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09x01 - An Urchin Matter

Posted: 10/05/22 16:13
by bunniefuu
Ok, there's this really bad dude named Hacker.

THE Hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

the cyberworld
from Motherboard.

The three kids
are sucked into cyberspace

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

Ok, here's the plan.

So they travel all over

and run into
all these weird creatures.

And have all
these awesome adventures.

It's totally
up to them to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a
wacky bird outsmart The Hacker?


There's only
one way to find out.

Tune in to CyberChase.

Cyberchase - we're moving

we're beating
Hacker at his game.

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time.

Freaky places that we've seen.

We've got the power
of one, two, three, four!

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick
together all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


Ah mind control...

evaporation rays...

cough-inducing condiments...

Ah, this one was sheer genius!

Invisible robotic lice.


Try getting those
out of your hair!

[Sigh! ]

All these wonderfully
wicked ideas,

wasting away in
this file cabinet!


Because I don't have the
money to make them happen!


He's so cute!

Look, look!

He's playing wit
his wittle ball!

Quiet, you simpering simpletons!

Can't you see I'm bemoaning
my unrealized potential?

But Boss, you gotta see this!


So nauseatingly cute!

People actually watch this?

Oh yeah.

It's the most popular
video on Cybertube!

Hmmmm...wonder what people
would pay to see the real thing?

This just might be the way
to fund my most prized plans!

Yep. Mary's garden is going to
be perfect once this

arch is finished.

Perfect in Perfectamundo!

How perfect!

Let's see.

All that's left to do
is insert the keystone.

"The keystone is the piece at
the top of the arch that keeps

all the other pieces in place."

Here it is!

It's heavy!

I think I popped a spring.



[STATIC] Go to the Island
of Megabays [STATIC]...

ecosytem being destroyed
[STATIC] ...find the Captain...

Did any of you catch that?

Only that
there's a serious problem

on some island called Megabays.

Megabays...Megabays...I know
that name from somewhere...

Hello, Megabays!

The first thing we need
to do is find the Captain.


What brings ye to Megabays?

Motherboard sent us to help you!

Ye must be the CyberSquad, then!

Thank Neptune you're here!


I'm Captain Ebeneezer

And this is Ditto,
me trusty mate.

Don't I know you?

Don't I know you? [SQUAWK]

Is there
an echo in here?

Don't pay 'im no mind,
he's just bein' a parrot.

So, what's the problem, Captain?

Oh it's terrible, just terrible!

The Bay's gone bad.

The kelp's washin' up on the
shore, the fish are leavin',

the birds have
nothin' to eat...

Look at this wee little pelican!

I call him Petey.

I've been feedin' him me-self!

That's how bad it is!

He's sooo cute!

The Bay looks normal to me.

Look closer...

What's all that brown stuff?

Kelp. But it's
supposed to be under the water -

not floatin' on
top and rottin' on the beach.

Now I know why I remembered
the name Megabays!

I've been here before!


It's me!

Well, that was taken years ago!

Yer standin' with me pah.

I think I got some old
photos somewhere...

Ah! Here we go!

That's me on the beach...

That's me with a
crab on my beak.

And that's me
swimming in Big Bay.

Wonder who took the photo?

Took the photo. [SQUAWK]

Yeah, who
took the-Hey wait!

It was you! Ditto - you took it!


Wow! It looks like an
underwater forest!

It is. A forest
filled with tons of life.

And be dyin'.

Me pah took good
care of the bay.

But me... [sniff, choke]

I ain't worthy of the
Skuttlebutt name! [SOB! ]

Don't worry, Captain.

We're going to find out what's
wrong with that bay and fix it!


But how?

Build it...and they will come!

What are you two
duncebuckets waiting for?

Build it!

We're building, we're building!

Where do you want to
put the main stage?

Over there.

No, over there's better.

No no no, to the left...wait
no, to the right...



OK, what do we know so far?

Kelp is washing up on the beach.

And what do we know about kelp?

It's supposed to
be under the water.


Check it out!

It looks like
the kelp was attached

to the rocks underwater.

Hmmm, so why
isn't the kelp attached

to the rocks anymore...?

Only one way to find out!

Ah, the Tin Lizzy!

A finer vessel never
scoured the depths!

On your way, little guy.

We've got work to do.

We'll be in constant contact
with you, up in the lighthouse.

Dive! Dive!

Tin Lizzy to Lighthouse,
Tin Lizzy to Lighthouse...

...Do you read me?

Loud and clear.

What do you see?

It's more like a
desert than a forest.

Just a few st*lks of kelp.

What about sea stars,
snails, barnacles?

See any of them?

Let's see...there's
a sea star...

...and there's another one!

Oh, and there's a sea urchin...

and one, two, three snails...

Hang on, Inez.

I can't remember all that.

We better record how much
there is of each thing.


That way we can compare
it to the photo.

Compare it to the photo.

I just said that!

They can't be down
there too long, ya'know.

The Lizzy has only so much air.

Now you tell us? !


Remember when we had to
figure out how many penguins

there were?

But we couldn't count 'em all,
so we had to take a sample.

Yeah! We made a grid...

...and just counted the penguins
that were in that one square.

All we need is something
to make the square with...


OK Jax, start writing: ... one
stalk of kelp, two sea stars,

one snail, oh, there's
another sea star...

Three sea stars...

wait is that number
the kelp or the snail?

Hold on!

I'm getting confused.

Too bad you don't have a graph!

Graph. [SQUAWK]

Did you say graph?

We both did.

Great plan!

That way I can keep track
and we can see the results!

Species this way...

The number of each, this way...

Okay, Inez.

I am organized and ready!

Start counting!

One stalk of kelp...

Three sea stars...

one snail...

Eighteen sea urchins...

What..? !

Eighteen sea urchins
in just one square? ?

Strange indeed!

Yep, it's eighteen.

Oh wait, I see one more.

Make it nineteen.

Hey look over there!

That sea urchin is eating some
sort of.... ....big sea snake.

That's not a sea snake!

It's our air hose!

[GASP! ! ! ]



Who's panicking?

Why should I panic?

Oh that's right, maybe



What's going on?

Uh, Lighthouse?

We have a problem!

"Problem! Problem!" [SQUAWK! ]

They be losin' air!

Hold on, Earthlies!

I'm coming for ya!


Stand back!


[Gasp! Sputter! ]

Not again!

How's my hair?

Do I need more wig gel?

Should I buff my chin again?

No, no, you look great, boss.

Annnnd ACTION!

Hello unwashed masses
of clueless cyborgs!

It is I: The Hacker.

You are all invited to the
Northern Frontier where,

for a mere Snelfus,
you will behold the cutest

attraction that your pathetic,
sentimental hearts can bear.

You liked the video
on Cybertube...

but you'll love
seeing the real thing!


What are you doing,
you bag of bolts? !

Can't you see I'm
making a commercial? !

Sorry, Boss!

It's just...they
won't eat anything.

I tried cat food, turnips, even
little cheese sandwiches...

What should I do?

I don't know!

Look it up!

Oh. Great idea, boss. Thanks.

The things an evil genius has to
do to raise money to implement

his evil schemes!


That might be a sea star...

but I can't really be sure.

Guys, I don't think we can
compare what you guys found

in the bay with this photo.

It's too blurry!

Even if we could, the area
in that photo is much bigger.

It would be like
comparing this cr*cker...

To a slice of bread.

Hey, that's for Petey!

[Sigh! ]

So what do we do?

Give up?

No way!

We're not giving up!

She's right.

It's like that ole
shanty my pah used to sing

when we got down.

It goes somethin' like this.


"Oh, the kelp is home
to fishees / of all varietee /

And the birdies eat the fishees
/ That's the way it ought to be!

/ But the urchins eat the kelp /
And the kelp would cease to be /

If the urchins weren't..."


I always ferget that last part.


Did you just say the
urchins eat the kelp?

"Urchins eat
the kelp!" [SQUAWK! ]

Aye, I did say that.


Because there were too
many urchins down there!

You said so yourself!

Maybe that's why
there's less kelp!

Because all those
urchins are eating it.

And the fish live in the kelp.

So if their home
is gone... they leave!

They leave!

And without fish,
birds goes hungry.

That's it then.

Problem solved!

Not so fast, Matt.

We need to find out why
there too many sea urchins.

Maybe the kelp in the bay is
just really, really tasty.

Hmmmm..if only there
was another bay,

we could compare it with
what we found in this one.

It might give us a clue.

Another bay?

Aye, there be two other bays!

Delightful Little Bay and
relaxing In-Between Bay!

Last I checked they looked
pretty healthy to me!


And this time, I'm
doing the diving!

"I'm doing the diving!"

No, I am.

"No, I am."

Now I remember.

This is why I never
came back here.

The data from Big
Bay was colored blue.

I'll make what we find
from this bay green,

so we don't get confused.

Didge, when you
get to the bottom,

set this quadrat down and
count whatever's inside.

No problemo!

Wish me luck.

Good luck!


Ah! Now this is
how I remember it!

Hey! That sea urchin is eating
those root like thingies!

That why the kelp isn't
attached to the rocks anymore.


Back to work.

Let's see what we got here.

Three kelp st*lks...
six sea stars...

Five snails...
four sea urchins...


Huh? !

Hey! Let go! This isn't a toy!

It's not a ball either!

Hey! Easy! Yikes!

I'm gettin' seasick!

Okay, here's what we know.

There was more kelp, more
sea stars, more snails,

more of every kind of species
in Little Bay than in Big Bay.

More everything
except ...sea urchins.

And in Big Bay, less of
everything except sea urchins.

So the question is, why so many
more sea urchins in Big Bay

than in Little Bay?

'Cause it's got more room?

Could be.

But maybe there's
another reason.

Maybe I missed somethin'.

I might've, what with those
sea otters acting up and-

Sea Otters? ?

Oh yeah!

I forgot to put down sea otters!

There were two of 'em...

tossin' me around like
I was a volleyball!

Okay, so two otters in
our sample for Little Bay,

and no otters in our
sample for Big Bay.

That's weird.

When there are no otters,
there are lots of sea urchins.

That's it, mateys!

That's the last line
of me shanty! Ha! Ha!

"Oh, the kelp is home to fishees
/ of all varietee / And the

birdies eat the fishees /
That's the way it ought to be! /

But the urchins eat the kelp /
And the kelp would cease to be /

If the urchins weren't eaten
by the playful otterees!"

Ha ha!

Me pah took great care
of the bays - but he weren't

so good at rhymin'.

That explains it!

Otters eat sea urchins!

Who knew?

So no otters means tons of sea
urchins...and sea urchins eat

all the kelp!

And with the kelp gone, all
the other animals go, too!

So it's the otters that keep
everything in the bay in balance

by keeping the
urchins under control.

We're getting closer.

But why are all the otters
missing from Big Bay?

That's the question.

"Otters missing!

"Otters missing! Otters
missing!" [SQUAWK! ! ]


Hacker took all the
sea otters...? But why?

Hello citizens of Cyberspace,it is I, The Hacker.

Once again, with
great benevolence,

I bestow upon you the
next great distraction

for your substandard minds...


So come on down to Otter World,
and all this cuteness can be

yours for a mere Snelfus!

He stole the otters so
he could put on a show?

Well he's not going
to get away with this!

Oh, stealing poor
defenseless animals!

And ruining me beautiful bays!

We've got to get to the
Northern Frontier, and fast!

Aye, mateys.

Perhaps I can help ye there.

Besides the Tin Lizzy, I've
made me a few other things from

stuff I found on the beach...!

Two hundred ninety eight...
two hundred ninety-nine...

There are only two-hundred
and ninety-nine snelfus!

The price is
one-hundred snelfus...

....per Poddle!

You owe me one snelfu!

Otters, otters, I
wanna see da otters!

Enjoy the show!


We have to come in low,
so Hacker doesn't see us.


Otter World!

Disguises on!

I'm taking her down!

Hey, hey!

This is not a parking lot!

We're not here for
the show, mister.

We're deliverin' sea lions.

Sea lions?


Someone named Mister, uh,
"Hacker" ordered them.

OK, put 'em in the
exhibit with the otters.

And hurry!

The show's about to start!

We're in!

Come on, otters!

Come on, cutie pie.

Into the tube.

Over here, guys!

We're taking you home!

They don't want to come!


Get the sea urchins!

Lunch time!

If the otters really do
like to eat sea urchins -

this should
get them into the t*nk.

We were right!

They love to eat
those sea urchins!

It's almost show time.

Let's see if they've finished
loading in those sea lions.


I don't have a good
feeling about this, Buzzy.

The otters are gone!

The boss ain't gonna be
happy about this, Deedee.

We gotta do somethin'!

And now...

what you've all
been waiting for...

The cutest thing you've ever
beheld in your entire lives!


We want our money back!


No refunds!



Fine! How about
a partial refund?

Well, now that the
sea otters are back,

there won't be so
many sea urchins.

And the kelp should
grow back again.

And the fish should
come back, too.

And little Petey will
have something to eat.

Hey, Petey's flying now!

Me-thinks he'll be just fine.

And I'll be back
every summer Cap!

Well? I'm waiting.

Aren't you going to
say: "Every summer!"


Thank you.

[sniff] Aw!

Gimme a hug!


The keystone is in place!

Let's see if the whole
thing holds together.

Yes - it works!

Good job, guys.

You know, those sea otters
are a lot like that keystone.

How so, Jax?

Well, without the otters,
everything falls apart.


Hey, it's from Digit.

Dear Earthlies.

Greetings from Megabays.

Good news!

Now that the otters are back,
Big Bay is back to normal.

Oh, the Captain says
to say: Hi mateys.

Ditto says, Hi mateys, too.

Stay right where you are!
It's Cyberchase For Real!

Do you have a plan
for camp activities?

Yes, I do.

At : , a pie
eating contest, followed by

a hot dog eating
contest at : .

And then at noon the
campers will eat lunch.

A morning of nothing but eating?

From : - : , they'll
go on a -mile hike.

Campers need a balanced
program of healthy activities.

It's balanced...Three hours of
eating, three hours of hiking.

Okay, okay.

They'll hike for an hour, and
then they'll make bows and

arrows and go hunting.

No weapons for eight-year-olds!

You need another
plan, and quick.

When the campers arrive,
you're in charge.

I need to get my
nature lesson ready.

I won... Again!

Harley's making us play
games only he can win!

We should tell
the camp director.

Do you want us both
to lose our jobs?

Today's nature lesson is going
to focus on the importance of

maintaining balance
in an ecosystem.

The sea otter population has
rebounded since hunting them has

been outlawed.

Otters eat sea urchins.

The urchins eat kelp.

If there aren't enough
otters, the urchins take over,

and they eat all the kelp.

I don't get it.

Well, to help you understand,
I'm going to show you a game

everyone can play.

It's called "Chomp,
Nibble, Grow Grow Grow."

The blue ones are otters.

The red ones are urchins.

And the green ones are kelp.

Each otter eats an
urchin- "chomp".

Each urchin eats kelp- "nibble".

Each remaining kelp
grows by doubling.

Each remaining urchin
grows by doubling.

Pairs of remaining
otters grow by one more.

This hoop represents the
ecosystem they live in.

Now, let's see
what happens here;

the otter eats the
urchin- "chomp".

The urchins eat
the kelp- "nibble".

The remaining kelp
grows by doubling,

the remaining urchins
grow by doubling,

and there's not another otter,
so that one stays the same.

So Lola, is this
ecosystem working?

So far, so good;
what happens next?

So, this otter will
chomp this urchin.

These two urchins will
nibble these two kelp,

and then the other
urchin will be so hungry

that it will die of hunger.

These two urchins will grow,
and there's no more kelp to eat.

Is this ecosystem in balance?




Each team has limited time to
toss the balls into the hoops.

The goal is to create an
ecosystem that can stay balanced

for three rounds.




Alright, and time!

C'mon back.

These two otters will
eat these two urchins.

Urchin nibbles kelp.

Three more kelp will grow...

Urchin grows...Our
ecosystem is balanced!

Two more otters came.

We won!

Our ecosystem is working, too!


What kind of game is
this when both teams win?

It's the kind of game that
restores balance

to our camp ecosystem.

Don't be a sore winner.