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02x12 - Sid's Special Dad Day

Posted: 10/04/22 13:22
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists, it's me,
sid. I want to know why I have

To wear sunblock when I play in
the sun, so my friends and I are

Gonna investigate all kinds of
weather. Come explore with me,

Sid the science kid, coming up

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today?

]] I want to know why things
happen and how

And I want to know
everything now, oh, yeah

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did? Hmm

What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world is spinning
and I want to know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm sid the science kid ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company
and friends of nci]

And he dribbles the ball around
the field. Can nobody stop him?

Oh! Somebody tries, but he
fails, and sid gets past, goes

For a goal. Yay! Oh, hi. I'm
sid. I'm just practicing because

Today after school, my dad and I
are gonna play soccer, and he's

Gonna teach me some super cool
new moves. Yup, we're gonna have

A special dad day. Whoo hoo! And
look. It's a perfect day for

Soccer. Nice and warm and sunny
outside. Hmm. Oh, but that means

Mom and dad are gonna make me
wear sunblock. Whah, bam! Isn't

That right, dr. Beaks? Ooh, it's
all ooey and gooey and slimy,

And it seems like it takes
forever to put on. You know what

I'm talking about, right? Hmm.

And no matter how much I try to
get away from dad's sunblocky

Hands, he always catches me, and
then I have sticky, icky

Sunblock all over me. Hmm. I
just got to know--what's the big

Idea with the sun? Why do I have
to put on sunblock? [Echoing]

]] Sid, breakfast time!

]] Oh, boy! I can't wait for
breakfast time!

Good morning.

]] Sid, you're just in time.

I've got some sunblock for you.

]] Oh, no.

]] Here I come, mr. Sunblock
hands. Grrr.

]] Oh, no. Stay away.

]] Ah, gotcha.

]] Aah!

]] Sorry, sid. I just don't want
you to get too much sun today

And not feel good for our
special day outside.

]] Oh.

]] After school, I'm gonna show
you a new move that I call dad's

Dy-no-mite dino-stopping kick.

]] Ooh, that sounds cool.

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, wait a minute. One time,
you told me that the sun is good

For me.

]] Well, some sunlight is good
for you, sid, but too much

Sunlight can be harmful.

]] Ok, but I spend a lot of time
under the lights at home and at

School, so why don't I have to
wear sunblock there?

]] Oh, good question, sid. At
school and inside the house, we

Have a roof that blocks the sun.

]] That's right, sid, and the
light from the sun is much more

Powerful than light from a
regular old light bulb.

]] Oh. I thought light was just
light. Hmm. I'm going to

Investigate more about the sun
at school.

]] Well, before you go, you'd
better have some breakfast.

You're gonna need lots of
energy today for our...

]] Special dad day! Pow! Ha ha

]] It's gonna be so great.

♪ I love my mom
]] uh-huh

]] My mom is cool
]] uh-huh

]] But now it's time
for having fun in school

Yeah ♪

]] Hi!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriella
]] watch what I can do ♪

Ha ha! Yeah!

Here we go!

]] Wow!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah! Check out my moves!

Ha-ha! Yeah! I'm a dancing

]] Cool!

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?



]] Groovy!

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] ♪ You got me ♪

]] Yeah!

♪ We're looking for our friends
and look who we found

We found each other
friends! ♪


]] And now it's time for the sid
survey. Hello. I am sid, roving

Reporter with today's survey.

The question: what does the sun
do? And maybe you can think

About what the sun does, too.

Let's go get some answers.

Hey, gabriella.

]] Hello, sid.

]] I have a question for you.

What does the sun do?

]] Oh, uh, hmm. I think the sun
makes things hot because

Whenever I go to the beach, the
sun shines on the sand and it

Makes the sand hot, and it's
hard to walk on.

]] Uh-oh. What do you do?

]] Oh, well, I just walk on the
sand really, really fast like

This. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,
ooh! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot

Sand, sand, sand. Hot sand, hot

Oh, but now I wear sandals at
the beach so I don't feel the

Hot sand.

]] That's a good idea. Thanks,

]] Sure thing.

]] Biggest sand mountain in the

]] Hey, gerald.

]] Oh, hi, sid!

]] Hey, I have a question for
you. What does the sun do?

]] Ok, so I think the sun makes
plants grow, because my mom put

Her geraniums in the window,
and then the sun shines on them,

And they get bigger!

]] Cool! Good answer, gerald.

]] Thank you, sid.

]] Hey, how about you, may?

What do you think the sun does?

]] Oh, I think the sun melts the
snow. When I go to my grandma's

House in chicago, it's really
cold and snowy there. Brrr. And

When the sun comes out, it melts
the snow.

]] Hmm. Melting snow. Cool.

Thanks, may.

]] You're welcome.

]] And now the results of my
survey. Gabriella says the sun

Makes the sand at the beach hot.

Gerald says the sun makes plants
grow. And may says that the sun

Melts the snow. Maybe you've
thought about what the sun does,

Too. Well, there you have it. I
am sid, roving reporter and sun


]] Everybody, rug time!

]] Ooh, that's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time, come on in
rug time, take a seat

Rug time
]] we're ready

]] Everybody move your feet
rug time

]] Teacher susie
]] good times on the way

Rug time, come on in
we've got a lot

To learn today! ♪
]] Surf's up. Yeah, I'm surfing!

]] Come surf on over to the rug.

]] Ok! Whoa, whoa, this is a big

Watch out, everybody, here I


]] Splash!

]] Ok, does anyone have anything
they'd like to share with the


]] Ooh, yeah, I do.

]] Go ahead, sid.

]] Well, I'm really excited
because today is a special dad

Day. My dad's gonna teach me
some new soccer moves after


]] Soccer?

]] Oh, it sounds like you're
gonna have a really fun time

With your dad today.

]] Yeah. The only problem is,
before we go out to play, my mom

And dad always make me put on

]] Oh, no.

]] Yeah.

]] You don't like putting on

]] Well, it kind of takes a long
time to put on.

]] Yeah, it does. Susie, why
can't we just start playing

Instead of putting on sunblock?

]] Well, let's see. Has anyone
ever spent time in the sun

Without using sunblock?

]] Oh, I did once, when my
family went to the park and we

Forgot our sunblock.

]] Oh, no. What happened, may?

]] Well, we played in the park
all day, and by the end of the

Day, I started feeling all
really hot, and then a little

Later, my face and neck were
bright red and I didn't feel

Very good at all.

]] Oh, I am sorry to hear that,

]] Yeah.

]] Does anyone know what
happened to may when she spent

Too much time in the sun?

]] Oh, I know. She got a

]] Very good, gabriella. You
see, the sun does lots of

Wonderful things for us, but too
much sunlight can give us a

Sunburn, and sunblock is great
protection against getting a


]] Protection? You mean it's
protection for our skin?

]] Exactly. Hey, I know a great
place to investigate how

Sunblock protects your skin.

]] The super fab lab!

]] That's right! Grab your
journals and let's go.

]] Super fab lab!

]] Observe! Compare! Contrast!


]] Ok, it's time for the
sunblock investigation.

]] Yay!

]] We're all going to find out
just how sunblock helps to

Protect our skin from the sun.

First let's protect this paper
from the sun. You're gonna take

This sunblock and put it onto
the paper.

]] Oh. Susie, can we make
pretty designs on the paper with

Our sunblock?

]] Yeah, like a fire truck or a
baby donkey.

]] Sure you can! Then, after you
put lots of sunblock on the

Paper, we're going to put the
paper outside all day long.

]] Oh. All day long? This paper
is going to get a lot of sun on


]] It sure is, gabriella.

Normally, when construction
paper is left in the sunlight

All day, it becomes damaged and
its color begins to fade.

]] Wow. The sun can make the
paper lose its color?

]] That's right, sid, but we're
going to see what happens to the

Paper with sunblock on it and
without sunblock. So go ahead,

Scientists. Put some sunblock on
the paper.

]] Ok.

]] Hey, you're a scientist. You
can try this, too.

]] It's time to do the sunblock
investigation. First put

Sunblock on your paper. You can
get as creative as you want with

Your designs, as long as you
make sure to put plenty of

Sunblock on the paper.

You can make shapes like
circles, squares, and triangles.

Next, put the paper in sunlight,
and we can find out what happens

If we leave it there for the
rest of the day. Now let's make

Some predictions. Draw pictures
of what you think your paper

Will look like after it's been
in the sun all day. If paper

Usually fades and loses its
color in sunlight, do you think

The sunblock will protect the
paper so it doesn't fade?

Ok, scientists, let's make some
predictions. What's going to

Happen to the paper after it's
out in the sun all day? May, can

We start with you?

]] Ok. Um, I predict that the
sunblock will protect the paper

So it stays the same color. I
think my smiley face will stay

Bright blue, just like the paper
is right now.

]] Great prediction, may. We'll
have to see if you're right.

Sid, how about you?

]] Um, ok. I predict that these
cool circles that I drew with

Sunblock will protect the paper
from the sun, and then I also

Drew a soccer ball because I'm
really excited about playing

Soccer in the sun with my dad
after school.

]] Oh, I know you're gonna have
fun, sid. Ok, scientists, while

The paper is out here in the
sun, you can all go play with

All your new ideas.

]] Yay!

]] It's time for good

Ha ha ha!

]] Hey, gabriella.

]] Yes?

]] What is the best day of the
week to go to the beach?

]] I don't know. What day?

]] Sun-day.

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Wait, wait. I have another

]] Ok.

]] Ok, what is the sun's
favorite day of the week?

]] I don't know? What day?

]] Sun-day!

]] Ha ha ha!

Oh, wait. Now I have one.

]] Ok. Go.

]] What's the moon's favorite
day of the week?

]] Oh, I don't know. Sunday?

]] No. Moon-day!

]] Ha ha ha!

]] Ooh, knock knock.

]] Who's there?

]] Sun.

]] Oh, um, sid, you're not my
son. You already have a dad.

]] I know. Gerald, sun, like sun
up in the sky.

]] Oh, that sun.

]] Yeah.

]] Ok, yeah, I get it. All
right, let's do it again.

]] Ok, all right. Knock knock.

]] Who's there?

]] Sun.

]] Hello, son. Daddy loves you!

Ha ha!

]] Now that's sunny.

I mean funny.

[Canned laughter]
]] and now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing.

]] Go, susie!

]] Oh, why, thank you. Well, you
know, we've been talking a lot

About the sun
giving us sunburns,

But the sun also does lots of
wonderful things for us and for

Our planet.

]] Uh-huh.

]] In fact, the sun does so many
great things it's almost like a

Super hero!

]] Whoa!

]] Put your sunblock on.

]] Oh, ok.

]] Sunblock.

]] All over.

]] Rub, rub...

]] Sunblock dance.

♪ Super sun
super sun, super sun

He's a super guy
he gets the job done

When it comes to energy
he's number one

Our super hero super sun
he turns on the heat

He turns on the lights
he shines all day

And never sleeps at night
he does so many powerful things

It would take all day
to list them

He's the hotshot
who puts the solar

In the solar system
super sun, super sun

A super guy
he gets the job done

When it comes to energy
he's number one

Our super hero, super sun
his power is tops

He can melt the snow
he gives the energy

That helps the plants grow
he sends his rays

For days and days
to soak up on the beaches

You can feel his heat
and energy

Everywhere he reaches
he's part of a beautiful sunrise

That happens every dawn
he's so powerful

You better put your sunblock on
super sun, super sun

A super guy
he gets the job done

When it comes to energy
he's number one

Our super hero, super sun
our super hero, super sun

Our super hero, super sun ♪
]] ya ha ha!

]] Great.

]] Yeah. Hey, hey, I want to be
the super sun so I can keep the

Earth warm.

]] And help plants make
nutrients so they can grow.

]] And shine so we can see
during the day.

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, speaking of the sun,
let's go to the playground and

See what the sun did to your
construction paper.

]] Ok.

]] Let's go!

]] Come on, may.

]] Wait for me! Wait!

]] Ok, scientists, let's make
some observations.

]] Ok, ha ha!

]] Now, this is a new piece of
paper from inside that's never

Been in the sun. Does anyone see
a difference between this paper

And our paper?

]] Hmm...

Oh, the paper that was in the
sun is lighter.

]] That's right, gabriella,
it faded.

]] Oh, and look, where we put
the sunblock, the paper stayed

The same. See, my square here is
the same color as the new paper.

Ha ha!

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Hey, yeah, and the sunblock
protects the paper just like it

Protects our skin.

]] You got it, scientists. Wow,
it sounds like we have some

Sunblock experts here.

]] Ha ha!

]] Thank you.

]] Ok, let's go inside and get
your backpacks. It's time to go


]] Yay!

]] Hey, scientists, let's see
what happened to your paper,


]] Ok, let's discover what
happened to the paper. It has

Been the sun for a long time.

Wow, the shapes on the paper
with sunblock didn't lose their

Color. The sunblock protected
the shape so the color didn't

Fade. But look at the area
without sunblock. The sun is so

Strong that it faded the paper.

It actually changed its color.

This part of the paper was
covered, so it was protected and

Didn't lose its color. Hey, if
the sunblock protected the

Paper, think about how well it
can protect your skin, too. Hats

And sunglasses also help protect
you from the sun. Now you're

Ready to go play and have a
great time in the bright,

Beautiful sun.

]] Now where's my sid?

]] Oh, right here, grandma!

]] Oh! Ha! Oh!

]] Mm-mmm.

]] Now, okey-doke, let's roll.

]] Let's roll!

]] Ha ha!


[Sid humming]
]] ♪ la la la la la la ♪

]] ♪ Backseat driving
with grandma ♪

]] ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
ha ha! Oh, all righty, kiddo,

How was your day?

]] Oh, it was great. I learned
that you need sunblock to

Protect your skin from the sun.

]] Oh, that's right, sid. You
know, people have been trying to

Protect their skin from the sun
for a really long time. As far

Back as ancient egypt, people
were trying not to get

Sunburns. Back then, the
egyptians blocked out the sun by

Holding up giant leaves to keep
themselves cool and in the

Shade. As time went on, people
all over the world started using

Little umbrellas called parasols
that weren't for blocking rain

But for blocking out the sun and
keeping their skin nice and

Healthy. And while women were
riding in wagon trains in the

Wild, wild west, they wore a big
hat called a sun bonnet, and my

Favorite way to get out of the
sun--sitting under a nice shady

Tree. Ha ha!

]] Wow, grandma. You know so
many ways not to get a sunburn.

]] Oh, well, now you do, too.

Ha ha! And I bet you're excited
to play in the sun with your


]] That's right. My grandma's
the best.

♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about... ♪
]] Ha ha!

]] ♪ The sun ♪
]] woo-hoo!

]] Ha ha! Scientist in the
house. Yeah!

[Canned laughter]

]] All righty, I'm ready to go.

]] Oh, I am, too. I just
finished putting on a fresh coat

Of sunblock. So now I'll be
protected from the sun the whole

Time we play.

]] Hey, good thinking, sid. So,
are you ready to learn dad's

Dy-no-mite dino-stomping kick?

]] I sure am! I've been waiting
all day.

]] I know. Me, too. Ha ha! Ok,
it goes like this.

]] Ok.

]] Rarh...


]] Oh.

]] Oh.

]] Um...

]] Hmm. You know, I think it
might need a new rarh!

]] Um, hey, dad, can I try?

]] Oh, sure, sid.

]] Great.

]] Let me get the ball.

]] Ok.

]] Coming your way.

]] Get on over. Ha ha.

]] Go for it, sid.

]] Ok. Here we go.



]] Hey! Goal!

]] Yay!

]] Ha ha! Ha, great shot, sid.

]] Ha ha! Thanks, dad.

Hey, this is the best dad day
ever. I really like playing

Soccer with you, dad.

]] Oh, thanks, sid.

You know what?

]] Huh?

]] I like playing soccer with
you, too.

]] Hey, dad, here's my super sid
sunblocker move.

]] Ok.

]] Ok, I'm gonna stand in front
of the goal and make myself as

Big as the sun, and you try to
kick it, and I'll block it.

]] All righty, you ready?

]] Yeah.

]] Here it comes. Ready...

Ah! Ha ha!

]] Yay, I blocked it!

I blocked it!

]] Good job, buddy!

]] Wow! What a day. I learned
that sunblock

Protects your skin
so you won't get a sunburn when

You play outside. You know what?

I was out in the sun all day
playing soccer with my dad, and

I feel great, thanks to
sunblock! Woo-hoo! Ha ha!

He sh**t and he scores!

Goal! Yay!

You see that, guys? I'm awesome.

Yeah! I just wish it didn't take
so long to put sunblock on.


Ok, I've got it. Here's my
super-duper-ooper-schmooper big

Idea! I will invent the super
sunblock blaster. It's like a

Mini carwash that you can step
into and get blasted by a layer

Of sunblock all over your body.

And then when you step out, you
go under a big dryer and it

Dries the sunblock right there
on the spot.

the best part is, it only takes

One second. Everyone in the
world will have a

Super sunblock blaster:
little kids...hi!

Grownups going to,
business, business...guys that

Sell hotdogs. Get your hotdogs.

Woo, sunblock. Soccer players.

Kick, kick, kick, kick. Ice
skaters. Clowns. Ooh ooh, ha ha,

Tickle, tickle. Everybody. No
one in the whole world will ever

Get a sunburn again thanks to
the super sunblock blaster. And

That's my super-duper-ooper-
schmooper big idea! Woo-hoo!

[Canned applause]
thank you. Thank you.

Ha ha! Hey, guys, don't forget,
until I invent the super

Sunblock blaster, be sure to
keep putting on sunblock the

Old-fashioned way. I know I will
because I am sid the science

Kid. ["Science kid" echoes]
remember, keep asking lots and

Lots of questions. See you
later, scientists. So, did you

Guys use plenty of sunblock
today? Yeah? Good job, guys.

I'm proud of you.

]] Observe, compare, contrast!


]] Hey, I know how to
observe, compare, and contrast.

And I bet you do, too.

Observe. That's when you look
really closely at something

And listen to it, maybe even
smell it and feel it.

Compare. That's when you look at
two things and think about how

They're the same.

Contrast. That's when you
observe things and think about

What's different about them.

♪ ♪