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07x01 - Gone with the Fog

Posted: 10/04/22 07:51
by bunniefuu
Cyberchase - we're moving

We're b*ating hacker at his game

Don't tell me that he's
trying to hack the motherboard

We'll get him every time

...places that we've seen

We've got the power
of one, two, three, four!

Running in the cyberchase

We meet him face to face

We'll stick together
all the time

Adventures in cyberspace

The chase is on!


We've got to reach the top
to stop hacker from erasing

Motherboard's memory and
taking over cyberspace!

First we have to measure
how much rope we need.

But we lost our tape measure

In the caves of
oblivion, remember?

Greetings, earthbrats!


Just thought I'd...drop by!

And speaking of dropping...
Happy landing, kiddies!



What a performance, earthlies!

I smell a golly award! You okay?

Yeah! We're fine, didge.

We're good!

Beautiful, guys! Beautiful!

Thanks, mikey.

You want us to do it again?

No way! That was golden!

Next scene is digit's rescue.

Here's what I want you to do...

Man, making a movie is fun!

Hard to believe
it's mikey's first movie.

He's really a good director.

Don't move, darling.

You need a little blow dry
to get rid of those frizzies!

You're a cyber-goddess!

Thanks, bobby! You're the best!

Oooh, is it me
or did it just get cold in here?

You're right - I feel it too.

Hey! Where'd this fog come from? sure is thick!

I can't even see my hand.

Hey! Who's there?

Let go of me!

Stop! Ow - that hurt!

The fog's going away...

And it's getting warm again.

Wow, that was really weird.

Hey, where'd bobby go?

He's gone!

Gone with the fog!

The strange
disappearance of bobby blanco,

leading hair stylist,

Follows the
fog-filled disappearance

Of two other well-know stylists:

Mandy mascara, the makeup artist

And jean-claude-francois-pierre
de la fontainbleu,

The clothing designer.

Three mysterious fogs -
three missing stylists.


For now, the authorities are...

That's right, in a fog!

And without bobby,
I can't do a thing with my hair!

Whoa! This is serious.

Gollywood really
needs its stylists.

And now,
for a check of today's weather,

We turn to stormy gale.

can we expect any more fog?

No, erica...
No fog in the forecast.

For now,
it looks like things will stay

Hot and humid in gollywood.

More bad hair days
ahead, I'm afraid.

What's up, mikey?

Bad news.
Unless someone finds

Bobby, mandy and jean-claude...

The film will be cancelled.

Cancel the cybersquad movie?

Why? It's going to be
the best movie of the year!

Without their
favorite stylists,

The other actors
won't go on camera.

I was going to be
the next steven spielborg.

Don't worry, mikey,
we'll find them.

Hey guys, you better
come see what we found!

The prop department
said they didn't put it here...

They don't have
a clue where it came from!

What does it do?

Yoikes! It's blowin' cold air!

Yeah! It's getting
really chilly in here!

It got cold like this
right before the fog rolled in

And bobby disappeared. Remember?

You think
the cold air from that machine

Had anything to do with the fog?

If it did, then someone
used this to make enough fog

So we couldn't
see what happened to bobby.

Pretty clever.

...ew! What is this stuff?

Wig gel! There's only one borg

I know who
uses wig gel like this...



What's that noise?


What have you done
with bobby blanco?

Wait, mikey! That's not hacker!

christopher droid, the actor

You hired to play hacker!

But the real hacker was here!

I bet the
real hacker was the one hanging

From this make-believe
wreaker when we were filming!

No! That was me!

So you were
the one who made the fog?

No! That was him -
the real hacker!

But why would hacker make off

With gollywood's
top three stylists?

I mean,
he's a fashion disaster!

Ok, listen, kids.

I don't care how you do it,

But you've gotta
find those stylists.

Do it for them - and
do it for the cybersquad movie:

Directed by mikey spikey,

Written for
the screen by mikey spikey,

From an original idea
by... Mikey spikey!

Next stop,
the northern frontier!

These new security
cameras are really great.

Huh, buzzy?

You got that right, deedee.

Nobody can
sneak up on the boss now!

What's the boss
gonna do with those guys?

Any ideas?

Uh-uh. But maybe
jean-claude whatsisname

Can make us some new uniforms.

Yeah. These are kinda drab.

We need somethin' bright -
somethin' with embroidery -

Or maybe pleats. Yeah...

You're a
regular art-teest, deedee.

C'mon calvin kleinborg.

Look at this
event as merely a momentary

Interruption in your glamorous,
happy-go-lucky lives.

You mean...we don't
have to be afraid of you?

Of course you do!

I'm the hacker!

Everybody fears me!

I don't!

I suggest you rethink
that thought, mr. Bobby blanco!

This is not a gollywood movie
- this is the real deal!

Now then, I'm giving you
all the chance of a lifetime -

The opportunity
to dress and style

The future master of cyberspace.

Really? Where is he?

Unless I get
the perfect makeover,

You and your giddy
friends won't be returning

To gollywood
anytime soon! Get it?

Got it!

If we're right,
hacker's got bobby,

Mandy and
jean claude inside his hangar.

What do you see, inez?

I see that hacker's got new
security cameras everywhere!

We won't be
able to get near that place

Without being spotted!

Oh, yeah?
Watch and learn, earthlies!

Hey, buzzy! Check out
this goofy-looking bird!

We're supposed to be security
guards, not bird-watchers!

Sheesh! Hacker's either goin' to

A masquerade party - or
he's havin' a mid-life crisis!

Hacker's got all three of 'em!

They're givin' him
a makeover or something.

C'mon, let's go rescue them.

How, matt?
With that new security system,

Hacker will see us
before we can do anything!

Good point.

Wait! How did
hacker take bobby away?

We were standing right there.

I know! By hiding in a fog!

That's it! If we can
fill the hangar with fog...

Oh! We can get everyone out

Before he has
a clue what's going on!

Only one problem...
We don't have

The slightest
idea how to make fog!

Maybe not...
But I know someone who does!

Ms. Gale? Are you here?

I'm here now but not for long!

Gotta tape a weather
update in just two minutes!

We just need some help about -

Sorry, I have to go -
but feel free to look around

Till I get back.

Guess we'll have to figure out
how to make fog on our own.


Over here! A fog chamber!

What's a "fog chamber"?

Only one way to find out...

Hey... Where's the fog?

I don't know.
But this place is pretty cool.

Not cool enough! ...i think.


Remember when
bobby disappeared...

How the temperature dropped
right before the fog formed?

Yeah, we thought that machine
we found made the air cold

And somehow made fog appear...

Look - a temperature control.

What if we make it really cold
in here and see what happens?

Go for it, jax!

C'mon, fog... Where are you?

It's getting cold all right!

Look! It's working!

As the air
gets colder... Fog is forming!

What's this? "Spectafogs"?

Wonder what they do...?

Hey... The fog
is making these walls wet...

You know why?

'Cause there are teeny tiny
droplets of water in the air!

I can see 'em
through these spectafogs!

Cool! Wow!

I see them, too!

Fog is millions of tiny specs

Of water floating in the air.

Yoikes! A monster!

It's huge!

Relax, didge. It's just a bug.

Remember, small things
look big in these spectafogs.

No kidding!
If that bug is tiny -

These fog droplets
must be super tiny!

You've got that right!

Ms. Gale!

the three top stylists,

Gollywood is as quiet
as a third-run movie theater...

Coffee shops and restaurants
are going out of business...


Health clubs
are closing their doors...

And the biggest event of
the year, the golly awards,

May be cancelled!

Oh, no! I love the gollies!

That's my favorite show!

Oh, boy.

Okay, hacker,
we did your makeover.

Can we go now?

That's the hacker to you... And
you'll go when I tell you to!

I'm just getting started!

Let's warm
it up a little in here.

So... Lemme guess...

You need
a little help about fog!

Yes, please.

We're trying to figure
out how to make fog.

Well, looks to me like you've
already discovered the recipe:

Take moist air and chill.

I think I'll use that
on my next weather report.

Hey, where's the fog going?

As the air warms, the droplets
evaporate back into the air.

Huh? Come again?

The droplets
change to water vapor...

The way they were before.

So if you cool down
moist air, you get fog...?

Warm up the air...
The fog goes away...?

You got it!

Now we know how to make fog!

Back to the northern frontier.

Wait! We know how to make fog
- but we still don't know how

Cold we have to make the
air before fog will form.

No problem. All you have to do

Is figure
out the "dew point" -

The temperature at
which dew - and fog - forms.

Uhh... What's a "do" point?

When ya "do" see fog?

Not that kind of "do"!


Did you ever see
water droplets on the grass

Really early in the morning?

Yeah...! That's dew?

That's dew.

Fog and dew
are made the same way.

Like this...

Here's a little experiment
for finding the dew point.

A can of water
and a bucket of ice?

We're going to use
the ice to cool down the can

Until we see water droplets - or
dew - on the outside of the can.

Ohhh! Like when water droplets

Form on a glass
with an icy, cold drink...


As soon
as we see the droplets,

We read the temperature.

That's the dew point -
the temperature at which

Condensation forms on the can.

The temperature is at
seventy-five cyberdegrees now.

And there aren't
any water droplets on the can.

So we know degrees
is too warm for fog to form.

Should I add some ice?

Yes - please!

It's working!
The can's getting cold.

More ice.

Still no water droplets.

It's down
to seventy cyberdegrees!

Sixty-five and dropping!

Still no water droplets!

It's not cold enough yet!

More ice coming!

Temperature's down to sixty!

Water droplets forming!

What's the temp now, jax?


That means the dew point
is fifty-five cyberdegrees.

You got it!

Gotta go -
time for another weather report!

You guys have all you need?

You bet. Thanks, ms. Gale!


Let's rock and roll!

All we have to do is cool
the air in hacker's hangar

To fifty-five -
and we'll get fog!

you know what you have to do?

Sneak in... Lower the air temp
to fifty-five cyberdegrees...

And voila! We've got fog!

Go for it!

Hey! There's that
funny-lookin' birdy again!

I'm going in!

Be careful, didge!

Where is that
temperature control thingy...?


The air conditioning
is on and set to cool down

To fifty-five cyberdegrees!

Great! Tell us
when it starts to fog up!

Is it getting cold in here?

Only in your
hard drive, hacker!


Oop... The hacker.

I don't get it?

The temperature is fifty-five...
But there's no fog!

Something's wrong!

There's not
a wisp of fog in here!

But we made fog in gollywood!

Why can't we make it here?

Didge said it's fifty-five
cyber-degrees in the hangar -

So we know the
temperature should be right.

Then how come no fog?

C'mon, guys,
what do we know...?

Fog forms
when the temperature drops...

And the moisture in the air
turns into water droplets...

Hey... In gollywood,
all the moisture in the air

That caused the fog
also made my hair frizzy.

Inez, you know I'd love
to talk about hair styles,

But is this really the time?

Yes! Check it out...

My hair's not frizzy
like it was in gollywood

Because there's not as
much moisture in the air here.

That's it!

With less moisture - it's
harder to get the water out -

So it's harder to make fog!

Oh man, we blew it!

Our measurement
was right for gollywood -

But wrong
for the northern frontier!

Okay, we can do this.

Didge just has to
make it colder than fifty-five.

But how much colder?

Didge! We need a new dew point!

We do?

You've got to measure
the dew point in the hangar -

Just like
we did in the fog chamber!

Don't worry, guys.

I've got it covered!

The didge is always prepared!


Mr. Hacker, sir, we're tired.

Can't we take a break?

You'll take a break when
I say you can take a break!

No break for you!

You - get me another outfit.

I'm thinking something
more regal, more royal,

More... Louis the fourteenth!

You - my toenails
need to be polished.

And you, I need a new wig.


No droplets yet!

Maybe louis
the thirteenth instead...

It's down to fifty!

But still no water droplets!

More ice, didge...
Add more ice!

No. Definitely not.

Let's try louis the fifteenth.

We've got droplets!

What's the temp?

Forty-five cyber-degrees!

We've got our new dew point!

Lower the temp to forty-five!


Temperature lowered!

It'll all be foggy
inside here in a jiffy.

Come on over, earthlies!

Let's go!

Hey, deedee.
That plant is moving!

Yeah, I saw it.
Must be the wind.

Yeah, you're probably right.

This might do...

Now I need to relax.

Make me comfortable!

it sure is cold in here!

We've got fog!


Did somebody say... Fog?

I think I see them!

Yeah. Come on!

Buzzy! Everything's all foggy!

We better see
what's going on out there!

I can't see a thing!

Oops! Sorry.

Watch it!

Bobby! Bobby inez?


This way...

Let's go!

Stop them!

Boss! Boss!

Where are you?

Get me up, you duncebuckets!

It's too foggy!

We'll never find our way out.


We need to turn off
the air conditioning!

Right! Warm the air
to make the fog disappear!

You want warm air -
I'll give you warm air!

Way to go, bobby!

Don't let them get away!

We'll get 'em, boss!

We'll get 'em!

This way!


I caught one, buzzy... Ooof!

I've got one too, deedee!

They won't be able to hide now!

I got his leg...

Ow! Ow! He's got my leg!

Huh? Deedee?


Buzz! Delete! Where'd they go?

I don't know, boss.

We don't
have the foggiest idea.

Here we are
at the golly awards!

All the stars
are back in action,

But the real stars of
the day are the cybersquad.

And there they are
now with mikey spikey,

Director of their new film!

Thanks, kids.
You saved the stylists,

You saved this town -
and you saved our movie!

All in a day's work, mikey!

Cybersquad! Wave to the cameras!

And once again
here in gollywood...

The show will go on!

Stay right where you are.

It's cyberchase for real.


You look as beautiful
as you did at the prom!

I'd rather not
think about that night.

The past is the past!

But today I'm
gonna show you a great time.

Well, make it snappy.

I don't have
much time until I fly to la.

I remembered how much you wanted

To see rockefeller center...

And here it is!

Oh no!

What's the matter?

There's no ice skating.

Oh. The café doesn't
become an ice skating rink

Until late october.

I don't care!

Well, um. There's something else

That's really amazing
that I'd like to show you.

But I want to go ice skating!

I'm gonna show you
the best view in new york city.

Oh, no!

You still really know
how to show a girl a good time!

I'm sorry, anita.

But I can't
control the weather.

I have an idea.
Let's go down a few floors.

Hi harry.

Hi janice.

Um, I was wondering if you
could answer a weather question.

Well, I am a meteorologist,
so I hope so!

See, my friend anita
is here from london.

I knew her in high school.

She was an exchange student.

We went to the prom...

Okay, what does
that have to do with weather?

Well, she's only
in new york for one day.

And I really wanted
to show her the amazing view

From the top
of rock observation deck.

Well, but there
is fog covering the skyline.

Can you predict
when the fog will go away?

Well, do you know
what the dew point is?

All air has water vapor in it.

And when the temperature
drops to a certain point -

The dew point - water vapor
condenses into droplets

And becomes fog.


What do you think
happens when the temperature

Climbs above the dew point?

Oh. The water evaporates,
and becomes invisible again.

So that mes when
the temperature rises

Above the dew poin
the fog willift?


When will that happen?

Well, right now the dew point
is degrees in new york city.

And within
the hour the temperature

Should climb to degrees.

That's two degrees
above the dew point,

So the foghould disappear!


Oh great! Thanks so much!

You're welcome. See ya later.

Ta da!

Harry, thank you so much!

This is amazing!

And so are you.

You've made me very happy.

I was kind of hoping to make
up for the prom night fiasco.

Could you do
one more thing for me?


Ask janice if she could
make the weather colder now,

So I can ice skate downstairs?