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07x11 - Day 7: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Posted: 10/05/22 06:34
by bunniefuu
[Jack Bauer]

Previously on 24.

Have you made the preparations? [Burnett]

Are you sure you want to leave now, Colonel? Can't imagine GeneralJuma will be pleased - to learn that you're abandoning your mission.

- The mission is over.

Do you think I'm a fool, Mr.

Burnett? If anything should happen to me on my way out of the country a data file with all the names and bank transactions of all those involved will be sent to theJustice Department.

When the car arrives, we would like you to go with the driver so that we could follow you back to Dubaku.

You want her to go to him and face him? It's the only chance we have of finding him before he disappears forever.

- I'll do it.

- You keep her safe, you hear me? We will.

- Colonel! F.



- Go! Go! [Yells]

I want the names of everyone in the United States government that you've been working with.

I have a list.

I found some kind of digital storage device - implanted under Dubaku's skin.

- Can you upload the files to F.



Marika didn't make it.

- You k*lled my sister! - I'm so sorry.

- What do you want from me? - I just want to know that you feel something! I want to know that you feel the same kind of pain that I do! Do you feel that? I'm working with F.



To coordinate an interagency sweep.

We should start making arrests within the hour.

What you have done here today puts all of us in your debt.

There are a lot of people to thank, including Jack Bauer.

What are you asking me to do, Bill? I'm asking you to speak to Senator Mayer.

Jack Bauer helped save this country.

He doesn't deserve to spend the rest of his life in prison.

- I'm going to the White House.

- Sir? President Taylor wants to speak to me regarding Jack Bauer.

Grab your laptop, Ryan.

I want you there with me.

There's gonna be another attack, here in D.


My source tells me that the window opens at 1900 hours.

- What's the target? - He doesn't know the exact target.

But it's definitely gonna be of high value and high impact.

He gave me the name of somebody who's been involved in the planning.

- Who? - Ryan Burnett.

Senator Mayer's chief of staff? - That's right.

- [Cell Phone Rings]

[Jack Bauer]

The following takes place between 6:00 p.


And 7:00 p.


[Monitor Beeping]

Hold on a second.

Go ahead.

- [Phone Rings]

- I.



One moment, please.

- Karina, you got a call on three.

- Who is it? Dr.


He's got a question.

Doctors are so helpless.



Hello? - [Handset Settles In Cradle]

- There was no one there.

If he calls back, tell him I'll call him back in a minute.

[Alarm Beeping]

Code blue! Code blue! We have a code blue in the I.



Get Agent Walker down to I.



, now! [Reporter]

Swift and decisive is how the Pentagon describes the U.


Invasion now underway in Sangala- sporadic resistance, minimal casualties.

This in direct contrast to assertions made by Sangalese leader Benjamin Juma on state-supported television.

Our brave soldiers are beating back the enemy all across Sangala City.

History is on our side, my friends.

We survived their sl*ve ships and we will survive their warships too.

Declaring victory while his own troops are fleeing the capital and his palace lies in ruins.

When do we think this was made? My guess is these recordings were made sometime before the invasion, ma'am.

Which begs the question, John, where is he, and why haven't we found him yet? Special Forces teams all over Sangala City are searching for him.

There's some intelligence to suggest he may have fled the country.

Admiral Smith, you and I both know Juma must be captured.

He must be tried and convicted of his crimes against humanity.

Otherwise, we've as good as failed.

He can't go far, ma'am.

No country on earth will grant him asylum.

Then find him, Admiral Smith, wherever he is.

General Juma.

Beautiful, isn't it? - Sir? - It's not a trick question, Laurent.

It is beautiful.

And why not? It is almost time.

The men-Are they ready? - Yes, sir.

- Are they afraid? I don't know, sir.

But some of them are praying.

It's good if they are afraid.

It means they will fight bravely.

Have you heard from my father yet, sir? I thought he was supposed to be meeting us here.

Don't worry, Laurent.

He'll be here.

Yes, sir.

[Alarm Beeping]

- [Cell Phone Rings]

- Yes? - Colonel Dubaku is dead.

- Are you certain? The dose I administered was catastrophic.

His son just asked me about him.

He must never know about this or about his father's cowardice.

- He won't.

- Then nothing will stand in our way, Udo.

But hurry.

The attack window is narrowing.

Our timing must be precise.

- [Man]


- Yes, sir.

[Alarm Beeping]

[Defibrillator Charging]


- One more time at 360.

- 360.

You're charged.



Are you goin' again, Doctor? [Steady Tone]


That's it, everybody.

I'm calling it.

Time of death: 6:06 p.


- Dr.

Scott, what's going on? - A massive heart attack.

You said that he was stable, that he was gonna be okay.

So what happened? I'm not sure.

Maybe a preexisting condition.

The autopsy will tell us.

Excuse me.

[Woman On P.



Scheinert, O.




Scheinert, O.



The wide extent of the corruption requires a coordinated approach.

We know the government's been compromised.

We just don't know at what level.

Presently, Chloe O'Brian is vetting the names, department by department.

I'm prioritizing Secret Service so the president is secured as soon as possible.

Team leaders will then receive their assignments- Defense, Treasury, State, et cetera- and make their arrests contemporaneously across the District.

- Are there any questions? - [Cell Phone Rings]

All right, everyone has their assignments.

Let's get goin'.

- O'Brian.

- Chloe, it's Jack.

Have the names from Dubaku's database - been handed over to the arrest teams yet? - Not yet.

Okay, listen to me.

I've just learned that Juma's operatives are planning another attack.

Jack, they're telling us here it's over.

- That's wrong.

Tony's my source on the intel.

- Do you know what the target is? Only that it's high value, high casualty, and that it's happening now which is why I need your help.

There's a name on the list- a Ryan Burnett.

He's Senator Mayer's chief of staff.

Mayer? Isn't he the guy who grilled you this morning at the Senate subcommittee hearing? Yeah.

But the senator's not implicated in the conspiracy.

But Burnett has been providing support forJuma and Dubaku all along.

Chloe, I need you to delete his name from the list.

- What? Why? - If the F.



Start to move in on him he'll lawyer up, and no one will get the information on time.

- Where is he now? - He's at the White House with the senator.

They've got a meeting with the president.

I'm on my way there now to be debriefed by Bill.

I'll take care of him then.

Jack, you don't expect to interrogate a suspect in the White House? Let me handle that, Chloe.

Just get his name deleted from the list.

I'll get back to you.

She's in.

[Exhales Sharply]


- How close are we? - Close.

Is there anything I can do to help? I'm just cycling through the last layer of data now.

You know, it might be quicker if you send the subsets to my station, one by one.

- Good idea.

- And then that way, I can get to work on distributing them.

- Okay, then.

- Thank you.

[Engine Shuts Off - Listen, Jack, maybe you should reconsider.

- Reconsider what? Taking Bill into your confidence.

Look, I mean, he's been a part of this operation since the get-go.

I don't know what it's gonna take to get Burnett to talk.

If I have to use extreme measures- I don't get it.

What, you don't think he'll go there? I'm driving off a cliff here, Tony.

I don't need to put Bill in the passenger seat.

All right, then.


I'll go with you.

You're a wanted felon.

You wouldn't get past the first checkpoint.

Besides, with all of the government agencies still compromised it might be up to you to stop the attack.

See you on the other side.

[Cell Phone Beeping, Line Ringing]

- [Juma]

Yes? - Can you extend the attack window? Not without risking the entire operation.

- Why? - There's been a complication.

I may be stuck here longer than I anticipated.

I'll call you back.



Ryan Burnett, Senator Mayer's chief of staff.

We've spoken on the phone.

- Many times.

Good to finally meet you.

- Likewise.

The senator's inside.

Right this way.

Senator? Well, Senator.

I see you found the bar.

Mind if I join you? - [Glass Clinks]

- Something I never knew.

If it ain't from Kentucky, you can't call it bourbon.

Spare me the Southern gentleman routine, Ethan.

The president didn't call me up at the ass end of the day to drink her booze and flip through a briefing book.

I thought it might be helpful before your meeting to bring you up to speed on the events of the last 10 hours.


I'm up to speed.

Senator, surely you have some reaction to what you just read.

Damn right I have a reaction.

I want to know what all this has to do with Jack Bauer.

I mean, that's the reason I'm here, right? Without Mr.

Bauer, we would never have uncovered the conspiracy in the first place, nor the people behind it.

His efforts, in conjunction with those of the F.


I are largely responsible for the arrests being made right now across the District.

You're not saying that he's acting in an official capacity? I don't have to tell you how this looks, Ethan.

Colluding with a rogue operative from a disbanded agency? I'm sorry you see it that way.

- How else am I supposed to see it? - The way the president does.

ThatJack Bauer saved lives today, plain and simple including her husband's.

Look, Senator, I know this isn't easy for you.

The public battle you've waged against detainee abuse and human rights violations- Are you seriously asking me to look the other way on this? I have been after this son of a bitch for years.

He's a thug, Ethan.

He's exhibit "A.

" President's prepared to reverse policy and support your amendment to the w*r Crimes Act.

- In exchange for what, exactly? - The hearings.

Declare a recess till after the holidays and then quietly let Mr.

Bauer's subpoena expire.

And if I refuse to go along? The president is prepared to invoke executive privilege.

"Executive privilege" meaning what exactly? Well, that's for the president to decide.

Are you talking about a pardon? I wouldn't rule it out.

Well, if that's how the president wants to play it you can tell her she just walked into a street fight.

You can tell her yourself.

[Man On Radio, Indistinct]

- Jack.

- Hey, Bill.

You got here sooner than I expected.

- Jack! - Put down your w*apon.

Now! Step away from the desk! Take a seat.

Sit down, Bill! Okay, okay, I'm sitting.

Now what's this all about? - Where's Ryan Burnett? - What? Senator Mayer's chief of staff.

Where is he? I'm not saying anything until you tell me what the hell's going on.

Tony doubled back to one of his contacts, who gave him information of a second attack.

It's gonna take place here in Washington within the hour.

Juma's operatives are carrying it out.

Burnett's been supporting them all along.

He knows where the attack's gonna take place.

So you can either tell me where he is, or I will find him myself.

Jack, I can't.


Put your hands behind your back, now! How good is the intel? Good enough for me to need to talk to him.

Don't you move.

Jack, let me have him arrested.

- There are other ways to deal with this.

- [Handcuffs Clicking]

Attack window's open.

We're outta time.

Jack, listen to me.

I spoke to the president on your behalf.

She's gonna intervene with Senator Mayer, stop the hearings.

You can get you life back.

You do this, you're throwing it all away.

I wish I thought there was another option.

Let me help you at least, Jack.

You don't have to do this alone.

Yes, I do.

It's the only way I can be sure to keep you out of this.

- Jack- - Bill, I'm sorry.

- Jack, wait.

- Don't move.

Jack- [Grunting]

It's all right.

Don't fight it.

[Electricity Crackling]


[Cell Phone Beeping]

[Cell Phone Rings]

- This is Moss.

- [Renee]

Larry, it's me.

Dubaku's dead.

I thought the doctor said he was stabilized.

What happened? Officially, they're characterizing that it was a coronary brought on by systemic shock.

Sounds like you don't believe it.

I did a follow-up with a hospital admin.

She confirmed that there was an eight-member team on duty when Dubaku flatlined.

- Yeah? - There was a ninth man in the I.


U just before the code was called- an orderly.

I ran back the tapes on the ward, and that's when I spotted him.

Thing is, I've asked around, and nobody seems to know who he is.

Renee, wait.

Are you saying you think Dubaku was m*rder*d? I'm saying that there was an unidentified man in with Dubaku just before he went into cardiac arrest.

- What does the admin say? - Well, she says that they often use floaters- personnel from other area hospitals filling in from time to time.

Said it's not uncommon for the regular staff not to know who they are.

- She's double-checking with payroll now.

- So there's your answer.


But still, it seems odd.

I mean, what if Dubaku knew something and they needed to shut him up? Is this Bauer's theory too? Jack's not even here.

And, you know, I resent that implication, Larry.

- What implication is that? - That I'm not the one calling the sh*ts.

This has been my investigation from the beginning, notJack Bauer's.

I was just asking a question.

I wasn't implying anything.

You there? I'm sorry.

I guess I'm a little sensitive on the subject.

Look, everything we needed from Dubaku, we got- names and bank accounts of every corrupt official on his payroll.

Teams are in the field as we speak.

So you're saying you want me to come in.

We need you back in the office sooner than later to help process all these arrests.

Larry, look.

I've got security searching the hospital, reviewing more video.

- So you wanna follow that up first? - Yeah.

- Fine.

Call me when you clear it.

- I will.

Thanks, Larry.

Excuse me, Agent Walker? That orderly you were looking for- One of our parking lot cameras picked him up getting into his car.

- When? - Uh, about 15 minutes ago.

I've got a screen grab of his license plate.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

This is Agent Walker.

Put me through to our D.




Are you busy? I'm just reformatting the server, so, yeah, I guess I am busy.

Why? Well, I was cross-referencing Dubaku's offshore accounts - and I came across an orphaned header fragment.

- What are you talking about? Take a look.


See? There it- Right there, right there.

It's a remnant file header.

It's probably just a phantom data string.

No, it isn't.

I ran a system analysis.

The coding is not random.

It can be traced back to one of the accounts.

Also, it looks like a name was deleted from the list.

- Why don't I run a recovery program? - Well, you're very busy with the reformatting and all.

So why don't I just upload it to my station and take care of it there? Oh, that's okay.

I can do it faster.

No offense.

L- I'll let you know if I retrieve anything.


- Thanks.

- Thank you.

[Rapid Beeping]

- [Cell Phone Rings]

- Yeah.


Have you gotten to Burnett yet? Working on it.

Making my way over to the West Wing.

Someone here has figured out that a name's been deleted from the database.

I don't know how much longer I can hold her off.

- Do they know it was Burnett? - No.

But it's just a matter of time.


I'll get back to you.


Senator, I'll head back to the Hill and get with Sandy.

Should have a press release drafted by the time you finish your meeting.

I'm also gonna need a sit-down with your friend Hauser at the Post.

Off the record, I assume? We've gotta make pardoning Jack Bauer as politically toxic for the president as possible.

She's a woman in a highly emotional state.

Her husband's been shot.

You suggesting her judgment's impaired? - I'm suggesting that a case could be made.

- [Knocks]

Excuse me, Senator.

President Taylor's ready to see you now.

Go ahead, Senator.

I'll get this to the A.


, tell him you want the option - to go ahead with the hearings tomorrow as scheduled.

- Thanks, Ryan.

[Beeping, Line Ringing]

- [Juma]

Yes? - It's Burnett.

- You took care of the problem? - I'm leaving now.

- Good.

Then we rendezvous at 2130 hours as planned.

- I'll be there.

[Door Opens]

Excuse me.

I'll be out ofhere in just one second.

- You and l- - [Groaning]

We're gonna have a talk.


We've got a command post set up at E.




And we'll brief C.



And diplomatic security.

- But not until after the first sweep of arrests.

- [Man]

I understand, but- Look, nobody is going anywhere, Phil.

We've dropped a net on the city.

And I'll let you know as soon as that happens.

- Thank you.

- All right.


I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need you to listen to something.

May I? Yeah, that's fine.

She's supposed to be this whiz-bang systems analyst which is actually what tipped me off in the first place.

- And her demeanor is so- - Whoa, whoa.


Slow down.

Who you talking about? Chloe O'Brian.

I ran a systems check on her work and it turns out there's evidence of file tampering.

Plus, she's been scrambling all her out-of-office phone calls.

So I had Operations archive her cellular traffic.

I did a work-around.


- [Jack]

Yeah? - [Chloe]

Have you gotten to Burnett yet? [Jack]

Working on it.

Making my way over to the West Wing.


Someone here has figured out that a name's been deleted from the database.

- I don't know how much longer I can hold her off - Do they know it was Burnett? [Chloe]


But it's just a matter of time.



I'll get back to you.

- Becker.

- Yes, sir.

In the conference room.

I want Chloe O'Brian detained.

- And get her off that server.

- Yes, sir.


O'Brian? You need to come with me.

[Phone Line Ringing]

- Get me the White House.

- [Woman]

Right away.

Let me just remind you, Madam President you supported the effort to ban abuse and t*rture.

You campaigned to reform the intelligence agencies.

These past 10 hours, Senator things haven't appeared as black-and-white as they once did.

Well, there's nothing gray aboutJack Bauer.

The man has committed atrocities.

Prisoners have died in his custody.


Bauer has served under the aegis of three presidents, not just me.

Is it any more lawful or any less repugnant if it's authorized at the highest level? A state of w*r is not a blank check for the president or for anyone.

Oh, don't lecture me, Senator.

I am well aware of the limits of my power.

Due respect, Madam President, your power is great.

Just be careful that you use it to send the right message.

All I'm asking you to do is excuse Mr.

Bauer as a witness.

It's not a message.

It is an expression of gratitude for what he's done today.

You're asking me to excuse him as a target of the investigation.

And the message is clear.

Under certain circumstances, you believe his methods are acceptable.

Some would argue that they are.

And they would be wrong under any military or moral standard.

America has been down this road before, Madam President.

You yourself called it a national tragedy.

It was a tragedy.

I still believe that.

Pardon Jack Bauer, and you're telling every interrogator in the field that it's open season again.

[Intercom Beeping]

[Woman On Intercom]

I'm sorry to interrupt, Madam President.

There's an urgent call from Larry Moss at F.



- Put him through.

- Yes, sir.

Agent Moss is on the line.

Agent Moss, this is Ethan Kanin.

You're on speaker with the president.


Madam President, forgive me for coming directly to the point.

You have a meeting this evening with Senator Mayer? In fact, I do.

I'm with him right now.

Did the senator's chief of staff Ryan Burnett accompany the senator to the White House? - Yes, he did, Agent Moss.

Why? - I have reason to believe thatJack Bauer is carrying out an off-book interrogation of Mr.

Burnett as we speak.

- [Electricity Crackling]

- [Grunting]

I can pull the trigger 128 more times before this battery dies.

I'm telling you, I don't know anything about an attack.

- Stop lying to me.

- I'm not lying.

- What's the target? - I can't tell you what I don't know.

- Mr.

Burnett, you are a traitor and a t*rror1st.

- I'm not.

- I love my country.

- [Electricity Crackling]

That was 1,200 volts of current.

Now when I eject this cartridge, I access the drive stun mode upping the voltage - No.


- All you need to do is talk to me.


Burnett, it's really simple.

Just tell me what the target is, and this will all be over.

I promise, I have no idea what you're talking about.

- This is your last chance.

- If I knew, I would tell you, I swear.

What do you want me to say? Just-Just tell me what to say.

I'll say it.

- [Electricity Crackling]

- [Grunting]

Don't you even try and play that game with me.


Burnett, I've been doin' this a long time, and I can tell the difference especially when a man is under duress, if he's got information that I need or if I'm just wasting my time.

And I promise you, I am not wasting my time.


The next jolt is gonna be in your throat.

Anything above your neck runs the risk of a complete neuromuscular shutdown.

- That means you run the risk ofbecoming paralyzed.

- No, please.


Burnett, you built the entire federal case against me.

You, of all people, should know how far I am willing to go to stop this attack from happening.

So I'm gonna ask you one last time.

Where is the target? [Sobbing]

L-l- Okay, okay, okay.

- I'm listening.

- Soldiers.

- How many? - A unit.

- Juma's presidential guard.

- When? It already started.

- Where? Where? - [Intercom Beeps]


Bauer, this is President Taylor.

- Where's the target? - Mr.

Bauer? - Where? - Mr.

Bauer, I am ordering you to answer this page.

- Mr.

Bauer, do you hear me? - Damn it! Madam President, this is Jack Bauer.

I don't know what you've heard so far, but this thing is not over.

There is another t*rror1st attack going to take place within minutes.

There will be no discussion until you unlock this door.

Madam President, the attack window is open.

Juma's men are moving.

What you're doing is against the law, Mr.


I am your commander in chief, and I am ordering you to stand down.


Bauer- [Static]

- How much longer, Sergeant? - Good to go, ma'am.

- Do it.

- Where's the target? Where is the target? Where is- I had him! - [Grunts]

- [Handcuffs Clicking]

Man down.




's to the Visiting Dignitaries Suite.

You're done, Bauer.

You're finished.

He was talking.

Whatever's gonna happen is happening now and it's on your conscience.

My conscience has a lot less to answer for than yours.


Bauer, you say an attack is imminent.

My source intel is good.

- Who's your source? - I'd rather not say.

The name, Mr.


- Tony Almeida.

- Tony Almeida? The man's a fugitive.

Without Tony Almeida, we would never have recovered the C.




Madam President, I don't care ifhis source is the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Nothing justifies what went on in this room.

Even if he's right, Blaine? Even if it means we could save lives? Look at that and tell me it's not barbarism.

Is that something you can live with? Earlier today, Madam President, two airplanes were brought down.

Is that something you can live with? - You're reprehensible, Bauer.

- And you, sir, are weak! Unwilling and unable to look evil in the eye and deal with it! Ethan, step out for a second.

Suddenly, it's not so hypothetical, is it? In your opinion, is Bauer's intelligence actionable? Bauer says there's gonna be an attack, my belief is there's going to be an attack.

t*rture was originally intended to force false confessions.

Now we use it to try and find the truth.

These people m*rder*d your son, Madam President.

They attempted to m*rder your husband.

They will stop at nothing.

[Burnett Coughs, Clears Throat]

Sergeant, take Mr.

Bauer away.

He's under arrest.

You should have come to me.

You should have presented your case.

We didn't have time.

And would it really have made a difference, ma'am? Madam President, you're doing the right thing.

it felt more like the right thing.

Ethan, raise the threat levels.

Tell Homeland they have until 7:00 to come up with a response scenario.

And get Tim down here.

Also, I want to talk to Mr.

Burnett myself.

Let me do that.

I know the man.

Apparently, you don't.


Got it.


I understand the threat level's been raised but only for first responders and federal agencies.

There's a concern that mass evacuation by the public could hamper efforts to thwart an attack when it comes.

- What about the airspace over Washington? - Restricted.

Military flyovers are commencing.




Has recommended that we deploy mobile teams to sweep the area for radioactive and biological signatures.

Call Philip at the Pentagon and push it through.

What about N.



There's elevated anti-American chatter coming from the usual Web sites and telephone traffic.

- But nothing specific to the attack.

- Thank you, Tim.

- See you upstairs in 15 minutes? - Yes, ma'am.

Which means our best source of intelligence is still right here under our noses.

You realize we're gonna have to offer this bastard a free pass.

With coercive measures off the table, it's our only option.

Bauer's going to prison, and a traitor walks.

What's wrong with this picture? I need a minute with the prisoner.


Burnett, you will be charged with treason under Title 18, Section 2381 of the United States Code: Giving aid and comfort to the enemy and directly causing the death of American citizens.

Do you understand? Surely you have something to say for yourself.

I demand my right to counsel.

You'll have your counsel, Mr.


But first, you're going to tell me everything you know.

Not in this lifetime.

- What did you say? - I said not in this lifetime.

Don't be so quick to make up your mind, Mr.


In exchange for information which stops or significantly mitigates this attack president is prepared to grant you full immunity from prosecution.

I'm sorry.

I can't help you.

If you and your family are being threatened in any way- Do you realize what the president is offering you? Treason is a capital offense, Mr.


If you don't cooperate with us right now, I will make it my personal mission to see that you pay the ultimate price for your crimes.

I won't condone t*rture.

But in your case, I would have no problem with the death penalty.

Where's my lawyer? [Chattering]

[Cell Phone Vibrates]

- Walker.

- [Larry]

It's me.

That situation at the hospital you told me about- I'm on it, Larry.

- I traced the license plate to an import-export firm.

- Tell me.

The orderly I mentioned, he just joined up with about a dozen soldiers.

- Africans, heavily armed.

- Where are you? I'm in the warehouse basement.

Renee, we have intel on another attack byJuma's people.

It's happening in D.


Sometime after 1900 hours.

- This is it, Larry.

No question.

- All right, listen.

Sit tight.

I'm on my way with backup.

Janis, scramble a chopper.

On the roof in two minutes.

- Okay.

But also, there's- - Janis, just do it.

- This is Larry Moss.

Put me through to Metro Police.

- [Woman]

Yes, sir.

- Charters, Turner, with me.

- Yes, sir.

General, there is no sign of my father.

I just spoke with him.

Unfortunately, he won't be able to join us.

- Why not? - Because he got delayed in his attempt to secure safe passage for us from the country.

Then, sir, let me take his place on the as*ault team.

Spoken like a true Dubaku, Laurent.

But you also are my only reconnaissance officer.

- But General- - No, I need you on the perimeter to provide intelligence.

Also, to disrupt whatever rescue operations there may be.

Understood? Understood, sir.

- Make your final preparations.

It is time for us to go.

- Yes, sir.

[Cell Phone Rings]

- Yeah? - [Renee]

Larry, hurry.

They're moving out.

- We're 10 minutes away.

- Is it possibleJuma himself is leading this attack? Juma? Why do you say that? I know it sounds crazy, but I swear that I just saw him.

What? Here? Are you sure? - Unless he has an identical twin.

- All right, I'll alert Homeland.

Good work.

Any idea what the next target is? - Negative.

- See if you can get a fix on that.

But listen.

Don't take any chances, all right? I won't.

[Boat Motor Starts]


- [Man]

They're running a check now, sir.

- Okay, thank you.

Sir, you should have an E.



Take a look at you.

I'm fine.

Is Bauer in custody? - Yes, sir.

He's in holding.

- That'll be all.


[Cell Phone Rings]

- Tony, it's Bill.

- Bill.

Jack's under arrest.

They've got him locked down in a holding cell here.

- Listen to me, Bill.

- No, you listen.

- We still don't know where this attack's taking place.

- Burnett didn't break? No.

They stopped Jack before he could get the information.

And Burnett didn't go for the president's immunity deal.

- You were the one who brought Jack the intel, right? - That's right.

- How real is it? - Very.

Who was your contact? He was a guy in Emerson's crew with a direct line toJuma.

Any chance we get another crack at this guy? That's highly unlikely, to say the least.

- What are you telling me? He's dead? - That's right.

I wish to God you'd brought me in on this.

Jack didn't wanna put you in that position.

For what it's worth, he was trying to protect you, Bill.

Did you have a fallback plan, at least? Immunity for Burnett was the fallback.

That's it? Nothing else? No.


I keep trying Renee.

I keep getting her voice mail.

- What the hell's goin' on? - There's something wrong with her phone.

What do you mean, something's wrong? I spoke to her five minutes ago.

Can you triangulate her position? - I can't.

- Why not? There's no signal.

Either the battery's dead, or her cell got damaged somehow.

All right, keep trying.

Get back to me when you know something.


[Engine Stops]

From our location, it is approximately From this point forward we maintain radio silence until target is secured.

- Understood? - [Men]

Yes, sir.

You all have your assignments.

May God be with us.


Take your position.

Yes, sir.
