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03x14 - Sid's Backyard Campout!

Posted: 10/05/22 03:59
by bunniefuu
Hey, scientists. It'’s

Me--sid! My dad planned a big

Backyard camping adventure.

We'’re going to sing songs and

Camp in the backyard, and guess

What! You'’re invited to join us

For this special episode of

"Sid the science kid," coming

Up next.

Hey, is this thing on?

Heh heh!

♪ Hey, sid

What do you say?

What you want to learn today?

I want to know

Why things happen and how

And I want to know

Everything now

Oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do

What it just did?


What'’s up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning

And I want to know why

I got a lot of questions

And big ideas

I'’m... ♪

[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]

Oh, hi. It'’s me--sid! I'm

Packing for a big adventure

Because today'’s a very exciting


♪ Beautiful trees

You know we love them ♪

You see, dad'’s very excited.

♪ Beautiful trees

We need more of them ♪

Make that very, very

Excited. I'’ll tell you why. Dad

Organized a special campout in

The backyard tonight for me and

My friend gerald! Ha ha!

♪ Beautiful trees

You know, we love them

Beautiful trees

We need more of them

They take in carbon dioxide

Through their leaves

And put out oxygen

For everyone to breathe

Trees, beautiful trees ♪


Yay! Dad, I can'’t wait for

The campout!

Oh, me, too, sid, and you

Are gonna love sleeping outside

Under the beautiful stars,

Surrounded by nature. Oh, it'’s

Gonna be great.

Oh, boy!

Ok, sid. After lunch, the

Adventure begins!

Yay! Adventure!

♪ Beautiful trees

You know, we love them... ♪

Ha ha ha!

♪ Beautiful trees

We need more of them ♪

Hey. I just thought of

Something. Dad says I'’m gonna

Love sleeping outside in

Nature, but how exactly do you

Sleep outside? Um, I mean, all

My stuffed animals are inside,

And all my toys are inside, and

All my clothes are inside, our

Kitchen is inside, all our

Furniture is inside, and most

Importantly, my bed is inside.

Where will I sleep outside if I

Don'’t have a bed? Hmm. I am

Excited for the campout, but

Now I just got to know how am I

Going to sleep outside in the...



Hey, camper sid. Lunchtime!

Camper sid? That'’s me! Ha!

Ok. I'’m coming, mom. Iiiit's



Hi, mom! Hi, zekey!

It'’s camper sid!


Heh heh. Aw, little zekey.

Sorry you can'’t go camping with

Us tonight.

That'’s right, zeke. Camping

Outside is a big boy activity.

Yeah, zeke.

Helloooo, camper sid!

Hello, camper dad! Um, I

Have a question.


Well, all our stuff is

Inside the house, so how are we

Gonna eat and sleep outside?

No problem. I have

Everything we need to camp

Outside right here with my

Backpack. Ha ha!


See? I'’ve got clothes,

Lantern, flashlights, blanket,

Extra socks, sunblock, food,

And two tents!

Wow! All that stuff fit into

The backpack?


You sure you brought enough


Oh, absolutely. I'’m

Following the first rule of

Camping--you should only carry

In what you plan to carry out

Because you can'’t leave

Anything behind, no food, no

Trash, nothing.

Wow! Dad, you know a lot

About camping. I want to be a

Super camper, too!

Ha! Well, don'’t worry, sid.

I'’m gonna teach you and gerald

Everything I know about camping

In the great outdoors.

Oh, great.

[Doorbell rings]


Oh. Speaking of gerald, that

Must be him.

I'’ll go get the door.


Ugh. Alice, can you help me get

This off?

Oh, oh.

I think I might have put the

Straps too tight.

Hi, sid!

It'’s gerald! Hi, gerald.

Hi, sid!

Yay, gerald! Oh, great job

Packing for the campout. Looks

Like you fit everything you

Need into your backpack.

What, this little, old

Backpack? Ha! No. This just has

The extra batteries for all the

Toys I brought. Ha ha.



You brought a whole suitcase

Full of stuff for the campout?

No. Of course not. That

Would be silly.


I brought two suitcases full

Of stuff. Ha ha!


Ok. Let'’s see. I brought two

Kinds of pajamas, all my toys,

Ping pong balls, my

Flip-flops in case my feet get

Hot, my fuzzy bear slippers,

You know, in case my feet get

Cold, my toothbrush, my bongo

Drums, and of course my stuffed

Teddy bear mr. Coconut. He, um,

Sleeps next to me on my pillow.

Ah. I see. Well, remember,

You should only bring what you

Absolutely need on the camping

Trip. Maybe you should think

About leaving some stuff behind.

Well, ok. I'’ll try.

Ok, boys. Eat a good lunch.

Then let'’s meet on the patio to

Start the campout adventure!


Oh, this is so exciting.

Oh, alice, it'’s gonna be

Fun! I'’m feeling it!

Ok. I'’m ready!

Ah. Great. Where'’s gerald?

Oh. Um, well...

I'’m coming!


Oh. Hi, sid'’s family. Ha ha! I

Put everything I need into one

Suitcase, and I didn'’t even

Bring my ping pong balls or my


Way to go, gerald! Ok, boys.

It'’s time to begin the camping





Bye-bye, alice. Mm-wha!


To the backyard!


Good-bye, mom!

Bye to all my boys. Have a

Great time. I'’ll miss you.

Ahh. Heh heh.




Uh, gerald, how about

Leaving that suitcase here, and

If you need it, you'’ll know

Where to find it.

Oh. Great idea, sid'’s dad.

This thing is heavy.

Ok. Let'’s go!


Ha ha! This is gonna be fun.

And we'’re here! Heh heh.



Yay! Ha ha!

You know, I'’ve been camping

Ever since I was a boy your

Age. It'’s one of my favorite

Things to do.

I want to learn how to camp!

Yeah! Me, too!

Ok. Well, first thing we

Need to do is find a nice spot

To set up our campsite. Any


Um, well, it'’s kind of sunny.

Yeah, you'’re right. Well, we

Need someplace cool.


In the shade!

Great idea. In the shade.

And while I set up the tents,

You two can look around for

Some sticks so we can roast

Marshmallows around the

Campfire later.

Wow! Marshmallows!

Marshmallow, marshmallow,

Marshmallow, marshmallow,


Ha ha!

You know, I always find that

While I'’m camping in nature

It'’s fun to get some songs

Going. What do you say we sing

While we set up our campsite?



All right. Great.

Hey. You can join us on our

Campout and sing with us.

♪ It'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

That a shadow has made

Yeah, it'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

I think I'’ll kick back


'’Cause it's cool in the shade

Plants and animals

Lots of living things

Need the cool protection

That a shadow brings

Am I cool customer?

Indeed I am, hey

Those are the facts and

I'’m just relaxing

Because it'’s

Cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Yeah, it'’s cool

In the shade ♪


Ha ha! Oh. Hey. Nice

Marshmallow sticks.

Oh, thanks.

Nice campsite, dad.

Well, thanks, sid. Who wants

To explore the backyard, maybe

Look for some animals?

Whoa! There are animals out


There sure are. You know,

When I went camping as a kid

With my dad, we used to go on a

Wildlife watch.

What'’s a wildlife watch?

Well, you draw pictures in

Your journal of the animals you

Think you might find. Then we

Go exploring to find them.

Sound like fun?


Oh, yeah!

All right. Your journals are

In your tent.


Come on, sid.


I think we'’ll find one of

These and maybe one of these

And--ooh! I hope we find this



Done! Ha!

Ok. Let'’s see what you got.

Ok. Um, I drew a bird and a

Worm and a spider!

Ah. Very good, sid. Maybe we

Will see those animals.

Hey. Hey. Check out my list.


Ok. Um, I drew a squirrel.

Yep. We might see one of


And some bees.

Very good.

Oh, and a polar bear!

A...polar bear?

Yeah. I love polar bears.

Well, you never know. Ok.

Let'’s start the wildlife watch

And look for some animals.


♪ We'’re looking

For some animals

We'’re looking for you... ♪


♪ I don'’t see

Any animals... ♪

Pardon me. G-gerald?

♪ Where did they go?

I'’m look-- ♪


Yeah, sid'’s dad?

Well, I definitely think the

Animals will hear you when you

Sing loudly, but do you think

They'’ll come closer or get

Scared and run away?

Oh, ha! I get it. Because we

Have to be quiet, right?! Oh...


I mean, we have to be quiet.

Good idea. Come on, boys.

Let'’s look for animals. Quietly.

Uh, yeah. Follow me. I know

Where to go.


Ha ha!


See? Spider in the stump. Ha!

I'’m gonna go check it off in my





Spider. Check.

Good job, sid. Ok, gerald.

Now you lead the way.

Ok. Ha ha! Hmm.


Oh! Oh! There'’s a squirrel

Right over there.

Oh, yeah.

I think his bushy tail helps

Him to balance. Oh. I got to

Put it in my journal.


Ha. Squirrel is check. Ha ha!

Well done, gerald. Let'’s

Keep going.


All right.

Where are animals? Hmm.



Dad, what'’s wrong? Why'd you

Stop? Huh?

Sid, I think your dad is

Trying to fly.


Uh--ooh. Wow! Look, gerald.

It'’s a-a bird!

A bird!


That tree is his home. Hmm.

Hey. Let'’s go check it off.



And bird check. So being a

Good camper means you got to

Move around quietly so you can

See lots of animals.

You got it, sid. There are

Some amazing things to see in



Ooh! Hey, guys. I see

Another one!

Huh? What?

Oh. I'’ll give you a hint.


Oh, I know. Bees!


But where?




Oh, great. Cool.

It looks like they'’re

Talking to each other. I wonder

What they'’re saying. "Bzzz!

Hello, there!"

[Sid and gerald laughing]

We know how bees talk to

Each other!

Yeah! We learned about it at

School. Bees talk to each other

By dancing!


Hey, gerald. Let'’s become

Bees and show my dad how it'’s

Done. Bzzz.

Ok, sid. Ha ha ha!

Bzzz. Hey. Come on. You can

Become a bee and dance and sing

With us. Ha!

♪ This sweet honeycomb

Is home, sweet, home

But to find our food

The worker bees

Have got to roam

How do they tell us

Where the food will be?

They communicate by dancing

It'’s a sight to see

They'’re busy, busy

Busy, busy buzzing

Because we'’re in the honey biz

They do the waggle dance

Or do the round dance

To tell every bee

Where the pollen is

They'’re busy, busy

Busy, busy buzzing

They really put on a show

Ha ha!

The worker bees communicate

By dancing

That'’s how they tell us

Where to go

They'’re busy

Busy, busy buzzing

They really put on a show

The worker bees communicate

By dancing

That'’s how they tell us

Where to go

Ooh, ooh, yeah ♪

Ha ha! Yeah.

Hey. That was amazzzing.

Thanks for teaching me the bee


Oh, you'’re welcome.

Boy, I can'’t believe how

Many animals we saw out here.

Yeah. There were a bunch.

Yeah. We saw squirrels.

Mm-hmm. And spiders and


And bees. Ha ha! Hey. Hey.

That'’s a lot of animals.

Yeah, and they all live

Right here in our backyard.

You'’re right, sid. In fact,

We'’re camping in the middle of

Many animals'’ homes right now.

This is a backyard habitat.

Oh, I know what that is. A

Habitat is where animals live

And eat and make their homes.

You'’ve got to get into the


Of respecting different



♪ Watch where

You'’re stepping

Be aware of where you roam ♪

Wait, wait!


That'’s one of my favorite

Songs. Here, zeke. Go to daddy.

I'’d like to sing with you.

All right!


Mom'’s gonna sing with us!


Ha ha ha! Hey. I bet you

Love helping animals and

Nature, too, so you can sing

With us. Ha.


♪ Watch where

You'’re stepping

Be aware of where you roam

That rock or grass

You'’re walking on

Might be somebody'’s home

Don'’t litter in the water

Don'’t leave your garbage

In the sea

Fish and plant life

Live in there

Keep it clean as can be

You'’ve got to get

Into the habit

Of respecting different habitats

Get into the habit

Of not messing

With the this and thats

Plants and animals, too

They have homes just like you

So get into the habit

Get into the habit

Get into the habit

Of respecting

Different habitats ♪


Go, habitats!

Go, habitaaaa...

Ooh. Sleepy zekey, it'’s


Oh. I didn'’t realize how

Late it was.

There you go.

It will be getting dark out

Here soon.

Uh, dark? Sh-sh-she said

Dark? H-h-how dark?

Good night.

Night, night.

Good night, alice.

Good night, mom!

Good night.

Ok, boys. We better gather

Some wood for our fire. Let'’s

Hurry before it gets too dark.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Uh, yeah. So, um, I

Just, um--i just have a quick

Question for sid'’s mom, so I'll

Be right back. Guh!


No problem. We'’ll be out

Here, gerald.

Sid'’s mom! Sid's mom! Sid'’s


I'’m here. What's wrong,


Well, you said it'’s gonna

Get dark, and when it gets

Dark, it'’s gonna be scary.

Oh, I understand why you'’re

Scared. Come have a seat with

Me, sweetie. Let'’s talk about



You know, gerald, there'’s

Nothing to be scared of in the


Are you sure?

I'’m sure, and you know what?

It'’s not going to be completely


Yeah, but there aren'’t any

Lights outside.

Sure there are. You'’ll be

Sleeping under the beautiful

Moon and stars, and they give

Off lots of light, and I

Promise to keep the kitchen

Light on all night long. Hey.

♪ A lamp lights

A farmhouse window

On a quiet country highway

A firefly sparks

Here and there

A full moon lights

The sky away

On a two-lane road

Some headlights can be seen

On a couple of cars

There'’s not a lot of lights

Out here

So you really can see the stars

Country lights

And city lights

Each light source

Helps you see the sights

See for yourself

On starry nights

Country lights

And city lights

The city has the hustle bustle

Neon lights shine brightly

Incandescent and fluorescent

Lights light up the city nightly

It'’s almost as bright

As daylight

With billboards

Which are big of course

Lights coming

From every direction

From many a different

Light source

Country lights

City lights

See for yourself

On starry nights

Dream a dream

'’Neath skies so bright

Everything'’s gonna be

All right ♪

Ahh. I feel much better.

Oh, I'’m so glad, gerald! Are

You ready for more camping?

Ha ha! Yes, I am! Darkness,

Here I come! Ha ha! Um, thanks,

Sid'’s mom.

Oh. You'’re quite welcome,


Heh heh.

Ha ha! Ha ha!



Ha ha! Camping outside in

The dark is gonna be awesome!


There you are. Everything

Ok, gerald?

Yep. Everything'’s great.

Whoa! Look at all the stars

In the sky. It'’s beautiful.

And the moon makes it so

Bright out here.

Well, eating under the

Beautiful stars and bright moon

Is one of my favorite things

About camping. Now who'’s hungry?

I am!

Hey. Should we order pizza

Or maybe chinese food? We could

Also just, you know, pick up

Some bean burritos or--

Gerald, we'’re not going to

Order food. We'’re gonna cook

Our own food right here at the



Oh, ok. Ha ha! Yummy! This

Looks good.

Yeah. Smells good, too.

Hey. Are those beans? I like

Beans! I really like beans!

Hey. Hey, sid. Did I ever tell

You that I like beans?

Yeah. Ha ha!

Gerald, would you like to

Help cook dinner and stir the


Ok. Ha ha! Come on, beans.

Cook. I want to eat you! Ha ha!

Um, sid'’s dad, can we please

Eat now?

We can eat. Let'’s dig in!


Everybody grab a plate.


Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Mmm, mmm!

Great dinner, sid'’s dad!

Yeah. Eating outside in

Nature is fun.

Ha ha!

Ha ha! But we sort of made a

Mess out here.

Well, remember, the best way

To enjoy nature is to leave it

The exact same way you found it

When you got there.


Sid, what would a super

Camper do?

Oh, um, I know. We have to

Clean up our trash.

Yeah! Let'’s clean this place!

A great idea. I'’ll bring the

Dishes into the house, and you

Boys can put the cans and paper

In the recycling bins.

Great. Take care of these



We'’re cleaning up the outdoors.


Good-bye, cans!

All done. We got to keep it

Clean out here.

Right because we'’re guests

In nature'’s home.


Well, boys, I'’m really proud

Of you. You'’ve become super

Campers today!

Thanks, sid'’s dad.

Yeah. Thanks, dad. You know,

You taught me a lot. I really

Like camping outside in nature.

Oh, great, sid.

Yeah, me, too, especially

Camping in the dark, and, well,

I didn'’t even need any of my

Toys or games to have a good

Time. Ha ha!

Yeah, because there'’s lots

To do outside. You can look at

The stars in the sky, find

Animals, and cook dinner and

Sing songs.

Well, you know, there'’s

Another thing you can do when

You camp out in nature.




Remember the sticks you


We can roast marshmallows!

That'’s right! And while you

Boys roast the marshmallows, we

Can sing a great camping song

That celebrates one of the most

Amazing things in nature, our

Wonderful, beautiful trees.

Ha ha! Hey. You know this

Song. You can sing with us

Around the campfire.

♪ Pine trees in the forest

Palm trees by the sea

Oaks and maples

Help you and me

With air to breathe

And food to eat ♪

Ha ha!

♪ Shady shade

To beat the heat

Beautiful trees

You know, we love them

Beautiful trees

We need more of them

They take in carbon dioxide

Through their leaves

And put out oxygen

For everyone to breathe

Trees, beautiful trees

Elms and magnolias

In the towns and cities

Cacti in the desert

Are sure enough pretty

So let'’s salute them

And let'’s applaud them

And plant more of them

Be glad we got them

Beautiful trees

You know, we love them

Beautiful trees

We need more of them

They take in carbon dioxide

Through their leaves

And put out oxygen

For everyone to breathe

Trees, beautiful trees

Trees, beautiful trees ♪

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

That is my favorite camping


Oh, that'’s my favorite

Camping song, too, dad.

That'’s my boy!

And that'’s my marshmallow!

Let'’s eat!

Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Go for it. Nice toasty

Marshmallows over a campfire.

Ahh. They'’re the best.

Mmm. Delicious.

Yeah. Ha ha!

Well, boys, our evening is

Coming to an end, but before we

Go to bed, I want to teach you

One more fun thing to do on




Well, look up at the sky,

Find the perfect star, and make

A wish.

Um, hey, sid'’s dad?

Yeah, gerald?

Can I please tell you my



Well, I just wish that I can

Come camping with you and sid

Again because I had a really

Good time.

Gerald, I wished for the

Same thing. Ha ha ha!

You know what? I think I can

Make both of those wishes come

True. Why don'’t we camp out

Here again in a few weeks?

All right!

Really? Yeah!

All right, campers. Now it'’s

Really time for bed. Everyone

Into your tent and crawl into

Your sleeping bags.

Oh, sid'’s dad, sid's dad?

Did you put mr. Coconut into my

Sleeping bag?

I sure did. He'’s waiting for

You on your pillow.

Oh. Ha ha! Thank you!

You'’re welcome. All right.

Sleep tight, boys.

Hey. Camping outside is so

Much fun. Hey. You can ask a

Grownup to take you camping,

Too, and then you can sleep

Outside in nature just like

Me--sid the science kid! Ha ha!

Ok. I'’m going to bed inside my

Tent. Good night, camping

Scientists. Heh heh!

Good night, sid.

Good night, gerald.

Good night, mr. Coconut.

"Good night, gerald."

Good night, dad.

Good night, sid'’s dad!


[Sid and gerald laughing]

Be sure to check out another

Episode of "sid the science

Kid." We'’ll investigate at the

Science center, explore in the

Backyard, and make lots of

Discoveries! See you next time

On "sid the science kid"!

Wow! Ha ha ha! Oh. Hi. We'’re

Just checking out our web site.

You can explore with us.


That'’s a great idea! Come

Join us! Visit

There'’s a lot of great

Information for grownups, too.

I think we look pretty good

In the computer.


There are so many different

Types of scientists. Let'’s meet

One now!

My name is megan owen, and

I'’m a wildlife biologist at the

San diego zoo. Right now, I

Think I get to study one of the

Best animals in the world. It'’s

The giant panda.

You can grow up to be a

Scientist, too.

Wow! Ha ha ha! Oh. Hi. We'’re

Just checking out our web site.

You can explore with us.


That'’s a great idea! Come

Join us! Visit

There'’s a lot of great

Information for grownups, too.

I think we look pretty good

In the computer.


Hey, scientists. It me--

Sid the science kid!

There are so many different

Types of scientists. Let'’s meet

One now!

My name is megan owen, and

I'’m a wildlife biologist at the

San diego zoo. Right now, I

Think I get to study one of the

Best animals in the world. It'’s

The giant panda. This is bai

Yun. She'’s a -year-old female

Giant panda, and we'’ve been

Studying her for a really long

Time. Pandas are an endangered

Species, which means there

Aren'’t very many of them left

In the wild. That makes our job

Here at the zoo that much more

Important. We study everything

We can about the pandas here,

How much they eat, how much

They rest, how much playtime

They need, and this helps us

Understand what they need to

Survive and thrive in the wild.

You can grow up to be a

Scientist, too.