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11x03 - A Renewable Hope

Posted: 10/05/22 16:46
by bunniefuu
Okay, there's this really bad
dude named Hacker.

The Hacker, to you.


He wants to take over the
cyber world from Motherboard.

[ Gasps ]
The three kids are sucked

into Cyberspace, and they use
brain power to help save


Okay, here's the plan.

So they travel all over and
run into all these weird

creatures and have all these
awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them to save

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart The Hacker?


There's only one way to find

Tune in to "Cyberchase."

♪ Cyberchase ♪
♪ We're movin' ♪

♪ We're beatin' Hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪
♪ Cosmic worlds ♪

♪ Freaky places that we've
seen ♪

♪ We've got the power of
, , , ♪

♪ Running in a cyberchase ♪
♪ We'll meet him face-to-face ♪

♪ We'll stick together
all the time ♪

♪ Adventures in Cyberspace ♪
♪ The chase is on, just wait ♪

♪ And C-Y-B-E-R chase! ♪
At last, the tables

Those Earth brats
have turned.

can never thwart my plans again.

[ Laughs ]
Let us out.

Come on.

Come on.

You got that right, boss.


Come on. out...

Let us out.

...of here.

Come on.

Nothing can stop me
from ruling Cyberspace now.

Warning, fuel warning.

Ah, something might
stop us, boss.

Almost empty,
how can that be?

I thought you filled up
the Wreaker before we left.

Delete was supposed to.

Buzz was supposed to.

No. You were supposed to.

No. No. That's not true.

I said you were supposed to.

It was you.


Where are we?

I don't know.

I've never been here before.

Maybe that's a good thing?

Let's find a fuel station.

Must be one around here

[ Knocking ]
Buzz. Hey, Buzz.


You better check
the connection.

I think it's loose.



Nothing wrong here.

Looks loose to me.


Why don't you check again?





Come on.

Got it.

Thanks, old pal.

Oh, boy.

I'm kind of scared, boss.

How about you?

Don't be ridiculous.

The Hacker is never afraid.

Hmm. What about that time
we were on that island

and that pirate ghost...


Don't remind me.

[ Gasps ]

[ Gasps ]
[ Giggles ]



No power.

No signal for the Skwak,

[ Chirping ]
Still nothing.

What is this place?

How are we going to get home?

Don't worry, Nezzie.

We'll find a way.

Oh, I hope so,
and don't call me Nezzie.

It doesn't look like

anyone lives here.

It looks like they did once.

What, empty?

What are we going
to do, boss?

Do I have to think
of everything?

I have an idea.

Let's ask the kids for help.


What? For a second I thought
you said we should ask

those Earth brats for help.

Well, they are smart.

Compared to you, yes.

Maybe if we all work
together, we can come up

with a way out of here.

[ Clank ]
[ Both gasp ]

What was that?

You go first.

[ Gulps ]

[ Chuckles nervously ]


Buzz, what are you
doing here?

Glad you asked.

You see, I don't know
how it happened,

but the Earth brats escaped.


[ Creak ]
No one here.

[ Creak ]
No one here either.

Hello! Anybody here?

It's like a ghost town.

[ Grunts ]
The ghosts must do a lot of

because these don't work.

Whoever lived here

was pumping something
out of the ground.

Freeze, you bothersome bird.


Got him, boss.

Hey, let him go.

And we should do that why?

Because we're all stuck here,
that's why. You need us.

The Hacker only
needs the Hacker.

What about us, boss?

Yeah. What about us?

Look, we're wasting time.

You need fuel to start
the Wreaker, right?

We already looked.

There is none.

Maybe you missed something.

Highly unlikely.

I say we split up.

We can cover
more ground that way.

[ Clank ]
[ All gasp ]

I'm beginning to think
we're not alone here,

wherever here is.


Oh, what is that?

A bunkey.

I've never seen one in person,
only in pictures.

A bunkey?

Half monkey, half bunny,
but all sorts of cute.


[ Chittering ]

She is cute,
but this is no time for bunkeys.

We need to search for fuel.

Excuse me, I give the orders
to Buzz and Delete, not you.

Hmm. We need to search for fuel.

I say we go that way.

Great. We'll go this way.

[ All gasp ]

Finally, someone else is



Who are you?

Ted, and you are?

We're the CyberSquad --
not him or him

and especially not him.

The CyberSquad?

We help Motherboard
stop Hacker

from doing bad things
in Cyberspace.

The Hacker to you.

I'm a little confused.

If you do bad things,
and you stop him

from doing bad things,
what are you

all doing here together?

The Grim Wreaker, my superior
cyber ship, ran out of fuel.

If it's fuel you're looking

you've come to the wrong site.

Yeah. We don't have any left.


So let me get this straight.

You don't have any power?



Nope, not even a little.

And no way to contact
anyone else?


So there's nobody here
but you?

Sounds nice.

Well, I do have Tom Tom.

Come here, boy.

What is that?

Greenie fruit. They grow
wild not too far from here.

The bunkeys love them.

All right. There you go,
fresh from my garden.

You must be starving.

Mmm, delicious.

So what do you do all day?

Oh, I keep busy.

I tend my garden, paint,
work on my timeline.

Wow. You painted this?

I did to record and remind
everyone of the important events

in our site's history.

But who's everyone?

The others
who used to live here.

They'll be back someday.

How do you know?

When there's a reason,
they'll return.

I just need to find it.

How come you're
the only one left?

Oh, it's a long story, Inez,
but since you asked, here.

Let me show you.

Come on, boss.

It's story time.

I'm not interested.

There must be a way
off this site,

and I'm going to find it.

But, boss.

Buzz, Delete -- now.


Thanks for lunch.

So while no one knows exactly
when this site came to be,

we do know around
million years ago

animals roamed the land
and plants grew everywhere.

We had dinosaurs back then.

Eventually the animals

Where did they all go?

They became extinct,
died off.

Here, million years later,
our site was covered

with water by a huge flood.

The mud and sediment from
the flood covered the remains

of the plants and animals.

Fifty million years later,
they turned

into something very surprising.

What was so surprising?

Millions and millions
of years went by.

Then, about years ago,
an explorer

named Frixie Eckerd showed up.

She didn't really know
what she was looking for,

but she and those
who came with her knew

they had found a cyber site
no one else had ever been to,

and they found something
else, too.


She called it Frixite
and named the site Eckardia

after herself.

I'm proud to say
Frixie was my great-grandma.



She's the reason I stayed.

I'm hoping to bring Eckardia
back to life in her honor.

Back to life?

So years after
Grandma Frixie's discovery,

about years ago,
others found out about Frixite

and came here
from all over Cyberspace.

They pumped the Frixite
out of the ground

as fast as they could.

Wait. Time out.

What exactly is Frixite?

An extraordinary fuel
that powered everything.

We used it to heat homes,
turn on lights, run vehicles,

and everyone thought the supply
was endless.

And it seemed to be for a long,
long time.

So what went wrong?

Ten years ago,
the wells began to dry up.

It was clear then that Frixite
was a non-renewable resource.


A natural resource
that exists in a fixed amount.

That means there's only so much
of it, and it can't be replaced

for a really, really long time.

Like millions of years.

Exactly, but nobody
believed it

until all the Frixite was gone,
and sure enough, by years ago,

it was all gone.

And so was everyone else.

How sad.

Except you.

Yeah, except me.

I know the others will come back
even without Frixite.

I just need to find a way.

[ Chittering ]
I love you too, buddy.

There must be a way out.

There must.


Well, we could wait
until everyone comes back here,

and then...

That could take forever!


Mo's General Store.

Let's see what's inside.


Get him off me.

Get him off.

It's just Mo, boss.

[ Grumbling ]
Oh, another bunkey.


Delete! Ugh.

I deserve so much better.

Hmm. Ooh!

[ Sighs ]
Ooh! More bunkeys.

[ Chittering ]
And more greenies.

These bunkeys make me
so happy.

The only thing that will make
me happy is getting out of here.

[ Chittering ]


[ Chittering ]
Boss, I found something.


It's not the same color,
but it's kind of like what came

out of the fuel pump back there.


Hmm, feels oily.

Could it work?

[ Grunting ]
That's enough.

See if it starts.


[ Engine grinding ]

Try again.

[ Engine starts ]
Oh, oh. Whoa. Aah!


Aah! Whoa.

[ Chuckles ]
[ Gasps ]

Ha ha.

[ Squeals ]
[ Chittering ]



[ Chittering ]



[ Chittering ]
Huh? Ah!

[ Engine stops ]
It worked.

Gather the greenies.

We're going home.

Still nothing.

I wish there was something
we could do to help you.

I wish there was something
I could do to get you home.

[ Gasps ] The Wreaker.

They're leaving.


How did he get the Wreaker
off the ground?

He must have found fuel

That's not possible.

Maybe we should go back,


It's not nice
to leave them there.

I didn't get to be the most
feared villain in Cyberspace

by being "nice."

Warning, fuel warning.

Not again!


[ Alarm blaring ]

I know what you're thinking.

That was a mean
and thoughtless act.

That's pretty close.

Ah, but the truth
is I was just

running a little test.

Test? What kind of test?

Where did you find fuel?

Well, you see,
the inside of the greenies,

when you smoosh the pits,
oily stuff comes out.

And the oily stuff works
as fuel, like what used

to come out of the pumps.

What? I don't believe it.

The Wreaker did get
off the ground.

Excellent observation, and I,
the Hacker, made the discovery.

Actually, I did.

Zip it.

I never imagined greenies
could be used as fuel.

Well, it worked
for the Wreaker.

Maybe they can power up
Eckardia too,

or at least some of it.

Just think, Ted.

Maybe there are enough greenies
to make everything work again.

Vehicles, lights,

everything you need.

With enough to spare to allow
yours truly

to depart Eckardia in peace.

Hmm. It's worth a try.

Hold on. The greenies
are a natural resource

just like Frixite, right?

Both come from nature.

Right, so?

So we saw on Ted's timeline
that Frixite is non-renewable.

It takes millions of years
to form.

No one could ever wait
long enough for it to come back.

And we don't want to make
the same mistake

with the greenies.

Ted, how often do the greenie
fruits grow?

Once a year.

Okay, perfect.

That makes them a renewable

because they grow back quickly.

The question is,
are there enough greenies

to fuel this entire site?

And feed the bunkeys?

Well, we have fields
and fields of them.

There should be enough.

Okay. Let's try to power up
the radio tower first.

Then maybe we can
reach Motherboard.

We'll have to work together
to get enough

greenie oil for that.

Work together,
with you Earth brats?


Boss, we have to help
if we're ever

going to get out of here.

Ugh. Fine.


Got you. Yep.

Hey. Ugh. Oh. Aah!

[ Squish ]
Ugh, squeezing the oil

from the pits takes forever.

We'd need more of us
to go any faster...

Ugh., twice
as many of us.


We could double the amount
of greenies we squeeze.

Hee hee.

Excuse me?

[ Chittering ]
Dig, you're a genius.

[ Chittering ]

[ Chittering ]

[ Liquid gushing ]

By composting the leftovers,

we can help
even more greenies grow.

I can't believe we did this.

Teamwork is
a beautiful thing.

Um, where's Hacker?

Oh. [ Yawns ]
We done yet?

This is going to work.

I know it is.

The radio tower t*nk is full.


I have been waiting
for this moment for a long time.

Let's go for it.

This is for you,
Grandma Frixie.

[ Powering up ]
We have power.





And I have a signal.

We did it.



[ Liquid pouring ]

Almost full.

I'll go get the kids.

Wait, no.

Let's go, everyone.

The Wreaker is ready
to take off.

No, thank you.

But how will you get home?

I got through to Motherboard.

She'll send us a portal.


Oh, well, don't tell the boss
I said this, but thanks.

We wouldn't be leaving
without your help.

Well, it took all of us
to get the job done, Buzz.

[ Chittering ]
[ Giggles ]

Aw, see you, Tom Tom.

Come on, you bumbling bot.

We're going.

Okay, bye.

Hurry, Buzzy.

I'm coming, Dee Dee.

This is an important day

in the history of Eckardia.

It's a day
we'll never forget.

That's for sure.

Now that you can power up
your site, I bet your friends

will be back in no time.

It may take awhile,
but I think you're right.

[ Zooming ]
Our ride is here.

Aww, take care, Tom Tom.

[ Chittering ]
See you.

Bye, Ted.

Bye, Ted.

You're welcome back any time.

Ah, let's go, Tom Tom.

We have a future to figure out.

So a year ago,
our pals Jackie, Matt,

Inez, Digit, Buzz and Delete,
oh, and Hacker, discovered

and helped harvest
the first crop of greenie oil.

It's a renewable resource
because it keeps growing,

but just because it's renewable
doesn't mean we can waste it.

We need to make sure
there's enough.

For us and the bunkeys.

[ Chittering ]
Exactly, so I've been

checking out
other things we can do

like building windmills
and using the power of the sun,

all renewable sources of energy,
all for a new Eckardia.


Stay right where you are.

It's "Cyberchase for Real."

It is so good to be home.

[ Sniffs ]

What's that smelly smell?

Who left this open?

[ Gasps ]
I think there's a monster

in there with the body
of a rotten watermelon

and the face of a half-eaten
bologna sandwich.



Oh, man.

[ Panting ]
There's a sale on shoes.

[ Gasps ]
How can this electricity bill

be so high?

I was gone for a month.

I don't understand.

I go away to visit
with Mother Nature

and come back
to a stinky refrigerator

and an electricity bill
that I don't deserve.

[ Doorbell rings ]
Come in. I mean, come in.

Oh, hi, Courtney.

I heard you shrieking.

I guess the trip
didn't go so well.

I hope these welcome-home
cookies make you feel better.

Oh, thank you.

No. The trip was great,
but I got back from the jungle

to find that a jungle
was growing in my refrigerator

and an electricity bill
that's higher than ever,

and I don't know why.

Let's see if we can figure
this out.

When you found the rotting food
in the fridge,

was it on or off?


Door open or closed?




All of the lights are on.

I left them on to scare
away the lions.

Have you ever found
a lion in here?


See? It works.

Uncle Harry, the reason your

electricity bill was so high
is because you left

the refrigerator door open,
and then the refrigerator motor

kept trying
to keep the food cold,

but it couldn't because
the door was open.


And also, you left
all the lights

on while you were gone.

I guess the bill is correct.

It's not just about the bill.

Almost all the electricity
comes from burning gas,

oil and coal, which comes
from deep underground.

Gas, oil and coal
are non-renewable resources.

Once they're used, they're gone.

Okay. Then we'll just
dig somewhere else.

We can try, but there's only
so much oil and coal,

and they will eventually
run out.

It's like this cookie.

What if I want another cookie?

Okay. You can have another.

But what happens if I eat
all the cookies

and I still want more?

Oh, I get it.

Once all the oil, gas and coal
are gone, there is no more.

How can we fix it?

You can use less of
the non-renewable resources.

You can start by changing out
those old-fashioned light bulbs

for LED lights.

They produce the same amount of

and use less electricity.

Amazing. What else?

Only use the air conditioning
when you need it,

and don't forget
to keep the fridge door closed.


Hey, last month my bill was

$ , and it went down to $ .

I saved $ .

And you helped conserve
some of the Earth's

non-renewable resources.

Courtney, you are my best

[ Ding! ]

