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10x04 - Parks and Recreation

Posted: 10/05/22 16:33
by bunniefuu



Matt: OK, there's this

really bad dude named Hacker.

"Thee Hacker" to you.

Matt: Whatever.
He wants to take over

the cyber world
from Motherboard.

The three kids are sucked
into cyberspace,

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

OK, here's
the plan.

So they travel all over and run
into all these weird creatures

and have all these
awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a
wacky bird outsmart The Hacker?


There's only one way
to find out.

Tune in to "Cyberchase."

Cyberchase, we're movin'

♪ We're beatin' Hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the Motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪

♪ Cosmic world ♪

♪ Freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We've got the power
of , , , ! ♪

♪ Running in a cyberchase ♪

♪ We'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together ♪

♪ All the time! ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace ♪

♪ The chase is on,
just wait and ♪

♪ C-y-b-e-r-chase! ♪

Hacker: Public hearing? Today?

Not if I can help it.

Future home of Gollywood Tower.


Ready, Dez?

Ready, Didge.
Play ball!

Hmm? [Gasps]

What? Hmm!

Oh, come on!


How can you guys
even play

with all these bumps
and rocks?

I guess we're used to it.

At least we get
to run around.

Uh-oh! Umbrellas!


Guys, over here.

What's going on?

You'll see.

Volcanic ash?

From the movie studio
next door.

Happens all the time.
Last week it was rain.

Week before that,

Man, there must be
someplace better

than this to finish
our game.

This is all we've got.

Don't worry, Dez.

We'll help you find
a better place to play.

Deeno, Zed, we got to go.

Call us
if you find a place.

See you.

Buzz: The Tower is
almost done, boss!

Delete: A thing
of beauty, Buzzy!

I expect nothing less!

Whatever you say,

At precisely :
this afternoon,

Motherboard Control Central

will be directly
above my empty lot,

at which time I will upload

massive amounts of data
into her hard drive,

causing enough chaos
to her circuitry

that I can take complete control
of cyberspace!

the city council
have to approve you

before that lot
is yours?

In case you haven't noticed,
I'm incredibly charming.

How can they say no?

Buzz: Deedee!

Send up the last beam!


I haven't seen one park
or one empty lot.

Digit: Hey.

Want no more,

A map to the mansions
of movie stars.

Didge, we're not looking
for movie stars.

We're looking for
a place to play.

Jackie: Hang on.

This map doesn't just
show fancy houses.

It also shows all
of Gollywood.

Dez: This looks
like a park to me!

Let's go!


I can't believe it took
two different buses

to get here.

I know.

At least the park is
right over there.

Dez: Wow! I never knew
this was here.

Smooth and flat.

A perfect place to play
soccer, or anything.

Dez: Yeah, but none of
my friends could come this far.

It's miles
from where we live.

Matt: Well, this one's
not exactly a park.

More like an empty lot.

At least it doesn't have
any volcanoes.

We could walk here,
but it's still

a long way
from my house.

Too many cars.

That could be
a problem, too.

Lots of cars, no kids.

Who's going to play
with us?

Digit: Now we're talkin'
a place to play!

This is great--
room for soccer

and a whole lot

And it's really close
to my house.

[Bicycle bells ring]
Hey, guys!

Hey, Dez!

Cool! Lots of kids
around, too.

Best space
we found yet.

Dez: Yeah, but it's not a park.

Maybe it could be

"Future Home
of Gollywood Tower."

What's the Gollywood Tower?

No idea.

Uh, Boss?

Those Earth brats are
snooping around my property!

Oh, no!

What's this?

"Public hearing
on this space today."

This lot is still
public property!

No! It's not!
It's mine!

So anyone in the public
can go to the hearing.

We're the public,
aren't we?

We are, so we can
tell them that we think

this space should be
a park.

Let's go see the Mayor.

Not if I see him


We're done
with the tower.

esteemed Council,

after exhausting research,
I have concluded

that this lot is
the best location

for my plans--er, tower.

And let me
assure you, it will

be fabulous for Gollywood.

But I need
your decision now!

Heh heh! Good, because
I'm in a hurry, too.

I should be home
walking Wanda.

I say give the permit
to Hacker.

That's Thee Hacker to you!

And since Mr. Thee Hacker is
the only applicant,

he's the perfect choice.

But, Mayor, his only
reason appears to be

that the tower
will be "fabulous"?

We need facts!

Fabulous sounds fabulous
to me, my darlings.

[Ringtone music plays]

Oh, It's Wanda.

Wanda! Off the couch.

If she doesn't get her walk,
she chews everything! Ha ha!

All in favor of giving
Mr. Thee Hacker the space?

Cybersquad: Wait! Hacker?

So, you all know
each other?


Hacker: We go way
back, Your Honor.

Such adorable
little children.

Then you want a tower
on the lot, too?

No, sir.

We want the lot
to be made into a park

for all us kids
in Gollywood.

A park?
That doesn't sound

very fabulous
to me, darling.

But it is fabulous,
for kids.

Jackie: Besides,
isn't it up to the city

to provide parks
that are safe

and close enough
for kids to walk to?

So we can run around
and stay healthy.

Isn't there already
a park in Gollywood?

Hacker: There is!

According to my research, it's
a very nice park indeed.

But it's way on the
other side of town.

Even better.

If it's so perfect,

why don't you build
your tower there?

Mayor: Enough!

We'll have a final
hearing this afternoon.

Come back with facts
and a persuasive

argument for how
your plan will benefit

the most folks
of Gollywood.

Till then...



A little Gollywood glitz
might be in order.

Dustin Cheezer, megastar,

you're about to meet
Thee Hacker,

an even mega-er star.

You heard the Mayor.

To get the space we want,
we need facts.

Fine! I've got plenty
of facts right here.

Here's the one park
we saw.

Swings for
the little kids

and a small field
for soccer.

Digit: But we had to take
two buses to get there.

Inez: Fact--

that park is
too far away for Dez

and the kids who live
near him to get to easily.

What about
the space downtown?

Matt: Lots of
office buildings.

Dez: And no kids!

Fact--no kids live
around there.

Uh, we don't know that
for sure, Dez.

Maybe we just didn't see
any when we were there.

OK, maybe so.

What about
the other space we saw?

The space we like.

Inez: The space
Hacker wants.

Dez: Fact--a lot of my
friends live around there.

Digit: Fact--

a park needs kids,
and kids need a park.

That's it, guys--kids!

What do you mean?

We think that this is
the best place to put

a new park because more kids
live close by, right?


But we can't just say
what we think.

We have to prove
it's true, so we need to--

Find out how many kids live
near the three spaces!

♪ Honey, sweetie, ooh ooh ♪

♪ Honey bunny, woo woo ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ I love you ♪

[Cheering and applause]


Hey, dude! Autograph?


I've got a great gig
for you--

a special appearance

before the Gollywood
Mayor and Council!

I'm all ears.

I'm building
a broadcast tower

that will send
your performances

to every site in cyberspace
at exactly the same time.

A Cheezer expl*si*n,
if you will.

Cool! Can I sing
at this council gig?

Smile and enjoy the people
enjoying the Me-zer?

Anything to win over
the City Council.

Two more kids. Cool.

I'm really happy you kids
are doing this survey.

We're trying to convince
the city council

to build a new park.

Would it help to get other
families to attend the hearing?

Yeah, for sure!

They need to know
how much people care.

We'll spread the word!

[Children laugh]


Ha ha ha ha!

And finally, the two kids
who live across from

the space Hacker wants
for his tower.

And we want for our park.

Dez: Wow!

There are even more
kids in Gollywood

than I thought,
and that's a fact.

I hate to say this,
but it's also a mess!

Who can read that?

Inez: Didge is right.

We're not going
to win any points

with an argument
like this.

But it shows all
the information

we collected.
How else can we--

Dez: Wait!

I have sticky dots.

Each dot could stand
for one kid, like this.

Jackie: Good idea, Dez.

Aw, but by the time
we're through,

the map will be
covered with dots.

Wait a minute!

What if just
one dot

is equal
to kids?

Didge, you're a genius!

I am?

Of course I am.

And it's a good thing
I have another map!

Hacker: Sit still!

Uh, why am I dressed up
like this, boss?

It's part of my stellar
strategy to dazzle

the City Council
with impressive experts

speaking in favor
of my tower.

I already have
Dustin Cheezer.

My bunnies love
his music!

And now I have you,
Professor of Towerology.

Me? But I don't know
anything about toe-ology.

Of course you don't.
Read this.

Sit up straight

"Distinguished Mayor
and Council..."

Jackie: OK,
all dots in place.

So what's the story?

Two dots at the park means
there are kids around there.

Jackie: Check out
the downtown space.

More kids
than we thought.

Digit: Four dots!

Must be all those
apartment buildings.

And four dots
equals , ,

, kids!

Wow, that's a lot.

Inez: But not as many
as here, the space we like.

These dots are
equal to kids!

No contest, right?

For sure, the space
we like has more kids

living around it
than the other two.

And that is
definitely a fact.

Matt: OK, all good.

We have strong numbers,
but what else

can we say to make our case?

Inez: We can say
that having a park

where kids can play is
a healthy thing.

Jackie: Right.

We can talk about how
running and playing

for minutes a day
is good for you.

Dez: Yeah! My doctor
could be our expert.

She knows all about that.

And we can ask Deeno
and Mrs. Giff to talk.

They live here, so they
should get their say, too.

Left! Left! Not so far!

Back to the right!

I'm tryin'!

Right, you dunce bucket!

There you go, boss.

Easy peasy.

Buzz: How come we're takin'
the tower to the lot now?

They haven't even had
the hearing yet.

Because my argument is

Thee Hacker will prevail!

Now go!

And drive carefully!

Not to worry, boss!



This hearing of
the Gollywood City Council

will now come to order.

Please proceed.

Mr. Mayor, members
of the Council,

kids need
a safe place to play

that's close
to home.

Our facts will show why
this space should be

turned into a park
and why that's good

for our health and
everybody in Gollywood.

I object!

Mr. Thee Hacker,
this is not a trial.

It's a hearing.

It's my contention that
the space should be used

for a broadcast tower
to send the cinematic wonders

of Gollywood
to all of cyberspace.

Oh, that's so moving.


Buzz: Which freeway
do we take, Deedee?

According to my Smartyphone,
I...don't know.

I can't get a signal. it!

As we now know, there are
two possible locations

for the park, in addition
to the space in question.

One, in fact, is
already a park.

That's true, Mayor,

but parks are only good
if kids use them.

We believe your decision

should be based
on where most kids live.

And to find out
how many kids

lived where, we did
our own survey.

Would you like to
see what we found?


Mr. Thee Hacker, please.

Go ahead.

First, the old park.

Each dot represents

So two dots means
our survey showed

only kids live

Not a lot.

Here's the downtown space.

Four dots there.

Four dots equals

Mayor: Ah, .
That's more like it.

Yes, but look
how many kids

live around
the last space.

Twelve dots here.

That means kids
around this space.


So, you see, because
there are more kids

in the neighborhood, this is
the best place for a park.


Not important!


What I mean is,

there are other

But I prefer to have
an expert speak for me.

I present to you
a prominent Professor

of Towerology.


In my scientific
tower-ological opinion,

the lot The Hacker has chosen

is the best place
for the tower to do

what it is supposed to do.

Trust me. I am a expert.

GPS: Take the
to the ...

Turn left onto
the Gollywood Turnpike

and turn right onto...

I got to get
a new Smartyphone.

Tell me, dears,

can't you just
pretend you're

playing in a park,
at home?

It's called

Let me introduce
some witnesses who can

help you understand why
having a park

to play in is
so important.

First up is
Dr. Blackwell,

leading pediatrician.

Active play helps kids
build strength,

and physical fitness.

Thanks, Doc.
Now we'll hear

from some citizens
of Gollywood. Deeno?

Well, when I play
outside, I meet

other kids and make
new friends,

and it makes me
feel happy.

Thanks, Deeno. And Mrs. Giff.

Why do you think it's important
for your kids to have a park?

I've noticed that when
my kids play outside

every day, they're able
to concentrate more

when they do
their homework,

and they do better
in school, too.

Dez: That's it, Mayor.
We have facts, an expert,

and members of the community
to support our request.

Thank you all.

Now, then,
Mr. Thee Hacker,

what benefits does
your tower have

for my fellow

For this--ha ha ha!--
I have my own expert.

Prepare to be
distracted by--

I mean dazzled by

my next expert,

Mr. Dustin Cheezer!

Mayor: Ooh, thanks
for appearing, Mr. Cheezer.

My Deedlebeast loves
your music.

So, Mr. Cheezer,
tell us, if you can,

what are the benefits
of the proposed tower?

Really, Mayor,
how can a tower dedicated

to sending Cheezer songs
to all of cyberspace be bad?

Let me put it this way.

[Techno music playing]

♪ Honey, sweetie, ooh ooh ♪

♪ Honey bunny, woo woo ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ Awoo ♪

♪ Honey, sweetie, ooh ooh ♪

♪ Honey bunny, woo woo ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ I love you ♪

[Cheering and applause]

Mr. Thee Hacker,

are there any health
benefits to your tower?

Let's see, m-my tower will
broadcast more programs

than kids have ever
been able to watch.

And, uh, that means kids
can sit around more,

rest their legs
for later in life.

Dude. That's crazy.

The Cheezer
does not like.

You're fired, Cheezer.

Thanks. Got to go.

Have a bad hair day, man!


Buzz: You know, we might
just make it there on time.

Um, Buzzy?

You think we'll clear
that bridge up there?

Mayor: We've heard some
interesting arguments today.

It's time for our decision.


I found Mr. Thee Hacker's
facts questionable,

while the kids presented
a persuasive argument

as to the health benefits
and why the space

in question would serve
the most people.

My vote the kids!

[Cheering and applause]

Councilwoman, your thoughts?

I agree, the children
were perfectly charming

with all their "facts."

But Mr. Thee Hacker
made me feel happy,

sad, cheated, confused!

I'm voting for him because
I'm still confused.


It seems I have an important
decision to make.

[Wanda mumbling]

Mm-hmm, mmm, ah.

The kids' facts were like
a bowl of delicious kibble.

Mr. Thee Hacker's words were
like a swarm of itchy fleas.

Wanda and I

vote for...the Kids!


Citizens of Gollywood,

you have your park!

[Cheering and applause]

Buzz! Delete!

Bring the tower back
to the warehouse!

Um, boss, I'm afraid

we've got some bad news.

[Buzz chuckles

Hacker: Nooo!

The new park
looks great, Mrs. Giff!

It really does,
doesn't it, Digit?

I'm really happy
we finally have

a safe place to play
around here.

[Children laughing]


Stay right where you are.

It's "Cyberchase For Real."

Boy: Do you know
your name?

My name? I have no idea.
What's your name?

Hello, Eva.

It's good to see me.

Me? Ha ha!



Oh! Sorry--Harry?

What a surprise!

What are you
doing here?

Well, Partnership for Parks
is hosting a festival

to ask people their wishes
to make the park better.

I'm helping out.

Oh! Just one more reason
for me to look up to you.


Bianca: I used
to come here as a kid,

but I haven't been here
in years--[gasps].

Bianca: This new
skate park is awesome!

Kids who wanted
it convinced

community leaders
to grant their wish.

Yeah, they spoke out

at a community meeting

and gathered signatures
on a petition.

That's really cool!

Well, I can imagine
lots of other ways

to make this park
even better.


Update the park equipment

so it's more fun
to play on it.


Ow! Ha ha ha!

Make safe places
to ride bikes.

Expand the park
into this lot

so there's
more room to run.

Build a bigger
basketball court!

Your ideas are great.

You should share them.

Make a wish on a fish!


Hey, Melissa!
Hi, Harry.

Can you show us
how this works?

Sure! So you're going
to put your wish for the park

on a cardboard fish, then hang
the fish on the River of Wishes.

A sticker representing
your wish will be placed

in the appropriate category
on the tally board.

That is really cool!

Girl: I wish there were
more sports at Faber Park.


I wish for more
basketball courts.

I wish to see football fields.

I wish to do more swimming.

Bianca: All these wishes
are so great.

I have lots of wishes.

How can I decide
on one wish?

You don't have to.
Everyone can make

as many different
wishes as they want.


The final wishes will be
counted in five minutes.

Oh, no!

Time's up!

Let's look
at the results.

The tally board shows
play, run, and bike are

the categories with the
largest number of wishes.

Yay! Lots of people have
the same wishes I do!

It's so great now that

all these changes
will happen.

Well, it doesn't
work like that.

Now we need to let
the community leaders

know what we want.

Maybe we should get lots of
people to sign a petition?

That sounds like a plan.

May all your wishes
come true.

Oh, thank you!