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02x18 - Sid's Amazing Lungs

Posted: 10/04/22 13:34
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists. It's me
sid. I want to find out where

Air goes in my body after I
breathe it in, so my friends

And I are gonna investigate our
bodies and discover how they

Work! Come explore with me, sid
the science kid, coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? ♪
]] ♪ I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

Oh, hi. I'm in a big hurry
because I'm late for school.

]] Sid! Breakfast time.

]] Ok. I'm almost ready. Ahh.

All right. I just brushed my
teeth and washed my face, I

Have my shirt on, and my pants,
and I got my shoes. Wait. Where

Are my shoes?

oh. Ha! I'm already wearing

Them. Ha ha! Oh. I got to clean
up my room. Ok. Ignatz goes

There, and horatio goes over
here. Ohh. Boy, there's always

So much to do every morning.

Ahh. Wow! I'm breathing really
fast. Hmm. Oh, I'll breathe

Into my microphone so you can

hey! This isn't my microphone.

It's a banana! Ha ha ha! Oh,
there's my microphone. Ahh. Ok.

Now listen.

hear that? Wow! I'm breathing a

Lot of air in, a lot, but I
wonder where all that air is

Going. Hmm. I've just got to
know. When I breath in air,

Where does it go in my body?

]] sid, your oatmeal's getting


]] Ok. Here I come! Ahh.

oops. Wrong door. Heh heh.

Closet. Ha ha! Ha ha! Breakfast
tiiiiiiime! Whoo-hoo! Hey, mom.

Hey, dad.

]] Hey, sid.

]] Hello, sid. Ok. We have got
to eat, sweetie. We don't want

To be late for school.

]] Oh, ok.

]] I need to get to the office.

]] Oh, just one thing, mom. I
was running around my room and

Realized that I was breathing
really fast.

]] Oh.

]] Hey, dad. Let's do an

]] Oh, an experiment. Ha ha!

I'm on it!

]] Well, dad, let's see if the
same thing happens to your

Breathing when you go up and
down your ladder.

]] All rightie. Dad going up.

Dad going down. Dad back up.

Dad back down. Dad going up.

And dad going down. Whoa. Ok.

That's enough of that.

]] Well, how was it climbing
the ladder?

]] Well, it had its ups and
downs. Ha ha ha!

]] Heh heh.

]] Get it? Ok. Well, it
certainly made me breathe


]] Yes! That happened to me,
too, when I was cleaning up my

Room, and I want to know when I
breathe air into my body where

Does it go?

]] That's a great question,
sid. Tell you what, you eat,

And I'll answer.

]] Oh, ok.

]] The air you breathe in goes
into your lungs.

]] My whats?

]] Ha ha. Your lungs. They're
inside your body right here in

Your chest.

]] Hmm.

ok. After I eat breakfast, I'm

Going to investigate lungs at
school! Ahh.

]] ♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time
for having fun at school

Yeah ♪
]] ha ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] Mm-wha!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do ♪

Yeah, ha ha!

Ready, set, go!

]] ♪ Wow!

I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] ♪ yeah, check out my moves ♪

Ha ha ha!

Yeah. I'm a rock star! Gerald
in the house!

]] ♪ Cool
I'm looking for my friends

I'm looking for you
hey, there's may ♪

]] ♪ May I show you
how I groove?

All right ♪
ha ha ha!

So cool!

]] Groovy!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] You got me.

]] ♪ La la la la ♪
]] yeah!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

And look what we found
we found each other

Friends ♪
[all laughing]

]] And now it's time for the
sid survey. Hello. I am sid,

Roving reporter, with today's
survey. The question--where

Does the air go in your body
when you breathe in? And you

Can think about where the air
goes, too. Let's go get some

Answers. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Ooh.

It's may. Hi, may!

]] Hi, sid.

]] Hey. I have a question for

]] What?

]] Where does the air go in
your body when you breathe in?

]] Oh, I know. It goes down
your throat and then down to

Your feet and back up and out of
your mouth.

]] Wow! Ok. Thanks, may.

]] You're welcome. Hee hee hee.

]] Bye.

]] Bye.

]] Ooh! Hi, there, gerald. What
you drawing?

]] Oh. Oh, yeah. I'm drawing a
moose that's juggling a bunch

Of apples. See? But, um, well,
I only drew the nose so far.

]] Oh. Well, so far, I like it.

]] Heh heh. Thanks.

]] Oh. I have a question. Where
does the air go in your body

When you breathe in?

]] Oh. Hmm.

Ooh! Oh, yeah! Ok. I got it.

Um, ok. First, the air comes

and then--then it goes out

Through my nose.

[Exhales through nose]
you know, just like the nose on

My moose.

]] Oh, yeah, right. Your moose.

Thanks, gerald.

]] Ok. Bye.

]] Bye.

]] ♪ La la la la ♪
]] oh, hey, gabriela.

]] Hello.

]] Hey. Where does the air go
in your body when you breathe


]] When I breathe air...

it goes into my belly. Then it

Kind of sits there for a

and then it comes back out.

]] Oh.

]] Thank you, belly.

]] Ha ha! That sounds good.

Thanks, gabriela.

]] Sure thing.

♪ La ha ha
ha ha ha ha ♪

]] Wow. Gabriela's a good
dancer. Hmm. And now the

Results of my survey. May says
she breathes in and the air

Goes all the way down to her
feet. Gerald says the air he

Breathes in goes out through
his nose, and gabriela says she

Breathes in air and it goes to
her belly, and maybe you

Thought about where the air
goes when you breathe in, and

There you have it. I am sid,
roving reporter and breathing


]] Everybody! Rug time!

]] Ooh! That's teacher susie!

]] Here we come!

]] ♪ It's rug time
come on in

Rug time
take a seat

Rug time ♪
]] ♪ we're ready ♪

]] ♪ Everybody move your feet
rug time ♪

]] ♪ Teacher susie ♪
]] ♪ good time is on the way

Rug time
come on in

We've got a lot to learn today ♪
]] forwards!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Boop! Backwards!

]] Oh. Walk forward to us,

]] Oh, ok. Boop! Forwards!

Boop! Backwards.

]] Oh, no!

]] Boop! Forward. Boop!

Backward. Forward. Backward.

Ha! Oh, no!

]] Hoo hoo!

]] Ah. So who wants to share
something with the class?

]] Ooh, ooh. Well, this
morning, I asked my mom and dad

Where air goes when I breathe
in, and they told me it goes

Into somewhere called the
lungs, whatever they are.

]] Oh.

]] Oh, well, they're right.

]] Yeah?

]] When we breathe in air, it
does go to a place in our chest

Called the lungs. Here. Look at
this picture here.

]] Ooh.

]] Cool!

]] These are the lungs.

]] Wow. They look like pink

]] Oh, you're right, may. They
do kind of look like balloons.

Isn't it amazing that we all
have lungs inside our bodies?

]] Yeah.

]] Yeah, and here's how you can
feel what lungs do. Stand up.

Come on.

]] Oh, ok.

]] Put your hands on your side
like this.

]] Ok.

]] And inhale. That means
breathe in.

[All inhaling]
]] hey, hey. My body is puffing


]] Yeah. That's your lungs
filling up with air. Now we'll

Exhale, which means to breathe

[All exhaling]
]] hoo hoo hoo! My side goes

Down when i...


]] Yeah. That's right. When you
inhale and exhale, that's

Called breathing!

]] But, susie, why do we even
need to breathe?

]] Oh, good question. Well, we
all need to breathe air because

It has something in it that our
bodies really need. It's called


]] Oxygen.

]] Whoa! If we need oxygen,
then we better get it pretty


]] Yeah.

]] Oh, oh. Slow down. You don't
need to try to get oxygen. Your

Lungs do the work without us
having to tell them to, and

Your lungs work all the time.

]] Even when we're asleep?

]] Yes, even when we're asleep.

Hey, you know, I think it's
time to investigate different

Ways we use our lungs. Let's
all go to the...

]] Super fab lab!

]] Right. Grab your journals,
and let's go.

]] Ok. Come on. Get our

]] Fun. Ha!

]] Heh heh.

]] Ha ha ha.

]] Ok.

]] Ha ha ha.

]] Super fab lab!

]] Investigate, explore,
discover! Ahh!

]] Ok. It's time for our lung

]] Yay!

]] Remember that lungs bring
air in and out of our bodies,

So now we're going to inhale
and exhale and observe some

Things that happen when we move
air with our lungs.

]] Oh, wait, wait. I have to
get my lungs ready, ok?

[Inhaling and exhaling]
ahh. Ok. All ready!

]] Ha ha ha! Good. So you can
use your lungs to blow bubbles

In cups of water using a

]] That's cool.

]] Cool.

]] Blow at the pinwheel...

]] Ahh.

]] And blow soapy bubbles.

]] I love bubbles!

]] Oh, can we start, susie?

Please! Can we start, please?

]] Oh, ho. I'm glad you're so
excited to investigate

Scientists, but first, let's
calm down, using our lungs.

Everybody inhale.

[All inhale]
now exhale a deep breath out.

[All exhale]
and relax. Great. Now let the

Lung investigation begin.

]] Ok!

]] Hey. You're a scientist. You
can try this, too.

]] It's time for the lung
investigation. Let's observe

What happens when we inhale and
exhale with our lungs. Try

Blowing through a straw into a
cup of water. What happens when

You blow softly? Oh. You make
little bubbles. What happens

When you inhale and then blow
out stronger? Ooh! You make

Really big bubbles. Try using
your lungs to blow party

Favors. You have to inhale and
then exhale for a long time to

Make the party favors stretch
all the way out. Good job.

Here's something else you can
use your lungs to do, blow

Soapy bubbles.

Discover what happens when you
blow really hard. Wow! You make

Lots of bubbles. If you want to
make a pinwheel spin, you have

To inhale really deep and then
exhale for a while. Here's a

Big challenge. Ask a grownup
for a balloon and try blowing

It up. It's not easy. It takes
a lot of inhaling and exhaling

To blow up a balloon. When
you're done, hand your balloon

Back to a grownup. And now you
can draw pictures in your

Journal of your favorite way to
use your lungs. Was it blowing

Up a balloon, blowing bubbles,
or making a pinwheel spin?

All right, scientists! I can't
wait to see what kinds of

Observations you made when you
used your lungs. Sid, may we

Take a look at your journal.

]] Oh, sure. Well, it was easy
to blow bubbles in the water. I


[Makes bubbling sounds]
and then I tried to make the

Pinwheel spin, and I had to
breathe a lot of air into my

Lungs and exhale a lot to make
it spin fast, but I did it.

]] Oh, your lungs worked hard.

Good job, sid.

]] Thank you.

]] Ok. May, let's look at your

]] Ok. Um, I blew lots of soapy
bubbles, and I had to blow

Really slowly to make a big

]] As you exhaled more and
more, the bubble got bigger and


]] Yes.

]] Now I know another way you
can all use your lungs.

]] How?

]] You can all go and play with
all your new ideas.

]] Yay!

]] Wow!

]] Breathe in and out.

]] We'll use our lungs.

]] It's time to play pretend
fairy tales. Once upon a time,

There were little pigs.

]] Yeah.

]] Ok. We'll be the pigs, all

]] Cool!

]] And, gerald, you'll be the

]] Oh. Does the wolf wear a
chef's hat?

]] He does now!

]] Oh, no! It's the big, bad
wolf! Let's run to our houses!

]] Arr! Arr!

]] Ok. Now I'm in my straw

]] And I'm in my stick house.

]] And I'm in my brick house.

]] Ding-dong. Hello! I am the
wolf! Oh, no. Wait a second.

Um, hi. I'm a guy who's selling

]] No. You're the wolf. Sorry.

You can't come in.

]] Well, then I'm gonna use my
lungs to inhale and exhale and

Blow your house down.

]] Oh, no!

]] [Inhales]

]] Yikes! Oh, there goes my
straw house. Aah!

]] Come into my stick house.

Come on, come on, come on.

]] Safe. Heh heh.

]] Ding-dong. Plumber here to
fix the sink.

]] Uh-uh. We know it's you,

]] Yeah.

]] Ok. Well, I'm gonna use my
lungs to inhale and exhale and

Blow your house down.

]] Uh-oh.

]] Ohh! Yikes!

]] Oh, no. My stick house. Come
over here.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Come on, come on. Quick,
quick, quick. I have an idea.

]] What?

]] Let's use our lungs to blow
the wolf away.

]] Yeah.

]] Inhale.

[All inhale]
]] ding-dong. Uh, mailman.

]] Exhale.

[All exhale]
]] whoa! You pigs have big


]] Yay!

]] We did it!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Whoo-hoo! Yay!

]] Um, now can I come in. I'm a
little princess.

]] No!

]] Oh. Can I come in now? I'm a
baby. Got to let me.

]] No. You're still the wolf!

]] You're the wolf!

]] Ohh. What?

]] We're gonna catch you!

]] Aah! Aah!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] We'll get you, baby wolf.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Hee hee hee!

[All inhale]
and now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing.

]] Go, susie!

]] Wow! You all have some
strong lungs.

]] Yeah, yeah.

]] And our lungs work for us
all the time when we're awake

And asleep. All right now.

You've had a busy day of
running around. So relax a bit

And sit down.

]] Ok.

]] It's time to take a rest.

♪ Breathe in, breathe out
it's a natural thing

That's always happening
breathe in, breathe out

In peaceful rhythm now
inhale, exhale

Let the oxygen
come on in

Breathe in, breathe out
in peaceful rhythm now

Your body needs oxygen
to operate

Breathe in, breathe out
it happens naturally

Well, I think that's great
giraffes and whales

Fill up their lungs
people and animals

Old and young
breathe in, breathe out

As steady as the rain
it's controlled by your brain

Breathe in out, breathe out
in peaceful rhythm now ♪

]] Ah, cool.

]] Wow.

]] Ahh. Breathing in and out
with my lungs makes me feel


]] Mm-hmm. And now I'm going to
take a deep breath and fill my

Lungs with air to tell you all

my scientists did a great job


]] Yay!

]] Thanks, susie!

]] And now it's time to go
home. Let's go!

]] Ok.

]] Breathe in, breathe out.

]] Breathe out.

]] Breathe in, breathe out.

]] Ahh.

]] Now where's my sid?

]] Ooh! Right here, grandma.

]] Ooh. Ha ha! Oh.

]] Mm-mm.

]] Now, okey-doke. Let's roll!

]] Let's roll!

[Rock music playing]

]] Yeah!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] ♪ Backseat driving
with grandma ♪

]] ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
ha ha ha!

Ah. So how was your day, kiddo?

]] Well, today, we learned that
we breathe in air, and that

Brings oxygen into our lungs.

]] Oh! You got that right. Hey,
sid. Did you know there's even

A way people can breathe

]] What? People can breathe

]] Yeah, they sure can. One of
my favorite hobbies is scuba

Diving. You breathe into a tube
that's connected to a t*nk full

Of air. That way, you can swim
underwater. You still use your

Lungs to breathe in, but now
you're getting air and oxygen

From the t*nk. It's so much
fun! And once when I was scuba

Diving, I saw a large whale.

Yeah! Now even though whales
swim underwater without a t*nk,

They still have lungs to
breathe. They inhale and exhale

Through their big blowhole
that's on the top of their

Head. That's their nose!

]] That is so awesome, grandma.

I want to go scuba diving one
day just like you.

]] Oh! You're gonna love it,
sid. Ha ha ha!

]] Wow! My grandma can do

]] ♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about ♪
]] ha ha ha!

]] ♪ Luuuuuuungs ♪

Ha ha! Scientist in the house!


]] zekey, I'm gonna get your

Little belly.

]] Oh, belly. Oh, belly.

]] Mom, dad.

]] Oh, hey, buddy.

]] Hi, sid.

]] Hey. I learned so much about
breathing today, and we all use

Our lungs to breathe in oxygen.

]] Wow. You learned a lot today.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] And I know another way you
can use your lungs.

]] Ooh. How?

]] Well, can I borrow your

]] Uh, yeah, sure. What are you
gonna do?

]] Not me. Ladies and
gentlemen, I would like to

Introduce an amazing person who
shall now wow you by using her

Lungs! Let's give a warm
backyard welcome to your

Sensational singing mom!

]] Yay!

]] Thank you. Thank you. Ahem.

♪ Blow, blow, the air
gently from your lungs

Merrily, merrily, merrily

Breathing's really
fuuuuuuuun ♪

]] Yay, mom!

Today was amazing! I learned
that we use our lungs to


and exhale.

ha ha! And our lungs help us

Get oxygen from the air. Plus,
I found out that even the huge

Whale that grandma saw
underwater inhales and exhales,

And when a whale exhales, watch
out because it sh**t a lot of

Air from its blowhole way up
into the sky! Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!

Hmm. And that got me thinking.

Ok. I've got it. Here's my
super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

Idea! I'm gonna event the
exhale whale water park. It

Will be a really fun ride that
kids and grownups can go on.

See, it will be like a big
robot whale that inhales lots

Of air, and after the lungs
fill up with air, the whale

Will exhale, and whoosh! Pshhh!

A whole bunch of air will sh**t
out of its blowhole. See, you

Just put your raft on top of
the blowhole and wait for the

Whale to exhale, and then
plshhh! Whee! You get a ride up

Into the sky! You can also get
a really, really big raft and

Get all your friends and family
together, and then you wait for

The robot whale to inhale a
lot, and whoosh! You all go

Flying up into outer space.

Yay! The exhale whale will be
awesome! And that's my

Super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

thank you. You know, I have to

Have a lot of air in my lungs
to say...

I am sid the science kid!

and remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions. Ahh.

Whew! I did it! Ha ha! See you
later, scientists.


phew. Ha ha ha!


♪ ♪