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04x21 - Day 4: 3:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.

Posted: 10/04/22 09:18
by bunniefuu
People of America, you wake up today to a different world.

One of your own nuclear weapons has been used against you.

"Wake up today to a different world.

" Do we take that literally? He'll set off the warhead before dawn? A CTU analyst named Chloe O'Brian secured a hard drive belonging to one of Marwan's associates.

It may contain information that could lead us to the warhead.

I'll give you full authority to act as my proxy whenever you think it's necessary.



There's a man in your consulate by the name of Lee Jong.

We need to take Mr.

Lee into custody immediately for questioning.


Lee is a Chinese citizen.

I can't hand him over to you without going through channels.


Is there any doubt in your mind that Lee is working with Marwan? No, sir.

The emails he sent left no room for doubt.

Then we have to get Lee now and find out what he knows.

Yes, sir.

No one connected with the government can admit to knowing anything about this.


I got him.

Hostiles in pursuit.

Bring up the van.

Let's go.



The consul is dead.

He was shot when armed men broke into this building and took Mr.

Lee with them by force.



Tell me where Habib Marwan is.

Dammit, we're losing him.

What is it? We can drain off the fluid, but we gotta get him to surgery now.

Jack, what's going on? This is our only connection to a stolen warhead.

Save him.

- I already have a patient.

- You have a new one.

If you don't save him, millions will die.

- Jack! - I have my orders.

I'm doing my job.

Paul’s crashing.


He's dead.

Jack, you son of a bitch! You k*lled him! - Gauze.

- Is he gonna make it? - We'll do our best.

- I just need him long enough to get the information about Marwan.

I know, Jack.

You made me aware of that when you forced me to sacrifice Paul Raines.

One milligram atropine.

- What is it? - I don't have time now.

- OK, Jack, we need to leave.

- Tape.

I'm gonna have a milligram of atropine standing by.

- Gauze.

- Gauze.

Want me to run this in now? I'll be right outside.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

How could you? How could you k*ll him, Jack? How could you do it? - Come here.

Come here.

- No No No, Jack, I can't I can't be near you right now.

Please, Audrey.

Just tell me what you want me to do.


I want you to leave, Jack.

Jack, call the White House right away.

Mike Novick needs to speak with you.

It's urgent.

OK, fine.

What? Paul Raines just died.

There was only one doctor, and I had to make a choice between Lee's life and Paul’s.

And I chose Lee.

You did the right thing, Jack.

You OK? No, I'm not OK.

I'm sorry.

Just tell me when Lee's out of surgery.

I will.

- Mike Novick's office.

- This is Jack Bauer.

Please hold.

Hello, Jack.

Have you gotten anything useful out of Lee? - No, he's still in surgery.

- How's that coming along? - Not great, but he's hanging in there.

- We took a huge risk getting this guy on the assumption he can help us find the warhead.

Trust me, Mike, I know.

- And we also have a new situation.

- What is it? When you broke into the Chinese consulate, Koo Yin, the consul, was shot.

That's not possible.

My men never fired.

Then he was accidentally hit by one of his own people.

- How badly was he hurt? - He died, Jack.

- Oh, my God.

- Talk to the members of your team.

Make sure that each one of them has an alibi for where they were during the ambush.

- OK.

- This is an extremely incendiary situation.

I'm about to talk to President Palmer now.

We're trying to avoid a serious confrontation with China.

We'll handle it from here.

Thanks, Mike.

How did this happen? The network security module lit up.

- Someone's trying to jam our servers.

- Could this be a high network load? No, it's a denial of service attempt.

What do you want me to do? - Did it do any damage? - No, the system is self-defending.

Use the Security Auditor tool, it'll lead us to Marwan's network.

That was my point from the start.


We're in active code.

We don't have time for your personality disorder.

You understand? Chloe? Yes or no? Yes, sir.

- This is Yasir.

- Is the warhead in place? - Yes, but I can’t jam their satellite.

- You assured me you could handle it.

CTU must have just installed new software.

This wasn't in place last week.

We move our schedule forward by an hour.

There won't be as many casualties if people aren't at work.

If you can’t jam their satellite signal, they'll find us.

- We can't let that happen.

- I understand.

How long do we keep the president in the dark? Eventually he'll find out that you authorized the raid on the consulate.

We have to keep it from him as long as we can.

- Were you able to find Jack? - Yes, he's back at CTU.

The man they grabbed at the consulate, Lee Jong, is still in surgery.

- Was he able to tell us anything? - No.

- What did Jack say about the consul’s death? - It wasn't our people who fired.

Chinese won't care.

He died as a result of our trespass.

We have to construct a scenario that doesn't implicate the US government.

They must know we did this.

We called them about Lee Jong half an hour before the abduction.

The Chinese don't want a confrontation any more than we do.

If we can create plausible deniability, they may play along.

How do we do that? Call CTU.

Have them find out which anti-Chinese factions have att*cked their consulates in the last five years.

Most of these groups you're talking about are Asian extremists.

Bauer's team was predominantly American.

Bauer's team was masked.

No one saw their faces.

Curtis, come here.

The Chinese consul was shot and k*lled during Lee's extraction.

- How? We never got a shot off.

- It must have been friendly fire.

We've gotta make our alibis cross-check.

No one outside of this operation is to know we were near the Chinese consulate.

- Jack, are we gonna be brought into this? - I don't know yet.

AII I know is, now that the consul’s been k*lled, everything's changed.

It's our responsibility to make sure the US government is never implicated in this.

Don't worry, Jack.

Everyone here gets it.

- OK.

Curtis, you advise the rest of the team.

- You got it.


They're ready for you to make the changes.

Do you think they'll find us before we launch? Not if I move up the launch.

They're looking for the warhead in their cities.

They have no idea that it's going to be delivered by m*ssile.

- Morrison? - Yes, sir? Open up the guidance firmware.

I'm going to upload a new instruction set.

Yes, sir.

OK, go ahead.

We'll be ready to start the launch as soon as I've reprogrammed the onboard.


Prep your databases.

When Lee come to, we have to move quickly.

- What about the warhead? - We're meeting on it now.

I need you to free up a server for a large DOD block transfer, through a locked channel from Heller's office.

Has that been authorized? No, not yet.

I still have to talk to Audrey.

- Well, that's gonna be weird.

- What? Talking to Audrey.

You had to do what you did and her husband died.

- Probably destroyed your relationship - Free up the server.


Jack, I just want you to know, if you ever need anyone to talk to, as a friend, I'm here for you.

Not now, but later.

When things calm down.


Audrey, I'm sorry to bother you.

I need you to authorize a block transfer.

We need all pertinent DOD databases sent over here to CTU.

Were you able to keep Lee alive? Yeah, he's stabilized.

All right.

I'll call Marcy.

Thank you.

The warhead was stolen in eastern Iowa.

We don't know how it's being transported.

- Are we monitoring air traffic? - Nothing's been picked up.

On the ground, how far could they have gone? A 300-mile radius, which includes three metropolitan areas.

- Have those cities been alerted? - The president wants that restricted.

We've raised alert levels, but haven't mentioned specifics.

Marwan and his people have control of the warhead.

We have to figure out when and where he's gonna set it off.

Look at everything from satellite to local police.

We have a small window.

It's still the middle of the night.

A trail is going to be a hell of a lot easier to follow now, than in two hours when people start going to work.

Let's get to it.

Howard Bern.

There's a program at Division you can filter those markers through.

Yeah? I've a Mr.

Cheng from the Chinese consulate who wants to speak to Michelle.

Michelle Dessler.

My name is Cheng Zhi, head of security for the Chinese consulate.

I'm sure your office is aware of the incident that happened here earlier tonight.

Yes, we were sorry to hear about it.

Is there anything we can do to help? I would like to come and discuss this matter with you.

Of course.

My office would be glad to make an appointment in the morning.

No, I need to do that right now.

I'm afraid that's impossible.

You must know we're in the middle of a security crisis The m*rder of our consul on Chinese soil could be construed as an act of w*r.

- What's that have to do with us? - I believe your agency stormed the consulate and kidnapped Lee Jong.

That is an outrageous accusation.

An hour earlier, your government called and asked for permission to speak to Lee Jong.

30 minutes later, we were att*cked.

It is unlikely these two events are unrelated.

- I'm sorry, Mr.

Cheng, I can't help you.

- I suggest you cooperate voluntarily, otherwise I'll be forced to go above you on this.

I'm sure you'll do what you have to.

I mean no disrespect, but I do have to get back to work.

Very well, Ms Dessler.

You will be hearing from me soon.

Comm confirmed we got the data.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


- You should get some rest.

- With everything going on, I can't.

- You could go back to the hotel.

- Don't tell me what to do.

I'm sorry.

What? Jack, what do you want from me? You made a choice that k*lled Paul and I'm trying to deal with it.

We both have a job.

Let's just do it.


Michelle says the head of security at the Chinese consulate just called.

He made it sound like he has evidence linking CTU to the abduction.

- What kind of evidence? - He didn't say, he wants to come talk to us.

They don't have any evidence.

We don't have time to deal with them now.

I agree, but we don't have much choice.

I need you to help me figure out how to deal with this, Jack.

- I need to check on Lee.

I'll get back to you.

- All right.

CTU just sent this over.

These five groups have all made attempts to sabotage Chinese targets around the globe in the last two years.

- This group.

- People's Freedom Coalition? They've referenced Lee Jong's involvement with the Chinese nuclear programme.

So an attack and the grab of Lee Jong by this group would be plausible.

It would allow the Chinese to save face.

If the Chinese can't prove we entered the consulate, that may be all they need.

If you want, I can start leaking it to the media.

Do it.



- David, what have you done? - Excuse me? I just got a call from the Secretary of State about a covert action against the Chinese.

That's correct.

I sanctioned it.

- Why would you do such a thing? - It was the only option.

You know how fragile our relationship with China is? An attack on their consulate.

A military engagement.

A covert operation, similar to those carried out on a routine basis around the world.

Don't give me a social studies lesson.

We marched on Chinese soil, we kidnapped one of their nationals, and in the process the Chinese consul was k*lled.

- We were unlucky, sir.

- Unlucky? I'd say we were unlucky.

That's the kind of thing that could start a w*r! How do I fight t*rrorists while provoking a nuclear superpower? I would advise you to calm down, sir, if we're gonna get through this day.

We didn't bring this crisis on ourselves.

But we're gonna be the ones to settle it.

This is a dirty business, and we're gonna have to get our hands dirty to clean it up.

Now, please, Mr.

President, you brought me here to help you.

Let me do it.

- Tony, what's the latest on Lee? - He's out of surgery.

He'll be able to respond to questions soon.

When that happens, I want everyone from comm on standby.

Whatever information Lee gives us I want worked up with no time lags.

- We're clear about this? - Yes, sir.


Secretary of State Taylor just authorized the head of security at the consulate - to come here and question us about the raid.

- What? In the middle of all this? All right, this breaks down very simply.

They want to prove we att*cked the consulate tonight.

We have to make sure they can't.

- That ambush has to land on someone.

- Novick's working on that from Washington.

We just have to make sure all our bases are covered.

Finding that nuclear warhead is our number one priority.

I'll go over the strategy with Jack.

When Cheng gets here, send him to the situation room, all visible screens masked.


This situation with the consulate is dragging us down.

We shouldn't divert resources from the warhead.

Well, hopefully this will just be a formality, and we can get rid of him quickly.

If we don't get information from Lee, Audrey's husband will have died for no reason.

What is she still doing here? I think she wants to stay busy so she doesn't have to think about it.

It's funny.

When I met Audrey this afternoon, it seemed like she and Jack were totally together.

A few hours later, everything's changed.


I hate being without you.

I never wanted it to be this way.


Cheng's here.

Send him to the situation room.

Buchanan and Jack are waiting there.

- Shouldn't we keep him more isolated? - No.

We have to give the impression we have nothing to hide.

- Mr.

Cheng? I'm Curtis Manning.

- Hello, Mr.


Our regional director is waiting for us in the situation room.

If you'll follow me? Mr.


Bill Buchanan.

Pleasure to meet you in person.

- My condolences for your consul.

- Thank you.

Jack Bauer from the DOD.

He's working for us today.


Cheng, please, take a seat.

I know of Mr.

Bauer, of course, from his previous service to this country.

We knew you were in Los Angeles today.

When did you arrive? Flew in a couple days ago, with Secretary Heller.

I assume, then, Secretary Heller is still here? For security reasons he's at our district office.

- Why aren't you with him? - We felt I could be more helpful here at CTU.

- That's odd.

- Not really.

I used to run this office.

If there's anyone capable of leading a covert operation at short notice, you'd be ideal.

- Mr.

Cheng, this kind of - It's all right, Bill, I've got it.


Cheng, I can assure you that neither CTU nor I had anything to do with the terrible events that took place at your consulate tonight.

I assume you know this man.

Howard Bern, one of your field agents.

This was taken by one of our surveillance cameras tonight.

- This photograph has been altered.

- To make it clearer.

Or to set up a scenario you can utilize for political propaganda.


We ran this image through our database.

The computer picked Mr.

Bern as a near-perfect match.

Did your database include members of the People's Freedom Coalition? According to our information, they're most likely behind this.

That would be pointless.

This man is not Asian.


Cheng, we both know that the PFC has initiated t*rror1st activity around the globe, utilizing European mercenaries, half a dozen of which are a closer match to this photo than Agent Bern.

I take it Mr.

Bern is not available to question? - No, he's not here tonight.

- Of course.

You know it would not be in America's best interests to provoke the Chinese government.

Then what are we playing these games for? you asked us to give up Lee Jong.

Before our government can comply, the consul was att*cked, Lee Jong disappeared.

Now you tell me you do not have Lee Jong, Howard Bern is not available.

- What are you hiding? - Nothing.

We're just extremely busy.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry.

This is Bauer.

We are faced with unprecedented Are we positive? OK.

Thank you.

We have confirmation on Marwan's last location.

Follow up on that.

I'll handle the rest of Mr.

Cheng's questions.

I'd like to see the hourlies for Mr.


I'll see what I can do.

- O'Brian.

- Chloe, it's Jack.

Have Bern meet me in the east corridor.

Get a chopper ready now.

Meet Jack in the east corridor now.

- Flight ops.

- O'Brian.

Jack Bauer's requesting a helicopter standing by.

- OK.


- Thank you.

- Follow me.

- What's going on? Camera at the consulate picked up your face.

- I was wearing my mask.

- Trust me, I saw the freeze-frame.

It was you.

Jack, the guy ripped the mask from my face, I pulled it right back down.

I had no idea.

Leave the city.

We're working out a scenario.

You're gonna have to answer questions for the Chinese.

I didn't think anyone saw me, so I didn't bring it up.

- Don't worry, we'll handle it.

- I'm sorry, Jack.

You gotta go.

There's a chopper waiting for you.

This is Bauer.

Lee Jong's coming out of anesthesia.

He should be ready for questioning.

Agent Raab's there.

I'm on my way.

- You ready? - All my databases are active.

Doctor, that's enough.

He's mine now.

Thank you.

Tell him he's in critical condition.

I'll ask questions.

When he answers, I'II let the doctor treat him.

- He understands.

- I know he worked on the warhead.

Now he needs to tell us where it is.

He doesn't know, but he knows where Marwan might be.

Might be? In the van he told me he knew where he was.

- Marwan's been moving around.

- Where? - He has three locations Marwan's using.

- What are they? - The Rockland building.

- We know.

- A bar downtown.

- We know that too.

- A factory on Sixth.

- Where on Sixth? - Sixth and Alameda.

- Get me an exact address.

That's the one we're looking for.

Assemble a team, make sure Curtis is on it.

They need to be ready to move now.

- Audrey.

- Yes? The investigator from the Chinese wants to talk to you.

Why does he want to talk to me? To protect Jack's cover, we put together some new hourlies.

They show you and Jack working together at the time of the ambush.

- Buchanan wants me to lie to protect Jack? - Not to protect Jack.

To protect the United States government.

Is that gonna be a problem? Where are the hourlies? Edgar's sending them to your system.

- I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this.

- I understand.

But whatever you decide, you're still gonna have to talk to Cheng.

- What's happening? - Lee gave us a probable location on Marwan.

- I'm being called in for questioning.

- By who? Cheng, from the Chinese consulate.

Come here.

Why you? Buchanan modified the hourlies so it looked like you were with me during the abduction.

Whatever Buchanan laid out, stick to it.

We need to sideline Cheng now.

Why? Lee's incriminated himself, the Chinese won't try to protect him.

That's not what this is.

The Chinese consul was k*lled during Lee's extraction.

- The government cannot be held responsible.

- What are you doing? You have broken every major protocol set by CTU and the DOD for what? Is any of this working? You're still alive.

Your father's still alive.

And we stopped all but one of the power plants from melting down.

Yeah, it's working.

And we have to fight to keep it working.

Do what you have to, Audrey.

I'm sorry, I've gotta go.

Thank you.


- I got Jack's approach on Marwan's location.

- Good.

Upload it to the teams, send a copy to Tony.

He's running point on this end.

You got it.

I am surprised that after you were kidnapped, that you stayed on to work here.

- That must have been very difficult.

- I wasn't physically hurt.

I want to help find the people who planned these att*cks.

Very admirable.

Now, I looked through the hourlies for Mr.

Bauer, your associate.

I notice from 1am to 3am, you and he were working on some data processing tasks.

Yes, that's correct.

Who did you give the information to? Edgar Stiles.

Why does that matter? They go to all this trouble to reenlist a man who used to run this place, Jack Bauer, - and he's doing data processing? - It's much more subtle than it sounds.

There are hundreds of lists to cross-reference, and with Mr.

Bauer's experience, we were able to narrow the search.

I am surprised.

Why's that? Meaning no disrespect, the log shows that your husband, Paul Raines, was at the clinic during those same hours.

And unfortunately he passed away.

What's your point? I don't believe you were with Jack Bauer, mining data.

You were waiting for your husband in surgery, and you're lying to me now to cover for Mr.



Cheng, I'm not going to allow you to stand there and accuse my people of Lying.

And I'm not going to stand here to endure half-baked alibis.

You can believe whatever you want.

My answers stand.

Now, if we are done, I do have to get back to work.

If you'll excuse me.

- Manning.

- President Palmer for Jack.

It's the White House.

- This is Bauer.

- Jack, this is David Palmer.

- Mr.


- CTU tells me you got something from Lee.

We got a location on Habib Marwan.

We're en route with tactical teams.

We're hopeful we can end this soon.

I hope you're right.

This warhead can detonate any moment.

We know, sir.


Tell me about the representative from the Chinese consulate, Cheng.

Is he still at CTU? - He was there when we left.

- Are we OK there? They have a surveillance photo of one of my team members.

We told them the photo wasn't clear enough to be conclusive.

That'll hold them for a while.

I see.

Thank you, Jack.

- Thank you, Mr.


- And good luck.

Thank you, sir.

All right, Mike.

I'm gonna need you to advise the president that Cheng has to leave CTU now.

Logan was clear that he wanted Cheng to have access.

And he has.

But now Cheng is slowing them down.

He's got to go.

CTU needs to be able to do their job without the added pressure of a cover-up.

You think you can get President Logan to sign off on that? I'll see what I can do.


No, not now, Keith, I have too many things to deal with first.

Yes, you do that.

Thank you.

What is it, Mike? The Chinese security officer, Cheng, is still at CTU, and seems to be slowing things down.

He wouldn't be there if Palmer hadn't att*cked his consulate.

- It's too late to change that now, sir.

- Yes.

Yes, it is.

If we order Cheng to leave CTU now, it’ll look like we've got something to hide, and we'll just be giving the Chinese all the justification they need to escalate this crisis.

If we don't find that warhead before it's deployed, ten million Americans could face annihilation.

We could be at w*r with a billion Chinese.

My advice is to worry about the Americans now and the Chinese later.

Your advice? Or David Palmer's advice? Both of ours.

When I agreed to let you bring Palmer in, it wasn't so you could ally against me.

- That's not what's happening.

- Tell me what's happening.

You and David Palmer are running this country while I'm taking phone calls.

Would you like me to ask President Palmer to leave? No.

Call CTU.

Tell Bill Buchanan to escort Mr.

Cheng out of the building.

Yes, Mr.



Put Michaels in play now.

We're outside the factory, our men are in position.

Can you confirm Marwan's inside? I can't say, but I'm detecting a microwave uplink.

- Can you intercept it? - No, it's got encryption.

OK, thanks.

- We ready? - Yeah.

How do we confirm Marwan's inside? We don't.

But we're out of time.

We move now.

Give all teams a go.

All right.

All teams, it's a go.


Buchanan, this matter will be pursued.

I will return with a formal order for an extensive investigation.

I understand.

If I were you I'd focus my attention on the People's Freedom Coalition.

I'm quite sure they are your perpetrators.

- We'll do everything we can to help you.

- Sir.

Excuse me.

- Jack's team's outside the building.

- I'll be right there.


Cheng, excuse me, please.

I have to get back.

- My men will escort you from the building.

- Thank you.

- Edgar? - Thank you.

Excuse me.

Edgar Stiles? Communication analyst, right? Yeah, I'm busy.

I forgot to ask Mr.

Buchanan one thing.

Maybe you could help.

- You should ask him.

- It's not classified.

Audrey Raines had mentioned to me that you were helping her earlier with some DOD files.

- Yeah, until she was called to the clinic.

- So it was just you and Jack then? - What? - Edgar, come here.

- I have to go.


- Thank you.

- Idiot.

Just keep your mouth shut.

- I didn't say anything.

- Michaels, are you in position? - Roger that.

- He's at your two o'clock.

Take him out.

- Copy that.

- We're ready.

- Start the sequence.

We're done here.

Get the car.

He's cornered.

Counter flank and push him back to me.


Freeze! I've been waiting for this.

You're too late.

That hurts, doesn't it? Jack.

Jack, what are you doing? We still need him.

Go ahead.

k*ll me.

That won't stop the m*ssile.

What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Jack, we got a problem.

- Better take a look at this.

- Secure the prisoner.

Oh, my God, they've got a m*ssile.

Have you got your comm unit? Patch it through.

Tony, can you hear me? - Yeah? - I'm looking at a live feed of the warhead.

- It's on a m*ssile.

- m*ssile? How can that be? I don't know.

We're trying to get the feed over to you now.

Hold on.

Once he does, lock it on.

All right, we got it.

Coming up on the screen.

- Have you got it? - Yeah.

How much time have we got? - Tony, can you see this? - Yeah.

Can you get the source of the transmission? Hang on a second.

No, it's on an encrypted uplink.

No way to trace it.

Do a geography scan, see if you can pull a location.

Chloe, anything specific on the visual? Looks like a forest area.

Trees, a structure - Tony, we're out of time.

- We're trying.

We can't ID the location, it's too general.

Edgar, see if you can pick up a heat signature.

I'll try, but it's a wide radius.

There won't be time to stop this.

Chloe, do you have anything? I'm trying the four-band satellite, but it's not working either.