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11x02 - Invasion of the Funky Flower

Posted: 10/05/22 16:46
by bunniefuu
Okay. There's this really bad
dude named Hacker.

The Hacker to you!


He wants to take over
the cyberworld from Motherboard.

[ Gasps ]
The three kids

are sucked into Cyberspace,
and they use brain power to help

save everybody.

Okay, here's the plan.

So they travel all over
and run into all these weird

creatures and have all
these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them to save

Can three cool kids
and a wacky bird

outsmart the Hacker?


There's only one way
to find out!

Tune in to "Cyberchase."

♪ Cyberchase ♪
♪ We're movin' ♪

♪ We're beatin' Hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪
♪ Cosmic worlds ♪

♪ Freaky places that we've
seen ♪

♪ We've got the power of
, , , ♪

♪ Running in a cyberchase ♪
♪ We'll meet him face-to-face ♪

♪ We'll stick together
all the time ♪

♪ Adventures in Cyberspace ♪
♪ The chase is on, just wait ♪

♪ And C-Y-B-E-R chase! ♪

More light.

More water.

More nutrients!

That's it!

At last!

My doofydil is perfect.


I thought this was a flower.
A doofydil is a flower.

But not just any flower.

The greatest flower ever grown!

Both: Whoa!

Plot a course for Gardenia.

We have a flower contest to win!



Your happiolus looks really

It's gonna be even happier
when I win the contest.

Don't be so sure, Inez.

My tutulip can dance.

Sort of.

[ Laughs ]
My plant can't do anything.

[ Insect buzzing ]
That bug likes it.

Ooh! Shoo!

Go away!

Oh, who am I kidding?

My dizzy daisy is a disaster.

I just don't have a green thumb.

No problemo.

We can paint it.

[ Laughs ]
No, Didge.

Having a green thumb means
you're good at growing plants.

[ Fanfare ]
All: Wow!

Let the Royal Flower Contest


All: Hacker?!

May as well go home,

The winner is here.

Thank you very much.

We'll see about that.

Oh, yes, we will.

[ Fanfare ]
And now the winners of this

year's contest.

Most Fragrant Flower goes

[ Drumroll ]
...the nose rose!

[ Both gasp ]
[ Fanfare ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

Most fragrant?

Ha! I think it stinks!

The award for Best Buds goes

[ Drumroll ]
...the tutulip!

[ Cheers and applause ]
Hey, that's -- that's me!

They should give us that

Yeah! We're best buds.

[ Laughs ]
And now, the winner of the

Tallest Flower in Cyberspace.

Will it be the happiolus?

[ Gasps ]
Or the doofydil?

[ Laughter ]
No contest!

Got the winner right here!

[ Laughs ]
I will commence the



You're measuring with leaves?

You can measure with
anything, as long as you use the

exact same unit of measure again
and again, like my perfectly

proportioned leaves.

Is that clear, Mr. Hacker?

Uh, that's The Hacker, to
you, if you don't mind.

Oh, but I do.

So, this doofydil is , , , ,
, , , , leaves high.

[ Both laugh ]

Clearly the tallest flower.

I'll take the trophy.


We still have another

Bring forth the happiolus!

, , , , ,
, , , , leaves high!

[ Cheers and applause ]
What?! I demand a re-measure!

The measurement is final.

The happiolus is the tallest

Way to go, Nezzie!

Great job!

[ Gasps ]

Doesn't my doofydil win

Your flower wins honorable


Honorable mention!

Honorable mention?!

This is an outrage!

Yeah! An outrage!


[ Laughs ]
How dare they insult me and

my flower with such an insulting

There, there, daddy's doofydil.

You're no one's honorable

I think it's an honor just to
be mentioned.

I'd like to be mentioned,
just once maybe.

My turn to wear that.

No, it isn't! Me!

No! Give it back!

I want the whole thing!

No, it's my turn!

Quiet, you you bickering

We're almost there.

[ Birds squawk ]

Where are we, Boss?


A cybersite with plant species
never before seen in Gardenia.


Are we entering another contest?

Ooh! Maybe we'll win another
Honorable Mention ribbon!

Don't ever say those words

Which ones?

Honorable Ment--
Zip it!

Yes, Boss.

[ Laughs ]
Looking. Looking.

[ Laughs ]
[ Sniffs ]

Ew! What's that smell?

Aha! Behold!

The Funky Flower.


That is one stinky plant.

It is.

And it's perfectly happy here,
but when I bring it to someplace

new -- like Gardenia -- Gardenia
might not be so happy.

[ Laughs ]
Why? What will happen?

This stinky-but-happy little
plant will become an invasive


And what happens if that

It will spread all across

It will crowd out the other

It will block the sunlight and
drink all the water!

[ Laughs evilly ]
And you're only taking one?

Trust me -- one is all we

And now, it is my royal
pleasure to invite you to plant

your magnificent plants right
here in Gardenia for all of

Cyberspace to visit and admire.


Right on!

E-excuse me, Your Majesty,
but is it safe to do that?

Well, we've never had a
problem before, dear.

I mean, will anything bad
happen to your plants?

We make sure plants that come
from other sites are happy with

those that have always lived
here and those that live here

are comfortable with the new

Well, you sure have enough

And there is always plenty of
rain for all.

In fact, we're due for some
right now.

[ Laughter ]


Not to worry.

The rain doesn't last too long
in Gardenia!

See what I mean?

It's planting time!


We'll plant

Who goes there?

[ Gasps ]
We go there -- uh...

[ Clears throat ]

[ Chuckles ]
Just three flower lovers.

And, my, aren't you lovely

Aren't they lovely?

Meh. I've seen better.

[ Growls ]
I-I mean, very lovely, Boss!

Yeah, beautiful.

The loveliest.

Why don't you take a picture
with these lovely flowers.

Ooh! Yeah!


[ Camera shutter clicking ]
Uh, stand there.

Now bend a little closer.

My plan is genius.

[ Laughs ]
Say "cheese"!

Aah! I can't see!

Where did they go?

Oh, and what's that smell?

It's terrible.



I detect a foul odor.


What is that?

And where is it coming from?

Oh, we must find out

Don't worry, Queen Mum.

We're on it.

Follow that smell!

[ Sniffing ]
Oh! Found it.

Phew! The smell is definitely
coming from this plant!

Unfortunately, yes!

What is it?

Never saw it or partook of
its malodorous fragrance before


We believe it's a weed of
some sort.

These flowers are wilting.

Who could blame them?

It stinks here.

Well, if it's just a weed,
let's pull it out.

Would it be okay to do that?

Wasn't here before.

Doesn't belong here, so it
won't be missed.

I can't grow a plant, but
pulling one out?

That I can do.

[ Straining ]
This is one tough weed!

[ Rumbling ]

[ Gasps ]
Did that just happen?

There was one stinky plant,
and now there are two.

Double ew.

I'll help.

[ Both straining ]
[ Rumbling ]


There were two stinky plants.

Now there are , , , !

Twice as many!

The smell doubled, too.

[ Rumbling ]
Oh, no!

Now there are , , , , , ,
, stinky plants!

They doubled again!

I didn't touch them that

They're growing on their own!

We need more information.

[ Beeping ]
It's called a Funky Flower.

What a perfect name!

It can only be found in

Jungolia? Anything else?

It says if the Funky Flower
is planted anywhere other than

in Jungolia, it could invasive species?!

Oh, no!

Not an invasive species!

It can't be an invasive species!


What's an invasive species?

A plant that's taken from one
place and planted somewhere else

but doesn't get along with the
plants that are already there.

What happens when the plants
don't get along?

Oh! This is not good!

This is not good at all!

What? What does it say?

If a Funky Flower becomes
invasive, it grows quickly,

steals water, blocks sunlight,
and crowds out other plants.


Gardenia is in trouble.

We must save the Queen!

Move out!

[ Creaking ]
You do realize we're planted

in the ground, right?

Don't worry. We'll help.

[ Straining ]
[ Rumbling ]

I hate to say this, guys, but
it looks like the Funky Flower

has become an invasive species!

And it's growing towards the

How close is it?

It still has a ways to go.

I'll measure.

It'll take forever to measure
with this.

Wait! The Queen said you can
measure with anything.

Those hedges are the same size.

I can use them to measure.

, , , , , , , .

The weeds are eight hedges away
from the Queen.

[ Rumbling ]
Eh, make that seven.

Oh, the Funky Flower is

I guess Gardenia isn't so

I guess not.

Soon, it will crowd out all of
the plants and flowers,

including Queen Mum!

But, Boss, if that happens...


...who's going to be the
leader of Gardenia?

Me, of course!

And with my invasive species
doing all the work, those

Earthbrats can't stop me!

I'll be king of Gardenia!


The weeds are six hedges from
the Queen.

The other plants and flowers
are getting pushed out!

They have no space to grow!

Guys, calm down for a sec.

Let's observe what's happening
and see if we can figure out

what to do.

[ All scream ]
Um...we better observe fast!

If we could just stop the
roots from moving, maybe they'll

stop growing.

But how?


When we had a new puppy and
didn't want her to run out of

the yard, we put a fence around

A fence! That's it!

We can use these rocks.

All right, Cybersquad.

Let's build a fence!

[ All grunt ]
[ All grunt ]


[ Rumbling ]

We did it!

[ All cheering ]
[ Rumbling ]


What's happening?

W-what are they doing?

Hold on.







Oh, no!

Now the seeds are growing into


How close are we to the Queen?

The weeds are , , , ,
hedges away...and moving fast.

We need a new plan and fast

Yoikes! Only four hedges away

from the Queen.

These poor flowers are so

They need water.

Where's the rain when you
need it?

We need more than that!

Didge! How close now?

Three hedges!

I'll warn Queen Mum!

Hmm. We have to do something.

[ Grunts ]
I can't get through.

These roots are really strong.

Oh, it's no use, Matt.

The roots are everywhere.

We'll never stop them all.

Give it up, Earthbrats!


You can't stop the
Funky Flower!

You did this?

You bet your honorable
mention I did.

[ Chuckles ]
And, soon, Gardenia will be


[ Laughs evilly ]
Mine, too!

[ Growls ]
But mostly the Boss'.

[ Laughs ]
Yeah, probably, like, you

know, all of it will be his.


[ Laughs ]
The weeds are going to reach

Queen Mum any minute now!

Come on!

I-I-I suddenly feel so


Hang in there, Queen.


I-I'm still thirsty.

The Queen's not getting
enough water!

[ Rumbling ]
All: Whoa!

[ Gasps ] It's here!

[ Gasps ]
My tutulip!

My happiolus!

At least we still have

We're surrounded!

Whoa! The Funky Flowers are
growing taller.

I feel a bit chilly.

Oh, no!

They're blocking the sun!

I must have water and

Maybe we can cut them down.

Didge, do you have any clippers?

It's the best I can do.

[ Grunts, groans ]
It's not working!

We need ideas.


Wait a minute.

[ Beeping ]
Motherboard, I need a portal to

Jungolia, quick!



Be right back!


Oh, no!

[ Both straining ]
Gardenia is almost mine!

Yay! You did it, Boss!

You took over your first



I b*at those Earthbrats!

[ Laughs ]
Don't give up, Queen.

Jackie will be right back.

I know she will.

Yes. We mustn't give up.

We must always have hope.



What are these things?


Not just any bugs.

Meet the Funky Flower Beetle.

They come from Jungolia and only
eat one thing.

All: Funky Flowers!

It's lunchtime!

[ Munching ]

Tell me this not happening!

Tell me this not happening!


Oh, yes.

My invasive species!



Those Earthbrats did it again!

But it was a good try, Boss!



You deserve honorable mention.


All of the Funky Flowers are

And Motherboard is taking the
beetles back home to Jungolia.

Now Gardenia can regrow and
be healthy again.

Thank you, Cybersquad.

[ Fanfare ]
You saved Gardenia.

Any time, Queen.

And, Jackie, for your
extraordinary knowledge of

plants and flowers...

And bugs.

Yes, and bugs.

I award you the highest honor in
all of Gardenia, the

Green Thumb.

What do you know?

I guess I have a green thumb
after all.


Stay right where you are.

It's "Cyberchase For Real."

One of my favorite things to
drink is iced tea, the kind

without any caffeine.

It's not loaded with sugar, like

To make it really flavorful, I
love to add fresh mint.

I bought the last bunch the
store had.

[ Gasps ] Oh, no!

It's all dried up.

I can't use this.

The grocery store often runs

It's time to take matters into
my own hands.


Hi, Uncle Harry!

Hi! I'm so glad you could
meet me here.

This place is amazing.

I know.

How does a community garden


Well, the city owns it, but
people who live in the city

share it.

My family joined so we could use
that plot over there.

That's awesome.

I'm so glad I'm in your family
so I can use it, too.


What are you doing?

I thought the point was to grow
pretty plants, not get rid of


This plant is called

Hot Tuna?


Although, it just so happens
that its nickname is "fish

mint," because it tastes like

How strange.

Even though it looks pretty,
houttuynia is a very destructive

weed, an invasive species that's
not originally from New York.

I'm not originally from
New York.

What's the problem?

Invasive species can be
really harmful.

They take over an area, like
these weeds, and they use so

much space, food, and water that
none of the other plants can


Well, I'm glad you're making
the garden safe for what I want

to plant.


I want to plant some mint so I
can make delicious iced tea.

Uncle Harry --
I brought these seeds to


The package says if I plant
today, the leaves should be

ready to harvest in weeks.

Excuse me. Uncle Ha--
Today is September st, so I

need to count off weeks.

, , , ...

, , , , , , , .

That means the mint should be
ready to harvest around

November th!

Uncle Harry.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but
now is not the time to plant

seeds outside that need weeks
to grow.

The days -- they're getting
shorter and cooler, and there's

gonna be a frost before
November th.

I didn't realize that.

There's another problem.


Come with me.

What do you see here?

Beautiful plants and flowers?

What don't you see here?

Money growing on trees.

[ Chuckles ] That's true.

But there also isn't any mint.


Well, mint is an invasive

That's not welcome in community

Oh, no!

That's truly terrible news.

But you can still grow it.


Yeah. You can grow it at
home, in a container on a


That's truly wonderful news.

If it's by itself in a
container, it can't harm other


And the best part is -- you can
have fresh mint for your iced

tea all year long.

Courtney, you have really
great ideas.

When I grow up, I want to be
just like you.

[ Laughs ]
Thanks, Uncle Harry.

