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12x02 - Lowjacked

Posted: 10/04/22 15:16
by bunniefuu
[light music]

Ugh. So we're just walking

to the plane here?

- Where is it? In the 1950s?

- I think it's romantic.

And hiking is a romantic version

of being a starving caveman,

but it's all walking,

and therefore dumb.

Surprise team-building trip

from our generous

new financial backer!

- Ugh. Don't remind me.

- Oh, come on.

You're just mad that our

generous new financial backer

- is also your husband

- Ya think?

Thereby obliterating

any division

between your work life

and your personal life,

- and radically destabilizing your relationship.

- Ya think?

- I do think.

- So where do you think

Robert's taking us

for team building?

Probably some godforsaken

place with more militias

than total teeth.

I'm thinking Idaho.

- Or maybe hell.

- [chuckles] What's the difference?

Like your backwoods-ass can talk.


Your family tree is a circle.

- I told you that in confidence!

- Whoa. Wow.

What kind of

moonshine-fueled hoedown

you got going on

in your bloodstream right now?

I hate boring-ass flights,


and most of all,

a third thing I just forgot.

So between

the four Bloody Mary's

and the sleeping pills,

Mr. Sandman is coming.

- ROBERT: Hey, guys!

- Wow.

I chartered this beauty

for our team-building retreat.

And that's when she called

the divorce lawyer.

[laughs] Just kidding.

It cost a lot to bring this out

of storage, but as your new CFO,

it was worth it

to see the looks on your faces.

We're going to Paris

on that!

[whimsical music]

The Goldhawk.

If aeronautical engineering is an art,

this is the Mona Lisa.

Two floors of airborne luxury.

[eagle cries out]

Relax in our sauna-massage area.

Drop your pet at our dog hotel.

Or enjoy our casino.

But a quick note

for our return guests.

The pan-gender brothel has been

closed for legal reasons.

Enjoy your flight

on the Goldhawk.

[eagle cries out]

- ARCHER: Boo!

- [booing]

I just found out about that

and I already miss it.

I can't fall asleep and miss this.

- Y'all gotta keep me awake.

- Don't worry.

I won't let the soft, velvety

embrace of oblivion

caress your mind.

- [snores]

- Drifting, drifting

- [snores]

- [yells] Oh, my God!

- We're going down!

- Ah! Come on!

Why are you Satan?

Better to rule in hell

than serve in heaven.

- How much money did you waste?

- There's no cost too great

to strengthen relationships and reward

- the efforts of my new work family.

- Slash real family.

I've been talking with

the Cloudbeam marketing folks.

And I hired them.

We're rebranding

as a force for good,

humane causes

like the environment.

The Spies with Soul!

You know, maybe we should

listen to Robert.

- What?

- What?

Look, when you consider

the rivers of shit

we've been navigating,

the fact that we saved

the world and no one noticed,

and the festering sinkhole

of our finances,

maybe it's time for something new.

Thank you for keeping

an open mind, Archer.

And if that means suffering

through a luxury flight to Paris,

I'll take that high-end

- whiskey-flavored b*llet.

- May I?

[jazzy music]

Cheers to finally taking

the break I deserve.

All right!

This is a hijacking!

Everyone remain calm!


LANA: Come on.

Get in there. Go.

[dramatic music]

# #


Uh, they probably

don't mean that calm.

[screaming continues]

[main title theme]

# #

[distant sirens wailing]

[tense percussive music]

[g*n clicks]

Don't even think about it.

Um, is that plastic?

Why is it lukewarm?

It's 3D-printed, man,

and recyclable.

We don't wanna add

more plastic to landfills.

- Just bodies.

- So you don't compost?

Well, I ordered one of the tubs,

but the shipping got

all messed up.


Okay, everyone, these

are Fisher-Price weapons.

We have nothing to worry about.

[b*llet fires]

You actually have loads

to worry about, dude.

The environment is falling to shit

and you're all at fault!

- I recycle.

- $3 ties from Goodwill don't count, Cyril.

Climate change is

a civilization-threatening problem!

- In like a thousand years.

- Siberia had multiple days

over 100 degrees this year.


Like Siberia, Siberia?

Shit. Someone should

do something about that.

- I know.

- Hey, little piggies, listen up!

We're gonna need each of you

to transfer $1 million

to an offshore account,

which we're then gonna use

- to further the earth's cause!

- Oh, absolutely.

But, uh, maybe buy

some actual shoes first,

and probably a toe-shaver, Bilbo.

- Ow. Worth it.

- Hey, go secure the upper level.

A-all right, nobody panic

and nobody gets hurt.


Hey [grunts]

Block it.

Whatever you can find.

[exciting music]

And now, we set it on fire.

We're on a plane.

Where would we go?

You just said it!

We're on a plane.

We could fly anywhere.

If your brain were a drug,

I'd snort the shit out of it.

Welp, I guess

there's only one thing to do.

- Break into the cockpit

- Experience everything good

on this level

before it's too late for us.

Re-wire the control panel

into a w*apon and what?

I'm talking first

we hit the grill meat fix.

Then we rake up a fortune

at the slots and blackjack.

Then get absolutely blitzed.

- But what about the hijackers?

- Ugh! Is that still going on?

Look, either they k*ll us,

law enforcement storms

the plane and they k*ll us,

or everything works out fine.

But in all those cases,

isn't it better

if we experience as much

as we can while we can?

# #

Hell yeah!

My new best friend.

[slots chiming]

Welcome to

the Republic of Pamistan

where the only rule is

ungh, ungh

screw the rules!

And anything else

- you can get your hands on.

- Huh. Why not?

When are we ever gonna be

on a plane like this again?

Speak for yourself.

My family has season tickets.

- For the plane?

- And when is flying season?

[dramatic music]

# #

You can't keep a bunch

of people hostage

if you're not

keeping them hostage.

And don't hijackers usually wait

until the plane is in the sky?

Where, historically,

there are fewer SWAT teams?

Well, they lock the doors

to the cockpit

- once the pilots are in and

- You don't know how to breach

- that because you're amateurs. Wow.

- Shut up.

Why would I listen to a c*ptive?

Well, you're kind of

at the point of no return here.

Pretty soon, you'll have

to start sh**ting people,

and I don't think

you want that,

- other than maybe that guy.

- Oh, yeah?

Well, every fish you eat is loaded

with plastic micro-beads

from face soap!

Kind of getting

a last scene of "Scarface" vibe

from this guy.

But with gluten-free cocaine.

- Okay. What's your suggestion?

- Well, anytime you need to make

an example out of someone,

maybe knock this guy around

a little bit.

I don't know.

It feels like clubbing a baby seal.

I'd hate to hit him

if he doesn't deserve it.

That's the point.

If he gets hit,

it could happen to anyone else.

And let me tell you a secret.

He's secretly a masochist.

Gets a lot of pleasure

from being beaten up.

He loves it.

Can't get enough of it.

You'd be doing this guy a favor.

All right.

That's a load off my mind.

Yeah. Mine too.

[sighs] Things have

calmed down a bit outside.

We'll be fine in here

until we figure out a plan.


Smells like a kennel in here.

I can't believe this.

Robert, this was such a bad idea.

I was supposed to somehow

predict that we'd be h*jacked?


It's just working with you

just makes everything

so complicated.

I would have known

that's how you felt

if you had talked to me

instead of hanging up on me.


Now, take a deep breath

and feel the gratitude

for your surroundings.

Would you turn that off?

[steam hissing]


[dramatic music]


Hey, Cyril, take this.

W-why do I need an earpiece?

Where are you going?

I need you to be useful

for the first time

in your entire life, Cyril.

When I make my move, you have

to be my eyes and ears.

Why? What are you doing?

I feel like this is

one of those situations

where it plays out better

if we don't get violent

and just submit

to their guidance.

Hey, Chatty Cathy, no talking!

Yeah. That's right.

Anyone else gets out of line,

they're next.

- Hey, thanks.

- Hey, my pleasure.

Just keep them under control

and we can get outta here

without anyone getting too hurt,

other than Cyril,

which hardly counts.

Don't you dare open

that single-use plastic bottle!

Trust me, I don't like drinking

water that isn't alkaline either,

but you all have truly

pushed me over the edge.

- Ow! Hot damn it!

- Well, at least you had a good reason.



[g*ns click]

God, Ray's gonna be so pissed

when he finds out he missed this.

[grunts] And now I'll get

an allergic reaction

from this fake croc-skin belt?

Who knows which is gonna

k*ll me first?

- [grunts]

- Thank you, but also,

what the hell are you doing?

Stopping the poisoning

of the earth

is worth a little blood!

Plus, you told us to keep control!

- Does this look controlled to you?

- You tell me.

- [g*n clicks] Damn it.

- It's possible that recycled g*ns

weren't the best move.

They're not recycled.

They're recyclable!



Okay, Cyril, can you hear me?

- Yes!

- Quiet!

- [groans] Damn it.

- [Archer laughs]

Oh, man.

I knew that would happen.

I'm so mad I missed it.

All right, you can't let them

know you're talking to me,

but you've got to be my eyes

in the passenger cabin.

I'm heading low,

and if my guess is right,

Pam and Krieger

are cooking up something good

on the upper level.

PAM: Look, they don't know

what they're talking about.

You got to follow

your dream, man.

- What is it?

- Slam poetry.

Oh, man.

Forget I said any of that shit.

Might I remind you, there is

still a hostage crisis downstairs.

Oh, no! Does that

affect how the grill works?

Uh no, ma'am.

Okay, Cyril, I seem to have

reached the cargo hold,

but it will be impossible

to find our bags.

So I'll just steal

all the jewelry from these

- and then retire.

- Probably alphabetical.

Damn it.

You ruin everything.

I still can't believe

they made Krieger

check the new tacticane,

but these assholes can bring

an endless supply

of plastic g*ns on board.

I love crosswords.

What was the clue

for alphabetical again?

Oh, yeah. [chuckles]

It was a tough one.

Having to do with the

alphabet? [phone rings]


Flight 4643 Goldhawk.

This is Flight Attendant Eryn.

It's for you.

It's the hostage negotiator.

Don't worry.

They'll slow-play this.

- Hell

- Okay. Shut up.

All right?

I don't care who you are.

I don't care what you want.

Right now, I am smiling.

I'm giving my boss the thumbs-up

like things are going great.

But when push immediately

comes to shove,

we are gonna come in there

and k*ll you all.

And if a few hostages get hit,

them's the brakes.

And I am gonna like it!

Then tomorrow, I'm gonna go

looking for your families,

your friends, and your pets.

So enjoy your last moments on

earth, you barely human scum!

[phone beeps]

[breathing heavily]


how's the divorce going?

Okay, time to accelerate.

We have to find Target One now.

There was a passenger acting weird.

I bet he knows something.

And he's gone!

He definitely knows something!

Okay, fan out!

Remember this is Target Alpha.

- Uh-oh.

- Oh, well then, problem solved.

Considering he didn't even

tell me

about purchasing the company

in the first place

- I called you to talk about it.

- I was on a mission!

Your job was in jeopardy

of being taken away.

I just wanted to help for

the betterment of our family.

Yes, but now you run the

company that pays me, Robert.

We run a business.

Oh-ho, sure.

Right into the ground.

- We saved the world.

- Fat lot of good it did you.

Before I bought the place,

I saw you mix tequila and vodka

out of the bottom

of two plastic bottles.

Oh, shut up.

[ice clinking]


Whatever you're doing,

please do it faster.

It's getting pretty hairy.

- Archer, did they get you?

- Yeah. It's, uh

it's pretty hairy here too, Cyril.


Just hang tight.


Well, it sounds like they're really

on the hunt for Robert

and his cash.


How rich could this guy be?

I mean, he had the spare

change to buy the entire agency

as what was probably

a favor to Lana.

ARCHER: There's no way

our shitty little

mom and pop agency

cost that much.

Well, when was the last time

you bought a drink

without expensing it?

Uh, I wanna say high school?

[dog barks]


Ah. Oh.

[chuckles] Hey.

I was just, uh,

looking for my, uh

- No.

- Well, did you find it?

- [dogs barking]

- ARCHER: Cyril? Cyril?

Ah, you idiot.

Hey, come here.

That's a good boy.

You guys be good

till I get back, okay?

Love you guys.

Psst! Stewardess.

Hey, I-is there any way

to get to the top floor

other than the stairs?

Also, we're probably gonna die in

10 minutes, so what do you think?

- Hey, you sicko. Where's the bald guy?

- Robert. I-I mean, who?

[groans] I don't know.


Nope, that didn't help.

Enough with the games!

Every moment

I don't sh**t one of you

- is another dead whale!

- Uh, that doesn't make any sense.

Neither does talking right then.

So now you're gonna transfer

$1 million into our account!

Hey, I got to tell you

that's the first time

that line worked for me.

And I've tried it a bunch.

By the way, I'm a flight

attendant, not a stewardess.

Definitely the priority right now.

Okay, Flight Attendant,

can you show me the way

to the second floor?

Well, you sure know your way

around a shaft.

Wait. No, I'm sorry.

That was coarse. I apologize.

- Hmm. Looks like a tight fit.

- Damn it. That one's better.

I think there's a whole lot

you're not telling me!

First, I don't know about the agency.

What's next?!

[whispering] You guys

should really be quiet.

- Good point.

- What's next is you're fighting

with me because I wanna

have a baby with you

- and you won't talk about it.

- [laughing]

[whispering] Robert,

they're looking for you.

You never wanna talk about it.

You like to run around

saving the world,

when I want to build

a world of our own.

But you keep pretending

you're not a mother.

And with two kids,

that would be twice as hard.

[Lana scoffs]

He's in there.

[upbeat tropical music]

You know that grater thing that

servants use for grating nutmeg?

Do you ever wanna just use that

on someone's nipples?

- Just really go to town?

- I don't like that town.

[groans] Oh, my God.

I had 8 sh*ts and 12 steaks.

And it was such a good idea.

- What the shit?

- Pfft. Wait.

Have you been there

the whole time?

Because if so,

all that shit I was talking

was about a different Archer

who does all the same shit you do.

Guys, the hijackers have Robert.

Apparently, their whole objective

was just to drain his bank account.


How do you know all that?

Well, I gave the

Flight Attendant an earpiece.

After we had sex.

- Aw, come on, dude.

- Oh, come on. That is bad.

Tell me about it.

I can't believe they didn't

wanna use me as a hostage.

Like, am I not rich enough

for them?

Does that make me

any less of a person?

- Like, less than you are currently?

- Also, you're really rich.

Your family owns six

islands, and the private


preserves on those islands.

Aww, thanks guys.

You're right.

I am worthy of being horribly

harmed and discarded by bad people.

Guys, if we could get back

to the hostage situation,

- that's ongoing

- Wish I could, bud,

but here in Pamistan,

we rise above it.

- No rules.

- Right. And I'm about to prove you

- all wrong about slam poetry.

- Fine. We'll do it.

Wait, I have the perfect line.

Let's compost these turds.

- And that was it?

- You d*ck.

- You don't have to do this.

- Enough!

Just shut up and pay up!

10 million bucks or you

won't be as lucky as he was.

- [groans]

- He doesn't look that lucky.

[dramatic music]

Okay. The transfer is done.

Wait, I'm not seeing

the transfer in our account.

You don't have to bully people

into giving you money

when you can just make

an effective case for change.

Okay. But to be clear,

you just gave

a huge amount of money to

Citizens of

the World Environmental Group?

- What?

- Look, in the heat of the moment,

we all say or do things

that hurt the things

we're trying to save.

But there's still a chance

for us to come together

and find a way to change.

Nice try!

But that's not what I asked for.

Also, that seemed more

applicable to a relationship!

Where was that advice

last year when I needed it?


- [g*ns clicking]

- Release the hounds!

[dogs barking]

[g*n clicking]

Come on!

Hit me with the cherries!


[dogs barking]

You know what? This is kind

of different than I thought.

So I'm just gonna go

- [grunts]

- Oh. Maybe the recycled g*ns do work.

- Archer, help!

- Shut up!

And why does the stewardess

know your name?

Her name isn't Stewardess, Lana.

It's Flight Attendant.

- Really?

- What? My stewardess line finally worked.

- What can I say?

- Actually, it's Eryn, with a "y."

Shut up!

I'm gonna hurt this stewardess.

Now, you're just

doing it intentionally.

Uh-uh. I mean it.

I'm gonna hurt her real bad.

Like, nasty bad

to make a point about,

you you know, all the stuff.

And then I'm gonna fly this

plane the hell out of here.

[Eryn screams]

Come on, hurry up.

[Krieger grunts]

Ow. What the hell

is happening around here?

Oh, my God.

Are we in Paris?

- No, but I see France.

- Seriously? How old are you?

Apparently not too old to

piss myself laughing at your ass.

- I don't need this. Don't need it.

- [cackling]

[dramatic music]


[toggles clicking]


Screw you, Miranda!

And that judge that gave you

my sword collection!


I gotta go, guys.

Love you all.

Hey, you were actually

really brave back there.

- You mean after you tried to k*ll me?

- Oh, come on.

- I didn't try to k*ll you. I just

- Aided and abetted.

But I should not have said that.

It was the steam and the stress

- And the hijackers.

- Them too.

I really want us to work.

I wanna share everything with you.

But if you're not ready

for another baby, I understand.

Thank you, Robert.

But it's not gonna be easy

- for me to forget what you said.

- Oh, absolutely.

"Doghouse: population me."

How are we gonna be

the Spies with Soul

when we just beat the snot

out of a bunch of tree-huggers?

Oh, not to worry.

I made that donation

in the name of the agency.

Sure to cause

quite a bit of a splash.

- Wow. That was really smart.

- And we do seem like more of a team.

And all it took was a hijacking.

Yes, but now that I'm a few

million in the hole with you all,

we're gonna have to make

some changes around here.

So unless you suddenly find

a new source of funds,

you're going to be buying

your own drinks, mister.


[puppy whines]
