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07x06 - The Deedle Beast

Posted: 10/04/22 07:55
by bunniefuu
Okay, there's this really
bad dude named Hacker --

HACKER: The Hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

the Cyberworld
from Motherboard.

[ GASP ]
The three kids
are sucked into Cyberspace,

and they use brain power
to help save everybody.

Okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save Cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the Hacker?

HACKER: Never!
MATT: There's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "Cyberchase"!

yberchase - we're moving

we're beating Hacker at his game

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time

...places that we've seen

We've got the power
of one, two, three, four!

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick together
all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


It's eight o'clock -

Time for your walk.

C'mon already,
make a decision!

Oh, boy...I sure hope the
Earthlies got my message.

If you like it -
I like it! Let's go!

Remember...don't go all
crazy like you did yesterday.

Okay? Walk nice.

Earthlies! Am I glad to see you!

We got here as
soon as we could.

Ohhhh...he's so cute.

His name's Dewey.
He's a Deedle Beast.

A Deedle Beast?
Leave it to Ms. Fileshare

to have a pet no
one ever heard of.

So what's the big emergency?



I promised Ms. Fileshare I'd
take care of Dewey while she's

at the cybrarian
convention - but I'm worried

something's wrong with him!

He looks okay to me...


Other than a
little beast-breath!

He acted all weird on our
morning walk yesterday...

and if it happens on
our morning walk today,

I want you guys with me!

C'mon, it's time
to hit the trail.

You sure something's
wrong, Didge?

Dewey seems just fine.

He did the same thing
yesterday morning.

then all of a sudden...

he goes bonkers!

Well, maybe it was
just a one-time thing.

I hope so...!

One thing's for sure, he doesn't
want to get his paws dirty.

I understand totally.

Digit, me lad!

Out for another walk, I see.

Everyone, this is
Gimme - the golf pro.

These are my
earthbuds: Matt...




...and Jackie.


Doin' some golfin'
while yer here, I hope.

Not yet. Maybe later.

You best be hittin'
the links, laddie.

It's already
twenty past eight!

When yer in Golftopia you've
got ta "get into the swing" -

ya know what I mean?





There he goes againnnnnnnn!


Hey! Stop! Helllllp!

Whoa there, boy, easy does it.

I see what you
mean about Dewey!

Look at him now -
like nothing happened.

Well, something happened!

Something must be wrong -
and we need to figure out

what it is before
Ms. Fileshare gets back.

Whatever it was,
he's back to normal.

Aren't you, boy?

Normal to us, sure.

But what's normal
behavior for a Deedle Beast?

Who knows what makes them
happy or mad or scared?

I'll tell you in a sec.

" Facts About
Deedle Beasts" Cool!

"Deedle Beasts
make great pets.

They are easily trainable,
gentle with children...

and they are
neat and orderly."

That's true.

Just look at the way he
color coordinates his toys.


"They purr when contented,
howl when frightened,

and when tickled...turn
bright orange and sing."

You think?


Looks like it!

Hey, hey, hey!

Enough with the singing!

We got a problem to solve!

Maybe it's not
a problem at all.

Yeah, Didge, maybe it
was just a coincidence.

A coincidence?

What if it
happens again tomorrow?

Another coincidence?

Digit's right,
we've got to focus.

A normally quiet and
well-behaved animal

suddenly goes out of control.


It's a mystery to me.

It's a mystery, all right.

What we need to know is
what's happening - where it's

happening - and when...then
maybe we can figure out

why it's happening.

What...where...when, exactly!

Let's start with 'what'.

What did we observe on
the walk this morning?

We ran into Gimme but
Dewey was okay with that.

It was after we saw
Gimme that he yowled...

then his hair stood on end.

Then he pawed at
the ground and pulled me

around in circles!

Okay...that covers
what happened.

And the "where" was
on the golf course.

At the Igloo hole.

And we know the
'when': eight-twenty.

Gimme said so. Remember?

So we know the 'what', the
'where' and the 'when'!

Hey - what about
yesterday's walk? Didge?


Well, we were at the
Waterslide Hole...

The ducks were quackin'...

...and Dewey gave
one of 'em a kiss.

All of a sudden
he started yowling

and his hair stood on end.

Then he pawed at the ground...

...and charged
around in circles.

Just like he did this morning.

Okay, so we know the 'what'.

Dewey acted the same
way Monday and Tuesday.

We know 'where', too:
on the golf course,

but at different places.

And we know 'when':
in the morning.

But we still don't
know the 'why'!

Well, since we have to wait
till tomorrow morning's walk

to see what happens...

I think I'll go
hit some golf balls.

Anyone else?

No thanks.

I'll see what else I can
find out about Deedle Beasts.

Don't worry, Dewey,
the CyberSquad is on it.

We'll figure this out.

Man, they sure have a
lot of gophers around here.

Time to grip it and rip it!

The crowd quiets as
Matt steps up to the tee.

He needs a birdie
to win the match.




What tinwit hit this ball?

Nothing worse than
annoying neighbors!


How dare they interrupt me
while I'm perfecting my putting!

Forget your putting, boss.

What if some nosey neighbor
finds out what we're doing?

Yeah, we're not
through digging yet!

Then get to it!

Right away, boss.

In just two more days Cyberspace
will be in complete chaos.

Keep shoveling!

I've been trying to figure out
why Hacker has a house here...

and I can't come up
with one good reason.

Maybe he retired.

And give up his quest to
take over all of Cyberspace?

No way!

Then why is he here?

Man, they better do
something about those gophers!

Matt, forget the gophers.

It's Wednesday,
we've got to zero in

on what's going on with Dewey.


He's doin' it again!

The same behavior
as yesterday!


Let's track it!

The what: Dewey yowled...

his hair stood on end...
he pawed at the ground...

then started running in circles.

Hey, guys!

A little help?

The where: The Windmill Hole!

The when: eight-thirty!

Excuse me!


Dee-Dee, look!

The earthbrats!

And Digit!

What are they doing here?

Who cares what
they're doing here?

By the time they figure
out what's going on

it'll be too late!

Hey, boss, is that the
equa...equa... Equabibium!

Equilibrius, you duncebuckets!

By this time tomorrow,
it'll be frozen to exactly

the proper consistency...

Then I can run my
final experiment!

Okay, guys, all of our info
is organized into this chart.

The first column represents
Dewey's walks on Monday...

and today, Wednesday.

This column shows
us what happened...

this one where it happened...

and this one
when it happened.


Once we fill in all the
blanks with what we know,

maybe we can find a
pattern to help us

figure out what's going on.

Right, boy?

Okay, the what is everything
Dewey did - and he did

the same thing each day.

And we know
where he did it, too!

Monday the problem was
at the Waterslide Hole.

Got it...Waterslide Hole!

Do you remember when
it happened, Didge?

Let's see, we left the
house at eight o'clock sharp -

just like Ms Fileshare told me.

And it was about ten
minutes into the walk

when Dewey went bonkers.

That would make
it about eight-ten.

Tuesday it
happened at the Igloo.

And the when was eight-twenty!

Remember Gimme pointed
out the time on the clock?

What do we do with
all this dirt, Buzzy?

We do just what we
been doin', Deedee.

We dump it.

Come on!

Now that we've organized our
observations let's see if we

can find a pattern - something
to explain Dewey's behavior.

Okay, we know the place where
Dewey goes off keeps changing.

First the Waterslide...

then the Igloo...
then the Windmill.

And the time gets
later each walk, too!

Eight ten...

Think that means something?

Later in the walk...

could mean it happens
farther down the path.

There's our pattern!

But what's it mean...?

This spot's as good as any.

Heave ho!

Let's get outta here!

So they dumped
the dirt right here!

I thought the piles came from
gophers digging up the golf

course...but no, it was
really Buzz and Delete

dumping dirt all over the place!

Why would they do that?

I don't know.

But it wouldn't surprise
me that whatever Hacker's

up to is connected to
how Dewey's been acting.

Here's the
Real Estate office -

maybe this is where
Hacker got his house!

Let's see if they can give
us a clue why he's here...

Ah, welcome to Mrs. Bogey's
Real Estate: we build 'em,

you buy 'em.

I'm Mrs. Bogey.

Taffy anyone?

Oh, yea!

I love taffy!

Don't mind me.


No problem.

A happy customer is...
well ...a happy customer!

What can I do for you?

We were just wondering
about one of your residents.

His name is Hacker.

Hacker...ah yes.

The Hacker.

He moved in a few days ago.

Bought the
house right here...

next door to Ms. Fileshare.

We know.

Funny thing is, he only
wanted to live in this house.

Wouldn't settle
for anything else.

Hmmm...why only that house?

Oh, he didn't say.

But it has a
wonderful location...

as do all our homes, of course.

Here's a copy of the map.

Call me if your folks are
interested in moving here.

We will, Mrs. Bogey.

Thanks for your help.


...Check this out!

All three places
where Dewey went loopy

are on the same straight line!

And the times match up, too!

If the pattern stays the
same and we extend the line...

...tomorrow morning
at about eight-forty,

Dewey should go
loopy right here... the Clown Hole!

Earthlies! Do you
see what I see?


Look what happens if you
extend that line back this way.

It points straight to...


Hey, boss!

Those earthbrats are walkin'
that Deedle thingy again!

Soon our nosey neighbors
will have more important things

to worry about!

Ahh, yes...Frozen solid!

Feast your eyes on the future!

The future's nice
and pointy, boss.

Yeah! What's it do?

What's it do? I'll
show you what it does!


That's some trick!

That wasn't a trick,
you duncebuckets!

It was a scientific

Just a tiny taste
of what's to come!

By the end of today
I'll have enough Equilibrius

to turn all of
cyberspace upside down!

almost eight-forty

and we're at the clown hole.

If our prediction is right,
then Dewey should start acting

up any min - YOWWWWWWLLLL...


Our prediction was right!



Eight-forty on Thursday, Dewey
goes loopy at the clown hole.

So we know for sure he
acts up later and farther

along the path each day.

And... we can
predict when and where!

But we still don't know why!

Hmm...maybe something's
missing from the chart.

Maybe something
else is going on.


Something that will give us
a clue to Dewey's behavior.

That's it! We
need another column!

A "What else is
going on" column.

Didge, think back.
Anything else you remember

from your first walk
by the Waterslide?

Lemme think...

All I remember is a
buncha ducks quacking.

Oh, and a pile of dirt!

Okay...ducks...and dirt.

Great! Now what about
Tuesday at the Igloo?

What else was going on?

Dewey stepped
around a dirt pile.

And Gimme the
golf pro came by.

I saw some golfers!


What about yesterday?

I saw a gardener!
And more piles of dirt!

Don't forget the sprinklers!

Gardener... dirt... sprinklers!

What about today?
What else was going on?

More piles of dirt!

And golfers!
I saw them run away!

Dirt...and golfers. Done!

Now... if we can just find
something that happened

on all four walks,
maybe we'll have a clue

why Dewey did what he did.

Let's start eliminating!


ducks were only on one
walk, so they're out!

And the golfers were
only there on Tuesday and they're history!

Gimme only came by once -
so he couldn't have anything

to do with Dewey's behavior.

And dump the sprinklers,
they only got me one time.

We can lose the gardener, too.
We only saw him yesterday!

Check it out!

There's only one thing
we saw on all four walks...


So we saw piles of
dirt on the golf course

wherever Dewey
went out of control.

Not just any
dirt...Hacker's dirt!

Okay...but what's
the connection?

Guys! Listen to this!

"Deedle beasts
are highly sensitive

to underground vibrations.

Deedle behavior during
such an event may include:

yowling, hair standing on
end and running in circles

around the
source of the tremor."

That describes
Dewey's behavior exactly!

Let's see...what would
cause vibrations under the

ground...make dirt piles...and
happen in a straight line?

An earthquake?

...Maybe a tunnel?

Didge, you're a genius!

Was there ever any doubt?

A tunnel explains all
of our observations!

The dirt...

The straight line...
the vibrations...

And the behavior happens
about ten minutes later each day

because Hacker has dug
the tunnel farther along!

Where's he digging
a tunnel to?

Let's find out!

The tunnel starts
at Hacker's house...

goes under the golf
course...and runs under...


Let me know when
you're under the golf shop!

We're almost there, boss.

Just a few more cyberfeet!

Inside each golf ball is a
tiny liquid drop of a rare

but powerful substance
called equalibrius.

That tiny drop gives the
ball exceptional balance.

But frozen solid,
equalibirius can throw things

terribly out of balance.

Collect enough equalibrius,

you could literally turn
Cyberspace on its ear!


We heard what you just
said - and we think Hacker's

after the golf balls!

Why that diabolical duffer...

he's more slippery
than a sandtrap!

Do all these balls
contain Equalibrius?

Everyone last of 'em.


Dewey's feeling
those vibes again!

The tunnel must
be right under us!

Tunnel? What tunnel?

What on earth is going on?

Look out...!

Oooh! Whoa!

It's workin', boss!

Yeah! Here they come!

He's takin' all me golf balls!

We've got to stop him!

But how?

Taffy anyone?


And I know just
who to give it to!

Come to The Hacker!

What happened?

Why have the golf balls
stopped coming through?

...Never mind!

Here they come again!


I hope Hacker
has a sweet tooth!

Bye bye, bad guy!

So long!

Well done!

You've saved Golftopia -
and maybe all of Cyberspace!

Thanks, Gimme.

But we couldn't have
done it without Dewey.

Just like you said,
Ms. Fileshare...

Dewey was no trouble at all.

Right, Inez?

Right. He behaved like
a perfect Deedle Beast.

Didn't you, Dewey?

Aooo... Aooooo!

Stay right where you are!
It's Cyberchase For Real!


Harry, a friend of mine had to
go out of town and I told her

you wouldn't mind
taking care of her dog.

I can't have a
dog in my apartment!

W-why can't you take
care of the dog?

I have to go out of town, too.

We'll be back for
Niles in a week.

A week?

No, but--!


No! Shhh! You're
gonna get us kicked out!

Nice dog, Harry.

Nice PJs, too.

Nice wet hair.

My dryer broke!

Oh no! Not again!

It's around o'clock.

Same time you started
barking yesterday.

What set you off?

Was it the newspaper carrier?

No, she comes around six.

Milk carrier doesn't
get here until later.

I thought no dogs allowed,
especially the barking kind.

It's a long story.

at AM, but today no barking.

What's going on?

Cat got your tongue?

Shhh! Yikes!

Today you barked at AM.

Maybe you're hearing
something I can't hear.


Your bark's worse than
your bite, isn't it?

You know, you're usually out
the door around eight, right?

I'm off today, so I slept in.

Your hair's wet again.

Did you just take a shower?

Yes. It's all
the rage these days.

Could you do me a favor?

Of course.

Would you mind going
back up to your apartment,

turning on the shower
and then turning it off?

Ok, I guess.


Ok, come on!

Good boy!

Good boy!

Thanks for helping
me solve the mystery.

When you shower, the water
drains into a pipe in my wall.

Whether that's eight or ten,
the pipe noise makes Niles bark.


Niles will be here for
about four more days.

Do you think you can skip
showers until he leaves?

I don't think my co-workers
would be too happy about that.

As long as you're
chewing, you're not barking.

I'm back!