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08x04 - Hackerized

Posted: 10/04/22 07:58
by bunniefuu
Ok! There's this
really bad dude named Hacker.

THE Hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

the cyberworld
from Motherboard.

The three kids
are sucked into cyberspace

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

Ok, here's the plan.

So they travel all over

and run into
all these weird creatures.

And have all
these awesome adventures.

It's totally
up to them to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a
wacky bird outsmart The Hacker?


There's only
one way to find out.

Tune in to CyberChase.

Cyberchase, we're movin'

we're beating
Hacker at his game.

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time.

Freaky places that we've seen.

We've got the power
of one, two, three, four!

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick
together all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


Just look at him, Buzzy.

He's a disaster.

You're right, Deedee.

I've never seen the
boss so depressed.

I can't think of any new
ideas to defeat Motherboard.

Even if I could, her earth
brats would just ruin them.

Maybe I should just give up.

Special delivery
for The Hacker!


I know how to make chaos.

Turn on your TV for proof."

I'm Erica Ram with
late-breaking news from

Sensible Flats!

Everyone there has
been Hackerized!

They all look like me!

They all act like me!

You duncebucket!

Get out of my way!

Haw! Haw! Haw! Haw!

They even talk like me!

Someone has strategically
placed a mysterious mechanism

on the top of Climber's Rock
-- and it's causing everyone

to turn into Hacker!

All attempts to shut
it off have failed!

What a plan!

What a genius!

I must find my fantastic fan!

Motherboard was right!

Sensible Flats has become
the land of mean and green.

There's Sheriff Judy and
Judge Trudy - I'll find out

what's goin' on!

A Hacker version of me!

What could be better?

A Hacker of me!

That's what!

Careful, Didge...

they've been Hackerized!

Not everyone's
been Hackerized!

It must be safe in there.

Come on!

Man, I'm glad
you guys made it.

You must be those earth
kids I've heard about.

I'm Ledge.

How come you're not
Hackerized like everyone else?

I was in here when
it all started.

The green haze
can't get inside.

Outside, you only
have three minutes

till you turn into Hacker.

I timed it.

Three minutes?

Ohmigosh! Didge!

In here!

Come inside!


Hurry, Didge!

Before you turn into...

Oh, no!

He's been Hackerized!

Who's a mean
green machine now?

This is not good - this
is not good at all.

Okay, which one of you came
up with that genius plan to

Hackerize Sensible Flats?

Which one of you is
shrewder, more clever

than I ever thought possible?


Is it you?


Your head's full of
garbage, not ideas.


Olga? Is it you?

No, not in a
billion cyber-years!

...That leaves
you, Baskerville!


As always, my liege,
I'm at your service.

So it is you!

I should have known.

My own genius...

Welcome to my world!

And what a wonderful world it
will be when we Hackerize

all of cyberspace!

Would you like
something to eat?

Poor Didge.

What are we going to do?

We have to unplug that
Hackerizing machine!

And it has to be
done by nightfall -

or the Hackerization
is permanent!

But the machine is
all the way up there!

How are we supposed
to get to it?


It's the only way.

But we'd have to do it
in three minutes -

or get turned into Hacker!

I can do it.

I've rock-climbed before.

It's been a while, though.

You do a practice run on
this - see how fast you go.

It looks just like the
real Climber's Rock.


Except it's only
one-third the height.

That means I need to climb it
in one third the time it takes

to climb the real one.

One-third of three
minutes is one minute.

That's sixty seconds
Matt. Think it's doable?

Ask me in sixty seconds.

I'll time you.



Go, Matt...go!

...How fast?

Sixty-seven seconds!

Seven seconds too slow, Matt.

I know I can do this, guys.

I'll be faster
on the real Rock.

You'll see.

Maybe...but why don't you
make another practice run.

See if you can do better.

There's no time, Inez.

I know I can do it!

Don't worry.

Matt, wait!

You think he can make
up seven seconds?


Seven seconds is nothing.


We forgot - the real Rock
is three times higher

than the practice wall!

So if Matt's seven seconds off
in here - he'll be three times

seven - or twentyone
seconds off out there!


Fifty eight seconds so far!

He'll never make it in time!

I'm gonna make...I'm
gonna make it...

I didn't make it!

I think I'll take over
Cyberspace instead!

This is terrible -
Matt's been Hackerized!

One of us has got to pull
the plug on that machine

before sunset!

But... I've never
rock climbed before.

Me neither.

I have...but I'm
not very good.

That's why I come
here to practice.

Maybe we should each take a
run up the wall...see who can

do it the fastest.

Good idea, Ledge.

I'll go first.

I'll time you.

I'll write down the
times, on...uh...

this old shopping list!

Hit the timer!

Faster, Jax!

What...what was my time?

Seventy-three seconds!

I'll go next - then Inez!

I'm the slowest, with
seventy-four seconds.

Jackie, you did it
in seventy-three.

And Ledge're the
fastest at seventy seconds.

I...I guess that
means I'm the one

who should scale Climber's Rock.

But you're still ten seconds
too slow - that's thirty

seconds up the real rock.

You'll never make it
to the top in time!

Maybe if I keep practicing
I'll get faster.

Yeah, more practice
should work.

I'll be your coach and
track your progress.


Inez, will you be
my training partner?

It sure would help.


I...I'm not good enough!

Sure you are.

And besides, we're
talking about the future

of Sensible Flats!

You're right - I'm in!


Here's your room, Baskerville.

You sure are gettin'
the royal treatment.

Why thank you, duncebuckets.

Hey, we're not
your duncebuckets!


We're The Hacker's


my genius?

My genius is at
your command, sire.


Now tell me what
supplies you need.

Supplies, sire?

What supplies?

Supplies to build
Hackerizing Machines!

Of course! Supplies!
I uh...I need...

um...lots of green things.

You heard our genius.

Go get green things!


How'd I do that time?


Here are your
last three climbs.

The numbers are so jumbled -
it's hard to tell which number

shows Ledge's last practice
time...or if we're getting

clsoer to our goal.

Yeah, some organization
would help...

Hmmmm...organize the numbers
so we can track if we're

getting closer to our goal.

Ooh, I know!

What if we graph the times?


That'll give us a picture
of Ledge's progress.


Let's measure 'climb time' in
seconds going up this way...

...and 'practice
number' across this way.

How many practices
you think it'll take?

Ummm, let's try
a dozen - twelve.

We can add more if we need to.

What about the
'climb time' scale?


Zero seconds would be here...

Since sixty seconds
is our goal,

let's start the
times with sixty...

...and let's go up by fives
to, um, seventy-five seconds.

Now enter Ledge's
'climb times' so far.

Each of these points
represents the climb time

for each practice.

The dashed line between the
points shows your progress.

And as the line drops...

...I get closer to my goal!


Six seconds to go -
let's keep practicing!

Observe, Matt-brat!

Trash everywhere
- chaos at work!

What a magnificent sight!

Ah, yes!

Everyone is so busy thinking
about themselves - no one

cares about keeping
Sensible Flats clean!

This is just the beginning!

Ledge! You okay?

Bad news, Ledge,
your time went up.

Look at the line.

Sixty-seven seconds.

I was afraid this
might happen.


What's the matter?

I'm wiped out.

I forgot to drink my
prickly pear juice today.

Prickly pear juice?

Yeah, it gives me energy.

I'll run across to the
General Store and get some.


What if you don't make it back
before you get Hackerized?

It's too risky!

We need you to
unplug that machine!

But I really need it!

OK- I'll go!

I'm the coach - it's my job!

But Jax-- Believe
me, I'll run fast.

The last thing I want is
to turn green and mean!



Where are you headed,
you impudent imp?


It's me...Jackie!

Of course...Jackie.

The klutzy earthbrat!

Now listen to me, Digit.

I am not klutzy!

And stop trying to
act like Hacker!


We are Hacker!

That's it...

I'm going back inside.

Not so fast, little lady.

Hurry, Jax!

It's almost been
three minutes!

I'll unlock the door.

Open up!

Let me in!

What's wrong?

The lock's jammed!


No, no, NO!

I love my new hair style!

I never should
have let her go!

Don't sweat it, Inez.

If this hadn't worked, I
would have found another way.


What are u talking about?

You're our only hope!

Don't give up!

I'm not giving up.

In fact, I've already
accomplished my goal:

to help The Hacker...

and stop you!


That machine up there
...I invented it!

You invented it?

You bet I did.

I wanted to show The Hacker
that I could get rid

of the CyberSquad.

I created chaos so you
earth-brats would swoop in

to save the day.

And you did, just
as I planned!

Now everyone but little ole
you has been Hackerized!

You haven't won yet, Ledge!

I can still climb that rock
and shut down your machine.

Oh, really?

You think you can reach
the top in three minutes?

I watched you climb -
you don't stand a chance!


With this to protect me
from my own invention,

I'm going to claim my
place next to The Hacker.

See ya, Nezzie!

Don't call me Nezzie!

I can't believe I
trusted that rat!

Now I'm the only one
left to pull the plug

on Climber's Rock.

OOh, but Ledge is right,
I'll never make it in time!

What am I going to do?

I can't let my friends
stay Hackerized.

But if I go outside
and try climbing--


Is someone here?

Eek! Deke!


I remember you!

What are you doing here?

It's a long story, but I have
to climb up Climber's Rock in

less than three minutes to
keep everyone in Sensible

Flats from becoming
Hackerized forever!

Whoa, hang onto yer
hikin' boots, little lady.

That's a real mouthful.

Tumblin' tumbleweeds!

I see what you mean.

We sure don't want all those
Hackers runnin' around here.

To climb that rock in time, I
need to get to the top of this

wall in sixty seconds - but
my fastest time so far

is seventy four seconds.

Back in the day, I did my
fair share of climbin'.

Scurry on up there and
show me what cha got.

I just might have a tip or
two to help you go faster.

Oh thank you, Deke!

OK, I'm ready.

Give me a 'C'.


Give me an 'H'.


Give me an 'A-O-S'!


What's it spell?



How come your machine looks
mothing like the one on TV?

Yeah, and it's
way smaller, too.

Because I'm not
finished, that's why!

I'm still creating!

Now go away or
I'll tell master!

He'll tell master?

Hmph. We should tell master!

You're right.

I say Baskerville's a fake!

You've gotten better, Inez...

But yer stuck on
seventy seconds.

What am I going to do, Deke?

I can't seem to go any faster.


Instead of huggin'
the rock like this...

...stay upright.

Let your legs do the work.

Use yer hands for balance.

I'll try.

Sixty-six seconds!

Yahoo, Inez!

You made the line on this
here graph take a nosedive!


I improved by four
whole seconds!

Got any more tips?

I reckon I do.

Let's get to workin'!

Move like a spider!

One limb at a time.

Plan ahead!

Climb with your eyes!


This can't be right.

Stay upright.

Feet below your hands!

Take small steps.

Keep 'em small!

...Fifty-nine seconds!

I beat the goal!

I did it!


And the story of "how" is
right here on the graph.


It shows yer change over time.

Here, you started to
move like a spider.

And here's "planning ahead".

This is where I learned to
keep my feet below my hands.

And here, to take small steps.

Yep, yer ready for the
big climb, sweeetheart.

Thanks, Deke.

I think I can do it.

What is this thing?

Where are my
Hackerizing Machines?

Boss...excuse me, but we
don't think Baskerville--

Don't bother me now!

But, Boss,
Baskerville is a--


Who are you?

I'm Ledge, the one who
sent you the letter -

and Hackerized Sensible Flats.


I thought that
was Baskerville.


That's what we were
trying to tell you.


Baskerville's a phony!

I must take my
leave, my liege!

I'm the real deal,
Hacker. I did this!


I like your style, Ledge.

With the Cybersquad
Hackerized, I can...

Breaking news, folks!

Inez is attempting to
scale Climber's Rock!

Can she do it in
three minutes?

The countdown has begun.


I thought they were
all Hackerized!

Don't worry - she
won't make it!

Can the smallest member of the
Cybersquad reach the machine

in three minutes?

The fate of Sensible
Flats is in her hands.

That's it, Inez.

Feet below hands, small
steps...small steps...

Why didn't you
Hackerize her, too?

Because...because it
was part of my plan.

Which part?

Yeah, um...the last part.

Less than a half minute left!


She'd better not reach it!!

Let me understand
something, Ledge.

That's The Ledge, to you!

After your missed opportunity
you ...are going to help me

conquer Motherboard?

I can explain!

I...I did this to show you how
good the Cybersquad really is

- so you won't
underestimate them anymore.

That's why you always fail.


Buzz, Ledge
what happens when you fail!

You'll be sorry, Hacker!

You need me!

You're making a mistake!

You'll never defeat
those kids without me!

Inez, you were awesome.

Thanks to Deke!

Aw, shucks, sweetheart!

You did all the climbin'.


Foiled by the
Cybersquad again!


Are you still Hackerized?

No way - Ja-kay.

The the Didge!