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02x13 - Sid's Holiday Adventure

Posted: 10/04/22 13:22
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's
me--sid. I want to know what

It's like to celebrate
the winter holidays in really

Cold weather.

So my friends and I are
going to investigate all kinds

Of weather. Come explore with
me, sid the science kid,

Coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? ♪
]] ♪ I want to know why things

Happen and how, and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm.

What's up with the sky?

Do you think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid... ♪

Hey, guess what time it is.

Holiday time--my favorite
time of the year. Whoo!

♪ Christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa
christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa ♪

Yeah! We celebrate holidays
in my house.

We decorate a big tree for
christmas. Then we have

A menorah and dreidels for

And we light a kinara
candle holder for kwanzaa.

And the best part is the weather
is always nice and warm here.

So we get to celebrate in
the backyard, except this year's

Gonna be different.

This year, the whole family's
gonna visit aunt irene in


Do you know what it's like
in minnesota?

It's cold. Really, really cold.

Bam ba-dam, scradam! Hee hee!

I mean, some people might like
mittens and scarves and stuff.

Me, I like t-shirts.

And I like to celebrate
the holidays at home,

Where it's never cold
and the weather's warm.

I don't think it has to be
really cold to celebrate

The winter holidays.

So I just got to know.

What's the big idea with cold

["Weather" echoing]
]] sid, breakfast time!

]] Whoo! Great. Ha ha.

Breakfast time! Whoo!

It's holiday time. Yeah!

♪ Kwanzaa, christmas, hanukkah
oh, I love to see a christmas

Tree, I'm all for-a, our little
menorah, and I so want-za

Celebrate kwanzaa! ♪
Whoo! I guess you guys can tell

I'm pretty excited about
the holidays.

]] Oh, me, too, sid.

When I was your age, I couldn't
wait for christmas and kwanzaa.

Oh, and this year, it will be
really nice to celebrate

With aunt irene.

]] Oh, yeah! You know,
aunt irene makes some awesome

Potato latkes.

]] Uh-huh!

]] Hanukkah at her house was
always the best.

]] So, dad, I've been thinking
that maybe aunt irene could come

Here for the holidays instead.

And we could celebrate in
the backyard like we always do.

]] Oh, but, sid, you're going to
love minnesota.

]] And I'm sure that aunt irene
will have some holiday

Traditions of her own to share.

]] Yeah. But, um, I really like
our traditions. And I'm pretty

Sure that I'm not going to like
being cold.

]] Well, here. Let me show you
what a winter in minnesota looks


]] Oh, yeah! Show him the
pictures of the snow and the

Ice. Ha ha! You're gonna love
it, sid.

]] Ok.

]] See? The cold weather makes
frozen ponds, big icicles,

Beautiful snow-covered trees.

And, oh, look at the street.

It's all covered with snow.

]] Oh, that is snowy.

Hmm, well, if I'm going to
minnesota, I think I'd better

Investigate cold weather
when I get to school.

]] ♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time for
having fun at school, yeah! ♪

[Mom chuckles]
]] hi.

]] Mwah!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] ♪ watch what I can do! ♪

Ha ha! Yeah!

Here we go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha-ha! Yeah! I'm a dancing

]] Cool!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] ♪ may I show you how I

Groove? ♪
Hee hee! Whoo!

]] Cool!

]] Groovy!

]] Yeah, yeah, yeah!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] ♪ You got me ♪
[all laughing and humming]

]] Yeah!

♪ We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends! ♪

]] having fun! Awesome.

]] And now it's time for the sid
survey. Hello. I am sid, roving

Reporter with today's survey.

The question:
have you ever been really cold?

And you can think about if
you've ever been really cold,

Too. Let's go get some answers.

Hey, may...

]] Hi, sid!

]] I have a question.

Have you ever been really cold?

]] Ooh, yes. One time, I was in
a pool with my mom.

And when I got out of
the water...

I was really cold. Brr!

And then I bundled up in a warm

]] Well, I'm glad you had
a warm towel.

]] Me, too!

]] Ok, thanks, may.

]] You're welcome.

]] Bye.

]] Bye.

]] So, gerald...

]] Yes!

]] Have you ever been really

]] Oh, well, uh, let me see.

Oh, yes! One time, my family
drove to the mountains.

And we went sledding in the
snow. And the snow was really

Cold. Brr!

[Gerald shivers]
]] gosh. That does sound cold.

]] Yeah.

]] Thanks, gerald.

]] Ok!

]] Bye.

]] Bye.

]] Hi, gabriela.

]] Hello.

]] Question.

Have you ever been really cold?

]] Oh, yeah. Oh, just
yesterday, I was looking for

A grape ice pop in the freezer.

And my fingers were

]] Wow. Now, that is cold.

Ha ha. Thanks, gabriela.

]] Sure thing.

]] Bye.

]] And now the results of my
survey. May was cold in a pool.

Gerald was really cold in the
snow, and gabriela's fingers

Were really cold in the freezer.

Maybe you thought about being
really cold, too.

Well, there you have it.

I am sid, roving reporter
and cold expert.

]] Everybody, rug time!

]] Ooh, that's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time, come on in
rug time, take a seat

Rug time ♪
]] ♪ we're ready ♪

]] ♪ Everybody move your feet
rug time ♪

]] ♪ Teacher susie! ♪
]] ♪ Good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we've got a lot

To learn today! ♪
]] Ho ho ho! I'm a reindeer, and

I'm pulling santa's sleigh!

Ha! Come on, santa.

]] Trot on over here,
mr. Reindeer.

]] Oh, ok! Whoa, team!

Sorry, santa. We have to take
a break for science.

]] Yay!

]] Gerald's wearing reindeer
antlers on his head.

And that reminds me, there may
be some holidays coming up soon.

Anyone doing anything exciting?

]] Ooh, me!

]] Me!

]] I am!

]] I'm going to celebrate
holidays at once.

]] Whoa!

]] Wow!

]] Tell us about it, sid.

]] Well, in my house, we have
christmas, hanukkah, and


]] Holidays?

]] Mm-hmm.

]] You are so lucky.

]] Yeah!

]] I know.

I love holidays at my house with
my family, but this year, it's

Going to be different.

]] Holidays?

]] Ha ha. No. The same .

But this time, we're going to
celebrate them in minnesota.

]] Oh, wow!

]] Ooh!

]] Uh, wait a minute.

What's minnesota?

]] Well, uh, it's this place
where my aunt irene lives.

And it's really far away, and
it's really, really cold.

]] Oh, sid's right. It is cold
in minnesota in the wintertime.

]] Is it as cold as the freezer?

]] Um, well, I don't know.

That's really cold.

Is it that cold there?

I mean, how cold is really cold?

]] Ooh, that's a good question.

And there is a scientific way
to measure exactly how cold it

Is outside by measuring
the temperature.

]] Oh, susie, when I get
a fever, my parents take my


]] Oh, my parents do that, too.

They use a thermometer.

]] Yes! A thermometer is a great
way to measure the temperature

Of almost anything.

Hey, where could we go to
investigate temperature?

]] The super fab lab!

]] All right!

]] Yay!

]] It's time to be a scientist.

]] Great! Grab your journals
and let's go investigate


]] Great!

]] Ok! Yeah! Temperature,
here we come.


]] Super fab lab!

]] Observe! Compare! Contrast!


]] Today we're going to do
the temperature investigation.

]] Yay!

]] Ha ha!

]] We're going to learn how to
measure things that are hot

And--ooh, ooh--cold.

]] Ooh, cold like minnesota.

]] Exactly. Now, this is
a thermometer.

It looks different than the kind
your parents use to take your


I'll show you how it works.

]] Ok.

]] See this red line?

Right now, it's measuring
the temperature in the room, but

When we put the thermometer in
something warm, the red line

Will go up. And when we put
the thermometer in something

Cold, the red line will...

]] Go down!

]] Right!

]] Why are there numbers on
the thermometer?

]] Ooh, good question, may.

These numbers are called

]] Ooh!

]] Right now, it's degrees
here in the classroom.

]] It feels good to me.

]] Ha ha. It sure does.

Now, look here. The numbers get
higher as the temperature gets

Warmer. And when the temperature
gets cooler, the numbers go...

]] Oh! Oh! Oh! I know! Lower.

]] Very good, gabriela.

Now, I'm going to put some
ice cubes in one bowl

And warm oatmeal in this bowl.

Then we'll use a thermometer to
see what temperature it is in

Each bowl.

]] Cool! Great!

]] Hey, you're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

]] The red line on this
thermometer tells us that

The room is about degrees.

Now let's put some cold ice into
a bowl and place

The thermometer inside it.

Observe what happens to
the red line on a thermometer.

Yes, it's going down.

That means the temperature of
the ice is colder than the room.

Now let's try something
different. Put some warm water

Into this instant oatmeal
and stir it up.

When we place a thermometer into
the warm oatmeal, do you think

The red line will go up or down?

You're right! The red line goes
up because the temperature of

The oatmeal is warmer than
the room.

Now for something really fun,
let's put some cold ice into

The warm oatmeal.

It's time to make a prediction.

Do you think
the red line on the thermometer

Will go up or down?

Draw pictures in your journals
of what you think will happen.

Oh, you think
the red line will go down

Because the temperature will go
down. Let's find out what

Happens. Hey, you made
a great prediction.

The red line on the thermometer
is going down because the ice

Made the temperature of
the oatmeal colder.

So ice makes the temperature
colder. Warm oatmeal makes

The temperature warmer.

And adding ice to the oatmeal
made the temperature colder


Ok, the bowls are all clean.

And I'm ready to look at your

Gabriela, may we see yours?

]] Sure! I drew the oatmeal.

We added ice cubes to it.

And I predicted the temperature
would go down. And it did!

]] You were right, gabriela.

You observed how the temperature
got colder when we added

The ice. Great.

Ok, sid, would you like to be

]] Ok. Well, this is what
the thermometer looked like when

It was in the bowl of ice.

The red line was really low
because it's cold in that bowl.

And this thermometer is what I
think it would look like in


It'd be an even lower red line
because it's super cold there.

]] Oh, well, let's help sid.

Does anyone have a suggestion
about what to do if your body

Feels cold?

]] Oh, sweaters! Sweaters are
warm. Hey, sid, you could borrow

My sweater with the hippo on it
if you want.

]] Wow. Thanks, gerald.

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, you guys are right.

If I put on lots of warm
clothes, I'll stay warm in cold

Minnesota, no matter what
the temperature is.

]] Good thinking, sid.

]] Yeah!

]] You'll be warm, and I bet
it'll be fun to bring all your

Family traditions
to your aunt irene.

]] Yeah! I can show irene the
things we do for the holidays.

]] Oh, I like that idea.

Ok, my temperature experts,
time to have fun and

Play with all your new ideas.

]] Yay!

]] Ha ha!

]] Let's play pretend.

Sid, you're santa claus.

]] Ok. Ho ho ho!

]] And, may, gerald and I will
be animals that want to pull

Your sleigh.

]] Cool!

]] Bawk! Bawk! Hello!

I'm a parrot.

And I live in the jungle
where it's nice and warm.

And I want to pull your sleigh.


]] Ho ho ho! No way.

I live in the north pole, where
it's really cold.

I don't think you'll like it.

]] Bawk! Won't like it!

Won't like it!

You're right. I do not like
the cold.

]] ahn, ahn, ahn! I'm

An alligator, and I swim around
in rivers and swamps.

The water is warm, and it's hot

I want to pull your sleigh.

]] Ho ho ho! No way.

If you like warm weather, then
you won't like the north pole.

It's really c-c-cold!

]] Ahn! Ahn!

]] Yikes.

[Kids laugh]
oh, me. Ho, my.

Ho ho ho. I wish there were
an animal that could pull my

Sleigh who liked cold weather.

]] Well, hello, santa.

I'm reindeer gerald.

I have lots of fur, and I live
where it's cold and really, um,

Snowy. So I like cold

]] Ho ho ho! Yes! You're
the perfect animal for the job,

Reindeer gerald.

]] Thank you, santa!

Ok. So I'm just going to sit
down here in the sleigh.

]] Ok.

]] And then you push me, ok?

]] What? No way. I drive
the sleigh, and you pull me.

We have to deliver presents to
all the kids around the world.

]] Well, that sounds like
a lot of work.

]] Yeah.

]] I need more help.

Hey, alligator and parrot...

]] Ba-kaw! Ba-kaw!

]] Become reindeer and help me,

]] Ok!

]] Ok! We're reindeer now.

Ta-da! Reindeer.

]] Yeah!

]] All about santa's sleigh!

Here we go!

]] Whoa!

]] And now...

]] Ho ho ho!

]] It's time...

]] Ho ho ho!

]] For susie...

]] Ho ho ho!

]] To sing.

]] Ho ho ho!

]] Go, susie!

]] Ha ha! Oh, why, thank you.

So december's a special time for
holidays, and we know it can be

Warm where we live and cold in
minnesota, but did you know it

Can be a different temperature
all over the world on the very

Same day in december?

]] Really?

]] Cool!

]] ♪ One day in december
a celebration to remember

One day in december
all around the world

Friends and families being
together in every kind of

one day in december

All around the world
in norway, kids are skating on

A pond all day while santa wore
flip-flops in l.a.

It was cold in canada and hot in
rio, the north pole was muy frio

One day in december
a celebration to remember

One day in december
all around the world

In maine, they rode toboggans
through a winter scene

While folks were swimming
in the caribbean

It was balmy in hawaii with
a gentle breeze

In alaska, it was cold, but they
didn't freeze

One day in december
a celebration to remember

One day in december
all around the world

Friends and families being
together in every kind of

one day in december

All around the world ♪

]] Wow! All over the world,
december holidays can be warm

Or chilly or hot or windy.

]] Yeah. Or really cold in

Ah! I got to pack lots of warm
things to get ready for

The freezing temperatures.

]] Well, sid, we can't wait to
hear about your trip.

And I hope everyone has
a wonderful holiday.

]] Happy holidays, susie!

]] Oh, thank you.

You're so sweet.

Ok, my scientists, it's time to
go home. Follow me.

]] Yay!

]] Ho ho ho!

]] Ho ho ho!

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Oh, right here, grandma.

]] Ooh! Ha ha ha hah.

]] Mwah!

]] Now, okey-doke. Let's roll.

]] Let's roll!

[Both humming]

]] ♪ Do do do do do do do
la la la la la la la ♪

]] ♪ Yeah, backseat driving
with grandma ♪

[Turns radio off]
]] so, kiddo, tell me about

Your day.

]] We learned all about
temperatures. And now I know

That it will be fun to go
to minnesota and celebrate

The holidays as long as I wear
my warm clothes.

]] Oh, you got that right!

Ha ha ha hah.

Winters in minnesota are fun
and snowy. In fact, my best

Holiday ever was once right
before hanukkah, when it started

Snowing and snowing for two
straight days. Yeah!

When it stopped, there were
inches of snow on the ground.

That's a sid-high pile of snow.

We went sledding and made
snowmen and even built

A snow fort. It was great.

I celebrated the holidays with
my family and friends

And the most snow any of us
had ever seen. Ha ha hah.

]] Wow! Well, do you think there
will be that much snow when we

Get there?

]] Oh, I don't know, but we can

]] Yeah.

]] Ha ha hah.

]] My grandma tells the greatest
and snowiest stories ever.

♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about... ♪
]] Ha ha ha hah!

]] ♪ Cold temperatures, brr ♪
]] woo-hoo!

]] Ha ha! Scientist in
the house. Yeah!

[Canned applause]
mom, dad, zeke...

]] Hey.

]] We learned all about cold
temperature and thermometers


]] Mm-hmm!

]] Oh!

]] Hey, I got an idea.

Can we call aunt irene and ask
her what temperature it is

In minnesota right now?

]] Oh, I like that idea.

Yeah, let's give irene a call.

]] I love calling aunt irene.

]] Ha ha ha hah.

[Dialing cell phone]
]] blammo! Ha ha!

]] Hello?

]] Oh, irene?

]] Hello?

]] Irene, it's me.

]] Oh! Ha ha hah!

]] Oh, ha ha hah.

You didn't recognize me.

Ha ha ha hah!

]] No, I didn't. Ha ha ha hah.

]] Oh, well, someone has
something special they want to

Ask you.

]] Oh!

]] Hi, aunt irene. It's me--sid.

]] Oh, hey there, sid.

]] Hi. What's the temperature in
minnesota right now?

Is it cold?

]] Oh, yeah. It's very cold.

It's degrees.

]] Wow.

]] Oh, you know what?

I have an idea.

I'll look out my window and tell
you what's going on outside

Right now.

]] Ok.

]] Oh, well, I see a family
ice skating on a frozen pond

Right near my house. Ha ha hah.

]] Ha ha ha hah.

]] Oh, and there's piles of snow
on the ground.

And the snow looks perfect for
making snowmen. Ha ha ha hah.

Oh. And now I'm looking inside
my house, and I see a warm

Fireplace, a big table set for
a family dinner.

Oh, but there's one thing
missing, and it's the best part.

]] Oh, no! What's missing?

]] All of you! Ha ha ha hah.

Your mom, dad, grandma, little
zekie, and, of course...

]] Me--sid! Ha ha.

]] Ha ha ha hah.

]] We'll be there soon.

I love you, aunt irene.

]] Oh, I love you, too. Bye-bye.

]] Bye.

]] Bye-bye.

]] Today was great.

We learned all about different
temperatures and how to read

A thermometer.

And I can't wait to see
my aunt irene and play in

The snow.

Hmm, you know, it's too bad
it never snows where I live.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

Ok, I've got it.

Here's my
super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

Idea! I want to invent
a winter room.

It will be a room that you can
change from a normal room

To a snowy, wintry place any
day of the year, even when it's

The hottest summer day outside.

In the winter room if you want
to make a snowman, just push

A button. Swoosh. It'll snow
the right amount.

And if you and your friends
want to build a snow fort, push

Another button--foosh--
and there'll be even more snow.

And push one more button--
whoosh--and you'll have

A snowy mountain.

Now you can even go sledding.


The winter room is snowy,
awesome, and c-c-c-cold!

And that's my

Big idea!

[Canned applause]
well, I hope you think winter is

As cool as I do.

Ha ha. And I hope you have
a happy holiday with your

Family. You, too, dr. Beaks.

Ah, I can't wait to be with my
family in cold and snowy

Minnesota because I am
sid the science kid!

["Science kid" echoing]
remember, keep asking lots and

Lots of questions.

See you later, scientists.

]] Observe, compare, contrast!


]] Hey, I know how to
observe, compare, and contrast.

And I bet you do, too.

Observe. That's when you look
really closely at something

And listen to it, maybe even
smell it and feel it.

Compare. That's when you look at
two things and think about how

They're the same.

Contrast. That's when you
observe things and think about

What's different about them.

♪ ♪