austin, we’re on your side!

I guess we all have our issues.

Speaking of which...

- Amanda.
- Yeah.

Don’t worry.

I’m driving her to therapy from now on.

- Okay.
- I’ll wait outside if I have to.

That’s real love.

Yeah, it’s mostly
about running errands.


Should she be here?

She asked if she could
come to the courtroom

for Austin’s testimony.

I told her, not a great idea,
but I couldn’t stop her.


Or didn’t want to?

I’m the first to admit,

that our relationship has been...


Verbal abuse.

It’s gotten physical,

on both sides.

But I did not sexually as*ault Kelsey.

I never have, and I never would.

Thank you, Austin.

Mr. Boyer,

that night at the restaurant,

you and Kelsey got into a fight?


And that fight continued
when you got home?

Yes, I’ve said all that.

- You smacked her around a little bit.
- Objection.

It’s the defendant’s
own words, Your Honor.

I’ll allow.

Yeah, it got physical.

You pushed her against the wall.

- Yeah.
- You threw her on the bed.

It’s what we do.

Yeah, it’s what you call
"five play," right?

The jury’s seen photos of the bruises.

Yeah, okay.

Was tearing her nightgown,
a part of that?

Yes, by accident.

And when you forced yourself
on her sexually...

She’s my fiancée.


So what?
That means she can’t say no?

You held her down.

You ripped off her nightgown.
She was pinned.

Does that not sound like the definition

of r*pe to you?

I know how it sounds,
but context matters.

Oh, so your father was wrong then, huh?

- You’re nothing like him?
- That’s right.

A man who drank, who beat your mother.

That’s a family pattern,

that provides a context, all its own.

Maybe, you don’t know what normal is.


I am not my father.

Kelsey, I never meant to hurt you.

I swear to God.

You want me to say it out loud?

I was controlling, I lost my temper.

I att*cked you.

I’m sorry.

There, I said it.
I’m sorry.

More than my father ever gave me.

♪ ♪

No further questions.

♪ ♪

He said he was sorry, and you saw him.

- He really meant it.
- I-I-I’m sure that he does.

Look, I want this over with, okay?

I want my life to go back to normal.

The DA can’t just drop the charges.

And his lawyer won’t take a deal.

Kelsey, he sexually assaulted you.

Now, whether or not
you choose to forgive him,

that is up to you, right?

Every survivor heals differently.

But what happens to Austin, that...

That’s up to a jury now.

This is a classic case

of "he said, she said,"

and the "she" has,

a history of lying,

a history of

confabulating accusations about men.

My client isn’t perfect, by any means.

He may be guilty of certain things,

but not the crime he’s been accused of,

despite what he said on the stand,

in an emotional attempt,

to win Kelsey Jones back.

Make no mistake.

What you witnessed here
in this courtroom,

are two people who have suffered

grievous and unbearable
childhood trauma.

But you also witnessed,

Austin Boyer confess, on the stand.

Yeah, he needs help.

And I sincerely hope he gets
the help that he needs...


In prison.

Because past demons, and claims of love,

are not, and never will be,

an excuse for sexual as*ault.

♪ ♪

Okay, thank you.

- Yeah.
- Hey, you got a minute?

Of course.

What’s up?

I know I’ve been a bit
off my game lately.

Well, for what it’s worth, Rollins,

at the end of the day,
you off your game,

is ten times better

than most detectives on theirs.

I pulled my g*n in Jesse and
Billie’s room the other night.


They were right there.


I was, I was,

pointing at, at a monster,
in their closet.

Did you get him?

Not yet...

But I will.


Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

On the charge of r*pe
in the first degree,

we find the defendant,

not guilty.

Sexual as*ault in the first,

not guilty.

r*pe in the third degree,

we find the defendant, guilty.

♪ ♪

Okay, it’s okay.
Go ahead.

The jury did not find
Austin Boyer guilty

of the two more serious charges
of sexual as*ault,

splitting the baby with a
guilty verdict on the charge

of r*pe in the third degree,

a felony, which will also land

the superstar entertainer
on the National Sex Registry.

You proud of yourself?

Step back.


How you doing?

What’s gonna happen to Austin?

Well, that’s up to the judge.

He’ll either do prison time,

or, probation, if he agrees

to abide by certain conditions...

Anger management, rehab.

And what do I do?

How am I supposed to tour?

How am I supposed to sing those songs?

Those songs were all about our love.

Kelsey, what you two had...

That wasn’t love.


And you’re gonna write new songs.

You know...

You might want to try
to be alone for a while.

You need to learn to love yourself...

Before you can love anyone else.

♪ ♪

Just so you know,
we’re planning to appeal.

That’s your right.

I can recommend leniency
from the judge,

as long as your client
sticks to his commitment.

I’ll do the prison time.

I just want this to be over.

We don’t always get what we want.

We’re appealing.

Do you think Kelsey will take me back?

I-if I do anger management, all of that?


It’s over.

And I don’t know who you’ve been taking

your romantic advice from,

but I would seriously
consider losing them,

from your life.

♪ ♪

I never thought...

I was capable of having,

a healthy relationship.

And now that I have one...

You’re afraid you’re
gonna mess it all up.

I’m afraid that I already have.

Really, you haven’t.

Are you sure?


Everybody’s got monsters
in their closet.

The question is...

What do you want to do about it?

I want to evict the little bastard.

♪ ♪

It’s gonna be okay.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪