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12x04 - Soil Turmoil

Posted: 10/05/22 16:50
by bunniefuu
-Okay, there's this really
bad dude named Hacker.

-The Hacker, to you!

He wants to take over the
cyber world from Motherboard.

-[ Gasps ]

-The three kids are sucked
into Cyberspace,

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

-Okay, here's the plan.

-So they travel all over and run
into all these weird creatures

and have all these
awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save Cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a
wacky bird outsmart the Hacker?


-There's only one way
to find out.

Tune in to "Cyberchase."

-♪ Cyberchase, we're movin'

♪ We're beatin' Hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the Motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds

♪ Freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We've got the power
of , , , ♪

♪ Running in a cyberchase

♪ We'll meet him face-to-face

♪ We'll stick together
all the time ♪

♪ Adventures in Cyberspace

♪ The chase is on, just wait

♪ And C-Y-B-E-R chase!


[ Static ]
Need your help.

-What's wrong, Motherboard?

-Urgent problem.
[ Static ]

Serene Greens...

...getting worse...
[ Static ]

-Serene Greens?

-Find Hapo.

[Static ]

-Hapo? What's a Hapo?

-If we're gonna find Hapo,

we need to make
a slight adjustment first.

Gather 'round, everyone!

-Why? What are we doing, Didge?

-Say "cheese!"

[ Zap! ]


-What happened?
-What's going on?

-[ Gasps ] We shrunk!

-This is so cool!

But wait -- why are we tiny?

-You'll understand
when we get there.

One portal, comin' up!


[ Grunting ]



-I -- I can't see anything.

[ Click ]



-That's the biggest mole
I've ever seen!

-That's because we're the
smallest kids you've ever seen.

-Welcome to life
beneath Serene Greens.

-Critter Cove?

Are we really underground?

[ Animals squeaking,
chittering ]

-Looks like the short
answer is...yes?

-This is amazing!

[ Animal chitters ]

Remember why we're here, Jax.

-Why are we here, Didge?

-Um...who are you?

-We're the Cybersquad.

sent us here to help.

-We don't need any help.

Everything's fine
in Critter Cove.

-We're looking for Hapo.

-I'm here, Didge!

-[ Gasps ] Hapo?

-My full name is Haplotaxida.

It means "earthworm."

My friends call me Hapo
for short.

-It's nice to meet you, Hapo.

Oops! [Chuckles] Sorry.

Forgot you're a worm.
[ Both laugh ]

-Thank you for coming.

Things are a total
disaster here.

-What are ya talkin' about?
Everything's fine!

-Yeah, Hapo.
You worry too much.

-Hang on, you two.

Give Hapo a chance
to tell us what's wrong.

-It would be better
if I show you.

The problem isn't here
in Critter Cove.

It's in my neighborhood,
Crawling Falls.

Low ceiling ahead!


-S-Something tells me

where we're going
isn't as nice as Critter Cove.

[ Rustling ]


-Inez! Hang on!


-[ Grunts ]

-Man, that was close!

-This is where I live --
Crawling Falls.

-Gee, Hapo.
What happened here?

-Crawling Falls
used to be peaceful,

just like Critter Cove,

with plenty of food
for everyone.

But then things changed,
and I don't know what to do.

-Don't worry, Hapo.

We'll help you figure this out.

We'll get to the root
of the problem.

-Actually, the roots
are part of the problem.

See how dry
and shredded they are?

They used to be a source
of water and food.

Now they're useless.

-Isn't there other food to eat?

-Not anymore. It's all gone.

-I can see why everyone's moving
to Critter Cove.

-Well, I'm not moving!
Crawling Falls is my home.

I just want it to
[sighs] get better.

-Aw, Hapo.

There must be a reason
this is happening.

And we're gonna find out
what it is.

[ Ominous music plays ]


[ Vehicle approaching ]


-Are we done now, boss?

We won't be done until
my master plan is complete.

What's your master plan again?

-That is my master plan --

Hackerboard Chaos Central.

An exact clone
of Motherboard Control Central,

and the new home
of all things The Hacker!

From here, I will control the
future of Cyberspace forever!

-But why here, Boss?
Why on Serene Greens?

-Look around.

No one lives here, so there's
no one to bother me

and get in my way!

Except you two.

-[ Chuckles]
Oh, thank you, boss!

-Happy to help.

-Now I want the remaining grass
removed for good.

The glossy greenery
is too inviting.

I don't want
any curiosity seekers

disrupting my plan.

-Uh, you sure it's a good idea
to clear away all that green?

It seems wrong. Right?

-Right! I mean, wrong!

-You think I care
if it's right or wrong?

-Probably not.




-Any ideas yet?
I don't mean to rush you,

but my world is literally
crumbling around me.

[ Grunts ]


-Here's what we know.

Crawling Falls used to be
just like Critter Cove.

-So something happened to make
Crawling Falls change.

-But I don't know
what that something is.

-Hmm. I have an idea.

Let's take another look
at Critter Cove.

We can see what's there
compared to what's here.

-Make observations,
gather facts, compare --

I love it!

-Once we observe
the differences,

maybe we'll figure
out what's going on.

-Exactly! Come on, Matt.

Let's check out Critter Cove.

-Let us know when you get there!

I'll keep track of what we find
in both places.

-What a glorious achievement!

I dare say, even Motherboard
would be proud.

[ Laughing ]

-Are we done now, boss?

-Not yet.

We need to make
another building.

-Another building?!

-[ Whining ] Do we have to?

-I think you'll be pleased.

The second building will be
Chaos Central # ,

for none other than...

the two of you.

-Ya our own office?

-I'll get
the building materials!

-What's this?

-Straw. For the building.

-It worked for the three pigs.

-It did not work
for the three pigs.

As you may recall, the wolf
blew their house down, and...

Oh, never mind.

This is what we'll use.


-Matt, Jackie,
you in Critter Cove yet?

-[ Panting ]

Just got here, Inez.

[ Animals squeaking ]

-Don't worry, just visiting.

-Okay, let's get started.

Tell us what you observe,
and we'll do the same.

-The soil here
looks nice and rich.

Hold on.

It's soft,
and it crumbles easily.

-And when I squeeze it,
it stays together.

-What about the soil
in Crawling Falls?

-It's hard and clumpy here.

-Try squeezing it, Didge.

-It doesn't stay together.

-Okay. Soil texture --

soft and crumbly
in Critter Cove,

hard and cracking
in Crawling Falls.

-These roots are completely
dried out.

-What about the roots
in Critter Cove?

-Thick and strong.

[ Munching ]

-And tasty.

-Roots --
strong in Critter Cove,

not so strong in Crawling Falls.

-No wonder
all my friends are leaving.

-They haven't all left, Hapo.
Have they?

-Good question, Didge.

Let's do a count,

see how many are in Critter Cove
compared to here.

Okay, Matt.

How many critters
are in your area?

-They're everywhere!
And they keep moving!

It's hard to count them.

-I have an idea.
Let's use a sample area --

a smaller section to represent
the whole neighborhood.

-Good thinking, Jax!

We can measure
by counting steps.

That way, Inez and Digit can use
the same size sample area.

- , , , , , , , , , .

- paces. Cool.


If I could please ask you
to stay still for just one sec!

, , , , , , , , .

Thank you! Continue!

-We count nine
in our sample area, Inez.

-Got it.
Since Jackie and I are

about the same height,
I'll use paces, too.

, , , , , , , , , .


How many critters
in the sample area?

-Just one -- me.

[ Sighs ]
[ Rumbling ]

-Make it two! I'm still here.

-Hey, Peedie! [ Laughs ]

Glad you stayed.

-[ Laughs ] Two.

Living things.

Critter Cove -- a lot.

Crawling Falls -- not so many.

Anything else we should observe?

-I don't think so.
-Come on back, then.

Let's see
what we can figure out.

-Alright, let's compare
the data we collected.

In Critter Cove,
the soil texture is soft.

It holds its shape
when you smoosh it together.

-Not so in Crawling Falls.

It's all hard and cracked here.

-And check out the roots.

Big difference there, too.

In Critter Cove, the roots
are thick and strong,

and there are lots of them.

-But here in Crawling Falls,
they're dried out,

and there are barely any left.

-How'd we do
on the critter count?

-We counted nine living things
in Critter Cove,

and that was only
in our sample area.

There are a lot more than that.

-In comparison, there were
only two in Crawling Falls.

-No matter what, Hapo,
I'm with you.

-Thanks, Peedie.
What does it all mean?

-Well...what do healthy roots
and healthy soil have in common?

-They're healthy?

-Right, Didge. But why?

-Uh, for one thing,
when soil is healthy,

it has all the water it needs.

That's what keeps the ground
soft and the roots strong.


Water helps create
a healthy habitat.

-But when soil is unhealthy,

sometimes it's because
there's no water.

Without moisture,
it becomes dry and cracked.

The roots fray,
and living things can't survive.

-So the problem is the moisture!

-Or, no moisture.

We need to figure out
what's going on down here

that's making the moisture

-What if the problem
isn't down here?

What if it's up there?

[ Banging ]
-Hey, what's that noise?

-I don't know, but I've been
hearing it for weeks.

-We should take a look.

Um, is there an exit
around here?

-We can take this tunnel.

-Be careful, Hap!









This way!



[ Grunts ] Everyone across!


[ Rumbling ]


What's going on up here?!

-[ Gasps ]

That building wasn't here
last time I surfaced.

-[ Laughs ]


-[ Groans ]


-[ Gasps ] Take cover!

[ All gasp, scream ]

[ Rumbling ]


-Whew! That was close.

-Uh...I can't believe
what's happened here!

All of this used to be covered
with beautiful green grass.

-Serene Greens doesn't look
so green anymore,

-that's for sure.

-Is it me, or does
that building look

just like
Motherboard Control Central?

-Almost done. Finish the job!

-I bet Hacker caused
Hapo's soil problem!

-From aboveground?
How is that possible?

-It's all connected, Hapo.

When the grass is taken away,
like what Hacker did,

the topsoil isn't protected,

and it can get
dry and unhealthy.

-So the soil below --
where you live, Hapo --

that becomes unhealthy, too.

-It also works the other way.

When the soil underground
is healthy,

the plants have the nutrients
they need to grow,

and everyone who lives there

gets the food and shelter
they need.

-Like I said,
it's all connected.

-So what Hacker's doing
is making things worse

above and below ground!

-We have to stop him
before it's too late!

Unless it's already too late.
Wait, is it too late?

-It's not too late.

[ Bang ]


-That was a close one.

-Let's find out
what Hacker's up to.



-Yikes! I was right!

Hacker has totally duplicated
Control Central.

-Didge, make us big again.

It's the only way
we can stop him.


We have a better chance
to sneak up on Hacker

if we stay small.

-And I think I see a way in.


-Are you ready
to view the future?

-We're ready!
-Ready as ever, boss!

-I present to you...

The Hackerboard!

From here, I can tap into
Motherboard's system.

I'll know everything she's doing
before she does it!

[ Beep ]

-Brilliant, Boss!

-[ Laughing ] Genius!

-At last, I have the power
to match Motherboard!

I just need to activate
the interface.

[ Beep ]
Ah! I think this is it.

[ Cat meows ]

Uh...wrong face!

[ Beep, cat meows ]

-Aw! An adorable kitty-witty!

-[ Gasps] Can you find
a bunny, boss?

[ Meowing continues ]


-We need to get closer.

This way!


[ Beep, computer whirs ]

-Aha! It worked!

Hackerboard Chaos Central...

has launched!

[ Laughs ]

-Hackerboard Chaos Central?!

-Ya did it, boss!
-[ Laughing ]

-High five, Deedee!

-You missed!
-No, you missed.

-Try again.

[ Whoosh ]
-Aah! Whoa!

[ Grunts ]

-Look out!
-[ Gasping ]

-[ Gasps] Deedee, look!


They look just like
those Earth kids...

only smaller.

-[ Gasps ] I think it is
the Earth kids!


-Where are you,
you miniscule moppets?

-Down here, Hacker!

And you can forget about
Hackerboard Chaos Central!

-[ Laughs ] You must be joking!

Get them.




-Ha-ha! You missed me!

I'm over here!


[ All gasp ]




-Well, well, well...

looky what we have here.

-Put us down, Hacker!

-Now, why would I do that?

I have you
right where I want you.

-Hacker, you're harming everyone
and everything on Serene Greens.

You need to stop
what you're doing!

-Why do you care?
You don't live here.

No one lives here.

-Hey! I live here!
And so do my friends!

-You can't see them
because they live underground.

-So, a couple of worms
live underground.

So what?

I'm building aboveground.

-But you're pulling up the grass

and stomping down the soil
to do it.

-And that's destroying the soil
where Hapo lives.

-I'm so very sorry to hear that.

-Actually, I really am.
-Me too.

-Whatever your plan is, Hacker,
you won't get away with it.

-[ Laughing ] Really?

Somehow, I don't think
you're in a position to stop me.

-The Didge is!

[ Zap! ]

-We're big again!

-Look at us now, Hacker.

-[ Gasps ]

[ Zap! ]

-I'll be taking this now.

-You'll never stop me! Never!

-Uh, I think
we should go, boss.


-[ Screaming ]

-Get me outta here!

-Come on!
-Hurry, boss!


-Hee-hee! Great job, Hapo!

-You did it!
You got rid of Hacker!

-Yeah...but what a mess he left.

-We can fix it.

We'll replant the grass.

The soil will become
healthy again.

-And so will Crawling Falls.

You'll see.

It's gonna take time
for all that grass to grow

to protect the soil.

-It will.

But we can spread straw
across the ground.

That'll keep the topsoil
from washing away.

-I can help!
And so can my friends!

-Just one thing we need
to do first...

[ Zap! ]





-Look at Serene Greens now!
All the grass has grown back!

-And it's green again!

-You saved our soil!


-So, things are better
in Crawling Falls?

-Yep, there's plenty of food
and water again,

no more crumbling walls,

the roots are healthy...
[ chuckles ]

...and all my friends
have moved back.

Come back again soon, okay?

-We will, Hapo. See ya!

-See ya!
-Bye, Hapo!

[ Static ]


-Stay right where you are --

It's "Cyberchase For Real."

-I love growing plants
and flowers.

It's not very complicated,

but I made a lot of mistakes
while getting my green thumb.

So when my friend Alex
called yesterday

and asked for help
with her plant,

I had to lend a hand.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

-Hi, Courtney.

-Hi! What's up?

-I'm trying to grow a flower,
but it just won't grow.

-Did you follow the instructions
on the seed packet?

-I did,
and it's been three weeks.

Nothing is happening.

-Did you plant the seeds
at the right depth?

-Yes. I measured.
-Did you add water?

-I give it a lot of water.

Can you come over
and look at it?

-I'll be right over.

[ Doorbell rings ]

-Hi. Thanks for coming.

Here's the plant.


-What "aha?"

-What's in the pot?

-Beach sand.

The lifeguard said
I could take some.

-It's the beach sand
that's the problem.

-There are a lot of things
that grow at the beach --

grasses, palm trees, poison ivy.

-That's true, but just because
some plants can grow in sand

doesn't mean all plants
can grow in sand.

Let's go outside
and do an experiment.

I put some holes into the bottom
of two plastic cups,

like this.

If we pour water into the cup
with sand in it

and the same amount of water
into the cup with soil in it

that we dug up
from your backyard,

what do you think will happen?

-The sand and the soil
will run out the bottom?

-Let's see!


Now pour the same amount
of water

into the cup
that has soil in it.


-The water I poured in the soil
stayed in,

but the water I poured
in the sand leaked out.

-That's right!

Soil holds water
better than sand.

Some plants grow
in dry, sandy soil,

but others need moist soil.

-Is that the only difference
between sand and soil?

-The big difference is that soil
is alive, while sand isn't.

-Alive with what?
-Let's see!

Soil is made up
of mineral particles --

organic things
like water and air.

Billions of creatures
live in soil.

Some, like earthworms,
are big enough to see.

Most others aren't.

-Look! I found a worm!

-Worms and other living things
make the soil healthy,

making it a great place
for plants to grow.

-Couldn't we just buy those
things and add them to the sand?

-We could, but there are so many
different parts of soil

that it would take
a lot of work.

Really healthy soil can take
years to develop.

-I don't think I want to wait
that long.

Let's just use this soil.
-[ Laughs ]


