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03x22 - The Reason Sid's Sneezin'

Posted: 10/05/22 04:07
by bunniefuu
Hey, scientists! It'’s

Me--sid! I want to know why

Grass and flowers make me

Sneeze so much, so my grandma'’s

Coming to school to help us

Investigate allergies. Come

Explore with me sid the science

Kid, coming up next!

Hey, is this thing on?

Heh heh!

♪ Hey, sid

What do you say?

What you want to learn today?

I want to know

Why things happen and how

And I want to know

Everything now

Oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do

What it just did?


What'’s up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning

And I want to know why

I got a lot of questions

And big ideas

I'’m... ♪

Ahchoo! Ohh. Oh, boy.


Ohh. Hi, there. Heh. I have a

Riddle for you. Guess what has

Watery eyes and goes...


Heh. The answer is me. Yep!

Because I can'’t stop sneezing.

Ahchoo! See? But why am I

Sneezing so much? Did I eat

Something really hot or smell

Something funny, or do I have a

Cold? Hmm. No, no, and no. Well,

Hey. Maybe I'’m sneezing because

Of something outside. Hmm. Oh,

Dad cut the grass. Well, half of

It anyway. Heh heh. Looks good.

So just a normal day at home

Except for--ahchoo! I can'’t

Stop sneezing! Where are all

These sneezes coming from? Ohh.

I just got to know why am I



Sid, breakfast


Ha ha! Ok. Coming, dad!

Ha-cha! Breakfast tiiiiiiiime!

Hey. Good morning.

[Sid and dad sneeze]

Ha ha ha!

I was gonna say I'’ve been

Sneezing all morning.

Aw. I'’m sorry. Hey. I wonder

If you have an allergy like dad


An all-what?

Sid, I have an allergy to

Something called pollen. See,

Pollen are these teeny, tiny

Powder-like particles that

Flowers and trees make.


Yeah. That'’s why I sneeze so

Much when I mow the grass. You

Know, today I sneezed so much I

Only had time to mow half the

Lawn. Heh heh.

Dad usually wears a facemask

To help keep out the pollen

While he cuts the lawn.

Yeah, but I ran out of them.

Don'’t worry. I'll be ok. Heh

Heh. Hey, lawn! I'’ll be mowing

The rest of you after work!

Ha ha ha!

I think I need to investigate

More about this sneezing and

Allergy stuff.

I know the perfect person to

Explain allergies to you and

Your friends.

It'’s grandma! She's a nurse,

And it'’s grandma's day to come

In and read to my class. Ooh!

Maybe she can talk to us about


While you eat breakfast,

I'’ll check with teacher susie

To see if it'’s ok.


♪ Grandma'’s coming

To school, yeah ♪

♪ I love my mom


My mom is cool


But now it'’s time

For having fun at school ♪


Ha ha ha!



♪ I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

There'’s gabriela

Watch what I can do ♪

Yeah, ha ha!

Ready, set, go!

♪ Wow!

I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s gerald

Yeah, check out my moves ♪

Ha ha ha!

Yeah. I'’m a rock star! Gerald

In the house!

♪ Cool

I'’m looking for my friends

I'’m looking for you

Hey, there'’s may

May I show you

How I groove?

All right ♪

Ha ha ha!

So cool!


♪ We'’re looking

For our friends

We'’re looking for you

Hey, there'’s sid ♪

Did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That'’s you!

You got me.

♪ La la la la


♪ We'’re looking

For our friends

And look what we found

We found each other

Friends ♪

[All laughing]

Now it'’s time for news you

Can use with me sid.


Psst. Hey, gerald.


Count to and meet me at

The slide.

Ok. , , ...

Psst! Gabriela, may, count

To and meet me at the slide.

Ok! I mean...

[Whispering] ok. , , ...

Where'’s sid?

Where'’s sid?




Sid, why are you sneezing?

Well, may, that is the big

Question we'’ll try to answer on

The new game show "guess why

I'’m sneezing"!


Ha ha! Are you sneezing

Because you smelled something

Funny or spicy?

Hmm. Nope. No funny smells

At all.

Sid, do you have a cold?

Well, I thought I might,

But, nope, I don'’t.

Hmm. Well, my guess is that

Sneezing is sid'’s new way of

Saying hello, like this.

Ahchoo! Nice to meet you.

Ha ha! Well, that'’s funny,

Gerald, but it'’s not why I'm

Sneezing. I'’m sneezing because

I might have something called

An allergy.

Oh, an allergy.

What'’s an allergy?

Oh. Um, good question. I

Know an allergy makes you

Sneeze and makes your eyes

Water, but I'’m not sure what it


Everybody! Rug time!

Hey! That'’s teacher susie!

♪ It'’s rug time

Come on in

Rug time

Take a seat

Rug time

We'’re ready

Everybody move your feet

Rug time

Teacher susie

Good times on the way

Rug time

Come on in

We'’ve got a lot to learn today ♪



Oh, oh, oh. Ohh. Ahchoo! Ha ha!

Gerald, you have a cold?

No. I was just pretending to

Be sid.

Yeah. You know, teacher

Susie, I have been sneezing a

Lot this morning, and my eyes

Are really watery, and my mom

Said I may have an allergy. It

Doesn'’t feel so good.

Oh, I'’m sorry about your

Sneezing and watery eyes, sid,

But you'’re also lucky today.

Well, we all are. We have an

Expert visiting us today,

Someone who knows a lot about

Allergies. Anyone know who that

Expert is?

Ooh! Yes, I do! Ha ha!

Sneezers and friends, the

Expert visiting today is a

Nurse and allergy expert who

Wears big glasses. She'’s my


Hello, everybody. Hi, sid.

Oh, hi, susie.

Hi, sid'’s grandma!

So I heard there'’s been some

Sneezing going on.

We were hoping you could

Explain what an allergy is.

Oh, of course. Well,

Sometimes our bodies can react

Pretty strongly to something we

Touch or smell or breathe in or

Eat, and that'’s an allergy.

Yeah, but why am I sneezing?

It'’s possible your body's

Reacting to something it

Doesn'’t like and it's sneezing.

That'’s called an allergic

Reaction. An allergic reaction

Is your body saying, "oh, get

That away from me! Shoo! Get

Out of here!"

Sometimes you can even just

Touch something and get an

Allergic reaction.

Like moo shu my cat. My

Uncle sneezes when he touches

Moo shu, and then sometimes, he

Gets all itchy.

Oh! That'’s not fun! Sounds

Like he should visit a doctor.

Um, sid'’s grandma, I have a



Um, can people have

Allergies to food?

Oh, they sure can, gerald.

Oh, sid'’s grandma, how about

Strawberries? Because, see, I

Get these red bumps on my arms

When I eat strawberries, and,

Well, sometimes, I feel yucky

And itchy, and my mommy won'’t

Let me eat them anymore.

Yes, gerald. You do have an

Allergy to strawberries. Your

Parents let me know so I make

Sure you never eat them here at


It'’s ok, gerald. Just don't

Eat the strawberries, and

You'’ll be fine.

Yeah, but--but strawberries

Are so yummy, and I'’m sad I

Can'’t eat them.

Gerald, I'’m glad you told us

About the strawberries. You

Should never feel bad for

Having an allergy.


Maybe someone else you know

Has an allergy, too. You just

Got to ask. Well, kids. It'’s

Time for me to leave. Thank you

So much for letting me come in

And share your time with you.

You'’re so smart and just, oh,


Ha ha ha!

Bye-bye now, everybody.

Thanks for all the great

Information! You know, sid'’s

Grandma gave an idea. I think

We should do a special

Investigation about allergies.


Come on. Let'’s all go to


Superfab lab!

Grab your journals! Let'’s go!


Let'’s go!

Ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha!

Superfab lab!

Observe, compare, contrast! Ahh!

For this special superfab

Lab, we'’re going to do a survey.


For our survey, we'’re going

To ask each other "do you know

Anyone with an allergy?" Then

We'’ll make a big chart to show

Your data. Ok, scientists.

Let'’s start the allergy survey.


You'’re a scientist. You can

Try this, too.

Let'’s do a survey. Who knows

Somebody with an allergy? Oh.

Your sister is allergic to

Cats. They make her sneeze, and

You are also allergic to cats.

They make your nose itchy. You

Have a friend who is allergic

To flowers. They make his eyes

Water, and your dad is allergic

To dog fur. It makes his skin

Itchy. Who else can we ask for

Our survey? Ooh! Let'’s ask

Another teacher. Do you have

Any allergies? Oh. You'’re

Allergic to flowers, peanuts,

Strawberries, and hay. Next

Draw a picture of the person

With the allergy. Then draw a

Picture of what they'’re

Allergic to. A cat, a dog, a

Flower, peanuts, strawberries.

Now it'’s time to make a chart.

You are allergic to cats. Your

Dad is allergic to dogs. Your

Sister is allergic to cats.

Your friend is allergic to

Flowers, and remember the

Teacher you asked? Let'’s add

Her to our chart. She'’s

Allergic to flowers, peanuts,

Strawberries, and hay. Wow!

This chart is a great way to

Compare and contrast all the

Allergies from our survey.

Scientists, this chart looks


Thank you, susie!

Why don'’t each of you take a

Turn to tell us about what we

You discovered?



Sid, why don'’t you start?

Ooh! Ok. All right. Well,

Uh, may told me that her

Grandma is a allergic to dogs.


Because the fur makes her



Ha ha ha!

I'’ll go next. I interviewed

Teacher susie!


She is allergic to

Shellfish. That means fish that

Have shells on the outside.


Ok. My turn. Well, gabriela

Told me that her aunt ursula is

Allergic to eggs, and then, ok,

Teacher susie has a sister

Named mariana, and she can'’t

Wear wool sweaters because,

Well, they make her all itchy

And sneezy.

Ok, ok. I interviewed sid.

His dad is allergic to grass

And pollen. Then gerald told me

About how he'’s allergic to



Wow! You guys did a great

Job with this survey.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Oh, gerald. Do you have a


No. I just wanted to say

That I don'’t feel so bad about

Having an allergy because now I

Know that so many other people

Have allergies, too.

Oh, gerald. We have a big

Surprise for you! Close your

Eyes! No peeking.

A surprise?! Ok! All right.

My eyes are closed.

, , , Open your eyes!

Awesome! Ha ha! That'’s so


We can hang it in our class

So everyone will know it'’s a no

Strawberry class. If you can'’t

Eat strawberries, then we won'’t

Eat them here at school.

Wow! Thanks, guys. You'’re my

Best friends ever.

You'’re welcome.

Ok, allergy experts. It'’s

Time for you to play with all

Your new ideas.


Let'’s go! Come on!

Ha ha ha! Let'’s play a game

Called "who'’s behind the doors?"


Sid, I bet I can find you.

I'’ll just listen for your

Sneeze. Ha ha ha! Ok. Somebody

Give me a clue.

[May giggling]

I know who that is behind the

Diamond. It'’s gerald!

No! It was me! I was

Pretending to be gerald. Ha ha


Good one, may.

Thank you.

Ok. I'’m ready to guess where

Sid is.

I like mr. Bubbles. Thank


That'’s may behind the

Circle, right?

Ha ha! Nope! I tricked you,


Ok. I'’m not going to be

Tricked this time. Where are

You, sid?


There you are, sid.

You found me.

Bless you, sid.

Thanks, guys. Now that'’s



Hey. Let'’s play pretend.

I'’ll be the mommy, and sid can

Be the baby.

Mmm. I don'’t really feel

Like being the baby. How about

If I be the daddy and you be

The baby?

Ok. Fine with me. So daddy

Sid and mommy may are taking

Baby me--a talking baby--to see

Dr. Gerald, the allergy doctor.



Oh, hello. Our baby gabriela

Cannot stop sneezing. Could you

Help her, doctor?


Why, yes, I can. Dr. Gerald

Is here to help.

Yesterday, I touched my pet

Dog, and then I sneezed a lot.

Ah, yes, yes. Say no more. I

Know the problem. You don'’t

Like dogs.

No way! I love my dog! He

Even sleeps on my pillow and

Gets his fur all over it, and

Then I sneeze.

Ahh. Aha! I have figured out

The problem. You have a case of

Pillow shmillowitis, so just,

You know, stay away from



Uh, are you sure, doctor?

Yes, I am. I am a doctor.

Doctor, I think you could be

Wrong. If gabriela is around

Her dog so much and sneezes and

Sleeps on the pillow with the

Dog fur and sneezes, I think

She has an allergy to dogs.

An allergy? Eh, never heard

Of the word. Now if you'’ll

Pardon me, I feel like wearing

My cowboy hat.

♪ Do do do do



Here we are. Ha! Oh, oh. Oh,

No. This always happens when I

Wear my cowboy hat. Ah-ahchoo!



You always sneeze when you

Wear your cowboy hat?

Yep. Every time. Ahchoo!

That'’s because...

You have an allergy to

Cowboy hats!

Are you sure? I mean, it

Doesn'’t seem like--ah-ahchoo!


And now--ahchoo...

It'’s time--ahchoo...

For susie--ahchoo...

To sing! Ahchoo!

Go, susie!

Thank you. Well, my sneezing

Scientists have learned about

So many different kinds of

Allergies today, but, you know,

Sometimes it'’s not so easy to

Figure out exactly what makes

People--ah-ahchoo--sneeze. So

Here'’s a song about an allergy

Detective. Let'’s see if you can

Help her solve the mystery.


Ha ha!

♪ I'’m susie sneeze

The allergy detective

I'’ll figure out what makes you

Cough and wheeze ♪


♪ I'’m on the case

My methods are effective

I'’m the allergy detective

Susie sneeze ♪


♪ Well, hello, uncle lou

You want to know

What you'’re allergic to? ♪


♪ I see you paint your face

Like some folks do

That makes some people sniffle

Not you

You grow polka dot flowers

Of enormous size

But those plants don'’t seem

To give you watery eyes

This is fascinating

I'’ll keep investigating

I'’m susie sneeze

The allergy detective

I'’ll figure out what makes you

Cough and wheeze ♪


♪ I'’m on the case

My methods are effective

I'’m the allergy detective

Susie sneeze

You'’ve got exotic pets

A cute, little gnu

Those make some people sneeze

Not uncle lou

You went out for a walk

With your pet armadillo

You came back and laid down

On your fluffy pillow

That'’s when you

Started sniffling

At the very time and place

Aaaaaha ♪

You'’re allergic to something

In the pillow! I'’ve solved the

Pillow case!

♪ I'’m susie sneeze

The allergy detective

I'’ll figure out what makes you

Cough and wheeze ♪


♪ I'’m on the case

My methods are effective

I'’m the allergy detective

Susie sneeze ♪


Thank you!

Ha ha! Ok, my allergy

Detectives. It'’s time to go

Home. Let'’s look for allergies

As we head out the door. Come



Ooh. Allergies. Where are

They? Where are they?

Gerald is on the case!

Can'’t hide forever.

Now where'’s my sid?

Ooh! Right here, grandma.

Oh, ho ho ho!


Now. Okey-doke. Let'’s roll.

Let'’s roll!

♪ Backseat driving

With grandma ♪

Whoo! Oh, sid, I just loved

Visiting your class today.

Yeah. It was great. You

Taught us so much about the

Different kinds of allergies.

Well, that'’s my job. I just

Hope that none of your friends

Or you ever let any allergy

Hold you back from doing what

You want to do. No, siree. Say,

Here'’s a story for you.


There'’s an amazing person

Named jackie joyner kersee, who

Has really bad allergies, but

She'’s a great athlete, and even

Though she has to take special

Medicine, she never let her

Allergies stop her from

Competing in sports. Jackie

Always had a lot of allergies,

But she still played volleyball

And basketball and was a really

Fast runner. I mean, really

Fast. Jackie ran in different

Olympic games and won medals,

And jackie didn'’t let some

Allergies hold her back. She

Outran them all!

Wow! Jackie joyner kersee'’s


You bet.

Hmm. Dad should hear that

Story so he won'’t let grass and

Pollen stop him.


Heh. Hey. Maybe there'’s a

Way we can help dad. Wait!

There is!

There is?

Yeah! Grandma, can you stop

At the store to buy more

Facemasks for dad?

Okey-dokey, sid. That'’s a

Great idea! Next stop the store!

Yay! The store!


♪ I learned something cool

Something cool today

I know it upside down

And inside out

I learned all about... ♪

Ha ha ha!

♪ Allergies

Ahchoo! Ugh.

Scientist in the



Ahh. Hey, dad!


It was so great to have

Nurse expert grandma at school

Today. Grandma taught us so

Much about all different


Oh, thanks, sid. It was a

Lot of fun.

It sure was. Ooh! And, dad!

Yeah, sid?

I have a special surprise

Just for you!

Oh! I love surprises!

I know! Ready? Ta-da!

Hey! It'’s a mask. Ah.

Thanks, siddo. Thanks, mom.

You'’re welcome.

Sure, dad. I hope it helps

Your allergy and keeps that

Nasty pollen away from your

Nose when you cut the grass.

Well, there'’s one way to

Find out. I'’m going outside to

Mow that lawn.


Ok. Let'’s see if the mask


Yeah! Ha ha!

Yay! Ooh! There'’s dad!


Not sneezing. Ha ha!

Yay! Ha ha!


Using the lawnmower and

Still not sneezing. The mask


That'’s great! It works!

It really works! Ha ha!

Ahh. I can'’t believe how much I

Learned about allergies, and

Now I know why my dad sneezes

When he breathes in pollen.

He'’s allergic to it. Ha ha ha!

Wouldn'’t it be great if there

Was a way to get rid of all the

Things we breathe in that give

Us allergies? Hmm. Wait. Maybe

There is. Ok. I'’ve got it!

Here'’s my

Super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

Idea! I'’m going to invent the

Super-duper allergy vacuum

Machine. That'’s right. It's a

Special machine that can suck

Up all the things that give you

Allergies and make you sneeze.

Does dust make you sneeze? No

Problem! Just turn on the

Super-duper vacuum machine, and

It will get rid of dust where

You didn'’t even know you had


Ta-da! No more dust! How about

Pillow feathers? Do they make

You go ahchoo? Well just turn

On the machine...


And see you later, feathers!

And how about animals? Do all

Your pets have fur that make

You sneeze? Not anymore!


Good-bye, fur! Now you won'’t

Make anyone sneeze, and it'’s

All thanks to the super-duper

Allergy vacuum, and that'’s my

Super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

Idea! Yay! Whoo!


Bam! Ha ha! Ahh. Hey. If you

Have an allergy, I hope you

Don'’t sneeze too much, and be

Sure to help any friend who

Also has an allergy. Hmm. Ok.

Right now I'’m gonna take a deep

Breath and try not to sneeze.

Here goes. Ahhhh...

No sneeze yet. Still no sneeze.

Ahh. Hey. I am sid the not

Sneezing right now science kid!


Ha ha! Remember, keep asking

Lots and lots of questions. See

You later, scientists. Hee hee!

Be sure to check out another

Episode of "sid the science

Kid"! We'’ll discover how to

Take care of a pet, learn why

Our bodies need sleep, explore

Life cycles, and investigate

Allergies! There'’s lots to

Discover about living things on

"Sid the science kid"!