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02x06 - Hello Doggie

Posted: 10/04/22 13:18
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists.

It's me, sid. I want to know
what my neighbor's dogs are

Saying when they bark.

So my friends and I are going
to discover that there's lots

Of science to explore in the
backyard. Come explore with me,

"Sid the science kid," coming up

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you want to learn today? ♪
]] ♪ I want to know why things

Happen and how and I want to
know everything now--oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do what
it just did? Hmm.

you think I could fly?

The world's spinning
and I wanna know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm "sid the science kid" ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company and
friends of nci]

]] Oh. Hi. I'm sid.

And I'm listening really
closely to something.

[Dog barks]
oh. There. Hear that?

A dog barked.

oh. Wait, I heard another dog

Barking over there.

wow. This is amazing. I think

All the dogs in my neighborhood
are talking.

yeah. And it's like they're

Barking right at me. And I think
I know what they're trying

To say. They're saying,
"hey, sid! You need a dog!"

'Cause I really, really, really,
really, really want one!

I want a pet doggie of
my very own to feed and brush

And take for walks. And even
clean up after. So, I really,

Really want to know:
what's the big idea with

All this barking?

Can dogs [echoing] talk?

]] Sid! Breakfast time.

]] Oh, boy! Breakfast!

Whoo-hoo! Breakfast time...!

Good morning, everybody.

]] Hey, sid.

]] Morning, sid.

]] Hey, did you hear all those
dogs barking this morning?

And didn't you wonder what
all that barking was for?

]] You mean besides waking us
all up?

]] Well, yeah. I mean, do you
think they're talking?

]] Well, kind of--in their own
dog way. It's called


]] Communicating. That's a good
word. Yeah, well, maybe they're

Saying, "hey, mom and dad!

Please get sid a dog of
his own!"

]] We know.

]] I'll tell you what, sid.

We'll talk about it some more
tonight when you get home

From school.

]] Ok. Hey, what is zeke
fussing about?

]] [Babbling]
]] oh, I wish I knew.

]] Waah!

]] Oh, zekie, what's wrong,
huh, baby? What is it, sweetie?

]] Hmm. I wonder what he wants
to say. I don't think he's


]] Nope. He already turned down
his oatmeal and some apple


]] Well, does he have a full

]] Hmm. [Sniffing]
]] nope.

]] Waah!

]] The kid is clean and fresh.

]] Hmm.

]] Da-da...uhh...

]] Hey! I've got an idea.

maybe...maybe he wants his

Teething toy. Here you go,

]] Ahh...

]] Hey.

]] Nice job, sid. Oh. How did
you know that that's what zeke

Was crying for?

]] Oh, easy. I observed that
zeke was reaching for his

Teething toy. See, he always
wants to chew on it when he's

Getting a new tooth.

]] [Chewing noises]
]] aw...

]] Ew. With this guy around,
who needs a dog?

I'm just kidding, folks.

But seriously, I really
do-do-do really, really want

A dog.

]] We know!

]] You're communicating that
to us loud and clear.

But right now I'm communicating
to you that it's time to eat


]] Oh. Yeah! It's almost time
for school.

♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time
for having fun at school ♪


]] Ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] watch what I can do.

Yeah! Ha ha!

Ready, set, go!

]] Wow.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha ha! I'm a rock star!

Gerald in the house!

]] Cool.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

All right. So cool.

]] Groovy.

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid! ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] Ha ha! You got me.

]] [All laughing and humming]
♪ we're looking for

Our friends
and look what we found

We found each other
friends ♪


]] And now it's time for
the sid survey.

Hello. I am sid, roving
reporter with today's survey.

The question: do you think
animals can talk? Maybe you

Can think about if animals
talk, too. Let's go get

Some answers! Hola there,

]] Hola, sid.

]] Hey, do you think animals
can talk?

]] Well, I don't think they
can talk, you know, like we

Do, but I do think they say
stuff to each other.

]] Oh.

]] Like "moo," [clucking like
a chicken] ribbit-ribbit-ribbit

]] oh. You mean they


]] Sure. Maybe lots of animals
can communicate.

]] Whoa. I never thought of
that. Huh. Thanks a lot,


]] Sure thing.

]] Gabriela's so smart.

Heh heh. Hey, may.

Hello up there!

]] Hello down there, sid.


]] Well, how about you, may?

Do you think animals can talk?

]] Oh, I think my cat mushu
can talk, 'cause when she purrs

And meows at me, I think she's
telling me, "thanks for dinner.

I love you, may." [Giggles]

]] Wow. That's cool, may.

]] Thank you.

]] Thank you. Bye.

]] Bye. Bye.

]] Bye.

]] Bye. [Giggling]
]] hi, sid survey guy!

]] Hi, gerald. Hey, do you think
animals can talk?

]] Oh, yeah, sure. Dogs can
talk. I know because I can

Speak dog.

]] You can?

]] Yeah. Here, watch.

rraarrr! [Pants, howls]

]] Wow. What did all that mean?

]] Hello.

]] All that meant hello?

]] [Ruff]
]] what did that mean?

]] Yes. Ha! [Barking]
]] ok. Thanks, gerald.

I mean, [barks, howls]
and now the results of

My survey. Gabriela says that
maybe lots of animals can talk.

May says her cat mushu talks
when she purrs. And gerald can

Even talk dog.

Maybe you've heard animals
talk, too. And there you

Have it. I am sid, roving
reporter, and animal-talking

Expert. And I really, really,
really want a dog!

]] Everybody, rug time!

]] Ooh, that's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time
come on in! Rug time

Take a seat
rug time ♪

]] ♪ We're ready ♪
]] ♪ everybody move your feet

Rug time ♪
]] teacher susie!

]] ♪ Good times on the way
rug time, come on in

We've got a lot to learn today ♪
]] [barking]

[panting] I'm a doggie!

]] Doggie, come!

]] Ok. [Barking]
]] and sit!

]] [Pants]

]] Good, doggie.

]] Boy.

]] So, who wants to share
something with the class?

]] Oh! Oh! Sid was asking us
if we think that dogs can talk,

And that made me wonder:
do lots of animals talk?

]] Oh. Good question, gabriela.

You know, even if they don't
use words like we do, lots and

Lots of animals can communicate.

]] So, susie, how do animals

]] Well, one way that animals
communicate is the sounds

That they make.

]] Oh, like my cat mushu.

When she's purring and meowing,
it means, "I love you" and

"That feels good."

And "it's great to be a cat."


]] You're on the right track,
may. And animals communicate

In other ways, too, like,
oh, how they move their bodies

Or how they look with their

]] Oh, yeah! Hey, look at this.

I am communicating that I am
interested in all this stuff.

]] very good, gerald.

And when animals talk to each
other in all the different

Ways that animals do, we call it
animal communication.

]] Ooh. Hey, susie, can we see
some animals communicate?

]] Sure, we can. I think it's
time to go to...

]] The super-fab lab!

]] Yeah. Grab your journals
and let's go.

]] Let's go.

]] Super-fab lab!

Observe. Compare. Contrast.


]] Ok. Today, we're going to
look at some video on

The computer and see the way
different animals communicate.

]] Cool.

]] Ok. You mean, to tell
everyone if they're hungry

Or angry?

]] Or scared or excited?

]] Exactly! Now, your job is
to observe closely and guess

What they're trying to

]] Ok.

]] All right. Ok.

]] Hey, you're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

]] I hope there's a hippo.

]] Ok, scientists, let's observe
some animals and guess what

They're trying to communicate.

Then you can pretend to be
an animal, too.

This dog is wagging his tail.

He might be telling us he's
excited. Ok. Your turn.

Did you hear that? The cat is
communicating to us that he's

Hungry; he wants to eat.

Can you meow like a cat?

Look at the way the goose is
flapping his wings and making

Noise. He's telling other
geese to stay away.

Hey, you look like a goose, too.

This frog is making noises
with his cheeks. He's trying

To call a female frog.

Now you try it.

The young male gorilla is
beating his chest. That's his

Way of telling other gorillas:
"here I am. Don't come near me."

Look at the way the male
peacock spreads his big,

Beautiful feathers. He wants
female peacocks to look at him.

Can you pretend that you're
a peacock, too?

Hey, great job!

Ok. It's time to draw some
pictures in your journals.

Do you remember what animals
we observed today? Did they

Spread their feathers? Did they
wag their tails? Think about

All the ways animals
communicate. Wow. Those

Animals were communicating
in so many different ways. Huh?

]] Yeah!

]] Oh, I can't wait to see
what observations you made.

Let's start with you, sid.

]] Hmm? Oh, sure. Well, I drew
a dog wagging his tail.

He's communicating with me,
and I think he's saying that

He's excited.

]] Oh, that's a good guess, sid.

He might be excited, but
remember, always ask

Permission from a dog's owner
before you try to pet it.

]] Oh. Good idea.

]] How about you, gabriela?

What did you draw?

]] I drew the peacock. See?

Look. He spread his feathers
really big. I think he wanted

Everyone to look at him
and his big, beautiful tail.

]] Hey! Hey, guys! Look at me.

I'm a peacock. Look at my
pretty feathers.

]] Oh, they are pretty.

And do you know why male
peacocks show off their

Tail feathers?

]] Why?

]] To attract female peacocks.

]] Ah, what? Uh, really? Oh.

Ok! I'm a gorilla! [Chattering]

]] Very good gorilla, gerald.

]] Thank you.

]] All my scientists are
communicating to me that

You've learned a lot about
animal communication.

]] Yeah.

]] Hey, I think it's time to
play with all your new ideas.

]] [Cheering]
]] here we go.

]] [Chattering like monkeys]

]] It's time for...

]] Good laughter-noon!

]] hey, gerald.

]] Hey, may!

]] You be a dog, and I'll ask
you some questions.

]] Ok.

]] Hey, doggie, what's on top
of a house?

]] Roof! Roof!

]] And what's outside a tree?

]] Oh! Bark! Bark! Bark!

]] And what does sandpaper
feel like?

]] Rough! Rough!

]] [All laughing]
]] ♪ hello ♪

]] ♪ Hello ♪
]] ♪ hello ♪

]] Hello!

]] Boy, gabriela, what's the

]] Oh, there's no joke.

I just said hello.

I'm communicating.

]] Oh, ok. Hello!

]] Hello!

]] [All laughing]
]] hello!

]] Hey, sid.

]] Yes, may.

]] What did the cat say when
someone stepped on its tail

Instead of "ow"?

]] Hmm. I don't know, may.

What did the cat say when
someone stepped on its tail

Instead of "ow"?

]] Me...ow!

]] [Laughing]
]] and you know what a cow


]] Moo!

]] Now that's moo-ey.


]] I am dr. Gabriela, animal
doctor. That's what we call

A veterinarian. Send in my
first animal--a gorilla.

]] [Chattering]

]] Hello, gorilla. Good
communicating. You are hungry.

Here's a banana.

]] [Chatters]
]] you're welcome. Next?

]] Meow.

]] Oh, well, hello, may's cat
mushu. Good communicating.

You just need someone to pet

]] Meow. Meow.

]] There there, there there.

I love you, too, mushu. Next?

]] [Whimpering]
]] hello, doggie. This doggie

Is communicating that he wants
to go to the bathroom. Ha ha!

My work here is done. The end.

]] Hey, gerald. That was real
good pretending. It made us

Think you actually had to go
to the bathroom.

]] Thanks, sid. But I wasn't
pretending. I do have to go

To the bathroom! Aaah!

]] And now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing.

]] Go, susie!

]] Oh! Thank you, thank you.

]] Here you go.

]] You know, today we've been
talking about the different ways

That animals communicate.

But did you know that bees
communicate by dancing?

]] What?

]] So, who wants to learn
the bee dance?

]] We do!

]] All right. Here we go.

♪ Bzz, bzz ♪
]] ♪ bzz, bzz ♪

]] ♪ Bzz, bzz ♪
]] ♪ bzz, bzz ♪

]] ♪ This sweet honeycomb is
home sweet home

But to find a food
the worker bees have got to roam

How do they tell us
where the food will be?

They communicate by dancing
it's a sight to see

They're busy, busy, busy, busy

'Cause we're in the honey biz
they do the waggle dance

Or do the round dance
to tell every bee where

The pollen is
they're busy, busy, busy, busy

they really put on a show

The worker bees communicate
by dancing

That's how they tell us
where to go

If the flowers are close
they do the round dance

They start dancing like they got
ants in their pants

And if it's farther away
they do the waggle dance

They waggle and they wiggle
till it makes you want to giggle

They're busy, busy, busy, busy

'Cause we're in the honey biz
they do the waggle dance

Or do the round dance
to tell every bee where

The pollen is
they're busy, busy, busy, busy

they really put on a show

The worker bees communicate
by dancing

That's how they tell us
where to go

They're busy, busy-busy

They really put on a show
the worker bees communicate

By dancing
that's how they tell us

Where to go ♪

]] [Cheering and buzzing]
]] animal communication is cool.

I can't wait to go home
and listen to my neighborhood

Dogs again. Maybe they really
are saying, "hey! Sid needs

A dog!"

]] Maybe they are, sid.

Ok, scientists, it's time
to go home. Follow me.

]] Yeah!

]] Buzz, buzz, buzz!

]] Buzz, buzz, buzz!

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Right here, grandma!

]] Ooh!


]] Mm-mm!

]] Now, okey-doke. Let's roll.

]] Let's roll!

[Music playing on radio]

]] Whoo!

]] Yeah!

[Humming] ♪ neener, neener ♪
]] ♪ neener, neener ♪

I like that.

]] ♪ Backseat driving with
grandma, ooh ♪

[Turns radio off]
]] ok, kiddo. Tell me about

Your day.

]] Ok. Well, I learned that
lots of animals talk to each

Other. It's called animal

]] Hey. I learned that, too,
when I read about one of

My favorite scientists:
jane goodall. She wanted to

Find out how chimpanzees
communicate. So she moved to

Africa and went deep into the
jungle to learn more about

How they lived--studying them,
observing them, and just plain

Hanging out in the forest
with them. Sounds kind of

Fun, huh? Well, she observed
their behavior, how they

Communicated, if they were
hungry, angry, scared, or happy.

Yep. Jane goodall. That's one
cool scientist.

]] Wow. Well, if I ever get
a dog, I'm gonna try to

Communicate with it just like
jane goodall did with the


]] Oh, really?

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Well, I have a surprise, sid.

Something I picked up at the
animal shelter today.

]] Shelter? What?! You got
a dog?!

]] Ruff! Ruff-ruff-ruff!

]] Aw, grandma. That's not
a dog. That's just dad.

]] Yeah. You're right.

But what about this?

]] a dog? Grandma, you did

Get a dog!

]] I sure did. And you can
come over and play with him

Whenever you want.

]] Super cool!

]] Yeah. Come on out and meet
him, sid.

]] Ok.

]] Come here, boy. Come here!

Hey, look at that. I think
he's excited to meet you.

]] Oh, boy! I'm even more
excited. Hey. Hey there.

I'm sid.

he wants to be my friend.

Hey, grandma, what's his name?

]] Oh, you'll like his name.

It's philbert.

]] Wow. Hi, philbert.

Hey there, boy.

You want to see our backyard?

There's lots of room to run
around and play.

[Pants, barks]
]] all right. Let's go!

Come on, boy!

]] yeah. Our backyard's

Back here.

]] [Grandma chuckles]
]] ♪ I learned something cool

Something cool today
I know it upside down

And inside out
I learned all about... ♪

]] Whoo!

]] ♪ Animal communication ♪
come on, philbert!

Come on inside. Good boy.

All right, scientist and dog
in the house!



Come on, boy.

]] Oh, zekie, isn't that nice?

Mm-hmm. Oh, look at that.

]] Mom! You will not believe
what grandma got today.

]] What's that, sweetheart?

[Dog barking]
]] hi!

]] Look!

a dog! His name is philbert.

]] Oh, hi, philbert.

]] Oh, good doggie.

]] [babbling, giggling]

]] [All laughing]
]] hey, sid. Why don't you give

Philbert a tour of your
backyard? I'll bet he's never

Seen a treehouse before.

]] Oh, ok. Hey, come on,
philbert. Follow me. Ok, see.

Here's our picnic table where
we eat lots of yummy food.

yeah. You like food, huh, boy?

Me, too! Oh, and here's our
barbecue where we cook lots

Of yummy food.

[Sniffs, barks]
I know. It smells good.

And here's the best part of
the whole backyard:

My treehouse! Isn't it great?

I know. I think it's great, too.

Oh. We're gonna be playing
with this a lot. It's my

Soccer ball. Here. Catch, boy.

Here you go.

Good job!

all right! Awesome!

Mom, what a great day.

I learned all about animal
communication, and grandma got


]] I think philbert is trying

To communicate that he wants
to stay over here tonight

With you, sid!

]] What? Really?

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Oh, boy! Yay!

philbert, you can spend

The night. You can spend
the night. In here, philbert.

Yeah. Little further. Welcome to
my room! Ha ha! Isn't it great?

Yeah. Over here's my bed.

Mm-hmm. And here are my stuffed
animals. Look at them all.

They're really nice.

Ooh! And this guy is dr. Beaks.

Watch out for him. Watch out!

[Snickers] you try.

Ha ha! Good one, philbert.

[Dog barks]
ooh. You hear that?

Turns out dogs can communicate.

Maybe they're just saying,
"hi, philbert."

I wish I knew what animals

Were ting to say. Hmm.

Ok, philbert. I've got it!

Here's my super-dooper-ooper-
schmooper big idea!

I'm gonna invent a special hat
called the animal chat hat

That has big dog ears just like
grandma's dog philbert's

That can perk up and listen
to all the animal sounds from

All over the world. And when
those special ears hear

Animal sounds, they can
understand exactly what the

Animals are saying. Here.

I'll show you how it works.

Here comes a whale.

the whale just said: "the

Water's c-c-cold." Here's
a flamingo. Hey, flamingo!

he said, "it's fun being pink."

And here comes a big elephant.

Hey, what you up to,
mr. Elephant?

I agree, mr. Elephant.

It is a nice, sunny day.

Hey, philbert. I can
understand you, too.

aw, I love you, too, philbert.

The animal chat hat is
amazing! And that's my

big idea!


He says, "you've been a great

ooh! And he also says,

"Good night." I am sid
the science kid...[Echoing]

remember, keep asking lots

And lots of questions.

See you later, scientists.

]] ok, philbert. Let me

Introduce you to ernie,
the big, green dinosaur.

hmm? What? Oh. Yeah. That panda

Over there is ignats.

Mm-hmm. And up there is my
robot flip.

yeah. I love you, philbert.

[Whimpers, howls]
yay! Whoo-hoo!

♪ ♪