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02x01 - The Broken Wheel

Posted: 10/04/22 12:10
by bunniefuu
]] Hey, scientists.

It's me, sid. I want to know
why the wheels on my favite

Toy truck won't work,
so my friends and I are going

To investigate how to use
simple machines. Come explore

With me. "Sid the science kid,"
coming up next.

]] Hey, is this thing on?

]] ♪ Hey, sid, what do you say?

What you wanna learn today?

]] I wanna know why things
happen and how

And I wanna know everything now
oh, yeah!

How does this thing work?

Why does that stuff change?

How does that do
what it just did?

Hmm. What's up with the sky?

You think I could fly?

The world's spinning
and I wanna know why

I've got a lot of questions
and big ideas

I'm "sid the science kid" ♪
[captioning made possible by

The jim henson company and
friends of nci]

]] Oh, this wheel's just...

It won't fit. I don't get it.

Hmm. Oh, hi! I'm sid. Ha ha.

And, um, I'm having some truck
troubles. ♪ Duh-duh-duh ♪

Ha ha ha. Ah, yeah. Can you
believe it? This wheel just came

Right off. Has that ever
happened to you? Yeah. Wheels

Are tricky. One minute they're
on and then they fall right off.

And it's hard to play with
a truck when it's missing

A wheel. Hmm. Maybe I can fix
it with some--ooh! Tape! Yeah.

That'll work. Ok. Let me just
put a piece right on there

Like that, and then cross that
like so and...


Now the wheel's back on the
truck, and it should work like

New. Let's test it out.


[Makes engine noises]
this wheel. I can't get it

To work. Well, now I just got to
know: how do wheels work?

[Echoing] work...

]] Sid, breakfast time.

]] Oh, good. At least
something's going right

This morning. I'm coming, mom.

Breakfast time!

]] Good morning, sid.

]] Hey, mom. Hi, zeke.

]] [Babbling and cooing]
]] um, so, I have a problem.

A wheel problem.

]] Well, like father, like son.

You both have wheel problems.

]] [Dad grunts] yeah. That's
right. I'm trying to attach

This wheel back to big red.

]] [Gasps] oh. That's big red.

Oh, no. I love big red.

It's the greatest wagon ever!

]] Yeah, but this wheel keeps
falling off.

]] Hmm. Well, don't use tape.

I tried it, and now the wheel
won't go around.

]] You're right about that, sid.

Wheels need to be able to round.

]] Yep.

]] Hmm. How can I show you how
this works?

Oh! I got an idea. Come here,

]] Ok.

]] I'm gonna show you how wheels
work on the computer.

]] [Zeke makes chewing noises]
]] now, let's see. Ok. Here's

A truck with some big wheels.

And look, on this truck, the
wheels are connected to this

Metal bar, and that's called
an axle.

]] An axle.

]] Right. The axle turns round,
and that's what makes the

Wheels turn round and round.

]] Oh. So, the wheel on my truck
can't move because I taped it

And it needs to be able to spin
on the axle, like this one.

]] Right.

]] Wow, sid. You figured out
how your truck's wheels work.

]] Hey, I did! Well, I know
how they work, but now I'm

Thinking what else can wheels

]] Well, that sounds like a
perfect question to investigate

At school, sid.

]] And later, we can have
a fix-it playdate. We'll get

The wheels working on your truck
and on big red.

]] Ha ha! That sounds great.

Thanks, dad.

♪ I love my mom ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ My mom is cool ♪
]] ♪ uh-huh ♪

]] ♪ But now it's time
for having fun at school ♪


]] Ha ha!

]] Hi.

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

There's gabriela ♪
]] watch what I can do.

Ha ha!

Yeah! Ready, set, go!

]] Wow.

♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's gerald ♪
]] yeah. Check out my moves.

Ha ha ha! I'm a rock star!

Yeah! Ha ha! Awesome!

]] Cool.

]] Go!

]] ♪ I'm looking for my friends
I'm looking for you

Hey, there's may ♪
]] may I show you how I groove?

Uh-huh. Whee! Ha ha!

]] Groovy.

]] ♪ We're looking
for our friends

We're looking for you
hey, there's sid! ♪

]] Did you hear the one about
the kid who wanted to know

Everything about everything?

]] That's you!

]] Ha ha! You got me.

]] [All laughing]
♪ we're looking for

Our friends
and look what we found

We found each other
friends ♪

]] and now it's time for

The sid survey.

Hello. I am sid, roving
reporter with today's survey.

The question: what kind of
wheels have you seen?

And you can think about wheels
you've seen, too. Let's go

Get some answers. Heh heh.

Oh, hi, gabriela.

]] Hi.

]] Hey, what kinds of wheels
have you seen?

]] Oh, uh, I've seen a big,
giant wheel--a ferris wheel.

My brother and I rode on it,
and it took us way up high.

]] Wow.

]] We went around and around
and around. It was really fun.

]] Yeah. That sounds like
a fun wheel. Thanks, gabriela.

]] Sure thing.

]] Ooh. Gerald!

]] Yeah, sid!

]] What kinds of wheels have
you seen?

]] I've seen the kinds of wheels
on a tricycle. Tada!

]] [Both snickering]
]] thanks, gerald. You and

Wheels make an awesome team,

]] Thank you.

]] Let me give you
a turbo-boost.

]] Oh, blast-off!

]] Hey, sid, do you know what
kinds of wheels I've seen?

]] Um, no, may. What kinds?

]] The ones on my scooter.

]] Oh, yeah. Nice wheels, may.

]] Thank you.

]] And now the results of
my survey. Gabriela has seen

A ferris wheel take her really
high. Gerald has seen the kinds

Of wheels on a tricycle that
help him go fast. And may has

Seen the wheels on her scooter.

I'll bet you've been thinking
about wheels you've seen, too.

]] [Humming] hi, sid.

]] Hi again, may.

Well, there you have it.

I am sid, roving reporter
and wheel expert.

]] Everybody, rug time!

]] That's teacher susie.

]] ♪ It's rug time
come on in! Rug time

Take a seat
rug time ♪

]] We're ready
]] ♪ everybody move your feet

Rug time ♪
]] teacher susie!

]] ♪ Good times on the way
rug time, come on in

We've got a lot to learn today ♪
]] oh, I'm an astronaut,

And I'm walking on the moon.


]] [All laughing]
]] uh-oh. I'm floating away now.


]] Wait! Astronaut gerald, float
back over to rug time.

]] Ok, teacher susie. I'm
following your voice, and I'm

Coming back from the stars.

landing. Ka-boom!

]] [Giggling]
]] yay!

]] Ok. Who has something they'd
like to share with the class?

]] Well, we were all talking
about wheels, like on my


]] Yeah. And my tricycle.

Oh, and also, my dad's car has

]] And shopping carts have
wheels and buses have wheels

And ferris wheels are one, big

]] Wow. Those are all great
examples of wheels.

]] Oh, susie, I can think of
another wheel. The wheel that

Fell off my truck. Now it
won't go around at all.

The wheel is kind of stuck.

]] Ohh, you mean the wheel on
your truck won't rotate.

]] Rotate.

]] Yeah. Wheels won't work if
they get stuck, but when wheels

Do work, oh, they're a great,
simple machine that can make

Moving things much easier.

]] Really?

]] Mm-hmm.

]] How do wheels make it easier
to move things?

]] Well, you know, I think we
need a closer look at wheels.

So, scientists, if we want to
investigate simple machines,

Where do we go?

]] To the super-fab lab!

]] That's right. Let's go!

]] Come on, sid!

]] I'm right behind you, buddy.

]] Yeah.

]] [Giggling]
]] ok.

]] There.

]] Super-fab lab!

Investigate. Explore. Discover.


]] We're going to do the big box

]] All right! The big box

]] Your job is to investigate
the easiest way to move this box

From here to the other side of
the room.

]] Wow.

]] Ooh, that is a big box.

It's big enough for a kid.

]] Well, actually, one of you
gets to go in the box.

]] Wow, really?

]] Gosh.

]] In there?

]] Oh! I'll do it. Put me in
the box.

]] May, the box is yours.

]] All right!

]] Go, may!

]] Hop on in.

]] Ok, mr. Box, you and me are
going on an adventure. Heh heh.

Here I come.

]] So, any suggestions on how to
move the box and may across

The room?

]] Well, we could pick it up
and carry it.

]] Or we could try to push it
across the floor.

]] Hey, we can try and use
the wagon. It has some wheels.

]] I don't know. ♪ I'm pretty
heavy ♪ [giggling] you might not

Be able to move me.

]] Well, I think you'll have to
investigate all the ways to move

May and the box. Then you can
discover which way is the


]] Hmm.

]] Ok. Well, let's try lifting
up the box first.

]] Ok.

]] Hey, may, are you ready
to be lifted?

]] Oh, ok. Hold on. [Inhales,
exhales] ok. I'm ready.

Go for it.

]] Ok.

]] Hey. You're a scientist.

You can try this, too.

]] Sit here.

]] Let's begin the big basket
investigation. Your job is to

Push friends in this laundry
basket all the way to the other

Side of the playground.

It looks like it's hard to push
the heavy basket. Maybe if

Friends try to push the basket,
it'll be easier.

Now it's a little easier to push
the heavy basket, but you're

Going to need more help.

How about if friends try
to move the basket?

Hey, you're doing it.

Wow. It takes friends to move
the heavy basket a long


Hmm. Maybe there's
an easier way to move something


Let's try tying the basket onto
this frame with wheels.

Wheels are simple machines that
can make it easier to move heavy


Wow. With wheels, we only need
one friend to push the heavy

Basket, but without wheels,
we needed friends to push

The basket.

Good job! You did it!

Now draw some pictures of the
wheels you used in your

Journals. That way you can
always remember how the wheels

Helped move the heavy basket.

]] Susie, can I please show you
the pictures I drew in

My journal?

]] Sure, may! I'd love to see
your observations.

]] Ok. Look. Here I am in the
box, see? And first, they tried

To pull me. That didn't work.

And then they tried to push me
along, and that didn't work,

Either. But then, we put the
box and me in the wagon, and

The box moved.

I went all the way across
the room. Yay!

]] So the wheels on the wagon
really helped.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Nice observations, may.

]] Thank you.

]] Ok, sid. How about your

]] Oh, sure. Ok, look. Here
is may in the box. And we pushed

Her all the way across the floor
in the wagon. And it made me

Think about my truck at home
with the broken wheel.

When my dad and I fix it,
though, the wheel's gonna move

Really fast and rotate.

]] I bet it will, sid.

Wow. My scientists know all
about wheels and how they help

Make things easier to move.

I think it's time to play
with all your new ideas!

]] Yay!

]] Yeah! Ha ha. Let's go.

]] Come on.

]] It's time for...

]] Good laughter-noon!

]] [Laughing]
]] hey, gerald.

]] Yes?

]] Why did the wheel take a nap?

]] Uh, I don't know. Why?

]] Because he was "wheely,
wheely" tired.

]] [Laughing]
]] why do wheels make such

Good friends?

]] I don't know.

]] Because they're always
around. Get it? A-round?

Like me.

Hi. I'm around you. How are you?

]] I'm fine. Thank you.

Welcome to my place.

]] Thank you.

]] [Laughing]
]] hey, knock knock!

]] Who's there?

]] Wheel.

]] Wheel who?

]] Wheel.

]] Wheel who?

]] Wheel.

]] Wheel who?

]] Wheel!

]] Wheel who?!

]] please stop

]] [Laughing]
]] now, that's "wheely, wheely"


[Audience laughter]
]] let's play pretend.

Sid, you and gerald will be

]] Great! I mean, uh, rrr! Rrr!

]] [Grunting]
]] good. May and i, we'll be


]] Ok.

]] Come on, may.

]] Me caveman sid. Me need box
moved from here to there.

]] Oh.

]] Ooh, cavefriend help?

]] Oh. Yes. Caveman gerald
think we push box.

]] Rrr! Push!

]] Push!

]] [Both grunt]
]] try with back.

]] Yeah.

]] Ooh!

Push no work.

]] Ahh! Me know what to do.

]] What?

]] Sing to box and box move.

♪ Oh, box, move... ♪
]] ♪ Move, move box ♪

No. Box still no move.

]] Hello. You need round wheels.

]] Like the ones on this
tricycle. Or on may's scooter.

]] And that wagon.

]] Ha ha ha. Me knew that.

]] Oh. Me, also, knew.

]] Oh, it's a good thing
we showed up.

]] We're "wheel" experts.

]] Ha ha! Cavemen solve problem.

]] Yeah.

]] Oh, yeah, cavemen?

Let's see if you can solve the
problem of how to catch us

On our super-fast round wheels?

]] [Laughing]
]] and now...

]] It's time...

]] For susie...

]] To sing.

]] Go, susie!

]] Aw, thank you! Ok.

Well, we're gonna do a little
song about wheels.

]] All right!

]] So, who likes wheels?

]] We do!

]] Yeah. Who really likes

]] We do!

]] Ok, all you wheel fans,
could you imagine a world

Without wheels?

]] No way!

]] Not good!


Rock it!

♪ Wheels
feel the rolling sensation

Wheels, spinning in a perfect

When the tires hit the gravel
well, it's time to travel

And you know how great
that feels

It's wheels
now, if you didn't have wheels

How's your racer gonna roll?

How's your truck gonna truck?

How's your stroller gonna

If you didn't have wheels
how's your skateboard gonna


]] And how's your elevator
ever gonna elevate?

]] With wheels
feel the rolling sensation

Wheels, spinning in a perfect

When the tires hit the gravel
well, it's time to travel

And you know how great
that feels

It's wheels

Now, if you didn't have wheels
you wouldn't need tires

And how's your fire truck
gonna put out the fires?

There's even wheels in your
windows and clocks

In a world without wheels
you'd take some very long walks

Give me wheels
feel the rolling sensation

Wheels, spinning in a perfect

When the tires hit the gravel
well, it's time to travel

And you know how great
that feels

It's wheels
feel the rolling sensation

Wheels, spinning in a perfect

When the tires hit the gravel
well, it's time to travel

And you know how great
that feels

It's wheels ♪

]] ♪ Wheels, wheels, wheels
are awesome! Don't take my

Wheels away! Go, wheels, go! ♪
]] Wow, may. You really like

Wheels. Heh heh.

]] Yes, I do.

]] May's right. Wheels are
awesome! How could we drive

Places in cars or trucks or
motorcycles without wheels?

]] Yeah. And how could we play
with our toy trucks without

Wheels? Oh, boy. I can't wait to
get home to my dad, and we're

Gonna fix my truck wheel so that
it rotates again.

]] Good luck, sid!

Hey, make sure that it rotates
just like this. [Makes whirring

Noise] I'm a wheel, and I'm

]] You're an awesome rotating
wheel, gerald.

]] Thank you.

]] Hey, how about if we all
become wheels and rotate

Out of here, 'cause it's time
to go home. Follow me.

]] Ok.

]] [Making whirring noises]
]] round and round and round.

]] Now, where's my sid?

]] Right here, grandma.

]] Ohhh...[Chuckles]

Now, okey-doke. Let's roll.

]] Let's roll.

[Music playing on radio]
]] yeah.

]] ♪ Backseat driving with
grandma, yeah

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
[turns radio off]

]] Ok, kiddo. How was your day?

]] It was great. We learned all
about wheels, like the wheels on

Your car.

]] Ohh! I like wheels. You know,
wheels weren't always used

To help cars and trucks move.

Scientists think that the very
first wheel was made so people

Could make pots and bowls.

Yep. Long ago, they'd put a lump
of clay on a wheel and spin it

Around and around. Then they'd
use their hands to shape the

Clay into a big pot. And guess
what? People still use

A potter's wheel today,
including me. Ha ha ha!

I love to make clay pots
on the potter's wheel.

I make little pots, medium pots,
and great big pots. [Laughs]

]] Ha ha ha. Wow! I didn't know
you could make pots on a wheel.

That's awesome.

]] Oh, I agree. Hurray for
wheels! Ha ha!

]] And hurray for grandma.

♪ I learned something cool
something cool today

I know it upside down
and inside out

I learned all about... ♪
]] [Laughs]

]] ♪ Wheels ♪
]] whoo-hoo!

]] Scientist in the house.



]] Ok. You hold the truck
steady, and I'll tighten up this


]] [Baby coos]
]] looking good, guys.

]] Thanks, mom.

]] Uhh! There. That's got it.

]] Oh, boy. Hey, we did it!

We fixed my truck. Ha!

It works good as new now.

]] Yep. And guess what else
got fixed today?

]] What?

big red! Oh, boy! Thanks, dad!

That's awesome!

]] Aw...

]] That's so cool. It's totally
fixed. Whoo-hoo! Ha ha!

Oh. The wheels can rotate.

Hey, we can put something heavy
in the wagon, because wheels

Make it easier to move stuff.

I learned that in school today.

]] Wow. You learned a lot
in school today.

]] Mm-hmm.

]] Ok. Let's put something
in the wagon to test it out.

]] [Babbling a question]
]] I know. How about zeke?

How about it, little brother?

You want to take a ride in
big red?

]] Yeah. Big red.

]] Cool. Well, just hop in,
and I'll pull you.

]] Here you go, zekie.

There you go, baby.

]] In you go, zeke.

]] Ok, zeke, you're a race car
driver and I'm the engine.

Vroom! Vroom!

]] Vroom! Vroom!

]] And I'll be the backseat

]] Ok. Here we go! Vroom!

]] Ah, vroom!

]] Ooh, wow. Look at those
wheels go.

]] Go, go, go!

]] Go, go!

]] Oh, oh, careful.

]] Go! Go!

]] Ahh...i love wheels,
especially when they rotate

And go around and around and
around. You know, like when may

Got in a box and we pushed her
on the wagon with wheels,

And she zoomed across the floor!

Ha ha. Yeah. Wheels really do
make it easier to move things.

Hmm. And that gives me an idea
for the greatest set of wheels

Ever--wheels that can do
anything! Ok. I've got it.

Here's my

Big idea! My new invention is
called the

Super-change-o-wheels. They can
be really small. Need to get

Milk across the kitchen table?

Well, just attach
super-change-o-wheels and roll

The milk carton to mom.

And the super-change-o-wheels
can be really big. Want to have

Breakfast in bed but not
in your bedroom? Well, attach

Super-change-o-wheels to your
bed so you can drive right into

The kitchen.

Super-change-o-wheels can also
grow really, really big.

Say your family wants to see
grandma at her house, but you

Don't want to leave your toys
behind. Well, just attach

Super huge,
super-change-o-wheels to your

House and soon you'll be rolling
the whole house right to

Grandma's place. Heh heh.

That's right, folks.

The super-change-o-wheels are
super! And that's my

big idea!

well, I must say, it's been

"Wheely, wheely" fun today.

and I hope you love wheels

That rotate as much as I do,
'cause I am sid the science kid!

[Echoing] science kid...

And remember, keep asking lots
and lots of questions.

See you later, scientists.

Ha ha.


♪ ♪