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07x07 - Spellbound

Posted: 10/04/22 07:55
by bunniefuu
Okay, there's this really
bad dude named Hacker --

HACKER: The Hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

the Cyberworld
from Motherboard.

[ GASP ]
The three kids
are sucked into Cyberspace,

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

Okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save Cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the Hacker?

HACKER: Never!
MATT: There's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "Cyberchase"!

Cyberchase - we're moving

we're b*ating Hacker at his game

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time

...places that we've seen

We've got the power
of one, two, three, four!

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick together
all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


Fellow citizens, I've
just learned that Hacker

is once again planning trouble
for our beloved Pompadoria.

Luckily, an unexpected
friend has offered to help.

Someone we all
know...the Wicked Witch!

I know, I know - you're
thinking...What? Wicked?

Who pretended to be our princess
to take over our cybersite?

It's true, yes.

But that was then
- and this is now.

Wicked has assured me
that she has changed,

and I think she
deserves a second chance.

Pompadorians, I want you
to know I've totally changed

my wicked ways.

And to prove it, I'm
going to put a spell on you!

No, no, no, a good spell!

One that will keep you
safe from Hacker forever!

All eyes on me!

Roses are red,
violets are blue.

I'm now your
favorite witchie-poo.

Do as I say,
without hesitation.

And shower me
with your adoration!

We love you, Wicked.


In fact, we adore you so
much, we want you to be

the new leader of Pompadoria.

And we won't take
no for an answer!

Oh you! If you insist!

Oh, no!

A Pompadorian
walks into a hotel.

The clerk tells him it's
fifteen snelfus a night...

...five snelfus if
you make your own bed.

Good, I'll make my own
bed, says the Pompadorian.

Okay, says the owner - I'll
get you a hammer and nails.

Didge, stop with the jokes.

I'll never finish my
painting of the Hedgehoppers.

Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!

Petra! What's wrong?

Wicked cast a spell
on all the Pompadorians.

She said it was a good spell
- but I don't think so!

Do you remember what she said? was something like:
"I'm your favorite witchie-poo.

Do what I say and
shower me with adoration."

Shower me with adoration?

Do what I say?


Wicked's bein' wicked again.

As Inez would say...

Uh, oh. This is not good
- this is not good at all!


Wicked put some kind
of spell of adoration

on the Pompadorians!

They're totally
under her control!

Tell Jax we're on our way.

We're leaving the cybrary now.

Easy there, earthlies -
no running in the cybrary.


We're in a hurry to
get to Pompadoria.

Well, there's no use rushing.

We just got a cybermail saying
Pompadoria's been closed off

to all visitors
till further notice.

So - enjoy the Cybrary.

Hope this still works.

Phew! Just barely.

Jax! Wicked must have
closed down Pompadoria -

we can't get onto the site.


Didge, you'd better-- I know!

Get to the castle and find out
what that wily Wicked is up to!

I'm waaay ahead
of ya, earthlie!

Matt! See if
you can find something

about a Spell of
Adoration at the Cybrary.

And hurry!





Thank you so much.
I adore being adored!


Move along.

How do I adore thee?
Let me count the ways.

Okay. Start counting.

Number one.



That must be one
heck of a spell.

What are you doing here?

My adoration for
you is boundless.

I can barely find the
words to describe how I feel.


Wait. We'll do the rest
of the adorations later, okay?

Of course, my Queen.

a wrap for today.

Adorations begin
at noon tomorrow.

...And don't be late.

Stop playing with me, Hacker.

This is my gig!

Of course it is - and you
deserve every second of it,

my adorable one.

You're mad, right?

Mad I didn't include
you in my plan?

Oh, I'm mad, all
right...mad for you!

Mad for your devious nature...
your evil aptitude...

...that pointy little nose

that has finally
pierced my heart.

Are you really under my spell?

I mean, I didn't even
know you were here.

If by 'under your spell'
you mean I adore you?

Guilty as charged!

And to prove it, tonight I'm
staging an 'I Love Wicked'

rally just for you!

Oh, Hackie-poo, you
say the sweetest things.

If only I believed you.

A rally? Tonight?

Hmm...wonder what Hacker's
got up his cape this time?

Wuh oh!

Duncebuckets at
twelve twenty-nine!

You think the boss's plan
for us to steal all the Ergs

in Pompadoria while he
keeps Wicked busy

with an 'I Love Wicked'
rally is really gonna work?

Only if he fooled her into
thinking he's under her spell!

So that's what they're up to!

...I found more Ergs!

Do we have to take
all of 'em, Buzzy?

I mean, we've already got...




Hacker's after our Ergs?

But the Ergs power
all of Pompadoria!

We can't exist without them.

We know.

We have got to stop Hacker!

C'mon, guys!

Petra! Come back!

What can five little
Hedgehoppers do to stop Hacker?

Probably not much.

But we can do alot!

We gotta break that
spell...and fast!

"Spells Made Simple"...

"When Good Spells Go Bad"..."

Evil Spells and
How to Break Them"...

That should have what we need!

Jackie! I think
we found something!

...The Spell of Adoration!
This must be it!

Jax, listen up!

"The Spell of Adoration can
only be broken by reading the

spell-breaker and showing this
symbol to everyone under the

spell at the same time."

What symbol?

The one in the book we found!

We'll Skwak you
a picture of it!

Cool! We can show it to the
Pompadorians at the rally.

They'll all be there!

Excellent plan!

Picture coming!

Oh, no! The camera's
out of commission!

How are we going to get
the symbol to Jackie?

Matt, Inez, I can hear
your voices - so at least

we can still talk!

And I've got all
my art stuff here.

Just tell me what the symbol
looks like and I can paint it.

You got it!

It's a picture of
a big blue face.

Not a round face though...

and it has a kind
of a u-shaped chin.

Its eyes are
yellow and orange...

It's got a green nose...

And a big yellow mouth.

And there are two green pointy
things coming out of its head.


And parts of its face are light
blue and parts are dark blue.

And that's it!


But how do we know if
mine looks like yours?

mine has light blue around the
eyes and nose and on the chin.

Does yours?

No...there's only light blue on
the forehead and under the eyes.


What about the
green pointy things?

Where are they?

Near the's
on the right side,

and one's on the left.

Double oops...


I think we've got a
communication failure here.

You can say that again!

This isn't working, guys!

We've gotta find a
better way to talk about

what's where on the symbol!

We hear you, Jax.

We're on it!

What are we gonna do?

Unless their copy of the
symbol looks like the symbol

in the book, the spell
won't get broken!

Tell me something, Hackie-poo.

Do you really, truly adore me?

You have me
spellbound, my sweet.

In my eyes, you
can do no wrong.


Then...anything I say or
do is okey-dokey with you?

Absolutely, my angel.

So... If I said that
you were a bigger duncebucket

than Buzz or Delete
- that would be okay?

Totally acceptable,
my treasure.

And...if I said I didn't think
you could take over Cyberspace

- or that I've never thought
you could take over Cyberspace

- that wouldn't
bother you, either?

Not at all, my sugar-plum.


Another token of my
devotion and adoration.

Hmmmm...maybe he is
under my spell after all.

There's gotta be a way to let
Jax know what parts of the

symbol are where
so she can paint it.

But how?

We tried describing it to
her - that didn't work.

Maybe there's a book about
drawing or art that can help.

Good idea! We just need
to find the Art Section.

...Over here! A
map of the Cybrary.

The Art Section is in E three.

Okay! Here's row E...

And here's column three!

So the Art Section is here.

Which puts it...over there!

Let's go!

Hmm, that grid sure helped
us find the art section...

I know...let's go!

What if we put a grid on the
symbol like the grid on the map?


If Jackie draws the same grid,
then we can pinpoint what goes

where and tell her!

I think I get what you
mean...let's try it.


This is where the
orange eye is,

so we tell Jackie to
color this square orange.

Here's the other eye, so
this square is orange too.

But...look here.

This square has both
dark blue and yellow...

What should we tell
Jackie to do here?

Make it both dark
blue and yellow...?

Good question...

What if we make each square
just one color - the color

that takes up most
of the square?

Would the face still look enough
like the original to work?

Let's try it.

Your square is mostly yellow,
so we color it yellow.

Same here.

And this one is mostly dark color it dark blue.

This just might work...!

Let's color in the
rest of the squares.

Don't worry, Buzzy...the rope
won't come loose this time.

Stop yappin' and hold onto me!

I can almost reach the Ergs!

That's what you think!


You know, from a distance
this looks pretty good.

Didge, is your grid ready?


Ten squares across... ten down!


Now go down two squares
and color that one green.

Uh, go down from where?

Which square?

Matt, where do we start?

Oh, ummm...the top
row - far left square.

Man, this is gonna
take forever.

Of course!

We forgot to
label the squares!


Label the squares down the
left side with letters,

from 'A' to 'J'...then label
the squares across the top

from left to right with
numbers from one to ten.

We'll do the same thing here.

Done! What's the
first square, Matty?

D four. Paint it orange!

The D row...the column.

And here's the square
where they meet...

What's the next square?

D seven! That's orange, too!!

...Got it!

Two orange squares.


Those are the eyes!

More adoration, Hackie-poo!

And a little more

Your evil mind bubbles
with brilliance.

You're more delectable
than a bundt cake,

more adorable than the runt

in a litter of
spiney-tailed toads.

Oh, that's good.

More! MORE!

Frankly, as much as
I'd love to continue,

your 'I Love Wicked'
rally won't run itself!


Fear not, sweet Wicked.


My adoration for
you will not wane!

See you at the rally!

At last, The Hacker is
mine! I'm so bad I'm good.


Looks a lot better this time.

Kinda hard to tell
what it is, though.

It looks better
from back here!

The squares all smooth out.

It looks more like a face.

Wow, that oughta
break the spell!

But... don't all
the Pompadorians

have to see the
symbol at the same time?

That's what Matt said.

Then we have a problem.

You're right. My painting
is much too small!

Cue the Dancing Wickeds!


I loathe the set!
I detest the music!

The flowers are all wrong,
and if you say those lead-footed

dancers are supposed
to be me, I'll scream!

But Wickie-poo, the
rally starts in one hour.

It's too late to make changes.

If you truly adore me, you
should be happy to make changes!

Happy, happy, happy!

I'll be happy when
my Ergs get here!

That's when I'll be happy...

really, really happy!

If we tell the boss
someone took all the Ergs

he's gonna be
really, really unhappy.

Buzzy! Look! An Erg!

But there's only
one down there.

That's one more
than we've got now. get it.

...No way!

You get it.



The good news is...all
the Pompadorians will be

at the rally really soon, the
perfect place to show the symbol

and break the spell.

The bad news is, the symbol's
way too small for all of them

to see it at the same time!

They need to make
the symbol bigger.

But how do they do that

and make sure the
symbol still looks right?

Good question...

Matt! I've got it!

All they have to do
is make the same pattern

on a much bigger grid!

Bigger grid - bigger
squares -bigger symbol!

Jax! Here's what you do!

Got it! Okay, we make
the same grid - but huge!

Color each square
exactly the same way,

and we'll get the same
symbol - only big enough

so everyone can see it.


Wuh oh!

There's not enough paint
left to make a giganto symbol.

We're back!

At least we saved
some of the Ergs.

And we've found a way
to break the spell.

We need to make a
great big one of these.

But we don't have enough paint
to fill in all the squares.

Use us.

We're the right colors!

Well, yeah...but we
need something huge,

and there's only five of you.

That's what you think!

You make the squares
- we'll fill 'em in!


Tonight we celebrate a
witch whose intellect,

beauty and wit
are so unique I...

I can't even find the
words to describe them.

So, without further ado,

it's the moment you've
all been waiting for!

You know her, you
adore her, give it up

for your Queen and mine...



The rally's almost over!


Okay, I need green at A ten!



You're supposed
to be on B seven!

I loooove you Wiiiickeeeeed!

Ohh, I love you the
way that people who are adored

adore the people who adore
them...from a distance!

I think I'm going to be sick!



Hey boss!

Did you get the Ergs?

Well...we uh...

We got one.





Way to go, Petra! 'A'
one! Hit it, Didge!

It's showtime!

I think we should have an 'I
Love Wicked' rally every day!

Well? ...Don't you?

Look! What is it?

Ooo, a special
present just for me?

You bet it is, Wicked!


What are they doing here!

Okay, Matt, read
the spell-breaker!

"To all who are present,
and hear these words spoken...

Keep your eyes on the symbol,
and the Spell of Adoration

will be broken!"

It worked, Matt!
The spell is broken!

Silly earthbrats!

I'll just put another
magic spell on all of you!

That's not gonna happen!




Don't rush!



I can't believe you
faked all that adoration!

How could you?

Face it, Wicked.

The only one I
truly me!


The only one who
could adore you is you!