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02x02 - Cassie Catches Up / Very Berry

Posted: 10/04/22 10:45
by bunniefuu

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale ♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew ♪

♪ But Emmy and Max knew
What to do ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end ♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
Take my hand ♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land ♪

♪ There'’s Ord
He'’s the biggest ♪

♪ Not so brave of heart

♪ There'’s Cassie, so shy ♪

♪ Also very smart

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun ♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one ♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
Take my hand ♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land ♪


See? This one is a dog,
and this one is a rabbit.

Can you guess
what this one is?


A bat?


And he'’s coming to get you.


Cool. My turn.

Guess what this is.

Give up?
It'’s a duck.

Well, Max,
it looks pretty foul to me.


Hey, the dragons
are calling for us.


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


Wow. It sounds
like a great party.

It smells like one too.

Cotton candy, popcorn,
hot dogs.

Hi, everybody.

What'’s going on?

Max, Emmy.

the Dragon Land fair,

and there'’s all kinds
of great stuff to eat

and things to do.

And it only stops here
once a year,

and that'’s where we'’re going
right now.

Come on, guys.
I don'’t wanna miss anything.

Yeah, Zaky.
Let'’s lead the way.


Wow. This is cool.

And look over there.

Those are the prizes you can win
by playing the carnival games.


Look, Cassie.
Aren'’t they beautiful?


If you want,
maybe we can win one together.


All right, my friends.

For everyone who wants to play,
here are some rules.

First of all, I want
each of you to choose a partner.

We'’re a team.

Max, will you be my partner?


So, what do you say,

Wouldn'’t have it any other way,

There will be three games.

In each game, the winning team
will get two pinwheels.

So line up,
and let the games begin.

Come on. I just know
we can win those pinwheels.

Yeah. Me too.

In this race,
one team member runs to the tree

then runs back
and tags his or her partner.

Then that partner
runs to the tree and back again.

And whoever crosses
the finish line first wins.

Oh, boy. I love running.

Same here.

Are you ready?

On your marks,

get set,

and go.



Run, Cassie. Run.



Whoa, Wheezie.
Easy on that turn.

Come on, Cassie.
You can do it.

Go, Cassie!

We did it! Ha!

We won the race!


Way to go, sis.

You were this close.

Great try.

Thanks, Ord.



To the winner,
Zak and Wheezie.

Good teamwork, you two.

Don'’t worry.

We just have to try
a little harder,

and maybe we'’ll win
the next game.

All right, everybody.
The next game is ball toss.

The first team member,

throw the ball
as far as you can.

Then your partner
picks up the ball

and throws it again.

Whichever team throws
the furthest distance

wins a pair of pinwheels.

We both know how to throw.
This should be easy.

I hope.


Come on, Max.
You can do it.

And Max decides to throw
his famous fastball.




Go, Max.

One, two, three.

Whoa. Nice try, Wheezie.




Wow, Emmy, that was great.

Very good.

Now, teammates,
pick up your balls.


All right.
Everyone ready?

Go, Cassie.
You can do it.


Great throw.
I know we'’re gonna win.


Here goes nothing.

Yay, Zaky.

Go, go, go.

Okay, Max. I'’ll do my best.

Stand back.


Wow. Look at it go.


What happened?

Did we win?

Nope, Max and Ord did.


I was afraid of that.

Max and Ord.



All these exercises
are making me hungry.


Okay. So we didn'’t win,

but I know we'’ll win
bobbing for apples.

There are two pinwheels left,

We just have to really, really
try our hardest, and then...


Where'’d you go?



I feel so bad
I let Emmy down.

Not just once but twice.

She was counting on me
to help her win those pinwheels,

and I wanted to win one too.

I thought I heard you.

Is something the matter?


I can'’t seem to do
anything right today.

Maybe Emmy should find
a different partner.

I don'’t think Emmy wants
a different partner, Cassie.

She chose you
because you'’re her friend.

And don'’t forget,

there are many things
you'’re good at, aren'’t there?

I am good at lots of things.

I know how to make people
feel better.

And I know
how to figure things out,

but how will that help Emmy
and me win our pinwheels.

Attention, contestants.

It is time
for the final event.

Okay. I don'’t know
what I'’m going to do,

but I know I'’m gonna try.

Hey, wait for me.



Has anyone seen Cassie?

Oh. There you are.

They'’re about to start
the last contest.

Okay. Let'’s figure out
how to win those pinwheels.

All right.

The final game
is bobbing for apples.

Each team must lift this apple
out of the top,

but you may not use
your hands.

Can we use our teeth?

You can use anything you want,
except your hands.

Boy, it'’s just like eating.

This should be easy.

Max and Ord,
would you like to go first.


All right, then.

When all the sand
goes to the bottom,

your time is up.

On your marks, get set, go.


That'’s it. Time'’s up.

I almost had it,

then it popped out
of my mouth.


I don'’t like my food
swimming away from me.

Okay, Zaky, it'’s our turn.
Are you ready?


Well, as long
as I don'’t have to get

my face wet.

Ready, set, go.


Come on in, Zaky.
The water is fine.


And that'’s it. Time'’s up.

Wow. That sure
is a slippery apple.

Well, I'’ll say.
It'’s impossible.

Cassie, Emmy,
are you ready to try?


we can do this together?

Excuse me, Quetzal,
but what are the rules again?

You must lift the apple
out of the top.

The only rule
is you can'’t use your hands.

Got it.

if you can'’t use our hands,

how about we use our feet?


Hey, what are you doing?

Just watch.

Ready, set, go.


And a one, and a two,
and a three.

Hooray for Cassie and Emmy!ORD: Yay!

They'’re the winners.

Gee, Cassie,
that was so smart.


Oh, wow, Cassie, look at that.

So beautiful.ZAK: So pretty.

I see your badge is glowing.


You must be proud
that you thought of a way

for you and Emmy
to win the contest.

Here you go.

Thanks for being
such a good partner

and a great friend.

You'’re the best.


You too, Emmy.



I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Hey, what are you doing?

I wanna start practicing.

That way I can win
even more stuff next year.

Do you think we could have
our own fair in the meantime.

Why not?

We could have
a jumping contest

and a "spinning with
your eyes shut" contest.

Max, Emmy, time for lunch.

How about a contest to see
who can eat the most spaghetti?

I'’d win that.

Not if I get
the spaghetti first.


Wait up.



Hey, look, Emmy.
I have a banana nose.


Hold on.

I'’ve almost finished
my book.


Are you done
with your puzzle yet?

Yeah, I think so.

Then let'’s go to Dragon Land.

Great idea.


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


Emmy. Max.

Hi, everyone.


Niños.What perfect timing.

Today'’s pie-baking day.


The problem
is I seem to have run out

of dragonberries.

So I was hoping
everyone could pick some more.

Can we help?

Of course.

The more, the merrier.

You mean the more,
the berrier.


Hey, Wheezie.

It'’s a basket,
not a Hula-Hoop.

Oh, Zaky.

Come on, everybody.

We know where there'’s
a zillion dragonberry bushes.






Ord, all you'’re doing
is eating.

Aren'’t you gonna put any
in your basket?

Mm. I'’m just building up
my strength.

One more berry,
and I'’ll be ready.




That mud puddle
sure is slippery.

Quetzal'’s gonna be
very happy.

Look at how many berries
everyone has.


All the good bushes
are taken.

Maybe there are more
over there.


I can'’t find any berries


What'’s that?


I wonder if there are
any berries in there.



It'’s kind of dark in here.

Maybe I'’d better not--



Oh, no.

I'’m stuck.

Okay, Ord,
if you keep your eyes shut,

you won'’t see how dark it is
and you won'’t be scared.

Now, try again,
on the count of three.

One, two, three.


Maybe you'’re stuck
because you ate too much.

So try sucking in your tummy,



That didn'’t work either.

I guess there'’s only one thing
left to do.

Help! Help!


Was that Ord?

Help me.

It sounds
like he'’s in trouble.

I'’m stuck.

Look. Ord'’s basket

I bet he'’s around here

But where?


That tickles.

Did you hear that?


Ord, can you hear me?

Emmy? Is that you?



Look, everybody.

It'’s Ord.

What happened?

I crawled into this hole
to look for berries,

but I got stuck.

And it'’s dark in here,
and I'’m scared.

It'’s okay, Ord,

we won'’t move
till we get you out.

If we all pull together,
we can do it. Come on.

On the count of three,
everybody pull really hard.

One, two, three.


Did it work?

Am I out?

Sorry, Ord.
You'’re stuck too tight.

Oh. But I have to get out.

It'’s dark in here,
and I'’m scared of the dark.

What about using
your fire breath?

My fire breath?

Oh. I forgot all about that.

Wow. It'’s beauti--

Ord? Are you okay?

Yeah, but I can'’t talk and--

Of course.

Ord can'’t talk

and use his fire breath
at the same time.

Ord. Don'’t you have a flashlight
or something in your hoard?

Maybe. I...


Thanks, Max.

This flashlight makes me feel
a lot better.

Now I can talk,
and it'’s not so dark anymore.

So, what'’s it look like
in there?

I bet it'’s all dirty
and yucky, right?

It'’s a really pretty cave.

Full of glittery stones.

Glittery stones?

Wow! Love them!


My daddy once read me a story
where a bear got stuck in a hole

because he ate
too much honey.


How did he get out?

He stayed there
till he got thin again.

Then he popped out.

But wouldn'’t that take days
and days?


You aren'’t gonna leave me here
for days and days, are you?

No. Of course not, Ord.

Well, we tried pulling him out
and that didn'’t work.

And I tried sucking in
my tummy,

and that didn'’t work either.

If only someone
could get inside the hole

with Ord and push him out.

Yeah, but how?

Maybe there'’s another way
into the cave.

Like a hole in the ceiling.

Ord, can you see
another opening anywhere?

Nope. Can'’t see one.

Well, one way to find a hole
is to look around

and see if there'’s any light
coming in.

Oh. But there'’s light

That'’s because you'’ve got
your flashlight on.

Max is right.

You can'’t see light coming in
if it'’s too bright.

Ord? You have to turn off
your flashlight.


No way.

Just for a second,

to see if there'’s any light
coming in from anywhere else.


But I'’m scared.

Don'’t worry, Ord,
you can do it.

we'’re right here with you.


Well, okay.

I'’ll try it.

Hey, there'’s a hole way up high.

Come on, Emmy,
let'’s go find it.

Can you see it?
Over by that rock?


Hm. It'’s not under the tree,

or by the flowers
or near the hole.

Near the hole?


Look, the hole'’s
right over there,

right behind that bush.

Emmy. Cassie.

I'’m down here.

Oh. I'’m so happy
you'’re here.

We are too.

Now let'’s get you out.

Zak, Wheezie, Max.

You pull
while Cassie and I push.


Okay. Okay.


Almost nothing.

He barely moved.

If only you were
more slippery, Ord.

That'’ a great idea, Wheezie.

One time, I got a ring
stuck on my thumb,

and my abuelitaused soap
to make it slippery

so it could slide off.

But we don'’t have any soap.

What else is slippery?

I know.

Remember how I slipped
and almost fell in the mud?

Mud is slippery.

There'’s tons of mud
right here.

Come on, everyone.



That'’s cold.

And really, really gooshy.



It tickles.

Are you ready to try again?




It'’s working.

Love it!


I can feel myself moving.

All together now.

And a one, and a two,
and a three.





You did it.

You guys got me out.

Thanks, everyone.

You'’re the greatest friends
a dragon ever had.





Oh, no.


And the mud was so slippery
I slid right out.

A very good solution
to a very sticky problem.

Good job, everyone.

And thank you again
for all the berries.

And now it'’s time for everyone
to go and wash up.

And when you come back,

some fresh-baked
dragonberry pie.


I ate so many berries

[GRUNTING]Should I or shouldn'’t I?

maybe just a little bite.


Oh, Ord.

I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Hey, look out the window.

It started to rain.

And you know
what that means.

Lots and lots of mud puddles.

[LAUGHS]Wait for me.

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale ♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end ♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales ♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales ♪

♪ Come along
Take my hand ♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land ♪