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03x12 - Shadow Smile!

Posted: 10/05/22 03:57
by bunniefuu
Hey, scientists.

It'’s me--sid. I want to know

Why my shadow doesn'’t smile

When I smile, so my friends and

I are going to a science center

To investigate all the amazing

Things we can do with our

Shadow shapes. Come explore

With me--sid the science kid--

Coming up next.

Hey, is this thing on?

Heh heh!

♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to

Know everything now, oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what it just



What'’s up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning and I

Want to know why

I got a lot of questions

And big ideas, I'’m... ♪

[Captioning made possible by

The jim henson company]


Oh, hi! It'’s me--sid.

You gotta see this!

Ok, when I lift my leg up, my

Shadow lifts its leg up. See?

And then when I lift my arm up,

My shadow lifts its arm up.

And then when I jump around like


Shadow jumps like a frog, too.

Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!

I'’m jumping! I'm jumping.

My shadow is jumping! [Laughs]

Oh. Oh. Hey, wait a minute.

When I jump, my shadow jumps,

But when I smile, my shadow

Doesn'’t smile.

Hmm...well, maybe I just need

To make a bigger smile. Ok.

Still no smile on my shadow.

Try again.

Wow. No smile.

Ok, biggest one yet. Ready...

I just gotta know!

Why doesn'’t my shadow smile


[Echo effect] I smile?

Sid, sweetie,

Breakfast is ready.

Hey, mom, can you help me do

A super quick investigation

Before breakfast?

Sure, I'’m always happy to

Help my young scientist.

Great! Thanks, mom.

Ok, so come stand next to me

On the grass.


Ok. And then, all right,

Then, now

Lift up your leg, please.

Lift my leg?

Well, ok!

Mm-hmm. All right. Now,

Please lift your arm.

All right.

Ok. Right. Now, could you

Please jump around like a frog.

Like this. Boing.

Ribbit. Ribbit.

A frog?

Ok, anything for science.

Thanks, mom.

Ribbit! Ribbit!

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit,

Ribbit, ribbit!

I'’m a mommy frog! [Laughs]

Hey, mom, ha!

There'’s something wrong with

Your shadow, too!

There is?


It looks ok to me.

Yeah, but mom, your shadow

Doesn'’t smile when you do!

And neither does mine!

Watch this.

See, no smile.

Now I understand.

Sid, your shadow doesn'’t smile

When you do because shadows

Don'’t show details like lines

Or colors, they just show the

Shapes of things.


Shadows only show shapes?

I don'’t get it.

Well, what do you notice

About the shadow of our


Oh, um...well, I see the

Round shadow shape of

The umbrella...


But I don'’t see the red and

White stripes on the umbrella!

I only see its shape!

Sid, you just made a

Discovery about shadows!

Yes, I did!

This is a big discovery, mom!

I have to go to school and

Investigate more!

Where do shadows come from?

How do you make shadows?

Why are some shadows big and

Some are small?

I have so many questions about


Yes, you do...and

I know you can'’t wait to

Investigate at school...but

First, it'’s time for you and

Your shadow to eat some


Ooh. Ha. Right, breakfast

First! Ok, c'’mon, shadow!

It'’s breakfast time! Ha ha.


♪ Breakfast time with me and

My shadow ♪

♪ I love my mom!


My mom is cool!


But now it'’s time

For havin'’ fun at school

Yeah! ♪

Ha ha ha!


♪ I'’m lookin' for my friends

I'’m lookin' for you

There'’s gabriela! ♪

Watch what I can do!

Yeah, ready, set, go!

♪ Wow!

I'’m lookin' for my friends

I'’m lookin' for you

Hey, there'’s gerald! ♪

Yeah, check out my moves!

I'’m a rock star!

Gerald in the house!


♪ I'’m lookin' for my friends

I'’m lookin' for you...hey,

There'’s may! ♪

May I show you how I groove?

All right, so cool!


♪ We'’re looking for our


We'’re looking for you!

Hey, there'’s sid! ♪

Did you hear the one about

The kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

That'’s you!

♪ You got me


♪ Da-da-da-da-da-da


♪ We'’re looking for our


And look what we found!

We found each other--friends! ♪


It'’s time for: sid the

Science reporter!

Hello. I am sid the science

Reporter, and I have really big


What'’s your big news?

I can'’t wait to hear it!

Is your big news about

Chocolate cake?

Nope, it'’s even better than


I discovered that when you

Smile, your shadow doesn'’t

Smile with you.


Yeah, really. Go ahead.

Find your shadow, smile,

And see what happens.

Good idea!

Let'’s find our shadows!

Yeah, ok!

[All talking at once]

Oh, shadow! Hey!

Hey, it'’s me--gerald.

Let'’s try on the other side

Of the sandbox.

Sometimes your shadow hides.

Oh, excuse me, sid.

Let'’s see.

Oh, oh! I made a shadow over

Here on the sunny side!

You did?

I did it!

Hey, I'’m gonna go find mine.

Ha ha.

There it is! Hello, shadow!

My shadow. I thought I'’d

Never find it.

Ok, now, on the count of ,

Everybody smile like this

As big as you can.





You'’re right, sid, my shadow

Doesn'’t smile when I do.

Wow, I can'’t believe it.

I can'’t get my shadow to

Smile, either!

C'’mon, can do it!

Smile with me!

Class, we'’re going on a

Field trip to a science center!

[All cheering]

We'’re going to a science

Center with teacher susie!

Let'’s go!

Are my scientists ready to

Explore and discover new things



Susie, we discovered

Something new on the playground!

When you smile, your shadow

Doesn'’t smile with you.

Oh, you'’re right, may.

Well, I'’m impressed with your

Discovery. And it'’s a good thing

We'’re going to the science

Center, because it'’s a great

Place to investigate shadows!

So everybody line up and get on

The bus!

[All cheering, talking at once]

♪ Field trip!

Here we go!

Field trip!

Move your feet!

Field trip!

We'’re ready!

Get on the bus and take a


Field trip!

With teacher susie!

Good times on the way!

Field trip!

C'’mon, let's go!

We'’ve got a lot

To learn today ♪

Yooom! Ha ha!

Hey, you'’re a scientist.

You can go to a science center,


Field trip to the science


[Laughter, cheering]

Welcome to the science


Now, before we investigate

Shadows here, can anyone tell

Me more about your shadow

Investigation on the playground?

Oh, I can!

Um, ok, so we were trying to

Make shadows on the shady side

Of the playground.

So first we went over here, but

We couldn'’t find our

Shadows, so then I looked over

Here. There were still no

Shadows. So then I said, ok,

I'’m gonna try over here, and I

Looked and there were still

No shadows. Ha ha.

No shadows anywhere.

Then I went to the sunny side

Of the playground, and I

Made a shadow!

And then we all ran to

The sunny side, and we all

Made shadows.

How interesting. So

You made a shadow the same way

This tree is making a shadow.

Right! Yeah! That'’s exactly

How we made shadows in the sun!

Yeah, when the sun was

Behind us, we made shadows in

Front of us on the ground!

Yeah. Hey, I just made

Another discovery about shadows!

You need the sun

To make a shadow!

Oh, good discovery, sid!

Thanks, gerald.

Well, using the sun is one

Way to make a shadow, but follow

Me and let'’s discover if it's

The only way.


Look at this picture.

[Oohing and ahhing]

Hey, hey, wait a second.

That flower is making a shadow,

But I don'’t see the sun!

[Gasp] susie, I don'’t think

You need the sun to make a


Good observations!

To make a shadow, you just need

A light source...

And you need someone or

Something to block part of the

Light coming from that

Light source.

And when you block part of the

Light, what do you get?

A shadow!

Ooh, I wonder if I make a

Shadow from a light source

That'’s not the sun...if

Then my shadow will smile when

I do?


Oh! I wonder if the bunny on my

Shirt will show up on my shadow?

Maybe the polka dots on my

Shirt will show up on my shadow!

Or if you'’re wearing a shirt

With stripes, will the stripes

Show up on the shadow?

Hey, hey, a zebra has

Stripes! I bet--i bet a zebra

Could see the stripes on its


I think you'’re all asking

Great questions!

So who'’s ready to do a shadow

Investigation here at the

Science center?

We are!

Well, who wants to make a

Puppet to investigate shadows?

We do!

Great. Let'’s go make puppets

And investigate. Come on!

[All cheering]

You'’re a scientist. You can

Try this at a science center,

Too! Come on!

Ok, scientists, let'’s

Investigate shadows!

First we'’re going to make

Animal puppets, then we'’ll

Discover if the different

Colors and designs on our

Puppets show up when we make

Shadows with them.

Hey, your puppets look great!

For this puppet, try gluing on

Different textures.

You can decorate your puppet

However you like.

Do you think all the textures

On this puppet will show up on

Its shadow?

It'’s time to investigate and

Find out!

We'’ll begin with this butterfly


Let'’s find out if the pink and

Blue colors show up on its


When we shine a light source on

The puppet from behind, we make

A shadow in front of the puppet

On the wall.

And there'’s our butterfly


Do you see the pink and blue


No, we can only see

Its shadow shape.

But we can see the shadow move.

Now let'’s discover if the

Textures on this bear puppet

Show up on its shadow.

You can'’t see any of the colors

Or textures on the bear puppet!

You can only see the shadow


And if you blow on the feather,

You can see the shape of the

Feather moving in its shadow.

Wow, we'’ve discovered lots of

Amazing things about shadows


The science center is a great

Place to investigate and

Explore all kinds of shadows!

Great job, scientists!

[All talking at once]


Guys, my zebra puppet wants to

Tell you something.

Ok, um, my shadow doesn'’t show

My stripes.

Aww, poor little

Zebra puppet.

I wonder if real

Zebras try to see the stripes on

Their shadows?

[Giggling] I bet they do!

Once upon a time, there was a

Zebra who really, really wanted

To see his stripes on his


So he painted his stripes a

Really bright yellow!

[Giggling] but he still

Couldn'’t see his stripes on his


Oh, and then the zebra glued

On green feathers on his

Stripes, but he still couldn'’t

See the stripes on his shadow!

Oh, and then the zebra glued

Pink, fuzzy flowers onto his


But he still couldn'’t see the

Stripes on his shadow!

Oh, no!

The zebra was so sad, he

Couldn'’t see the stripes

On his shadow.

Oh, neigh, neigh, neigh.

I'’m so sad. But then all of his

Friends came over for a party,

Because they wanted to play with

The only zebra in the world

Who had yellow


Fuzzy-flower stripes!


And now he'’s happy!

[All cheering]

How are my shadow experts

Doing over here?

Did you finish your lunch?


We made up a story about a

Zebra who really wanted to see

The stripes on his shadow!

What a fun story!

Well, since you'’re really

Excited about shadows, after

You clean up the table, we can

Explore the science center some


[All talking at once]

And I'’ll collect all the

Wonderful puppets you made and

Follow you out the door.

So let'’s go!

[All talking at once]

Hey, hey, look at me,

I'’m that starfish!

And I'’m your shadow!


Hey, I have an idea!

Let'’s be each other's shadow!

Whatever you do, I'’ll do.

Mm, ok.



Hey, hey, may,

I'’ll be your shadow, ok?

What should I do?


Hey, may, pick up your leg

And wiggle it around!


This is easy, may.

Oh, really?

Hey, sid, move faster!


Arms out!

Squat down!

Jump up!


Ok, may, let'’s go crazy!


I'’m a kangaroo!

Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop!

I'’m a tornado!

I'’m a dinosaur!

Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!

I'’m a monkey!

Ooh ooh! Ahh! Ahh!

Ooh ooh! Ahh! Ahh!

My shadow is making me


Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp!


And my shadow is stomping

Away from me!

Come back, shadow!

Hey, shadow!

[All talking at once]

Looks like you'’re all having

A good time over here.

Oh, hi, susie. I was

Pretending to be may'’s shadow.

And I was sid'’s shadow!

Wow, shadows can be so much

Fun. And you know what?

Shadows can be helpful, too.

They can provide shade, and

That'’s a great place to cool

Off when it'’s hot outside!

I happen to know a little song

About shadows and shade.

Sid, may I please borrow

Your microphone?

Oh, sure. Here you go.

Thank you.

[Music playing]

♪ It'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Cool in the shade that a

Shadow has made

Yeah, it'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

I think I'’ll kick back

'’Cause it's cool in the shade

I'’m sittin' in the shadow of a

Big skyscraper

It'’s blocking out the sun

While I'’m reading the paper

What causes a shadow?

Lots of things you see--

Anything that comes between the

Sun and me

It'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Cool in the shade that a

Shadow has made

Yeah, it'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

I think I'’ll kick back

'’Cause it's cool in the shade

Plants and animals

Lots of living things

Need the cool protection

That a shadow brings

Am I a cool customer?

Indeed I am!

Those are the facts and

I'’m just relaxin' '’cause

It'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

That a shadow has made

Yeah, it'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

I think I'’ll kick back

'’Cause it's cool in the shade

It'’s cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Cool in the shade

Yeah, it'’s cool in the shade ♪

[All cheering]

Why, thank you!

Here'’s your microphone, sid.

Why, thank you.

Hey, what are you guys up to?


Are you pretending to be

My shadow?



Very creative!

Ok, scientists, you can all

Pretend to be my shadow

All the way to the bus!

It'’s time to go back to school.

Let'’s go, shadows!

♪ Do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do

♪ Going back to school!

Ha ha ha. Oh, who'’s back

From the science center!

I am, grandma!

Bye, sid!


Ohh. Mm!

Okey dokey, let'’s roll!

Yeah! Let'’s roll!

[Music playing]



♪ Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do

Backseat driving

With grandma!


So...tell me all about your

Trip to the science center.

I love that place!

Me, too!

We learned that when you block

Part of the light coming from a

Light source, you make a shadow!

But guess what?


You can'’t see things like a

Zebra'’s stripes on its shadow,

But you can see the zebra'’s

Shapes on its shadow!

Oh, that'’s right.

Ooh wee, I love shadow shapes.

You can do all kinds of fun

Things with them!

When I was a little girl, my

Father would make animal shadow

Shapes on the wall with his


Animal shadow shapes?


Wow is right!

He would turn on a lamp, aim it

Toward a wall, and then he'’d put

His hands in front of the light

To block it...and

Make animal shapes!

He could make a doggy shadow!

A bunny shadow!

A flying butterfly shadow!

And he could even make an

Elephant shadow!

How about that? Ha ha.

Wow. I can'’t believe your dad

Made animal shadow shapes with

His hands!

That sounds amazing!

Oh, it was!

My dad used to put on a whole

Animal shadow show!

Hey, I want to put on a

Shadow show, too!

Maybe I can do a show for

Little zeke!

What a sweet idea.

Oh, you'’re a good big brother,


Thanks, grandma.

And you'’re a super duper


[Chuckles ]

I have the best

Grandma ever!

♪ I learned something cool

Something cool today

I know it upside down and

Inside out

I learned all about... ♪

Ha ha ha ha!

Shadows! Meh. Ha ha.

Scientist in the house! Yeah.

[Studio audience applause]

Oh, this is gonna be fun.

Ha ha. Hey, hey, zekey, look at

Your big brother. He wants to

Show you something special.


Ok, zeke, now, to make a

Shadow I need a light

Source...and there it is up in

The sky...the sun!


And I need something to

Block part of the light

I have josie, my new puppet

Edison the elephant, and me,

Your big brother sid!


And look, we'’re making



And now it'’s time for your

Very own animal shadow show!

An animal shadow show?

Hey, I love shadow shows!

Oh, mort, I forgot how much

You like shadow shows.

I sure do!

Hey, dad, come over here.

I have an idea!


Ok. You can be

Josie in my show!

Really? I get to be in the

Show? All right! Awesome!

Ok. Ahem. And now for the

Show. Once upon a time, edison

The elephant was walking down

The street.

[Edison voice] I'’m walking down

The street.

Doo de doo, dum de dum.

[Elephant trumpet]

Then all of a sudden,

Josie the doggie arrived.

[Josie voice] woof! Woof! Awoo!

Hello there, edison!

Hello there, josie.

Have you seen a dog fly?

Why, no, I haven'’t, josie.

Well, watch

This! Whoo! I'’m a flying dog!



[Regular voice] well, edison

The elephant wanted to fly, too.

So he jumped up as high as he

Could and he started to fly!

[Edison voice] yay, I'’m flying!

Woo hoo!

[Josie voice] me, too! Awoo!

Oh, zekey, I agree with you!

This is the best animal shadow

Show I'’ve ever seen!


[Edison voice] thank you!

[Josie voice] yes, thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

[Grandma laughs]

I had the most amazing day

At the science center!

Now I know that shadows don'’t

Show smiles, or stripes, or


They do show shapes!

Ha ha! Hmm.

You know, I like my

Shadow shape,

But it sure would be fun to try

Out a new shadow shape.

Hey, that gives me an idea!

Ok, I'’ve got it!

Here'’s my super duper ooper

Shmooper big idea!

I'’m going to create a place

Called "the shadow switch"!

It'’s like a store, but instead

Of buying stuff, you switch

Your shadow with someone else!

Maybe you'’ve always wanted to

Have the shadow shape of a


Well, now you can!

And now that hippo can borrow

Your shadow!

[Hippo voice] ooh, nice shadow!

[Regular voice] you can switch

Your shadows with lots of

Animals and walk around town

With the shadow of a monkey, or

A lion, or an octopus!

Wow, an octopus shadow would be

A great shadow shape!

With "the shadow switch," every

Person and every animal can try

Out any shadow they want!

It'’ll be a world of crazy

Shadow shapes! Yay!

And that'’s my super duper ooper

Shmooper big idea! Whoo! Yeah!

[Studio audience applause]

Oh, hey, even dr. Beaks

Makes a shadow! Wa-cha!

Look at that, dr. Beaks--your

Shadow is dancing! [Chuckles]

Cha! Ahh!

I am sid, the shadow making...

[Echo] science kid!

And remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions!

And keep making lots and lots

Of shadows!

See ya later, scientists!

Hmm. Wa-cha! Ha ha.

Oh, yeah, look at that--our

Shadows are dancing together.

How nice.

Be sure to check out another

Episode full of amazing science.

My friends and I will

Investigate darkness, discover

Where light comes from, make

Observations about our shadows,

And explore how

Rainbows are made.

See you next time on "sid

The science kid."

There'’s lots more science fun to

Explore online at