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12x02 - A Garden Grows in Botlyn

Posted: 10/05/22 16:49
by bunniefuu
-Okay. There's this reall
bad dude named Hacker.

-The Hacker, to you.

He wants to take over the
cyber world from Motherboard.

The three kids are sucked
into Cyberspace,

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

-Okay, here's the plan.

-So they travel all over and run
into all these weird creatures

and have all these
awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save Cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a
wacky bird outsmart the Hacker?


-There's only one way
to find out.

Tune in to "Cyberchase."

-♪ Cyberchase ♪

♪ We're moving ♪

♪ We're b*ating Hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the Motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪

♪ Cosmic worlds ♪

♪ Freaky places that
we've seen ♪

♪ We've got the power of
one, two, three, four ♪

♪ Running in a cyber chase ♪

♪ We'll meet him face-to-face ♪

♪ We'll stick together
all the time ♪

♪ Adventures in Cyberspace ♪

♪ The chase is on, just wait ♪

♪ And C-Y-B-E-R chase ♪

[ Laughter ]


-This way, guys.

-Digit, you were right.

The Botlyn Botanic Garden
is awesome.

-Just like I remember it,
only better.

-I'm so happy you could come.

I wouldn't want my Valentine's
Day party anywhere else.

This flower smells like honey.

-That's a Cyberheart.
They only grow here in Botlyn.

-A heart-shaped flower
on Valentine's Day.

What could be more perfect?

-Look. Rainbow vines.

How cool is that?

-They're Neon Nellies.

They glow at night.

-You want to know
all about flowers?

Just talk to my pal, Ren.

-Come on. I have to talk to May
about my party.

-You haven't talked her yet?

-Nah, but it'll be okay.

The garden's always open
to everyone.

-Isn't Valentine's Day
just the best, Deedee?

-Oh, yeah, Buzzy, the best.

I love it.

-[ Grunting ]

What are these
dangling disasters?

-They're for Valentine's Day,

-Don't tell us you forgot.

-Okay, I won't tell you.

-I think he forgot.

-I didn't forget.

I simply couldn't care less
about Valentine's Day.

People laughing
and hugging

showing how much
they care for each other.

No, thank you.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Door opens ]

-It's for you, boss.

-For me?


"Dear, Hacker,

roses are red,
giant are tall,

you're the best
and greatest of all."


"Your secret admirer."

-Wow. A secret admirer?

Who is it, boss?
-I don't know.

That's why
they call it a secret admirer.

-Well, who do you think it is?

I mean, there aren't
too many people who like you.

-Why, thank you, Buzz.

Anyway, it doesn't matter

because I'm not giving this
another thought.

-Hi, May.
Happy Valentine's Day.

-Happy Valentine's Day
to you, Ren.

How nice to see you
and your friends.

-Guess what, May.

I'm having
a Valentine's Day party tonight

right here at the garden.

-[ Gasps ]
-If that's okay.

-Oh, Ren, I don't know
how to tell you this.

it would be just fine,

but the garden
will be closed tonight.

-What? Why?

-There's a private party.

The host booked
the entire place.

-But Ren really wants
to have his party here

at the Botanic Garden.

-He loves these gardens.

-And he already invited
his friends.

-Is there anything you can do?

-Oh, I'm so sorry, Ren.
There's not.

I'm afraid you'll have to have
your Valentine's party

somewhere else.

-Uh, what you doing, boss?
-I know.

You're trying to figure out
who your secret admirer is.

I most certainly am not.

But if I wanted to,
I could figure out who it is

in the blink of an eye.

-You could?

-For example, it could be...

Well, there's...


[ Chuckles ]


-Wicked? Are you sure?

-Of course I'm sure.

She adores me.

And, really, who can blame her?

-So are you gonna call her?

-Ooh, call her. Call her!

-Not a chance.

She sent me this card,
so she can call me.

On second thought, maybe
I'll just check her Cybagram.

-Hey, there.

Happy Valentine's Day,

but especially to
you know who.

-You see? She posted that video
especially for me.

I'm going to let Wicked know

I've figured out her
secret-admirer game.

[ Laughter ]

-[ Sighs ]
I love this city.

People walking everywhere,
kids playing outside.

Botlyn feels just like home.

-And pigeons.
Who wants some birdseed?

-Hey, Ren. Can't wait
for your party tonight.

-The Botanic Garden, right?

-I, uh --
I don't know where yet.

-Okay, let us know.

-This is my house.

-Hello there, Ren.

-Hi, Ms. Marigold.

-Lovely day, isn't it?

Happy Valentine's Day.

-Shoo, squirrel.

[ Squirrel squeaking ]

-[ Sighs ]
Now what am I going to do?

My party's ruined.

-Okay I need to pace.

There must be somewhere else
we can have it.

-How about your apartment?

-No, it's not big enough.

-Your backyard?
-I don't have a backyard.

I just wanted to have a party

with all my friends
and my favorite flowers.

[ Sighs ]

-Well, you still have
the friends.

Now we just need the flowers.

you just gave me an idea.

-What are you thinking, Jax?

-Well, what if we make a garden
for Ren's party?

-Make a garden?


I haven't figured
that part out yet.

-How about right here?

-I don't know guys.
-Why not?

I see gardens around the city
all the time --

on apartment-building roofs,
window sills,

flowers even grow
in cracks in the sidewalk.

-Inez is right.

You can pretty much make
a garden anywhere

with the right conditions.

The question is,
where's the best spot?

-Bye-bye now, Mr. Krech.


[ All gasp ]

-Ren, this is the perfect spot
for your Valentine's Day party.

-I don't know.

It seems a little small.

I wanted my party
in a big garden.

-Well, not everyone has to be
in the garden.

Some can stand outside

and admire
how pretty the flowers are.

-Hmm. it might work,

but we're going to need
a few things to make a garden.

Like soil.

-Soil looks healthy.
Got that.

-And sunlight
for things to grow.

-Plenty of sunlight not blocked
by buildings or trees.

-And water.
We need water, right?

Where are we gonna get that?

-Actually, that's easy.
We have a hose right there.

-So we've got soil,
sunlight, water.

What else
could we possibly need?

-Well, just one thing.


[ Laughter ]

-Well, this looks like
a very important meeting.

Mind if I inquire
about the topic?

-We're thinking we can turn
this space into a garden.

-For Ren's
Valentine's Day party.

-But I know this is
your property, Ms. Marigold,

so only if it's okay with you.

-A garden? Here?

Just think about it.

Ren we'll have a place for his
party, and better than that,

you'll have a beautiful garden
for your neighborhood.

-Hmm. I'm still not sure.

-Think of it this way,
Ms. Marigold.

Gardens aren't just beautiful.
They help clean the air.

And they can be good for you,

-Yeah, just imagine
sitting in your lawn chair,

smelling the flowers,
hearing the birds chirp.

Doesn't that sound peaceful?

-I feel better
just thinking about it.

If you want to make a garden,
go for it.

[ Cheers ]

-Are you sure Wicked's
your secret admirer?

-Of course I'm sure.
Who else could it be?

If you say so, boss.

-♪ Da-da-da-deee ♪

♪ Oh, how I love theeeee ♪

-You hear that?

she's singing about me.

-Oh, definitely.

-Must be.

♪ La-da-da-dee-da ♪

What are you doing here?

-Uh, Wicked, as you know,
today is Valentine's Day.

-I know.

That's why I made these
special Valentine's Day cookies.

-[ Gasps ]

-I suppose
you'd like to try them?

-I'd love to.

Clearly, she made these for me.

-Hey! Just one.

I need to save the rest
for others, you know.

-Others? Oh.

-[ Grunts ]

[ Clears throat ]

-Ugh, fine,
you can have one, too.

-Now, Wicked, let's discuss
this mysterious card

that arrived for me
this morning.

Perhaps this wasn't a good time.

-So, how do we get
this garden started?

-Oh, you know,
just a little planning,

and a diagram.

First we need to know just how
much space we have to work with.

-Matty, grab an end
of this measuring tape.

cyberfeet long...

...and cyberfeet wide.

-One garden diagram,
x cyberfeet.

-What's next?

-Figuring out
how many flowers we need.

-Ren, how far apart
do you want the flowers to be?

-Well, they need to be
far enough apart

so they have room to grow.

I'd say a foot apart
should work.

-Great. So let's grid the
diagram with one-foot squares.

Grid completed.

-Now let's count the squares so
we know how many plants we need.

-One, two, three, four, five.

-There's got to be a faster way.

-There is.
We can skip-count.

There are rows, and since
each row is feet long,

there are squares
in each row, right?

So , , , , .


-So if we put plant in each
square, we'll need plants.

-[ Gasps ]
Ooh, think of all the ways

we can set up a garden
with plants.

We can put red roses here,
ooh, green lilacs there.

-This garden
is gonna look awesome.

-Can we get the flowers now?
Can we?

-I know just where to get them.

-Hi, May.

-Hi, Ren.

I'm so sorry, but if you're here
about your party --

-Uh, I'm not here about that.

I'm here because we need flowers
for our new garden.

-A new garden?
[ Gasps ] Where?

-On my street.

-Ren's going to have his
Valentine's Day party there.

-And after, the garden
will stay right where it is

so the whole neighborhood
can enjoy it.

-What a great idea.

I know just the flowers
you can use.

These are native flowers.
They grow right here in Botlyn.

-Why are native flowers

better than flowers
that don't grow in Botlyn?

-Well, for one thing,

they're adapted to the climate
and soil here,

so they're easier
to take care of.

And that means less watering.

They also provide shelter

for insects and animals
that live here.

-And food, too.

-Native flowers it is.

-Perfect. How many do you need?

- , please.

That's a lot of flowers.

-I know.
We already mapped it out.

-It looks great,
but one little thing.

You need a path somewhere

so you can get to your plants
and flowers to water them.


-We could make a path
right down the middle.

-Good idea Ren.

Each row has squares.

so that means we need
to take away plants.

-And minus is...

-Well, is two s.

less than is ,
and less than is .

-We need plants, please.

-Go ahead and pick out
the ones you like.

And, Ren,
they're my gift to you.

For Valentines' Day.

-Wow. Thanks, May.

-Hello again, Wicked.

-You're still here?

-I am.

Are you happy about that?

-[ Gasps ]
Why yes I am, Hackie-poo.

Make yourself useful.


-Start by raking
those loose thorns over there.

[ Laughter ]

-So, tell me, Wicked,

is it possible you were near
the Grim Wreaker today?

-As a matter of fact, I was out
flying on my broomstick.

There is a chance
that it is possible

that perhaps
I may have been close-ish.

-Aha! Now, tell me your feelings
on pop-up cards.


You crushed my Gloomy Gardenias!

That's it.
You're done.

-Oh, sorry.

-Just go before I turn
you all into frogs.

-Jax, move those yellow flowers
a little to the left.

-I'm on it, Didge.

-The path is done.

Once all the flowers are in,
all we have to do is water.

-Well, well, well.

I'll be a leaping lilac.

This garden is looking amazing.

-Have a seat, Ms. Marigold.

Enjoy the view.

How do you feel?

-[ Sniffs ] Ahh.

Carefree and totally relaxed.

-Time to tell
all your friends, Ren.

The party's on.



[ Horn honks ]


[ Air brakes hiss ]

They can't park that here.

Excuse me,
you'll need to move that.

-Hey, wh-where are you going?

Come back.

My beautiful garden
just got a lot less beautiful.

-Oh, dear, oh, dear.

I should've known
this might happen.

They do bring in larger items
from time to time.

-It's a large item, alright.

A large piece of junk.

-Can we move it?

-I'm afraid there's nowhere else
for it to go.

-Now, instead of seeing
my awesome garden,

everyone will see
a junky, old subway car.


What if we make the subway car
part of the garden?

-How would we do that?

-Hey, we turned a plain patch
of soil into a beautiful garden.

Why can't we turn a subway car
into one, too?

-I think Jackie's on
to something.

We can make a garden anywhere,

Well, then,
let's go and check it out.

Would that be okay,
Ms. Marigold?

-Certainly, dear.

I'll go with you.

-Um, don't we need sunlight
for a garden?

And water?

-I have an old watering can
we can use.

-Sunlight isn't a problem,

There are lots of plants and
flowers that live in shade.

We can use them.

-What about soil?
There's no soil in here.

-We can get soil
from somewhere else.

-And plant the flowers
in containers.

-There are lots of things
we can use for containers

in my junkyard.

-All we need are the flowers.

How many are we talking about
this time?

-Let's see, this subway car is
a little longer than our garden

and just about as wide.

We put in the garden.

-Right, but the plants will be
in containers,

so they won't be
as close together

as they are in the garden.

-Okay, so we don't need as many.

Let's see what we can do
with flowers.

-Sounds like
a reasonable estimate.

-Got it. I'll go back
to the Botanic Garden

to get what we need.

-We'll help.
-We'll help.

-Any container will work

as long as we can fill it
with soil and plants.

Hey, like this hubcap.

-How about this old bath tub
and this toolbox?

-Great finds, Didge.

Remember, we need to make holes
in the bottom of the containers

so the water can drain.

Look at what I found.

It's a tad weathered
but charming, don't you think?

-We can use it as a birdbath
for my feathered friends.

-What a marvelous idea.

-I don't understand.

I was certain
Wicked was my secret admirer.

[ Cellphone vibrating, beeping ]

-Who's that from, boss?

-It's from my secret admirer.

"Meet me at
the Botlyn Botanic Garden

for a special
Valentine's Day celebration."

I knew it.

I knew it was her.
[ Chuckles ]

-Her who?

Don't you see?

She was just pretending
it wasn't her all along,

but I knew,
and she knew I knew, you know?

-Not really, no.

-Time to get ready
for the big occasion.


-We're back with soil
and flowers.

-And we have lots of containers
to put them in.


-Ah, we've been expecting you,
Mr. Hacker.

I prefer the Hacker,
if you don't mind.

-No problem. Follow me.

-Not very busy, is it?

-We're usually very busy,

but your host rented
the entire garden.

Here we are.





-Wow. You really can
make a garden anywhere.

-Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe Wicked
isn't my secret admirer.

Not that I care.

Alright, I care.

I like having a secret admirer.

-Your guests have arrived.


As in more than one?

-Surprise, Boss!

-Happy Valentine's Day!

-What are you doing here?

-We're your secret admirer.

-Yeah, both of us.

We wanted to show you
how much we appreciate you.

-Let me get this straight.

I went all the way
to Wicked's castle...


-...I stood there
under her window...


-...I raked her garden...


-...and now you're saying
my secret admirer

is not Wicked after all
but the two of you?

Actually, it's rather sweet.

Oh, come here,
you little goofballs.

[ Both grunting ]

[ Laughter ]

-Welcome to my Valentine's Day
party, everyone.

I'm so excited
to present to you

the newest addition
to our neighborhood,

the Carroll Street Garden.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Ms. Marigold.



-This is amazing, Ms. Marigold.

It looks great.

-Thank you, Sean.

It's part
of our neighborhood now.

-I can't believe you did that.

A garden in the middle
of a subway?

-Aw, yeah.

I am so glad you like it.

-I couldn't think of a better
way to spend Valentine's day.

-Me either.

-Will you be my Valentines?
-You bet.

-Oh, yeah.

This is the best
Valentine's Day party ever.

Thanks for all your help.

And I talked to Ms. Marigold,

and we're going to take care
of the garden together.

-I can't wait to come back
and visit.

-Happy Valentine's Day.

[ Laughter ]

-Stay right where you are.

It's "Cyberchase For Real."

-This is a very special carrot.

I know it looks like a carrot
you buy at a grocery store,

but what makes this carrot
so special is that I grew it.

I belong to a community garden

where everyone gets a plot of
land to grow whatever they want.

I was there yesterday
with my cousin, Kimmie.

This is all my land!

-Gee, it's almost as big
as my bed.

-[ Chuckles ]
My tomatoes are here,

my basil will go there,
rosemary, and chives.

Are you ready to get soil-y?

-You mean dirty?

-No, dirt is what gets
underneath our fingernails,

but soil is a mix of minerals,
air, water, animals.

Soil is like the skin
on the Earth.

It's alive.

-Come on. You'll love it.

-I've never had much luck
growing things.

Everything I plant dies,
even fake flowers.

I guess I have a brown thumb.

-Don't be silly.
Everyone can grow things.

What do you think
are the main things

that a plant needs to grow?

-Air, water, light,
dirt -- I mean soil.

-[ Chuckles ] That's right.

Understanding what a plant needs

is the first step
to keeping it healthy.

It's all written
on the seed packet, like this.

Or on these little sticks
that come with the baby plant.

Isn't that right,
my sweet little peppers?

Ah, goochie-goochie-goo.

-Baby plants?

This started as a seed
but is now a few months old.

So it has a head start
to being a grownup plant.

-Okay, where do we dig?

-Let's dig right here
for Tommy.

-Who's Tommy?

-Oh. [ Chuckles ]

Tommy Tomato.

I name all of my plants.

-You do?

-Here's a picture
of my very first plant.

Armando Avocado.

-How long will it take
Tommy to grow?

-About days
before he grows fruit.

-I thought tomatoes
are vegetables. not fruits.

-They're really both.

Cooks call them vegetables,

but scientists call anything
with seeds inside fruit.

-Okay, what should I do?

Measure the pot and then make a
hole that's a little bit deeper.

-Five inches.

So I'll make a hole
that's six inches deep.


-Now put it upside down,
pat the bottom.

And then pull it out
and put it in the ground.

Now push the soil
around the plant

and put some water.


-Ooh, Kimmie,
your thumb is turning green.

[ Chuckles ]

-Tommy, you and I
are going to be good friends.

-I love to garden
and watch my plants grow.

In the winter when it's cold,

I put my plants
in these little pots

that I can put
on my windowsill.

Remember, lots of plants can
grow on your windowsill

all year long.

Oh, happy Valentine's Day,

[ Chuckles ]
-Thanks, Jaden.

What is it?

-Oh, it's a bouquet of flowers.

You have to plant them first.

-Oh. [ Chuckles ]



