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01x02 - The Messy Room Problem/The Golden Pyramid Problem

Posted: 10/05/22 13:22
by bunniefuu

One, two!
A one, two, three, four!

♪♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

- ♪ One, two, three! ♪
- ♪ Yeah come on, let's go! ♪

- ♪ Four, five, six! ♪
- ♪ Hey what do you know! ♪

- ♪ Seven, eight, nine! ♪
- ♪ Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ? ♪
- ♪ Ten! ♪

- ♪ You're the best! ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪♪

- (both): "The Messy Room

- Ooh, that sounds interesting,
doesn't it?

- Mm! Sounds just lovely!
- The Messy Room Problem!

- Ooooh!

(growling happily)

♪ La la la, la la la,
la la la la la ♪

- ♪ Doo dee doo dee doo
doo dee doo ♪

- Hello! I'm Peg,
and this is Cat,

and we're making my room
all neat and clean

because my mom's
having company over,

and when they get here,
they'll be the first guests ever

to see Cat's amazing drawing:

The Circles!

Aren't these the coolest circles
you've ever seen with your eyes

in the history of your life?

How did he get them
to be soooo round?

- Uh... I used a cup.

- I like drawing
rectangles myself.

Love those straight edges!

Think I'll color this
with my favorite crayon,

Little Bluey.

Little Yellow...
Little Green...

(She gasps.)
...but no Little Bluey?

It's not in the drawer.

Not on the floor.
We've got


Cat hates to see me sad!

He's really getting charged up.

- Hold me... baaaaaack!

- He's found stuff
that's little and orange...

big and blue...
but will he ever

find... Little Bluey!

Cat found my favorite crayon!
And soooo...

♪ Problem solved! ♪
- ♪ Yeah! ♪

- ♪ The problem is solved! ♪
- ♪ Uh-huh! ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved! ♪

- Cat?
- Yes?

- When you were looking
for Little Bluey,

did you, um, mess up my room?

- No... Yes.

- It's OK, but the company's
gonna be here any minute,

so we've got

Nobody can see my room like this
with my stuff

all over the place!
(Cat snickering)


My underwear with polka dots!

How embarrassing would that be
if the guests could see that?

Or my grandparents!

- Hey, Peg!

- Ramone?!

Let's block the window
so Ramone can't see the mess!

Hey, Ramone!
What are you doing here?

- Your mom invited me to play
accordion for the company.

I'm a little early,
so wanna jam?

- We'd love to,
but we're, uh... exercising!

Yeah, that's what we're doing.

Lifting circles really
strengthens your elbows!

- You're lifting circles, Peg,

but those balls that Cat's
lifting are spheres.

Circles are flat,
but spheres aren't.

- That's really cool info,

but we gotta keep exercising.

- And a one,
and a two!

- OK, I'll practice
in the yard.

See ya soon!

- What are we gonna do
with all this stuff?

We can't just throw it away.
I need my stuff!

- Oh, yeah.

- But I know what we CAN do!

We can sort it!
- Yes!

- Do you know what sorting is?
- No!

- Sorting is when you separate
things based on size or shape

or whatever,
so they look really neat!

Ready to sort?

- Sort of!
(Cat laughs.)

- All right!

♪♪ We're gonna sort sort sort ♪
- ♪ Sorty sorty sort sort! ♪

- ♪ Take what's hard from what's
fluffy, what's tall from
what's short ♪

- ♪ Gonna sort and shake ♪
- ♪ Gonna sort and SHOUT! ♪

- ♪ Gonna sort this stuff
till it's all sorted out ♪

- ♪ Books with hard covers
here ♪

- ♪ Books with soft covers
there ♪

- ♪ Big pillows on the bed ♪
- ♪ Little ones on the chair ♪

- ♪ Sort the towels
into filthy ♪

- ♪ And clean ♪

- ♪ Sort dinosaurs
into friendly ♪

- ♪ And mean ♪

- ♪ Clothes with buttons
in the top drawer ♪

- ♪ With zippers below ♪

- ♪ This box stringed
instruments you pluck ♪

- ♪ This for ones
that you blow ♪

- ♪ Sort out stuff
that feels soft ♪

- ♪ From the stuff
that feels sticky ♪

- ♪ Sort out stuff
that smells sweet ♪

- ♪ From the stuff
that smells icky, oh! ♪

- ♪ Sort the things that we
painted from the things
that we've drawn ♪

- ♪ Things we write with
from things we write on ♪

- ♪ Let's separate
the curved things ♪

- ♪ From things
that are straight ♪
- ♪ Beasts with two legs ♪

- ♪ From the beasts that have
four legs or eight! ♪

- ♪ We'll sort every coin,
every doll's little shirt ♪

♪ Just like squirrels sort
their nuts and worms sort
their dirt ♪

- ♪ Gotta sort sort sort ♪

♪ Sorty sorty sort sort ♪

- ♪ Take what swings
from what jiggles ♪

♪ And dress clothes from sport ♪
- ♪ Gonna sort and shake ♪

- ♪ Gonna sort and SHOUT! ♪

- ♪ Gonna sort this stuff
till it's all sorted out ♪♪

- All right!

- Incredible sorting, Cat!

This whole part of my room is
totally junk-free!

- Or it was.

- Triangles.
You don't think...

- I do.
- (both): The pig.

- Look at you, covered in all
my triangle-shaped stuff.

You're even wearing
my toy pizza slices
on your feet!

And playing my triangle!
(triangle clanging)

What is it with you
and triangles?

- ♪ I love their sides,
one, two, three ♪

♪ I love the way they-- ♪

- Yeah, all right. You can
sing about it another time.

Right now we need you
to put these triangles away

and help us sort.
- Hmph!

- I'll let you borrow
my bathing suit

with the triangle designs.

If I can find it.

Who opened my gumball machine
and took all the yellow ones?

You don't think...
- I do.

- (Peg and Cat): Big Mouth?
- Hmm?

- Did you take
my yellow gumballs?

- Mm-mm!

- (Cat): Yeah, right.


- Can't resist things that are
little and yellow, can ya?


If you stick around
and help us sort my stuff,

I'll let you borrow
Little Yellow!

And there's the triangle
bathing suit for you.


- ♪ So let's sort sort sort ♪
- ♪ Sorty sorty sort sort ♪

- Hello there, Peg!

- Hello, neighbor ladies.

- I have a whole bag
of hand-me-down clothes for you.

- So do I.
- Could you drop them off

another time?
- But they're so pretty!

- And pink!
- And frilly!
- And sparkly!

- You could really use 'em, Peg!
- You really could.

- Thanks, neighbor ladies, but--
- (ladies): You're welcome!

- (Peg and Cat): Noooo!

How could things
possibly get worse?

(gust of wind)

- If the wind blew in
a bunch of leaves.

And pinecones.

(ladies oohing)

- That's the company,
right outside!

You know what we gotta do,
and fast!

- ♪♪ We've gotta sort sort sort,
sorty sorty sort sort ♪

- ♪ Sort green leaves ♪
- ♪ From orange ♪

- ♪ Brown hats ♪
- ♪ From gray ♪

- ♪ Things I really might wear
from never, no way! ♪

- ♪ We're gonna sort and shake,
gonna sort and SHOUT! ♪

♪ Gonna sort this stuff ♪
- ♪ It's all sorted out! ♪

- Woohoo!
- Great work, team!

Everything's all neatly put away

but the last pair of underpants.

Throw it in the closet, Cat!

- Mm, gladly.

- Look at all this stuff.
It's all round, all of it.

How can we possibly sort it?!

We can't just sit on it!

We can't just eat it!

We've got to sort it!
And I have no idea how!

And the company's here!

They can't see my room
all messy.

They'll never see
Cat's drawings!

I am totally
freaking out!

(Cat blows a whistle.)

Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from five to calm down.

Five, four, three,

two, one.

That's it!
You did it again,

you amazing genius!
- Mm?

- The things that rolled away
are spheres.

The flat things are circles.

Pig and Big Mouth,
you put the circles in this box

while Cat and I put
the spheres in that one.

Because we know the difference
between circles and spheres,

and we know about sorting,

my room is going to be
neater than ever!

- Math can help you
clean your room?!

- Who knew?

- ♪ Problem solved,
the problem is solved ♪

♪ We solved the problem ♪
- ♪ Everything is awesome ♪

- ♪ Problem solved! ♪
- Welcome, company.

- Lovely room!
- So clean and neat!

- Nice collection
of spheres, Peg.

- Thanks, Ramone,
but the coolest part
of my whole room is right here.

Behold! Cat's amazing drawing!

The Circles!

- Mmm!
- Awesome!

- Breathtaking beauty!

- Oh, dazzling perfection!

- Good stuff.

- Tell me, oh, great artist,

why do you draw only circles?

- What is it about them
that you love?

- How do they inspire you?
- Tell us!

- (both): Please, please,
please, please, please.

- ♪♪ I like circles
'cause they're round ♪

♪ I like circles
'cause they're round ♪

♪ They make me make
a happy sound, tra-la! ♪

♪ I like circles
'cause they're round ♪

- ♪ Ooh, would you ever draw
a square ♪

- ♪ I don't think so ♪
- ♪ Want a rectangle ♪

- ♪ Oh, no ♪

- ♪ How about a sphere ♪
- ♪ I like my shapes flat ♪

- ♪ A triangle! ♪

- ♪ Is just not Cat ♪

(Cat singing without words)

- ♪ Why doesn't he draw
other shapes ♪

♪ The artist cannot say ♪

♪ But let his so-adoring fans ♪

♪ Be thankful every day ♪

- ♪ That he likes circles
'cause they're round ♪

♪ He likes circles
'cause they're round ♪

♪ They make him make
a happy sound ♪
- ♪ Tra-la! ♪

- ♪ He likes circles
because they're ♪

♪ Round ♪

- ♪ I still like ♪

♪ Triangles! ♪♪

(Cat sighs.)

- What are you drawing?
- You and me.

I drew us on this page,
and this page -

on a lot of pages!
- It's like we're moving,

like in a cartoon!
(Cat laughs.)

- You and me in a cartoon!

- That would be weird, right?

(They sigh.)


One, two!
A one, two, three, four!

♪♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪

- ♪ Two, four, six! ♪
- ♪ Yeah come on, let's go! ♪

- ♪ Eight, , ♪
- ♪ Hey what do you know! ♪

- ♪ Fourteen, , ♪
- ♪ Whoa! What comes next? ♪

- ♪ Uh, ? ♪
- ♪ Twenty! ♪

- ♪ You're the best! ♪

♪ We are two,
na na na na na ♪

♪ Me plus you,
na na na na na ♪

♪ We're Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus ♪
- ♪ Cat! ♪

- ♪ Peg plus Cat! ♪♪

- "The Golden Pyramid Problem."

Two, four, six...

Ah! Eight, ...

- It is I, Peg the Bold!

And Brave Sir Cat!
We're called...

- (both): The Knights
of the Round Table!

- 'Cause we totally
love going...

- ♪ Around and around and around
and around and around ♪

♪ And around and around
and around and around ♪

♪ And around and around
and around and around ♪

♪ The round table ♪
- (woman): Help!

- Did you hear something,
Sir Cat?

- Brave.
- Brave Sir Cat?

- (woman): Help!

- Sounds like someone calling
for help, Peg the Bold.

- Shall we gallop over and see
what the trouble is?

- Only if we can count
our steps as we go.

♪ One, two, three, four ♪

- Actually, Brave Sir Cat,
when we gallop

we take two steps at a time,
so let's count by twos!

- All right.
- ♪ Two, four, six, eight ♪

♪ Ten... , ♪

♪ Sixteen, , ♪

- Help me! Someone, please!

- Oh, mermaid, why are you
so full of sadness and grief?

- Yeah, you seem
really bummed out.

- Oh, Knights
of the Round Table!

My three golden pyramids have
been taken!

They are so beautiful,
you cannot even imagine them!

- They're pyramids, so they have
triangles on their sides

that come together
in a point at the top, right?

- Yes!
- And there are three of them,

and they're gold!

- Well, maybe you can
imagine them.

But you cannot imagine
the strange toad who stole them.

He walks on two legs.

- I can imagine a toad
walking on one... two legs.

- Yes!
- Good imagining, Peg the Bold!

- Fear not, mermaid!

The Knights of the Round Table
will find the evil toad

and bring back
your golden pyramids!

- Please hurry, knights.

I really miss
my golden pyramids.

- We must find that toad fast,
Brave Sir Cat!

- I know.
- But he's nowhere to be found!

We've got a BIG PROBLEM!
(ominous trumpet calls)

If only there were clues
that would lead us to the toad!

But there's only trees
and river and mud.
- Whoa-ho-ho-ho!

- What clues have you found
down there,

Brave Sir Cat?
- Uh, well...

- Tiny footprints!

Two at a time!
- Whoa.

- The toad who stole the golden
pyramids walks on two feet.

Could these be
the toad's footprints?

- Uh... yeah!

- You genius knight!

Shall we follow the footprints
and count them as we go?

- Totally!
- ♪ Two, four, six ♪

♪ Eight, ... ♪

♪ Twelve, , ♪

♪ Eighteen, ♪

- Hello, toad.

Did you steal the mermaid's
three golden pyramids?

- Uh... no.
- Really?

- Actually, yes, I did.
- I kinda thought so.

- We, the Knights
of the Round Table,

have come to take back
the golden pyramids!

- How 'bout you take
some cubes instead?

- Cubes?
- A cube is a lovely shape.

It's got a square on every side!

- There is a square
on this side. And this side.

- And this side too!

- You can stack 'em up.

Knock 'em down.

With cubes,
the fun never stops!

Three golden cubes.
There ya go.

Just like pyramids, really.

- But pyramids have triangles
on their sides.

Cubes have squares.
They're totally not the same!

- Yeah, fine,
take your golden pyramids.

- The knights have found
the golden pyramids! Woohoo!

- Go, knights!
Go, knights!

Hurray, knights!
- And so...

♪ Problem solved ♪
- Oh, boy.

- ♪ The problem is solved ♪
- Wow!

Yo, knights, you might want
to stop with the singing.

- ♪ We solved the problem,
problem solved ♪

- Now we shall return
the golden--

- Where'd they go?

- A dragon took 'em.
- A dragon?!

- Huge beast, giant tail.
You know.

- We've gotta get 'em back
from a dragon?

- We've got

(ominous trumpet call)

Oh, Sir Cat--
- Brave.

- Brave Sir Cat,
this problem is so big!

If only someone could help us.

But help doesn't just fall
from the sky.

- Uh, hello.
- That sparkling sphere,

it's coming towards us!

- Whoa.
- Ramone?

- Yep. I'm helping out
in the forest a wise wizard.

- You get the coolest jobs!

- To get back
the golden pyramids,

you must defeat the dragon
and demand his treasure!

- We can't defeat a dragon!

- We can't even find him!

- You can do both,
with this magic cylinder.

- (Cat and Peg): Oooooh.

- ♪♪ A cylinder's a tube that's
got two circles on its ends ♪

♪ You can roll it,
you can stand it up ♪

♪ But check this out,
my friends ♪

♪ This one's a magic cylinder ♪
- ♪ Ah, ah ♪

- ♪ Magic cylinder ♪
- ♪ Ah, ah ♪

- ♪ Magic cylinder ♪

- ♪ Ah, magic cylinder ♪

- ♪ If finding pyramids is
your biz ♪

♪ You won't believe how useful
this cylinder is ♪

♪ It can fly you to the dragon,
so have a nice trip! ♪

♪ And nothing can defeat you
as long as it's in your grip ♪

- ♪ 'Cause it's
a magic cylinder ♪

- ♪ Ah, ah ♪

- ♪ Magic cylinder ♪
- ♪ Ah, ah ♪

- ♪ Magic cylinder ♪

- ♪ Ah, magic cylinder ♪

- ♪ If finding pyramids is
your thing ♪

♪ This cylinder is gonna
make you shout out and sing ♪

- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪♪

- Who dares
to wake the dragon?!

- Peg the Bold and Sir Cat.

- Uh, Brave.

Uh, usually I'm brave.

- There's nothing
to worry about, Brave Sir Cat,

as long as we're holding
the cylinder!

- Oh, right!

- Be gone, knights!
- Ahhh!

- Or I shall...

tickle you!

(Peg gasps.)
- Get the cylinder, quick!

You shall not tickle me,
dragon, for I have...


That's not a cylinder,
it's a cube!

it has squares on the top
and on the bottom, not circles!

I mean I have this!

That's a sphere!
It's shaped like a ball!

A cylinder is long
like a tube!

- Give me one good reason

why I shouldn't
tickle you, knight.

- Because, uh, well,
I have this!

- Ah! The magic cylinder?

- Now it is you

who shall be tickled!
- (laughing): Stop!

- Not till you give us
the golden pyramids!

- I traded them to the -
haha! - to the king

for spheres!

- Where did the king take them?

- To his - haha! -
castle on the hill!

To the castle on the hill,
Brave Sir Cat!

- Stay and play
with my spheres?

- We can't stop
and play games!

(crowd cheering)
- Ooh, homerun.

- The castle!

- Anybody hoooome?

- The path to the king is

- By a whole lot of poles.

- But we shall fly safely
past those giant cylinders

with our magic cylinder!

- ♪ Two, four, six, eight ♪

♪ Ten... , , ♪

♪ Eighteen, ♪
- Your Majesty,

the Knights of the Round Table
have come for the golden

Say something, King!

At least show us your face.
(Both gasp.)

- (Peg and Cat): The pig?!
- ♪ I love their sides ♪

♪ One, two, three ♪

♪ I love the way
they look on me ♪

- We know
you love triangles, pig.

- Even his crown is made
of triangles!

- He loves pyramids too,
of course!

Because they're totally
covered with triangles!

(pig humming and chuckling)

The three golden pyramids belong
to the mermaid.

Where are they?!
(shrugging sound)

Silver pyramids, ruby pyramids,

but not a single golden pyramid!

- I really miss
my golden pyramids!

- The mermaid sounds
really sad now.

- We've flown over a forest,

defeated a dragon,

dodged poles,

and we still can't
find the golden pyramids?


(Cat blows a whistle.)
Cat's right.

I should count backwards
from by twos to calm down.

Ten, eight, six,

four, two!

You did it again,

Brave Sir Cat!

The pig hid the golden pyramids
inside his crown!

- Woohoo!
- Go, knights!

- ♪ Awaaaay! ♪

- So, by knowing about shapes
and how to count by twos,

we were able
to find the golden pyramids!

- Math keeps us flying high!

- ♪ Problem solved ♪
- ♪ The problem is solved ♪

- ♪ We solved the problem ♪
- ♪ So everything is awesome ♪

- ♪ Problem solved ♪
- My golden pyramids!

Oh, I thought I'd never
see them again!

- She's really into
those pyramids.
- I know!

- How did you get them back,
you amazing knights?

- Shall we tell?

- Sure, let's tell.
- Well...

- ♪♪ We were
running around a circle ♪
- ♪ Our table oh so round ♪

- ♪ Then you told us
of your pyramids ♪

- ♪ They needed to be found ♪
- ♪ We were offered these! ♪

- ♪ Three lovely cubes ♪
- ♪ Belonging to a toad ♪

- ♪ When the pyramids
all vanished, there appeared ♪

- ♪ A sphere that glowed ♪
- ♪ We were fearless
facing danger ♪

- ♪ We were swift
when on the run ♪

- ♪ But we had
to know our shapes
just to get the job done ♪

- ♪ And then ♪
- ♪ And then ♪
- ♪ And then ♪

- ♪ We held on to a cylinder ♪
- ♪ It carried us away ♪

- ♪ To a dragon ♪
- ♪ With three spheres ♪

- ♪ Who wanted us to ♪
- ♪ Stay and play ♪

- ♪ Past all these
giant cylinders ♪
- ♪ We bravely flew ♪

- ♪ To a king whose crown hid ♪
- ♪ My golden pyramids! ♪
- ♪ Woohoo! ♪

- ♪ It was thrilling ♪
- ♪ It was awesome ♪

- ♪ It was funny ♪
- ♪ It was fun ♪

- ♪ But you had
to know your shapes ♪

- ♪ I really love these grapes ♪
- ♪ You had to know
your shapes ♪

♪ Just to get the job ♪

♪ Done ♪

- ♪ I still like ♪

♪ Triangles! ♪♪


- Two, four, six...

- What are you doing?

- Trying to count the birds
counting by twos.

- It's hard because
they keep moving, right?

- I know! Two, four...

- You should count

something by twos
that isn't going anywhere.

- Like what?
- Like us.

- Oh, I should count us
counting by twos?

- Yeah, go for it!
- OK, um... Two.

- All right!

- Yeah!