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01x06 - The Tree Problem/Another Tree Problem

Posted: 10/05/22 13:31
by bunniefuu

- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One, two, three ♪

- ♪ Yeah come on, let's go
- Four, five, six ♪

- ♪ Hey, what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- Uh, ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two, na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-aat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪

- The Tree Problem.
Hmm, trees have problems too?

Oh, brother!

- OK, so my friends, the Giants,

left me
a really enormous present!

Usually when I get a present,
I shake it

and try to figure out
what's inside,

but this present is so enormous

I can't even come close
to shaking it.

See? I really want to open
my huge, enormous present,

but something's missing.

Opening a present just isn't fun

without a certain bluish,
purplish, furry,

squishy someone. Cat!

I wonder where he is!

- (Cat): Peg?
- I can hear him...

- (Cat): Peggg?
- ...but I can't see him.

Did Cat turn invisible?

Where are you, Cat?

- (Cat): Umm, I don't know.

- Uh-oh! No one knows
where Cat is,

and that's a BIG PROBLEM!

I hear Cat,
so he has to be near.

Cat's not behind me,

and he's not next to me either.

He's not on this side
or this side.

Cat's not underneath me.

Oh, Caterpillar,
what do I do?

Cat's vanished!
- Mm-hmm!

And how does that make you feel?

- Ouch!
- I'm sorry it hurts.

- No, this acorn
just fell on me from above!

Above! Is Cat above me?

He is!

You amazing cat,

you dropped an acorn
on me on purpose!

- I did? I mean, I did!

- All right!
We found Cat and so...

♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

- Hey, Cat, how did you get up
in that tree anyway?

- A tree?! Is that where I am?

Now that explains a lot.

- Cat really should pay more
attention to what he's doing.

Don't you worry, Cat,
I'll get you down

from that tree in no time.
To get Cat down,

I need to jump really high.
Look out,

here comes my high jump!


- Little higher.
- OK, here comes
an even higher jump.


- Umm, even higher.

- OK, here comes
my very highest jump.


- Almost!
- Uh-oh!

Even with my remarkable
jumping skills,

I still can't reach Cat!

Cat is totally stuck up
in that tree!


- Cats stuck in a tree,
I've heard stories,

but I never thought
it would happen to me!

- Hmm... and how does
that make you feel?

- Not now, Caterpillar.
Don't worry, Cat,

I'm gonna figure out some way
to get you down from there.

Just stay calm
and keep yourself busy by, um,

counting things.
- Oh, I can do that.

I'll count
how many tails I have!

One. Oh, boy.

- I bet
one of the Neighbor Ladies

has a ladder I can borrow.
Excuse me, Neighbor Ladies,

I need to borrow
something really important!

- (both): Hello there, Peg!

- Come in, come in!
- Come in! I was just saying,

You know who would look adorable

in this pink dress

with unicorns
and rainbow puppies?

Little Peggie.
- Actually, what I need is a--

- A sparkling tiara. It's
so becoming on a little lady.

- No, I need a--
- A fetching red bow!

- Adorable!

- A ladder?

Why, yes, I've got one,
but I can't reach it

with all of this clutter
in the way.

Peg, would you mind stacking
these things for me, please?

- Ugh, OK.
There's one box,

one ball and one,
two, three cans of paint.

We need to figure out a way
to stack them up,

so they don't fall over.
Let's see.

♪♪ Put the ball on the box,
stack the cans on the ground ♪

♪ Put the box on the cans
- Now, it's shaking all around ♪

- ♪ You know it's never good ♪

♪ When your pile
starts to sway ♪

♪ No, the plan didn't work ♪

♪ But there's got to be
another way ♪

♪ Put the cans on the box,
put the box on the ball ♪

- ♪ It's rolling all over
- And now, it starts to fall ♪

- ♪ You know it's never good
when your pile strolls away ♪

♪ No, the plan didn't work ♪

♪ But there's got to be
another way ♪

♪ Put the cans on the box
- Looking good so far ♪

- ♪ Put the ball on the cans
- And they stay right
where they are ♪

♪ We found the plan that worked
- You don't need another way ♪

- ♪ We found the plan
that worked, yaa ♪

♪ We got the pile
to staaaaaaay ♪♪

(cool guitar solo)

- Lovely job, Peg.
- Thanks! So about that ladder?

- I had this ladder
since I was a little girl.

- I can tell.
Thanks for the ladder.

OK, Cat, I'm back!
- Oh, good, because
I ran out of things to count.

Oh, you'll never guess
how many ears I have.

- Two?
- Whoa!
- Look, I got us a ladder.

- You're not gonna stand on
that thing, are you?

- I'm sure it's sturdy.


- Careful, Peg.

- (Peg and Cat): Phew!

- Yaaaah!
- That's not good.

- Now, I have no idea how I'm
gonna get Cat out of the tree!

I really miss my pal.

He's always here beside me,
sharing a laugh.

- Or a piece of pie...

- Keeping me calm
and giving me great ideas.

- Without even trying!

- And now he's really stuck!

And I don't know
how to get him down!

Cat, what you would do
if you were down here?

- Uhhh, I'd probably walk around
until I bumped into something.

- I guess it's worth a shot.

It worked!
Cat, you're brilliant!

- Me?

- This enormous present.
Maybe there's something inside

we could use to get you down
from that tree.

- Oooh! Open it,
open it, open it!

- Check it out!
A huge coloring book and..

a really long kaleidoscope!

- Cool!
- A coloring book

and a kaleidoscope.

Cat, are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

- No.
- If I stack these things up

in just the right way,
I could get you down from there.

- Oh!
- Let's see.

I could put the kaleidoscope
this way.

Whoa! That doesn't help.

I can also put the kaleidoscope
this way.

It's too big to climb,

but it's perfect
for sliding down.

If we can get the kaleidoscope
up to Cat,

he could slide down
from the tree!

We just need to figure out
how to get it up to him.

We could put the kaleidoscope
on top of the book like this.

But it's not high enough.

Or we could put it like this.

But it doesn't stay balanced.

Cat, I need another idea!

- Try bumping
into the box again!

- The box! That's it!

If I put the kaleidoscope
above the box,

Cat could slide down
from the tree.

I really don't know how
he comes up with these things.

- Hey, Peg!

- Oh! Hi, Ramone.
What are you up to?

- Actually, it's my day off.

I'm just hanging out.
So where's Cat?

- Yikes.

- Yeah, it's kind
of a big problem.

Hey, do you think you could help
me move this enormous box

and put that long
kaleidoscope on top of it?

- Sure!

To get the kaleidoscope
up there,

you're gonna have to sit
on my shoulders.

- Well, um, anything for Cat.

- Riiight...
- Steady!

Here it comes!
- High, higher,

highest! There!

OK, Cat, everything's ready!

You can slide down
the kaleidoscope!

- Here goes nothing!

Woohooooo! Uh, now what?

- Oh no! After all that,
Cat's still not down!

He'll never get back
to the ground.

I'll never have my best friend
down here with me ever again!

It will be Peg plus nobody!


- Don't worry, Peg.
Cat can jump into my arms.

Come on, Cat, I got you.
- Uhhhh...

I don't know about that, Ramone.

- Or Cat could slide down
on the coloring book.

- Now, there's an idea!

- Good thinking, Peg!
- Thanks!

- OK, guys, here I coooome!

Ah, sweet, sweet ground!

- Glad to have you back, Cat.
- Thanks for all your
help, Ramone.

- I do what I can.
- Now come here,

you adorable Cat!

Because we arranged
those objects by stacking them

high enough, Cat could get down
from the tree!

- Yeah, math really saved
my existence.

- And now that Chat's safe
and sound down on the ground...

♪♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem
- So everything is awesome ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪♪

- Peg, thanks for helping me
down from the tree.

- No problem, Cat.

You can always count on me.

- Always?
- Uh-huh!

♪♪ If you're visiting the zoo ♪

♪ And an elephant sits on you ♪

♪ Don't you stay smushed
under his tush ♪

♪ Give me a call
and I'll give him a push ♪

♪ You can count on me ♪

♪ You can count on me ♪

♪ Being trapped under some bum
is quite a conundrum ♪

♪ But I will get you free ♪

♪ Yes, you can count on me ♪

- ♪ If I'm going for a sail ♪

♪ And I'm swallowed by a whale ♪

- ♪ No need to be frazzled
or flummoxed ♪

♪ Leave it to me ♪

♪ I'll get out of his tummy ♪

♪ You can count on me ♪

♪ You can count on me ♪

♪ If you just request it
I can get you uningested ♪

- ♪ And we'll sail merrily ♪

(Peg laughing)

- ♪ You can count on me
- No matter the problems ♪

♪ The two of us can solve 'em ♪

- ♪ When you're in trouble,
I'll be there on the double ♪

- ♪ If you're feeling blue,
I'm the one, two, three ♪

♪ For youuuuu ♪

- ♪ You can count on meeeeee ♪♪

- I bet the Giants never thought

we'd use their present
to get me out of a tree.

- We owe them a big thank you.

- More like a giant thank you!

(Peg laughing)
- Yeah, like THANK YOU, GIANTS!

- We really liked the gifts!

- (Giants): You're welcome!
(Peg and Cat laughing)

(both sighing contentedly)


- One, two!
A one, two, three, four!


♪ Peg plus Cat ♪
(Cat humming)

♪ Peg plus Cat ♪

- ♪ One, two, three ♪

- ♪ Yeah come on, let's go
- Four, five, six ♪

- ♪ Hey, what do you know ♪

- ♪ Seven, eight, nine
- Whoa, what comes next? ♪

- Ten?
- Ten!

- ♪ You're the best ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you, na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Cat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus
- Ca-aat ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat ♪♪

- Another Tree Problem.
One wasn't enough?



- Awww, it's a beautiful day,

and everything
is exactly where it belongs.

The fish are in the pond,

my marble's in my hat,

and Cat's up in the tree.

Cat's up in the tree?! AGAIN?!

How do you keep doing this?
- Shhh,

I'll explain later.
But please don't tell anyone,

it's getting embarrassing.

- Ah! OK...

So Cat's stuck up
in the tree... AGAIN!

and that means
we've got a BIG PROBLEM!

- Can't we do the same thing
we did last time?

- Cat's right!
The last time Cat got stuck

in the tree,
we got him down by using

a kaleidoscope, a box,

and a coloring book.

He slid down the kaleidoscope,

then he slid down the book!

- That was fun!

- We know how to get Cat
down from the tree, and so...

♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

- OK, Cat, I'll get
everything from the garage.

and you stay here!
(Peg laughing)

I guess you don't have a choice
since you're stuck in a tree.

- Do you have
to keep bringing that up?

- Cat stuck in a tree?

(bird laughing)

- Not so loud.

Ooh, different heights.

First tallest,
second, third, fourth.

- Almost at my garage

where all the stuff
we need is waiting.

(bell ringing)
- (men): Arrrr!

- Oh! Did I just hear...
- Arrrrrr!

- ...the Pirates?
- ♪♪ The book, it's floating ♪

- ♪ The scope, it's a-rowing
- And the box, it's uh... ♪

- Sitting there
not doing anything at all.

- Yes!
- Tis good at doing nothing!

- (Pirates): What a boat!

- I liked our old boat better.

- The box, the book
and the kaleidoscope?

But those are the things we need
to get Cat out of the tree!

- Ahoy there, Peg!
- We borrowed your things--

- From your garage--
- Without asking.

- But, Pirates,
I need those things.

- ♪ The winds are blowing
- The waters are flowing ♪

♪ We're a-going ♪
- Sorry, Peg!

- Awkward.

- You can borrow our boat--
- With the trunk full of junk!

- We left it in your garage--
- Without asking!

- I don't need a boat, I need
to get Cat out of the tree!

And now I don't have any way
to get him down.


I better go tell Cat.

Psst, Cat!
- Did you get everything?

- Well, not exactly. I was going
to get all the stuff,

but the Pirates were like,
"Arrrr," and they were using

our things for a boat
and I was like, "Come back,"

and they were like, "We can't,"
and then they sailed away

and left their boat
in our garage.

- I knew that would happen.
- I guess we won't be able

to use those things
to get you down.

- Aaah! Them I'm stuck
in a tree!

- Well, yes, but just because
we don't have those things

we used last time, it doesn't
mean we can't get you down.

There's always more than one way
to solve a problem.

- Really?
- Yeah! Allow me to demonstrate!

♪♪ If you're about
to cross a great divide ♪

♪ And your bridge
falls in the bay ♪

♪ You can make it
to the other side ♪

♪ But you'll need
a different way ♪

♪ You could wave your hands
up in the air ♪

♪ And hail a passing boat ♪

♪ You don't need a bridge
to take you there ♪

♪ 'Cause it's much more fun
to float ♪

♪ There's more than one way
to solve a problem ♪

- ♪ There's more than one way ♪

♪ To solve a problem ♪

- ♪ You can fly out
across the water ♪

♪ In a big hot air balloon ♪

- ♪ Or hop along
some turtle shells ♪

♪ Floating in the lagoon ♪

- ♪ You could grab on
to a dangling rope ♪

♪ And swing yourself across ♪

- ♪ Or climb aboard a catapult ♪

♪ And give yourself a toss ♪

♪ There's more than one way
to solve a problem ♪

- ♪ There's more than one way ♪

♪ To solve a problem ♪♪

- We just need a different way

to get you down from the tree.

Heyyy, I know!
Maybe we could use

the trunk full of junk
on the pirate's boat.

- The what?!
- You'll see.

- A cat stuck in a tree,
everybody! Check it out!

(wind chimes tinkling)
- You've never seen a cat

that got stuck
in a tree before?

- (squirrels): Not twice.
- Wind chimes.

First tallest, second,

third, fourth!

- I just love junk.

Junkyards, junk mail...

I wonder if there's
any junk food in here.

Score! Let's see.

A barrel, a spring, a plank,

a fishing rod
and a bowling ball.

I could use this stuff
to make a cool contraption

that will get Cat down.
To the tree!

I sure wish Cat were here now.

He'd do something really funny

like not watch where he's going
and smash into something.

Whoa! Yaaaah!


My junk is totally trashed!

- Peg?
- Ramone?

Hey, what are you doing here?

- I saw you swinging around

and I thought I'd come up
to see what you were up to.

- You know, hanging in there.

Could you, uh,
help me down from here?

- Sure, just hang on a sec.
(both laughing)

- So you're working
at the circus today?

- Aren't these giraffes cool?
They're the tallest animals

in the circus.
- They are tall!

Almost as tall as a tree!

- Uh-huh!
- Hey, Ramone,

do you think I could maybe
borrow those giraffes

for a little while?
- Borrow them? What for?

- Um, well, I can't really say

'cause I kind of
promised I wouldn't,

but it's totally not because
Cat's stuck in the tree, again.

It's just this other thing
that's not that.

- Well, if you take care
of the giraffes,

I can go floss
the tigers' teeth.

- Thanks, Ramone.
- I do what I can.

- Great news, Cat,
I brought giraffes!

And if one of them
is tall enough, you can slide

right down his neck!
To the tree, giraffes!

- I can't reach!
- This giraffe

is still snacking.
Maybe he's tall enough.

Excuse me, Mr. Giraffe,

would you mind
standing up straight?

- Up, up...
- And he's good!

- That giraffe is
the perfect height. Hop on, Cat.

(wonderful music)

- Oh! I'm king of the giraffes!

- Slide down.
- Ugh, his fur is too thick.

- Maybe jump onto
the next giraffe?

- It's too far!
- Cat's right,

the second giraffe is a lot
shorter than the first one.

- Whoaaa! He doesn't like me
up here!

- I need to get Cat
off the giraffe's head quick,

otherwise Cat will be a hat

or he'll fall off
and go splat!

And I'm not OK with that!

I am totally FREAKING OUT!

(Cat whistles.)

Cat's right, I should
count backwards from five

to calm down. Five, four,

three, two,

- A cat stuck on a giraffe?

(bird laughing)
(wind chimes tinkling)

- That's it, you genius bird!

- Why is he a genius?
- Because if I put the giraffes

in height order,
like those wind chimes,

then you can climb down
one giraffe at a time.

- Let's do it then. Fast!

- Cat's on top
of the tallest giraffe.

Which giraffe
is the next tallest?

- Uhhhh...
- This one!

He's the second
tallest giraffe.

Which giraffe goes next?

- Hmmm...
- Yeah, this guy!

He's the third tallest giraffe.

That means this little giraffe
is the fourth tallest.

In other words, the shortest.

OK, Cat, the giraffes
are all in order, now hop to it.

- I'm a-hopping.
- Because we knew

how to put things in height
order, we're totally getting
Cat out of the tree.

- Yeah, math really
saved my...self!

- One more jump ought to do it!

- Wa-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Gimme a hug,
you adorable blob!

We got Cat out of the tree

and in a different way
than the last time

we got Cat out of the tree.
- Because, in case

any of you folks
at home missed it,

this was the second time
Cat's gotten stuck

in a tree. Can you believe it?!

- Well, you're back now, Cat,
and that means...

- ♪♪ Problem solved
- The problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪

- ♪ So everything is awesome
- Problem solved ♪♪

- So, how did you get stuck
in the tree in the first place?

- Well, it all started when...

♪♪ I was strolling through
the grass and what did I see ♪

♪ A big red apple
hanging from a tree ♪

♪ I thought to myself,
that sure looks yummy ♪

♪ I'd like to put that
in my tummy ♪

♪ I was getting hungry
so what did I do ♪

♪ I tried to reach the apple
from atop an old canoe ♪

I jumped higher, you see?

♪ But that old canoe
wasn't tied to the base ♪

♪ So that old canoe
started floating away ♪

- ♪ I was heading downstream
when suddenly, bingo ♪

♪ I saw the pink head
of a feathery flamingo ♪

- I jumped higher, you see?
- Squawk! Squawk!

- ♪ The flamingo tossed and
turned, he was shaking
with force ♪

♪ And then he flung me
to the saddle of a horse ♪

- ♪ Yippee-ki-yi-yay ♪

♪ Yippee-ki-yi-yeeee ♪

- ♪ I want to eat that apple
'cause it looks yummy ♪

♪ Now the horse, he was dancing
and shaking his hoof ♪

♪ So I leapt even higher
to the top of the roof ♪

♪ Now the apple was close,
it was in my line of sight ♪

♪ But I couldn't quite reach it,
so I jumped onto a kite ♪

Even higher, you see?

♪ That's when something
happened, something
frightening ♪

♪ My kite got struck
with a bolt of lightning ♪

♪ I was flying through the air
wild and freeee ♪

♪ And that's how I found myself
on top of a treeee ♪

I flew higher, you see?

- OK, so let me
get this straight.

- ♪ First, the canoe
and second, the flamingo ♪

♪ Third was the horse
who liked to sing ♪

♪ The fourth was the roof
and fifth was the kite ♪

- ♪ That's how I got
into the tree all right ♪

♪ But there's one more thing,
it's the saddest part to tell ♪

♪ As I reached for the apple ♪
Ah, it fell!

♪ I was stuck up in a tree
with all my efforts wasted ♪

♪ All for an apple
that I never even tasted ♪

- Hey, that reminds me!

♪ Earlier, an apple
fell on my head ♪

♪ And I said I'd better
save this for my old pal Cat ♪

- ♪ Earlier an apple
fell on your hat and you said ♪

- ♪ I'd better save this
for my old pal Cat ♪

- Here you go.
- ♪ Oh yeaaaaah ♪♪


- Remember when you were
on that giraffe's head?

- Oh, yeah,
he did not like that!

- I guess you really put him
in a tight spot. Get it?

'Cause he's got spots!
- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Getting you down from there
was one tall order.

(Cat laughing)
- Yup, you really were

a pain in his neck.
- I was a pain in his neck.

- A pain in his neck!
(both laughing)

(both sighing contentedly)

(theme music)