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07x02 - The Emperor Has Snow Clothes

Posted: 10/04/22 07:52
by bunniefuu
Cyberchase - we're moving

we're beating Hacker at his game

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the Motherboard

we'll get him every time

...places that we've seen

We've got the power
of one, two, three, four!

Running in the Cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick together
all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!



It's Fluff.

Big problems in Penguia!

Real big!

I'm here, Fluff.

What is it?

Hacker's back!

He's turned our Emperor
into an ice statue and...

...left him in
the Frigid Fields!

Hacker said if anyone goes
against him - he'll freeze

them too!

And worst of all, Hacker's
declared himself our new



Send the Cybersquad...hurry!

Will do, Fluff!


Cybersquad, portal
to Penguia...

thaw out the Emperor.

We're on it, Mother B!

You have less than two hours.

After that Emperor
will be frozen forever!

Just what I beed - a
bission to the frozen tundra

with this terrible code.


You just get better, Didge.

We'll take this one ourselves.

Matt, Jackie, Inez!

You don't know how good
it is to see you guys!

Thanks, Fluff.

And don't worry - we're gonna
help you save the Emperor.

Where's Didge?

With Motherboard.

He's got a bad cold.

We don't have much time.

How do we get to
Frigid Fields?

I'll show you.

We're here... Penguin Village.

We have to get the Meltmeister
invention from Furgie...who

lives here.

Then take it through Powder the Frigid Fields

where the Emperor is.

What about Hacker?

Where's he? the Ice Palace.

Got it.

Wait a sec.

It's a long way to Frigid are we gonna get

there in time?

That's where my super speedy
Snowdeer sleigh comes in.!

It looks kinda small, though.

I know.

It only carries three.

But it's really, really fast!

I'm sure it is.

But we need to save
room for the Emperor.

That means only
two of us can go.



Let's try this another way.

Who volunteers to stay?

Well...I'll stay.

My room can be command central
in case there's a problem.

Wanna stay with me?


We'll hold down
the fort together.

That settles it.

Operation Save The
Emperor is a go!

C'mon, Jax!


The map!

I've got another copy.

You've got an hour and a half!

We're outta here!

Where is everyone?

What's the good of being an
Emperor when there are no

subjects to order around?

You scared 'em away, boss.

Want me to get 'em?

That's what the "second in
command" of an Emperor does.


You're not second in command.

I am!

No way, Buzzy!

I am!

Neither one of you
duncebuckets is worthy of

being my second in command!

Well, I could be!

No, it's me, boss!

I could be worthy.

Then prove it!


Which way, Jax?

According to the map...we're
supposed to bear left at

something called Icicle Peak.


I think we're on Icicle Peak!


Ohhhhh...I feel
horrible, Motherboard.

By beak is stuffed,
by head is clogged,

eben my feathers ache.

Finish your'll
feel better.


Wonder what's on TV?

This is Stormy Gale

and it's another
beautiful day in cyberspace.

What's that?

This just in from Penguia...

The village of
Snowville was just hit

with a massive snowstorm.

They're digging out right now!


I better warn the Earthlies!'s be!

There's a big
snowstorm in Snowville!

It bight be heading your way!

Snowville isn't
too far from here.

Keep us posted, okay, Didge?

Jou got it!

How much time left
to save the Emperor?

...A little more than an hour!

They'll make it,
I know they will.

They have to!

The future of Penguia
depends on it!

precious Meltmeister...

...wherefore art thou?


Find it?


This is the polar
engine I invented.

Runs on snow.

Is that it over there?


Not exactly.

This is the Ice-o-Nart.

Turns ice into food.

Very handy 'round here.

Keep looking, Furgie.

We're in a hurry.

Hurry, hurry...everyone's
in a hurry today.

One needs to stop and feel
the ice beneath one's feet!

Ah, there you are,
my little beauty!


The Meltmeister!

How does it work?


Just switch it on...

...and pass it over
whatever is frozen.

I'm proud to say, the
melting is instantaneous!


Unfreeze our Emperor!

Thanks, Furgie!

Let's go!

I catch a couple of sturgeon,
Hacker's favorite fish,

fry em up and bam!

I'm second in command.

Contest over!

Not so fast, Buzzie.

When the boss sees this ice
sculpture I carved in his

honor, he's gonna make
me second in command!


It's the earthbrats!

I better tell the boss!


I think I hooked one!


Hey, whoa!



Oh brave Hacker oh
Hacker the brave...


Get this thing off me!

Boss...I mean
Your Emperortude!

It's the earthbrats!

They're here!




They came out of this igloo
on the other side of the lake!


What igloo?

Who lives in the igloo on
the other side of the lake! ?

Um...would you
like another song?

The only song I want to
hear is about who lives

in that Igloo!


And who might Furgie be?

Um...nobody important!

Nobody important? !

Furgie's only the best
inventor in all of Penguia.

Won the Snowbelle
Prize she did!

An inventor, eh?


And I just bet she's
got an invention to unfreeze

the Emperor.

Which means those earthbrats
are on their way to the

Emperor to ruin my plans!

Um...Your Emperorness?


I'll stop them.

I'll show you I deserve to
be your second in command.

No, I'll stop 'em, boss!

I don't care which one of you
stops them ...JUST STOP THEM!

Yes, boss!

The storm's heading
right for us!

As the future number
two in command,

I think we should use
a big rock instead.

You're not number two yet!

I like the snowball.

Here they come!


You hear something?



Man, that was close!


Up there!

It's Buzz and Delete!

Hacker's onto us!

Let's go!

Storm hit Snowville
at three o'clock...

...hit us at three-fifteen.

What are you doing?

I always log in the storms.

They go from one town
to the next pretty fast.

That could be trouble!

We better find out
which way it's heading.

Let's see.

The storm started
here in Snowville...

...Now it's here
in Penguin Village.

Oh-oh...this is
not good at all.


If the storm keeps going in
this could run

smack into Matt and Jackie!

A barricade would be
much more effective.

Are you second-guessing
the second in command?

You're not second
in command yet!

I will be.


No way those earth kids are
gonna reach the Emperor now!


...Here they come!


Pull up!

The bridge is down!


How are we going
to get across?

...Hang on.

So what'd you tell 'im?

I said if he jumps the
chasm, I'll give him a treat.


Hey, it works with my dog.


I think we can make it.

Let's go, guys!



All right!

The boss isn't gonna
be happy about this!

The storm's passed through...
but which way is it going?

Let's see...the next
town is Icebergberg.

Didge, it's me.

We need your help.

Where's the storm now?

In by head.

It beels like a tornado.

Ah, Didge, I know
you feel lousy,

but Operation Save The
Emperor hangs in the balance.

Where's the storm now?

Hold on, I'll bind out.

The worst storm of the season
continues its snowy march

across Penguia.

It just hit Icebergberg!

They're snowed in!

Icebergberg just got
dusted - big time!

I hear ya, Didge!

Thanks, Didge.

Let us know where
it hits next!



Storm reached
Icebergberg at...


But is it heading for
Matt and Jackie or not?

Okay, what do we know?

The storm hit here Snowville.

...then passed over
Penguin Village.

Then continued on
to Icebergberg.

So, here's the track
of the storm so far.

...A straight line!

Oh no!

Just like we thought!

If the storm keeps
going the way it has,

it's going to hit...

...Powder Pass!

Which means Matt and Jackie
won't be able to get through

to save the Emperor!

Okay, okay, hold on.

Let's not jump to conclusions.

We don't know for sure if the
storm will continue in the

same direction.

We need a way to know if it's
moving on a straight path.


Check it out.

If it stays on course,
the next town along

the storm track is...


If the storm hits's
moving on a straight path

and Powder Pass is next!

Ahhhh! It's good to be Emperor.


The storm just
reached Wintervale!


Call you back.

Wintervale just got blasted!

The question is, do Matt and
Jackie have enough time to

make it to the Pass before
the storm gets there?

If they don't, the Emperor
will be frozen...forever!

Matt...Jackie...where are you?

We're nearing Pine
Tree Trail...then it's on

to Powder Pass.

What's up?

There's a big storm
heading your way.

You've got to get through the
Pass before it hits--or you

won't be able to reach
the Emperor in time!


When will the storm
reach the Pass?

We're working on that now.

Just hurry!

Once this tree falls
and blocks the path,

those Earthbrats will
never reach the Emperor!

And I mean never!

You sure this is gonna work?

Of course it's gonna work!

That's why the boss is gonna
make me second in command!

Uh-oh! okay?

Maybe you should be
second in command.

Hoo boy.

The storm passed through
Snowville at three o'clock.

What about Penguin Village?

Three fifteen!


Icebergberg at three
thirty...and Wintervale at



I just noticed something.

The storm reached us in
Penguin Village fifteen

minutes after it
hit Snowville!

Then fifteen minutes after
that, it hit Icebergberg...

And Wintervale in
another fifteen!

I see where you're going.

It took the same amount of
time for the storm to get to

each town - fifteen minutes!


And it looks like
the towns are each

the same distance apart.

We can find out for sure by
using the scale on the map.

That's five cybermiles....
So it's five cybermiles from

Snowville to
Penguin Village...

And the same distance
between Penguin village and


And look!

From Icebergberg to Wintervale
is five cybermiles, too!


If the storm keeps moving
five cybermiles every fifteen

minutes, all we have to do
is measure the distance from

Wintervale to Powder Pass to
find out what time the storm

will get there!



Powder Pass is ten
cybermiles beyond Wintervale.

Twice the distance
as the others.

So the storm will take
twice as long to get there.

Thirty minutes
instead of fifteen.


The storm hit Wintervale
at three forty five.

Three forty-five plus fifteen
minutes is four o'clock...

plus another fifteen four-fifteen!

So we can predict that the
storm will reach the Pass at

about four fifteen.

And that's when they have to
un-freeze the Emperor too!

It's four o'clock now!

We're running out of time!

...Matt! Jackie!
We figured it out!

You only have fifteen minutes
to get across the Pass before

the storm hits!

And to save the Emperor too!

Got it! We're
almost at there now!

Somehow I just knew those two
duncebuckets would fail me!

Powder Pass is this way!

Hurry, Matt!



I'm so good I could be
my own second in command!

We should be at
the Pass by now.

Where are we?

I don't know.

The map doesn't say anything
about the trail to the Pass

going through
things like these.

But that sign pointed
right this way.



We need help!

We think we took a
wrong turn into some kind

of icy tree thingies!

The Ice Forest!

You've only got five minutes
- there's no time to go back!

What are we going to do! ?


There's a short cut
across the Green River.

It should be frozen by now.

Do you see it on the map?

...Yes, I found it!

We're on our way!


Look! The Green River!

And there's the Emperor!

Only one problem: the
river's not totally frozen.

How are we going
to get across?

...With this!


All right!



We made it!

We're at Frigid Fields!

You're almost out of time!

Melt 'im, Jax!

We're unfreezing
the Emperor now!


It's not working!

Maybe we're too late!

Huh uh.

I did not come all this
way to be too late!

Meltmeister, do your stuff!

Jax, he's dripping!


Emperor Penguia, are you OK?

My oh my, that
was one cold nap!

Game over!

Operation Save The
Emperor is a success!


Woo hoo!

By the way...

the storm's hitting
Powder Pass right now!

Just like you predicted!

With all this snow, there's
no way those Earthbrats got

through the Pass.

You're right.

Let's go back to the Palace
and tell the boss he's still

the Emperor.

He'll probably make me number
two in command right away.

No way!

I'm gonna be number two!

You said I could!

You can be number three!


Or four!

Four's good.



Dah! Grrr....

We did it, Motherboard!

We saved the Emperor - and
saved Penguia from Hacker!

We did indeed, Digit.

Now finish your soup.

Do I have to?

You want to get
rid of your cold...

don't you?

I'm fine, really.

I don't need anymore soup.

I never felt
better in my life!


Stay right where you are.

It's CyberChase For Real.

I'm going camping.

Sometimes you just have
to leave the city and...

and get back to nature.

No TV, no video games,
just catch up on my reading.

Oh, Just in case, I have
my GPS so I don't get lost,

my trusty flashlight,

and my first aid kit.

Be Prepared --
that's my motto.

My book...

I left my books at home.

Now, what am I going to do?

It's my friend Janice
the meteorologist.

News New York has
been tracking a fast moving

thunder storm with
high winds and lots of rain.

Right now, it's on a
Northeast track traveling

at about miles per hour.

Now, according to where
it is on the map right now,

we predict it will be over our
area in the next - minutes.

Hello Janice, it's Harry.

Hi, Harry. What's wrong?

I'm, I'm camping.

No. I'm, I'm in a car.

I mean I'm in a car
and I'm in a storm.

if you're in a car you're safe.

No, you don't understand,

REALLY afraid of storms!

Oh, where are you?

In the car.

Where is the car?

I don't know, near the woods.

Wait hold on.

Um, degrees minutes north.

degrees minutes west.

Oh, I see where you are.

Stand by.. seconds.

Oh, Harry, I have
to do a live update, stay put.

That fast moving
storm we've been tracking

is moving directly
over our area as predicted.

Now, you should remain indoors.

But, if you happen to be in your
car, in the woods somewhere,

and you're "really,
really" afraid of storms,

just sit tight.

The weather data shows
it will be passing over us

and ending
in just a couple of minutes.

As a matter of fact,
it might be clearing

in your area right now.