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10x03 - A Seedy Business

Posted: 10/05/22 16:32
by bunniefuu


OK. There's this really
bad dude named Hacker.

"The" Hacker
to you.

Whatever. He wants
to take over

the cyberworld
from Motherboard.


But kids are sucked
into cyberspace,

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

Jackie: OK.
Here's the plan.

So they travel all over

and run into all these
weird creatures

and have all these
awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart The Hacker?


There's only one way
to find out--

tune in to "Cyberchase."

♪ Cyberchase!
We're moving ♪

♪ We're beating Hacker
at his game ♪

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the Motherboard ♪

♪ We'll get him every time ♪

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen ♪

♪ We've got the power
of , , , ♪

♪ Running in a cyberchase ♪

♪ We'll meet him face to face ♪

♪ We'll stick together
all the time ♪

♪ Adventures in cyberspace ♪

♪ The chase is on! ♪

♪ Just wait and
c-y-b-e-r-chase ♪

Film narrator:
Welcome to Factoria,

one of the finest and happiest

places to live
in all of cyberspace.

Sadly, that was years ago.

This was Factoria
just last month.

The factory was closed.

All jobs were lost.

That is so sad!

Motherboard: Many left.

The future of Factoria
was dim, until...

Digit: Hacker?

Yes, Hacker.

He put everyone
back to work.

Hacker saved Factoria.

No way!

Hacker only
helps himself.

Agreed. Go there.

Find the truth.

We're on it,

Contact Granny.

If anyone knows what's
going on in Factoria,

it's Granny.

Hacker: Yes!

Everything is working
to perfection,

just as I expected.

Me, too.
Right, Dee Dee?

Oh, yeah.
I expected this.

Well, let me tell you
something else I expect.

When I leave for my meeting
in about one minute,

I expect everything
to run smoothly

and efficiently
in my absence.

Is that clear?

Couldn't be
clearer, Boss.

You can count on us,
just like always.

That's what
I'm afraid of.

I don't have a choice.

So listen closely,
you duncebuckets.

When I return for
the demonstration,

I want everything
in order.

Any questions?

No questions.

We've got this!

Good! The future
of cyberspace

according to The Hacker
is in your hands.

Wow! I used to like
the color gray,

before I got here.

I know. Everywhere
you look--concrete.

, , .
That's all.

Excuse me.

Do you know where
we can find Granny?

Sure! Everyone
knows Granny.

She lives on
the edge of town.

Want some chips?

That's OK,

but a big thanks
for the directions.

, , .

I'm so in.

Both: , , !

Inez? Is it
really you?

Um...yeah, it's me.

How did you know?

Are you kidding?
You guys are

all over the cybernews
all the time.

You're famous!


And Digit?

The entire
Cybersquad is
at my house?

Granny, Granny!
Look who's here!

Uh...that was...


You've never had
a fan before?

Uh! I've had
so many.

Come on.

It's so nice
to have visitors.

Would you like
something to eat? you have
anything else?

Maybe an apple?

I'm sorry, dear.

These snacks
are all we have.

We get them free
at the factory.

All you have?


I know it's not healthy,

but the grocery stores
have all closed,

and there's no space
to grow anything.

Guys, guys! Look who
I was for Halloween.

Jackie: Oh!
That is so cute!

Love your style,

Thanks, Jax.


Rosie, get down!

Sorry about that,

It's OK.
I like cats.

So, you were saying,

you're here
because of Hacker?

He's so mean.

Look at all the terrible
things he's done

in Penguia,
on Sensible Flats, and--

Well, all true, dear,
but the fact is,

Hacker has
saved our site.

He put us all back
to work, making toys.

The Hacker and toys?

definitely fishy.

Didge is right.

You can't trust Hacker
to do anything nice.

Folks do change,
you know.

Our children have
a future again,

thanks to him.

[Factory whistle blows]

Well, time for my
shift at the factory.

We'll go with
you, Granny.

Maybe we can find out
what Hacker's really up to.

You're welcome to look,

but you won't find
anything but toys.

Wait! You can't just
walk in like that.

He'll know it's you.

You need a disguise,

like the time Didge wore
different wigs and glasses

to fool Hacker.

I saw you
on CyberTube.

You did?
Ha ha!

Of course
you did.

You think these
disguises will work?

Maybe, but this color
does not work for me.

Good afternoon.


How are you?

Here's what
we're making--

toy helicopters.

Hmm. Looks like
a toy to me.

Hacker said he
wants every child

in cyberspace
to have one.

Isn't that kind?

I still don't
trust him.

Come on.
Let's see what
we can find out.

Nothing here
but parts.

I hate
to say this,

but maybe
Hacker really is
making toys.




You know, Buzzy,

I like it when the
boss isn't around.

Me, too. I like
being in charge.

Hey! I thought
I was in charge.


We can both be in charge.





Uh! Ow, ow, ow, ow!


Oh! Uh!

What happened?


You all right?

Buzz: He's not--

and neither are you!

And stay out!


This is
not good.

This is
not good at all.

How could you let
Buzz and Delete

kick you out
of the factory?

Zoreen, did you
see the size
of those guys?

But you're
the Cybersquad.

You always
come out on top.

Well, yeah, most of
the time, but--

But most of the time
isn't good enough!

Hacker is
in Factoria now.

He's never nice.

We need your help!

Did you at least
find out what
Hacker is up to?

Not really.



You were my heroes.

Aw, Zoreen!

Man! We really
let her down,

but we just
got started.

So let's see if we can
change how she feels.

OK. What do we know?

We know Hacker's
up to something.

We just don't
know what.

And we know
everyone is

to Hacker

for putting
them to work.

And feeding them.

junk food.

But that's
all they have,

so they need Hacker.

That's it! Until
we figure out

what Hacker is
really doing,

maybe we
can do something

so everyone
doesn't need
Hacker so much.

Like what, Matty?

Like help them
grow some
healthy food,

like fruits
and vegetables.

Then they
won't have to

eat junk food
all the time.

Hacker: This is
the very latest

in spy technology

and your best option for
a rewarding investment--

the Hackercopter.

These computer-controlled

have a range of miles.

How many miles?


Exactly how many
is that?

A lot!

And once
they're launched,

I'll be able
to see and hear

all that is going on
in cyberspace.

All of cyberspace?

Every square foot!

The Hacker will be


With your help
and your snelfus,

I'll be able to finish
my plans in no time.

But what's
in it for us?

What's in it for you?

How about all the information
you could ever want

on anyone and everyone,

plus a one percent
ownership in the software?

But--but you're
The Hacker.

How do we know
you won't

just take our money
and double-cross us?

Well, I suppose you'll
just have to trust me.

Hee hee hee...

Matt: This is harder
than I thought.

We can't plant
a garden around
here, either.

There's no soil.
Come on.

We got soil here.

Inez: But no water.

Jackie: And the
buildings are
blocking the sun.

You need all three
for a healthy
garden, Didge.

Isn't there
anywhere in Factoria

with good soil,
water, and sun?

Inez: This is
not good!

This is not
good at all.

All: Zoreen!

Jackie: Thought you
were upset with us.

I was, but I know
you're trying to help.

You're the Cybersquad.
I love you guys.

Aw, we love you, too.

Granny had a
beautiful garden
when she was little.

I'll show you
a picture.

Wow! Look at
all the tomatoes.

So much of everything.

Do you really
think we could

grow vegetables
here again?

There's definitely
lots of sun.

We can get water
from that creek.

And the soil
underneath is
still healthy.

You can tell
by the way it
sticks together.

Look. There's no
sand or rocks.

Then this place

has everything
that plants need--

sun, soil,
and lots of water.

So let's make a garden!

Ready to plant!

Wait! We can't
just plunge ahead.

We need a plan.

Zoreen: Right.
We need a plan.

Before we can plant,
we should figure out

how much space
we have to work with.

Let's take
a measurement.

cyberfeet long.

It's cyberfeet wide.

OK. cyberfeet
by cyberfeet.

So we're working with...

square cyberfeet.

Zoreen: Cool.
That gives us

a lot of space to grow
some fruits and veggies,

but isn't it going
to take a lot of time

for the seeds to grow?

Usually, yes,

but thanks
to the Didge,

we're using speedy


Let's start
with tomatoes.

Inez: Wait!

I think those holes are
way too close together.

Why? The seeds
are teeny-tiny.

There's plenty
of room for them.

Maybe now, but once
the plants start

to grow and get bigger,
they'll need more room,

and some grow
bigger than others.

That sounds

How do we make
sure we leave enough
room for each one?

Well, why don't we
make it simple?

We know we have
square cyberfeet,

so let's just
divide the garden

into squares,
all the same size.

That way, we can plant
one square at a time

and see how it goes.

Digit: Voila!

equal squares--
a perfect grid.

Let's plant
a lot of carrots.

I love carrots!

And then some cucumbers
and peppers--oh, and--

Don't forget

We need a lot
so we can
make salads.

My mom says the way
to healthy eating

is by eating a
rainbow of colors.

Matt: Oh, yeah!

Eating different colored
fruits and veggies

gives you lots of
vitamins and minerals.

All right!

Let's plant
a rainbow.

The boss isn't
gonna be happy

those Earth brats
are planting a garden.

Now the Factorians
won't need

the food we give them.

We're in charge,
right, Buzzy?

Right, Dee Dee.

So what does someone
who's in charge do

when there's a problem?

I don't know.

They have an idea,

and I think I might
possibly have one, too.


Yes, I do!

Whoa! It really does
look like a rainbow.

A healthy and
rainbow, too.

A real tomato.

Matt: Wait till
Hacker finds out

they don't
have to eat his
junk food anymore.

the bunnies!


Huh! No!

Don't eat that!

Huh! Aah!

How do we get them
out of here?

Be right back.

Ahh! The boss
will be really proud
of us, Dee Dee.

Yeah! I can't
wait to tell him.

Chase them away, Rosie.



Quick thinking,

Way to go!

Thanks, guys, but the
garden is ruined.

Perk up!

The Didge has
more seeds.

You can still grow
your own food.

Matt: On the farm,
our gardens had

fences to keep out
the bunnies.

I kind of forgot
that part.

Let the replanting begin!

Hacker: Soon, you will
glimpse the future

with your very own eyes!

Yes. Exactly
how long is--

Don't ask!

Oh, my!

Oh, look what you've done!

Oh! I can't believe it.

Have a cucumber,

Zoreen: I can't
wait for everyone

to taste what
we've grown.

Oh, I don't know, dear.

I'm afraid there
won't be enough here

to go around.

What we need is

a bunch of gardens
like this.

But we looked,

and there aren't
any other places
to plant them.


Maybe there are.

Come on!

Ooh, a test flight!

Good idea, Buzzy.

Prepare for takeoff.

[Beep beep]

Jackie: You really
think a garden
can grow up here?

Why not?
I grew some
sugar snap peas

in a soup can
one time.

Well, that could work.

These balconies get
plenty of sun.

We just need a
bunch of soup cans

or something bigger.


What's that?

Zoreen: It's one
of Hacker's toys.

That's weird.

Digit: I'll check it out.

What's this?

Hey! What's Digit
doing up there?

I don't like it,
Dee Dee.

I'd better
bring it back.

Huh! Whoa!

Big problemo.

It's got a camera
and a microphone,

like some kind
of spy plane.

What? We're making
spy planes?

That's what
it looks like.

We have to stop

Zoreen, get Granny and
meet us at the factory.


Granny: Everyone,
stop what you're doing.

Hacker tricked us.

We're not making toys.

We're making spy planes

so he can take control
of cyberspace!

No way! We don't
believe you.

The boss isn't
gonna be happy

about this, Buzzy!

I don't want to be in
charge anymore, Dee Dee.

Me neither!

It's true. Hacker is
up to no good,

and he's using us.

But Hacker's good to us.

He gives us jobs.
He feeds us.

He feeds us junk food.

You tell 'em, honey.

Granny's right!

We don't need Hacker
or his spy planes.

We need to make something
that will help us,

and we can grow
our own healthy food

so we don't have to rely
on Hacker to feed us.

Yes! We're with
you, Zoreen!

What do we do?

Grab all of these you can
and follow me!

Jackie: All these
balconies are
the same, right?

Yes. Each balcony
has tiles.

That means
each balcony has
the same area.

Let's fill it up.

If we do that,

there's no space left
to step on to the balcony

and water the plants.


So, what if we take
a few away?


That looks
about right.

And everybody can
arrange the containers

however they want.

Inez: Right!
That won't change

the amount of area,
just the shape of it.

Everyone, each balcony will
hold about containers.

Place them where they fit,
fill them with dirt,

water from your apartment,
and grow your gardens.


Welcome to Factoria,

home of the Hackercopter.

Why, this site
is so warm

and colorful.

It is?


Odd. I was only gone
a few hours.

To the factory.

Before we go inside,

let me just say
that you, all of you,

are about to invest

in a new era
of cyberspace--

the Hacker Era.


This is hardly
what I expected.

Me either.

Not at all.


Excuse me.

Where are
the spy copters?


There must be some mistake!

Jackie: Oh, there's
no mistake, Hacker.

Welcome to the
Factoria Green Market.

Green Market?

Green, like in healthy
fruits and vegetables.

Wh...What happened
to my toys?

Oh, those?

We're using them
for planters.

Digit: Thanks for
your help, Hacker.

Granny: We have
green jobs now.

Zoreen: And a healthy
place to live.

Have a pepper.

This can't
be happening!

Buzz! Delete!

Boss, over here!

Want a tomato?



Excuse me.

My associates and I
are very impressed

with your
Green Market.

Would you consider
opening one on
every cybersite?

We'd help pay
for them, of course.

I think you'd
better talk
to the bosses.

Granny, Zoreen,

there's someone
here to see you.

Well, the most
important thing

is to find
the right place.

Come on over here.
Let me show you what I mean.

Zoreen: And then
you need water, sun,

and good soil.

Good job, guys.

All: Whoo!

Let's eat!

Stay right where you are.

It's "Cyberchase for Real."

Harry: I love living
in the city,

but sometimes I like
a change of pace,

so I decided
to become a volunteer

at the Stone Barns Center
for Food and Agriculture,

where farm camp
is in session...

but I'm not sure where to go.


Excuse me.


Whoa! Whoa!


I can't believe
it. You're a
volunteer here?


I'm a volunteer
here, too. It's
my first day,

and I'm not sure
what to do.

Oh. Well, since you're
new and I'm not,

I would be happy
to help you out.

Bianca and Harry,
we could use your help

getting the turkeys
out to pasture.

No problem.


OK, turkeys, follow me.

Harry, they're not coming.
Call them, Harry.


[Imitates gobbling]

The turkeys won't
move if someone is
in front of them.

We need to guide
them on the side.


Bianca: Very good.
Very good.

Harry: Not so fast,
Steve. Come on.

All right.

You too, Lou.
Over here. Come on.

You guys are
doing so good!

Bianca and Harry,
we could use your
help planting kale.

Oh! Off to the
fields we go!

planting is in the
greenhouse today.

Oh. Off to the
greenhouse we go.

Since the goal
is to grow a lot,

we want to plant
as many seedlings in
the bed as possible.

You're gonna need
to give these plants

a little more space to grow.

How much space?

A foot.

Let me show you.

Carrots can be planted
an inch apart

because they have
small leaves,

but kale needs to
be planted a foot apart

because they have
such big leaves.

So...a foot.

Hey, guys, there's an
easier way to do that.

This is a dibble roller.

These dibbles are inserted a
foot apart from each other.

So when the
wheel rolls,

the dibbles make
holes where

the seedlings
get planted.

We plant one plant

in the center

and one plant a foot apart
on either side.

in each row.


Oh! Like those
plants over there.

Yes. Those are
Swiss chard,

and they're planted
a foot apart, also.

So if the bed is feet,

how many plants
will you have?

There's an easier
way to do that.

So, there's plants
in each row,

with a foot
between each row,

so to get the total,
you multiply by .

That is seedlings.

That's correct.

I'm impressed,

Thank you.

So, how long
have you been
volunteering here?

It's my second day.

It seems like you
wanted me to think

you had a lot
more experience
working here.

Uh...I'll admit,
I wanted you to be

impressed with
my farming skills.

No need for that.

You helped me
on my first day.

I'm impressed
because you're nice.

You're so nice to say that!