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01x03 - The Pirate Problem/The Sleepover Problem

Posted: 10/05/22 13:23
by bunniefuu

One, two!
A , , , !

♪♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

- ♪ One, two, three! ♪
- ♪ Yeah come on, let's go! ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six! ♪
- ♪ Hey what do you know! ♪

- ♪ Seven, eight, nine! ♪
- ♪ Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ? ♪
- ♪ Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best! ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪♪

- (all): "The Pirate Problem."

- Arr!
- What's a pirate problem?

- Keep watching
and you'll find out.

- OK, so, we're
on a tropical island.

I'm Peg, if you didn't
already know,

and this is Cat,
and we're about to have

our very favorite, number one,
best-in-the-world sandwich!

- ♪ Cheese and pickles ♪
- ♪ Pickles and cheese ♪

- ♪ Gimme, gimme, gimme
that sandwich please ♪

- I got MY cheese
and pickle sandwich.

- Uh-oh.
- We only brought one sandwich?

And there are two of us?

We've got a big problem!

You take the sandwich, Cat.
- No, you.

- Me? Really?
- Unless you think I should.

- You? Me?
- Me? You?

- You amazing magician cat!

You turned one big sandwich
into small sandwiches,

so now there is a cheese and
pickle sandwich for each of us!

And so...

♪ Problem solved!
Yum, yum, solved! ♪

- ♪ We... mmm, mmm, mmm ♪
- ♪ Mmm, mmm, mmm ♪

- The chewy cheese...
- Ah, pickly pickles.

- (pirates): Arr! Arr! Arr! Arr!

- Aw, that's some weird tummy
grumbling going on down there.

- (pirates): Arr!
- Yo, you're pirates!

- (pirates): We are!
- And you're their parrot.

- And you're wearing a wool hat
even though it's hot out.

What's that about? Rawk!
- I'm Peg, and this is Cat.


- We smells us
some pickle juice.

- Scrumptious!
- Yummy!

- Pickle juice!
- (pirates): Arr! Arr!

- Sorry, pirates, but we've
totally finished our sandwiches,

so we can't offer you
a speck of cheese,

a crumb of bread,
or a drop of pickle juice.

- But you made us hungry.
- And when pirates get hungry,

we get cranky.
- And when we get cranky,

you know what we do?
- (Peg and Cat): No.

- We sing really bad.

- (pirates): ♪ Arrrrrrrr! ♪

- It gets worse,
believe me. Rawk!

- We really don't want
you pirates to get cranky.

- We don't have
any food to give you.
(Cat laughing nervously)

- Then you've got a...
- (pirates): Really big problem!


- We've got to find food
for the pirates.

- Here, pirate food!


- A mango tree?
(Peg gasps.)

Great idea, Cat!
Do pirates like mangoes?

- (pirates): Ewwie! Yucky!
Icky! Pooh! Yuck!

- How about papayas?

- (pirates): Yucko! Stinkio!
Hanky-poo! Ick!

- Whoa.
- Check out that banana.

- 'Tis no ordinary banana, Peg.
Surely, it must be...

the Great Banana.

(All gasp.)
- I've heard of it.

- Dreamed of it.
- My mama told me
bedtime stories about it.

- But never have I seen...
- (pirates): The Great Banana.


- Silly cat. The Great Banana
will never come down

till it's good and ready.

- That is one mysterious banana.

- 'Tis mysterious.
- Wondrous!

- Strange.
- Pretty weird.

- So, how about guava?
- (pirates): Ew!

- Passion fruit?
- (pirates): Yuck!
- Pirates are very picky eaters.

- Should we even bother
with this peach tree?

- Did Peg say peach?
- (pirates): Pirates
love peaches!

Peaches! Peaches!
- Back off,

or you'll be
totally buried in...

- (pirates): Peaches!

(Peg sighs.)
- One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve,

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
sixteen peaches!

That's enough peaches
for all of you,

so nobody has to--
- (pirates): Grab 'em!

- These peaches are mine.
- You got more than me!

No fair!
- He got more than me!

- You all got more than I got!

- There's enough peaches
for all of you!

- So don't start
getting cranky.

- (pirates): ♪ Arrrrrrr! ♪
- No!

- Excuse me.

Could you guys
please keep it down?

We're trying
to make a film here.

- Hey, Ramone!
- Hey, Peg!

- What brings you
to this tropical island?

- I thought it would be
a great location

for Pig's first music video.

Dance like you mean it, Pig!

- That's some fine dancin'.
- (pirates): Arr!

- For a barnyard animal. Ah!

- The lighting's
not quite right.

We'd better try
the other side of the island.

- Before you go, Ramone,
I could really use some help

with these pirates
who are getting cranky.

- (pirates): We are!
- How come?

- They're really, really hungry
and they totally love peaches,

but they can't decide
how to divide them up!

- Haven't you pirates ever heard
of sharing things fairly?

- Fairly sharing?
- I don't think so.

- Mmm, not ringing any bells.
- Well, I know a Sharon.

- Dividing things up so
everybody has the same amount.

Like when I'm playing cards
with my friends.

Whoever deals the cards out
passes out one for me...

- Then one for me.
- Then one for me.

- And like that, so everybody
gets the same amount of cards.

- So...
- You're saying we should...

- Play cards with the peaches?
- Eat the cards?

- I'm saying you can
divide up a bunch of peaches

just like you would
divide up cards.

- Give me all peaches.

Get out your pirates plates,

and we'll show you
how it's done.

- ♪♪ One for you and you
and you and you ♪

♪ And one more for you
and you and you ♪

- ♪ And me too ♪

- ♪ One more for you
and you and you ♪

- ♪ And for me ♪

- ♪ One more for you
and you and you ♪

- ♪ Whoopee! ♪

- ♪ One, two, three, four ♪

- ♪ Nobody got less ♪
- ♪ Nobody got more ♪

- ♪ Four peaches each
right there ♪

- ♪ Everybody got their
fair share ♪♪

- Rawk!

- My star is getting restless.

Better get back to work.
- Thanks, Ramone.

- You're the coolest dude
on the seven seas.

- (pirates): Arr!

- He is coo-oo-ool.

- Now you all have the exact
same number of peaches,

so you could finally eat
and not be--

- (pirate): Arr!
- Cranky?

- I only have two peaches!
Did you swipe me peaches?

- Never!
- I only have one peach!

- (pirate): Peach thief!
- No, no, no, no. Don't fight.

It's only peaches!
- He took your peaches!
- You took my peaches!

- You takthat back!
- You take me peaches back!

- Arr!
(Cat whistles.)

- Look up there!
- Up where?

- That monkey in the tree
took your peaches!

- Give 'em back,
you monkey meanie!

- Have no fears, pirates.

Cat and I will get back
your peaches really fast,

because of two
amazing powers we have.

Cat can speak monkey.

- Ooh! Ooh! Ee! Ee!
- (pirates): Arr.

- And I can do addition.

- (pirates): Arr.
- Behold!

You have two peaches,
so you need...

- Er, um...

- One, two more peaches
to make four!

- Ooh, ooh, ee, ee.

(monkey chattering)

- Two plus two equals four. See?
- Blimey!

- You have one peach,
so you need...

- (both): One, two...

- Three more to make four!

- Ooh, ooh, uh, ee.

(monkey chattering)

- One plus three equals four!
- Well, scribble me scribs!

- She's a smart one.
- I still don't get
the hat. Ack!

- ♪♪ One, two, three, four ♪

♪ Now everybody's got four ♪

- ♪ Yo ho ho ho! ♪

- ♪ So don't wait anymore ♪

- ♪ Oh no no no! ♪

- ♪ They look juicy ♪
- ♪ And sweet ♪

- ♪ Oh the peaches we'll eat ♪

- ♪ We'll smile and say
thank ye! ♪

- ♪ And you won't be cranky! ♪♪


- (pirate): The Great Banana
has landed!

- OK, pirates, let's not get
your eye patches

all twisted up about this.
It's just a banana.

Everyone remain calm
and eat your peaches already!

- Who wants peaches...
- When I could have
the Great Banana!

- I saw it first!
- It's mine!

- Mine! Arr!

- You pirates are never, ever
going to stop fighting and eat.

You're just going to keep
gettg hungrier

and crankier and crankier!
- We are!

- I am totally freaking out!

(Cat blows a whistle.)
- Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from four to calm down.

- And we should
just stand here.

- Four, three, two, one!

That's it!
You amazing genius cat!

Just like you divide up
cards fairly,

and we divided
the peaches fairly, we could

divide up the pieces
of the Great Banana fairly

so all the pirates are happy!
- (pirates): Yo-ho!

- So, because we knew about
sharing fairly and addition,

we've kept the pirates
from singing really bad.

- Math really saved our ears.

- And so...

♪ Problem solved ♪
- ♪ The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem ♪
- ♪ So everything is AWKsome ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪

- It just so happens
that inside my hat

just right next
to my special marble,

I always keep crispy,
crunchy crackers.

- Crackers?
- Uh-huh.

- Cool hat! Awk!

- ♪♪ We were takin' a break
from sh**ting our video ♪

♪ When we came upon some really
cool shells that kinda glow ♪

♪ We wanted to share them
with our friends Peg and Cat ♪

♪ Everybody wants 'em,
what to do about that? ♪

♪ We got a problem? No! ♪

♪ 'Cause of a way of dividing
things up that I know ♪

♪ It's called ♪
- ♪ Fair sharing, fair sharing ♪

♪ Fair sharing,
fair sharing, fair sharing ♪

- Arr!
- Let's stop and...
- Share them shells!

- ♪ She was swinging
through the branches ♪

♪ With no particular plans when
she found these big leaves ♪

♪ You can use them as fans ♪

♪ She wants us to wave them
as we dance merrily ♪

♪ But she doesn't know how many
to give us each ♪
- ♪ Eee! ♪

- ♪ We got a problem? ♪
- ♪ No! ♪

- ♪ 'Cause of a way of dividing
things up that we know ♪

- ♪ It's called fair sharing,
fair sharing ♪

- ♪ Fair sharing,
fair sharing, fair sharing ♪

- Yahoo!
- Wave those fans!

- Fantastic!
- ♪ When we're cranky ♪

♪ Our singing is as bad
as can be ♪

- ♪ But when we're happy ♪
- ♪ We sing in ♪

- ♪ Sweet harmony ♪

- ♪ Eee-ee-ee-ee-eeeee! ♪

- ♪ Thanks to ♪
- ♪ Fair sharing ♪

♪ Fair sharing, fair sharing,
fair sharing, fair sharing! ♪

- ♪ Are we the jolliest pirates
by far? ♪

- ♪ Yes ♪

♪ We ♪

♪ Aaaaaaaare ♪♪

- Rawk!

- Hey, Peg, you want
to share a laugh?

- You mean divide it up
so we each get the same amount?

- Yeah!
- (both): Ha! Hee-hee! Hoo!

- We totally shared
a laugh fairly!

- I know!
- We are so crazy!

(both laughing)
- Oh, oh, we are so crazy!

(Both sigh.)

- ♪ We're splashing
in ♪♪♪

One, two!
A , , , !

♪♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

- ♪ One, two, three! ♪
- ♪ Yeah come on, let's go! ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six ♪
- ♪ Hey what do you know! ♪

- ♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪
- ♪ Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ? ♪
- ♪ Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best! ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪♪

- "The Sleepover Problem."

(cheering and laughing)

- I'm Peg,
and this is Cat,

and this is only
the most incredible night

in the whole history
of my house,

'cause we're totally having
a sleepover with...

- (pirates): Arr!

- Rawk! Am I invisible?

Am I not here?
- And Parrot.

- Rawk!
- The pirates have the CUTEST

pirate pajamas, right?

- With feet. Oh-ho!

- I wants Big Red!
- I call Big Silver!

- Take any crayon you want,
as long as I get Little Bluey.

- I'm winning!
- I'm so winning!

- I just really like spinning!

- (pirates): Pillow fight! Arr!

- Gotcha!
- Did not!

- Did so!
- You were so gotten.

- Arr!
- Arr!

(groaning with fatigue)

- OK, pirates, bedtime.

- (pirates): Aww!

- I guess we can have
one last activity,

if you could agree
on something.

Want to hear... a story?

- (two pirates): Story! Yeah!
- (two pirates): No way! No!

- Listen to some tunes?
- (two pirates): Music! Yeah!

- (two pirates): No way! No!
- Well, what, then?

- Can we watch TV?


- (Peg): It's the music video
Ramone made with the pig.

- (pirates): Arr!

(disappointingly): Arr!
- This TV stinks. Rawk!

- Is somebody sitting
on the remote control?

- Ahem. Excuse me.

- To get the TV working,

I need to press
one of these buttons,

but I can't remember which one.
It could be one...

or two...

- Let me press. Four.
- I think you skipped something.

- Five.
- Six, seven.

- But there's a number
nobody pressed--

- Eight. Nine!

- There are no more buttons
after nine.

- (pirates): No!

- The TV won't work no matter
what button we press!

We've got a big problem!

- Uh, Peg, maybe you should
try pressing--

Ah! Three?

- (pirates): Yay!
- You amazing cat!

Look how happy
you made the pirates!

- They're all cozy
on the couch.

- This is going to be the best
sleepover ever!

♪ Problem solved ♪
- ♪ The problem is solved ♪

(pirates crying)

♪ We solved the pr... ♪
- What's wrong?

- Seeing our island on TV
made us really miss home.

- We've never had a sleepover
away from home before.

- What if we can't
get to sleep?

We're scared!

- If there's one thing worse
than cranky pirates,

it's crying pirates.

- I know.
(pirate blowing his nose)

- If we can't help
the pirates get to sleep,

this is going to be
the worst sleepover ever!

We've got a really big problem!

But don't worry, pirates.

You'll be all snug and comfy.

(pirates sniffling)
- We will?

- We've got soft sleeping stuff
for everybody. See?

There are one, two, three,
four of you,

and we've got one, two, three,
four of everything!

- Don't I count? Don't I live?
Am I nothing? Ack!

- I mean there are one, two,
three, four, five of you.

Of course! But that's
no problem. Right, Cat?

- I'm on it, Peg.

- It's easy to go from four
of something to five,

since five is the next number
right after four

when you're counting, you can
just add one more to get there.

Check it out.

♪♪ Four plus one equals five ♪

- ♪ Four plus one equals five ♪

- ♪ Sleeping bags
for the night ♪

- ♪ This should fit you
just right ♪

- ♪ Four plus one equals
five things to sleep in ♪

- ♪ One ♪
- ♪ Two ♪

- ♪ Three ♪
- ♪ Four ♪

- ♪ Plus one equals five ♪
- ♪ Four plus one equals five ♪

- ♪ Pillows so fluffy ♪
- ♪ Now we've got enoughy ♪

- ♪ Four plus one equals five
things to rest your head on ♪

- ♪ One ♪
- ♪ Two ♪

- ♪ Three ♪
- ♪ Four ♪

- ♪ Plus one equals five ♪
- ♪ Four plus one equals five ♪

- ♪ A blanky is snuggly ♪
- ♪ A hanky is cuddly ♪

- ♪ Four plus one equals
five things to snuggle with ♪

- ♪ One ♪
- ♪ Two ♪

- ♪ Three ♪
- ♪ Four ♪

- ♪ Plus one equals five ♪♪

(pirates and parrot snoring)

They're so cute the way
they're just lying there.

- I know.

- And that one pirate is
snuggling with the pirate

next to him.
- I know.

- And those pirates are
snuggling the next.

And the next!
- I know! I know!

- And they're all snuggling...
- Ah! The parrot!

- (parrot): Ack!
- (pirate): You bumped me!
- (pirate): I'm awake again!

- More awake than before!
- The most awake I've ever been!

- In my entire life!

- I just had four pirates
snuggling me! Agh!

- What should we do now, Peg?

- Well, you should...
count sheep!

- Count sheep?

- Sounds like a total...
- Waste of my time.

- Counting sheep helps you relax
and get to sleep. Trust me!

- Okie-doke.
- I'll try it.
- Bring on the sheep!

- Mm, gladly.
- We've only got
the three sheep?

- There's also six monkeys,
a giraffe and a half...

- The pirates are going to need
to count more animals than that
to get to sleep,

but I know some animals who
travel in a really big group.

Hey, guys, how soon
could you get here?

- ♪ Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep,
cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep ♪

- Chickens coming here?
- You're going to get to sleep,

by unting of them!
- (pirates): Arr!

- You can count to , right?

- Uh, no.
- Never have.

- Tried once, but, uh...
- After , it gets weird. Rawk!

- After comes .
- That's a one with
a one after it!

- Freaky!
- Told ya! Rawk!
- What's this thing?

- That's .
- A one with a two.

- I never seen the likes
of that.

- Then come , , .

- They all got "teen"
in their names.

- That's why they're called
teens, just like , , , .

- Whoa, Mama!
There's a lot of teens.

- (pirates): Arr!
- And then, at the end here,

comes .
- It doesn't start with a one.

It stars with a two!
- (pirates): Oooh.

- ♪ Cheep! ♪

- The chicken-mobile
can't get in!

- (pirates): No!
- Everybody pull!

(grunting with effort)

- It seems to be stuck.
- (pirates): We want

- It can't get in!

So the pirates will never
count chickens,

and they'll never
get to sleep,

and this will be
the worst sleepover ever!

I am totally freaking out!

(Cat blows a whistle.)
Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from five to calm down.

Five, four, three, two, one.
(Cat yawning)

You did it again,
you amazing genius cat!

- What did he do?

- He opened his mouth wider,
because to let in the chickens,

we have to open
the window wider!

- (pirates): Arr!
- ♪ Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep ♪

♪ Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep ♪

- Sleepover guests, get comfy!

- We're comfy.
- And cuddly.

- And cozy.
- Ack.

- Cat, get ready to hold
those numbers for the chickens.

- I am ready to hold numbers
for chickens.

- Chickens, I need of you
to come out and be counted.

Ready? Go!

- (pirates): One, two, three,

four, five, six,

seven, eight, nine, ten.

- Incredible counting
so far, pirates.

Now we're going on past ,

so hold on
to your sleeping bags!

- Er...

- E...
- Le...

- (pirates): Eleven!
- Yes!

Now remember the next number?
A one, then a two.

- T...
- Tw...

- Twel...
- V.

- (pirates): Twelve!
- Now come those teen numbers.

It ends with a "teen".
- (Cat coughing): Thir!

- (pirates): Thirteen!

- (Cat coughing): Four!

- (pirates): Fourteen! Fifteen.

Sixteen. Seventeen.
- The counting is

totally tiring them out.
Their pirate brains

have never worked so hard.
- (pirates): Eighteen.

(softly): Nineteen.

- Remember that last number?

- It's a two, then a zero.

- Twe... twe... ack...

- It's .

- Great work, chickens.

- You're even better to count
than sheep!

- ♪ Cheep! ♪
- Is there a way

you could put that engine
on mute or something?

- No problem.
(Engine goes silent.)

- So, by knowing
how to count to ,

and that four plus one
equals five,

we got our guests to sleep.

- Math really saved
our sleepover.

- ♪ Problem solved ♪
- ♪ The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem ♪
- ♪ So everything is awesome ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪

- Are you tired?
- Mm, not so much.


- ♪♪ You like to shake it some,
I like to shake it plenty ♪

♪ I like to shake it all the way
past and up to ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten ♪

♪ Eleven, twelve, thirteen,
fourteen, fifteen ♪

♪ Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty, yeah! ♪

♪ I like to tap and hop
until my shoes are denty ♪

♪ I just can't stop at ,
I tap, tap, hop notes up to ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

- ♪ One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten ♪

♪ Eleven, twelve, thirteen,
fourteen, fifteen ♪

♪ Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty, yeah! ♪

- ♪ If you love to move and move
and move again ♪

♪ Move and move and move on
way past ♪

♪ Can't stop yourself,
you know what I mean ♪

♪ Move on past
and even ♪

♪ If I were a king
or someone presidenty ♪

♪ I'd order everyone to stomp
and stomp right up to ♪

- ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten ♪

♪ Eleven, twelve, thirteen,
fourteen, fifteen ♪

♪ Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty ♪

- ♪ Say it againy ♪

- ♪ Nineteen, twenty, yeah! ♪♪

- Oh! Ha! Ha! Yes!
- Nighty-night.

- See ya!
- Later!


- Four plus one equals five!
- What's wrong?

- Oh, I was having this dream

that there were four
really weird things,

and then this one REALLY
weird thing came along,

and so there were, um, uh...
- Five really weird things.

- Whoa-ho-ho-ho!

Were you reading my dreams?
How'd you know that?

- Math.
- Math is cool.

- Yeah!
(both laughing)

(Both sigh.)