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01x31 - Queen Mom's Day/Dragon Playdate Disaster

Posted: 10/05/22 18:17
by bunniefuu
♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ Adventure is calling,
she can'’t stay away ♪

♪ Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great ♪

♪ Her necklace is glowing ♪

♪ Now she'’ll find a way ♪

♪ With help
from her best friends ♪

♪ They'’ll save the day ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪

♪ True to herself,
doing what'’s right ♪

♪ Her heart is bright ♪

♪ She'’s nella
the princess knight ♪





Trinket: why, yes,
they are real diamonds.

Good morning, trinket.

No, you are


Ha ha! Trinket,
it'’s just me--nella.

what time is it?

Very early.

We'’re gonna make a surprise
breakfast in bed for my mom,

It'’s mother'’s day.

Mother'’s day?
Don'’t worry, nella.

I'’ll be ready

In the blink of
my long lashes.


Whoa! That was fast.

Well, I can'’t wait
to surprise your mom.

She does so much for us
all year long.

I know, right?

This is gonna be the best
mother'’s day ever. Come on!

Trinket: now, where is
the good silverware?



We have to have everything
ready before mom wakes up,

Or we'’ll ruin the surprise.

♪ A tray, some flowers ♪

♪ Juice and sparkly
silverware ♪

♪ A perfect breakfast ♪

♪ To show how much we care ♪

♪ For all the times ♪

♪ Mom'’s picked me up when
I was feeling down ♪

♪ For always being there ♪

♪ For me
when I need her around ♪

♪ For helping me ♪

♪ When I make mistakes ♪

♪ For cooking up ♪

♪ Her favorite
bling berry pancakes ♪

Oh, wait, wait,
wait, wait.

Bling what, now?

Bling berry pancakes.

They'’re my mom'’s
most favorite breakfast

In the whole world.

Nella, you had me
at "bling."

Ok, we can keep
singing now.

Nella: ♪ and a homemade card ♪

♪ So I can tell her first-hand ♪

♪ That she'’s
the greatest mother ♪

♪ In all the land ♪

Perfect. We got
everything we need

For a fabulous mother'’s day
breakfast in bed.

Uh, everything but the
bling berry pancakes.

Oops. Hee hee! Hey, can'’t
have breakfast in bed

Without the breakfast part.

Nella, we have a problem.

What is it, trink?

We don'’t have
any bling berries.

What? Bling berries are

The main ingredient in
bling berry pancakes.

They'’re, like, tiny,
tasty, blingy

Little jewels.

Well, we could just make
plain old pancakes instead.

But bling berry pancakes
are mom'’s favorite.

And I want her to have

The best
mother'’s day ever.

So we'’ll just go get
some bling berries.


It says here that
bling berries only grow

In the deepest,
murkiest caves

Of the murkberry mines.

And picking them can
be really tricky.

Do you think
we'’ll have time

To get them before
your mom wakes up?

Sure. Mom used
to love picking

Bling berries when
she was a kid.

How hard could
it be?

We'’ll just have
to hurry.

[Both shout]
to the murkberry--


to the murkberry mines.

I love an early morning
walk in the woods

Just as much as
the next unicorn...

but are we there yet?

I don'’t understand.

The entrance to
murkberry mines

Is supposed to be
right here.

All I see is a rock.

Look, trink, this carving
looks like a bling berry.

We must be close to
the murkberry mines.

Hmm, maybe there'’s
a secret entrance

Around here somewhere.

Ooh! Uhh.



Great work, trink!

This is it,
murkberry mines.


hello! Hello...

That'’s quite
an echo.

quite an echo...

Quite an echo...

From the sound of it,
this is one big mine.

Getting those bling berries

Might take longer
than we thought.

Then we'’d better hurry

Because your mom will be
waking up soon.

Whoa! This place is huge.

And I don'’t see
bling berries anywhere.

Yeah. This might be
a little harder

Than we thought.

Now, if I were
a bling berry bush,

Where would I be?

Whoa! Uh!

How do you do it, nella?

You even managed
to fall with style.

Aw. Thanks, trink.

This place is full of
all kinds of surprises.

Better watch your step,

Will do.



Oh, no.
What is that? Whoa!

Trinket, look out!

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight!

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine
my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

[Breathing heavily]

Fabulous! I mean help!

Hurry, trink.

Nella, I'’m glad
you'’re here.

But now we'’re both
gonna be flat


This is no time for
jokes, nella.

The only pancakes
we'’re making today are

Bling berry pancakes.

Trinket: phew!
You stopped it.

Thank you, nella.

No problem, trink.

What'’s wrong?

It'’s just that my mom
will be waking up soon,

And we still haven'’t
found the bling berries.

I really want mom
to have

Her favorite
breakfast, but--

She'’ll be even more

If she wakes up and we'’re

Not there
to celebrate with her.

I know.

Uh, nella? Are you
standing in a spotlight,

Or is that just your
natural fabulousness?


There'’s only one thing
blingy enough to make

A spotlight
in these mines!

Both: bling berries!

This place is amazing.

Now we
can pick some berries

And still get back in time
to celebrate with mom.

We just need
to get up to them.

Trinket: whoo! A ribbon ladder--

Pretty and practical.

I'’ll toss the
berries down to you.

Berries away!

Berry good throw, nella!

Hee hee!

"Berry." See what
I did there?

Just one more
bunch. Ooh!

Careful, nella.


Trinket, the doors
are closing.

We got
to get out of here.

Trinket: oh, no!

Quick! Over there.

We'’re trapped.

oh, no, you'’re not.



Hello there!


Ha ha!
Ha ha!

Boy, are we glad
to see you!

How did you know
we were here?

I saw the recipe
book in the kitchen.

And I used to love
picking bling berries

When I was your age.

Was it always this

Yes. But that'’s
why it'’s so fun!


Uh-oh. I don'’t like
the sound of that.

The entrance to
the mine is closing.

We have
to get out now,

Or we'’ll be trapped.

Then let'’s ride.

I thought you'’d
never ask, sweetie.

All right!
Ha ha!

I always loved
this part.



Which way should we go?

That way.

I know these mines

Like the back
of my hand.


Trinket: love it!


Nella: oh, no!
Trinket: yikes!

Queen mom: quick.
Everybody duck.

[Bats squealing]

Were those bats?

Sorry, betty!

Oh, no problem, hon. It'’s
great to see you again.

Mom, you know that bat?

Sure! I'’m a friend
of the family.

Full speed
ahead, nella.

Oh! Lean left.

Trinket and nella: whoa!

Wow! That was close.

I don'’t want to ruin
everyone'’s fun,

But this is the end
of the track!


Look! A track switch.
I'’ve got it.

Queen mom: everybody
lean to the right.


Queen mom: ha ha!

Trinket: phew.


Trinket: queen mom and
princess nella for the win.

What a team!

Nella, your mom'’s
even more amazing

Than I thought.

I know!

That was berry close.
Ha ha!

Ha ha! Good one.

Thanks for
helping us, mom.

Trink'’s right.

You'’re absolutely
amazing. But...

What is it, sweetie?

It'’s just I wanted
to make you a relaxing

Breakfast in bed
for mother'’s day.

And this, well,
this is not relaxing.

Oh, but, nella,
this was so much fun!

It reminded me of
all the adventures

I used to have
picking bling berries

When I was
a little girl.

This is the best
mother'’s day ever.

It is?
Of course.

And, you know,
all I really wanted

For mother'’s day was
to spend time

With you.

Me, too! I guess I
kind of got caught up

In the idea of making you
the best breakfast ever.

Who needs the best
breakfast ever

When you have
the best family ever?

Don'’t you just love
mother'’s day?



Nella: dad!

When mom said you were
going to get bling berries,

I thought it might be nice
to have a family picnic.


Mom, I think I know
how you can have

An amazing adventure
and breakfast in bed.

Ready, dad?


[Nella clears throat]

Yawn, yawn, yawn.

Oh, uh--breakfast in bed?

What a surprise! Ha ha!

Come on, everybody.
Let'’s dig in.

Trinket: mmm! How yummy.


Nella: see you
in a little bit.


Freshly baked
apple-swipple snapcakes.

These are practically

But these aren'’t for me.

They'’re for
the dragon babies

At norma'’s playdate.

Oh, that'’s right,

And dippo can'’t wait.

I mean, who doesn'’t love
apple-swipple snapcakes?

Ha ha!
Hee hee!

You got that right.

♪ Oh, the greatest goodies ♪

♪ That a baker bakes ♪


♪ Are apple-swipple
snapcakes ♪


♪ You won'’t believe
the sound my tummy makes ♪


♪ For apple-swipple
snapcakes ♪

♪ They'’re just so swippley ♪

♪ They'’re
just so appley ♪

♪ They'’re snappy little cakes ♪

♪ That go down happily ♪

♪ One little whiff is
all it takes ♪

♪ I want
apple-swipple-- ♪


Nella, something
tells me you'’re hiding

Apple-swipple snapcakes
in those boxes.

Don'’t try to deny it.

My nose is a genius.

Hee hee! Your nose is
right, blaine.

Princess norma is having

A playdate at
the castle today

With some
very special babies

From around the kingdom.

And I promised to help
by bringing them snacks.

I'’ll be your best friend
if you give me one

Or two or nine.

Hee hee! Sorry, blaine.

They'’re all for the babies
at the playdate.

Nella, I love snapcakes
more than my own hair.

I'’ll do anything.
Just a nibble.

Tell you what, if you help
me with the playdate,

Maybe you can have
one after we make sure

All the babies get theirs.

Help with a baby
playdate? That'’s it?

No problem. Let'’s do this!

Well, here we are,

The royal playroom.

[Baby talk]

Hi, norma.

Queen mom: oh, nella,
you'’re back.

And you'’ve brought help.

Hello, blaine.

Hi, mrs. Your majesty.

Well, hello,
you two.

Hi, polkadottie.
Here are the snapcakes.


The little tykes

Are having a ball

And this will make
the playdate

Even more special.

Oh, aren'’t they cute?

Look at fizzy.

Hee hee! Ha ha!

Ugh. Babies.

Polkadottie: and there'’s
my little darling dippo.

Hee hee!
Hee hee!

[Baby talk]


And, of course,

[Baby talk]

Queen mom: oh, ho ho!
He just loves that rattle.

Queen mom: oops.
Quimbles changes color

To blend in to
whatever'’s around him

When he gets shy.

It'’s kind of his way
of hiding.

Hee hee!

[Baby talk, laughter]

Queen mom: would
you two mind watching

The little ones while
polkadottie and I get

The juice boxes?

We'’ll be right back.

Sure thing, mom.

And blaine and I can
set the snack table.

Set the snack table?

Great idea.

Oh! That window'’s
come open again.

Blaine, dear, would
you mind shutting it?

And make sure it'’s
closed tight.

We don'’t want

The baby dragons
to fly out.

Yes, ma'’ams.

Thanks! Be right back.

There. Shut the window.

Now can I have some
snapcake deliciousness?

Blaine, we promised
to help, remember?

That'’s our job.

Once the babies get
their snack,

Then you can have yours.

Well, let'’s
hurry up, then.

Blaine, you'’ve got to set
one cake at every place.


Ugh! Nella, can you
please move this along?

Just leave the napkins
in a pile.

That'’s not how you
set a table, blaine.

We have to set one
napkin for each baby.

Let'’s see. One for norma
and one for fizzy,

One for dippo,

And one for quimbles.


Let'’s eat.

Hey, babies, come
get your snack.

Uh, babies?

Where are they?

The window.

[Babies laughing]


They'’re flying away!

Blaine, weren'’t you
supposed to shut the window?

Blaine: I did!
At least, I thought I did.

We'’ve got to tell mom
and polkadottie. Quick!

Mom! Polkadottie!

What is it, sweetie?
What'’s going on?

We were just
setting the table.

And nella was going
so slow.

And they must have flown out
without us noticing.

I feel awful.

Oh, dear. Well, we'’ll
just have to find them,

And fast.

Hop on. We'’ll go
look for '’em.

Keep your eyes open,

If you see them,
keep them with you.

I promise I will.

should we go inside

And eat a snapcake
until they get back?

No way, blaine.
This is our fault.

We were in charge of
keeping an eye on them,

And they got out.

We'’ve got to help
find them.

hey! A clue.

That looks like

Dippo and norma'’s

It looks just like
that one over there.

those finger-paints.

Hmm. Now, where can norma
and dippo have gone?

Blaine: look!


Norma! Dippo!

[Baby talk]

We'’ve been so worried
about you two.

Your moms are out looking
for you right now.

We'’ve got to stick together.

Norma, you stay
near me, ok?

And, dippo, you
stay near blaine.


Hee hee!

Ugh. Babies.

We'’ve got to find
the others.

Yeah, but where?

Well, dippo loves

And we found him around
the painters'’ buckets.

So the key to finding
the others

Is to figure out
what they like.

Hmm, what does fizzy

[Baby talk]

That'’s it!
Fizzy likes bubbles.


The royal laundromat.

It'’s filled with bubbles.

Fizzy could be at
the laundromat. Come on!

Norma, you'’re a genius.

[Baby talk]


Wow. We'’ll never
find her here.

Let'’s see. If I was fizzy,
what would I be doing?


It'’s her!

Great! But how do we
catch her in this place?

Leave that to me.

No, blaine. We need a plan.


Hey! Hold still, you. Whoa!

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, no.
Blaine: help!



I'’m coming, blaine.

My heart is bright.

Time to be
a princess knight.

♪ My heart grows strong ♪

♪ It'’s time to shine
my light ♪

♪ Sword, shield, boots ♪

♪ My courage shining bright ♪

♪ Now I am
the princess knight ♪

Ooh! Yeah!

Hup! Ooh.

Uh! I'’m on my way,
blaine. Oof.

Aah! Whoa!

Ha ha! Help, nella.
It'’s tickling me.

Hup! Ooh. Whoa.




Uh, nella, I could really
use some help here.

I'’m on it.

Whoa! Uh!


Hang in there.


Both: whoa!

Ooh, yeah!


Ha ha!

There you are,

No more running
around now, ok?

Ah. Babies.

Now, all we have
to do is find

The last missing dragon,

Yeah, but where do
we look?

That little guy can
make himself disappear.

If we can'’t see him, how
can we ever find him?

Huh. Good question.

[Baby talk]

You'’ve got an idea, norma?

Oh, yeah! Quimbles
loves his rattle.

Good thinking, norma.


Norma, you did it!
You found quimbles.

[Baby talk]

Now, come here, you.

Blaine, wait.
He'’s very shy.

Hey. Where'’d he go?

Nella: he'’s going that way.


Don'’t worry, quimbles.
It'’s ok.

Ah, great.

He flew away.
Now what?

We keep going.
Come on, little dragons.

Let'’s fly.

Huh? Whoa! Hey, what
are you doing?

[Babies laughing]

Nella: this way.

Blaine: tell me
when it'’s over!

Quimbles, stop!

He'’s flying way too high.

Tell me about it!

But he'’s just a baby.

He'’s not used
to flying so high.

If he goes any higher,

He might get himself
in trouble.

Ooh! Bbb-bbb-rrr!

Nella: oh, no.
He'’s gone too high.

Now he'’s scared
to come down.

We got to help him.

Here. Catch.

Come on.

Nella: quimbles, I
know you'’re scared,

But we'’re here
to help you down.


Don'’t worry.

We'’ve got you. Oh, no.

Queen mom! Polkadottie!


Nice catch, dottie.

Thanks, your majesty.

And great work,
nella and blaine.

We'’ll have these little ones
back to the castle

In two shakes of
a dragon'’s tail.


[Nella sighs]

Nothing better than
apple-swipple snapcakes.

[Babies laughing]

Aw. Thanks.
Mmm. So good.

I can'’t thank you
and blaine enough

For helping to find
the little ones, nella.

Well, we did promise
to help, right, blaine?


Blaine: come back here,
you silly...


Aw! Babies. Aw...

[All laughing]