02x05 - The Neighborhood Votes / The Class Votes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood". Aired: September 3, 2012 – present.*
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Inspired by `Mister Rogers Neighbourhood', `Daniel Tiger's Neighbourhood' features 4-year-old Daniel Tiger who invites a new generation into the Neighbourhood of Make-Believe.
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02x05 - The Neighborhood Votes / The Class Votes

Post by bunniefuu »

- Hi, neighbor! Today at school,
we're choosing something new

for the playground!

Swings or slide! They're both
fun to play on!

And then, we get to choose
a new class pet!

Be right back.

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
♪ Could you be mine?

♪ Won't you be my neighbor?

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ A land of make-believe

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this land of make-believe

♪ A friendly face
on every street ♪

♪ Just waiting to greet you
♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's

- Hi, neighbor! I'm going
to have breakfast. Come on in!

What do you usually have
for breakfast?

Good morning, Mom!

- Good morning, Daniel.
Hi, neighbor.

Now, for breakfast,
you can choose hot oatmeal

like your dad and I are having,
or cold cereal with berries.

- Hmm... I like hot oatmeal
AND cold cereal.

Which one would you choose?
I'm not sure which one I want.

- Well, when you have to make
a choice, you should...

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

I'm thinking...
that I feel cold. Brrr!

So some hot oatmeal will
warm me up.

I choose...
hot oatmeal, please!

- OK, good idea! Now go sit down
at the table and I'll bring you
some hot oatmeal.

- Thanks, Mom!

- Now, here's some oatmeal
for you.

There you go.

- Me too. I love Mom's
famous oatmeal.

[Mom chuckles.]
- Mmm. Deeelicious!

So, what are we going
to do today?

- We're going to Clock Factory
Park today.

King Friday has something
important to tell all
the neighbors!

- Something important?
Wow! Grr-ific!

[Trolley dings.]
- Trolley's here! Let's go!

- Great! Let's go see what
King Friday has to say.

- Here we go!

Hi, Trolley!
[Trolley dings.]

- Up we go, Daniel.
Now, buckle up!

- ♪ We're off to the park today
to see what King Friday has
to say ♪

♪ Won't you ride along
with me? ♪

- ♪ Ride along
- ♪ Won't you ride
along with me? ♪

- Thanks, Trolley!
[Trolley dings.]

- Hoo-hoo. Hi, Daniel.

Are you here for King Friday's

- Yes, and my neighbor came too.
- Hoo-hoo, hi, neighbor.

- King Friday's here!
King Friday's here!

- Let's go see what he's
going to say!
- Hoo-hoo.

- Ahem...

Royal greetings. I have
asked you to come here today

to make a very important

Today you will choose to add
a new swing set...

or a slide to our playground.

These aren't big enough
for kids.

And now we can only choose
ONE thing,

and since it is the children
who use the playground,

the children shall make
this choice!

Ha! Ha! Ha!
- KIDS get to choose!

- Yay!
- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

- After you stop and think
about what you want,

you will be voting
right over here!

- Um, what's voting?

- My son has asked
an excellent question.

Voting is a way for us to decide
together what we will put
in our playground.

- If more children choose
the slide, we will
get the slide!

If more children want swings,
we will get the swings!

- Oh, now I understand.

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

What we get is up to you.

- Oh, boy! We get to choose
swings or slide for our

- Daniel, what will you pick?
Swings, or slide?

- I don't know. I have to stop
and think, I guess.

- I want slide! I bet Tigey
wants a slide like me!

Look how fun it is,
meow-meow! Weee!

- I'm going
to choose swings.


I think Tigey likes the swings
too! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- I like the swings too.

Swings feel like flying!

- Tigey, what should I choose?
Psst, psst, psst.

Tigey's not sure. Hmm.

I like the slide and the swings,
but I don't know what to choose.

♪ Stop, think, and choose

I wish I could play on them now
to help me decide.

Hey, I have an idea!

Do you want to make believe
with me?

Let's make believe... that we're
playing on the swings and
the slide right now!

- ♪ Swinging and sliding,
it's so much fun ♪

♪ So very hard
to just pick one ♪

♪ Swinging over here,
swinging over there ♪

♪ Swinging everywhere

♪ Sliding down so fast

♪ Sliding down,
what a blast! ♪

♪ Sliding down so fast

♪ Swinging and sliding,
it's so much fun ♪

♪ So very hard
to just pick one ♪

Wasn't that grr-ific?

I know what to choose! Slide!

Tigey likes the slide too.
I really hope it wins.


- Royal greetings.
I hereby declare

that it is time to vote!

- Please go into this voting
booth and choose swings

or slide.

Thank you.

- I'm going to vote,
vote, vote!

How exciting! Vote, vote, vote!
- This is fun!

- So, Daniel, do you know
what you're going to vote for?

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- Yes. I thought about it, and
I want to go fast, fast, fast!

So I choose the slide!

- Well, I'm glad
you've decided,

because... it's our turn
to vote!

- Your turn.
- Cool! Thank you!

It's like a little room in here!

I like the curtain
that you open and close.

And it's very quiet in here.

- Yes, indeed. It's a good place
to think before you vote.

- So, how do I vote?
- Here, you put a check

next to what you choose:
swings, or slide.

What would you like
to vote for, Daniel?

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

I choose to vote
for slide!

- OK, now make a mark next
to the slide to vote for it.

- OK, I'm putting my vote
into the box.

- Then the votes will be

and whichever has
the most votes wins.


- Royal greetings.

Royal greetings.

I hereby declare it's time
to count the votes.

- Let's count the votes
for slide together.

- [with kids]: One. Two.

- That's two votes for slide.

Now let's count the votes
for swings together.

- [with kids]: One. Two. Three.

- That's three votes for swings.

Swings have more votes.

The swings win!

- Yes!
- Swings won!

- Hoo-hoo!
- Oh, swings won.
So we're getting swings?

- Yes.
- We're not getting a slide?

- No, Daniel.
- I wanted to get a slide.

I feel disappointed.

- Did you vote for slide too,

- Yeah.

- It's hard when you don't get
what you want.

- [Daniel and Katerina]: Yes,
it is!

- Can you find something good
about the swings?

- Not yet.
- No, meow-meow.

- Well, maybe later.
[Honk! Honk!]

- I have a special delivery!

One swing set

for a neighborhood playground!
- Hoo-hoo!

- Hooray!
- Yippee!

- ♪ If there's anything
you want ♪

♪ If there's anything
you need ♪

♪ McFeely's delivery brings it
to you here with speed ♪

♪ It's a speedy delivery,
a speedy delivery ♪

♪ Speedy delivery to you

- Look how many swings!

- Yay!
- Woo-hoo!

- It would be fun to all swing
together, meow-meow.

- It WOULD be fun
to all swing together!

That IS something good
about the swings! Let's go!

[Elaina laughing]
- This is fun!

- Yippee! Higher! Higher!
- Weeee!

- Whoa!
- Everybody say...


- [kids]: Swings!

[camera click]
- ♪ Doo, doo, doo,
doo, doo, doo, doo, doo ♪

♪ Doo, doo, doo, doo,
doo, doo, doo, doo ♪

- ♪ It's time to make a choice

♪ I don't know what to do
- ♪ What to do

- ♪ I'll stop, think,
and choose ♪

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ What do I eat
in the morning? ♪

♪ I'll think for clues
and then I'll choose ♪

♪ I'll choose blueberries
- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ One thing I have to choose
- ♪ What's that?

- ♪ Is what game I'd like
to play ♪

- ♪ Hmm

- ♪ I'll choose to play ball
all day ♪

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- Whoa!

- Meow-meow, yes!

- Swings are fun!
- Swings!

- You know, Mom, the swings were
a good choice

because we can all swing

- I'm glad you found
something good.

- I made a lot of choices today.
I even voted!

What do you do when you have
to make a choice? I...

♪ Stop, think, and choose


- [Dad Tiger]: Hi, neighbor.
Today our friend Mackenzie is
going to vote with her dad.

Voting is a way people decide
things together.

First, the people who want
to vote have to sign in
and wait for their turn.

There are lots of people voting.

This is a voting machine.

Mackenzie's dad looks
at the screen to see

what the choices are.

He decides, then presses
a button on the screen.

All done.

And that's how grownups vote.

- Hi, neighbor!
- Welcome, neighbor!

- We're at school.
Come and play with me!

- Roar! Roaaaarrr!
[Daniel and Katerina laughing]

- Hi, Daniel.
Oh, hi, neighbor.

Say hi to my pet baby dinosaur.
Don't worry, he's friendly.

- ♪ Snack time, come on over
for snack time ♪

- Wait a minute.
Where's snack?

- We're going to decide
as a class

whether we want to eat
inside, or outside.

[kids shouting "inside"
and "outside"]

- Hold on, hold on.
I want you to...

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

- Think before you pick where
you want to have snack. OK?

- Hmm.
[wind blowing]

It looks a little windy outside.

And I'm kind of cold. Brrr!

So I'm going to pick inside.

- OK, now that you've done
a little thinking,

raise your hand if you want
to eat snack inside.

One, two, three.

Three children want
to eat snack inside.

Now, raise your hand if you want
to eat outside.

One, two. Two children want
to eat outside.

So, three votes for inside,
and two votes for outside.

Three is more than two, so more
children want to eat inside.

Inside wins!
- Yay!

- Everyone take a seat
at the table.

- Meow!
- Yeah!
- Hoo-hoo!

- But... Teacher Harriet,
I want to eat outside.
I voted for outside.

- I know you picked outside,
but more children picked inside,

so inside won the vote.
We can eat outside another day.

- Oh. OK.

- Can you find something good
about eating snack inside?

- Well...

- Baby Dino! I saved you
a seat next to me.

- Roar! Sitting next
to Katerina.

That's something good.


- Ooh, carrots!
My favorite!

- Meow-meow!
- Prince Wednesday,

would you pass me a tomato
please? Thank you.

- OK, class, it's circle time!

Come to the rug for circle time.
- Yeah!

- It's circle time!
Let's go to the rug.

- Right this way.
- Backwards meeting!

- Meow. Come to the meeting,
Baby Dino.

- Roar!
- OK, everyone.

♪ Take a deep breath
and shake out your wiggles ♪

♪ Let's learn something new
and have some giggles ♪

- Yeah!
[kids laughing]

Now, then, I have
some exciting news.

We're going to get a pet
that will live in our classroom!

- Wowza!
- I love pets, meow-meow!

- Hooray!
- Nifty-galifty!

- We will get either--
drum roll, please--

a turtle or a rabbit.

- Bunny!
- I want a turtle!

- I love turtles!
- A bunny would be so cute!

- Hold on, hold on.

A turtle and a rabbit are
very different.

Before we choose a pet,
I want you all to...

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ...just like we did
for snack time!

- Can we get a turtle
AND a rabbit?

- No, we can only get one pet.
- Why?

- Well, taking care of a pet is
a lot of work.

Two pets would be too much.
- So that means that

not everybody will get
what they want,

just like snack time.
Right, Teacher Harriet?

- Right, Prince Wednesday.

- A bunny, or a turtle?

I don't know which one I want
to pick! This is a big choice.

- OK, class, let's learn more
about rabbits and turtles.

And here are some books

so you can think about what
you'll want to vote for.

You can play with this pretend
bunny and a pretend turtle.

- Want to know about bunnies
and turtles?

There's a book for that!

- I like the turtle!
I pick the turtle!

Turtles can put their heads
in their shells... like this!

I'm a turtle.

- Me too! I'm a turtle!

- I like the bunny's fur,

It's so soft and fluffy!
- Hey, little bunny.

- I like that bunnies
hop, hop, hop!

- Hopping is fun! Hop, hop, hop!
- Hoppity-hop.

Hop away!
- Hop, hop, hop, hop!

- Oh, it looks
like everyone is playing

and thinking about which animal
to pick for our class pet.

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

- I don't know which pet
to choose.

Turtle, or rabbit?
Rabbit, or turtle?

- Well... think about
what it would be like
to take care of each pet.

We'd all take turns
feeding it.

- What do bunnies eat,

- Do you know?

- Hoo-hoo. My book says
that rabbits eat carrots.

I could help
feed the rabbit carrots.

Eat up, Mr. Rabbit!

- What do turtles eat?

- Turtles eat lettuce.

- Taking care of pets is
a lot of work.

We would all have to help out.

- What else would we need
to do?

- We would have
to brush the rabbit,

and we would need to clean out
both of their cages.

Turtles like to swim,
so we'd have to make sure that
his swimming water stays clean.

- Turtles like to swim?
- They sure do.
- Whoa.

There are lots of good things
about turtles AND bunnies.

I still don't know which pet
to vote for!

[He sighs.]
Maybe I need to do
some more thinking.

Hey! Do you want
to make believe with me?

Let's make believe that we can
play with a real turtle
AND bunny!

♪ Doo, doo, doo, doo,
doo, doo, doo, doo ♪

♪ Hop, hop, hop like a bunny,
hop, hop all around ♪
- ♪ Ba-doo, doo

- ♪ He's a soft and fuzzy pet
♪ Pets are the best

- ♪ Doo, doo,
doo, doo, doo, doo ♪
- ♪ Swim, swim like a turtle

♪ He pulls his head in and out
of his shell ♪

♪ Pets are the best

♪ Hop, hop, peek-a-boo!

♪ Hop, hop, play with you

♪ A hop, hop, hop, swim, swim,
'cause pets are the best ♪

Wasn't that grr-ific?
- OK, class,

now I think it's time for you
to choose our class pet.

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

- Guess what?
I thought about it,

and now I know which pet
I want to pick:

the turtle! I can watch
the turtle swim!

- OK.

Time to vote. So,

you can either pick
turtle or rabbit.

Come on up, one at a time,
and vote for which pet you want.

- Meow-meow, I would
choose a rabbit

because I would like to brush
its soft and fluffy fur.

Soft and fluffy!

Ha! Ha! Ha!
- One vote for rabbit.

- I choose a turtle

because I want to see him hide
in his shell.

- One vote for turtle.

- I choose... dinosaur!


Just kidding!

[others laughing]

I choose rabbit
because rabbits hop, hop, hop!

- I pick the rabbit
because I would like

to feed him carrots.

- It's my turn to vote!

I choose... turtle!

Because I want
to watch him swim.

[Harriett chuckles.]
- OK, let's count the votes.

First, for the turtle...
- Count with us!

- [kids]: One, two.

- Two votes for turtle!
- Now for the rabbit.

- [kids]: One, two, three.

- Three votes for rabbit.
- Three is more than two.

More children want the rabbit,
so that means...

we chose a rabbit
for our new class pet!

- Meow-meow, yay!
- Yeah!

- I wanted a turtle.
I wanted to see him swim.

- I wanted a turtle
too, toots.

- I know you feel disappointed,
but can you turn it around

and find something good
about a rabbit?

- Well... can I think
about it?

- Yeah, you can. You've been
thinking a lot today.

[bicycle bell]
- Speedy delivery!

Speedy delivery!
- That WAS speedy!

- Ta-daaaa!
- Hi, bunny!

- Little rabbit.
- Hiya, toots.

- You're so soft, yes, you are!
- Nice to meet you.

- He's fluffy.
That's something good.

[kids laughing]

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ I chose between a sweater
or a raincoat to wear ♪

♪ I chose between a hat
on my head ♪

♪ Or some barrettes
in my hair instead ♪

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ In play group
I got to pretend ♪

♪ To be a fox or a hen

- ♪ I got to choose
a snack to eat ♪

♪ An apple, or some
strawberries? ♪

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- ♪ You can choose a song
to sing ♪

- ♪ Or to play on a slide
or swing ♪

- ♪ You can choose to eat
in your class ♪

- ♪ Or to have a picnic
out in the grass ♪

- ♪ Stop, think, and choose

♪ Stop, think, and choose

- Hoppity-hop!
[kids laughing]

- Look! His tail looks
like a little snowball!

- We should call him

- Yeah! Snowball
the fluffy rabbit!

What would you choose for a pet?

It was hard when I didn't get
my choice for the class pet,

but I think I'm going to like
helping take care of Snowball.


- ♪ It's such a good feeling
to play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling
when they lend you a hand ♪

♪ You wake up ready to say
- Hi!

- ♪ "I think I'll make
a snappy new day" ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling

♪ A very good feeling,
a feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back

♪ When the day is new

♪ And I'll have more ideas
for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too

Because it's you I like.

- [King Friday]: Royal

Today the kids have to vote
about where to go.

They can vote to go to the zoo
to see the lions...

or vote to go to the aquarium
to see the fish.

The kids shall vote!

Six kids want to go

to the aquarium to see the fish,

and two kids want to go
to the zoo.

The aquarium wins!

Hooray! Ha! Ha! Ha!

At the aquarium, the kids get
to see all the different
kinds of fish.

The big stingrays.

And the penguins.

A good day, indeed.

If you stop, think, and choose,

you can vote for what you want
to do.
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