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01x28 - The Day The Music Stopped/The Clod Couple

Posted: 10/05/22 18:13
by bunniefuu
* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* Adventure is calling,
she can't stay away *

* Her armor is sparkling,
her courage is great *

* Her necklace is glowing,
now she'll find a way *

* With help from
her best friends *

* They'll save the day *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

* True to herself,
doing what's right *

* Her heart is bright *

* She's nella
the princess knight *

Clod: cool!
A concert.


Whoa, whose
drums are these?

[Clears throat]


I think that answers
your question.

Wow, nella.
You can drum.

Oh, she's a natural,

That's why she joined
my hard-rocking garage band...

[Plays glissando]

All: king dad
and the dukes.

That's right,

We're here to take you
on a musical journey.

I like music.
Oh, boy.

Here we roll!

* We're king dad *

* King dad and the dukes *

* We're coming at you
to knock you out of your boots *

* We got nella on the drums *

* That guy on bass *


* King dad on the mic
with the mustache on his face *

Olivia: excuse me.
What is going on?

Oh, hey, olivia.
Check it out.

Nella's playing
in a band.

Clod: want to
bop with us?

Bop with you?

I want to know
why everyone

Is cheering
for this music.

Uh, because
it's fabulous.

Nella's music

Hmph. You call
that music?

Hello, everyone.
I'm olivia.

Now, if you want to hear
some truly amazing music,

Listen to this.


[Playing arpeggios]

Nella: oh, my gosh,
olivia's trying to outrock us.

That's not fair.

Ha! That all
you got?



Ugh! How

Garrett: everyone's playing
at the same time.

It sounds awful.

[Playing continues]

Badalf: ohh! What is
that dreadful noise?

Is there a dragon
with a tummy ache?

What could this
annoying sound be?



It's coming
from those bands.

Ew! They call
that music?

Well, I shall go and
put a stop to them

With my milk
and cookies!

Oh! I mean,
with my magic!

It hurts
my ears!

Oh, make it

Make it stop.

All right. Knock it
off, you two.

[Playing continues]

Your music sounds
just terrible.



Ah, won't listen
to me, huh?

Then I have
no choice.


Hey, my guitar!
My bass!

My drums!


My electric harp!


Ah, there.
Much better.

[All gasp]

All: badalf?

That's my name.

Taking your instruments
is my game. Toodle-oo.

Oh, no. Badalf must
have heard us

All the way
at his castle.

This is all
your fault, nella.

My fault?

If you had just
stopped playing,

Then everyone could
have listened to me,

And I wouldn't have
had to play so loud.

But we were playing
first, olivia.

You should've
stopped playing.


Me? Ha ha ha!

Everyone far
preferred my--

Dad: oh, listen, kids.

Now's not the time to argue
about whose fault

It was or wasn't.

Sorry, dad.
You're right.

Doesn't matter.
Our instruments are gone.

Now we can't
play at all.

I'm gonna do
something about this.

My heart is bright!

Time to be
a princess knight!

* My heart grows strong *

* It's time to shine my light *

* Sword, shield, boots *

* My courage shining bright *

* Now I am
the princess knight *

Trinket: there's
no denying it.

Nella rocks.

Don't worry,

I'll go on a quest
to badalf's castle

And get our
instruments back.

All right!
Oh, boy!

Hold on, nella.
I'm coming with you.

Uh, you are?
Of course.

I have to
make sure I get

My electric harp

Besides, we can take
my sky carriage.

Ooh! We'll be
there in no time.

go, nella.

Go get them.

Nella: this is it--
badalf's castle.

Come on.

Hey! There you are,
badalf. Stop!


Princess nella
and someone

I've never
met before.

Oh, right.
Olivia, badalf.

Badalf, olivia.

to meet you.


Now give back our
instruments, badalf.

Ha! Never.

You were making
an annoying sound

With them,
and so I'm going

To put them
in my chamber

Of annoying-sounding

Stop! Wait!

This is where I keep
all the stuff

Whose sound
annoys me.

Quiet, terry.

But, badalf, we didn't
mean to make that noise.

We can play great music
on our instruments.

Or at least
I can if nella's

Not trying to play
over me, that is.

It's too late.

You aren't getting
your instruments,

Especially after
I cast a magic--

Terry? Terry,
don't do that.

Shoo. Shoo.
Come on. Go on.

A magic vortex.

Look out!

Come back!

Hoo hoo hoo!

You'll never
stop me now.

Oh, no. We can't
get through.

Sure, we can.
Follow me.

Whoa! Nella,
you're doing it.

Come on, olivia.

You can make it
through, too.



Uh! Uh!
Huh! Uh!


We did it, olivia.

We made it past
the vortex.

Now come on.

We've got
to find badalf

And get our
instruments back.


Oh! That is such
an annoying sound.


Badalf's up there.
Come on. Let's go.



Run, nella!

Who wake me up
from nappy-nap?

Rrgh! Uh! Uh!

Wait a minute.
That's bogglesnort.

You know him?

I have
to help him.



Nella: there you go,

Ah, princess nella.
You freed bogglesnort.

Of course, but
what are you doing

Down here in
the chamber of


Wizard put me
here for night

Because of
loud snoring.

Well, badalf took
our instruments, too,

And now he's
way up there.

Oh, that terrible,
so bogglesnort

Will help you
reach him.

Climb aboard.

Now hold on, kids.

Bogglesnort throw you
on count of two.




Whoo hoo!

Whew! Thanks,

We'll be back.

Nella, look.

And now to open
the next secret passage,

I shall play
a pleasing tune.

[Melody plays]


Olivia: oh, no.

Our instruments
are through there.

What do we do now?

Well, I think that
song badalf played

Opened the door,
so we'll just play

The same tune he did,
and it'll open again.


[Notes playing]


[Note plays]

Wow. This
isn't easy.

Ugh! Nella,
let a professional

Musician show you
how it's done.

Wait. No.
It goes like this.

Wait. Hang on.



Gosh, this is
a lot harder

Than I thought.

Oh, this was all just
a big waste of time.

I--i wish we never
came here together.

Wait a minute.
Olivia, that's it.

Together. We need to
play the song together.

[Note plays]

Here's where
I need your help.


[Note plays]

Let's keep going.

[Notes play]

And now for
the big finish.

[Note plays]

Olivia, we did it.
We did it.

Ah, well,
that should do it,

No more annoying
instruments forever--

Olivia: actually,
we'll be taking those.

What, what, what?

that's right, badalf,

And I'll make sure
you don't stop us

With a few ribbons.


How did you
get in here

And past
the bogglesnort

And through the
magical vortex?

We worked


Why do the good guys
always do that?

our instruments!

That means now we can
get back to our concert.

Oh, no.

Does that mean
you'll start making

That annoying
sound again?

Nah. Nella's band was
playing in town first.

I'll go play
somewhere else today.

Actually, olivia,

I think I have
a better idea.


Thank you,
princess nella.

Come on.

* We're king dad *

* King dad
and the dukes *

Nella and olivia:
* and olivia *

* We're coming at you
to knock you out of your boots *

* We got nella on the drums *

* That guy on bass *

* Olivia on harp *

[Playing arpeggios]

* Lighting up the pla-a-a-ace *

Oh, now, that is
an awesome sound,

Huh, bogglesnort?

Sure is, wizard.


* We're king dad *

* King dad
and the-- *

Terry: baa!


* We're king dad *

* King dad
and the goat *

Batter up.

Don't you mean
kicker up?

Hee hee hee!
I guess I do.

We are playing
kickball, after all.

All: giant kickball.

Ha ha ha!

Let's do this.

Yahoo! Uh!



Huh! Ahh...

Go, clod! Go!


Huh! Uh!

Whoo hoo! Yeah!

Nella: ha ha!
Nice play, clod.

And now the world's
most elegant

Yet powerful kicker
steps up to the plate.

Ach. We'll see
about that.





It's heading
for the kingdom. Come on.


[All gasp]

My house!

My--my roof,
it caved in...

Nella and garrett:
oh, clod.

And it was my favorite
roof in the whole world.

It kept the rain
off of me

And the snow off of me,
oh, and it was where

Santa landed to
bring me presents.


Clod, I'm so sorry.

No. It's ok, trink.

Guess I'll just
live under this

branch now.

Uh, clod...

It's gonna be ok.
We can fix your roof.

You can?
Of course.

We'll start today.

You just have to find
somewhere else to live

Until it's done.

You mean, like
under this branch?

No. You shall
live with me, clod.



It's the least
I can do.

Besides, we'll have
a great time.

It'll be a sleepover
extraordinaire, if you will.

I will.

Me and trink are
gonna be roomies.

Ha ha ha!
Come on, buddy.

We'll pack you
a sleepover bag.

Let's go.

And I'll prepare
for your arrival.

[Trinket humming]

There. Everything's perfect
for my new roomie.

[Knocks on door]

Ah, right on time.

Hello, clod, and welcome
to chateau trinket.

That's what
I call my house.

Wowee. Look
at this place.

Thank you,
thank you.

So where should we
put clod's stuff?

Over there,

I made up the most
fabulous settee for him.

Whoo hoo! This
is gonna be fun!

Uh, buddy,

You probably shouldn't
jump on that.

it's important

To be a good
guest, clod.

Oh, right. Sorry, roomie.
I can fix this.


Well, we'll let you
guys settle in.

We got a roof
to fix.

Have fun.

Now, clod,
as a great hostess,

I have carefully
prepared an itinerary

Of fun activities
for us to do

While you're
living here.

Oh, boy!
Fun activities!

Let's see. Oh.

I thought we could start
with a tea party,

Complete with a party
tray of oat muffins.


Um, kind of already
ate the muffins.

You ate the muffins?

Clod! Ok.

Well, then perhaps
we could play

A game instead,

Guess the smell.

Guess the what?

It's this great game
where I make a smell

And then you have
to guess what it is.

Ok. Here goes.

This roommate thing may be
harder than I thought.

Oops. Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Clod: is it a bird?
Is it a dragon?

No! It's super clod!

Clod! That's my
velvet tablecloth.

Come on, super trink.
Let's play!

Actually, I think
I'm gonna go

For a walk, clod.

See you soon,
super roomie.

Heh heh heh. Yeah.

* Ba ba da ba *

*Ba ba ba ba *

Ok, trinket.

This is tough,
but you broke his roof,

And you're a great hostess,
so keep it together.

Hey, trink,
where's your roomie?

Huh? Oh, hi, nella.
He's back home.

Is everything ok
with you two?

Oh, yeah.
Everything's great.

Good. Definitely do
not want to catapult

Myself into space,

So when will clod's
roof be fixed?

Not long now.

Garrett: ok, guys.
Screw it in.

You got it.
Here goes.


Hee hee! Just a
little bit longer.

Uh...i can do a
little bit longer.

trink, look.

I made a bubble with
all your shampoo.


It's heading
for your...


Rrgh...that's it!
That is it!

I can't live with you
anymore, clod.

Trink? Wait.
Where are you going?

Anywhere but here.

What just happened?


If clod's gonna stay
at my stable,

Then I need
a new place to live,

Like...under this branch?

Nah. Clod was right,
not very homey.

Maybe at the top
of the tree?


Nope, already occupied.

Hmm? What's in there?

Ooh! This is nice.

It's big and warm,
and the heat

From that lava river
is a natural mane dryer.

Yes. I think this cave
will make a perfect new home.

I'll just set my things down--

Sleeping bag over here

And makeup bag over there,

And my home is floating away.

Wait! My home
is floating away?


Great news, clod.

Your roof
is fixed.

Oh. Cool.

Um, everything
ok, dude?

Where's trinket?

I don't know.

One minute, we're having
the time of our lives

Blowing bubbles with all
of her expensive shampoo,

And the next minute,
she's gone.

Clod, I'm not sure

appreciated that.

Yeah. She wouldn't
want to waste

Her nice shampoo.

She probably
wouldn't want

To play superheroes
with her fancy,

Velvet tablecloth.


I wasn't being a good
guest to trinket at all.

I got to go find her
and apologize quick.


I'm sorry!

Gosh, we looked
all over.

Where could she be?

Trinket: help!

[All gasp]

All: trinket!

Oh, no! She's in
the lava cave.


where are you?

Nella, nella,
help me!

She's floating away.

Don't worry, guys.
I'll save her.

My heart is bright!

Time to be a princess knight!

* My heart grows strong *

* It's time to shine my light *

* Sword, shield, boots *

* My courage shining bright *

* Now I am
the princess knight *

Even across a lava river,

I can still make out
that sparkle.

I'm coming,

Uh! Uh!

Hurry, nella.

I'm heading
for lava rapids.

Nella, you made it.
Thank you.

Of course, but what are you
doing in this cave, trink?

Well, clod
took over my house,

So I was just gonna
live here forever.

Come on. Let's get
back to shore.

But how? The shore
is too far away,

And we're
heading straight

For the lava rapids.

Oh, to think
this all started

From a game
of kickball.

Wait. That's it.


A giant bunch
of ribbons?

It's a giant kickball
of ribbons, trink.


Oh, great idea,

One elegant yet powerful
kick coming up.


I got this. Oof!

Now pull, guys.

Huh! Whoa!

Whoo hoo!


Way to go,

Oh, trink,
I'm so sorry.

You were such
a great hostess,

And I was such
a thoughtless guest.

Can you ever forgive an
insensitive clod like me?

Yeah, of course.

Because I got
a surprise for you.

Meet me at
your stable.

Trinket: clod,
is my surprise ready yet?

Clod: and...done.
Come on in, trink.


A carefully prepared
tea party

With a muffin tray that
I did not already eat yet.

Oh, clod,
it's wonderful.

Trevor: I'd say
it's positively divine.

Yeah. What should
we do next?

Clod: oh, I know.

How about a game
of guess the smell?

Actually, let's let
trink pick the game.

Oh, clod!
