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01x09 - The Race Car Problem/The Big Gig Problem

Posted: 10/05/22 13:33
by bunniefuu

One, two,
a , , , !

♪♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

- ♪ One, two, three!
- Yeah come on let's go! ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six!
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- ♪ Seven, eight, nine! ♪
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Ten?
- Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best!
We are ♪

♪ Na na na na na,
me plus you ♪

♪ Na na na na na,
we're Peg plus ♪

- ♪ Cat!
- Peg plus ♪

- ♪ Cat!
- Peg plus ♪

- ♪ Cat!
- Peg plus Cat! ♪♪


- "The Race Car Problem."

- Howdy! I'm Peg,
and this is Cat.

And we're about to enter
a super cool race

called the Talla-peg-a !

Tell 'em what we named
our race car, Cat.

- Hot-Buttered Lightnin'!
And she is...

- (both): Built for speed!
- Whoa!

- We built her by using boxes
for the sides,

and this big cylinder in the
middle that holds them together.

Then we found round things
to use as wheels!

- She's a sweet ride!

- I'll put my special marble
on the tippy top for good luck.

- Like we'll need it! Uh-huh.

- Sounds like it's time
for the race! Ready, Cat?

- I was born ready.

- Then start up Hot-Buttered
Lightnin' and let's roll!

- (both): Yahoo!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

- Oops.
- We lost a wheel!

Luckily, I told Cat to bring
an extra one, just in case!

- Let's ride!

- (both): Yow! Yow! Ow! Ow!

- A television set?! Oh, no!

Our new wheel isn't round
like a wheel is supposed to be!

We've got a BIG PROBLEM!

This wheel is un-roll-able!

And we didn't bring
an extra extra wheel.

Way to go, Cat!
- Huh?

- This trash can lid is
the perfect wheel!

It's round and ready to roll!

- Cool!

- Which means...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved! ♪

Talla-peg-a , here we come!
- Wahoo!

- Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the Talla-peg-a !

- I can't wait
to see the other cars!

- They don't stand a chance!
- (Ramone): Let's meet
the racers!

Our first contestants are
the pirates

in their fearsome
Pirate Mobile!

- (pirates): Arrrr!
- Part car and part ship,

this homemade race car is fast
on land and sea!

(spectators oohing)

Our next contestants are
the teens

in their awesome Pizza Mobile!
- (teens): Woot, woot!

- Fueled on nothing but
potato chips and cherry cola,

this fashionable race car is
one hot slice of speed!

(spectators cheering)
(Honk! Honk!)

And here comes our next racer!

In his incredibly sleek,
aerodynamic, and jet-propelled

Triangle Mobile, it's...
the pig!

- Hm!
(spectators cheering)

- And finally, it's Peg and Cat
in their homemade race car

made out of garbage,
Hot-Buttered Lightnin'!

(old-fashioned honk)

- All the other cars are so much
bigger and cooler than ours.

- We don't stand a chance.

- We've put so much love,
hard work, and sweat
into his little car.

- It even smells like sweat!

- But there's no way we could
win a race against those cars.


I guess we should just give up
and head home.

- Did you just say, "give up"?
- Well, yeah.


- ♪ You can never solve
a problem ♪

♪ By saying you give up ♪

♪ So try your best
and never rest ♪

♪ And you just might win
the golden cup ♪

- That was gorgeous!
- I do what I can.

- And so will we!
We'll give it our best shot!

- Hello out there
in race car land!

I'm Connie.
- And I'm Viv,

coming to you live
from the Talla-peg-a !

- Ooh! They're
about to begin.

- OK, when you drive
around the track once,

it's called a lap. The first car
to drive laps wins the race!

- (racers): Hooray!

- Gentlemen, ladies, parrots,

swine, start your engines!

On your mark... get set...

(whistle blown)


- (Connie): And they're off!
- (Viv): That pig

in his Triangle Mobile has
taken an early lead.

- Whoa! What was that?

- Ramone stuck a number
on the side of our car

to show how many laps
we've completed: .

The pirates have gone laps.

And the teens have gone laps.

- So, we're doing
pretty good, eh?

- Not really.

Four is more than one.
This sign means "more than".

- ONE, two, three, FOUR.
You're right!

- And is even more than .

- One, two, three, FOUR, five,
SIX. You're right again!

We'll never win!
- Remember what Ramone said.

- Something about giving up.
- He said not to!

- And we won't!
- That's the spirit!

- The racers seem to be slowing
down to enjoy a quick bite.

- Well, everyone likes
a little snack.

- Give me that peach!
- That's my peach!

- Like, mmm!
- The only racers
not slowing down seem to be

little Peggie
and her cat friend.

- Oh, can't we stop for just
one bite of pizza, please?

- There'll be time to snack
when the race is done.

We're up to laps!

- Ten-riffic!

- He totally put a
on our car!

- (all): We're, like,
finally in the teens!

Woot, woot!
- (pirates): Arrrr!

- Guys, if we keep driving,
we'll totally drive into

, , , , , ,
and then--

- And then drive
right out of the teens!

- O-M-G!

- We should just, like, quit
while we're still in the teens!

- (girls): Totes McGoats.
(whistle blown)

- The teens drove off the
which means - mm! - they are
out of the race!

- But no one ever goes away

at the Tall-a-peg-a !
They get to choose a prize

from the Consolation Prize Bag!
(spectators cheering)

(spectators cheering)
- We're up to

laps! Eighteen?

- We've done more laps
than the pirates, right?

- Well, no, Cat.

Just like 's more than ,
's more than--

- Fifteen!
- All right, Cat,

you're learning.
- Losing, but learning!

- Ooh! Will you look at this!
The pirates are closing in

on that pig to take the lead!

- (pirates): We arrrr!
- Let me drive!

I want to steer us to victory!
- No, let me do it!

- No! I'm a better driver!
- Stand back, the lot of ye!

I'm captain of this ship!
- (pirates): You're
making me cranky!

- Oh, boy
- Whoops.

- Whoa!
- Batten down the hatches!

- Mommy!
- We're about to run aground!

- Abandon ship! Awk!

- Arrr!
- That was fun!

- Woo-hoo!
- Can I do it again, Mommy?

- Mm, I guess the pirates are
out of this race.

- So, the only ones left are

Peg and Cat, and that pig.

- The pig just finished laps!
He only has more to go!

- We're doomed.

- But look!
He's so sure he'll win,

he's slowing down
to play his triangle!

Now's our chance
to catch up to him!

- Yeah!

- Come on, Hot-Buttered Garbage!
- Lightning.

- Keep it together!
- Whoa-ho-ho-ho!

- My marble!

- Ow.

- The cylinder that held our car
together is broken!

- That thar pig is near the end.
- He's almost at !

- Without a cylinder,
there's no way we can

keep our car together,
and the pig's about to win!

I am totally

(Cat blows a whistle.)
Cat's right.

I should count backwards from
to calm down.

Five, four, three,

two, one.

That's it!
The telescope is a cylinder,

so we can use it
to hold our car together!

Come on, Hot-Buttered Lightnin'!
We've got a race to win!

- Word!
- Peg and Cat are closing in!

- But the Pig is almost
at the finish line!

- Ooh! The teens have picked
their consolation prizes.

Race flags shaped
like triangles.

- ♪ Yahooooo ♪!

- Because we chose
the right-shaped objects
in all the right places,

Hot-Buttered Lightnin' is

- Math really revved up
our engine!

- Which means...

♪ Problem solved!
The problem is solved! ♪

♪ We solved the problem!
- Triangles are awesome! ♪

- ♪ Problem solved! ♪
- To the finish line!

- ♪ They could not have solved
the problem ♪

- ♪ If they'd given up ♪

- ♪ So try your best
- And never rest ♪

- ♪ And you just might win ♪
- They just might win ♪

- (Connie and Viv): And
the winners are Peg and Cat!

- (Cat and Peg): The golden cup!

- (all): Hooray!
- (Parrot): Awk!

- Let's get a picture
of all the racers in the order

of laps they completed,
from lowest to highest.

- (racers): OK!

- ♪♪ Well... when you got
a bunch of numbers ♪

♪ And they're sorta
outta whack ♪

♪ Here's a way you can arrange
'em with the others
on the track ♪

♪ Here's a and a ,
and as you can plainly see ♪

♪ You stand here, you stand
there, 'cause is more than ♪

- ♪ More than, less than,
that's how you figure ♪

♪ How to sort a lot of numbers
from smaller to bigger ♪

♪ Take my advice,
you don't even have to guess ♪

♪ When you know which one
is more ♪

- ♪ Which one is more! ♪

- ♪ And which one is less ♪

- ♪ But what do with ? How
does this fit with those two? ♪

♪ Since I know 's more than
and less than , here's
what we do ♪

♪ Thirteen's least,
so stay there ♪

♪ As I solve our little riddle ♪

♪ Nineteen's most,
so stay there ♪

♪ With in the middle ♪

- ♪ More than, less than ♪

♪ That's how you figure
how to sort a lot of numbers ♪

♪ From smaller to bigger ♪

♪ Take my advice,
you don't even have to guess ♪

♪ When you know which one
is more ♪

- ♪ Which one is more! ♪

- ♪ And which one is less ♪

- ♪ Your numbers start with ♪

♪ And ours starts with ♪

♪ Since is more than ♪

♪ We know just what to do!
- Woo-hoo! ♪

- ♪ You're going way up there
to the highest, coolest place ♪

♪ 'Cause you've got the biggest
number and you've won the race ♪

- ♪ More than, less than ♪

♪ That's how you figure
how to sort a lot of numbers ♪

♪ From smaller to bigger ♪

♪ Take my advice,
you don't even have to guess ♪

♪ When you know which one
is more ♪

- ♪ Which one is more! ♪

- ♪ And which one is less ♪


- Wee-ha!

- Hot-Buttered Lightin' won us

one race, but she's
not finished.
- Oh, no.

- She's gonna win us...

- Eighteen!
- Twenty-eight!

Actually, winning one race
is fine.

- One's enough.


- ♪ We're splashing
in the bathroom!

- One, two,
a , , , !

♪♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

- ♪ One, two, three!
- Yeah c'mon let's go! ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six!
- Hey! What do you know? ♪

- ♪ Seven eight nine!
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ?
- Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best! ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

- ♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪♪

(Honk! Honk!)

- "The Big Gig Problem."

(Honk! Honk!)

- OK, so, our band,

the Electric Eleven,
is totally on tour!

That means we're driving around
to amazing places

and spreading joy through
the power of our groovy music!

- I gotta tells ya!

- Oh, right,
and we've got t-shirts.

Once size fits
all cats.

Anyway, today we're playing
a big gig.

- A big what?
- A gig is what cool musicians

call it when they play
to a crowd.

And we're playing
for chickens at the farm!

- Yo, Peg, I think
we almost there.

What's the address again?

- The address is...


- Let's see. Look!
There's # !

And, oh,
and there's !

But where's ?!
I don't see it!

- (pigs): It's clearly
not there!

- I can't believe
this is happening!

If we can't find the farm,
then we can't play our gig!


If we can't play our gig,

then chickens won't get
the gift of our groovy music!

And I can't let
that many chickens down!

Hey, it's !

Twenty-one, twenty-two,

So the address numbers DO
go in order!

You found the farm, you amazing
farm-finding cat!

And so...

♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

And check it out.

When you count in the s,
you count , , , .

It's just like counting
, , , ,

but with a in the front!
That's so cool.

Come on, everybody,
we're here!

Wow! This stage looks great!

It's like a rock concert
mixed with a petting zoo -

pure perfection!

How's that banner coming, Cat?
- Eh.

- OK, band, while Cat hangs up
our banner, we should practice.

After all, we are playing
for chickens!

- That's a lot of chickens.
- Mm-hmm! You know that's right.

- To warm up, we'll sing
the "Problem Solved" song.

Ready, everyone?

A , a ,
a , , , !

- ♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved! ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem-- ♪

- Wait! Is it just me,
or are we missing a saxophone?

Mama Bear, Baby Bear,
but where's Papa Bear?

Papa Bear! Where are you?

- ♪ Gotta whittle some wood,
chew some hay ♪

♪ Lie in a hammock
with a beaaaaar ♪

- Papa Bear,
what are you doing?!

Well, whatever you're doing,
we've got a show to play!

You can't lie here and whittle.
You're in the band!

- I WAS in the band;
now I'm in the hammock.

- Hoo-eee!
Look. A tractor.

- Nice.
- Ugh! This is not happening!

I can't believe Papa Bear is
quitting the band!

Now there aren't even of us
in the Electric Eleven!

Which means we have
to change the name.

And if we have to change
the name, we have to change...

the banner. Thanks, Cat!

The question is: what number
should I change it to?

- Hey, Peg!

- Ramone?
What are you doing here?

- I'm in charge of setting up
the sound and lights
for your big gig.

- Thanks! But I don't know
if there's going to be a gig.

Papa Bear quit, and now I don't
know how many of us there are.

- Well, when you have one fewer
of something, it's just like
counting backwards.

See, counting forwards,
we have , , , ,

, , , , , , .

But if we want to take one away,
it's like counting backwards.

Eleven, ten.

- I get it!

So I need to change the banner
from to .

Thanks, Ramone.
- I do what I can.

- Well, I hate
to change the banner,

but the show must go on!
Right, everyone?

Everyone? Where are they?

- They left!
They're all doing... stuff

with the farm animals!
- Oh, no.

The pig is rolling in the mud
with the hog!

The goat is grazing
with the cow!

Baby Bear is frolicking
with the sheep!

Those other goats are playing
with a baby chick

on the farmer's fiddle!

Cat, we've got

Oh, and now the goat that was
grazing with the cow is
milking the cow.

- You've done this before?
- Well, I've read about it.

- One missing band member, and
we could maaaybe deal with it.

But this is too many!

If we don't get them
to come back,

we might not be able
to play our gig!


- Well, how are we gonna get
them back in the band again?

- Wait, I've got it!

Hat crackers!

Hey! Band mates!

Or should I say
former band mates?

If you come back
to the Electric Eleven,

I'll give you some of these
crackers I keep under my hat.

Do we have a deal?
They're really salty,

and kinda warm -
really warm, actually.

Probably from the heat
from my head.

And a lot of them are broken.
But they're still good.

What is it, Cat?

Oh, no!

The animals are all eating
delicious, farm-fresh food!

They'll never want
my broken hat crackers now.

Well, you know what?
I'm not letting a little thing

like most of the band members
quitting stop us from
playing our gig.

But we still need
to fix the banner.

I already changed it from
to when Papa Bear quit,

but a whole bunch of other
band members quit since then.

So we gotta count backwards
from .

- ♪♪ The pig is eating
ice cream ♪

- ♪ Fine! I'll lower it
from to ♪

- ♪ Mama Bear is napping ♪

- ♪ Great! That total's down
to ♪

- ♪ These goats are fiddling
with some chicks ♪

- ♪ Another ,
that makes it , ♪

- ♪ Oh, man ♪

- ♪ You know,
that's about half the band ♪

- ♪ Baby Bear is chopping wood ♪

- ♪ Five, this isn't
looking good ♪

- ♪ These pigs are learning
basket weaving ♪

- ♪ Four, three, it's like
the whole band's leaving ♪

- ♪ The goat's prepared
some cheese fondue ♪

- ♪ Delicious,
but that just leaves ♪

- ♪ Two loyal souls,
who could they be? ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

♪ Just you and me ♪♪

Well, Cat, I guess
it's just the of us.

What's that stomping sound?

- ♪ Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep,
cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep ♪
- The chickens!

They're here! And they're
all fired up for the big gig!

- Hey, Peg! I got the stage
all ready for your band.

What do you think?
- Ramone!

It's amazing!
- Thanks!

- Cool, and you even
polished my saxophone.

- And my microphone!
- And our dancing shoes!

- Woo!
- Hold on a second here.

I thought you guys quit
the band.

- Peg, forgive us.
Wwere taken in

by the glitz and the glamour
of farm life,

and we lost sight of what truly
matters to us as musicians.

- You mean the music?

- No! Looking cool
on an awesome stage

in front of chickens!

- All right, it's good
to have you back, band mates!

And best of all,
we can change the banner

to the original number: !

- Hey, can I play the fiddle
with y'all?

- Sure! I don't see why not.
- Whoa!

- Cat, this is great.
Just a few minutes ago,

there were only of us
in the band!

Now there's, like...

Hmm, actually,
how many of us are there?!

Let's count.
We were the Electric Eleven.

Now we're... , , , , ,
, , . ,

, , ! Twenty-three!
Finally we can play the gig!

- Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!
- And just in time, too.

Those chickens are
really getting restless.

- So, where do I stand?

- Oh, I still have
to count the farmer.

Wait a minute.
This can't be.

I... I don't know
what comes after .

I'm freezing up!
I'm blanking! I don't know

if it's stage fright,
or counting fright,
or chicken fright!


(Cat blows a whistle.)
Cat's right.

I should count backwards from
to calm down.

Five, four, three,
two, one.

Wait, the mailbox!
That's it!

You figured it out,
you amazing

mailbox-leaning-on Cat.
- I did?

- When you found the farm's
address, I realized

that counting in the s is
just like counting from to .

Like , , , .

But you put a in the front,
so it would be like:

, , , ! Aha!

Twenty-four comes
after ,

and that's how many of us are
in the band!

Twenty-four! Perfect!

We can call ourselves
The Tart and Twangy Twenty-Four!

♪♪ There's of us up here ♪

♪ We're the world's
biggest band! ♪

- ♪ And I can say for sure is
more than you can count
on both your hands ♪

- ♪ But even if or more
chicks came up and joined
the group ♪

- ♪ We wouldn't dilly-dally to
add 'em to the tally, let me
give you folks the scoop ♪

- ♪ When you're counting in the
s, just start with
- Woo! ♪

- ♪ Then count on up from to
- Like you normally do! ♪

- ♪ No matter what you're
counting and whatever
the amount ♪

- ♪ If you can count
from to

- ♪ By golly,
that's what counts! ♪

And hey! Here come some more
chickens to join the band!

So that makes , ,
of us in the band!

That's a BIG band!

- Peg, I have a question.

What about counting
in the s?

- I'm glad you asked that,
little pig. Farmer,
take it away!

- ♪ There was a farmer
who had bulls ♪

♪ Then he bought an extra ♪

♪ He wanted to count
the total amount ♪

♪ But he didn't know
what to do ♪

- ♪ Hey, now, Mr. Farmer, don't
you fret and don't you fear ♪

♪ No amount o' bull is
uncountable, so just
you listen here ♪

- ♪ When you're counting in the
s, just start with
- Woo! ♪

- ♪ Then count on up from to
- Like you normally do! ♪

- ♪ No matter what you're
counting and whatever
the amount ♪

- ♪ If you can count
from to ♪

- ♪ By golly,
that's what counts! ♪

So, the farmer had bulls,
then he bought more,

so that's ... bulls!
- Well, I'll be hoed and plowed!

- But tell me, Peg,

what about counting
larger numbers?

Like ? Or ? Or ?

- I'm glad you asked that,
Mr. Goat!

♪ The best part is,
you count the same ♪

♪ Up and down the number line ♪

♪ From to ♪

- ♪ Up to ♪

- ♪ So no matter
what you're counting ♪

- ♪ By the pound
- Or by the ounce ♪

- ♪ If you can count
from to ♪

- ♪ By golly,
that's what counts ♪

- ♪ If you can count
from to ♪

- ♪ By golly ♪

♪ That's what cooooooounts! ♪♪

- Papa Bear, you were right
about this hammock.

- Com-fy!

- Would you mind
shifting your elbow?

It's on my solar plexus.

- Oh, you mean my elbow?
- Or mine?

- Whichever one's
on my solar plexus.

- That's me. Sorry.
(Peg giggling)

- What's so funny?

- I didn't know bears HAD
a solar plexus.

(Cat laughing)
- I don't know
what a solar plexus is.

- Neither do I.
(all laughing)

- I just heard it once.

Oh! Nope, that's it!

- (Peg): For more Peg...