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02x05 - The Mega Mall Problem/The Cleopatra Problem

Posted: 10/07/22 10:10
by bunniefuu

♪♪ One, two,
a one, two, three, four! ♪

(Cat gasps.)

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

- (kids): ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪

- (kids): ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- (kids): ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ?
- (kids): Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- (kids): ♪ Peg Plus Cat! ♪♪
- Uh-oh.

- "The Mega Mall Problem!"

"The Mega Mall Problem!"
(Cat grunting with effort)

"The Mega Mall..."
(Cat groaning)

- Heya! I'm Peg,
and this is Cat,

and we're at the Mega Mall!

It's like a big store with lots
of smaller stores inside of it!

- It's the coooolest place
on earth.

- And we're here with
the coolest people on earth:

the teens!
- 'Sup?

- Yo.
- Hey, hey.
- Aren't they the best?

- Peggy, we have to go find you
something pink and in season.

- And we're also here
with neighbor lady Connie.

She's keeping an eye on us.
- The pleasure is all mine.

- But the best part of all is
we're competing

in a dance contest!
- The Zebra Guy Dance Contest!

- Peg, look! He's on!

- Heya, kids!

♪ Come bust a move
and cut a rug ♪

♪ With your favorite
zebra-suited lug ♪

♪ Whichever team wins
the first prize ♪

♪ Gets a zebra mask
of tremendous size ♪

See you on the dance floor!

- We need five people
on our dance team

to compete in the contest,
and we've got 'em!

Me, Cat, Jesse,
Mora, and Tessa!

- Peggy-kins, let's not forget
about buying you a new dress!

And shoes.
And finding a trash can

for that charming wool hat.

- The hat stays!

But wait a minute.
The contest is starting soon,

and I have no idea
where it is!

The Mega Mall is so huge,

it could be anywhere!
This is a BIG PROBLEM!

- Yes?

- Wait, you figured it out!

This is a map
of the whole floor of the mall!

And a map tells you where things
are in a certain area!


♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

Now, let's see...

Here's us, then a shoe store,
and a bag store...

- (teen girl): Oooh!
- (teen girl): Oh, man!

- Here's the food court.
- (Jesse): I'm starving.

- And here's Zebra Guy!

So if we follow the map,
we could get there in time!

- O.M.G!

We just realized...
- We need trapezoid bags.

- Like, so bad.
- We gotta motor.

- Wait a minute!
- Oh, dip.

Excuse my rude-osity.
My stomach's growling

for something... pink
and shaped like a circle.

Gotta listen to the boss.

- Wait! No!

We need five people
on our dance team,

but three of them just left!

- Teens can't resist a good buy.
- I know how they feel!

And that's why I had
to grab this from Forever .

Let's see how it fits.

- Perfectly hilarious.

- You look like
a Valentine's Day card!

(both laughing)
- Well, there's no
accounting for taste.

- Cat, we've got
to find those teens!

If we can't find the teens,
we can't dance in the contest,

and I'll never get
to do this!

- That would be a shame.

- This is

- Fro-yo! Get your fro-yo!

It melts really fast,
so don't be slow, yo!

- Ramone! You're working
at a frozen yogurt store today?

- Yup. I'm the manager
at Pink Cup.

We sell green yogurt.
- (Peg and Cat): Ohh!

- Here!
- Minty!

- Ramone, we need
to find the teens,

but they all ran off to buy
pink trapezoid-shaped stuff.

- Well, just pay attention
to those attributes.

- (both): Attributes? Jinx!

- Attributes are things
like color and shape and size.

Here, let's make
a chart.

- OK, this chart shows
the teens along here,

and the attributes
of what they want along here.

- Mora and Tessa want
trapezoid-shaped bags.

- (Ramone): Exactly!
- And Jesse wants food that's

pink and shaped like a circle.
- Perfect, Peg!

Now you have a visual aid
to help you remember
the attributes.

- Thanks, Ramone. Now I gotta
find those teens!

- And I've got to give out
these free... uh, samples.

- Sorry.
- Fro-yo?
- No mo', yo.

- We need to find Mora and Tessa
at the bag store!

We're here,
and the bag store is there,

right ahead of us!
- Just past Spiky.

- Spiky? The high heel store?

Peggy, we are going
to doll you up!

- Fine, but the hats stays.

Remember, Cat, we're looking
for trapezoid-shaped bags.
Trapezoids have

one, two, three,
four sides.

The top and bottom go
straight across,

and the sides are tilted.
- Ahem. This aisle has bags

shaped like circles,
but no trapezoids.

- And these bags are all
shaped like triangles,

with three sides.

- And what are these
tube-y ones?

- Cylinders! What can you
even put in these?

- Mats for ze yoga.

- Hi, Beethoven.
- Cat.

- Excuse me, sir.

We're trying to find
some friends who wanted a bag

in the shape of a trapezoid.
It looks like that.

- Oh, does it? Sweetie,

I think you'll find your friends
just over there.

- Mine's, like, trapezoidal.
- Mine's, like, trapezoider.
- Hey, Peg!

Sorry we totally spaced
about the dance contest.

- But these bags are
amazing, hello!
- That's OK!

But we'd better hurry up
and find Jesse!

- Oh, Peggy!
A bow and high heels!

(Cat laughs.)
Heel, toe, heel, toe.

- So, Jesse wanted something
to eat that's pink

and shaped like a circle.

- There's a food court
right over there!

- So, which of these restaurants
serve foods that are pink
and shaped like a circle?

- This quesadilla is, like,
shaped like a circle,
but it's not pink.

- And pizzas are shaped like
circles, but they're not pink.

- These cookies are shaped
like circles, but they're brown.

The pies aren't pink either.

Same with the muffins, cupcakes,
tarts, and tortes.

- Thank you for touching
all of our items.

Have a nice day!

- I can't believe it!

Nothing here is pink
and shaped like a circle!

- Not even
that cotton candy burger.

- Not even
this cotton candy burger.

Wait, what?

Cotton candy burgers are pink
and shaped like circles!

There you are, Jesse!

- Hey, Peg.
Sorry I ran off.

Gotta feed the beast.
(stomach rumbling)
Down, boy.

- All right!
We finally have our dance team

back together again!
- And just in time!

Check it!
- Yo, kids!

The Zebra Guy contest is
about to start!

♪ So come on down
and earn your stripes ♪

♪ By performing dance moves
of various types ♪

♪ If you're good,
the audience will eat it up ♪

♪ Like the green frozen yogurt
in this little pink cup ♪

♪ In this little pink cup,
in this little pink cup ♪

- Now let's check the map and
find out where the contest is.

It should be right...

Hey, it's not working!

- Here either.
- It's, like, broken.

- Oh, no! If we can't
pull up the map,

we'll never find
the dance contest

and I'll never get
to do this!

I am totally

(Cat blows a whistle.)
Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from five to calm down.

Five, four, three,

two, one.

That's it,
you screen-licking

genius cat! We can
use the attributes
of what's on the screen

to figure out
where Zebra Guy is!

A pink cup with green
frozen yogurt.
(She gasps.)

Just like Ramone
was giving out!

- It hasn't even melted yet!

- And since Ramone's
green yogurt melts really fast,

Zebra Guy must be
near Ramone's store.

- That's way back
near where we started!

- Let's go!

- Peggy, I--

Now just a moment!

But, Peg, your outfit!

- Connie, I really appreciate
all the clothes,

but they're
really just not me.

- Oh, Peg. You're right.

Go be who you are!
- Thanks, Connie.

- Scruffy... but lovable!

- Ramone!
- Hurry up! You're on next!

- We made it to the contest!

And so...

- ♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem
- So everything is
awesome sauce ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪

- And for our last act,

a little girl! And her cat!
(cheering and applause)

And three

teenagers! OK.

(disco beat)

- ♪♪ We almost didn't
make it here today!
- Doo, doo, doo ♪

- ♪ A few of our teammates
wandered off along the way ♪

- ♪ To satisfy their urge
to buy ♪

- ♪ Accessories and junk food ♪

- ♪ The situation had Peg
in a funk, dude ♪

- ♪ Thanks, Jesse ♪

♪ The Mega Mall is
so enormous ♪

♪ No app or phone or map alone
was able to inform us ♪

- ♪ The teens were running free,
where could they be
in this big mall? ♪

- ♪ But then Ramone suggested
that we should all ♪

- ♪ Look for attributes!
Attributes! ♪

- ♪ Like color, shape,
and size ♪

- ♪ Attributes! Attributes! ♪

- ♪ Can help you organize ♪

- ♪ A group that's too diverse
and dense ♪

- ♪ Into smaller groups
that make more sense ♪

- ♪ Till suddenly
everything computes ♪

- ♪ Thanks to attributes! ♪

(Cat trumpeting)
- ♪ Go, Cat! ♪

- Yep! Attributes can help you

between one thing
and another.

♪ Everybody has
their attributes ♪

(Cat trumpeting)

- ♪ Mac's hat is white
and really tall ♪

- ♪ The pig looks hip
in suits ♪

- ♪ Ludwig's hair looks good
big, it's messy, wild
- ♪ Und gray! ♪

- ♪ This guy's trapezoidal
- And that's okayyyyyyyy! ♪

- ♪ Connie has a dress
with floral print ♪

- ♪ If you like it,
I can get you one ♪

- ♪ Ramone sells frozen yogurt
that looks green ♪

- ♪ And tastes like mint! Yum! ♪

- ♪ Cat is bluish-purple
- Or is it purplish-blue? ♪

- ♪ Who knows what you are?
But I love you! ♪

- ♪ Attributes! Attributes! ♪

- ♪ Like taste and smell
and texture ♪

- ♪ Attributes! Attributes! ♪

- ♪ However simple
or complex your ♪

♪ Aisle of bags or aisle
of phones is ♪

- ♪ Or green like yogurt
of Ramone's is ♪

- ♪ Whether it's suits
or hats or more so ♪

- ♪ You've got
a trapezoidal torso ♪

- ♪ You can sort it out
till it computes ♪

- ♪ Thanks to attributes! ♪♪

- There! You win!


- Now try it again.

- But with the Zebra Guy mask
on, I can't even see!

How am I supposed to dance?

- Your eyes can play tricks
on you. Trust them do not.


- Ow! My eyes might play tricks,
but my bottom don't lie!

(Both laugh.)
(Both sigh.)

- ♪ We're splashing♪♪♪

- ♪♪ One, two,
a one, two, three, four! ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus Cat! ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg Plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

- (kids): ♪ One, two, three
- Yeah, come on, let's go ♪
- Wah-oh! Whoa, whoa!

- (kids): ♪ Four, five, six
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- (kids): ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ?
- (kids): Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg Plus
- Cat ♪

- (kids): ♪ Peg Plus Cat! ♪♪
(both laughing)

- "The Cleopatra Problem."

- Hey! I'm Peg, this is Cat,

and today we're playing marbles
with the ruler of ancient Egypt,

Her Majesty, the great,
the powerful...

- The always-being-fanned...

- Queen Cleopatra!

- Royal marble, may the power
of a thousand suns spin you
to victory!

One, two, three!

- All righty!
- Well done, Cleopatra!

- Thank you, my excellent
friends, Peg and Cat.

Royal marble once! Twice!

♪ Ai-ai-ai-ai ♪
Very nice!

- Nice move, Clee!
- Thanks, Peg. Your turn.

- Then it's time to bring out
my spinning superstar,

my special marble!
(Cleopatra gasps.)

- It's glorious!

Perfection embodied!

Beauty unbounded!

- I like the swirls.

- (Cleopatra): One, two, three,
four, five, six, seven!

- Whoa-ho!

- Special marble spin!

Up high. Down low.

♪ Ai-ai-ai-ai ♪
Way to go!

My marble!

Did you see where it went, Cat?
- Into this bowl of spice.

Or this one. Or this one.

- These bowls of spice all look
exactly the same!

We'll never find my marble!

I've got a BIG PROBLEM!

- Not for long.

I shall find your marble
in no time, thanks to my...

pan balance, my amazing device
for measuring weight.

- It's like
a teeny swing set.

- Or a seesaw!

- These gold pieces weigh
exactly the same,

so the arm of the pan balance
goes straight across.

But when one side's heavier,
the arm tips down.

- Goin' down!

- That's a really cool balance
thingy you got there, Cleo,

but how can it
find my marble?

- These bowls of spice
all weigh exactly the same,

except for the one bowl
that weighs more.

- Right! Because it has...
- No idea.

- (Peg and Cleo): The marble!
- Ugh! I knew that!

- So, we can put all the bowls
on the pan balance,
two at a time.

- And when one bowl makes
the arm tip down, we'll
know that bowl has...

- A cold? Hiccups?
- (Peg and Cleo): The marble!

- Ah! That's what I was
about to say!

- Now let's find the marble
by putting bowls out
two at a time

and seeing
if they weigh the same.

- Same.

Again the same.

(Peg gasps.)
Not the same!

- Woo-hoo-hoo!

- This bowl is heavier.
- So it must have...

- My marble!
- The scale never lies.

- And so...

- ♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solve the problem,
problem solved ♪

- Woo-hoo!

- Now let us celebrate
with a feast!

- Feastin' with the queen!
- All right!

- And for you, Epidermis,

the weight of one, two, three
gold pieces in camel food.

- The arm is going

totally straight across,
because the camel food weighs

exactly as much
as three gold pieces.

- Here you go, Epidermis.
Eat up.

- Mmrahaha!
- Looks like Epidermis is

more interested in your marble
than food, as am I.

Could you show me
its sparkling spin once more?

- Here comes my double-dazzling,

totally marble-ous flip!

My marble landed in that cart
that's rolling away!


- Not for long.

follow that cart!

- Your Highness.

- Did a cart just go by?

- Went that-a-way,
past the giant statue of, uh...

- It IS me!

- I had it built
in your honor, Cat.

It watches over
our glorious pyramids!

- Uh, what are pyramids?

- You know what
a triangle is, right?

- Ye... No.
- A flat shape with three sides.

- That's right!

- A pyramid is a solid shape
with triangles on its sides

that come together in a point.
Like those!

There's the cart
with my marble!

- Bird, I am Queen Cleopatra,
ruler of all the land.

I order you to return
that marble to Peg.
- Uh, Cleopatra,

he's just a bird.
He doesn't understand
that you're the queen.

- Every creature in the land
knows I'M the queen, right?!

- Oh, definitely!
- Oh, yeah!

What I meant was,
he's probably just, er--

- Listening to his music
too loud.

- ♪ I suppose I can fly! ♪


- He dropped my marble!

- It's on top
of the pyramid!

Epidermis, climb!

- If I can just grab it...

- Mmrahahaha!
- Nooooooooo!

- After it! Aieeee!
- Wahhhh!




- Special marble!

- Where'd it go?

- Into a hole at the top
of the pyramid!

- Cleopatra knows
a secret entrance.


Wait here, Epidermis.
- Mrah.

- The marble must have come
through that hole.

- And hit that cup.
And that one!

And rolled...
- Back outside.

- Hurry!
- See ya.
- Ahhhh!

- Here's the hole
the marble came out of.

- But there's no marble

- Just a bunch of footprints.
- Footprints?

- Are you thinking
what I'm thinking, Clee?

- Your precious marble has
been stolen!

- These footprints must belong
to the thief who stole
my marble!

- And stole my camel!
- Epidermis is gone?

- The marble thief used my camel
to make his getaway!

- Are you guys OK?
- Prince Ramone!

- Hey, Cleopatra!
Hey, Peg!

- Ramone! Did you just see
anybody coming out of
the pyramid just now?

- Sure did. And there was
something strange about him.

- What did he look like?
- Well, he had

a red beard that was shaped
like a triangle.

- We shall search
far and wide

for the marble-stealing thief
whose chin bears a red triangle.

- May I take you
in my speedy chariot?

- Excellent!
- All right!
- Whoa-ho-ho-ho!

- ♪♪ A read triangular beard
is what we're searching for ♪

- ♪ That beard's square
- No luck there ♪

- ♪ And so we'll search
some more ♪

♪ Oh, red triangular beard,
search for you we will ♪

- ♪ That beard's blue
- Boo hoo hoo ♪

- ♪ And so we're
searching still ♪

♪ A red triangular beard
would fix the mess we're in ♪

- ♪ That beard's round
- Still haven't found ♪

- ♪ That certain
chinny chin chin ♪

♪ Look there,
in front of the gates ♪

♪ Behold what has appeared ♪

- ♪ One two three
- And red! Whoopee! ♪

- ♪ The red triangular beard! ♪♪

- Thanks for the ride,
Prince Ramone!

- I do what I can.

- Guard! Did you leave
the palace gate today

and enter a pyramid

- To take...

- Peg's special marble?!

- Then why did you
enter the pyramid?

- (opera singing): ♪ Because
its sides are triangles! ♪

♪ I really, really do
loooooo-- ♪

- Triangles!

- We know ya love
triangles, Pig!

- So the guard didn't
take the marble.

- We've looked all over!

We'll never find my marble!

- Peg is having a bad time!

(Cat panting)

All my powers are useless!

- I'm totally tiring out.
And you two are--


(Cat blows a whistle.)
- Cat's right.

We should count backwards
from five to calm down.

- Five.
- Four.

- Three.
- Two.

- One.

That's it!

You did it again,
you amaaaazing genius!

- (Cleopatra and Cat): Huh?
- Before, the three pieces

of gold and the camel food
weighed the same.

See the drawing
of the scale's arm?

- It went straight across.

- But now
the balance is tilted,

so the food bowl is
heavier than before.

- So?
- So it just might have...

my special marble!

- Math really saved
your marble!

- And so...

- ♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem
- So everything mmrahaha ♪

- Epidermis!

Why were you hiding
behind that curtain?

- Mmrahaha.
- Did you take Peg's marble

from the pyramid
and hide it in your food?

- Mmrah.
- Naughty camel!

I shall have to punish you.
- (sighing): Mmrah.

- Aww. Cleopatra, I totally
understand why he did it.

In all the wide world,

there's no more irresistible
treasure than my marble.

- Ohhh.

If Peg's not upset, then I,
Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt,

declare you forgiven.

- Mmrah!
- (Cat and Peg): Awww.

- Now let us celebrate the power
of the pan balance with a song!

♪♪ Put your arms to the side
like a couple of pans ♪

♪ And add a little weight
to one ♪

♪ Then a little to the other
until it's exact ♪

♪ That's why they call it
the Balancing Act ♪

- ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Do the Balancing Act! ♪

- ♪ If your scale's uneven
- And starting to tip ♪

- ♪ Take a little tip from me ♪

♪ Adjust the weight
till the arm is straight ♪

- ♪ You can add or subtract
- It's a balancing act ♪

- ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ♪

- ♪ Do the Balancing Act ♪

- ♪ Balance in the desert
on a camel's humps ♪

- ♪ Balance on a pyramid ♪

- ♪ When you can't afford
to guess which is more or less ♪

♪ Do the Balancing Act!
- You'll be glad you did ♪

- ♪ Ai, ai, ai ♪

♪ So whether you're the queen
of an ancient land ♪

- ♪ Or a guy who looks
like Mac ♪

- ♪ You could dance
till you drop ♪

- ♪ And that's a fact
- Now everybody do
the Balancing Act! ♪

- ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Do the Balancing Act! ♪♪

- Can you believe we're friends
with a real queen?

- Actually, yeah!
- Really?

- Well, we're friends
with a space alien.

- True.
- And chickens.

- Right.
- And Ludwig van Beethoven.

- I'm even friends with the most
amazing cat in the world.

- You know Puss in Boots?!

- No, I mean you,

- Oh! Thanks.

(Both laugh.)

(Both sigh.)

Closed Captioning by SETTE inc.

- (Peg): For more Peg...
- (Cat): And Cat!